• • 10 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending August 17, 1935


Volume IV Number 43 ¢

Jessica Dragonette See Page 15

My Time Is Your Time--Radio's Super-Manhunt News and Views of the Week

They Were A roHlin to Tl,llh lhl' l'mtnl Indi;m:l. ~;l\~ the nl'\\"p:lpcr~ of th.l1 St.Jtes anti the other princip;11 cnun­ Not cit)' :l k''(Jn in puHk ~T\i,l". Dur­ Seeks Air Irie... of the \\(,rld \\ith .. horl-\\;I\e ~Irike ~TlIOl(lca~t'. Afraid ing the general in Terre Haute. Supremacy Japan i ... t'ngJged in ;J ih l\\() ne\\~pJpers .. u:,penlled puh­ great program for Ihe enlarg;t:Olenl lie.llion. I he~ J!J\f a.. their rea'on the kaT 01 .. trike t,1 rilo,llion, Slleh n·h'ren.:e, III compelled S\\l1/l'TJ;md, I hirl\-nine or Ihl' hro~ldc:lsh alone \'vert' to omil. ndl;lO~t't! tluring 11134 WUOIV wry l'lTl'dl\dv Illuk thl' pla..::c hf the 10(:11 It's ;I \\onder our \\':l"bltl~ton le~I,Iator.. , \\hl) arc p:lper:-, ,1Ild h;ld nothing to fl':1r In dOIng ,I. '0 hll,ily l'ng:lgcd in ~agging foreign reprl'''l'nt:lll\ll'''' \\ 110 mi,l!ht II~ OUT r;hiiu, ha\en't tned to framt' an mtl'm,l­ • Ihlll;11 Ia\\ 10 LO\er thIS :-11ll;lIIUn. It \\ould bl' Ju,l The Quick R:ldio i'i m.lking il h:lriler every day Iil..t· 1111"111 10 Iry. for crimin;t1 ... to gd Ol\\.JY from the CfJ1IgreHlllnll If/ri.ght Pntfl111ll .•• rlllJit} lJ Tongue of ~ct?nl'''' of Iht:ir criml·.... R.atliu patrol H,- thuds {m,. The Law car, h;l\e het'n running criminal:-. to • It Seems Clln~re,... mOln WIlfl;ht P.llm:m tnc,1 earth ;1.11 UHr thl' country Olln1l1.. t be­ Wired radio is sllbsitlizctl by ;t gn:;lt e!l:ctric li~ht to j),j.{lr oil ')11 Irlluhlt'd \\:lters. l:\ery fOle their criOll" h;\H' hcen COmmilll'd. and power combine. It C:'ln pirw progranh mto e\try Radio lime hu"im.'" mell orlo!Ollllzed tu pro­ I h;J1II.." 10 pollet' .. hort-\\;l\t' r.Jdio. criminals tuntory and large city of the L'mll'd State.... 1l:e1 tlwir propert.\ nghb Congre.... ha\'e ht.ome in"I;IIKt'... I\\o-\\a\' cnmmuni":;ltion ht::t\\l't:n progr01ms IS !:lecJU~ of length\ commerci:ll lalk~. mit) the...e :lctiOlh dirt: .:on~(luencl" 10 their heloved police lH:atlqu;lrlers :mtl the r:lt!in-cquippeJ squad C.Jrs Wired rJtlio pre~nts a nice prohkm lor ..,).J..::e broad­ ptt: I'll!. \\ould hOl\ e helped m;llt'ri:dly in m·lting bJ.ndib \\ ho (;I~ters \\ho lllU::>1 recognize the puhlic di..appft)\;ll 01 !"ht: re..:enl forlllation of thl'\mrrican Retail Fed­ h:\\e e",aped objl:etion3hle commerci:llization of thl' air\\:l\t". lr;lIiun ":Olu't.('d considerahle cO!l .. ternatioll. In\e.. liga~ Tht: city 01 Bmlon .... Police Chief recogniled the hroad..:a,lill~. Wired radio i"l not a thrc:n to space tion :-ho\\r:d th:lt it \\", forml't! h\· I\\enly-eight brge /!Tf:lt ath anlage inter-cummuni..::ation \\ould h;ne. lie t~ cheri::>h~ be"::lu.. the Ol\cragc li ... tener .. the Ireednm IIf fO(Jd ..::tJllt:.t."rn::> spendin~ ~O.lIUI,UII' JnnuJlly nn ;fllnr­ in"l:dleti the system \\Ith Ihe aid of General Ele..:tri(; ~It'ct being ahle to entertainment fr(Jm a dlllcn or more tl"lIl}!. \ !:Irge porllon of it goes to rOldio. So to the n,gineer:'l, ;lIlti in\ited police commi.... ioneTs from all "1:ltion... rhe audience will not bt' conlcnl to t:lke COll;.!.re..,ioIlJI Illintl Ihi.., nt'\\ O(IOPU, ..::onlltll1ed radiO. ~in}!ll' \IT the ..:ountry 10 in'!lt:"::l the sy"tem. \\hOlI i, Ix'ing fed them from a "ollr..::('. Varict\" Con;.!.rt·.... had to luok in on thi::> immedialeh. The "ew York Commi,... iuner, Ic\\is \-:llcntint" Ih~ J. and frl't't!om of the .ur\\3\fS .Jre ... pice ;mtlt ....lnti:lls At the hearinj!. \\hl'n questioned by Ih'pn'::>l'nt:lllH it ;1 parti..::uJarly hard le~t. \\·hile riding in the ga\f IIf radio's popularity. .\IILheoor of .\\ichigan. testifying bel lin' lilt' Judiciary T<1dio car in Bmwn, he e\pre:-.-.etl Ihe desire "10 talk However. people are \\illing to pay, anti th:lt IS :m Cl,mmillee of the II0ll"C, Repre"ent:ttiH \\'nght Pat­ \\llh ;'\I'W York." In less tune than it \\lIuld lake to tIlcour:lging sign. man of Te:\as had a ,a.:oot! \\ord to ,ay for Ihc fairnt.":-.., mal..e an ordinary lell'phone call, \'alentinl: \\:lS t:llking (If radiu \\hen it came to presentlllg bOlh siJt'S ot ;I \\ilh one of hi...... ccrelJries in his '\e\\ York office. puhlic qlll:,tioll ttl the people. II oct:.llrrl·d \\hen ,\iT. The old-fa,hionl'd• \\intlnllll m:lkes Speaking of hi:) BO::>lon e:\JX'rien..:e \\-ilh two-way Power P;llm:ln wa.. di... ..::u ...::>ing \\hat he dedared \\;IS the ..::on­ radio, he :-Jid. "It is one of the m:1rnb of Ihe age. It eleelric r:1l1io... operah: in rural tll::>­ 1101 of the di::>"emination. h~\ll. From the trich, i, Ihe OlU'll :I"loundlllg e\IWrience I have ever "\\'hen Ihi ... food group ;Illd ollH·r groups get to.. FiJrmt:r... and people \\ ho h;l\e I'm going Itl look into Ihi.;; l\\t)-\\a\· radio system Air gt·thcr :lntl control :>lI..:h an enormou... :lmount of ad\-er­ Ihoroughly \\hcn I gel h~l'o.:k. \\'e IWHn't anything like been denied the u"e uf modern radio li,ing, they in ;t \\-:lV contrul the mt'an ... of communi­ recciver, bt'cau"e of a lack of elt'ctricity, can no\,,, enjoy i: in l"e\\ York." Cit ion in thi ... ..::olllllry," SOlid the l{eIlTt·,entati\·e. "And the hendits of modern radio. A ne\\ device h:l' heen \\hl'n they do Ih:J1. yoU are 1101 going to get :III the dt'\eloIWd by Commander Eugene I; ..\tcDonald. .Ir" lhc tlllth :lilt! all the bets 10 the people; you :Ire going to Ar..:tlc t"\Jllorer and ritle or the other,

By Harry Steele

'IE forceps plcil'\C. Mi ...... Chapin," command­ ed the \\hlle-froded dcnti,,1. "YC3. Doctor," W,IS the reply from the mow) -rohed a:-;"iMant as she swifrly tendered the (Ircccond. It's Jll'>t I hinking about it IIId1 lIlatlcr~. The Doctor IS ',\Ul1dcrful at extractioll." There was calm in that ,"oice. the silky. alluring: \'oice that le..s than a year I;~ter was to inlri~ue radio I)atli had her e.yes-3nd "utl1el1ce~ a~ from co.....1 10 coast it::. owner. Mi ... , Patti "hal eyes they are!­ Chaplll. :.tood beforc Ihe microphone ill the ,Iudin.. of on a musical career the Columhia Ilroatlca;,ting S)stcm In I\ew York. For from earliest girlhood Paui's dcltlur- ... tudded road to r... dio faille wa~ marked by Ju ...1 ... uch job~ as aiding Ibe dl'llti ... t. ...elling insurance

ETERj\ll 1,\ I IO~ i... the key::.tone in Paui.... firmly D c(m.. trucled arch of achlt:\ clIIt'nl Back in her home town, \llantic City. she had hungered for 'e\\ York, III 't)lle of tile sand "hi,h i.. there. Lnllke the horde~ of visitors to the greill l':ew ler~y re:.ort. Paui, found no ~Iace III the j)fO'\lmil\' of the great wa\e') contlllually rollmg a"hore. I 0 her Ihey onh murmured, "I hcre i .. no future here-only emile.... ~a'nd and wa\e..-.endles' hnne) I1lU(lIIcr.. , oorcdom, YflU lllU::.t seek succe.... on nroad\\3Y:' \nd P;ttll h.. tcm'd ,lnd helie\ed. 10 sell her a poli..:y. so .. he permmeli her contract to Bc.:au...e It wa~ a natural outlet for her, Patti sang In cunlcmplalinA a career i\1iss Chapin had at least lalhe. I her.. ha:ked hy ">OlIle early home traming and cheerily 10 while away her time as she trod d«ks or "lie ~(hanta~c mer m;tnr glrh who nentually find their nOll·prufe....ional appearJ.llce" ~hl: tried the thealer.. III stood at the rail \\ah.:hll1g c.J()lphins at their intriguing way mtn raello, She knew from the da)' she reached her hope of maklllg a marked ~uc,t'.... as a ballet dancer pia\'. And her voice finally \\.h heard by some one Ihat leen, Ihat music. and probably smging. was her medium. She wuldn'l find the opening .. he \\-antell But still .. he mattered. Alter all 01 her futtle attempts to intere::.t Music \\a.. of the warp and \\oof of her domesllc .... a.. on her toe~ when the ch"n.,;e came to Will Ihe Jub Impoltant execut!\ e~ III her talent, it, "as chance sll1gmg hackgrountl ller mOl her had heen a singer widely a",

So Runs the Lyric of Rudy Vallee's Famous Theme Song-But in Making His Time Yours, He Has Made Him­ self One of the Loneliest of Men

on Ihe air from "\Be's Times Squ;lre ~tudio atop the Ne" Amsterdam I heater bUilding, hut \\ hen the IIll1t \\;IS absorbed hy Radio CilY Ihere was no :-otudio that u:!ctly suited Ihc demand') of the "allee hour. Left, one of those On \\'ednc,tby Rudy rehear~es the band in the num­ rare moments of hers that he plans to use on Thursday nighl When the relaxation for \'allee hour <,taTted the :-.criph r.an aboul li\'l' pages and Rudy who is try­ the rehear:-.ab about t\\O hours a \\eek. I'od.ly ea~h re­ ing to explain the hearsal runs

Right: Broadc.ast­ By Jack Banner ing (rom the Coast: (left to riJ{hl) Rud)' Vallee, IIAT price na'> Rudy Vallee paid for Florence Desmond. :-.ucccss? N01 \\ ilhaut a ~truggle hns James Cagney. Ihe college hoy become a crooner and June Knight. and· the crooncr an ace radio 3howman. ;";01 Charles Chic.k Sale \\ilheUl ;1 struggle h'I'I the druggist's ~ '1 hnmpson, producer of the sho\\'; and George Faulkner. :rrri\"ed. begin~ In stand on end. The mll... icians, hot. son from Westbrook..\bine. gained the poi:-c and bearing that goes ,"ith a \\ riter of the scripts. perspiring, co;;rtless, sag wearily in their ...e:\ls, but there million dollar:-.. ~ot without a struggle has the hand­ Wh;tt goe~ on in th:a office is best desaibed :IS being i:'l no letdown-I"{udy driH~'j them mercile:-.,Iy. l'lome, curly-haired darling of American \\omen become ;1Il emotional maebtrom. Those three brilli:lIlt men, Into one recent se:-.:-.itln came an explosion. The the reserved, mature mall thai he is today. Nor v.ilh­ e:lch possessinA a diametric

I knry \rmella, th,", dynamic s..:reen comedian, j.;iH' olle thcl)e \\ho fir~t made their acquallltance \\ith nalion\\idc From thE" Variety Hour's album, right to left: uf hi~ con\ubi\e pMtrayals. of an excitable Italian. ~ig­ radio via [he Vallee Ilfogram. Torn Howard (in call) beinl{ crowned, "'ith mund Spaeth, the hald-headed Tune DeteCll\c, uncmer, One very good c,ample of the: l>restige that Rudy's George Shelton sl.andin~ b)'; Little Johnn)' ~triklll8 similarit~ in ~ng::>. Vicki Chase. singing !lIar program has de\'eloped came up in a rect:lIt incident. Jones and Rudy (center), and 'pianist from the stage. ~ing, ~()Itly into the mike. l.e,lie Ilo\\J.rd was seekins a good oppurtunity for his Henrietta Schumann with the maestro The rehear~at proceed,. ~IOPS, pick~ up again. The 11-year-old daughter's prolessional debut a~ all actresS. speaklllg lines are \\ hipped inlo shape. FlIlal details of 'lll11e wa::. in the past when an actor as di ... tinAui~hed as lhe music are poli,hcd lip. At lasl the routine is Cludio ill Hadio City where every V;tllec hour. waching and encouragement. Through Ihe current of Thursday llight the Vallee ca.. t a':.t:mhle..-:.l theater Rudy's sure sell:-'C of !o>ho\\lllan..llip anti cOl1siderati( \ studio rehear~als and actual broadcasb run!l the firm whose doors had opencd for an e::.timaled two billion for everyone in the 'ludio dt:\clo!l' a \cry rcal affection hand of the sho\\man, :-,oolhing thiS performer, ",ugl-\e~t­ li:.tener~ in the six years of its existence. for the Boss on thc part of the program rCl-\ular::.. ing an improvcment 10 another, and in general kl'epinj.; Tnm Howard and George Shelton did an act lhat the cog~ from cla!lhillj.;. OWAIU) talked to Rudy, told him his plan to hring called for Tom to sing, George to play the riddle and H Il-year..old I.e,lie Ruth to the microphone. Rudy Hud)' to protest vigorollsly against thiS desecration of T III~ Vallee hour i~ to radio what tht' old Palace Thea­ \\as enthusi.. ~tic. Then the actor had mi:,givings. Sup­ the god::. of melody and harmoll)', It was to climax in ter \\a~ to vaude\ ille of a decadc a~(J. It i, the flOse his father'~ pride had led him (0 mere...tirnate her Rudy breaking the fiddle over TOl11's head and Ihe g03.1 of radio variet)' acb just as the Palace \\<1' lhe I-tnal :.Jhility. l..pcrience here. Some of them were al ready Sc\eral days later the t\\O sat in an NBC studio oig Ilamc~ in the ~t who built up carcer~ \\ith "heard on the Rudy plate gla!l" panel a little girl fingered a script nervously A gan to applaud heartil)' thi::. ~ug,l.(c'lioll to change Vallee hour" as a basis. At the present time there are and waited for a signal to go ahead. The engineer nod­ the orche..tra. Rudy smtled easily but back::'lage Tom more than three score acb touring the country \\ith thi) ded his head. The little ~irl began to read her lines­ lloward shook his head as he swore a lillie at the phrase in their billings. Leslie Howard. Gcor,:;e Burll') finelr written line.. from Sir Jame.'t Barrie's Dear Brutus. applause incident. It de\eloped that he was afraid Rudy and Gracie Allen. Eddie Cantor. Joe Penncr, Block and IowaI'd and Vallee sat with their had"t to the glass \\ould be embarrassed. Sull)'. Margarel Sulla\ an, Joe Cook. Katharine Ilcpburn. panel, staring at the blank \\all of the control room. But the Vallee ~nse of humor matches the Vallee Ethel Barn'more, Beatrice Lillie, Cornelia Otis Skinner, The girl's voice was men ing, inten"C When she fini ...hed ~hO\\manship. There \\d"t a time \\hen that incident are some d the name) that come to mind offhand among the ~Iim, grave Engli~hman who ~as a London bank might have troubled him. (CQlItlluud OPI "'ag~ J8) • 5 •

By Howard Wilcox

I1E ele, enth·houf man-not a dark hor~, but ~ide of Ihe li:-.lener::> in thl :-.tudl0 an ace in the hole-is \\h,ll c\Cry spon~or \\:1:-. a\\ :lTt' of Ihe almo..,t damag­ \\anh on a r,ulio program of majur propor­ ing hitch in Ihe program. lion~_ Spye roves across is impre:-.~t:d in· Someone-perhaps this \\ ill be the st:lf oi the show delibly on his mind. -will I Sf his place in the script or be late in hopping Tiny was horn in era\\ fords­ to the 11l11.:rophone: or ~OllleOl1e in the :ludience might ville, Indiana, in 181.)(), Ili:-. falher CCluse an awkward dbturbance ... Those hows, Tiny is just the utility character and announcer, :lIlJ Illu~ician in his spare time: Tiny llild :1 singing likc Abraham Lllh:oJn. \ oltalrc, OellJalll1ll frank11l1, albeit a genial one, who gets his :-.h'He of fan lelters, ~I;lrl. Before long Ihe f:lmily moved to Se;lltle, Wash­ who dramatically ri~ked their :-.1.t1llhng 10 defend the including Quite a bit of mllsh mail. ingltln. underdog in gome cause celebre-such ca~e:-., for instance, But to Lanny I{oss, Francia White, l'vlario Chamlee, Tiny's first job was gathering mushrooms and seil­ as Ihe recent excitl'ment over Alabama Pitts, George r:rame Brown, Jim Harkins and their supporting ing them to tht: neighbors, and he made enough at that The Lyric cxcculi\'es \\ere not at all Sllre, bUI they GIsts, he\ lhe balance wheel of the programs. lie bol­ 10 buy himself a bicycle, Ever ..,ince then he's w:lnted were \\illing to listen if the cub RufTner would go to siers the ~tars' confidence and ~Ilstains their spirit be~ 10 Iravel and he still intends to do that when he is able ?\:ew York hown, IIERE was the occ:lsion Soon. however, he was draft~ And then, afler 15 minules, somelhing h:lppened that T only a few weeks back ed into producing radio pro­ ~hcllll~ haH sent Tiny on a Ilon~'lop escape to s:lfety. when his resourcefulness ob­ grams. He wrole original mu­ I he llIle hroke. and the room went suddenly silent. But :-cured an awkward situation. ,ical comedie:-. and sang and Tiny didn't bolt. lie knew \\h:lt h:td hapl1cned. II was one of thost: mo~t in­ acted in them, ;dso. frequent times when the en· LHer he loured the Paci­ 1i\Y f:lc.etl hi~ p;lnlC in all IIlst,llll, ;'Inti befure the tire show had to he rewritten fic Coast in concert \\ork, T lillie audicn..:e fully rc:~lized whal had happencd, he ;Ifter the dress rehearsal, and and t hen he went to ;-"':ew :-.IOOt! beforc them in the role of Abr:lham Lincoln, Ihe dozens of script copies York. 'I here he m:lde

By Arthur Kent

...... 1-1 E illicIt still was hidden in a tiny valley on "That's right. Mister Tom." The Negro nodded, the side of Negro Mountain. one of the Vir­ "Everybody in these parts knows you're a bad man to ginia foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. cross, though, They still figures y'OU was with them Two men were tending it: a huge Negro. very Allans when they shot up the Cou't I louse at llillsville." black-wearing a tattered old United States army uniform several sizes too small-and a LD Tom Quesenberry snorted a short laugh. The bewhiskered white with one eye. O little black and white mongrel dog which lay at hj\lister Tom," said the Negro in a soft drawl, "why his feet raised an ugly head. does you say you ain't never goin' to leave these moun­ "Ain't saying I was or I wasn't," the one-eyed man tains?" observed. "Hut--" The white man didn't answer. A rifle leaned against Suddenly the dog leaped to his feet, hackles rising, a log at his ~idc. Over his shoulders a stone jug was a low growl rumbling in his throat. Simultaneously slung. The age-whitened bristles on his Adam's apple there came a crackling in the nearby bush. Old Tom undulated as he drank. mountain fashion. Then he Quesenberry snatched up his rille and slipped like a poised the jug. shadow into the little weather-beaten building which .. Killed a man," he answered, grunting, - an' bust outta jail. up No'th," Again.he wrned his head, tilted the jug, and drank. The Negro watched, silent. Throughout the \·a~t. wooded slope there sounded the little noises of Springtime: birds, the ru"tllng of new leaves, the tinkling of the small hrook which ~el'\-ed the still. 1 he sickish smell of mash clung to the windless air.

'D SeRE hate 10 have you draw a bead on I me, Mister Tom." the colored man said, tlnallv. There was no flattery in his earnest brown eyes, and the white man acceptel,.i the ~llll:t.'re tribute to hI- marksmanship with the digmty of one who kn{)\\'~ hi~ own skilL "Ain't neHr missed a ... hot in my life, leb," be said. "Drunk er sober, Torn ~]uesen· herry hits whar he shoots." He grinl1ed be­ neath drooping moustaches. "Don't know why I'm a·tdJin' you, you black rascal." he added-not unkimlly. "Hut I'll never leave Thomas Que~enherr)' from a photo­ these mountaim h~came 1 uas~en't. In a city ~raJlh taken arter he had drawn they'd catch me sure. I len: I'm safe. I don't a bead on a man for the last time bother nobody that don't bother me."

claphoard, cul through leaves. And sud­ denly they .stopped as the besiegers rea­ lil:ed that their quarry had lllCltl'd like shadows into the dense underbrush, The gO\'ernment men gathered around their wounded compJllion. Coast Guardsmen closing in "lie got Kirkpatrick through the chest," one of upon Qu~senberry's mountain them cfled "We gotta carry Kirk lell Illile~ lo Lees­ cabin and, left, the family burg. Then we organil.c a pO~'ie, And I mean a po':>st: [" of Clarence McClary, left The other men lloddl't! grimly, ProbablY il would fatherless b:r One·E)'ed Tom be ill1po~~ibtc 10 trap the rilleman, they reOectcd, but th(' dignity of the law demanded that a manhunt be organil:ed which would put the fear of God into local housed the ~till. moonshiners lor month:l to come. "Stand where you a re, in the A government lllan shot! .[ he wire~ 10 Washington name of the law!" a sharp voice would hum this night. rang through the trees, 1 he very next Illornin~ a light-lipped, (Juick-cyed young man tore into AlexandriJ., \'irginia, in a fa31, mud­ E\'E0:00ERS!" cried the r-.;e­ spattered car. R gro, and dived into the bush, ''I'm SavIes," he told Sheriff E. S, Adrian, of Loudon his long arms waving grotesquely County. "Captain W, R. S:tyles, as:)istanl deputy com­ be"ond the sleeHs of his army mis.<.ioner of InternJI Revenue in charge of the alcohol coat. 11:l1f a dozen armed men tax unit. On my way to Leesburg 10 direcl a manhunt. came running into the little dear­ I low's our man Kirkpatrick?" ing. "Crack!" The gJ.unt trees sent E'LL probably live," Adri:tll replied. "You bringing ba..:k slapping echoes of Old Tom H men in?" Quesenberry's 30·30. "Yes!" snapped Sayles. "Sixty Federal llgenls will ";-":e,,' time I shoot to kill!" meet me in Lec:lburg." Sheriff Adrian whistled, Sixty! roared Tom, lrnm Ihe still. "And what's more," Sayles continued, ''::.everal of them One of the re'Tnue agents are equipped with short-wave radio receivers." opened fire with a revolver. "Say!" the Sheriff exclaimed. This hegan to look Again the mount3.ineer fired. like Ihe biggest manhullt in the 1mtory of the COUllty. I he agent dropped. But Sal'les wasn't through. ;\'ow the ralder~ be~an shoot­ toT len I'm having a coast guard plane sent from ing in real earne,t. Slugs tore Cape I\\ay, f\!ew Jersey," he continued, "That is also through the little building's flimsY radio equipped, and (COllfIlllled OIl !)age 27)

6 7 Reviewing Radio By Martin J. Porter th~lt it intended to pl:lce a JIM IIARKIi\ , who is pinch hitting for Allen.,.will ra:\\ "et-up in the Gypsy make a tour of the bigger citie.. ant! hold Ihc ;Iuthtlons, program. Technically. ~t Jnd \I. ill return each wcek \Ir;th 3 li..t of the bt:..l talent this \\riting, Horlick IS that he can di ..co\,er. !-till lired. But actually. '>() the i\ol-itKJ) h;" ever taken tht.' trouble to \\-ritc an ... tory j:.:oe". you can make :\meriLan ('iX'ra based on folk t.ales. Th'll i~. nohot.ly J-.( '" I hat in view of I he h;:h applit.'d himo:;clt to the job unlil young HAHHlSON re;lction, he and the Gyp­ IJ 1.10 I r, 23. a native of Pike counly. Kentucky, 'lart of The proprietor, coached hy Ihl' joktcr, ~ot tough wi1-+l n~~ly we understand that if he her "acatinn teachinl{ her adopted 60n D.\id to take his sun­ \.. ere slated for notice of Bestor, and refll~ed 10 It.'l him out of lhe pi gr

