The Rice Thresher
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Colleges to unveil seminar courses By BUDDY iROTTER Research are still indefinite as fiction in countries other than Thresher Reporter of now, but the course is Great Britain, and on "the Registration ended last Fri- planned to be an.evaluation of methodology for comparing day and a "full house" is re- fundamental issues in contem- modern literary phenomenon." ported in enrollment for the porary Physics. "It will be a A sampling of selections to seminar courses to be present- journal club also," Stellingwerf be studied includes "Dr. Zhiva- ed by Jones and Hanszen Col- explained, "with study of arti- go," "Naked Lunch," and "The leges during- the spring semes- cles fro m current scientific Last Picture Show." The course ter. Approximately ten students journals. will be supervised by Dr. Wal- will be enrolled in each of five Honors Seminar in Organic ter Isle, who noted that "it will full-credit courses to be offered. Chemistry will consist of read- be run by the students and Three courses are scheduled ing and discussion of current sponsored by the faculty. The by Hanszen and two by Jones. research (topics in Organic students will teach it them- The Hanszen courses include 'Chemistry. "It is designed for selves." Honors Seminar in Organic advanced students and research Rigor Mortis Chemistry (Hanszen 350), Top- program students in Chemis- Meaning of Death in Western ics in Current Physical Re- try," Stellingwerf noted. Dr. Culture is an investigation of search (Hanszen 352), and Ronald Magid, who will teach death and its impact on social Topological Groups (Hanszen the course, remarked, "The institutions and human values. 354). Jones offers Seminar in course has been restricted to "Death will be studied from an ('ontemoorary Fiction (post ten p e o p 1 e. It is an honors objective point of view," Miss World War II) (Jones 388), course for junior and senior Dietz said, "from a biological and The Meaning of Death in chemistry majors. and medical point of view con- \V( stern Culture (Jones 392). Student Structure cerning the national policy and Topological Groups the war and arms policy, and "The students themselves will Holi Stellingwerf, Chairman from the point of view of death prepare topics for the seminars of the Hanszen Academics Com- and its relationship to modern throughout the year, taking one mittee, described the Hanszen funeral practices. each week." Dr. Magid went on courses: Topolgical Groups is to say that the topics would be "There will be studies of a study of the analytical and KilsmiD ones that were actively being music and art forms, studies algebraic structure of the topo- studied, current topics "you of authors such as Tolstoy and SHADES OF SHELTON—.Jones quarterback Peggy Shortzer logical groups, a "synthesis for don't find in journals." Zorka, and attention to a lot of seems unintimidated by Ann Marti's fierce rush as she shows junior and senior mathematics He commented, "The students different areas," Miss Dietz her fine (passing) form in Sunday's PowderpufT game. Shertzer majors." The course is to be were selected by me mostly on continued. "We have to impose dazzled several hundred incredulous spectators with her fine taught by Dr. J. Dugundji, an grades. They are all M' stu- limits on a limitless topic, and (passing) form, but Brown avenged last year's defeat at the hands "international figure." dents, with grades* of '2' here choose areas of the course for of Jones with a 27-11) victory. Story on page 7. Topics in Current Physical .and there." The course will be students to study 1 .em use of open to auditors, and will meet diversified backgrounds." Mondays and Wednesdays at The course will be sponsored ton o'clock "somewhere in by Dr. Robert Cox. ITanszon," Dr. Magid said. The Hanszen courses will the rice threshean all-student newspaper for 52 years r In the Thresher meet two hours a week, and Even as the Thresher fades will consist of informal dis- vol. 51, no. 10 rice university, houston, texas [hursdav, novemher 1 (?. 19(>7 quietly into Thanksgiving cussion and student participa- stupor, it coughs out visions tion. of sweetness and light, Admission & curriculum Contemporarv Fiction •Want to know how to Nancy Dietz of Jones ex- make Houston's kids smart • plained the Jones courses. "The Thresher tells on page 2. courses will be meeting three • And for a bonus, your Committees evaluate Rice po> hours a week, but the schedule investigating ways to finance own fate and fortune. Read By JIM DENNEY mendations to the Committee will be determined by the peo- Thresher Editorial Staff the special program as well as on Examinations and Standing' how the draft will get you, ple in the course. They'will be The student committees on a summer enrichment program on such heretofore untouched page 2 also. conducted in a seminar-type Admissions Policy and Educa- • to