Aeromodeller June 1946

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Aeromodeller June 1946 Digital Edition Magazines. This issue magazine after the initial original scanning, has been digitally processing for better results and lower capacity Pdf file from me. The plans and the articles that exist within, you can find published at full dimensions to build a model at the following websites. All Plans and Articles can be found here: Hlsat Blog Free Plans and Articles. AeroFred Gallery Free Plans. Hip Pocket Aeronautics Gallery Free Plans. Diligence Work by Hlsat. MODEL AERO ENGINE (ILLUSTRATED FULL SIZE) SPECIFICATION Type : Rotary Valve Two Stroke Capacity : 175 c.c. Be re : *5' Stroke : , 55' Speed : 600- 6000 r.p.m. Airscrew : 9" dia., 5* pitch PRICE: Static (INCLUDING Thrust : 75 lb. at maximum revs. COIL. Total weight, including heavy duty coil, CONDENSER. condenser and airscrew ... 6 ozs. SPARK PLUG AND AIRSCREW ) Every engine is bench tested, and is supplied ready to run, upright or inverted. Ask your dealer about the " 175 ” as we cannot supply you direct. AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT International Model Aircraft Ltd. have been engaged on an extensive development programme on compression ignition engines. Many designs have been tested - including some of Continental origin. Our experiments have been outstandingly successful and we will, in the near future, commence production of a tremendously efficient I c.c. Compression Ignition engine. This engine develops considerably more power than any comparable petrol type. It is very easy to start, reliable, and fully controllable throughout its range of 1,000 to 6,000 r.p.m. MADE IN ENCLAND BY International M o d e l A ircraft ltd · m e r t o n · Lo n d o n -/ w -19 l\ it nil if mention irhen n-fthjiiuj to advertisers. June, 1946 AEROMODELLER 401 NEW C.M.A. GLIDER 20-in. WINGSPAN. READY SOON! 3 New C.M .A. Kits CABIN MONOPLANE ALPHA 26Γ Wingspan COMPETITION DURATION BETA 40 COMPETITION SAILPLANE G A M M A 40' BA LSA W O O D s t o c k e d in a l l p o p u l a r s i z e s SPECIAL SIZES CUT TO ORDER WHOLESALE AND EXPORT. -< _l _J Q — l/i 0 r Ο Ο Ο Ο τι * Ο Ο ----- I I < >- I m30ml^-<5orn<m Η - » T WHOLESALE AND EXPORT. CHINGFORD MODEL AERODROME LTD. • 55, STATION ROAD LONDON, E.4 Kitnlhf mention AEROMODELLER tchrn replying to advertisers. 402 AEROMOD ELLER June, 194 6 VERON KITS contain ample material to build these COMPETITION MODELS ‘ E A G L E ” ................. Flying Wing Span 46 ins. .. Price 17/6 ‘ H A W K ” ................ It It 36 tt • · 11 15/- ‘ K E S T R E L ” (TWIN TAIL) It It 36 tt • · tt 13/6 ‘DRAGONFLY” (biplane, It tt 28 tt • · tt 13/6 ‘VERONITE No. 1” (cabin model, 1* It 28 tt • · tt 10/- ‘VERONITE No. 3” (twin tail. 9» It 22 tt • · tt 7/6 ‘ V E R O N IT E No. 5 ” (twin tail. ft tt 20 vt • · tt 6/- ‘BUZZARD” ................. Glider It tt 60 tt • · It 13/6 « rcrvcumPFRPHRIN iN M shoulder(Streamlined wing > *t It t 52 tt • · It 15/6 ( C3 W M A LUI 1 JTn w V n WING(CABIN TIP DIHEDRAL)MODEL. tt It tt 45 tt • · It 12/6 ‘ M E R L IN ” (CABIN MODEL) tt tt 42 tt . · .» 8/6 «TRUSCALE” SOLID KITS TEMPEST, SPITFIRE, HURRICANE, MUSTANG, ME. I09G. FOCKE WULF 190, THUNDERBOLT, T YPH O O N . Price 2/6, post free. W H IR L W IN D . Price 3/-, post free. LIG HTNING , M O SQ U ITO . BA R R A C U D A . BEAUFIGHTER .....................3/9 „ „ MITCHELL. BOSTON. VENTURA. W ELLINGTON ..................................... 5/9 ., M A R A U D E R .................................................................................. 6/9 „ „ C O IL A N D C O N D E N SE R (Matched) ...........................................25/3 „ „ Coll Particulars : Length, 2*" ; Outside dia.. ^ : Weight. 1 o s s .; Insulation, very High standard. Special Non-rctentive Core Metal. Wide Frequency Range. 10— 150 cycles. Equivalent to 600— 10.COO i.p.m. (engine). Works efficiently on 2 4 volt miniature accumulator or 3 4.) volt dry battery. «TYPHOON’* IO C .C . ENGINE (As exhibited at Dorland Hall.) ALL ENGINES GUARANTEED. PARTICULARS ON REQUEST. PRICE £10.10.0. SPARKING PLUGS J'. Price 5/3, post free. ...........— .......................- f NIFE BATTERIES. Capacity: 1-2 am p/hrs. at 5 hour rate. Weight 8} ozs. These batteries cannot be damaged— Ideal for Model Racing Cars and Boats. Price 23/-, post free. MODEL AIRCRAFT STORES (Bournemouth) LTD OFFICE & FACTORY: Norwood Place, Pokesdown, BOURNEMOUTH SOUTHBOURNE 2783 Kindly mention I EROytODELLEH ivhen replying to advertisers. “ LET ME BE YOUR FATHER ” Thus is expressed the friendly, personal bond existing between Bennett College and each student. It is this close individual tuition which leads to quick success. | EARNING POWER IS A SOUND INVESTMENT! DO ANY OF THESE SUBJECTS INTEREST YOU ? Accountancy Examinations Civil Engineering Mining. All Subjects School Attendance Office.