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"'iiii" .... AJ_ 3 1 :J0 S ,V:J I BO .LSI H NOCl3BO N B31-1lnOS 31-1 .L ::1O 3 ,\JIZVClVW 31-11- ~a~ IISOUTHERNI OREGON HISTORICAL S OCIETY fr~m tll~ mr~~t~r Board of Trus tees Neil Thorson. M~dfonif PRESlDEl\'T DEAR SOHS MEMBER: Judi Drais, Mnifcrrri, FlRST VICE-PRESIDENT H ank Hart, Mnlforri, SECQ:-..tO VICE-PRESIDENT -Ii Robert Stevens, jadw')11vil/r, SECRETARY On Friday, May 30, the Society held Edward B. Jorgenson, Mrdfml, 'TREASURER its 57th annual membership meeting at Bruce Buclmayr, Rugur Riwr Terrie Claflin, Phocnix Hanley Farm. It was a great success, Robert Cowling, M'dfml M ichael D onovan, Ash/ami Thanks to all the Society trustees and Yvonne Earnest, Mulford JertS:!. Breo. j ockrmvi& Society Foundation directors, members, John Laughlin, Ash/m,d Judy H. Lozano, BUilt Falls volunteers, and staff who attended. B.J. Reed, Jo(kJonvillt Sandm Slattery, Ash/mId Two outgoing trustees, AI AIsing and Marjorie Overland, were bid farewell, Administra tive Staff John Enders, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and two incoming trustees, Terrie Maureen Smith, FINANCFJOPERATIONS DIREcroR Wagon rides at the Society's Annual Meeting Susan Musolf, DEVEl.oP;\IEl'oT/PR COORDINATOR Claflin of Phoenix and Sandra Slattery of Ashland, were welcomed to the board, Their terms will begin July 1. Collectio ns/Research Library I Exhib its Staff I want to reiterate something I said during my brief presentation at the meeting about the Steve Wyatt, CURATOR OF COll.ECTIONS Carol Harbison-Samuelson, LIBRARY MANAGER/PHaro ARCHIVIST way the Society looks at its members.
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