CERTAINTIES OF THE GOSPEL--See page 3 The entrance to King Tut's tomb is below the large central opening. Tourists are looking over the parapet at the work proceeding below. Current History Happenings of the day from all parts of the world THE Birmingham Archxologi- Great Britain, forgetting the promises doubled in the last 90 years. To- cal Society is at present carrying they made during the war, try to pre- day it is estimated at 1,747,000,- on excavation work in connection vent us from getting them."— "Daily 00o." Quoting from the U.S. with the Roman city of Uriconium Chronicle," Tune 5, 1924. Census Report, the article con- at Wroxeter (Salop). The follow- tinues : "The net addition to the ing interesting description of the RESULTS of the Ruhr coal strike nation [America] over deaths and results of the excavations was, show a loss of 58,800,000 gold departures for the last ten-year published in the "Daily Chroni- marks (£2,94o,000) in wages. period (1910--192o) averaged cle" of June 5th : "The big strike of 1905 caused a nearly 4,000 persons per day. loss of 21,000,000 gold marks The population of the United "Ur:conium, covering 17o acres, was (£1,o5o,000), and that of 1922 of States has been doubling itself ap- an important town, and its civil basilica, 7,800,000 gold marks (£390,000). baths and other public buildings were on a proximately each thirty years dur- The loss in production for the last ing the last century.
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