CST about a ye.:u ago this scribhler chronicled progra.ms Miss Seymour the faa that the radio hr biggbt year. 1-<1":15 de\'e~oped sub­ lead role of r=ir:.t t\:ighter ~equcntl}' bear this out. From all indications whJi~ l\ti~s 1\1 ere d i t h It \\llultl he quite in order 10 repeat this phrase. ~ught shade and the by the way Spl)lhOrS arc grabbmg up all 3\".1il­ bre~/e-;. An exchange of IJ ;,tblc time on the network... It looks !Ike an even courtesies \\ ill find June bigger and better year ahead. 011 the Grand Hotel pro­ '\\0,,1 of the old spOll ..or.... will be back. some with the grams of .\ugu:'>t 18 and same ... how~ (he\" pre"enkJ la31 season. some with new 2; while Anile "eeks diver­ program" l'\e"'" SPOil '>Of'" one of the best her err:lnd, she particularly didn't relish recognition.. tbem alter /} years 01 service, aud arc castill~ abollt of the ~trillg cnsembles. will :;upply the musical ba..:k­ While tbey ... till were living in l\'ew York, GracIe lor a /5·'Jllllute, six-a-u:crh sbow ,,·ltb a Info: name lea­ ground. l'mharked on a ... hopping IClur one morning. Prior to her tl/re. The .\larcb 01 Tim/! alld I(ATI;· SMITH were The famous ~lIl.LS RIe a rolling pin. Gracie adde.1 it to her r.:<.Irdully the big m'ws sbow alld the ,"luancc Girl were set lor the Fall and tis said the prowam has ;2 weeks to AO. (umptled li"L and with her natural flair for l'WllOlllY season aud iII/mIllie to n,'/.,; oflers. Vlliess tbe tradltioll E\'ening in I'Jri-.:, with ODETTE .\\ y!{ rll., the shc decided to m;tke the purchase at .\\acy's. While at Irar prei:a,[s tbat f-IOIhch bas so IOllg beell assoctated PIO;I-.'S SIS ITI\S..\IILTO:-: \\. \150:-: and ~I\RK :.l wunter in the house furmshll1gs department she wa~ ...... ·ltb bis prest'llt jpomor that Iistcllt'rs ,,:111 he u/lable to WAR:,\O\\"S orche"tra, starts \u;;u ... t 19 on the :\"BC 3J1proa..:hed by a clerk who. just as she \\35 about [0 lht'ora fht' f..:allt 111 lbi!ir lIIlJ1ds, some otber spolHm network. \\'arnow as you know i~ a cns house baml­ a"k what wa, \\ anted. said. ··Why you·re Gra":le Allen, lI/tdollbtt!dly ",,,:tll set;/! Oll the Gypsy halld. It is Olle 01 leader. aren't rou?'· (ir:Ice ... ubmitteL! to the idcntifi..:aLion and radIO'S ace I/I/Hlral III/ItS. tht: dated sale~glrl asked if she could he ot servic:e, Ont (If tbt be'st fltt~ of ,,"ormatuHI about 7It'l.;.. pro­ ~trt: ... "illg her JOY at bc=ing able to ,,;.tit 011 so distll1­ The I-Rlol) \1.1.1·'5,,,,.1 Ihe J \CK III '''5 are ~rams IS th' lIr..d tbt 111:'1.1:'\ 11:4) h\ l'Di bUlt jlgllt'd gui"hed a CU"Wlllc=T..\nJ Gracie ne.1 in I)Jni~_ It \\a:,n't ha\'ing qUite a good tIme for thcm'lChe nut on the lor ba lint re~~I,Jr rlJJlIt f!'fItS. that ... he ()hje..:te~1 to the girl's hone"t adnllration. But ({)a~t. parti..:ularly the wiH'''' \\hile lile hu ham" arc at ~";t.Jrt",,>.: ()dofn:r I, lIHs Hl1Ye'( ':..t/l b~ lJ~ard lor a ,he rcJ,onL'(1 qui.:kl) that it It got arullnd that she was \\ork. \bry and J>unland arc "'lwlhlinH mo"t (If the lime billl bOllr 011 TIft'~J<.lJ "l~IJtS Inr a roflu ipmHor. I.B­ hU)IllA a roliinA pin. :"omeone would turn it IIno a gag in the Belin),,' ,,\\imming pool. trllers Oil tbr Panfil' CO'lSt ..:ill bl'.lr tI'is program 011 abuut thc "c1e..:tioll of a woman's natural \\cJpon-and \\'hi..:h T~mind" me of the cxtrt.'llIdy fUlln' crack .Hot/d.J)' lIJ~Ms b,·g""I;I1~ Septtlllb'r JO. ..he ju"t didn't \\.tlll 10 he the obje..:t of Ih:tt kind of Jest. f:red made \\hen he wa.. a~ke.l how he likl'd mmle work, comparl.... 1 In r<.l.lio. 'The onlY difference bct\\l'Cn mak­ s REPORTED here weeks .~" DE":"E J ~:"IS. .\L\ESTHO DO:-" fU::TOR·S earlier Chi.:ae,o days inA ;t picture and broJ.dc:bting." he ...... 'i\1, "'i~ that in a A forllwr '1)l,;31i"1 \\ltl1 II\L h:I:.\\P·S (few, \\ill re­ left in hi~ l11emOT\- a fOllll rewlle.:tion of the pork picture you don't h.l\·e to :>lOp in the middle of a ::.eene pl; famuu ... Bcrghoff ..:afe. So Oil hi ... re..:cnt ica .. it returns tn the air on O.:toher I. I t will be heard Tue.... \i"it \\hen he Wil ... he.Jdlincd at the Palace Thcall'r. DOll RLTII ETTI:\"G spends a great deal of the time ,hn and ThuTs~lav,. pbvil1~ oppo"itlun to BL"\ RI.R­ ..et a~IJe .\londav c\cning for the ritual (If ab"nrbing by or in her ne\\ swimming pool. \\hi..:h ll1..:i\tentally was :\ I E anJ how BO:lt rl.':tpt:.".;tinly. hi" fill of the ... t!lut dclic.J~\. lie lound H not only up huilt accorJing to her "pe~tl~.~a(ion:t. The pool is only to ,>tandarJ~ but malic thc more ~vorv by hi~ hmA ti\t~ feet deep ~..:ause Ruth doeslft tru:>t herself as a E\-ery Thur... ~bv night RL DY \' \LLEF: and his ah"tincn..:e and a week of Jllti..:ipation. the result wa:> .,Wllnll1er lIer friend~ call it the ·\:anary bath·'. COllne.:ti..:ut Yankees t:lke the air from the Hadio City \\h;J1 might havc been c'\!)e..:ted on J hot July evening '1tudio". hut on Thur"..lar night, AUAU .. t I. they nut only Dun w:lddled ba..:k to the the;!ter, "ated hut sorely tired KILOCVClE CHAnER: JANE WILLIAMS, the l.us who Inok tilt' air from the broad..:asting around the miJJl~ JnJ there was first ~tUined follme when she won ~ n~tionwide Ulent contHt ~nd ~lullio, hUI literally took to the air no douht that hi" "I..:kl\. feeling \\as was sUrred on Hollywood Hotel ""ith DICK POWELL. has bun ~t mi~llli~ht from the :\e\\ark air­ cau~ell by ·"ol1lelhing he et". ~dded to the cut of the Rendezvous Musiul th~t st~rts Septem­ port. ber 18 ~nd Will feature PHIL DUEV, the Men Aboul TO'Nn ~nd HUlly ;JnJ the ~o)"" \\ere scheJ­ 0;\ :11'0 \\;1'1 the hearer of an in­ ALDO RICCI'S orchestra ... BOAKE CARTER was exonfuted uled In open :.11 the Chi(ago Thea~ D teresting tale about hi, N"t\\hile from all bl~me by a coroner's jury on the death of iI seven·year­ ter the Olllrnin~ folhl\\ing their lIlicroplwne huddies. .1 \(1{ BE~"Y old l~d who w~s struck by the news commentator·s ur ... broa\\\~..•':.'t. They h:ld only on~ way "nd I I{ "K P.~RKER During FRANK PARKER will not be on the J~ck Benny show when it to get therc nn time. -.() Hudy the la,t fe .... \\~k5 01 the program resumes in the F~II ... NELLIE REVELL h~s canceled her ..:h:utercli ,a plane :.md the boy, Parkcr m;Jde some vaudeville ap· twice-~·week interview progr~ms due to the excessive heilt which plied in with their in"!ruOlent::! (ye', pl',HalH:e .. through C...:Illfornia. and got the best of her. Take it easy, Nellie .. , When the SIGMUND the tuba and the ha~::i drum also). report.. driftil1g b;Jck to I.o~ Angeles ROMBERG show returns, it will have DEEMS TAVLOR instead The plane floated through the air bri~tled with 'forie ... or the \\ay he of Doctor William Lyon Phelps as comment~tor, and there will with the greatest of ea'ie, although was knockin/o( them illtu the aisle... be no drama. HELEN MARSHALL, MORTON BOWE ~nd JOHN ·tis said some of the boys were any­ all around the circuit. honlvafter­ SEAGAL, soloists, will be ~dded ... The successful bucking of thing but at ease. ward Jack anJ .\l-\RY I I\T\G­ RUDV VALLEE'S Hour by the KATE SMITH Hour resulted in Ihe end of thi:'! month Rudy STO:'\'E contracted to make a \wing Cotumbi~'s selling both half hours opposite Volillet-the first to \\ill be in Toronto to play at the around the same string of houses in Consolidated Cigar and the second to Atwater Kent. Canadi:.ll1 National I~\p()'lilioll for which Parker had made Ius smash FRAV and BRAGGIOTTI h~ve split-Jacqucs to return to two \\'l,l.'k .... Iii, program' \\ill come . Frank was in a dilemma when Paris-Mario to retire to Westport, Connecticut, to compose ... from th;JI point. ;Jill! he'll the .,nml.' he hearJ ahout the prupo~d Benny GRACIE ALLEN is now sporting ~ 33-ku~t s~pphir~ litlle Canadian tall'nt on thl.' "hows. tour. hut gooJ ,porr-.n1all"hip (ame remembr~nce from her partner ~nd husbOlnd, GEORGE BURNS! 10 hi" re",ue and hc conl"c""l.'ll to ..• DELL SHARBUTT. CBS .olInnouncer, is flying to his home in I.1/(·ky tJ tbt 51'011"" 0.:/10 {alt JJ..:k that one of the rt.':I'llln .. hc Fort Worth, Teus, on v~C.olltion, "is first trip in four yun .•. hoast t:... () It'adUlf,! laJrl!5 dl/"I/~ tbeu made ... u..:h a killinA W;I" because he CARLVLE STEVENS, CBS announcer, spends his week-ends ~t day> .3't'll tbe stout theory tbat tbi' h:ld lirted the nenn" vaudeville rou~ Kingston, Rhode Island, where his wife, RUTH STEVENS, is sbo.... IIl/Ht 1.:0 011 j.Jo!S a bit tIIuier tine almoH verbatim. lIe aJvi:,eJ h.ollndting publicity for the loul pl.ollyhouse ... The success of tl'e ';u'l.,:bt 01 ,JuJttm J~flt<1ItJs. Don Hestor: His rit­ the comeJian to d13ng~ his a~t in sner.olll of the amollteurs on the MAJOR BOWES' Hour hn brought ()l1e of .'!, Ir... so t'iU1flrd IS tbt: ual turned into a rout theate-r.. in \\hi..:h he '\tluIJ ftlllo~ olin odd situ~tion into bro~dcastlng, where most situ.olltions ..lire a wallufil' '/lrer ~l(1 rr~ ~~Jlfi Tbt the ~ill 'ing Je-.ter! bit odd. Talented youngsters ue now seeking ~ ctlollnce under First .\',.,,,-,,,, 011,1 (;r.1II.I Haftl. the genial M~ior in preference to the regul.ollr olIuditions ... ALICE A;"":\"E SEY~lOL It star of the latter series. never I.lstt'ller !,Jlllt:llts ...:tll lu It'~tlm ..:bie1l it bccolll~s FAIR of Houston. Texas, thinks it isn't bdr not to be able to has appeare I on the f-ri.by ni~ht ,how. and II '\, .~t'lIt'r,,!ly rt'U(l;t'J tbat 1I,I/U~r IIONLlCI,·'<:; GyPsifs, heilr the Voin of the People ;:lrogr~m ~fter it origindtd there ... .\lERJ~UITI-l, SO lirml\" allied \\!th the Fir..,t 'i~hlcr r,JJ'I1'~ "fJrst rommanul prl'gr';lJ1, /'lS s(ullttbmg Itss IREENE WICKER, the Singing udy. sails for jolly ole England never h.l ;lppea.reJ on the unJay m:t.tinee fea.ture. But t/'dlt I lllr .... ak$ 01 Ide l<'lt IlItJ", its pUst It Ilt'gu. Th: on the lie de Fr.ollnce on August 10 for a few wteks· Y.olIcalion. that rewrJ ha~ heen wred'eJ. On the August 2 anJ 9 SPOIlSOrs luI tf.;' 11,1")' b ..H Otfti,:.d hu lIufl4lne'ss to BOB BROWN will be the story teller in Miss Wicker's absenn. 6 9 SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 101 " 1,~lPORTANT interna­ A portion of the SUNSET CONCI:HT tional broadcast bringinJ{ to by the Kational Symphony orchc::.lr3, Gurle Marx, director, will be heard from ' .. 1 American listeners. the SALZ- .. BERG ITSII I At., "ill be Coming Events Potomac Park ovcr an ~HC-WJL llet­ carried by bot h nct\\orks work at ~:30 p. m lOSt" tH·30 CSI"). ~ today. An extensive l'BC­ THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 \\ 'J l network will relay a A new program series to be heard cilch portion of thl' h:~ti .... al Irom 10 to II a. m. EST and CST Shown Thursday ovcr The CHS-WABC network l:ST (9 to IU CST). Another p.-n! of the at 3:15 p. m. [ST (2:1; CS n w,1I fe,,­ program will be broad(a~t over the CR5­ ture the SI IoEL PIER H III'III"\"S. an orChe~(r;1 WAHC network from I to J :30 p. m. LST pJayil11;: stringed dance music, (12 noon to 12:m p. m. CS1). The pro­ from Atl.1ntic City, N. J. gram, ~p()morcd by the \mcriciln H.adiator Company, will be heard "gain on August Representative WH IGI IT PATi\lAN, IH and August 2" Becau!'e of the ,>pecial Democrat of Texas, will di"clhs the possi­ broad.:a..,!. l i\CLE f\;ED will be ht:.ard at hlitit'S of a honus payment in a talk to 1 1'. m. lSI' (12 1100n CST) and M 1L­ be he.1fd over Ihe CBS-W A 13C network DRED DILLING at 1:1; p. m. EST rot 9:30 p. m. EST (H:30 CST). (12:1; CST), both over an NBC-IY]Z net. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16 A summary 01 tbe Wightman Cup ten­ BERNICE CLAIRE, soprano, returns ni .. matche~ will he broadcast over the to the Mclodiana program.s wilh Abe Ly­ CBS-WABC net"'ork :.It 4: 15 p. m. EST man's band following a se:t<;on of picture­ 0:15 CST) also Saturdays at 5 p. m. lllakin/{ in London. The broadcast i~ hearu lSI (4 C';T). over Ihl' CHS-WAHC network at 4 p. m. EST (3 CS I). A new \.\l.'Ckly program featuring the ri:lOO ;Hr... ng~ments of GOLLD AND Winners of the various local SOAP­ SIIEr-TER and harmonies hy the TIlHFE BOX DERBI ES will compete in the na­ ~. SISTERS and the Ttll{I:E SCAMPS tional events at Akron, Ohio, and Tom \. ill he inaugur:t!ed on lhi., day over ;'In Manning and Graham McNamee, ~ports :XOC-IYIoAF network at 6:30 p. m. EST Lclmmentators, will announce the contest 0:30 CST). OVl'f an NRC-W.ll network at 5 p. m. EST (4 CST). An i\lnC-WI:AF network will bring to f-riday li ... Il'nl'r., an additional program hy The regu!,r GULr- M lISICAL t IEAD­ AL PEARCE Af"1) IllS (;Ai\G. The new LINER broadc:lst heard over the CHS­ series which supplement'> thc regular week­ \VASe network at 7:30 p. m. ES r ((I:~O day program will be heard ;It 9:30 p. m. CST) will be an all Irving Gerlin pro~r'lm YST (H:30 CST). in honor of Conductor Frank Tour::.' 21 SATURDAY. AUGUST 17 }c.lrS of

• Music In the Air F AN arli::.t's only working for master Ys,1ye, her accompli"hmcnts as a money, he's not an artist, he's an violinist should be better known. entertainer," said EDWARD JOtl~­ By Carleton Smith Toscanini, hefore sailing for Europe, SO:'J, General Manager of the f\let­ vi"ited the Rainbow Room in Rockefeller OropoJitan. before sailing for Europe. \.l'nler, where Miss j\lyrtil W,1S appeilring. "I was trained abroad myself, and there pay our way. We must cut our CO:lt ac­ and organization than ht:. J\.1;lking a joke at the expellse of hi.s Phil· they have that feeling. It is \.... orking for cording 10 our cloth. I look forward to lie owes his popularity to his own harmonic-Symphony musicians. he said to art, for the love of the thing, that we the day when opera \\ ill he regarded as a arti:'ltic accomplishments, his modesty and her after she had pbyed: "I t h;lS been must ha\c. And that is something I wallt great public enterpri:'lc, when a generous his good sense. Everyone wishes him well five years since I have heard a violin tu instil in the artists here." government or largl' found.uiolls will ~ub­ in the coming sea"on, which he will begin played so true to pitch 1" It is a difficult thing to instil. Most sidize it. Hut nm~ we must pay. with the confidence and liking of a large Areat artists do their best \.\hell they per­ 'The contracls :Ire just in negotiation, sector of the opera-loving public. The customary String Symphony COIl­ form, regardless of the money they re­ that's all. There has been some rumor, I c~rt· will not be heard thl" Sunday eve­ ceive. But it takes the ptp out of their understand, that a diffIculty has ariscn MLLI:. ODETTE MYRTIL will stort nlllg, August I I. Gut on Thursday ! IIOOGS'II{ATEN con­ Edward Johmon, himself a singer everybody's happy." us hope the sponsors will dUCI ing. pl:lying Lalo's Symphonic Espag­ in the Mclropolit:m during the last years, The artists have confi­ see the light and permit us noll'. The boy made his debut six years knows th;lt side of the que:'ltion hetter dence in f\1r. Johnson. a foretaste of what "e :lgO with the J\1:tnhattan S"mphony Or­ than did his predecessor. In the laIc The German wing re:'lpects ha\'e missed too long. chestra. and since ha·s been touring in con­ Ilerbert Witherspoon's days at the opera, him. The Italians adore J\-\lle. i\lyrtil is kno\"n cert. It is announced th:lt HAHOLD there was no radio and no ~ollnd film 10 him. Did he not sing in in this country chiefly BAL;ER will play Beethoven's mighty compete for a singer's services. He nat­ Italy as Eduardo di (;io­ for 'her performances of Emperor piano concerto, in E flat, on one urally helieved that a singer should de­ vanni? I-Ie sang 1111 the operetta. She is sin~ing of the future programs. Vale his services exclusively to the opera r-rench operas at the l\\et. now at the ,\\ llniClpll1 company during the Se

Even the heat of a Summer day docs not mean surcease from the hard work of rehearsals in Isham Jones' band. Note the various costumes of the players

A Lingering Night-a Rising $un-a Chance Remark May Inspire Isham Jones to Com­ pose One of His Song Hits

Reproduction of the sight that in­ spired Ish's latest song hit. When By Alice Pegg the Rock}' Mountains Kiss the Sky

