General Index
Newfoundland_Index 6/16/04 11:59 AM Page 223 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurants indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Area codes, 39 Bay L’Argent, 123–126 Argentia, 93, 94–95 Beachcombing, 197 Art galleries, 13, 69–70 Bears, 216 Aboriginal Day, 29 Art Gallery of Newfoundland Beaumont Hamel, Battle of, Accommodations and Labrador, 69 211 Avalon Region, 83–84, 86, Atlantic Adventures Boat B&Bs. See Accommodations 87–89, 93–94, 96–97, Charters & Tours, 114 index 100–101 ATMs, 25, 39, 48 Bell Island, 3, 99, 102 best, 17–19 Aurora borealis, 5, 205 Berries, 214 Central Region, 128–129, Automobile clubs, 39 Big Falls, 159 133–134, 136–137, 140, Avalon Region, 78 Bight Theatre Festival, 16, 113 142 Baccalieu Trail, 95–99 Bird Cove Archaeological Dig, costs, 26 Cape Shore, 92–95 149 Eastern Region, 107–109, Conception Bay/Marine Bird Rock, 3 110–112, 121–122, Drive, 99–102 Bird-watching, 3, 89, 92, 94 124–125 Irish Loop, 82–92 Blue Hill, 182 Gros Morne National Park, transportation, 79, 81–82, Boat 169, 172–173 92–93, 100 tours, 2, 4, 73, 114, 117, Labrador, 188–191, map, 80 139, 153–154, 176, 183, 200–201, 204 Avalon Wilderness Reserve, 198 St. John’s, 47, 49–55 87 travel by, 32–34 (See also taxes, 48, 101 Avalonia Dinner Theatre, 85 Ferries) Terra Nova National Park, Aviation Museum, 4, 133 Boil-ups, 115 178–179, 182 Avondale Railway Station Bonavista, 8, 103, 116–118 Western Region, 146–147, Museum, 12, 98–99 Bonavista Peninsula, 103 148–149, 151–152, 155, Books, 220–222 158–159, 160–162, Borealis Craft Cooperative, 164–165 Baccalieu Island
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