- Advertising and Sales Manage­ Civil Service Mining. Electrical Engineering Secretarial Examinations ment i All Commercial Subjects Motor Engineering Sheet Metal Work Agriculture Commercial Art Motor Trade Shipbuilding A. M.I.Firc E. Examinations. Common Prelim. E.J.E.B. Municipal and County En­ Shorthand (Pitman's) Applied Mechanic* Concrete and Structural En­ gineers Short Story Writing Army Certificates gineering Naval Architecture Auctioneers and Estate Agents Draughtsmanship. All Branches Novel Writing Speaking in Public Aviation Engineering Engineering. A!! Branches. Pattern Making Aviation Wireless Subjects and Examinations Play W riting Banking General Education Police Special Course Teachers of Handicrafts Blue Prints G.P.O. Eng. Dept. Preceptors, College of Telephony and Telegraphy Boiler* Heating and Ventilating Press Tool Work Television Book-keeping, Accountancy, and I Industrial Chemistry Production Engineering Transport Inst. Examinations Modern Business Methods 1 Institute of Housing Pumps and Pumping Machinery Viewers, Gaugers, Inspectors B. Sc. (Eng.) I Insurance Radio Communication Weights and Measures Inspec­ Builders' Quantities Journalism Radio Service Engineering tors Building, Architecture, and Language* R.A.F. Special Courses Welding Clerk of Works Mathematic* Road Making and Maintenance Wireless Telegraphy and Tele­ Cambridge Senior School Cer­ Matriculation Salesmanship I.S.M.A. phony tificate Metallurgy Sanitation Works Managers If you do not see your own requirements above, write to us on any subject. Full particulars free. | EVERY DEPARTMENT IS A COMPLETE COLLEGE EVERY STUDENT IS A CLASS TO HIMSELF | STUDY AT HOME JOURNALISM a IN YOUR SPARE TIME Short Story, Novel and Play Writing There is money and pleasure in CAN YOU CHANGE Journalism and Story Writing. MY EXPRESSIO N : No apprenticeship, no pupilage, no examinations, no outfit IF SO. YOU MAY BE THE necessary. Writing for news* ARTIST THAT COMMERCE IS WAITING FOR papers, novels or pictures is not a gift ; it is a science that /wst irv <: fer yourself, trace or can be acquired by diligent !ira>v the outline, (hen pot in the features. application and proper guidance It »s the most fascinating way There are hundreds of openings in connexion of making pastime profitable. with Humorous Papers, Advertisement Draw­ Trained ability only is required, ing. Posters. Calendars. Catalogues Textile Designs, Book Illustrations, etc . etc. 60·’,, we do the training by post. of Commercial Art Work is done by "fre e Let us tcU you all about it. Lance " Artists who do their work at home THE MOST SUCCESSFUL AND MOST and sell it to the highest bidders Many PROGRESSIVE COLLECE IN THE WORLD LITERATURE. DEPT. 119 Commercial Artists draw retaining fees from various sources ; others prefer to work full­ IF YOU ATTEND TO THIS NOW. IT MAY MAKE A WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE TO YOUR FUTURE time emp^yment or partnership arrangement. Wc teach you not only how to draw wh-,t is COUPON CUT THIS OUT wanted, but how to make buyers want what you draw. Many of our students who originally To Dept. 119, THE BENNETT COLLEGE LTD., SHEFFIELD took up Commercial Art as a bobby have s.nce Please send me (Free of Charge) turned it Into a full time paying profession Particulars of ............................................................................................. with studio and staff of assistant artists—there is no limit to the possibilities Let us send Ycur private advice about.................... ...... full particulars for it FREE TRIAL and details of our course for your inspection. You will PLEASE WRITE IN BLOCK CAPITALS be under no obligation NAME ”h'" ycr ADDRESS ART DEPT. 119. ANGLO-AMERICAN CO-OPERATING TO PRODUCE THE FINEST PETROL MODEL (CONTROL/i INE) j * THE HALL RACER BY LEADING U.S. DESIGNER CHUCK HOLLINGER PLANS FIRST APPEARED IN THE AMERICAN JOURNAL “AIR TRAILS ” AND KIT IS PRODUCED BY KIND PERMISSION Further details ond Trade enquiries to : Astral Mills, Dixon Lane Road, Leeds, 12. ’Phone : 37021 (3-lines) STRIP RUBBER PRE-WAR QUALITY NO AVAILABLE l W 1th, Tths & i" THE AMERICAN DESIGNED CONTROL LINE PETROL MODEL HEHALL RACER BY 1 A M ER IC A N ACE DESIGNER CHUCK HOLUNGER § m k it p r o d u c e d W FROM PLANS W r w r * PUBLISHED BY THE u.s. JOURNAL “ AIR TRAILS” BY KIND PERMISSION IT IS A "WORLD BEATER NOW IN PRODUCTION COSTS NOT FULLY ASCERTAINED AS THIS JOURNAL GOES TO PRESS PRICE ANNOUNCED NEXT MONTH BUT CAN BE OBTAINED NOW ON APPLICATION Further details and Trade enquiries to : Astral Mills, ϋίχ,οη Lane Road, Leeds. 12. •Phone : 37021 {3-lines} ASTRAL KITS ARE THE I CEILING ^ 406 AEROMOD ELLER June, 1946 SKYCRAFT Ltd. o f Leeds have pleasure in Announcing the Following Range of Kits and Accessories in Stock ! ! ! SKY1.EADA—2 0 'wing span Flying Scale Gliders, “ FALCON,” Kirby - CADET ” , “ HAMILCAR," D.F.S.
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