they come from the publi~hcrs. but havc spcL:lill ar­ rangements made of evcry number, you can imagine DON'T know when I have seen anything look you'd know that the woods are full of song writers. how much work there was ill\'ohe~l. as good as tho,c mountains when we drove into But, of course, few of them are successful. "After the broadcast that night we were dog-tired Denver. The)' ::'CCl1u.:J to reach up and touch "Relieve me, it's all a Question of luck. First you ami irritable, but had to go on playing at the horel the sky." have to be lucky enough to be born \\ ith the ability where we were working. During a lull in the dance It was Isham jone,>, veteran maeMro. talk­ to throw a tune wgether. Then you have to tie up to program one of the boys. weary and sar..:astic, remarked, IlIg 35 we sat under the .. tars at Elitch Gardens a good lyric writer. That's luck. A publi-,;her has to ·Why can't this night go on forever?' I overheard him, III Denver, where Isham and his boys were pla}­ lose his crabbeJness long enough to gel cxciled about and said to myself. ·What a title!' And it turned out to D~c'::olld ltIg their engagement in five ) ears. your tune. That's luck. And lhen, the public has to go be Quite a song." The how and \\hy 01 Isham Jones' ~ollgs were what for your ~ong. And you bet tbat's lllck" A program had to be tended to, so Isham jones I wanted to get <.It. and bham was in the mood for had to Jt=ave. But Eddie Stone. violinist and singer talking. r: ALL thal 1\1 r. jones says is true, his 3cquaintancc with his band for years, was around. Eddie subs for "You know," he continued, "that last line seemed I with Lady Luck, as evidenced by the roll of hits he's jones \\ hCIl the director is not on the stand, and knows to call for a new song. It was a natural title, and the written, is plenty extensive, In case you don't remem· morc about lhc composer, almost, lhJll he does him­ music came ea'iy after lhat." her, some of 1115 hit songs are, I'll See You in My self. A swcll source for an information hunter. The song, in ca ..e you haven't heard it, is his latest Oreams, The Wooden Soldier and the China Doll. According In Stone, Jone:,> \\lflte.. hi .. ~ongs almost hit, Where the Ro..:ky Mountains Kiss the Sky, a You've Got l\\e Cryin' Again. Give a tlroken Ilearl a everywhere-at homc, on lllc ~tand, ill lhc broadcast­ mdody used to close all of hi~ broadcasts on both his Brc3k, I Call't Hclit=\'e Ifs True, If You Were Only ing studios, wherc\cr hc happens to bc, lie is a fir~l­ local and ch:J.in shows over the Columbia Broadcasting Minc and hi .. Iilte"t, Where the Rocky Mountains Ki,,:s rate piano player, and ~ecks out an instrument whcrcvcr System. the Sky. he can find one, so that he can ftx his lale)t melody in Prodd('ll, !:sham Jones cl(pbined the making of a his mind. HE veteran leader-who is, by the way, built on the hit tune. He went on to say: T lines of a sailor, tall and rugged-disdaimed any· "If you've been lucky, you'll find generally that SIL\.\1 has writtcn many of the lyrics to his tunes thinR peculiar or magi.:al ahout his writing of songs. tunes hit you from unexpected angles and in all sorts of I himself, but generally writes with outside lyricists. It all happens rather natur;Jlly. A strain gC!3 noted places. Chiefly, though, a word or phrase will ignite But he always provides the title lumself. here. another there; and before long, without great the brain, and a tune will emerge. What the composer neglected to tell, in his dubious ellort on his part, the song is written. Finding a title, description of how son~:,> arc \\ rillen, was the long having arran~ements made, and geuing the song on the OR example, there's that song of mine, Why Can't period of training ncces~ary. While it is lrue thJt song­ stands for the boys to pl1y, is routine. The whole F This ~ight Go on Fore\'er. We'J been making writers are born, not made, they do have to work. proce~ as jones describe:; it, seemed just too easy. recorJlIlgs all morning, and you know how musicians In Isham jones' case, his training began when he "Come dean," I asked the composer. "There mu .. t hate the daylight. By afternoon we were all tired, but .... as a child, Born in the mining town of Coalton, be more to \\ritil'~ hit song· thJn that, or the woods there was a commerCial broadcast that night, induding Ohio, Ish was the son of a mine boss. His father loved 1J.0uid be full of :,>ucce<,sful compmcrs." a lot of new songs. So the arrangements had to be music, however, and himself taught the youngster to "You can't have lookc~i lately," he responded, "or tried out. And as I never use stock arrangements as play. The instrument was (Co1zl;ntud on Page Z5J G 11 Programs Shown For Daylight Time J II EST olld CST Programs for Sunday, August 11 Add One HQur Notice (DS-\III~ic of the Church: EOJTlON 1 ("~~~~on \~~~~~ \\~~:~CW~~~ .:.5 p.m. EST 3:45 CST Thtse progr.ams as here pre· WADC WHAS WSMK WWVA NBC-Itay IIrathrrlon and Lu· K:\lOX Log of Cincinnati Stations cille l\Iarlllt"r~ \lith Orchestra: sented were .lIS (erretl and as 'S 21l \\ FOE-Sur Sf't£nadus )\1oHI:\-1I1 nor Ihe Law WI AF \\T.\\I wG\' WAVE .ttt:uute as the breadustiT'g Pewer Net- \\('IIF-l\Gc'~f-t"1 Hlme Circle Call Kilo- \\ FBE-Trea-llrl' T ec \\ LW W~" (-" 9.53) (omp.tnin .and RADIO GUipE letters cycles Watts loution work ~t, f\H{'~ Cl:iuld m.ake thf:m at the tIme \\(i\-SlIllfla}· "torninll; (encl'n \\{;X-B..-eb..U; Louis VI. .... aldo :\!d77ucchi. 'crl· WhRC-l\.Gocr- 8iLIe "'.. he,o! , Chica:::o fuL- li-1. WJZ KllhA WAVE of !leing to press. However, KDKA 980 50.000 Pennsylvani;a N (~ cmergeDciu th.at ,\rise .tt the WL5--Slcamere and Cypress KMOX 1090 50.000 51. louis. Missouri C 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST WE'\R WeK Y .... 15.2\) studies semetll'T'U ntensltOift WL\\'-.Q.Church forum WASC NtH York City. Hew C CBS-Symphonic Hour: How· \\ I IIL-Ith ill,! \Io·e 860 50.000 York * f.ial,i~t deventh hour chOingn in pro­ 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WAVE 9.0 1,000 lOUisville. Kentucky N ard B "\\ 1'(II1JUCtu; WADC \\ C;\-Alite Blu•. grOim listings. time, etc. CD. Waltz lime: W!\DC WH.o\S WBBMt 110 50,000 Chiugo, I1'inois C \\"J1A~ \\"S\JK Wh:RC (~w­ \H"I-\lu~IC L-) Dilane K'IQX W\\VA WS~IK WCKY 1<90 5.000 Cincinn:.ti, Ohio N 15.21) 5:60 p.m. EST 4:00 CST l(.ck fer the Bell /1 WfDE-Pat & Bill WEAF 660 50.000 Hew York City, New York N h'lClX-TI.I" '!lul That ~U(-.Q.ratllelic I-!eur; SPJ'ilKC'r; fClr Religious Services and Prgms. 9:30 a.m. E T 8:31) CST WEHR 870 50.000 Chicago, Illinois N \\FBE-BOI·cLall; Rld. ,. Pitts­ "rill i.. tiallity Olliff th(' I)q:rcs, :,\U('-\\"4\'r"rl!' Brliwn "lrinr;: WFBE 1200 250 Cincinnati, Ohio L Lun:h 'i, I .. ; (hc>rc'; I'"lh('r FIIIII. til Qu.trll't; .\(' .... ~. \\JZ KUK.\ weBF 630 500 Evar:sville. IndiOina L \\ ~AI--e'h .111 ", 1101 rf'('t(lr. \\t.\F \\AYE "TAM CVllc['rt~ 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST \\:"1 \\AYE \\CKY (~ .... -15.27) weN 120 50.000 Chiugo. Illinois L & M L '\B() \\ "'''1 \\~" WC\' , JUH CB5-0n the Air Today; Orgaa nllr HUll'! I'.\rllt: \\JZ WLW I-und~entab WSMK· 1380 200 O:.yton, Ohio C Duolilul ~ .. ~·,(lur. K, Ig of Rf'\eille; WADC 5O.OC~ \\(KY Wl5--!1little Brown Church WTAM 1010 C1evel:.nd, Ohie N CreaTIon ~DC-~1dooy Hour; GUC'lt So· KDKA-llaceball Re~U01e 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WWVA 1160 5.000 Wheelinq. West Virqinla C 1.0111 III WhNn E~_cept Thee loi~to;; Internat'l Trio: WEAF \\1 \ 1t-\lu~ic anri (.olllllltnt KIJKA-l\ChriQian Science Quntit'/I<' allt\ Anc\\t"rs first ~Io\'elllrnt Triu Nil. E Sen ice C-CBS (Corum biOi BrNdcOisting System) \\ I HE-Till' Sll'l'hcr ~l~lu ~ Flat Ha}'dn l-local Progums To t;Nl Ih(' 0. I)" \\ I-f' WFIIE-lEe Wallace, OneMan BlnethltiilJl \\ t.Br- \mrnrltn LU.lon An nit' ~it(,lze Drahms Hand M-MBS (Mutu;al BroOidcastinq System) WG\-Wa}·ne Killl(S OrrhlC~tr' WU(~t Ich Ooch nf'n H-HBC (N:.tional BroOidcasting CompOlny) * NBC-Penthouse Serenade: o WSAI-.o.Church Forum Don l.tario, rClO1antic tenor; \\ \\ \ A-'I hr 11"\011 Stfl'lloldlT W((I(,\\fuck Brahms t-Hight Progr;ams 5'15 p.m. ES·T 4:15 (;ST 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST Dorothy H.llniltoll. Hollywood Standrhrn Brahms .-Httwork Progr:.ms lld\ii~jr; Charle~ Ga~'­ KDKA-Collledy Stars of 1I01ly· DOl., 'l.JIltheli Spricht Ilr;lhms NBC-News; Dalhart aud Hood: Ii..;ou!.y Wf_JW If your 100yorite station is net listed at Quarter or hOilf hour IMeI'< Orch,' WI \F WTAM ..... oed S('COIIII Movrm("nt-Ant!OInle ptriCds, consut the time listings imml'diOitcly ;abOye. The chances CDS-Children's 1I0ur: WAUC \\'GY WSAl (c:w 15.:3) WE!'IR-Footlicht MelGtliCl Con :\1(,to HOI~dn are lhat a nttwork prognm of 30 or 60 minutes' duration is on the WFHE-TI'l; Gil1t:u Bo)', fs,\ 15.27) KUh.,\-I\~had)side Church t<.irult 111" Itnc1 .tir at 01 quutu-hour when you do not lind your st.ttion hstl'd. WGN-Anson Wl'eks' Orclle!ltra Bonheul Xuet Cooll;ord * NBC-Int'J Broadcast from \'f~per~ W\\IVA-Chas, Nicklsllll'S O,tll Bonjnur SU7C>1l D('librs Auclria; Sal:dlllrg l\lu~ic Frs· KMOX-Favorite Mdodie' 5:30 p.m. liV:ll COllcen; Feli:c Wein,Q:art· WGBF-~!'lGoC:1K'1 Tabern.tle EST 4:30 CST AJln .. tIll RI",'e I'aure NBC-Continent.tl Vuielies; ncr, condu('ter, Vienna Philhar· Star Indicates High Spot Selections WlW-l'\t;lrllccci's Ens('mble * Third Monllimt Prr'llo * 1\I.trialli'~ lIu!;o HUllo Orch.; monIC Orch.: WJZ KDKA Haydn 2 :45 p.m. EST 1 :45 CST Mal lillelh; L('i1 IClrllhl, ~OPI a· \\('1\. Y WAVE WSM WLW WGBF-!'lActota Bible Ciasl 12'15 p.m. ES 1l:15 a.m. CS KMOX-Iltl·~illn Cyr~ics Quiet Salldrrson WG'\ ~BC-Ro:lfl R"m;oIlY~ Ill,; \larlo (lIll;. baritone: (~ ..... 15.20 "llnd:\V 'iornilll( Cvucert to \\EAF Rh~·thm~ Kin€; Char1t"1 \\ hile ~I:ni('es Lar~ \\ FBE-RuwLa WE,\F \\T..\)I \\'5'1 CBS- Rdleclions: WHAS WKRC "'11.-\' .o.Churrh WENR-LJrry ..n. or'\anist Df'r Hin!!: An Mri'll III Fillt;er S~l WJ.,s.-.1I1J111 .. r (;riffitll; Romelle WHAS-Re.uHllg the Funnies 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST NIlC-Grand 1101('1; """(' Sey· Schumann \\ K Kl\lOX NDC-WiJl.mJ Hnhi'OIl'S Orrh. mour and tJun Allll;cl!e: WJZ \\'FBI::-E~ther F;IY \\'I'BE-~tall1ll Colkctors Infor· Seleikeitt Schuhert Grelilll: WEAf WG\ WSAI \\'TA\1 KDK.\ WEXIt WCKY (~W \\ GIU'- _~Gl rl"llli Church WLW lJ. Tabunacle Choir mation Th~ I, altle KIJ~ch \\LW (~Vo 15.33J 1- &7-15211 WCY-\rw!'; \Iu~ical Proc:ram WK RC-Comrinsky Trie (CBS) WKRC-D.~ulIri!e WClrship 11:15 3.m. EST 10:15 CST NltC-t'latl MU'O-Ic Camp (ullcert CeS-Smilin' Ed McConnell: W1A1\1-Ne\ls; Betty Lce Tay WLS-lIcnllan Felht'r, \'iolil\i~t ~2:30 p.m. ES 11 :30 a.m. ('$ * WTAM-f\(;othcdral Eellues :OOHC-\\'vrti~ amJ MlJ~it·: \\EAF Ilolll Intt"rloch('n, '1Il1l,; \\'JZ "AUC \\ Kllr WHAS KMQX W\YVA-!1Gu~pd Talrern.cl~ (.1~-11.83) '0' II :30 a.m. EST 10:30 CST W~AI WCKY WS\I \\ENR W-WE WW\'A-.o.Judgr Rlllhrrford NH("-l'lIi\·. of Chicace Round WGr WTA)1 WLW 7:30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST h\\.15.33) ('11"'---"1. II/IIi .. P.!ude \\AHC \\A \'E-Strinf: Encemble T0I1,1t: Di~ru~~ion; GUI'5--Lyric WABC W~AI DllnSlf'dter PrtsenlS: NHC-Too(' Pictures; Ruth P.p. NBC-GflUJd and Shdter: WI:.AF rrc wru \\(;Y \\TM,! (..... 15.27) \\ C; 't -1I(,r~r ~el\.e Philc.SCil'h)', WGY WSAI \\ lW (~ .... 15.331 WAU( \\HAS WSMK W\\rVA pie, pi3/1iH; Mixed Quanet; K~tuX 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST Audrt. .... Kcllr)" MJstic Fant:I~y NBC-Radio City Music HOIII: WKRC b .... ·IS.2n Mary Merkt'r, soprano; Ger· * XBC-,6111!o:hlillhts 01 Ihe Bllolr; W(;IlF-B,t,l(' QUI.tivll Period WlW-\Iusical !"hll' Show Tabloid Suite Grofe S}mphony Orch_; FclVoina EllC:' \\'SAI-Makers tlf 'HI!;hlry trude FClster, contralto; Rich· ti~, Gla~c. "Our 'lor;11 l'.-q..lntill"C:'" Dr. 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST \\'FOE-Bob Jonco; ('Illnralto; Julia ri­ XBC-~at'l 'ltl~ic 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST artl MaJlwell. tenor; Leon Sala­ WKRC--.lim Lic:-htfield alli~l; .Ian }'eerce. tenor; "iola Fr"dl'ricJ." K. Stamm :'olOlle Camp Concert thiel, !;;aritcmf': WJZ WLW QuartH. tliru·til n (harl('~ A. from lnll'rlnrhl'n. )Iich. Ca:---Thf' lOimplidl1t'r. Jacob \\ L5-Romelle VOl)'. or!!;ani\t Philo. _opr;lno: "'JZ WCKY Tar~hl.h: \\\BC <5\\·1183) \\ TA:\1-Varid)· P'roltram KIlK-\ \\A\'!:.: \\ ... )1 WLW Bak.. r WJZ \HK\ \\AVE KDKA (,. .... 15.20 7:45 a.m. ET 6:45 CST WEXR :OOIK-Dcroth)· Dn ·kin. CU~The Olclators: \VilAS CBS-The Radio ~p(,tli,"ht; W\\ \A-Rdlectioll"l (C8S) (C\\ 15.21) }>,\IOX \\'--)lK \\'\\VA G\trlure te the Barter of God J~ Love pano; \\'f:.4.f W1A\I WS.-\I WABC H) :30 a.m. EST 9 :30 CST \\GY (c.... -15.33> WAVE-Oance :'olu~IC WKRC-Mu~ic;ol Mu~in~s Snil1r Rossini In the Huur of Trial * NBC-Major Bowes FOI01ily. QlIt:~lio"s ami Ans\\rrs WLW-.Q.Churth of the Hill WfHl-The \'e'per Sillllrr \\-aldo :\l..}-e. t:ontludor alld Erl Kine: Schubert Orche~tr. 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST Sa\i, ur At::ain tI, Th}' Dear 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST \\'G"'-Wa)l1l' Kin!!:'s ~BC-Tb(' Iblladcer\: WEAF 'illini"l; Tom )lcLauthlin. Bran Woumll Grieg WJH-Dollald ~tl\I'" Irnor C~('ntino, TIlr Lact ~I,rin!: Grieg N"'lIc .:..BC-Illidoll h BocLco. \iol"'l~t: WGY \\T\'l \\SAI bal it(Jlle; ;";jcholas h:Dh:'\-To bt- announ("ed \\ KRC-H'llrs Ihl)al in 0 ;\Iillor Iluhiu trin Cillll E \fare POllchiel1i 12:45 p.!ll. ES 11:4:; a.m. CS Night bOilitol,e; Wine: Lock Wri, i~h; WEAF \\'GY WTA~I W~M KIlKA-Whil(' 'he City S!UI'S 4:()() p.m. EST 3:00 CST P({r Co) lit Suite No.1 CB!'-)1r1odiana: AbC' Lyman's C:lo(lrt~man, !i:u('st: \','ABC WA\'E WSAI (,,1\-15.33) WFBE-Ily C. Geis 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST CBS-SOtlt Lake Lily Tabernacle Griee 0. ch.; B.-rnice Clairc. ~(,I'rallo: \\KRC WGY-'Iu~ical Prt:tralll NeC-l:.nny Ross' StOlte FaIr ~Br--C(,a~t to Ctia"t on a Bu~, Chvir and Organ: \\~\IK CB5--Ullman}· Trail; \\ A Be \\'ABC \\HA:-:: K;\IUX WhRC * WIIAS \\KllC (,\\·15,27> 1:00 p_m. ES 12:00 m CS [OIlCHt: \\.Il \\15:\1 KDKA rhiltlrrn'c: prc:m,' WJI. WI.W KMOX XDC-Bil,lr Dramas; "Willliows (SVo ·15.27) SitH~ G~p<;) C;..-;o\";on Langey \\'ENIf WIIA'I WAVE WCKY IWKA \\TKY (sw-21.51> to tilt' Great Jcho· of HC So :OOlte Seeiu!; You Again W~AI Land Sl;l)ner \\/tVE WSAI Way \\EAF WTA\l WCY Kauflllullu'S (asine Tallze * CBS-Jnt'! BreOidcasl from XBC-no~c~ ThlilJcll \\ .. HE-Uncle Bob lIeJX. TIIOIl in GIld Palks AU!w Bred nre"n. Jr.. allli John Ave V('Turn Mozart Christ Scieotist Cril.:l;!~: WJ'I WLW KDKA t'arni\ KDKA-llymlls am! Jlomespun NHC-Aml'rica's fir~l Rllythm WEAF WTAM WSAl Largo Aplla~sitlna!.a CB!:r-Vivian OelJu Chiesa. se­ Thc T\\o GlClludirrs WFBI';-SaJvatioll Army Prgm, WfBE-.J(~erh A. lillI.., .Jr. S,lll1plmny; (51'1·9.53) prallO; BIlly Mills' Ol'che.,II':J: Bl:cthoven WLS-Ke..p Chicago Sare ~i1J"o. WFBE-Foor Mll~kf'1f'ers St'humann WI-liE-To he announced WGN-Lell olcanist \'1AUC WHAS K\10X WSMK The Hou~e 0' Drcam 1:30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST W\\'VA-I'iollerrs of the Ohio WKllr WIlB)1 (~w 11.83) WHAS-L\Sunday Jail Service VaJley !\lac Deirned \VLS-Cilmera Club * CBS-Bttween the Bookends: WFIIE-Dinner Music TIl(' Spirit F1e\ler W\\VA-f\.C..,spel TLihernacl. Afternoon WAHC \VilAS WKlll 1{J\10X 4 :30 p.m. EST 3 :30 CST \VGBF-f\Rescu~ I\lis~ion Campbcll TiJlIOn W\VVA (~W 15,27> CB5--Crumit and Sall<.!ll':>oll; WGN-Hemy Weber's Musical BoundEd lJlI in GJory fOJl 10:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST 11.:(10 m FS I J:OO R.m. CS * NBC-Chautauqua Symphony Jack ~hilkrrl'o; Orl'h.; Three lnlinle The Prayer Perfect Stensen WFBE-Gal\'allo and Certez NDC-To be (llllltlllrlI'U!; WEAf OrdJ('~lrll: WEAF \VTA~I WGY JrcIH~; GUhl.. : WABC K\IOX WTAM-leisy Sportsman; Base· WL5--Ne.... ~j George Hartis W(;)lf--Ilonolulu 5erenatJers lBl)-<:lImrinok) rrl WWVA-\'i\'ian Dl'lIa Chiesa, so- FOIith of (Jur Fathers Guests: WJZ WCKY KOKA \\'EXR-Radio Cit), Mu.,ic Hall WGY-)Iusiul Program \\"A\'E-~llnfby :::er('nade prano (CBS) Hock of Atl:> (~W 15.2D (:OOBC) WSAI-.o.SerlllolH.tle and lI)llln \\'FnE-Re\ BLit-on TOVol'rs 6 :30 p.m. EST 5 :30 CST SarI: in the Arm!; of Jrsus CBS-Salt lake City Choir: WFBI::-Bob ant! Roy Time WG\-Len Sal\"o. oreani.. t CBS-Summer "('renade; Jo~eph Wondurul \\'ords of Lift" WABt" WKRC (sw·15.27) \\'GX-Real!in~ the Comic~ 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST WKRC-\Iucical Anecdotes Callicchio'c Orrhe~lra: WABe NBC-SoUlhetilairel Quartet: \\.\\ E-.Q. Dr\"Oli~nal Seniice WKltC-AllIerililn Lec:ion Prgm. NBC-Chautauqua S~mphony Or· Wl.\\'-:o.lu~ic lo,· Di\"3l1o \\KRC WI-f.-\'"i \\\\VA W~MK WJZ WCKY KDKA (,w·15.21> WFBE-:\10rnillg Cencert WS:'oI-!'ltirst Pre.l.) t('rian che~tra: \H;Y (~ .... -19.56) W!'t"-{'-onnrt ·Ar-ti~b J\"IOX (5\\·11 E3. For Key to Numerals Prefixed by "SW" in Program Listings See Box on Page 13

12 7 On Short· Waves

(EST and CST Shown. Figures in 7 :OS p. m.-BBC Orchestra. Parenthe5es D~note Megacycles.) By Chas. A. Morrison Tuesday. August 13. 6:30 p. m.-Dog Days. 7 p. m,-Voyage of Discovery, talk. PPARENTLY Iceland is finally on 7:15 p. m.-Or~an Recital. Saturday, August 17. 2 p. m., GSB (9.51), eSD Wednesday, August 14, 6:45 p, m.-Gossip Hour. the air with its new short~wave oUS>, GSL (49.10). London-Saturday Accordin~ 7:15 p. m.-Dance Music. A transmitter. to a Brit­ Night at Il. GSC (9.58) 7:1S p. m.-i\Iu~ic Without Tears. 10. on a frequency of 12.24 megs, a,:,d Daily, 7:45 p_ m.-News. Friday, August 16, 6:45 p. m.-Foreign Affairs, announced as: "Hier ist der ReykjavIk. Sunday, August 11, 7 p. m.-Bells alld Service talk. Ireland." frol11 St. Paul'~. 7 p. m.-Medvedeff's Balaika Orchestra. Monday. August 12, is p. m.-nto the Enemy's 7 :30 p. m.-The Wine When It Is Red. Later in English came the explanation: Camp, story. "Her.e is the new short-wave transmitter 6 :20 p. m.-l'opubr Ballads. (Continued 011 Page ZJ) at. Reykjavik testing on a wave-length of 24.52 meters (12.24). We afC now going over to a wave-length of 33.11 meters (9.06) and shall be on the air again in about ten minutes." Sunday - Continued At 5:15 p. m. EST (4:15 CST) Reyk­ javik was heard on 33.11 meters. The NBC-Fireside Recitals; Sigurd WRRM Park Board Bilnd Con· NBC Shandor, violinist~ WJZ Win a sat .. radio tu.... announcer stated the station was using Nilssen, basso; Hardesty John· cert WHAM Tuno In-Ulten to 7.000 watts and would be on the air again SOil. tenor; Graham I\lcNamee WCKY-Musical Revue KDKA-To be announced KEN·RAD the next evening. WEAF WGY WTAM WSAI WFBE-The Harmony Masters WBHM-l\1usical Mirror (CBS) (sw-953) WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra WFBE-l\lusicill Selections * NBC-Voice of the People; WSM-Francis Craig's Orchestra WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra UNSOLVED EVERY SHORT-WAVE LISTENER Jerry Belcher and Parks John. 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WWL-Dance Orcbestu should have an up~to~the-minute and au­ son, interviewers: WJZ KDKA MYSTERIES WFBE--Jimmv Ward 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST '.aturlng Doeto.. kllftrad. thentic list of stations and their hours of WCKY WIIAM WLS (sw­ WGN-Dallce ·Orchestra NBC-News; Glellll Lee's Orch.: D.teetl.... Extraordinary operation. Through an exclusive agree­ 8:30 p.m, EST 7:30 CST WEAF WCKY Wey WSM il·]~UCJ:lijWLW ment with the fntenwtiollal Dx'ers Alii· WAVE-Twilight Gems * NBC-American Album of Fa­ WSAI WA VE (sw·9.53) WBUM-Dance Music miliar Music; Frallk i\Iunll, NBC-Harold Stern's Orchestra: 10 p.m" EST (9 CST) tmce, of Bloomington. Illinois, any reader WFBE-.o.Church Fl'deration of RADtO GumE sending a 3c U. S. stamp tenor; Vivienne Segal, sopra­ W.lZ KDKA WHAM WLW Tan complet. WGN-Bob Bl'cker, doe. dramas no; Bertrand Hirsch, violinist; (sw·6.14) to the Short Wave Editor, RADIO GUIDE, letl ., ken-Rad WLW-Victor Young's Orch.; Gus Haenschen's Orchestl'a: CBS-News; Johnny Hamp\ Or. RadiO Tubes 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, ilL, will Morton Downey WEAF WTAi\l WSl\l WGY chestra: WABC WSMK WHAS 91 ... " a Willi' be sent free of charge a copy of the Globe WSM-Strin~s WSAI WAVE (5w-9.53) WKHC KMOX ....e..ll' SUndllll' shor~-wave night t. Circler, containing the latest 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST * NBC-Cornelia Otis Skinner, WBRM-News; Dell COOll'S Or. lilt_en. notes and a complete short-wave list. t>,' BC-Sunset Dreams; Morin actress: WJZ KDKA WENR chestr. London-Zoo (~w·6.J2) Show; Lois Dennett, Conrad NBC-Major Bowes' Amateur \\'EAF WCKY WGY WSAI Speaking lIoliday, * Thibault, Jack and Loretta WSM WTAl\! (s\\,·9.53) At bnme--lu spnre tlme--20 miuuteRn day. Hour: \\'EAl-" \\'TAM WLW Clemens, Charles Winninger; "~Iag'~rril:bt." 6 p. m., DJO Cl un, DJC (6.02). Berlin­ WA \'E-Tolll Gentrs's Orch. OVlln;uwe gaill lIeU-eoIl!t­ b~' Ha~'dn. \\,S;\I WA \'E WGY (5w-9.53) \'lIorhe~~' J (Itnce. Illcre3lle }·...ur llatllry. [brough ability The Creation J05eph Werner Don Orch.: W[AF wENH-Ben Pollack's Orchestra Richter·Reichhell11. conductor. \\'CKY-Flowill~ Entel'tainers WLW WTA;\! WGY (s\\'·9.53) ~~Jt~ll~o~t1}~~ f~~ ~~:;t~ ~?o WFBE-l\lodern String Duo WLW-E. Huizen. Holland-Re~idential \\'\\'\'A-i'ews WeN-News: Sport Shots 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST TALKING PICTURE Orchestrd of lhe Hague, Leo Ruycrok Con· WSAI-Dance Orcheslra NBC-leonanl K..llers Orch.: ductin'!. ~H1S-\'eloz & Yulallda's Orch.: 9:J5 p.m. EST 8:15 CST STORIES WANTED \\'Gi\ WSAI WJZ KDKA WHAM \V1.\V wtth orlJ,:11l11 plulo anti trratrn@llt for submission to RoU,.· 7:1S p. m. DJD 01.7n, DJC (6.02>. Berlin­ WFOE-Dance Parade (~\\··6.14) \\'00tI Stulltl>.. S~lltl malluscrtl)li ror tree rcadtnr anll r(t­ S~l'\'ice IVCKY-Concert On:hestra \Vr;N-C(Jnl;{~rt I~"rt u~c. Fort\· Y..ars in the of Tropical On:hestl'a CB5--Frallk Daill'Y's Orchestra: on ad:l\.lta!.>Jllty for screen Not ll. school. No Medicille, talk by Professor Ziemann. WFI~E-T{)mmy Hyan l"Urill:i or u(>ok~ til lIetl. Our ndui!l'c studio rCllruenll­ p,m, WABC WKRC WHAS WSI\lK Ll~e. r~utrB' \\'GHF-SpOI'I~ Kews fI :30 EST 8 :30 CST In daily cUlltact with iturllllJ. Imows story KUC-Alexander Haa,' G~ps}' WBm! mcnls. Our $lIe. ''''1'Yi~ e<>llit,lrntly sellInI' its Der­ \\ WL\-,Iack aud Velma \''''!lIu:e lOr .turi.... to lhb grl'll market. Thb may btl your On:I!.: WJZ WHA\I WCKY XB('-~;Immy I(aye's Orchestra: 7 :30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST \\'5;\1 WE.\f Wf'KY WGY WTAl\! i~:,:rtur~I~:11I ~:I:::tp~~~nfl~~e\:.ll~~\~Ctt ~~:n~rr~lf::U~: * CBS-Musical Headliners; CBS-Benay Venuta: WABC WSAl WENIt (sw 9.53) UNtVERSAL SCENARIO COMPANY. * ;;U MC)'cr 1l1l.11: .. \\''''~leru &: SJern. "j~la, Hoillwood, Cal. James Mel/HIl, tenor; Revelers \\'5.\IK nn Lee's Orchestra burgh, Penn. The method of listing KDKA WHAM (sw.ll.87) for Every Section of North America is this: Immediately following the WFBE-Joe Ulrich \\'KRC-Red Bird'~ Orchestra KI\IOX-After SundU\\ll WGN-\'etol & Yolanda's Orch. WT.\iII-Stan \\'uod's Orche~lra listing of a program which is carried WB13\I-.\le1[J(lie~ of Yesterday 10:00 p.m. EST 9:rlO CST 12: l!i a.m. F.S I J :15 n.m, (,;S bv WlXAD will be found "sw-15.33" (CBS) NBC-Fire~ide Sint:'('rs: Npw\ MBS-Anson Weeks' Orchestra: in parentheses, This indicates that the WfBE-Emma Scullv. violinist WJZ KDK ..... WIlAM (s\\'·6.14) WGt\ WLW program may be heard on short waves 8 :00 p.m. EST 7 :00 CST CBS-i\lu~il:al Mirror: WABC J2:~() a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS BE ARADIo EXPERT 011 the frequency of 15.33 megacycles t\BC-The l\lanhattan Merry·Go· \\'Sl\lK WKRC WHAS K:\IOX rHS-Dallt:e Ordll~'lr,l: WBHM (I ;,330 kilocycles) which is the channel Round. feallll'ill!; Famous ...... cts ~BC-Enric \!adri'!uera's Orch.: KBC-ArJie Sinllllond's Orch.: leam afHome-HaRe6ood Honey of \V2XAD. of Ihe Alnerican Theater; WEAl' \\tKY WG" \\'SAI \\'A\'E \\'51\1 Mall tho coai)Qn. MallY men I trained at homo In Iplra Rdchel Carlay. bloes singer; \\'TA;\1 WS\I (sw-9.53) 1<1\I0X-Hnr;lciH Zito's Orch. ttmB make $10. $60. $1:; a lIeek. Mlny mall:e U. $lO. Similarly. lhe figure 9.53, represent­ 115 • ~cell: In ."are.l.ilOll IIllll, learnlnll:. Get facti Jelome \Iann, imversoaator; WAVE-\'

