Congressional Record-Senate. May 17
3410 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 17,. IN SENATE. structural iron, employing seven hundred hands ; the petition of Wood, Morrell & Co., of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, manufacturers of MONDAY, May 17, 1880. woolen goods, employing two hundred hands, praying for the pas sage of the Eaton bill providing for the appointment of a tariff com Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. J. BULLOCK, D. D. mission; which were ordered to lie on the table. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and ap Mr. DAWES presented the petition of the Berkshire Woolen Com proved. pany, of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, manufacturers of woolen EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. goods, employing two hundred and seventy-five hands; the petition· The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica of the North Adamsl\fanufacturing Company, of North Adams, Massa tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance chusetts, employing two hundred hands; the petition of the George H. with a resolution of the 5th instant, copies of reports of Capta\n John Gillent Manufacturing Company, of Ware, Massachusetts, manufact W. White, of the United States revenue service, concerning matters urers of woolen goods, employing seven hundred hands; the p etition connected with Alaska Territory, and also copies of all material of the Blackinton Woolen Company, of Blackinton, Massachusetts~ papers relating to the transfer of the jurisdiction over the Territory manufacturers of woolen goods, employing three hundred and fifty from the War to the Treasury Department; which was referred to hands; and the petition of the Renfrew Manufacturing Company, and the Committee on Territories, and ordered to be printed.
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