California State University, Northridge Stephen Crane's Western Tour A

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California State University, Northridge Stephen Crane's Western Tour A CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE STEPHEN CRANE'S WESTERN TOUR A STUDY OF MAN IN HIS WORLD A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English by Patricia M. Kuklenski January, 1983 The Thesis of Patricia M. Kuklenski is approved: Charles Kaplan, Committee Member A• .f. StatfOrd, Committee Chairman California State University, Northridge ii I wish to extend my gratitude to the three professors who aided in the preparation ~ of this thesis. To Dr. Charles Kaplan and Dr. Marvin Klotz goes my appreciation for the time and energy they contributed to the project by reading and advising. To Dr. John Stafford goes my special thanks for his patient guidance which I found invaluable and indispensable in bringing this work to completion. iii For his unwavering faith in my endeavors, I dedicate this thesis to my husband, Joe iv Table of Contents Acknowledgment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iii Dedication • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iv Abstract • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • vi Chapter: One. The Individual in Society • • • • Two. Hotivations and Predicaments • • • 18 Three. Nature and Man • • • • • • • • • • 35 Four. The Responses of Man • • • • • • • 51 Five. Conclusion • • • • • • • • • • • • 67 Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 69 Bibliography • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 76 v ABSTRACT STEPHEN CRA~~·s WESTERN TOUR A STUDY OF MAN IN HIS WORLD by Patricia M. Kuklenski Master of Arts in English Early in his college career, Stephen Crane discovered that "humanity was a more interesting study" than the "cut-and-dried curriculum." It was not that he disliked books; he preferred watching people. He would, in fact, spend the remainder of his short life doing just that. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the changes in Stephen Crane's interpretation of his favorite subject, man. His western tour provided him with the occasions which altered his viewpoint concerning man in his world. Stephen Crane's first opportunity to study man away from the confines of the city was during his tour west in 1895. While travelling alone across the prairies and deserts Crane was able to adjust his viewpoint concerning several subjects. The experiences he had altered prior convictions. Crane's early writings display an attitude towards man as being steered through his life, helpless to freely choose be- vi cause of the oppressive nature of society. Man in his world was at the mercy of others and lived defensively. However, Crane changed this depressing outlook when he went to Mexico and lived a kind of freedom he had never known before. Chapter one, en­ titled, "The Individual in Society," traces the change in Crane and his new direction of thought. In Chapter Two the study of man in his world continues with a shift in focus from the individual in society to the predica­ ments a person willfully gets hi·mself involved in. "Motivations and Predicaments" shows that, after divorcing himself from the idea that society governed a man's life, Crane enjoyed showing the follies of man. The problems of man in his world are not brought on by society but by his own misconceptions and motiva­ tions prompted by a set of values. Chapter Three, "Nature and Man" explores Crane's altered concept of the role nature played in influencing man in his world. Well versed in Emerson's ideas of nature as a religion, Crane, on his trip west, saw and felt another side of the ele­ ments. Man, Crane found out, is of no use to nature. In fact, if anything, he is a pest to the whole planet. In conclusion, Chapter Four, "The Responses of Man" con­ siders Crane's lifelong study of emotions. From childhood fears Crane developed his talent for transforming fear-related sensa­ tions. In early works, terror was described in a dream-like, fantastic way. After Crane experienced genuine terror in escap­ ing from Mexican bandits, his presentation of fear found new expression. vii Throughout his life, both before and after his western trip, Stephen Crane's foremost quest was to sharpen, to clarify his understanding of that creature, man. In November, 1895, upon his return to the East, Crane wrote that true culture was "a comprehension of the man at one's shoulder." Especially in the West, Crane had had an opportunity to study a variety of people and substantially increase his knowledge and comprehen­ sion of his favorite subject. He may even by November, 1895 have believed he had attained true culture as opposed to super­ ficial notions. For not only did Crane learn to comprehend ·man better in his world as a result of his western exposure but he could go on to