WHIP the end of a rope; tie a reef knot, double overhand, and a round turn A LONG BLAST—"Halt" "Silence" "Alert" "Lookout for next signal" or "Cease" Attend Guide meetings regularly for at least a month. Know the Threefold Promise; the Guide Law; and the Motto. THE GIRL GUIDES and two half hitches. A SHORT BLAST—"Attention" Understand the meaning of the Good Turn; the Guide Salute, S:gn, and Handshake. REEF: Firm flat Knot, easy to untie; used for joining two ropes of the same A SUCCESSION OF LONG BLASTS—"Go out" "Go further away" "Extend" Know the whistle and hand signals; and the tracking signs. thickness, and for tying bandages, Guide tie, etc. or "Scatter" Know the composition of the Union Jack; the•right way to fly it; some of the DOUBLE OVERHAND: A quickly made loop that will not slip. A SUCCESSION OF SHORT BLASTS—"Rally" "Close in" "Come together" stories and legends connected with it. Know the composition of the Australian Flag and understand the meaning of it. ROUND TURN AND TWO HALF HITCHES: To make a rope last to a pole, spar, etc. A SUCCESSION OF SHORT AND LONG BLASTS, ALTERNATELY—"Alarm" "Get Whip the end of a rope; tie a reef knot, double overhand knot, and a round to your posts". turn and two half-hitches. THREE SHORT BLASTS FOLLOWED BY ONE LONG BLAST—"Leaders come here" Before being enrolled the recruit should be told something of the origin of the Guide Movement and the meaning of the Guide and World Ba.lges. Passed Tenderfoot or 2nd Class: Strip and make a bed.

SOME HANDSIGNALS Know the meaning of the Guide Badge. Hand held high and waved QUICKLY from side to side at full extent of arm Tenderfoot Test Card 3 leaves represent the threefold promise. The five-pointed means "Close in" "Rally" "Come here" The star, counting in and out points, represents the Guide I aws. Hand pointing in any direction means "Go in that direction" By keeping it shining brightly we are reminded of our Promise. Clenched hand jumped rapidly up and down several times means "Run" Name W Privet Hand held straight up over head means "Stop" "Halt" Know the meaning of the World Badge. ounci Hand held high and waved SLOWLY from side to side at full extent of arm means "Go out" "Extend" "Scatter" Explanations of the symbols of the World Badge and the ahvi 1wkif Mit kes World Flag. Company

Passed 1. The stars in the two leaves of the trefoil mean the leading stars which we will always keep before us—THE PROMISE KNOW THE SIGNS AND SALUTE and the GIRL GUIDE and GIRL SCOUT LAW. Address Thn vein or line is the compass needle which will always FULL SALUTE with right hand to beret (or hat). Three fingers upright, 2. WORLD BADGE thumb and little finger bent and touching, elbow in. q( -e us the right course or way in Guiding.

GUIDE SIGN, the same with the hand raised only as high as the 3. The base of the stalk is an exact copy of the heraldic "feu" and represents ATTENDANCE 0.61.. OocrLawd shoulder. This is used when out of uniform, or without a hat. the FLAME OF THE LOVE CF MANKIND. It will always burn high, brightly and intensively in the hearts of all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Attend Guide meetings regularly for at least a month When making the pro miss the three fingers held up remind a Guide of her threefold promise. The golden trefoil represents the sun shining in a blue sky whic' is over 4. all the Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of the world. Passed THE SECRET SIGN of the Guides is to shake hands with the left hand.

Passed Passed

THE THREEFOLD PROMISE TRACKING SIGNS On my honour I promise that I will do my best- 1. To do my duty to God and the Queen. 2. To help other people at all times. 3. To obey the Guide Law. Road to be Turn off in followed direction of small stone ST. GEORGE ENGLAND ST ANDREW SCOTLAND Passed 3

THE GUIDE LAW change of direction CM-La-CO..1TM 1. A Guide's honour is to be trusted. Don't go this way 2. A Guide is loyal. 3. A Guide's duty is to be useful and to help others. 1 17;7.'4 4. A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide. OR O 5. A Guide is courteous. ST: PATRICK IRELAND 1606 5 6. A Guide is a friend to animals. The Blue Australian Flag, by Act of Parliament and the Queen's assent during 6 3 I have the 1954 Royal Visit is the Australian National Flag, and takes precedence over Latter hidden a gone home 7. A Guide obeys orders. the Union Jack when both are Fiown or carried together. number of paces iodated, The Union Jack (No. 2) is the National Flag of Great Britian, and is made up 8. A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties. Our Flag consists of a blue field with the Union Jack in the upper hoist; a 7 dtrechon of arrow of the Crosses of St. George (No. 3), St. Andrew (No. 4) and St. Patrick 9. A Guide is thrifty. pointed star (the Federation Star) in the lower hoist, pointing directly to the (No. 5), representing England, Scotland and Ireland. 10. A Guide is pure in thought, word. and deed. centre cross of the Union Jack; and in the fly the five stars of the constellation the Southern Cross. All stars are white, four in the Southern Cross having The Cross of St. Andrew was added to the Cross of St. George in 1606; after seven points and the smallest one five. King James VI of Scotland became James I of England and Scotland. The flag Passed thus became the first Union Jack. Passed The Union Jack shows 's link with the United Kingdom and as a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Southern Cross is the In 1801 Ireland was united to England and Scotland and the Cross of St. Patrick symbol of our great south land, and the seven pointed Federation Star repre- was added thus making the Union Jack as we know it to-day. sents the six Slates and the Commonwealth Territories. Originally there were The correct way to fly the Union Jack is with the broad white stripe of the only six points, the extra one being added in 1908. THE MOTTO diagonal cross on the top in the "Hoist" . If a national flag is flown upside The Commonwealth of Australia was inaugurated on the 1st of January, 1901 down it is a signal of distress; and if at hall mast, it is a sign of mourning. GOOD TURN The word Commonwealth means for the Common welfare of all States. Ask your Patrol Leader to tell you some of i'te stories connected with the flag. "Be Prepared" The Australian Flag was first flown in 1903. A Guide tries to do at least one good turn every day. • Passed Passed Passed Passed