6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST KDKA-St)·lc & Shoppinll; Scrv. \\}-·IH.-Trea~ure 'runrs ca!'--~lc'1(o(I1C \I. '''rTlI~: WABC KDKA-Mu~ical Clock ice Star Indicates High Spot Selections W(;lII - Bi!lo<.ardl'T!1 WHAS WS,IK WWlA KMOX WL5-Smill' a \nile \\I ("1m (;f Art &. WEAr 15211 I: WAHC (~Io\ 15.27) CB5-0u:,ill Rl'Hille: WA BC "TA. t-Y;lughn King NDC-.lorninc: Parad,,; WSAJ 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST 4:30 p,m. EST 3:30 CST :'lilt -The I\i!lmr F.Hllily. dra· ()Hhf'~tr.llia: NBC-Pollo<:k & Llownbuut: K.IOX-The Happ)· Huuten tic ~knch. WJZ KOKA ~BC -T),e \\.·r '1.ln: WJZ • 'BC-Ali, e ir. wn 9:00 :I..nl. EST 8:00 CST WfBE-uttle Black Ja. h 15_20 \\.\\[ WS:\1 WCl\y WEAF WAlE WChY WSM F(lk~' ~Hl.-\'I' ~_J(', tVTA'I \\GY K\tOX-llrme Hour NBC-~e"s: J(lhnny Marvin. WG:\-HarKA WLW (~w·15.21) Up KDKA (s\\·15_21> WI;Y \! h.IOX----('uu:u'f'tlr" \\\\VA-1ht' E}e ()p«ner CR"--"t'~.; Harn:{ nie" in Con' \\hl:l- 'lcJodiou \Iu. r(, eu",b tT3~t: \1 BS-\Io t.Jin MorniDIS: WG:\' \\ E\ R-\t,,~.c ;and ("ululenh \\ \BC WhlH \\ H:\ . "L~--Ot(h.; G(Gr Simoll,.! \\'(;\-8. b T{udJer. J. niH \\LW \\TBE- Studio Connrt 6:45 a.m. ET 5:45 CST K~IOX-\"Ir", I'n ::\llo\' I<..-t W"'\I-.'1r5. A\'i! Dunlon. so· WfKY-... c.... s. HGlI}wood N~w!- WE:\R-Yalietl P":.;ram prolr,o WGBF-\PM NBC-YUIChi Hinu:.ka. Iylophon. \\'1'"BE-Jun Harris WI \\-W(atllu; Malkcls i~t: red W\\'\'A-:'\c\\~ \\WVA-Demt'r Darling WHAS-.o. W.. C'k day Devotion! WEAF WC;B"--\our H"lIle WKRC-Boro,,~ky & Ru~sian lIonC-Rise .nd Shine: wn \\fBE-'·... t~ .. Wallrr'" Mus.ic \\GY-X~',,-: ~1arket Ba~ket WHA"'-D..:. E\..ns 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST G~J""lr ra~;l1;.o 12::W p.m. ES 11 :30 a.m. CS E~timatu; WKRC-Va" ti. dS ~onn: \\ ~AI-U(,.. lt'r ~..Iute WI5-Live.. tock Mor· XBC-::\atlOn~1 XB(-\ott..;:hn de J c " \\L \(11'; Julian Btutle), Farm and H('Imlt \\~" W\\ YA- ·S.hoppil,~ ~:lllcopation 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST Iling MIO.. tre15 Gu£~t WJl \\CKY \\..\VE ­ \\\\VA-Your IIdpful H I~r Hour; Speaker",; Walt"r ~I.tl, ~~. 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST N8C-5pareribs: WEAF \\ LW---(hauncey Par"on, tencr Blaulu~' Orth.: WJZ WS\I (H-\l.. ".itt.. n WABC CB5-Dalton Brothcn, harmon)' WW\'A-H;lI,k, Slim and Unclt' \\:-:'>1K \\II\~ (~\\·lS:1) NBC-Adventures of Dirk and KDKA WAVE \vCKY WLW W~\l trio: WABC Jack 11 :00 3.m. EST 10:00 CST (s\\.15.21> :-;OUt -'l.a Pul.i,,<, amatic S;lll WF.\F \\.\\'1:. \\GY WSAI ~BC-:\lorl1in~ Dnotion~; WJZ CB5--Frrd Fcibel.. orcanist: CB~Tt1f" :'>1"rT\'mJl..H~· ,!';rlrl, \\"EAF WGY \\loW WABC CBS-\ICh "j \Ianh, ttan: WABC KDKA WCKY (~w 2154) \\ KRC WWVA WS,tK "HA~ \\KU<: \\-\\\A (~\o\ \\T!\\I \\1_5 (s\\·:533) ~(l Il;~ WHAS W:,:\I" WKlte K\lOX KMUX·-tr ("If: lum 9:15 a.m. ET 8:15 CST :\BC-Ga'e P.J!:(', \\ EAf 15.27) KOKA-!loffiance tf Dan and \\~..\I W I,W (~\\ -15_271 WG~-Good \1orni"( NBC-Girl Alum:: WEAF WGY Xbr-Un: Battlc·.. C(;ncert En· !::o}hia l'.flC-Lltltt' OrlJhan Annie: WJZ WG\-Mu~iral til rk WTA:\I CB Tht LUlIl'lil;"hter. Jacob '(IublL \\tAI- \\~,\I K!\H,:\-\Iedieal Societ)' WKRC-D.Sul1li~;;: Tar_hish: WABC (~\I 15.27) WCKY KDKA (~w.15.21) Worship NBC-R'('A-~la,!lt Kuthtn \\ti.\-.\1ail Box ~,ics WI :\H~ FOOIIIl:!I! \lcl"dit:S WLS-Nelo\~ Lte Rei~f"~, piano KMOX-Varitt)' Pro,ram WLW \\GN HUllw WABC WIIAS WS~tK '\-IIAS K~10X lIu~kers EIllH~"n C. WCKY-VOl1ellinl!: T\\ins K:\tOX-The Corn R..I"h \HOE-II)' G.-is t~" NBC-~tilmp Club; Capl. Tim WA VE-"1u~i("al C1ll'k \\ \\\'A-E) al d Dry WGMF-'1: rkl't Rep(lrt 15.27> WF8E-\lu~iul Ul rk l\Bl Bllt\ ar.d B"b. drama· Htaly, WJZ \\ mE-Tu be announced Hou~e En~f'mble \\ HA5--.Q.follq:e De\otions WG";-Pallller \'r'.ll CBS--nl,I,It\ 81:/1-1," &. Sunny WGY-.Q..1id mornin~ J)f'\ution 11 :3'1 a.m. I::ST 10:30 CST KDK..\ WLW WGY \\-SM-Paul ilnd Bert WGY-Laurell Urll, bilritone "I \R (~\\-15.2l) Jim: WAlK (~II 11.83) WIIA5-~1r~. Hotndolj h, ~hc p... in~ ?O;BC-\!nry ~1aclcal'~: WEAF WIIA5-Colle!!e of Agric.:uhun K'!OX-)b Perkin~ :-'~f.87~lIll~ Hand: KDKA (sw· ~uidf' \\GY WT.Hl \\'SAI W~AI-P"lice Flashes Fa~ltjun 7:45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST (B~'~!_.r)· ~ketch: WGUf-On Ihc Air; l'. Be-Summary c.f PrGRrams: \\TAM-\'ilughn King Mo::rlin,'· ('I~ K~IOX \\ WlA-Hank, Sim & Unclt' \\ FHJ -\Iu'lCal t::l"trl WEAF W\\"l-A-FIJin' X Hound Up \\ADC WKR( WHAS (~W 1:]5 p.m. EST 12:15 CST J"'ck * WSMK-GOSSIP CLUB NRC-Landt Trio & Wh:lp: WJZ 15.27) 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST !\BC-\ldoo)' Mixers: \\'JZ CH'--Rf,m:lnl'f' to{ Helco TU'llt 5:30 p.m, EST 4:30 t:S'I KDKA WCKY (sw·2154) WABe K~!OX \\KUe \\G~ 3:15 p.ttl- EST 2:15 CST NBC-;';f'\\~; i~, NBC-Joe White, 1c.:Ilt-r: WEAF WA\'E KUKA W(KY WS,t Carul l).. 0;0· WKRC-FillcJlin' Farmrrs (~ .... ·15.27> l\Hr-~oI'!CiO al,d !-·nr;"s WJZ W~,\l \\TA~1 WGY 's\\.15.21> prano WFAF WA\,.; W~~1-/\ ~1orninl: D"v('tions WGl3F-F..rrlllr Ilurrcll CB:-:'-f1,ic;u:o lilriel\' JI. IIr (B:---"I'~. Wie>:s of thl' Cabba!!e Wf1U--JJ"me~li.un Phil(l~ol her \\ T.\\I WCY-Ilcu~elltlei Ch.ill~ CB~'lu'ic 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST \\l;lir-J)ah\ ~l,op WABC WS\IK WW\S "'..,OX BOA: \\ .\IiC Csw­ Patch. "krll·h: \\ AHC K \IOX WH,\:---GeorL;a Wlltlc;,l'!i ("II 15,27\ NBC-\\ IlJiam \!ceder. organist: :-;U(-PUT(' Food FNUlll: WJZ WC";-'hrkrh; Good lIuhb & 1183 WEAF WGY Traillinl!: WJ.S-Pa and '11 Smithers "[)KA-~lae .itn,) B"b .'\ IIl-";e" - Dalc \\'illlbrow, KDXA WlKY (sw15.21> \\~AI-Wt-man's Le~II'r, Ch5-~tetropolitan Par a d e: WL~Thr Ililltopp.ers Club Forum WE\H-A: n contralto ~Ul't;" WJl \\TI\ Y MB5---BOIck,tagc \\-ift': WGN WW\A-\lu~icale ~Br) \VABl" WS~tK WH:\S WLW WLW-Cha"dlf'r Chats KDKA-To be annol.Hatll WGY-W~IIl;H1·s R.ldio Re\iew NBC-Breakfast Club; Edna 'wrA-P3I1erll~ In K\'OX-Tu I... anllounced * \\'F8E-Blue Strings \ ... Olgandy (~nU OIJt'II. r. ntraltoi '1l'rry Mac~; WKRC-.Q.G{'d·s Bible Sc:hool \\llh \·jvia :\lJller 1:30 p.m. EST 1, :30 C's'r \\I:\R- What''' 'hr ,('\\S Gan~: WLW-Dreams in tht' Artt'rnoon nl-'hr("h"lll~ Dunelm~ Danu Old,e~lla: W,IL KnKA \\ ~"I.I-March Kin~ l\:BC-AI Prarcc's WEAF \\1 \\'AVE W5;\1 (s\\-21.51) urgalli~t WCY \\ TA \1 \\( KY WG:\-Tht' inc;nr::: Lady (NBC> WS'I-Ll'on Cole, JI :45 3.m. EST 10 :45 CST ~:30 .Q.i\1ornirl~ Ot'votions: WLS CBS-Five Star Jones' WABC * CBS-B{hHen the Bookends: p,m. EST 2:30 CST \\(;Y-\"Clo\S; Ennin;t Bre\lllt'~ WLW WKRC ho\IOX (0;\.\".1521) \\.\He W::.'IK WKRC (~w. Xnr-J)r. Yale !'. :Valhilnson· WHA:'--\1tlody Cruht' 10:0<1 3.m. EST 9:00 CST 15_21) \\EAF WTUI WS_\I K\lOX-Sewsi Home Folks Hour l'."Br-:\lornir'l: Parade: WEAF MIJ<.;,..-Painted Dn:alll50: WGN WKH.C-I·"plliar \·ilrit.:ti(s \\ CKY-\rws WGY WTAM \\LW NnC-)lu~ic Guild: WJZ WAVE * NBC-Radio Guild; "Justice": WLW-Jilrk Arm~trOI'~, duma \\~\t-:\(\I'; \V(~Br-f\East Side Tahilrnade XBC-TI,f' IIflneymooner~: n'JZ WFOE-fri'!id Facts MB5-Gene Burchell', Orch,: WJZ WCKY \\A\ E \b'l Fin;lnrial .... C\\S WG~-Toast of the Mornin~ l'hilo~I'rhpr WL\\' WGN KUhA-\1arkct Rq.ol,t.. W\',. \'A-ro;'('w! Reportt'r WCKY WAH: \\'S:\I WLW WCOF-Hou'u'r K!\t(.:\-.\{,\o\~ \\ SAI-'lcCormick's Old TIme (. BS-Famou~ Babics; Di,llflgue \\(;Y-Ba!l" aod B3gg3LC KDKA-liome Forum 5:45 p.m. EST 4 :45 CST K~10X-Xl\\S \\T'\R-~lllJe. ell' =:ylvara FidulelS Loui~ Hal'Ti~; \\ H,\S-Ark;lO~llS Tra\-lrrs 'rhr('ull;h a Wom· CB5--Conrtrt "inialurc~; Nrw~' alill talk; Dr. 1. WGY-BflOk !\ews WT.o\\l-~nurce of Power of Guest: \\ABC WKRC K~IOX WLs----corullllsk('r~ &. Chore Boy an'c E}es WABC \\\\'\'A W~:\1K }010X Fi\llluu~ Li\r~ \\HAS (~\\·15.271 \\\\'VA-Gertrude lIoliller WFBI'-(ono;erutory or /\Iucic WLW-\c\l .. & financial Notes <5\\-11.&3) WWVA-:\t\\S KDKA-Lnrlp Tom and Btuy \"HA:)-LlJ~ Cahin Boys \\'WVA-Chicago Varict)' (CBS> NBC-Hltl) 4nd Bctt)", ~kelch WI.S-Mal'kels \VEA~' 8:15 a,m, EST "1 :]5 CST WFBE-LonE' GlJit,lri~t W!'AI-Tr€ad\\cll~ on Tour 3:45 p_m. EST 2:45 CST NBC-Lo\\ell Thomas., news: \\'CKY-Ilrrakfa~t Club {l'\BC) WGN-.lune Baker, home man· Islandrr~; W;'\l-I)ept. of Aericultllre l\ m':-South Sra \\',IZ KDKA \\LW ort WWVA-Denver Darling philosoph)': WJZ KIlKA WSM WKRC W\VVA W~;\IK (s\\· MMS-George Duffy':! Orch1'5tn: Facts WCKV (sw.15.21) 15.27) WGN WLW 4:fIO WGY-Lane: Si~ters p.m. EST 3:QO CST IlC-Ba~cball 8:30 a.m. EST ·7:30 CST CHS-Blan.'hr Swp", beauty NBC-Hrrm Crone's Orch.: W,IZ WCBF--Cul"u!'tnoe Reportel CB5-Do, Hr, Mi, trio: WABC WK !'C'orc5 WSAr-·Ba~t'ball NBC-Fidtls aBd Hill!: WEAF talk: W"'3C (sw-15.27) WLW \\r!,y WLS-Ht)m~rnakt'r~' I'ro_gram WIIAS WS'IK WWVA (sw RpO\ume WTMI WGY Kl\lOX-Let'~ Compare Notes Nnr-Olea',dtn: WTA;\I WCY WSM-Farm Cl'edil lute" iew 15.27) WTAM-Doc Whipple Gu~pd KMOX-Tick Tock Revue \VA\·E-~Dt\otiollal Servire WAVE WS:\f W'\ \\-D,Whce!lng Tab. KDKA-Plough Boys WFBE-"urning Concert WI-8E-Dol Club News KDKA-NI'I\s Reeler elnacle K \tOX-Baseball; Caldinals vs. Night WGiIi-Gm,.1 Mornin![ Prc.~ram WGBf-Hou~dlUlJ Hour KMOX-Dramalic Story Cinrinrlati Ru~h WGN-YIJlIr Friendly Nd~hbor WL5-Fnrd and RalplJ Em· \\ ~ HF-OIYIIII\ia Ro~iello 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST WG{:W-Sun~hine Hour 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST er~oll \VIIAS-Chals with Dolly Dt'an WGOF-Weddillg Anniversaries NBC-Home S\\eet Humr: WEAF WGY-MU"jC41 Program * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WEAF WLW-Aunt Mary WKRC-Woman·s Hour \\'(i:'\-111e Lo\e Doctor WLW \\-'GY "'TMt (l\w-15.33) WLW-South Sea Isl.lnden WI.W Wey (~\\ 953) Herort~, WSAI-LlChurc:h Forum WLW-Livt'stock. News WL5-\'ibrant Strinl!S CB~:-all'lI Mu~icale; WABC (:\,BC) CB5--JlI~t Entertainment, Vilri WWVA-:\tt-rning Dance Tunes W\\r\ A-Rapiu Ad Service WSAI-!\c\\s; D;t\T UpHln, vocal WS~tK K~tOX (~\\·15.21) \\TA\I-Mu~ic:al COtklail l'l}' Jlro~raltl; WAUC WBB;\t KHC-Hoy Caml·lxll'!> Ru~ali~ts: (~w-11.83) 8:45 a.m. EST 7:45 CST 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST 12:15 p.m. ES 11:15 3.m. CS W,IZ \\'S'l WtKY WAVE 4:15 p.m, EST 3:]5 CST NBC-l>inner Cotlterl: WJZ NBC-Morning Melodies: WEAF CBS-Saundra Brolo\n, SOIl~S: CMS-nadio Go!sip Club; Eddie MaS-Palmer Hou!>e Ensemble: NBC-Grandpa Burlon, humor. KDKA \\'E.\II (5,\\'·11.87-15.21) CB5---Cadrt, Quartct: WABC WABC WS!'ttK WKRC WHAS & Fanrlie Cavan

14 7 The Cover Going Away? Hits of the Week IF YOU wish your mail subscrip- tion copy of RADIO (;utDE to AMERICA'S myriad loudspeakers re- is the tahulation: accompany you on your vcnt addre...s and Paris in Spring, \\hich last wee was t e Midd!e of a Kiss 18 woman \\ho would almo~t O\Trcome her also the addn.· ...... es 10 \\hich you prime favurite, ..:lropped to tenth pla.:e Lady in Red 15 wi~h Ic~~ Pari~ b f · h h be your i" ... ue <;ent. and ",yas pla.\uj than h:tlf as of!en in Spring 12 a session or pnv(lcy rat er t an ex- as it W;l.S the prcv\o\l<; week. FollOWing Whafs the RtOlson 10 Dlagonclte,plOited bt.:.c<.lusewhoseofportr:titit. Sheappearsis jessicaon the .--====:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;..~;;;~~~~~;~~~;~~~~~=~~~~~~~======:- cover llf this week's RADIO GUIDE. Rut because of an outstanding sen·ice "hich she has render~d '"ith typical sincerity. l\liss Dr'riad inquirers voic­ ing queries ;lbout MISS J)r(lgonetfe's dis­ position to scorn rOmance, but what they do not know is Ih;ll ~he does no such thing. l;nlike m

Jf',,~ica Dralronette',;: air time is Frida:rs at 8 p. m. EDT (7 EST: 7 CUT: 6 C T: 5 ~IST: 4 PST) over an ~ ·nC-WE.<\F neh\ork.

Mr. Fairfax

RADLEY KI 'CAID is no' broaJca>'­ B ing at prc<;c-nt. Wa.5 born at Point leavdl, a village ne~tlmg in the Ken­ tucky mountains, and started going to Sl:hool "hen he wa( nin~teen. He Idt to serve in the \Vorld War and tit ih (onelu· ..,U)ll re..,unwJ hi, <;l:holiling Jt Ihe age (Jf n gr

AI~Tlll'R IIUGIIES is Hill Davld.IOlI In the lust Plain Bill program; HUTII RL'SSFi I. tnkt'''' 1h(' p,lrl of his daughtcr, Nallcy; .lAM I'S ~1 EIGHAI': takes the pMt of Nary DOl/m'on: CURTIS ARN­ ALL the part of Dand. anJ .I0SEPII l ATIIAl\1, Elmer. (Cbarles Mzcbad,. Ca'e~hurJ.:, Ill.)

