relator: PhD Geologist Alberto Cisotto e-mail: [email protected]

THE ISONZO – SOČA RIVER BASIN Eastern Alps District (NE – W )

Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe Budapest – Hungary 8-10 February 2011 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe ISONZO BASIN MANAGEMENT PLAN

Trenta Valley 955m asl (“SočaRiver”) W Slovenia 34 % ↓ 140 km (99 + 41) 66 % Panzano Gulf North

GEOMORPHOLOGY • Gradient: 23 Æ 6 Æ 2 ‰ • TtlTotal area: 3430 km2 ƒ Italia 1,15 km2 (34%) ƒ Slovenia 2,25 km2 (66%) • Tributaries ƒ River sub-basin (NtiNatisone & IdiIudrio R)R.) ƒ & Vipacco rivers

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 2/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe HYDROLOGY

¾ precipitation (mm/y)

Alpine Prealpine Hills Plain

2400-3100 2000-2500 1400-1800 1000-1400

¾ river Discharge Period of time Discharge discharge characteristics or date 3 Qav 172 m /s _ 3 Pieris Gauging Qmax 4400 m /s 1925-1953 3 station Qmin 12.1 m /s 3 Augus t 1904

Monthly Avg Discharge [m3/s] 30 M.Piuma gauging station 25





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Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 3/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe IDRO-GEOLOGY: water bodies GROUNDWATER • porous system aquifer: clastic alluvial (gravel and sands) of Isonzo river (Quaternary Age)

• karstic & fractured aquifer: Cretaceous carbonatic rock, Timavo River

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 4/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe QUALI- & QUANTITATIVE STATUS SURFACE and GROUND WATER MONITORING NETWORK

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 5/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe


DAMS • Salcano Æ artificial regulation of floods • Sottosella, Canale, Crosis

RIVER WITHDRAWLS • energy and industrial use • agricoltural use

LAND & COVER USE • Forests 49% • Cropland 44% • Urban 6% • Waterbodies 0,7%

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 6/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe PROBLEMS and PRESSURES

TRANSBOUNDARY PROBLEMS PRESSURES: ƒ Conflicts relating to IT – SLO different water resource use ƒQuality and quantity of the water status Natural origin ƒIDRJA Hg MINE

Antropic origin

ƒ ORGANIC MATTER from Nova Gorica wastewater discharge



Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 7/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe SlSalcan Dam In Slovenian territory

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 8/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK

Permanent Italian Slovenian Commision for Hydro-economy


The Isonzo Basin: which authorities are interested in? ITALY“Focal Points” 2000/60 SLOVENY Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Alto adriatico ARPA - Regional National Civil ARSO – Environment and River Basin Agency for the Ministry for Défense Environment Agency Protection of Land Authority Environment Environment and Sea Protection ISPRA - Institute -Venezia Giulia Environmental Regional Civil Prefecture and … Region Protection and Défense local Municipalities Research Isonzo Plan Gorizia Prefecture Bonifica and local Provincia of Gorizia … Consortium Municipalities

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 9/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe FINAL CONSIDERATION

Eastern Alps Hydrographic District Management Plan

has individuated

IT-SLO Permanent Commission for Hydro-Economy


- official public organism to discuss transboundary water problems (art. 3 of WFD 2000/60)

The first step of the commission (april 2010) was to define a expert group with the consign of: - set out a road map for implementation of “1ST ITALIAN-SLOVENIAN ISONZO COMMON MANAGEMENT PLAN”

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 10/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe

In the future…future…....

IT-SLO Permanent Commis. for Hydro-economy has established a technical committee to plan a cross-border monitoring network will be operational in 2015 (data of the first review of the management plan)

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 11/11 relator: PhD Geologist Alberto Cisotto e-mail: [email protected]

Thkhank you for your attention

relator: PhD Geologist Alberto Cisotto e-mail address: [email protected]

Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe Budapest – Hungary 8-10 February 2011 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe IMPACT & RESPONCES

TARGETS 9common understanding and comparability of methods 9exchange of informations and available data 9 interactive characterization of water bodies status and monitoring (chemical, ecological and quantitative) 9 integrated assessment methods … by the definition of expert working group.

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 13/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe IMPACT & RESPONCES

EUROPE • Economic Cooperation - Osimo 1975 • Dir. 2000/60/CE other than Dir. 76/160/CEE and 2006/7/CE (bathing waters)

ITALY • DLgs 152/2006 • L 13/2009


Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 14/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe


DAMS • Salcano Æ artificial regulation of floods • Sottosella, Canale, Crosis

RIVER DRAWINGS • energy and industrial use • agricolture waterneeds

LAND & COVER USE • Forests 40% • Cropland 45% • Grassland 6%

Actual water need 10.000 ha Gross waterneeds Volumes Daily Flood Gross waterneed [mm/7[ mm / 7 days /ha]/ ha ] [ l/ha ] [ l/s ] [m3/ s ] 50,0 mm 500000,0 l/ha 0,827 l/s 8,267 m3/s

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 15/11 Workshop on Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central and Western Europe

Pressioni: Idria carta di inquin HG??

Overview Status & Pressures Management Conclusions 16/11