Asahi Canadian Legends


Books Adachi, Ken. The Enemy That Never Was: A History of the . Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Inc., 1991. Comprehensive but quite dense.

Adachi, Pat. Asahi: A Legend in Baseball: A Legacy from the Japanese Canadian Baseball Team to its Heirs. Etobicoke, Ontario: Coronex Printing and Publishing Ltd., 1992. Like an elaborate scrapbook of a fan.

Hou, Charles. Great Canadian Political Cartoons, 1915 to 1945. : Moody’s Lookout Press. 2002. Contains editorial cartoons on all kids of subjects including some on the relations with Japan and the Nikkei community.

Ito, Roy. Stories of My People: A Japanese Canadian Journal. Hamilton: Roy Ito, 1994. Includes a story called “My Field of Dreams” with a personal perspective on watching the Asahis play.

Sunahara, Ann Gomer. The politics of racism: the uprooting of Japanese Canadians during the Second World War. Toronto: Lorimer, 1981.

Takata, Toyo. Nikkei Legacy: The Story of Japanese Canadians from Settlement to Today. Toronto : NC Press, 1983. Well written, with insightful and concise perspective on Nikkei history in .

Video Sleeping Tigers: The Asahi Baseball Story. Dir. Jari Osborne. National Film Board of Canada. 2003. Interviews surviving members of the Asahi baseball team about the Asahis in their heyday, during and after World War II, and including their reception at Skydome.

Enemy Alien. Dir. Jeanette Lerman. National Film Board of Canada, 1975. A review of Japanese Canadian history before more detailed information on the Internment was known.

Web sites Japanese Canadian National Museum Features a timeline of Japanese Canadian history and exhaustively lists relevant references.

Japanese Canadian History – The Early Years Provides useful summaries of Japanese Canadian history. Offers comprehensive Japanese Canadian history Resource Guides for both Elementary and Secondary Social Studies teachers.

Asahi: Canadian Baseball Legends References