BRLCE KA'\1.\lA,!, a memher of l\Be's production ~tan. impCNmatcs Profeswr }(tllltnm€J:er, Elmer Spi'f..'CllS anti MIke f)OJWLtln in J'er's Kindergarten; ~1 ERRILL I-l GI I j.:; heard as Perc)' Vall SL!Juyler; 1\1 ·\HIAt'\ jOI{l)AN as Gertu (;/limp :lnd ,\1rs. ran ::>c/luyler; TIIOR FHICSO~ acts in the iole of Yohlmy )"ob l 15oll: jl.\1 jORDr\i\ 'husband of Mari:m) as .1JnktY f)OlItJ<.tHl and C", U'l1IiergruJl, and JOII:\~\ (ConilTlued ~ Page 25) 3 15 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Monday-Continued Add One Hour rt Block's Orchestra: WSM-News; Pan American WFHE-New, Odditiu WHAS-lierhert Koch. organist * NBC-Ray Knight's Cuckoo 10:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST KMOX WKRC Broadcast WGBF-Seroco Club and Soloist Hour: W.IZ KDKA WHAM * NBC-Tony & Gus: WSM WAVE-Harry Diekman', Orch. WTAM-Sportsman; B3seball WGN-Quin Ryan's Amateur WLS-Songs of Home Sweet WCKY WENR \\'SM WAVE WAVE Scores Nit:ht Home (!tw-6.1 ~·11.81) NBC-Manny LJ Port~'s Orch.: 11:30 p.m. EST 10:30 CST WWV A-Sport~; Baseball Scoru WGY-Victor Young's Orch. & WSAI-Gene Burchell', Orch. * CBS-Wayne King's Orch•• WEAF WSAI NBC-Eddy Duchin's Orch.: WJZ Gue~t Artist WWVA-Musical Moments WABC \VilAS KMOX WKRC NRC-Ink Spots; Negro Quartet: KDKA WCK\' WHA~I WENR 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST WWVA-Terry and Ted W88M (sw.6.12) \VJZ WHAM WSM (sw 6.1'1) * NBC-AlKA-SELTZER PRE­ 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST fll:BC-Contented Prgm.: WEAF NBC"-Je~se Cra\\ford. organist: COS-Dell COon's Orch.: WADC sents Uncle Ezra's Radio Sta· KMOX-Life on the Red Horse WTAM \\'GY WSAI (sw·9.53) WENR WCKY WTAM WKRC WUBM WSMK WHAS tlon: WEAF WTAM WGY 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST Ranch WGN-Ne",; Joe Sanders' Orch. KOKA-Mac and Bob KMOX WSAI (s\\,·9.53) * NBC-Fibber McGee & Molly; WLW-Cru,aders wroN-Veloz & Yolanda's Orch. NBC~li...er Naylor's Orch.: WCKY-)lystery Maid WGY-Johnny Albris:ht. song~ CBS-Patti Chapin, SOllgS: Chas. Laveer. pianist: WJZ \\'FBE-The Hawaiian Serenad· WEAF WGY WTAM WSAI WABC WKRC KMOX WHAS WfiAM KDKA WLS WCKY 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST WLW-Lulll and Abner. comedy MBS-llorilce Heidt', Orchestra: (5\\'.11.83) (5w.I1.87> WGBF-All-Star..- Revue WFUE-Musical Selections WTAM-Paul lIevere Again WGN WLW * NBC-Tony & Gus, sketch: CBS-Land 0' Dreams: WSMK WWVA-Singing Gondolier WGN-\Iu:iical Moments WAVE-Don I'edro', Orchestn wn KDKA WENR WCKY KMOX WLW-Virginians. male Cluartet 10:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST WHAM (5w.l1.87.15.21) NBC-Oor~ey', Orch,: WEAF COS-Little Jack Little: WAnC 1] :45 p.m. EST 10:45 CST 8:00 p.m. EST 7:00 CST NBC-Ray Noble's Orch.: WJZ WAVE-World Re... ue WTAM WSAI WGY WAVE • NBC-Harry Hor1ick's GYD' 9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST \VA \'E-Edd\' Duchill'S Orches_ WBBM-Pat .1anagan's Sport' WSM (5....--9.53) NBC-Grant Park Concerti MalC WCKY WAVE WHAM WLW Ira (NBC) sie5: WEAF WTAM WSA1 Bendix' Balld: WEAF WTAM • CBS---Qne Night Standsi Pick WFBE-Dance Rhythms * CBS-Guy lomb.1.fdo's Orch.: WGY (sw-9.53) WSAI WGY (5\\'-9.53) & Pat. dramatic & musical: WGN-Palmer House Ensemble WABC WWVA (sw.6.12) NBC-Greater Minstrels: WJZ 12 :00 p.m. EST 11 :00 CST Wl,W-old Fashioned Girl \\'B8M-:-iothil1ii; But the Truth * CBS-Lilac Time with the Night \VilAS KMOX NBC-Leonard Keller's Orch.: WHAM KDKA WLS WLW KDKA-Dance Orchestn WSM-Jack and His Buddie! WFBE-The Cincinnati Players WSM (sw·11.87> Singer: WABe WHAS WKRC \\'AVE WSM W80M KMOX (sw-6.12) WBBM-Ted Fiorito's Orch. CBS-floyd Town's Orchestra: WWVA-Dinner Music WGBF-Stock Markets CBS-Radio Thuter: WASC WGN-Lone Ranger * WFBE-Leror Thompson WDEN-Albert Socarras' Cuban W8BM \VilAS KMOX WIIAS WKHC KMOX WBUM Orchestra 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST WHAS-Sam. Gil and Louie (sw-6.12) WeX-The Northerners MBS-The Midnight flyers; Joe WLW-Melody Parade WGN-Ear[ Hill's Orchestra NBC-Rhythm Boys. harmony WKRC-Fred Hoehler WAVE-All-Star Revue Sanders' Orch.: WGN wtw group: WEAF WGY (esw.9.53) WLW-Hot Date, in HistorY WSM-Musical Momellts WKRC-Amateur Show WENR-Glenn Lce'~ Orchestra WCKY-Jubilee Singers WSM-Sports Rel·iew; Lever * CBs--Morton Downey, tenor; WFUE-I\ccordiOJl Sweetheart &: WTAi\1-0ick Fidler'!, Orchestra Orchestra: WABC (sw-11.83) 9:45 D.m, EST 8:45 CST Brothers 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST Buddy CBS-Tito Guizar, tPnor: WABC WTAM-Eucharistic Congress NBC-Dot &: Will: WJZ WCKY KMOX-frank Hanard, tenor; 12:30 a.m. ES 11:30 p.m. CS WGN-Joe Sander!' Orchestra KMOX WB8M WKRC (sw­ CaS-Horatio Zilo'~ Orchestra: CBS-Buck Rogers: KMOX Orchestr:! WWVA-Kews: five Minute WBBM WHAS 6.12> 10 :45 p.m. EST 9 :4.5 !"!':'f WfiUM KMOX WIIAS WHBM-Se\\s; Elena Moneak's Drama Wf"BE-Romeo NIlC-The Olleu Hoad: WEAr KDKA-The Singing Se ... en Ensemble NIlC-Larry Gilbrick's Orchestra: WHAS-Musical Moments WGY WTAM WSAI (sw.953) WAVE WSM WI'EN-{)fIl:an and Piauo Duo WFBE-::'moky Mountain Boys 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST WS~1-Sou WE~R-Herm WENH-Song a Day ... enirs Crone·!' Orche"tra WENR-AI K\'ale'~ Orchestra \\'f.iBF-Zoo Kews WAVE-Bert Kenny's Baseball WKRC-Community 1~Ia'yeu WFBE-Star Serenaders WTAl\t-Stall Wood's Orchestra WHAS-Hot Dales in lIi,tory Scores 10:00 p.m. EST 9:00 CST WSM-Ray Noble', Orch. (NBC) WGN-Lum and Abner, comedy WKRC-I.aTllI 0' Dreams (CBS) WCK Y-Musical Moments NBC-Harold Stern', Orchestra: sketch I?· \5 a.m. ES 11:45 p.m. CS WLW-Virginialls, Male Quartet WFBE-Jimmy's Playhouse WJZ WCKY WtIAM Jt :00 p.m. EST 10:00 CST K·j JX-When Day is Done WHAM-News WGN-Comedy Stars of HolI)'- CBC"-Abe L)'man!t Orchestra: NBC-Jolly Coburn'" Orchestra: WSM-Studio Program WAVE-Don Pedro's Orcheitra 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST wood WABC WKHC KMOX WEAF \\'GY W~AI WEXH-Ben Pollack's Orchestra WKRC-Evenine; Sere.nade * NBC-Mugaret Speaks, so· NBC-Sammy Ka~e'! Orchestra: NBC-Shandor. \iolinist; Henry (r\BCl WLW-Bob Newhall prano; Mixed Choru"; William 8:30 p.m. EST 7:30 CST \\'EI\F WGY (sw-9.53) Kinl1:'s Orch.: W.IZ WCKY WSAI-Ifeadlines in the News Dal)·'s Orch.: WEAF WTAM NI~C"-Meredith Willson's Orch.: * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WSM KDKA WIIAM WS.\1 (s,,·6.14) 1:00 a.m. ES 12 :00 p.m. CS WTAM-Hot Dates in History WSI\1 WAVE WLW WGY WEAF WTAM WGY W,\VE WTAM CBS-Hert Block's Orchestra: \\'BI3M-;\laurice Stein's Orch. WSAI (sw-9.58) KDKA-To be announced WABC WHAS WSMK WB8M WI.W-Johnn)' Courtney's Orch. 6:'5 p.m. EST 5:45 CST KBC-The Call of the Sea· "In­ l'\B('-l'rillce~~ Pal Plaver,,: WJZ WAVE-Alumni Series KMOX-News; Baseuall Score~ NBC-Heading for the Jamboree: truder's Steam": WJZ KDKA KDKA WESR WCKY WHAM WBBM-Frankie Masters' Orch. \\'AVE-Tom Gentr\"S Orclle!ttra 1:30 :l.m. EST 12 :30 CST WEAF WTAM WSAI WIIAM (sw·11.87> (,,"-11.87) WWVA-Flyin' X Round-Up WKIIC-·FlddJin' Farmers 15.27) NBC-Honeybo~' alld Sa~sa£ras: WGY-:'Ilusical Program WI< IU:-<)ld WS.I\I-~Morlling Devotions Favorites He5sber~er's WEAr WTA;\I WSAI WHA5-Geore:ia Wildcats Wli Y-Banjoleers and Radio NBC-George Ba· 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST varian OrchC5tra; Heinhold MUS-The Housewarmers: WGN KBC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEAF 8:00 a.m. EST 7:00 CST WL5-Tummy Tanner and Sod· SlIeclhl' 15.21) NBC-Words and J\lusic: WJZ NBC-Spareribs: WEAF WGY-H\!llll' of All Churches KDKA-Thealer of Romance MUS-Cordoba Sisters. trio: KI\IUX-\'ie\\"<; lin News WCKY W5:o.1 WAVE KDKA CBS-Madison Singers: WABC WSA 1-i\1cCormick's Old Tim~ WFBE- Fiddlers WG!"\ WLW WFBE-Ra\· Nolole's Orchestra WKBC-~Grl(l'~ lodies KDKA WCKY (sw-21.5'1) WGY-Xel\:s; Market Basket WL5--Grace Wilson; Ralph Em· WIIAS-Joe Pierson, son!!:s WFBE-Ifomespun Phi:osopher WWVA-Xews WLS-Livestock Estimales; Mor· .Kl\tOX-Uncie !.um erson WL"'-Nc\\~ anll Markels WGfiF-f3ilbv Shop Ma:-: 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST llin'C Minstrels WSl\l-George Hessbcrgcr's Band WG:\-:'Itarkrts; Good Health & WGK-Good Morning organi~t: WSAl-March Kine WGY-!\1usical Clock NBC-Richard Leibert, WLW-=-Hvlllns of All Churche" (NBC) Trilinin~ WWVA-·Hank, Slim, & Uncle \VKI!C-f'l.Sunrise Worship WL\\' WG'!" WWVA-Fred Craddock's Corn· WLS-Henry Burr', Book of WCKY-Brc.• kfasl Club (NBC) Jack 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST fiallilds WLS-;\ews NUC-:'Iloruim\" Parade: WEAF huskers WLW-DF 11 :45 a.m, EST 10 :45 CS'I CUS-Five Sl;lr Jones, !tkelch: WTA~I WLW NBC-Eva Taylor, songs: WEAF tone: WJZ KDKA \vCKY W:-i\! ("w.15.21) KBC-Sil::j)SOIl Boys of Spruce· CBS--City Consumer's Guide: \\'TAM WAVE WS~I (sw-15.2\) l\l\lOX-News Thru a Woman's heild Bay: WJZ KDKA (sw· WABC KMOX WKRC (sw· K~IOX-Tick Tock Revue WFBE-Vocal Variety Eyes 15.21 ) 15.271 WABC MBS-Painted Dre3rns: WGN NBC-Pals: WJZ KDKA WSl\l WFBE-Morning Concert WGUF-City Court \\'FBE-To be announced CBS-Waltz Time: WKRC WSMK ~lornillg WLW (sw·21.5~) WG \'-Golld WGN-:\Iarjorie Graham WGN-June Baker. home man· W\VVA \fGY-Little Jack lillIe's Orch. WFUE-Fri'\"id Facts K:\10X-Pickard Family WHAS-Bob Aicher a~rnH'nt KI\IOX-Thrre BrOlin Bears WLS-Ford Hu~h and lIalph Em· WLS-Wm. O'Connor, tenor; Sue \\.AVE-Smokv MOllntain Trio WGBF-Hoosier Philosopher WCKY-Berl La.yne Fiddlers Wl5-Household Parade Bag~age Wl.S--.\lorning Roundup erSOll Roberts WSAI-Household Hints WCKY-Xews· WGY-Ba'!: and WLW-Amer. Family Robinson WL\V-;'I1ail Bag WFBE-Jerry Jordan WH,\5-,\rkarrsa'- Travelen WSAI-~Church 7 :30 a.m. EST 6:30 CST Forum WSAI-Traific Court C3ses 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WGBF-~Ir. and Mrs. WI.S-Churk and Ray NUC-Hoss Graham, baritone; W\VV.\-~Iornint: Dance Tune' NBC-Wendell Hall. songs: WJZ WGN-i\hlsical Frohc WSAI-Lt!lIa I'ulle, soprano William Meeder. or~anist: 8:45 a.m. EST 7 :45 CST 9:30 a.m. EST 8:3(1 CST WCKY KDKA WS:'It (511'-15.21> \\ GY-~Iusical Program WWVA-Gt!rtrmle Mrller WJZ KDKA (sw·21.54) NBC-Doc Schnl'ider's Yodeling NBC-Gypsy Trail: WEAF \\'S:\1 KMOX-Let's Compare Notes WIIAS-Herbert Knch, organist CBS-Salon Musicale: WABC Cowbo)"s: WEAr CBS-Amon~ Our Sou\'enirs: WAVE-{J.Devotional Servin WL5--0tto's TUlle T"isters; NBC---eheerio: WEAF WTAM CIlS-Brad & AI. sons, & piallo: \VABC WKRC \\'FUE-Dot Club News E\'elyn Over~take Afternoon WI~W WGY WASC NBC-Today·s Children: WJZ WG8F-llou"t>hold lIour WLW-Song of the City (NBC> . KMOX-Variety Program CnS-Fred Feibel, organi~t : KOKA WLS WCKY (sw 15.21 > WGN-FriendlY Neil!"hbor WTAM-Tenne~~ee Hillbillies 12:00 rn ES II :00 a.m. CS \-vCKY-Yodelling Twins WSMK WKRC MBS-Antonio's Continentals: WIIAS-Aunt odsy'~ Program NBC-Happy Jack: WJZ WLW WFBE-Musical Clock KDKA-Style I.: Shoppin~ Ser ... · \\'GN WLW WKRC-Woman's lIour 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST WCKY WHA5-/J.College Devotions ice KMOX-The Corn Hu"kers WLW-Uvestock Reports; New' NBC-~1erry Macs: WJZ WAVE NBC-Markets and Weather: WSM-Delmore Brothers WGUF-lilllely Topics WAVE-Musical Clock WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WCKY WSM \VEAF 16 7 Tuesday - Continue~, Bulls and Boners NBC-Sammy Kale's Orclll,stra: 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST CHf-The Merrymakers: \VA Be WSM W::;Al WGY WAVE NBC-Home Sweet Home: WEAr WHIIS WWVA WS~lK WKRC WTAM WTAM WLW WGY (sw 15.33) (,..11 15.27) NNOUNCER: "All available po­ ANNOUNCER: "Now showing 4lt the CB5-Hndan and Hughes, piano CB!::i--Dillton Brothers, harmony NBC-WaibelA' Brown String En· lice were called on to prevent Galax Theater. 'Lost in the Stratosphere', duo: WAlK WHAS W!:l~IK t"io: \VABC WS~IK WKRC ~t'mhll': WJZ \\CKY WE:-lR order."-Nlrs. F. Dunkel, i'ewark. another one of those g~eat cpidemics of (~m-1S.27) K:'tIOX (5w·15.27> WLW A KDKA-Cy King, ne ..... s·reeler NBI -The Silver flute: WJZ KDKA-PlulIch Boy<: l\ew Jersey. (July 23,12:04 p. m., WOR.) the air."-Taylor CroW', Birmingham, Ala­ K'1OX-Fascinatint:, Melodies \\'S:'tl '\-"CKY WAYE KDKA K;\IOX-B'l~rhall; Drowns ys. bama. (july 24. 11:55 a. m.. WSGN.) WFBE-}luciral Program (5\\·15.2J) Philadelphia Al"\~OUNCER: "And now you've just l\lBS--I'..lmf'r House Ensemble: \\TBE-llarry OAdrn WGBr-Wedding AIlUi\crsaries heard j 'orm Shcrr play, My heart stood ED SPHAGCE: "It \vas Bush's game WGX-Doring ~i~lers \\'GX \\SAI \\ GBF-Sun'hiJ,e Hc.ur slill on this b;lby grand."-Mrs. Fred Zit- h' win or Io~e which he did."-Harry WGY-:'tlu~ical Program \\ KUe-,lane Grey \\'FBE-Pickens Sist€Ts, songs zke, Rockford, Illinois. (July 24, 12:)3 Engieka, Gr

15.27) \\TcUIWSAl WGY WSM WA\E ;-24, 12:30 p.~_~m., WIIO.)__..:.. (Colltillued 011 Page..:... 18) _ cm~-Radio \\'TAM WI-W ("w 15.33) Gossip Oub; Eddie CB5-0rielltale: WABC WS:'tlK & Fannie Cavanaus::h: \VilAS WI-'ll-To bf' announ<:Ed WKRC (5w·15.27) WLW-Arllt.lld Douglas, drama KMQX KMOX-Exchange Club NBC-The Kilmt'r Family, dra­ WFBE-:'.lini2ture Con<:ert 4:30 p.m. EST 3 :30 CST malic sknch: WJZ KDKA \\G~-Bob XBr-!'lIIl'ing L..dy: WJZ WLW (~w·15.21) Trendl('r, pi WFBE-Noon·time Tunes CHS-"W!ll.'re lIe-rees Meet," Boy WGBF-Mr. H. II. Woods 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST SC'll1 Drama: WAUe WHAS WGN-Markcts j .o.J\]id-day Ser· NBC-The Morin Sisters: W,IZ WSJ\lK WKRC (sw·1S.27) vIces WCKY f\HC-Hetty :-'larlowe and Her WGY-Farm PrOtl;ram NBC-Dreams Come True; Barry C3IjfHrni~ns; Guest Soloist: WLS-Wutherj Markets; New~ McKinley, baritone; Orch.: WTAI'Il WTAJ\l-Dick hrller's Orrhe,..tra \\EAF WGY WTAM WSM WENR-"That Certain Four" WLW (5w-15.33) WFBE-Poets Golll ]2:45 p.m. ES II :45 a.m. CS I{DKA-Congress of Clubs WCfH-.\lll"lcat M.J,..tI"Tlli{'ce KMOX-Window Shoppers WGY-:'I-licroph(lDe Discoveries NBC-:'.Iu,..ic Guild: WEAr \VA \'[-Your Navy WLW-Qlleslions and Answers \VI' BE-Luncheon ~Ielodirs WFHF.-:'Iloclrls in B1up WGBF-BuJletin Board \\ GX-Baseball; Bo<,ton ys. Chi· 5:00 D.m. EST 4:00 CST \\HAS-JI,hrkt't Hl"jlOllS; Piano ca{!o White Sox NBC-Flying Timr: WEAr' WGY I •. tulutle WLS------lIome TO\\I1 HOlS; Better Htl~"r". Procr~m CU"--buck ",ketch WL5-Dillllerbell HOllo;ing Hurrau, "pp.lkrr WABe (,..\\ 11.83) oT~ani,t WS:'I1K-Eddie House, \\"-\l-D \. \\"\·A-Dictators (CBS) WCKY WAVE \\'S~t WTAM-:"-oonday Resume CB5--:'tlaurie Sherman's Orch. WWVA-Luncheon Mu<:ic 3:00 p.m. EST ~:OO CST WS:'I1K WKRC KJ)KA-Sew~·ReeJc-r My Secret of Loveliness 1:00 p.m. ES ]2:00 m CS NUC-Bl.'IlY ~ Bob. drarnatk sketch~ \\rUE-CrC;II\Jrr nand :'tlusic CB~Marie. Little Freneh Prin. \YJl KOKA WENR (~W WC:-'-Armchair Melodies C:f'~S: WABC WKRC KMOX \I,o'GY WI.W 15.20 \\IIA Hf'rbf'rt Koch, 0lc3ni:.t Soft Golden Hair (,..w 15.27) CBs---Bc.l"k )lu~icaJe WABe WIIAS \\'::i\IK \\KIIC (_w. WLW-)lary Alcott, ~on~s \\"1' liE-I h· r. Gri~ WGBF-Church & School News 15.27 WTAM-Twilicht TlIlle'J WW"A-The K£vslonen Compliments from My Friends WG~-I'almf'r Ih'u-e Ensrmblt l'i BC-Woman·., Radio Rni("\\': WGY-Heallh Hunlers. sketcb WF.\F WAVE \\tl\ \ WrM,l WIIA5-Colh:ge of Agy-iculturt \\ ~\I W:;AI 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST Sunny golden hair is so softening. JO or glowing highlights. Or lightens to any NI:K-MJJ "E'('k Hymn ~inl: \\I~AI-Police K\lQX-;\la Perkins fialtering. Brinp OUI aU your natural shade o( blondeness desired. fQuickly as Flashes Kathry"n Palmer, soprano WTAM-Lc{' Gonlu,,'s Oreb. \\FIIE-\'arif'l} Hour hidden beauty. A touch o( blondeness overnight. if you prefer. Or gradually \\\\\A-ILmk, Slim "nJ Unclt Jo)ce Allmand, contralto; Jf'hl! Jilck Jamison, tellor; Arthur Bill adds sparkling vitality and appealing ove,. a period of weeks or mODths.1 ] :15 p.m. EST ]2:]5 CST in~ lIunl, baritone & direc­ &esohness to yONr personality. Gain (or CBS-Romance of Helen Trent. 3:15 p.m. ES1.' 2:]5 CST tor; LO\\l'lI Pallnn. org:lni~t Start today using Marchand's Golden NBC-Easy A((~: W.IZ \\CKY yowwl( the fascinating charm o( light skit: WAUC WKRC KMOX WEAr WGY WAVE W5:'t1 Hair Wash for more beautiful hair. Pur­ WGN (~w"15.27) KDKA wENn (sw-15.21) WTA:'t1 WLW goldeD hair your friends will admire. WGBr-Farmer Purcell NBC-WOlllau's Radio Re\'iew: (H!)-Bunkhouse Serenarlr; Car No,.,! Just rinse with Marchand's Golden chase Marchand's in c-he new gold·and­ WGY-tlou~f'hold Chal~ WCY ~Oll ll(lJ.i~nn: WAHC (<:\\ Hail" Wash. brown package at any drug store. WHAS-Geurg;a Wildcats K:'IlO.\-Bu!ck MlI,..;cal (rBS) 11.83> WLW-DH~allls in the Afternoon BLONDES: Rinse dark, {3ded or streaked WLS-Pa lind :'tb Smllhers CHS--1\othinll: nut the Truth BLONDES Clnd BRUNEtTES: Marchand's WS~lK WSAI-Woman's (tub Forum WHAS hair with Marchand's Golden Hair Wash. Golden Hair Wash makt's arms and legs WWVA-l\lu~;eaJe NBC-\\'illll;e, the Pooh: WJZ 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST Successfully 3nd secretly, Ma rchand's as smoothly allu,.ing as the rest of your NBC-Piano Brcital: WJI. WSM WENIl WCKY KDKA (~\~. 1 :30 p.m. EST 12:30 CST evenlyrestores and protects nac-ural golden body_ No longe,. any need to ,.isk "super. \VA VE WCKY WENH hues and radiant brightness of reaJ blonde NBC-AI Pearce's Galll':: WEAF CBS--S<:ience Serviu. WADC WFBE-Tn' WTA;\I WSAI Hair Wash be the secrel of new auractive. face, arms or legs. Use Ma,.chand's NBC-nlr(f! Flats, trio: WJZ KOKA-;\l' Hidl. talk: WE.<\F CnS-Kuban CO~"'2ck Choir; Addren I\('\\~: W5;\IK YE \\ :-AI ~ trnade \\ "'I \\.\ City. Sliite __ _. ._._ R.G.8} Tuesday Programs Continued on Page 18 17 My Time Is Tuesday - Continued (Continued from PJigt 17) 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST CIJs-('ar! Hoff'li Orch.: WABC W \ VE-Summer Srrl"nadl WKRC K:'oIOX NBC-Qrllhan Annie: WGS WFBE-Tummy R)'an :\BC· -Dorsey's Orch'$tra: WJZ WSM WAVE WGBF-News; Baseball Results \\11\\1 Your Time NBC-Lowell ThomillS. news: \\'M-Grady :'oloore's Pupils * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WTA\1 WJZ KDKA WLW (w.I1.87. \\\\ VA-Jack and Velma W:):'ol 15.11 7:30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST KDKA-Sports. Ed Spra~ue (Cotllilmed from Page 5) \\TKY-I\'a Thomas • NBC-HOUSEHOLD FINANCE w.\n·:-Tom Gl"ntr)"s Orchestra WE:\R-Thf' (hari'JIPi"r (XBC) Corp. Presents Welcome \'alley. WrKY-~,,\\ WFBE-)Iu~ical CumeJy Gel ,,. dram.., with Edl!;.Ir A. Guest: \\ E:-;R-Globe Trotter But now it's different. which sUMcsts the \\G\-M"rl DUIIIl. tenol Bernardine n,'nn: Don Uriolll:s \\(;Kf-\I\~tenou PI3nist Query: What about the man behind the 1\ KHC-Bufball Scorts & Sidney EIl~torrn; Boltty WGX-Horace H,·i It'" Orche~tra AMERICA'S BEST-LOVED program-lonely Rudy Vallee? What has WSAI-Sast>ball Resume Winkler; Jo,eph G:Jl1icchio's WII \S-Ib~eh.lll ~corei: MGOn· this routine of si~ )ears done to him? \\T.\:\I-U<>c Whippl!' Orch.: WJZ WLS KDKA WLW lil!;ht ~.'ren:Adt' It has turned the ra lin l{onu..'O into a \\ W\'A-PilllllillidJe Ranlen WIIA)( {~",-11.87. WL\'·-.\~s It, ,m CU:;.-Dr.am.ltic Interlude; Je:1I1 10:15 p_rn F: T 9:15 CST POET IN NEW ROLE mu\ical millionair~. What irony-that Orche~tn: cUI" Nolan: \\'ABC WHAS l\BC Harr)' Ml"yer'll the best-helmed hcro of the broadcast WEAF As Editor of band is kcpt so busy serving his public Night WKIH': W:)'IK (s\\'.6_121 * NBC-Wl:yne King's Orch_: * NBC-Tol'ty .nd Gus: WAVE that he has very little time for those WE.\f \\TA:'o1 WGY WAVE \\ ~\l XBC-Je~~e or!l;alli~t, Welcome Valley Chronicle heart-wa.rming companion:)hips which 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST W~.-\I (~" ·95.3) CUl\fl)rd. keep a Illan from loneliness. True. he is K:\W\-1hh and Th:Jt \\(;) WCKY WTA\! WESR NBe-Ouiller Conurt: WJ Z (~"·9.531 surrounded by hunJred\ of the world's KDKA WE:o.-R (,",·11.87· \\ nn:\t-SI'f'i1ku WCKY-Ddl Lton3rd'~ Orch. XBC-Dur"e)'!> Orc::bhtra KOKA EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT mo')t glamourou\ J>t:oplc. but ~uch are the 15.11 (,. .... ·6.14, Job C8:,-Ju)1 Enlertainrneot, varie· \\ ~ IH.-...... rt He\ll"w exigencies of his that he is forced to WGOF-H. torinl Filcts WB8~(-Frankie Masten' Orch. WLW regard them merely as cortsman; Baseb:lll Wl.S WLW ('II\' 11.87> \\'uI:.N -Albl!rt ~ucarra s Cuban At the pre::'cl1t time he is working under Scores * NBC-Ben Bernie's Orch.: Orrh,slra W\\ \"A-SJlort~ final Guest: WEAF WGY WTAM WENn-Leonard Keller's Orch. the longc')t contract held by allY radio 6:15 p,m. EST 5:15 CST WSAI (\\' 9.53) \\'GHF-~ews .!otar. Options covcr the next six years to NBC-l-Il1l1 & Grul!'n. piano duo; * CBS-On the Air, with Lud WGN-\\'a\nr l:llilille~; Elena \\(.\ \\'1'\11.1 "y,·9.53) And it has been lhose six years ~Iulleilk'~ EI1~elllble since 1929 that Rudy \-allee'~ puhlic per­ (...... 11.87.15,21) K:'oIOX-Eddie Dl.n"twter and \\ ,,\ I':-World Ife\'ue WCKY-Twinklinl: Toes Tom Bakrr, tenor sonality has undergone the mo')t amazinq WBB~I-Pat flanagan's Sports Wi' BE-Lulllo.en Airport Series WE~ B-Her/ll Crolle's Orchestra transformation ever witnessed in the en­ \\ 11E..\-Lou Urcc!>e'j Amateur W(;\-Gr,1Il1 j'ilrk Band Concert WFBE-Jirnlll\' Ward tertainment world. In 1929 he was a band­ Show W~:'o1-String'l \\·G\-..\nson .Week,,' Orchestra leader who stood out from the rank and WGX-Palmer lIou!e En ..emLle \\ \\ \A-Ne\\'1 J I :00 p.m, EST 10:00 CST file because he had devised an unusual and WGY-Robert R.ssling and :;tu, 8:15 p.m. EST 7:15 CST NBC-Ben Pulhrk''I Orchestra appealing style of sin~ins. Crooning. they dio l;;n'lemble KI\IOX-liot Dates in History WEAF WGY W -AI WE~R WHAS-Deed-I Do Cluh WIiVE-Dull I'edro'" Orchbtt:J CBS-San Franciwtl Symphony called it. In 1935 he IS first and foremost WBBM-Hor:Jtio Zito·.; Orche'ltr:J a showman who puts other performers WlW--Qld Fa!>hioned Girl Orch.: W..\B(' K:\IOX WHAS W~'\I-:\luderllill:J.tioll of Homes. \\tKY-Sporh Fach \\hRC WUU\! through their paces. stays in the back­ talk \\ F8E-Jimmy Ward NUC-:'!land'n, \-iDlinist; Ranny ground himself and is immeasurably older W\\'\,A-Dinner Music R:30 n.m. EST "j :30 CST Wf'rk'" Orch.: WJI WCK'i MEN·WOMEN and wiser in the \\3YS of entertailllllg the 6:3tl p.m. EST 5:30 CST NBC-Ru~"iilll Symphony Choir: KDK,\ WS'1 bw 6.14) GASH ~;I7,.~~lty;~n~n~~~ r~$\~.O:.n'Ji~ public. NBC-l.ittle Julie Heller, tenor: WJZ KDKA WCKY WIIA)1 \\.\\ E-Tom Genlr\''' Orch. FOR ..ddrfj41~ t.Dd mltll.lll' for IMer­ He didn't get that way "'ithout working WEAF WSAI WEi\1t (sw-II a7l WII.\\I-HaplJille" Club ti..e"" richt in your OWQ hOQJ.e. CB:t-Singiu' Sam: WABC (sw. * NBC-Eddy Duchin's Orch.: WLW-Oance Orche~tra };~rlfnal Of tralnln&, UIlD~Ja".. -working so hard that most young stars YOUR We""ow)"OUuaetl,.1rhatll)do. Send would have givcn up under the strain. IUBl WE.\F "''''':\1 WAVE WG\' WTAM-Sl'ort~man SPARE Ilamp at oono fOf lull p,nlculan. CUS-Buck ROl{ers: WHAS W5:'ol WLW (,oy, 9.53) WWVA-Arcadlillis' Orchestra wn.SON CO., Perhaps it would have been easier if his KMOX WOOM CBS-Fred Waring's Orch.; Dept. a, Lon, Beach, Clout. * JJ :15 n.m. EST 10:15 CST TIME! rise to fame had not been so rapid. Sech NBC-Dot alld Will; WJZ WCKY Col. Stoopnagle and Budd: ~HC-Bann}" Weeks' Orche.. tra: careers have :t way of dipping even faster. WSM WABC Kl\tOX WOBM WKRC WH,\\( But it remains a fact th:H whatever effort KUKA-Pittsburgh \·.nieti•• WIIAS (s\\-6.12) CB San Franri~rl'l Symphony it cost him, Rudy Vallee has remained in WEXR-$ong a Da)' Men 1IIB5--Jol" Sanders' Orchestn: Orch.: WW\'A W~:\1K the zenith of the radio firmament. WFOE-Sur Suenaders WGN WAVI~Harr\ Ilil'kman's Orch WGBF-Sto-:k Markets WFBE-:'olu~ical Program wroN-Veloz &. Yobnda's Orch. \\'G~-lull1 ilnd Abner, sketcb WSAI-{)rc:an Recit.. 1 \\'LW-Gene Burchell's Orchestra Tate ott as much a1 .II... lb•.• week thb The Rudy Va1lee Variety Hour De" flU1 'llfU. Delilhtful tast, tea helD. WGY-Drama Festival 8:45 p.m. EST 7:45 CST WS~l-Curt PoultGn t.Ite ott uta•••l,ll'ht (tom IT1lU. Ifill, is broadca~t e"ery Thursday over WHA;\I-News NBC-Goldm.ln B~nd Concert: WTA:'oI-Stan Wood's Orchestra nomleb. nect and hlol. Xot. flhPle. * "Lost' lba. In I.., WHU." wrllft _ an NBC-WEAF network at 8 p. m. \\ KI{{'-Evenin(! Serenade WJZ KDKA WENR WCKY Jl:~O p.m. EST 10:30 CST IlIoPP" U.ef. A~1l1 our 'mu.lDe ott!!r. EDT (7 EST; 7 CDT; 6 CST: 5 WLW-Bob Ne"hilll (sw·11.87> NBC-Arlil" Sinllllollll..' Orch.: Send onl,. 50. fnr taru bOi or lie for WFBE-Da\'e and Kenny '''Derou. nmpl.. W. fUlr,Dln rNull.. or your mone1 MST: 4 PST). WTAM-Joe and Eddi, WEAF \\GY WSAI WTA'1 refunded. Write DOW. Bavarian Herb Co•. Dept. G. 6:45 p.m. EST 5:45 CST WGN-Dorinl!; Sisters l\'8C-Joe Hinl" Orch.: WJZ 70-18 )(anse Street. Forest Hills, New York. NRC-You &: Your Government: WHAM-:'olusical Moment~ KDKA W(KY WHMo( WENR WEAF WGY WAVE WSAl 9:00 n.m. EST 8:00 CST WLW (.." 6_14) WTA:'oI WS:\1 (sw·9.53) Nll('-~IGr'Zan Sail 'I the Carib· CBS-Ted Weem'l' Orch.: WABC .. CBS-Bo~ke C~rter, news: belli: WEAF WTA~I WAVE W\\ \'A WKRC WSMK WHAS WAlle WHAS KMOX WKRC WLW W5)1 WGY (sw·9.5.3) WBBi\1 Did YOlt Gel Your Copy of tbe Bulls and Boners WBIDI (s\\,·11.83) l\'BC-Goldman n .. nd: WIIAM KMOX-Ro~er Fo\(' Orchestra NBC-"Tellin!i: thf' World." Gra· (~w-6.14) WA \'E-Don I'l"dro's Orchestra (Co'lflllued from Page 17) ham McNalll~; WJZ WCKY-.\matl"ur Show WGX-Horace Ileidt'~ Orchestra MIKEroscope Album Pine Gro\'e, Wt:::.t Virginia. Uu!y 14, I: 17 WCK Y-Baseball Scures; Ne\\'s \\'rBE-Boxing Matches WS!\I-Dilllre Orche~lra WENR-Mario Cozzi, baritone WGN-Ne\\,s; Sports Review JJ :45 lI.m. E"-T JO:45 CST pm.. KDKA.) (NBC) WSAI-Dilnce Orchestra Kl\10X-Ted Weems' Or<;he~tra and Log Book? WFIlE-To be annoullced 9:15 p.m. EST 8:15 CST (('OS) ANNOUNCER: "I keep my family ac~ WGBF-Seroco Club WGN-Veloz .t Ynlanda's Orch. WA VE-Arlie Simmonds' Orc::h. uve by ealing it every day."-Miss Mary WGN-Palmer House Ensemble 9::l0 n.m. EST 8:30 CST (NBC> kowan, Wheeling, Wc::.l Virginia. (July WHA:'ol-Le Hrul1 Sisll!r.~ NBr-lI{'art Throb~ of the Bilk \VENR-H~idclherg Ensemble 24 5AO p. m.. WWVA.) WLW-Bub Nolan's J\Iu~ic WJZ WHAM KDKA WCKY WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra WWVA-Terry and Ted C'lwI1.876.14) 12:00 Jun. EST J1 :00 CST NBC-Leo Ilci~rnan's Orchhlr:t; rl:l~erry Cooper, baritone: NBC-Fanfare; Meredith Will BOB ELSON: "This box is priced at l'hil Duey & Johnn\': WEAF WAl:IC WUB:'oI WHAS (sw· ~Im's Orc::h.: WAVE WS'f 95 cents and is easily worth half as much." WTA:'oI WGY (sw-9.53) 611) enS-AI lJirn's Orch.: waBM -j. W. Witsaman, Kalamazoo, Michigan. * NBC-Crime Clues, dram,): KI\IOX-COllled\' Stars of Holly· Kl\fOX WIIAS (july 2:1. 2:07 p. m.. WGN.) WJZ KDKA WI.W WHAM wood . MB:>-(onlinelllal G),jlsies: WGN \\1.5 (5w·11.87) WENR-Gille I'a~r, contralto WL\\, GRAII.\.~t McNA~\EE: "You·1I have CB5-L;nender ,lIld Old Lace; * WFBE-GOSStP PROGRAM WENR-Glrnn Lre'll Orcnellira tv have a pair of opera glasses or a mic~ Uernice Cbire, ~0l'r3no: W.\BC \\'G~-I.Jwrence Salerno: Lon WKRC-Rell BinI's Orchestra WKltC \\ liAS K:'oIOX WUB:'o( c::ert Orchestra WTA:'oI-Samm)' Ka)'e's Orcb. roscope to see the racc."-Mr. Oliver Aus­ (~ ... ·6.12) WKIlC-Red Bird's Orchl"'Itra \\·W\'.\-First Timer Program tin, Trenton, New Jcr::.cy. (July 2), 7:50 WA \'E-Baseball Scorn WSAI-This is Paris 12:15 a.m. ES 11:15 p.m. CS pill.. II')Z.) WCKY-Vinrent York's Orch. 9:45 nom. EST 8:45 CST MB.';--An'lon Weeks' Orchestra: WFBE-Heifetz Music CM' LGuis Prima's Orcht'llril: WGN WI.W One dollar is paid for each Bull WGBF-Stuck l\liIrket!>: Birthrta... WAKC \\'11..\5 WBO:\1 WKRC 12 :30 a.m. ES 11 :30 p.m, CS and Boner published. Include date. Club {sw·6.121 CB:'\-Hor:ltif) lito's Orche~tra: name of station and hour. Send WG~-Danct Orchestn K\IOX-Sports Page of the Air K:'oJOX WH_\'" WOB\t lVENR-Men I'Glhck's Orchestra l\'BC-Paut Chri<;tian, M'S Orcb.: Bon~ WSAI-Gene Burchell's Orch )'our contribution to Runs and WS:'o1-Jo~. :'olacpherson & Harry 10:110 n.m. EST 9:00 CST WA\ E \\'S'I ers Editor care of RA DIO GUIDE. Summerhill /';Ht'-Sammy K3)'e'!> Orche!tra: MBS-Joe Sanders' Orchestra: 731 PIJ'mouth Court, Chicago. III WW\'A-Iride Cl"nt Melodies WE.\F WGY (s"-9.53> WGN WLW 18 7 P,ograms Show" For Daylight Time In EST a"d CST Programs for Wednesday, August 14 Add O"e 110"T