bring the admissions cre- areas as a reduction of course •Braden lays another movie fashion." tional Policy have begun their dentials of Negroes up to par loads, at least for freshmen, bare before your very eyes, The S e m i n a r in Contem- arduous tasks of getting some with other entering students. and the status of audited page 9. porary Fiction will place an things changed at Rice Uni- Challenging the Rice policy courses. This last point con- And more, more, more. emphasis on post World War II versity. that two-thirds of entering cerns the possibility of a stu- SCEP. under the direction freshmen be from Texas, one- dent listing an audited course of Nancie Litin, is beginning third from out-of-state, Miss on his transcript or of getting the most adventurous revalu- Litin argues that "qualified partial credit towards a degree Peace forum to offer opportunity ation of Rice admissions in the candidates for admission should for audited courses in which committee's history. Miss Litin be admitted regardless of their he passes the final exam. for discussion of myths of Vietnam listed the committee's greatest place of residence. Other things SCEP hopes to A new organization of Hous- tors of tha Houston Chapter of concern as integration, geo- SCAP is also trying to deter- consider this year are the ad- tonians opposed to the war in the United Nations Associa- graphical distribution, and the mine whether better-qualified visor system, the viability of Viet Nam will sponsor a forum tion. admission of more "eccentric students from out-of-state are "programmed education" in the on "Viet Nam: Myths and Re- The Citizens for Disengage- people" to Rice. rejected in favor of Texans. "majors" policy, the effect of alities" November 19 at 8 pm ment in Viet Nam was organ- Though it has been an in- Wider geographical distribu- the Ten Year PIewi on under- in the Fondren Library Lecture ized this summer as a means terest of SCEP for some time, tion, she feels, will break up graduate education, and the ef- Lounge at Rice University. of expression for Houstonians the campaign for integration the overwhelming homogeneity fectiveness of the tutorial sys- Panelists will include Dr. who believe the involvement of beyond token levels has been of the Rice student body. tem used in many courses. the United States in Viet Nam given added impetus this year John Ambler, Associate Profes- Artsy-Craftsy When asked about last year's far exceeds this country's na- by the letter from Dr. Alan sor of Political Science at Rice; To further counter the Rice much criticized course review, tional interest. The group is Grob of the English Depart- Sheldon Clark, Peace Educa- student image, the committee Sartorius said SCEP will strive headed by Dr. Stephen Baker, ment which recently appeared tion Secretary of the American suggests that Rice admit peo- for more "objectivity" this Assistant Professor of Physics, in the Thresher. Friends Service Committee; ple of so-called "artsy-craftsy" year. Also, SCEP hope s to Rev. Philip Stephan, Lutheran Rice University. Dr. Baker will Special Admissions inclinations to "add more color get this herculean task com- Chaplain, Rice University and act as moderator of the panel. Grob argued that Rice should to the campus," and that it im- pleted in time for it to be help- the University of Houston; and The November .19 forum is make special exceptions for prove such areas as Fine Arts ful to students in selecting William Dazey. Attorney and open to the public, and admis- the admission of Negroes be- and Music to attract such their 1968-69 course schedules. Member of the Board of Direc- sion is free. cause of the substandard sec- people. ondary education they have re- The Student Committee on ceived. SCEP is looking into Educational Policy hopes to do the possibility of instituting far more this year than just Chapel will present Perry London such a special admissions pro- produce a course review, ac- gram by contacting other pri- cording to chairman Peter Sar- in discussion of morality, behavior vate universities in the country torius. The review will remain By MIKE BROWN London has held teaching for information on how the an important task, said Sar- Thresher Religion "Editor posts at the University- of Illi- problem is handled elsewhere. torius, but "by working through Dr. Perry London, noted psy- nois, Stanford University, and SCEP also hopes to bridge the various faculty and stu- chologist and author, will dis- the University of Southern the communications gap be- dent-faculty committees, SCEP cuss "Behavior Technology and California, and is a member of tween Rice and Negro high can effectively make recom- Personal Morality" in a Chapel the American Psychological schools by arranging for indivi- mendations, voice feelings, and program this evening at 7:30 Association, the International dual Rice students to talk at make suggestions on educa- pm.