present him in his various absurd or tragic or mysterious moments for his readers in the future. viii Chapter One The Individual in Society Before going West in 1895 Stephen Crane wrote many stories with settings in New York City's slums. To Crane, the Bowery was the "most interesting place in New York." 1 The people were unfettered by the middle class morality Crane abhorred. For Crane as a young man was out to learn about life, defiantly denouncing all he had been taught by his parents. Apparently he had no use for virtuous, self-righteous people. Sinners were more appealing. In any case, according to Harry Wickham, Crane's classmate at Claverack, the young writer felt that "in the slums or among aristocrats he could breathe." On the other hand "with the middle class he was always a little David throwing stones at the collective Goliath. 112 Stephen Crane was raised by his mother within the bounds of firm religious precepts. Adhering to very strong moral codes, Crane's mother's religion ''was evidently much narrower and more insistent than her husband's."3 When Crane's father, a Meth- odist minister, passed away, his mother lived by and for reli- gion. But Stephen, as well as his brothers, resisted her re- ligious teachings: "Don't understand that Mother was bitter or mean," Stephen Crane said slowly to a young admirer, "but it hurt her that any of us should be slipping from 2 Grace and giving up eternal damnation or salvation or those things." In fact, he resisted instruction at college too, skipping classes to play baseball, changing schools and experimenting in all the many sins his parents had warned him to avoid: He treated schools very much as he did, all his life, cigarettes: he would light one after another, hold them, watch them burn, but would scarcely ever puff on them. Perhaps just lighting them was rebellion enough against his father - as not studyigg was rebellion against his mother, whom he loved. Young Stephen Crane see·med determined to break all rules of proper Christian conduct. His quarrel was not so much with religion but how men had changed it. According to Thomas Beer, Crane felt that "men had been allowed to pervert the teachings of Christ and Buddha into formulae and there was no such thing as sin 'except in Sunday schools.'"6 The individual in society was suppressed by the silly rules of the day. He was particularly enraged by what could be called the "American Ideal" which was being forced by society on young men and women. Cady explains it this way: As is said of atheists - there are two kinds, those who do not believe in God and those who hate God - so Crane felt about both "Christianity as it may be seen around town" and "the society man," a fake gen­ tleman. He hat~d them passionately and strove to transcend them. In this frame of mind, then, it is not unreasonable that the young iconoclast Crane should develop his particular atti- tude concerning the place of the individual in society. He 3 p • viewed middle class ·mores as repressive, depleting normal drive and incentive and denying one his right to exercise free will. With his first novel, Maggie, Crane set out to show what it was like in the Bowery. Along with his story he makes an effort to depict the slums of New York as accurately as pos- sible: Long streamers of garments fluttered fro·m fire-escapes. In all unhandy places there were buckets, brooms, rags, and bottles. In the street infants played or fought with other infants or sat stupidly in the way of vehicles. Formidable women, with uncombed hair and disordered dress, gossiped while leaning on rail­ ings, or screamed in frantic quarrels. Withered per­ sons, in curious postures of submission to something, sat smoking pipes in obscure corners. A thousand odours of cooking food came forth to the street. The building quivered and creaked from t~e weight of hu­ manity stamping about in its bowels. It is a heaving world of poverty-stricken humanity, ragged, noisy. and miserable. Many scenes are of fighting, described by Crane in a detached, colorful way to emphasize the routine occurrence of violence, especially in the Johnson household. After Maggie breaks a plate her mother prepares to beat her: The mother started to her feet as if propelled. "Good Gawd!" she howled. Her glittering eyes fastened on her child with sudden hatred. The fervent red of her face turned almost to purple. The little boy ran to the hall, shrieking like a monk in an earthquake. He floundered about in darkness until he found the stairs. He stumbled, panic-stricken, to the next floor.9 Amid the savage, violent behavior of her home, Maggie Johnson grows to maturity. She is seduced by a bartender, then dis- owned by her family. Left on her own, she becomes the only 4 thing she could - a girl of the streets. In a short time, a feeling of universal rejection leads her to suicide.
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