6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST WLW-LitUe Eva Gazl,ttc MBS-Pil!mrr Hous~ Ememble; NBC-.Jalllt's \Vilkin~on, baritone; I\DKA-Mu~il:al Clock \\ fA'I-Calisthenics; :'olatket He· Star Indicates High Spot Selections WSAI WGN WEAF WAVE WCKY WSM WLS-Smile·a-While ports * KDKA-Sammy Fuller WGY WWVA-F1yill' X Round-Up NBC-Army Bantl· WJZ KDKA WS:'\I-Strin~s 3nd Chri~tine WFBE-Trea"ure "flllles CB5--Jark Armstrong: WABC 9:0fl a.m, EST 8:00 CST W(iIlF-Billboarders (s\\-15.27) 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST NBC-Xew,,; Cleo BrOlIn, IJian' WAVE WS~t WCKY WLW Lamb, con-tralto (s\\'-15.21) WWVA-Dominic and Tony WHA5-Uninrsity of Kentucky WENH--l\lusir & Comments NBC-Jolly Bill & .Jane; WEAF ist: WJi. KDKA (sw·1s.21> WLS-R. T. Van Trf'SS, Carden WFBE-Tea TIme Tunes ~BC-.\,,\\S; CB5--Salllulra Bro\\n. songs: 12:15 p,m. ES 11:15 a.m. CS CB5---0rg,lI1 Hevielle: WABe Johnny Marvin, Talk \\C,BI--:\eIll5 NBC-Pollul:k and La .... nhurst: tenor: WI':AF \\S:'II WSAI WABC \\'HAS W\\ VA Wl\RC CBS-Joseph Wolman. pianist: WKRC-Thi~ WS.\lK (sw-15,27> WABC (sw.15.27> 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST and That WJZ WTA:\I WAVE WI-TA5--f).WCt:'k-day Devotions CHS-~ews; K:\lOX-l.rl"s Compare ~ot€S XBC-Don Jose, sougs: WEAF NBC-The Wise Mdn: WJZ Kl'\IOX-Hoffi€' Folks' ]lour Melody Quintuplets; WSAI-DeOllers Salute WABC \\THE-Little Black Joe WS:'II WA \'E WS.o\l WTA:'II WCKY WS;\1 WAVE WGY-;\lusical Clock ~8c-\'ic &. Saul:; \\EAF WGY '\""\\'\'A-~hoPlJjng Syncopation WLW-Top o· the ~Iorning cns-x(>\\S; Rr,many Trail: WG:\-lIarold Turner, pianist WGY WKRc WHAS CBS-Radio Cos~ip Cluo; Eddie WI.W WTA:'Il (:.\\·15.33) "TA;\I-~un Up KDK.\-Chuck Wayne 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WWVA-The Eye Opener K:'IIOX-Views on News ]0:45 a.m. EST 9:45 CST ,uul Fannie Cav.mauzh: \\'lIAS ~UC-Maiic Recipes; Bill Brad· K\tOX K~IOX-Exehange Club :\Br-Adventures of Dick and WCKY-News; Hollywood News- \\I~AF 6:45 3.m. EST 5:45 CST rrel ley & J~ne Ellison: WEAr !'iBe-The Kilmer FOlmily, dra· WI'DE-Baseball; Reds \'s. Bos. S3m: WGY WAVE tOil \\'5;\1 WS..\I NBC-Yoichi Iliraoka. xylophon. WFHC-Eddy Durhin's Mu.. ic WTAM WAVE WSM WGY matic sketch: \...·JZ KDKA J~t; \VGX-Bob Tren.!Ier. piani!;t CB">-I'atti Chapin, sonys: WABC WEAl-' \\'{iY-Xews; ;\larket J\la~kd WSAl (~\\'-15.2]) NBC-Rise and Shine; WJZ WL5--;\lill~trel Show CB5-Ju... t Plain Bill: WABe WeKY-Variet) Progr:Jm WKRC-Baseball; Reds vS. Bos- \\IIAS WS:'oIK WKRC (sw- 7:0ij a.m. EST 6:()O CST KMOX (~ .... -15.27l WfBE-:'i'oolltime T,mts Ion 15.27> WLW-H}'mns of All Churches NHC-Orph~n 1'IHC-Sl'arl'rib'l: WI:.AF \\\\'YA-liank, Slim and Uncle :'\:H5-Mounta:n Mornings: WCN \.... GX-Lullch('on l\1u~ic WLS-H<:>memakrrs' Program # Annie' WJZ CB5-Dalton Brothers. harmony WLW KnC-;\leJodiou~ WSAI-!\1rs. Avis Dunton so. KDKA \\CKY (~" 15.21) Jack \\ :'Ileasures H-Footli~ht trio: WABC WTB[-Ruth Me~er WI 5-Or(h.; Ccorge Simtlll .... so· prano 'WEr\ :'\Ieloclies NBC-;\lornillg Dcvotion~; WJZ 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WGBF-Yullr lIonle luist W\VVA--DenVl'r DarliOlr WFDE-\\ illiam Latham KDKA WCKY (sw·21.54) NBC-Girl Alone: WEAl" WCY WHA5--Uille Lvans WLW-Weather; Markets 2:30 p.m_ EST ]:30 CST WCOF-'Iu'lral Ma$lerpiece WLW-Que~tiol1! KMOX-Unde LUIll CBS-The Romany TraiL WADC \y K R(-\'dcatiOll \'3~abonds \V\VVA-Ne.... ~ NBC-Ma Perkins: WEAF WTftM and Allswru WGX-Cood ;\Itlrning NBC-Bazel Arth, contralto: WLS-!':e.... ~; MarkUs 12:34J 0.01. ES tJ :30 a.m. CS \\ LW WCY WLS (sw.15.33) WTA)I-Armchair Explorer's WGY-)1usical Clock \\'J.I. WCKY WAVE WLW WWVA-Your JI€'lpful Helper XBC-Ki\\anis Club Luncheon: CnS-"\\ihna PinfU"," sk"tch; Club WKRC-L:l.Suurise Worship W~M JI:OO 3,m, EST 10:00 CST WEAr \\'fA:'Il W~Al WABC WHAS WS:'I1K KMOX 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST WLS-News KDKA-While the City Sleeps CBS-The 1.amplighter, Jacob CB~Cnnet'rt :'\lilli3tures: WAOC (~y,;·1~.27) NBC-Flyin~ Time: WEAF WCY WLW-D.Family Prayt>r P('riod KMOX-;\lusical Jewel Box Tarshi ...h: WABC (sw·1s.27> WHAS WKRC WWVA (!ow­ NBf-Spotlit!ht Revue; WJZ WE~R WSAI WSAt-Timely Tips \\ FBE-Clarence Berger NBC-Ward and Muu}·. piano 15.27) WeKY WS.\1 WAVE CBS-Maurice Sherman's Orch.: WTA~l-Slim Eberhardl WGBF-Citv Court duo: WEAF WSAI WS~1 NHC-~lational Farm :lntl Horne Ma Perkins: WWVA WHAM WS:'\lK WKRC WWVA-D.Co~pel Tabernacle WG~-:'olarjorie Craham cns-Frell ""'lhe!. or i"nist; Hour: WJZ WSM WAVE KDKA-Dan and Sylvia KHC-Animal Ne .... s Club: WJZ 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST \VilAS-Bob Atcher WKRC WSl\lK WW\lA WCKY KDKA WLW (S\\l· WGN-:\1ail Box WCKY WAVE WS!\1 W~AI-D,l/lce ~IlC-Don Hall Trio: WEAF \\ KRC-!\Gotl's Bible School NBC-Simpson Boys of Spluce­ 15.211 :'>lllsic CBS-Buck lIogers: WABC (sw- WTAl\l WLW WL5-Wm. O'Connor, tenor; Sua hf:ld Day: WJZ KDKA (sw­ K:\10X-iI1a(!ie Kill·ht'n 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST 11.83) CBS--SilJncy R3phael, pianist: Roberts 15.21) WFHE-MarSarl·t Hcaver NBC-DrI'OIms Come True; wEAF K[lKA-Nt'w~·Heeler WABC WSAI-Traffic Court Casll!5 KMOX-Facci/lating Mrl\}die~ WGBF-Mr. H. A. Wouds WTAM WGY WLW WSM (sw WrBE-~llJ~ical :'olasterpieces NBC-Pals: WJZ RDKA WSM WTAM-Howey's Dari-Rich WA VE-Livestock Reports WGN-Markets; lJMid·day Servo 1533) \\ G.\-Arll\f'hair Melodies (~w-21.54) W(K)'-I"eIl'5 ices H.l)/ XI3C-Ken SI>arnon's Ensemblt': WlIA5-f).Colle/::e Devotions 1!'uidr CBS-The CUlllPS: \\ABC WHAS l\'nC-Chandl€f Gold\\aithe'5 En· .\'Br-Bll:y & Bob: WJI WCKY WENR '>'£1111;]1': WEAF WSl\t-PauJ and But WKRC-Jean Ab~y K\IOX WKRC by, 15.27> KDKA WEXR WLW WGY \\KIlC-World Traveler (CBS) CB5--Marie. Little FrC'.:'Ich Pri"­ WLW-Betty Crockn MBS-Tom, Dick & Harr): WGN (<;..... -.15,21). W\\ YA-Economv NOtf'5 7 =45 a.m. EST 6:45 CST Ct'5S: \VABC WKRC KMOX KMOX-Ma Perktn5 • 30 . 'ST (tiS-The Bluebitds: WAHC WTAM-Vaughn King "LW (sw-ls.27> WGBF-On the Air; Fashion .:.:: .p.m. EST 4:30 ~ WWVA-F1yin' X Hound·Up KIlK'\-\lac and Bob NBC-Landt Trio and WhIle: WFBE-Hv C. Cei! \\·\"\A-II k S" d U I XHC-~r\\"; H;rrr~ \lc)er ~ Or- WJZ KUKA WCKY (!w-21.s"l) WGY-lJoc Sd,neidrr's Co\\b(l)5 J:ck an.. rm an IIC e . c1.,e~tra:. WEAF \\'TA:'o1 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST WLS-"littl" Kil.. from Ijfe"; \\'GBF-Church and Schoo! News WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers :,\B("-B£ttv l"rorker: WEAF WC:'i'-Palmer Hou~e Ensemble 3:]5 p.m, EST 2:15 CST U~S---:'ol~~l(, 80"· Orrh.; Solo. WS:\l-D.l.almen·!' :'Ilornillg De­ Bill Yicl"land; Chuck and Ra} ; NBC-EMY Aft!: WJZ KDKA ,~t: ~\ABC (~W 11.83). WTA;"! \\'GY Ilalph Emcrcon W(;\-I1('1"ne Mac. "(lprano \'(,tions rB:--:'Ilr~. \', HA"-Cdl,,{'r of A!,:rifulture WCKY WENIt (s...... ls.21) l\Hf-~c.... :-; ,?Oll~. Wrmbeow, Wi(!(C" of the COIll,a ... e \\W\'A-Ev :mll Ory 8:00 3.m. EST 7:00 CST Patch. dramatic ~ketch; ",\BC \\'5<\I-Polict> Fla-hes K\IOX W' d . <::'h sonc:s: \\Jz \\CK\ ) 1:30 a.m. EST 10 :30 CST .. : - III 0\\ ~ opptrs K8C-Singing Lad)': \\'C~ ~HC-Orl:"'Jn Rha.".oll~; Rich;ud K\IOX WTA:'oI-~arnmy Ka)C'.'s Orch. WG\;-To be announced KDKA-·n,u... e Threll Cirl~ L('iberl, ori(an: WEAF WTA:'oI "BC-I'ure Food Forum: WJZ l B"-"Mary \!>Jrlin," skeuh: I~e WABC \\KRC K.\10X \\HAS ]:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST \\ L." -Dream5 In Aftl'rnoon \\ AYE-Children'5 Hour CBS-Dear Audiel:CE', nllel} KDK.\ (",,,·15.20 CBS-Romance of Helen Trent: 3.30 p:m. ES_T ,,:30 CST WI \Il-Whal'c Ihr :\c.... ~? WAlK \\,:-;\lK \\ H \S \IB5-Backstae:e Wife; WC:S (~,,·lS_27> .."e .... ; WABC \\G~ WKRC KMOX NBf-E WEAF WTA\I WAYE: WSAI ".I-n II \\(iY \\ 1''\'1 CB~L,retlJ L~e; Clubmen; \\.G \ -:'\e\\s, EHnr~!l: Brevrtre. 0ci€1I. CClItr.alto; :'\lorin "iq('f W.\\E-XlO .... S for W(;men \\'COF-Farmer Purcell \\'JZ KJJK.\ \\~" \\.\\L WCKY-Way to Lo\·dincss :'\Br-W{I;rl~ an,1 :'IIU5ic: WJZ Orch.: WABC W"'\'A W5:'o1K \\1~.\S:-:'I~e1od}· Cr~l~e . \\GY-Ilouct>hold Chilts :lrr"lle~ (sw2L54) WFBE-Blue Strings \\CKY WAVE W=::'o1 KDKA \\'HA(;-Gtor~id WHAS K:'oIOX (sw.ls.27> \\l\lIl-lopular \ (","·15.21> Wiltlcats ~BC-P.ay \~:W-Jark Armstr~ng. D.~lonir.!! DHolions; WLS "I\IlC-.o.Gc,{l's HiLle 5chOGI \\ L"-Pa and :\fa Smithers lIealhfrlic "~AI-WCJmall'~ Club Forum (-he~t \\GUF-Ihlov "hop Miln KUK.\-:'oI;Jrku Report WWVA-:\'ews Reportcr KMOX-Xe\\s; Home FGlks Hour W\\ YA-\arirt) Prn.:ram WCKY-Xews W~."I-"arch Kin~ WG"-~1a1 kcts; Good Heahh & WE\'R-:\Ime. De Sylvara 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST Trainine 1:30 p.m, EST 12:30 CST WCBF-I\EaH Side Tabunade \\ ~:\l-Leoll C(jle. ort!anist 1\BC-.\1 Pfarff'_ Gan~: WEAF WGnF-Deal'one"~ Ho",pital CHS-Po~tjc Strinc:s; Nt'W5: \\C~-Toa~t WLS-nle Hilltoppers cf the :'olornin!! WTMl WCKY WAVE WCY WCY-Sci.-or~ and Pa~te WABC WS:'oIK (sw·l1.83) WGY-lIlmn~ of All (hurchr~ ltt:BO a.m. EST 9:00 CST WI W-Ch.1nrl~rr Chats \\'LW-:\rws: Financial Noles XH(-Orphan Anlue WAVE !Ii Hr-1)"roth\' Kendrick. rian. ... CBS-Between the Bookends: \\ :--AI-:'Ilc:Cormick'.. Old Time \\SAj-H.JII:ul$ 3:45 D.m. EST 2:45 CST WS~1 WGN i!'!: WEAF iSGY WTA\t \\ABC \\S\IK WKIlC (sw· Filldlers \\,W\'A-Patlern5 ill Orr;i1ndy XDC-I'latl allli "ierm.m, I i31l0 :\'BC-BiJly and B~tiy. skrlch: ('H"'~("Ot:",kinl:!: Cl,)"... l'l'~; WABC 15.271 W\\\'.~-Xews 11:45 a.m. EST 10:45 CST "I\RC fOIOX (,\\-15.27) NHC-Gddcn \1r:~lotly; Jean Dick· 11\;0: KDK.·\ WAVE WCKY WEAF 1 CDS-Fin Star Jones. sketch: W~:'\I WE~R (s\\'.ls,21) NBC-I.OI\rll 1110m35, news: !01: 5 a.m. EST 7:15 CST \:BC-11le HO/lHlllooners "'JZ enson, soprano; Fred Schmitt's NBC-Richard Leibert, orA'anist: WABC WKRC KMOX hw· Orchestra: WJZ 1IIBC-..trrraf!n'c "cxifan Fie~ta: WJZ KDKA WLW (sw·I1.87· W5:'\1 WCKY WA\'E WIW 15.m wGY Wl.W KIH,.4,-I"·I·le TI'w illltl Betty ~lBS-r.l·llc BUleiJdl's Orchestra: WEAF WT.nt WSAl 15.21> '\'ChY-BleOll"f3~t MB5--PairlleJ Dreams: WGN WC\·-!'-t(.ck Reports W(l\\,-Tommy and Wandil Cluo (XBC) WFBE-Lone Cuitarist WGX WLW WFBE-Broadway lliJlbilliu \\'LW KDKA-lIoOle Forum WLW-Dorothu Poncr, l"ong~ wE:...:n-The DeCett Kid (NBC) ''':CX-Julle B;:krr, home man· \\'FBE-Fridd Facts \\ KIlC-lkar .\Htlirlt('('· {( H") gement K~lOX-\:e"s Throu;::h a Worn· 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WFOE-To be annoullcNI Hi~ \\ ('BF-H(II'-ier PhilosClphet \\ 1.5--.11111)' JI c & )lrl POlls WI1AS-~\rkancac Traveler WHA5-LoC' Cabin BOl'S \\\\'VA (~w.ls.27> ~onlZs \\'''Al-llou WLW-Audubon SO('iety erson WCKY KDKA WSl\t (sw-ls.20 I:Ort~: WEAF l\1B~-(if'rrl'f' Duffy's OrchC'ltra: WTAi\I-Musical Cocktail 6,00 p.m. EST 5:~0 CST WSAI-.a.Church Forum KMOX-Betty Crol:ker CBS-:'tlartha JIolme~. Fed. Hous­ WG:\ W!.W * NBC-Amo~ 'n° Andy: WEAF WWVA-:'olornin!,: Dane-e Tunr~ W,\ \·E-{J.J)pvotional Service inK Admini WI5-BQmemakeu' Hour; Fan· J);l;lr: WEAf WCY WSAI ety pro~ram: WADe W13BM I'ott; \VE,'\F WGN-Your Friendly Neil!hbor XBC-HilPPY Jack: WJZ WLW f::Jrt' CB5-\Ielodie :'\10101'1115: WASC (sw·11.83) CB5--:,\I..dhon Sint::;ers: WABC WHA~-Chats with Dolly Dean WTHY WS:'\I-Al Pl':Jlce'!l Gang (XBC) WIIAS WS:'\IK WKRC (511'­ XBr-J)iUlier Concert: WJl WfiRC WS!lIK WKHC-Woman's Hour NI\(-Lee Grrdon''1 Orch.; WCY wWY ~-f).T d~rnacle 15271 KOKA WE~R (0;\\·11.87·1521> KDKA-Style & Shoppin~ Sen· WI.S--Hou~eho!d Parade \\~AI WAVE WT."l\I 2:00 p.m. EST I :00 CST KUK A-Til L(' announced XB<:-Samm~' Kaye's Or(ht'stra; ice WL\\'-Jj\E'~tock Reports; News hJlKA-~('\H Rulu :\lK-Yonl S(lroi~t; \VJZ W::,'I \\FOE-Where to Co WfKY W.\\·E K:'oIOX-Cerman Pro!:'um \\'WVA-Rapid Ad Seniu K!lIOX-Dramatic Story \\TKY \\,\YE \\ LW-Arnold DougI3'1, drama K~IOX-J1ol'ular Varieties WFOE-Gah·ano and lOttn \\ f IJE-Gla.h ~ Cdtron CB",-','K Bro,ks; Orch.- WABC WTA \1-Tn h(' announced WFBE-Diu'ler :'\Iu.ic WCElF-Timelv Topics 1~,30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WCBF-W(ddin~ Anniversaries W~:'\lK K~IOX WKRC (s\\,· * WWVA-G055IP PROGRAM WG!':-Hob Ehon. $j'Iflrts \\"CY-:'olu~iral Prnt'ram XBC-.o.'·lhe Trail Find('r," Ur. WC\'-The LCJH Doctor 15.271 4 :30 p.m. EST 3 :30 CST WHA:'II-Sl>Ortca~t WHAS--Ceorc:ia Wildut~ William Thl1m"en HanZ"fhe; \H 5-1I(lm"r Griffilh; R:.lph NBC-Home E.... ut Home; WEAP r\Or-Singing Lady: WJZ WLW '\'HAS-Terr~' and Tt'd WI ~Ann(:unn"ll'n's; :'\e\\, WEAF WTA:'o1 WGY WSA] Fmer'(;11 WTA:\1 \\LW wr.y (CII 15.33) KORA (s.... ·15.21> WKRC-Smilin' Dan The Remainder of Wednesday's Programs Are Continued on Page 20

7 19 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Wednesday - Continued Add One Hour

9:30 p.m. EST 8:30 CST WABC WS!\IK WBB:'.I WHAS WGN-Joe Sanders' Orchestra WBB:\I-l'at Flanagan on Sports CBS-He. She and The)': WABC mall's Birthda} Club WAVE--Haclio l\1:wspaper WKRC 12 :00 p,m. EST 11 :00 CST WGN-Palmer Huuse Ensemble WIIAS KMOX (sw·6.12) NBC-Gene Fogarty's Orchestra: WLW-The Old Fashioned Girl WGX-The Lone H:In~(,c WBBM-Radio Headlines j Elcna CUS-Dell Coon's Orch.: WRB:'.! i\Ioneak's Ensemble NHC-Ray Noble's Orchestra: WE WHAM Ki\lOX WH,\S WSl\I-Jack and His Buddies \\ WVA-l'amily Album \V~I'>' WfHE-l.unsfurd and Slomer WEAr WAVE WGY NBC-l'IlaJlJlY I.aporte's Orch.: MB5-Contlllental Gypsies: WGN WWVA-Dinn"r Mllsir WTA~[ WGN-Dauce Orchestra WLW (sw·9.53) WCKY WTAM Wtw 0'30 p.m. EST 5,30 CSt' 7 ,15 p.m. EST 0,15 CST NBC-Non: WJZ KDKA WENR * NBC-Wayne King's Orch.: WJZ WENR KDKA WSM (sw· WSM tra (NBC) KMOX-When Day is Done WSM WLW WHA:'.[ (sw·l1.87. WEAF \VTAM WGY WSAI 11.87) KDKA-Squire Hawkins WLW-Dance Orche~tra WAVE-DUll Pedro's Orch, 15.2]) (~11-9.53) Mu~ical l\!nml!llls: WCKY WHAM WAVE-Willard Garner WSl\I-Sports Reyiew; I.eyer 1:00 r;.,m, ES 12:00 p.m. CS * CBS-Boake Carter. news: MUSical :'.Ioments: WSM WWVA WFBE-Variety Srlections WCKY-News Brothers WBUM-l\.Iallrice Slpill's Orch. WAlK WHAS KMOX WKRC WA VE-BaseLaH Scores WKRC-Virtor Young's Orch. WENH-Globe Trotter 11:15 p.m. EST 10:15 CST WGN-Vdoz & Yolanda'~ Orch. WBB~t WSMK (sw-lI.83) WCKY-Yariety Program 9:00 I).m. EST 8:00 CST WfBE-'-Jimm)' Ward WAVE-Ben Pollack's Orchcstra WLW-Johnny Courtney's Orch, NllC-City \·oire,,: WEAF WTAM \\FBE~Soort Review * CBS-Burns and Allen; Ferde \\'G:-.'-Ilurace Heidt's Orchestra (l'\BC> I :~O a.m. EST 12:30 CST WSAI \\'GBf-Hi~torical Facts Grofe's Orch.: WAIl( I,MOX WIL\M-Tony the BMber \\'G:-':-Velol & )'olanda's Orch, WBBi\I-Dance Orchestra WCKY-B3!>eball Srores; News WGN-Ju~ Sanders' Orchestra WKRC WBB~1 (sw-6.12) WLW-News HoolII WLW-Geor~e Duffy's Orchestra \\'J.\\'-:\Ioon River Programs for Thursday, August 15

6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST WCKY-Yodelling TI\ins KMOX Let's Cum pare Note~ \\·GBF i\1r. and i\'lr:s. KDKA-J\lusical Clock l\"Fol::~:\I,-,~ICdl Cluck Star Indicates High Spot Selections \VA VE-fllJevotional Service WGN-i\lusical Frolic \VL5----Sulil~·a-Wllite WHA5-.o.College Dc\'utiolls * WFBE-Dot Club :\'ews WGY-i\lusicaJ Program WWVA-Flrin' X Hound Up \\'SM-Delmore Brothers WGBF-liousehold Hour WHAS-Herbcrt Koch, on~anist piani~t: NBC-Breen & de Rose: WEAl' CBS-SidlJe) Raphael. WGN-Your Friendly Nei>:;hbor WLS-Otto's Tune Twisters; WSMK WKRC \\,S;\I 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST :45 \VilAS-Sam, Gil and Louie Evelvu Overstake 7 a.m. EST 6:45 CST KDKA-Style & Shoppin~ Sen-· MBS-Antonio's Continentals: \\']{RC~Woman's NBC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEM" KBC-Landt Trio and White: HOUI WI.W"':'Song- of the City (NBC) ice WLW WGN I'e~tock CBS-Dn:;an ReniHe: WABC WJZ WCKY KDKA I.sw-21.54) WL W-Li Report; News WTAi\I-Trnne~see Hillbillies WGBF-Timely Topics KMOX-The Corn Huskers WSA[-Household Hints r-:llC-Poliock and La\\llhurst: WKRC-Fiddliu' Farmers WA VE-Musical -Clol:k WJZ WGY-Musical Program WW\'A-Hapid Ad Sen'ice 11:15 a,m. EST 10:15 CST WS:'.l-tJ,.i\loming De\'otion WHA5----Georgla Wildcats WFHE-Gla(h·s Catron l\lerrymaker~: Kl\IOX-Home Folks' Hour CBS-The WAHC WLS-Announcrments and News WGY-Banjoleers and Radio 10::';0 a.m. EST 9:30 CST WGY-l\-1usical Clock \\'IIAS l';:i\tOX WKRC \VSMK 8:00 a.m, EST 7,00 CST WLW-Little Eva Gazette Swrethearts NBC-Fountain of Song: WEAF (sw·J5.27) WLS-Hulletin BlIard NBC-DrgalL Rhapsody; Richard WHAS-:\Irs. Handolph, shopping WLW-TujJ u' the Moming WTAl\I-Cali,thenics Liveslock WGY NBC-HolleY'buy and Sassafras: Leibrn, orrranist: WEAF Report guidc CBS-Rhythm Bandbox: WABC WEAF WTAJ\I WSAI WTAM-::'uu Uo WTAM WTAM-I1ealth and Home with (sw-15.27> WWVA-The E~'e Opener NBC-The i\1"rry !\lacs. WJZ CBS-ReView of Revues: WABC 9:00 a,m, EST 8:00 CST V,lughn King NBC-The Carnival; Gale Pag:e, WAVE WCKY WSM 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST WSJ\lK WIIAS NBC-News; Johnny Man·in, WWYA-Flyin' X Round-Up cuntralto; King's ,resters, trio; ~1 BS-:\lorning llousewarmers: NBC-Yoichi Hiraoka, xylophon­ * NBC-Breakfast Club; Edna trnor: WEAl' WSl\1 WSAI Roy Shield', Orch.; Don Mc· WGN WLW ist: WEAI~ Odell, nJlltralto; I{anch Boys: \\'TAM WAVE 9:45 a.m, EST 8:45 CST Neill, Ill.C.· WTA~1 KlJKA-M:!inians' Quartet W::'AI-()ld rime Fiddlers WLS-Livestock Estilllat~s; Mor- WFHE-West Virgin ill. Fiddlers CBS-"i\1ary Marlin," sketch: \..... GN-Good Morning WSAI-Dave Upson, vocillist WAUe WKRC Ki\lOX WHAS Wr:Y-Musical Clock WWVA-News ning ]\Jill"trels WGy-.o.i\lid.l\1orning [)evotion'l WWVA-Your Helpful Helper Chllrch~s WKRC-Ll.ltod·s Bihle SchOOl (sw-15.27) WKRC-.o..Sunrise Worship WLW-Hvlllns of AU WWVA-"uank, Slim alld Uncle WLS-Graec Wilson; Ralph Em- 10,45 a.m. EST 9,45 CST NBC-\\'orrls and Music: WJZ WLS-News R:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WCKY WSM KDKA WAVE WLW-.o.Family Prayer Period NBC-Qrgan Rha;.sody: WLW Jack er~on CBS-Just Plain Bill: W,\BC WSAI-March King Ki\10X (sw-15.27) (sw·15.21) \VSAI-TillJCI~' Tips WltY 9: 15 a,m_ EST 8 :15 CST l\IBS--Cordoba Si~ters: WGN WFHE-liomespun Philosopher \\'TAM-SHm Eberhardt W( KY-Breakfast Cluo (NBC) NBC-Edward ~lacI-lugh, the WGnF-Bab~· Shop Man \VWVA-.o.Gospel Tabernacle \\'FBE-Al'kansas Fiddlers 10:00 a_m. EST 9:00 CST WLW Gospel Singer; W,/Z KDKA WFBE-Plcasant Week-Ends WGN-Markets; Good Health & \\KIlC-llrvif'w uf Revues (CBS) \\'CK Y WAVE WSM (sw· NBC-The Honeynlooners: WJZ Traininl! WLS-,/oHy Joe aud His Pet Pals KDKA WAVE WCKY WLW WIIAS-Joe Pierson, SOlll{S 7:15 a,m. EST 6:15 CST 15.2]) WLS-Nells. Julian Bentley WLS-Henry llurr's Book of rmC-Don Hall Trio: WEAF \\'WYA-Denver Darling NBC-Girl Alone: \VEAF WTAl\I (sw·15.21) Hallads NtlC-_\!IH·lliug Parade: WSAI WSAI-Light Classics WTA:'.I WLW WGY \VLW~Chandler Chats .WGY WWVA-Fred Craddock's COln- CBS-Sidney RaplJael, piani:-t: 8'30 a.m. EST 7,30 CST CHS-The Captivators: WABC husken WSAI-Lplla Pope, soprano NBC-Field, and Hall: WEAF KMOX CBS-Poetic Strings: \VA BC WWVA-Patterlls ill Organdy WABe \VHAS {sw-15.21} NBC-l'als: WJZ KDKA (sw- WTAlt! WKY WLW WFIJE-Voeal Variety 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST with Martha Dunlap 2154) KJ\10X-Tick·Tuck Revue WGBF-City Court Kl\IOX-News Thru A Womao's Eyes NHC-Milrie de Ville, songs: 11:45 a.m. EST 10:4[; CST KMOX-Pickarcl filmily WFBE-Mornin!! Concert WGN-Marjorie Graham WFHE-To be announced WEAl' WSAI \\"SM CBS-Five Star Jones: WABC WGN-Good MOnJlng \VilAS-Bob Atcher j\Ju~lcale: WCKY-Dert Layne Fiddl.. rs WGN-June Baker, home man- CllS-Salon \\,KRC WKRC KMOX (sw-15.27) WLS-l't1l1ruing Houndup WGY-Little Jark Little; Orch. WI.S-Wm. O'Connor, lenor; Sue a\telnpnt lVSl\1K W\vVA MBC-Painted Dreams: WGN WL5--Fnrq Hu~h and Hall-lh Em· Roberts NRC-Simpson Hoy" III Spruce­ WL\V 7 :30 EST 6:30 CST erSOll WL W-Academy of J\1pdicine WLS-Household Parade a.m. WSM-Leon Cole organist head Hay; W,IZ KDKA (sw­ WFBE-Frigid Facts NBC-Walter Cassel. baritone; WSAI-.o.Chllrch Furum WSAI-Traffic Court Cases WWVA-Freddie, accordionist 15.21l WGHF-Hoosier Philosopher William Meeder, urganist: WWVA-l'Ilomiug Dance Tunes CBS-The Lamplighter, .Jacob WGY-Bag- and Baggage WJZ WJR KDKA (sw-21.54) 9:30 a,m. EST 8:3'0 CST 10,15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST Tarsllish: WAHC (~\\1527) WIlAS-Benny ford's Arkansas CBS-Salun Musicale: WAllC 8:45 a.m, EST 7:45 CST NBC-Today's Children: WJZ NBC-Wendell Hall, songs: WJZ KMOX-Three Brown Bears Travelers l\"nC-Cheeriu: WEAl' WTAM NIle-Doc S('hn~ider'5 Yodeling KDKA WCKY WLS (sw-15.2l) KDKA WCKY (s\\'-15.2D WAVE-Livestock Heports WLS'-Chuck and Ray \\LW Wl1-Y COI\boys: WEAF CHS-Morning Moods; WAlK NBC-HOllse Dctel:tlye: WEAF WCKY-Nel\s WSAI-!\1erry Madcaps (NBC) KMOX-Varicty Program CBS-Brad and AI: WABe WKRC WGY WS:'.1 WTAM WFBE-To be announced WWVA-Gertrude Miller 20 7 Thursday - Continued l\lBS--Parm~r House Ensemble: 4 :15 p.m. ES'I' 3:15 CST K'fOX To Iw announced 8:00 p.m, EST 7:00 CST * NBC Tl)ny & Gus, dramatic WGN WSld CBS InslrulIlNltalists: \VABC WFBE Flo Gallagher NBC De;llh V:llley Days: WJZ sketch: WSM WAVE Afternoon NHC-.\lusic Guild: \vCKY WS~1 WSMK WHAS \VJ!VA WWVA WGN-Bob Elson, sports I\OKA WLW WLS WHAM KDKA-:\la<.: :111(1 Bub VDhA-~alllmv FuBer WKR(' (5\\·15.27) WIIAl\l-Soortca!t (m 11,87> WBBM-Frankie Masters' Orch. WFBE-Trcaw'!,c Tunl'S ]';UKA-Killdie!' I<1ub WllA5-Terry and Ted CDS-:'Ilanl,..ttan Choir: WABC (COS) 12:()O m ES II :00 a.m. CS WFBE~\\'her(' \VFBE-.\lu~jraJ JliBC-Rl'x Battle's EII~eJllLle; "VGRF-I,i\\"JUS nub lo Go W KHC-Smilin' Dan wr:RC (s\\·6,12) Srl{'r1ions \\'5;\1 \VTA~I WAVE WSAl \\'HAS-Uni\'f'r<;ity of Kcnhll:ky K:\lOX-\Vindow Shoppers WSAI-Kllolhole Club * NBC-"The Show Boat"; WGN-The Dream Ship W(;Y WLS--Little Home Theater Play \\ LW-Amold Douglas, drama \\ ~:'oJ-:-':C\\S; Pan American Frank Mclnt)'re; L)lnny Ross, WIIAS--New~p;llIer IiIlYs Bantl CB5-Jark Shannon. tCllor; WABe Broadcast t('nM; 1Iluriel Wil~oJl, so· WLW-Lum anti Ahnrr, t;ollledy 2:15 p,m. EST 1:15 CST 4:30 p.m. EST 3:30 CST Baseball WS~lK {S\\,­ WTA:'Il-Sportsman; prano; Cunrild Thibault, bari· WKRC WHAS ~. ~lu~i(';Jle; 15271 NBC-Vic Sarle-: WEAF WtW NBC-Matinee Solo­ Scores ton!'; Helen Olheim, COlllral· ]0:30 p.m. EST 9:30 CST WTAJ\! WGy (sw-15,33) l~tO: WFAF WTAM WAVE \V\\'\"A-SJJurt~ NDC-N~t'l NBC-Market and Weather Re­ Final to; fltolasses 'n' January; Gus Hadio FOI'um: WEAF CBS-Waltz Time: WABC \\':-':'.1 WC!{ Y WTAl\l \\'4\'10; WGY WSAT port: WEAF 6:15 p.m, EST 5:15 CST Ha!'llSchell·S Orchestra: WE;AF \V~:'o1K (sw·15.27) NBt.-~ingl/lg Lady: WJZ WLW * NBC-Tony & Gus, sketch; WTA\l WAVE WSM WGY WS.\! (sw9.S3l NBC-Happy Jack: WJZ WLW Wi~~ \VCI(y NBl"-"Toe 1\1;;11." sketdJ: IWKA (5w·15.21) \\'JZ WCK Y WHAM WE~H WSA I (5w-9.53) CBS-Ted FiOrito's Orchestra: Armstron~; KDKA-News WJZ WCKY WSM WAVE (BS-Jack WABe KDKA (s\\-11.87-15.21) K1\lOX-\lu"icill :\loments WABC WS\J!, WUS:'oI \-VilAS (sw·15.27) CB~Uuddv WDB~l-Life I and Fa)'E' K:'oIOX-Exch.. lJge (hlb WKRC (sw,11.83) mirk NBC-Joe Orch.: WJZ \"FHE-Baseball; Reds vs. Bos- WFBE-1'e,l 'J im~ Tunes NBC-To be announced: \\'EAF \\"CKY-'I\\inklin~ Toes \\'HA,\1 WCKY Albea W<';DF-Xcw~ WCiHF-Weddinc Anniversaries tOll BroaUI;;lst \-\'A\'E-World Revue \VFBE-TIle H.. rmony Mastcrs KDKA-Oallce Orrhe",tr,l Bu~hlllan WGN-Bob Trendier, pianist \VG\-.J;t1H' LaudE'(, soprano WBBM-Pat Flauag:w's Sporh W(;N-Grant Park Band Concert WENR-Leonard I NBC-Flyin~ \\'LW-J"lulJl\' Courtnry's Orch. call': \\EAF WSAI "" BC-Dreams Come True: WEAF Time: WEAF WGY WGX-LuJIJ alld Almcr, sketch WFBE-D \\ENIl W(·K\" (s\\'·6.14) 12:45 p.m. ES 11 :45 3.m. CS :\,HC-Willni,., .h~ Pooh: WJZ \\GBF-Cluh Time * CBS-Horace Heidt's Bliga· CB5--Ted W{'{'lns' Orch.: WABe WCBF-Bllllf'tin Board 3:00 p.m. EST 2,00 CST WCH)o' WEi\-R KDKA (~w· WG:-.'-Palrner Hou~e Ensemble ljit'r~: \VABC WHAS WUBM WSM1\: WI\He \\,WVA WBBM WHA&-:'ohrkl't Ht'purt~; Piano NI3( -BN:v & Bl'b: WJZ KDKA 15.21.118)) WLW-I'aul PcarO(ln'! Orcheslra KMOX \\'1\11<' (sw-6.12) \VilAS Interlude WENH W!.W WGY (s\\·15.2]) CB!'--H1Jllkht,lI~{, Folli{'~; Car~on Wllo\ \I-enml'd)' Stars IIf Holly· * NBC-Symphony Orchestra; K~lOX-Hf}!o':rr Fox' Orchestra \\ L5-Dinn('rhdl I'rnlotram CBS-Curren I Que~lion~ O{'JGre R(lU'on: WABC ('w 11.£3) \\Olal Frank Black' \VJZ KUI{i\ WA \'E-DGII Pedro'~ OrChf'~tl a WS:\lK-CI nrHt ;\liniaturE's ( UI.~'rr""; Scn. Alhcn W. Bar· \-I3C-1 ce Gordon'" Orchcstra: \\ S:\-I-Sports Re\'i('w WE;';R WtKY WHAM (~\\'­ WG\-lInrace Hl'i,]t"s Orche"lra \\IIH,l-!li(l(tllrlay Bt'ume d ..\ \\'ABC \\~:'.lK \\HAS \\£.o\F WAn: W(;Y WLW W\\'\"A--TE'rry and nd 6.1411.87> WLW-J);tn('f' Orche~tra \\"~:'.I W\\\'A-LuncheolJ Mu~ic h" ·1527) \\'TA:'ol (,," 9.53) 7:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST \\TBE-To be announced \\ ~M-n:lllCe OJche~tra NOC-Woman's Radie Rrvif..... , CH'-t-,\othioe But the Truth: * NBC-Vallee's Vanety Hour: WGN-Xrwsi Sports Revue 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS GUl'",t Spcak"r~; Clalldinr \lac \VSMI< \VilAS WEAF WT.HI WLW WGY WSAI-Barn Dance J1:~5 p.m. EST 10:45 CST (BS-M .. ric. Little I'rench Prin. d(lnalrl: Joset·!J LiWlU'S Or~h.' WfBE-Drc:ln Inlt'rhJl!r (s\~·9.53) 1<1\10X-Ted Weems' Orcheslr'a PItI~I CC~5: WABC I 9:30 p.m, EST 8:30 CST WGN-Gilrden Club Jack CP"-KII~':ln Cflullck ('ho" K'IOX-JonC's & David, l,i:lIlll J2=~0 D.m. EST 11 :(10 CST (B~Bf'fl. \\rillhl I'atman. talk: Dirn'~ \\(;\·-Htlll"rhuid MU"ical Rrvu(' Orco,; Ne\\~: \\'ABC (~ .... ·11.83) lillO (BS---4j Orch.: Ki\lOX 3:15 p.m. EST 2,15 CST :-. fU"-1\{'.... "; Kurt BrCo\\ncJl. lcn WABC K:\lOJ\ WBH:'o! WhllC \\"BB~t \\ HAS WIIAS-('Glle~e Gf A~riculhlre NHr-EH~y A!'f'''': W,JI. KOKA W H~1\l-H"ratiu Zito's Orch. (,,\\,·6,12) W~AI-Poli('c Fla~ol'5 or: WJZ WCKY & NDC-·Glenn Lee's Orch.: WSM WCKY WE:-JR (sw.1521) Ho)'~ WI'i\F.-{;"lvano Cortel WFBE-GOSSIP PROGRAM J:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST HDKA-Plough WGDF-Stock Markl'ts; Hoff· * \-\ENH WAVE CII& -S\("cl Piel' Hawaiiilns: WGBF-Old i'oJliulJ ..l Bank Gyp~ic5: (B~nomant:E· \\ l:.NH-What's 'I hr N{'ws l11an'~ :'\omS-Continental WGN of Hden Trent: \\ '\11l \\'S.\IK H\1UX hw­ Hirltulay Club \\II;\S-Vi..itinll; 1\1 a m mot h \\AB(' \\Ti"\ K:'o10X WKRC WFBF-:'>lerchants Bulletins \\'GN-Dallce Orco(~lra WLW 15.27) (~BCl Ca\t~ WFDE-Tommy Ryan WKRC-R('d Bird's Orchestra (b!'--(;r{,f'tlnlo:<; fll'Jn Ollt Ken· \\'SM WGN WGDF-Ba"l:'ball He~ults l nS--IIcrzlio Zilo'... Orchestra: r.;BC-~lu$ic Guild· \\'JZ lurk\,,; \\ABC \\\\ VA WHAS CB:r-Kuban Cossack Choir; WI.S--Vilrift)· I'Tf,gram "'lOX \-\HA~ \\ 11m! ~Rl"-Al W\-\·VA-Jack :tnt-! \'flma I'filH'f"O (; ,lie WEAF \\~illK ~: MUS-JOE' Sanders' Orchestra: K:\IOX (",\\·15,27> :\e.... W:;;lIK 7:30 p.m, EST 6:30 CST 10;(10 p.m. EST 9:0~ CST \-HAM WGY WCKY- NBC-A Gard(J Party; WJZ XBC-Low£ll Thomas, nf'W~: \\'(;'1 WlW MBS--G~ne Burch(lr~ Orchc~tra. KBC-Cyril Pius, tennr: wn NBC-Jchn B. Ke-nl1cdy, fom­ \\'(KY \\EXH WA\'E W~M \\in KDKA WLW (sw-1J.87· W~\l WA \ E-llun P~ltro'" Orchestra \-\-'GN \-\-'LW W("KY KDKA \\1.5 b\\ m<'l'tatCiT: WEAF WGY (~w· KIJKA (~w.15.2l) 15.21) 11.87) WEXR-AI K\';tlr'~ On'h{'~tra I\nK"'.-llom~ Forum NBC-·Billy & Brtty: WEAr 9.53) WSM-Arlie SimJJlor\{h' OrcJl. WGY-Lime:.- Bill K:'I10X-Tlli", and TIlat l'H~ 1(,1.,,11\ H~n'll'" Orch!'str:l: WAVE-Sa\ing Talk Wl.W-News; Financial NCltes WCK Y-(illmm)" Fj,k ("\Be) WFBE-Conservator)' 1I1usic WAVE-Badio :\'c\\'sP:JI'Cr WABe K~lOX WKHC \ftI:::-JIl-Soloist (NBC) ~lnlle WTAM-Stan WOOtl'5 Orchestra WLS-Livc~tol'k WBU:'.l-11lna .. k'" ElIsem· \lini~tus Cantor~' 3nll GJilin5 \VFH[-~'llon Ofche~tra NBC-JI:'\\i"h WSAI-Trc3dw('lls On Tour 3,45 p.m. EST 2,45 CST 1,1" A~~'n uf Anltrica: WJZ WHA:'oI 12:4,'; ,l.m. ES J1 :45 n.m, CC;: WGY-lI,,~{'r !'-\\(:(;t. t£-nor \\rBE-J1arr~' Hilrtman's Srorts WS\1-TCJlllessel' Djvi~ion 01 1\D(-A(h·". in King Arthur * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WIAtll \l1iS--lIorace Ileidt's Orche~tTa: \VKRC-8a~(ball Sroru H~\'i(w :'olarkets butl: \\EltF \\'SAI W5:'ol . \\'~AI-Ba~eball Ruume \\-'GBF-Hi~torical \-\(;" \\LW WWVA-lJome Newl WGY-Slock Repor15 Facts KDKA-Sl'lorts, Ed Sprngue WTA\l-llI,(" Wllil)JJle WGN-\'dvz & YolJnda's Orch. KMf,X-Wben Da\ is OOfll1: WIW-l>\rulht3 I'.... "re. SUIll:.' WAVE-Amf'r. Liberty League \\ AVE-Arlie Simmolld's Orch, 1,45 p.m. EST 12,45 CST \-\ W\-A-Panhanu!e Rangers WH_\M-~~;Itc Tro·.lL>er~, drama \\'BBM-!\lu~ical WTMI-~lu~icill Cocktail Moments \\ E:-lR-BclI Pollack'5 Ofch. MU5--Glorge Duffy', Orche!lra: WSAI-Mrl ~nyd(r's Orchc"tra \\'CKY-Xe\\'s WGN WLW 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST Night W"\\,\'A-K;Jle Smilh lIour \\'EXR-<.;Id,!, Trolter \\'CBF-Curb~tonf' RrporJer NBC-:\leredilh Willson's Orch.: «,-US) WFm:-.Iimmy Ward ] :00 a.m. ES 12:~0 p,m. CS WL~Homem3kus' Houf; r"n· WEAF \\'5:\1 WAVE WTA:'I1 6,00 p.m. EST 5,00 CST 7,45 p.m. EST 6,45 CST WGBF-M)~terious Pianist \\ IHD1-'\lauri~ "it('in's Orch. f;lre \\'LW WSAI WGY * NBe-Amos 'n' Andy: \\'EAF ~BC-IIEndrik \\'ill~m Van Loon, WGN-Joe \o:;lOd!'rs' Orchestn WG"\-Yelol & Yolanda's Orch. \\"l\l-Al Pearc~'s Gane; eX-Be) CB5-l!o\Hlls &. Wril'ht: WABe WGY WI.W (~\\9.53) alllhM, tillk: \\JZ KUKA \\ HAS-Ba~dall Scores WL\\'-Johl1ny Courtnf'Y's Orch. \\\\\-A-/\Tabernade \\W\A W~:'\olK b\\·15.2n CIi5-Ju"t E.,tPrtainment, van \,\( K Y b .... l1.87) \\'1\\'-:-.'e\\ ~ Room 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 C!'lT ~B(-T{dd.J Hill's Orch.; WJZ fly prGeram: WARe wnU:'!l KJ\IOX-Life on the Red Horse W~AI-HhcirlY Gau, vocalist 1:15 a.m, EST 12:15 CST NI\C-Home Sweet I1ome: WEAF WE~R WCKY (~\\'·11.83) Ranch WLW-Geort:e Duff)'s Orchestra WTA~I WLW \\GY ( ... \\-15.33) h,DKA-!\larktt R(polt NBC-Uilillcr Concert: WJZ \\' A\"L-Ba"f'hilll Srorn JO:15 p.m EST 9:15 CST CHS-Dalton Bruthel~, harmony K'10X-Ba~cball; Bro\\IlS vs. KDKA WENR (!>w.11.87,IS.2l) WFBE-To be anr.ounc~lra WEAF "'TAM \VCKY WE:-JR \\ UBJ\1-Floyd 1'u\\n's Orch. KMOX (sw-15.27) WHA5-0ale Evans WeKY WAVE \VSM-All St.. r !In'ue Wl;Y \V~Al (,.,11'·9.53) \VL\V-~1oon River 7 21 Programs Shown For Daylight Time In EST and CST Programs for Friday, August 16 Add Glle HOllr 5:45 a.m. EST 4:45 CST WeY-Musical Program 2:15 p.m. EST I :15 CST lItBe-TIle Sim:illg Lady-: WJZ KMOX-Texas Blue Bonnets \VIlAS-Georgia Wildcats Star Indicates High Spot Selections f\Br--\·ic alul Salle: WEAF KDKA WLW (sw·15,21) WL5--Allouunc('ments and Nevos * WTA:'l1 WtW WGY (.\\-15.33> WEi'\H-:\lu~ic and Comments 6:00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST CB:o.-T h e In<;trumen'alisu: \\'I.\\'-I.itlle E\· ... Gautte CB;;- -Saundra Brown. son~s: NBC-l1\e Kilmer Family, dra· WFHE-organ Interlude KDKA-Mu!ical Clock \\-GI-H'-~,,"s WTIU1-<:ali3thenic3; Livestock ilia: WJZ KDKA (s\\"·15.21) WAlK WS ..IK (sw-15.27l WLj-Smile·a-While WAne WIIAS WS!\lK WWVA KDKA-Chuck Wal ne WIIAS-,Q, Week·day O.. \·otions Report \\"Knr (,;w15,27) CB5--Rh}·thm Bandbox.; WABC WWVA-Flyin' X Round·Up .{1\I0X-E:~change Club WKHC-Horow~k)· &: His Rus· KMOX-TIle HalJPY Hunters ("1\·15.27) ~iall Gyp~ies: 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST \\·FBI::-Little Black Joe \\'CKY-\'ariety Proo;;ram WFI3E-BastbJlI Game 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WG~-Bob Trendl"r, pianist WSAI-Dealers Salute NBC-News; Johnny Marvin, WGN-To be annoullced WtiN-Luncheon Musie NBC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEAf t!'nor: WEAF WSM WSAI WKIlC-Daseball Game WWVA-Shoppinc: S)ncopltion CBS-Oritan Iteveille: WABC WKRC-~lelodious l\le3sures WTA". WAVE a.m. WLS-orch.; George Simons, so· WWVI\-Denver DarlilLg NBC-Pollock and Lawnhurst: CBS-News; Melody Quintuplets: 10:45 EST 9:45 CST 4:45 p.m. EST 3:45 CST WJZ CBS-Just Plain Bill: WABC loist 2:30 p.m. EST 1:30 CST WABC KMOX (sw·15.27> WLW-Weather; Markets NBC-Adventures of Sam and KMOX-Home Folks' Hour CB~-New~; The Bluebirds: NBC-Vaughn dt Leath, contral Dick, skptch: WEAF WAVE WGY-Mu~ical MBS-i'.loulltain Mornings: WGN WWVA-News to: WJZ WCKY WAVE WSM Clock WKHC WHAS WGY WSM \\'SAl WLW-Top o' the :'>forning WLW CBS-Eddie DUIl5t~dter Ent~r" rBS....::(;Ofhamiere~: WABC \VilAS KBC-Xe.... s; Maurice, the Voice WF BI';-To be announced \\TAM-Sun Ull 12:30 p.m. ES 11;30 a.m. CS lains: WABC WHAS WSMK WSillK WKUC (sw-15.27) of ROlllal1Ce: WJZ WGHF-Your Home NBC-Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: (~",·15.27) WWVA-The Eye Opener NBC-~l'\h; KMOX NBC~rJlhall Anni~: \vJZ (leu Brown. !>ian­ WHAS-Dream Train WJZ WAVE WSM KDKA i~t: KDKA (~ .... 15.21) NBl:-:\la Perkins: WEAF WLS KDKA WCKY (sw·1521) WKltC-Bulletin Board WCKY WLW (sw-15.21) WTA~I 6:45 a.m. EST 5:45 CST WLW WGY ($\\,.15.33) \\'ENR-That Certain Four KMOX-View, Oil t\ews WLS-News, Julian Bentley CBS-Rhythm Baudoox: WHAS NBC-Yoichi Iliraoka, xylophon. WCKY-News; Holl)·wood News­ KDKA-Da.n and Sylvta (NBC) ist; WEAl" WWVA-Your Helpful Helper WKRC WWVA WGl'.-Mail Box reel NBC-Dick Fidler's Orchestra: WFBE-Vocal Variet)' NBC-Rise and Shine: WJZ \\'SAI-Dixie MClnories \\'GDF-l\l' .1 Masterpiece WFBE-Enrk Mallriguera's Or· WEAF WTAM \vSAI WWVA-Ma Perkins che~tra 11:00 a.m. EST 1::09 CST WLW-Que, 113 and Answers NBC-Simpson Boys of Spruce­ KMOX-Magic Kitchen WGY-~ews: l\.larket Basket WFBE-:-iooll·time Tuncs WTM.1-To be announced 7:00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST WI.W-The Morning Sing head Bay: WJZ KDKA (sw­ 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST NBC-M 0 r n in,; Devotions: WGBF-Mr. H, A. Woods 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST WL5-l.ivestock Market; Mor- 15.21> N Be-f1el'ald of Sanily; Jos. WJZ KDKA \\,CKY (sw-21.54) CB~Fred Feibel, organist: WGN-Markets; .Q.Mid·day Servo NBC-fl)il1l,; lime: WEAF WGY ning Minstrel" ice Jntrow: WEAF WGY WSAI CBS-Dalton Brothers Harmony WKHC WWVA WSMK (5\\.15.33) WENR WSAI TrtO: WABC WtW-H>'IDns of All Churches WGY-Farm Pro~ram CllS-Intercollec:iate Co u n c i I \\'WVA-Hank, Slim. & Uncle NBC-Martha and Hal: WEAf NBC-Morin Sisters: WJZ WSM NBC-Spareribs: WEAf WSAl WAVE WSM WL5-Weather, Markets &. Ne.....s Serielt: WABC WKUC WSMK Jack WCKY \vA\'!:: WLW KMOX-Uncle Lum CBS-Tht Lamplighter, Jacob KDKA--charm (sw.l1.83) \"'-GN-Good Morning 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST Tarshish: WABC (sw·15.27) 12 :45 p.m. ES 11 :45 a.m. CS WGN-Baseball; Boston "5. Chi· NBC-Little Old Man: WJZ WGY-Musical Clock NBC-Girl Alone: \\lEAF WGY KMOX-Fascinallllg Melodies CUS-Men of Manhattan; WABC ca~o White SO" WAVE WLW WSM WKRC-/'lSunrise Wonhip WTAM WCKY-News WKIl(" WS:\1 K (sw-15.27) WL5-Full FeSli\·:lI; Arkie; Hill· K I)KA-N('\\'s, Reelel WL5-Ne..... s CBS-The Captivators: WABC WFUE-Garden of Verse WFBE-I'ari~ien Ensemble toppers; Pat Buttram WCKY-Shillito's Zou Culb WLW-.o.Family Prayer Period WKRC WGHf-Mr. and Mrs. WGBF-Bulletin Board WTAl\I-Ever)'man's Treasure wrBE-Moods in Blue "-SAl-Timely Tips NBC-Hazel Arth. contralto· WGN-Len Salvo, organist \\ HA~~larkel Heporh; Piano Hou~e WGN-Arlllchair Melodit5 WTAM-Slim Eberhardt WJZ WCKY WAVE KDKA WG Y-:\tu~ical l)r~ralll Interlude WWVA-Eddie Dunstedtu. or­ WHA5-Htrbert Koch. organist WWVA-[J.Go~pel Tabernacle WSM (sw-15.2l> WIIAS-Koch and Hiccardi WL5-Dinnerbell Program ganist (CBS) and Soloists KMOX-Musicat Jewel l30x \V1.s-QUo·s Tune Twisters WTAM-Noon(3)' Resume WTAM-Tllilil:ht Tunes 7:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WFBE-Hawaiian Echoes WLW-Rex Griffith. soniS WWVA-Luncheon Music 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST WWVA-The Keystonels NBC-Doll HaU Trio: WEAf WGBF-Cin' Court WTAM-Tennessee Hillbilhes r\8C-Woman's Rllrlio Heview: WTAM WLW WGN-Marjorie Graham WEAF WAVE WCKY WTAM 5:15 p.m. EST 4:15 CST 11:15 :I.n1. EST 10:15 CST 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS NBC-Three Scamps: WEAF CaS-Ray lllock, pianist: WABC WIIA5-nob Atcher NBC-:-iicholas Malha)"s Orch.; WSM WSAI NBC-Pals: WJZ KDKA WSM WL5--WI1\_ O'Connor, tenor; Sue CBS-The Gumps, sketch: WABC Cm'-Grab Ba.l(: WABC WHAS WLW WTAM WEr-;"R WSAI WIIAS 1(l\10X WKRC (sw· WEAl" WTAM WCY WGY (sw·21.54) Roberts CUS-:\,Jarie, Little French Prin­ WSl\IK (sw.15,27) KMOX-Pickanl Family \\'I.W-;\1ail Bag 15.271 NDC-Betty & 1301:.: WJZ KDKA CBS-Bobby nenson and Sunny NIlC-H'lneyboy and Sanalras: cess: WABC WKRC KMOX ,lim: WABC (~w-ll,83) WCKY-Bert Layne Fiddlers WSAI-Traffic Court Case! (5\\"-15.27> \VENH WLW WGY '· KDKA-:\Ielody Millionaires CaS-The Bluebirds: WABC CBS-":\bry Marlin," sketch: NBC-"The Kitchen r>arty"; 15.271 WEfI'R-Whaf"s the News! 9:45 a.m, E$"T 8:45 CST WABC WKIlC KMOX WHAS WKRC-Fiddlin' Farmers CBS-Mrs. Wi~.lts of lhe (abbagt France~ Ll'e l3arton; Al & Ll'e NFtC-Teddy llill's Orch.: WJZ WFIlE-Mel"chants' Bulll'tins WSM-.o.l\lol'ning Devotions (sw·15,27> Reiwr, pianu Iluo; Jimmy WiI­ WCKY WAVE WSM WGN-;,\,pws; EI'eninc: Bre\·ities Patch, sketch: WAI3C KMOX WFBE-llomespun Philosopher NBC-Pure Food forum: WJZ kin~ull. baritone; Warren Hull. KDKA-Market Heport Wt-lAS-:\lelody Cruise 8:00 a.m. EST 7 :00 CST WGHfo KDKA WCKY (5w·15.21) -nab\! Sho" Man fll. c,: Martha Meal'S, slln~s: WENR-~1adame de Sylv:lra \VK1IC-Popular Varieties NBC-Breakfast Ctub; Edna WGN-l\1ark<"h; Interlude * NBC-Hettv Crocker· WEAF WEAl' WrAM WGY WSAI WGY-Victoria Colamaria. so- WLW-Jack Armstrong, drama Odell, contralto; June, Joan & WLS-The HilJtOI'IH'rS CBS-Between the Bookends: prano WSAI-New~; George Elliston Jeri: WJZ KDKA WSM WTAM WGY WLW-Chandler Chats * MBS-Backstage Wife: WGX WASC \\KRC WSl\1K (sw­ WLW-News: Financial Notes poems WAVE (s\\',21.54) WWVA-Patlcrns In Organdy 15.27) W~",t-l\..ws: Financial News CB~Deal Coluillbia: WASe wtW WFnE-Blut Strings NBC-Rosa Liuda, pianist: WJ7. 3 :45 p.m. EST 2:45 CST WWVA-l{ews \\'Sl\IK WIlAS 11 :45 a.m. EST 10 :45 CST WCKY WKIlC-,Q,GoJ's Bible School CB5-Five Stal" Jon"s: WABC NBC-Gen. Fl'd. Women's Clubs: NI3C--Qrgan Rhapsody; Richard MBS-Gelle Durchell's Orch.: 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST LeiLert, organist: WEAF WTAM WtS-Phil Kalar, Old Music WKRC KMOX (sw-15.27) \V.rz WCKY \\'EXR KDKA Chest \\'GN WI.W (~W 15.21) NOC-Lowdl Tholllas, news: f.lMorlling Devotiuns: WLW r.;OS--Paintl'd Dreams: WGN WtW KlJKA (sw 11.87· WSAI-March King WLW KDI\A--Hvme Forulll NBC-,Iullv <:OI:tUfll'~ Orchestra: wn WLS KMOX-Let's Compare Notre WS~1 15.21> WSM-Leon Cole. organist WFBE-Frigid Facts WEAF -\\'A VE WTAM KMOX-i\"ews; Home Folk!> 1I0ur WAVE-Greater Louisville Sav- CBS-Allan Learer's Orchestra; WCKY-Nl'ws WGHF-Iloosier Philosopher WSAI 10 :00 a.m. EST 9:00 CST ill!::- Talk Report~ NI!ws: WS!\II{ IVGBF-I\Eut Side Tabernacle WGY-Uag and Baggage WG\·-Stock NBC-U. S. Mariue Band: WEAF WHAS-Arkansa~ WFBE-Tau!lo Tunes WLW-lJorothea POlice, songs NBC-Qrp!':an Annie: WAVE W(;N-Toast of the l\lorning WGY WSM WAVE WTAM Tra\'eler WSM WG)/" WLS-Col"llhu~kers & Chure 130)' \\'HAS-Lo'! Cabll Bo)'s WGY-H)llms of All Churches Clo~eups: WLS-Livestock and Grain NBC-Billy &. l3ett)": WEAF CBs-t.:ookinc; WABe WTAl\1-Tenncssce Ilillbillies WSAI-McCormick's Olrl Time KMOX WKIlC (sw-15.27) WSl\l-Statc Dept. of Agriculture 4;00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST WCKY-Jane alld Bob Fiddlers NBC-Hunl'ymooners: WJZ WLW WWVA-Gertruue Miller WWYA-Musical Program Cn5--Loretta Lte. S(ll'rano, WENR-The Desert Kid (NBC) WWVA-Ne\\"s \V,'HC WHAS WS:\IK WWVA I\DKA WCKY (sw 15,21) WKRC (~w.15.27) WFBE-Dtllller Music WFBE-The Lone Guitarist Afternoon \\"CBF-~port Facts 8:15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WGN-June Baker. home man· 1:45 p.m. EST 12:45 CST NIlC-Don Hodolpho's Orch"stra: WGY-Arthur LJne, ~ongs CnS-Happy Ilollow: \\'ABC \\",IZ wt\\' W!::NR WAVE KBC--organ Rhapsody: WLW n~emellt 12:00 m ES 11:00 a.m. CS WKllC-Basl'h~ll Scores WKBC WHAS WSMK Ki\lOX WCKY WGY WHAS-Sam. Gil and LOUie NBC-lIappv Jack: WJZ WLW W$AI-Basl'ball Resume (SI\' 15,27) I{DKA-Plulll!:h Bo)'s WCKY-Breakfast Club (NIlC) WLS-ilouseholtl Parade WCKY WTAM-Doc Whipple lIillbillie~ NBC-Rosa Linda, piani~t: WSM K!\lOX-Ba~I'han; WFBE-Broadway CBS-Etoll Bup: WABC \VilAS Drowns vs. WWVA-(ollgress in Rhythm WSA I-Housl'hold Hints WAVE Philadelphia WKRC-Dear Columbia (CBS> WWV A-Alexander's Mu~ical WSMI':. (sw·15.27> MBS-Gl'orge Duffy's Orchestra: WGBF Sun3hille 1I0ur WLS-Joll)· Joe and and lIis Pet Footnotes NI3C-:\I;.orkct & Weather Re Pals ports: WEAF WGN WLW \vGY-Lallg; Sisters Night WFHI~-Miniature WWVA-Denver Darling 10:15 a.m, EST 9:15 CST KDKA-Ne\\~ Reelel Concert WTAM-l\1usical Cocktail NBC-WclHlell Hall, songs: WJZ KMOX-Dramatic Story W..;BF-(urbslonp Renorlel 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST 8:3~ a.m. EST 7:30 CST KDKA WCKY (51'.'-15.21) WAVE-Smoky Mountain Trio WLS-Homemakpr~' Program 4:15 p.m. EST 3:]5 CST * NBC-Amos 'n' Andy: WEAF NBC-Fields and Hall: WEAF CBS-Blanche Sweet, beauty WFBE-Musical Sl'lectiOllS WWVA-D.Wheelinl: Gospel Tab· CI:J:i-WightW;l1l CUI) SUlllmaries W<.;Y WL\\' (511"-953) WGY "'''TAM WLW talk; WAI3C (51'.'·15.27> WGBF-Welhling AlIlli\'crnries ernacle from FOrhl Hills: WABC CRS-·'Just Entertainment," KMOX-TIck-Tock !te"ue KMOX-Bctty Crocker, talk WGN-The I.U\'P Doctor WHAS WSMK WWVA WKRC variety program: WABC \VFBE-Morlling Concert WAVE-/\Devotional Scrvice WGY-Igor Romanoff, pianist 2:00 p.lD. EST 1:00 CST (S\\ -15.27) WDBM (51'1'-11,83) WGN-Good l\1oC/lin~ WFIlE-Dot Club News \':KRC-Jane Grey KBC-Pedro Via's Orch.: WJZ NBC-Grandl)a Burlon, sketch: KBC-Dinller Concert: WJZ WI.S-Ford Rush aull Ralph Em· WGBF-Household Huur WtS-Homer Griffith; Ralph WCKY WAVE WSM WEA1~ \\·GY WTAM WSAI KDKA \VENR (~1I"-11.87·15.2l) enoo WGI\-Your FritndlY Neil!;hbor Emerson CBS-Connie Gates, songs: KDKA-I-::iddies' Klub NBC-Dick Fidler's Orcheslra: WSAI-,ljChurch Forum WllAS-Chats with Dolly DeaD WSAI-nave UP~OIl vocalist WAHC WSMK WKRC KMOX WFBE-Where To Go WCKY WAVE WWVA-Morning Dance Tunes WKRC-Woman's Hour WSM--oleallJer~ (NBC) (sw.15.27) WLW-Arnold Douglas, drama K~10X-On::all Mrlodies WLW-News WTAM-AI and Pete NBC-lIome Sweet Home: WEAr WS:\I-Dun Rodol{ej's Orchestra WGN-Bob Elson, Sports 8:45 a.m. EST 7 :45 CST WWVA-Rapid Ad Service WWVA-Dominic and Tony WTAM WLW WGY (sw-15.33) I \\'KRC WI-lAS WKRC K;\'IOX (sw· man's Orch.· WJZ KDKA * NBC-COLGATE-PALMOLIVE· (Continued {rom Page 13) 11.83) \VK.HI WENR WCKY WAVE PEET CO. PRESENTS THE FRIDAY 9 PM. EST * NBC-Tony & Gus, sketch: \VSM (sw-11.87) Beauty Bux Theater; GueH Saturday, August 17, 6 p. m.-BBC. Ofl'h~stra. CBS-including WKRC-WADC \VJZ \VENn \VCKY WII;\:\I ... CBS-Hollywood Hotel; Dick Arti~ts; John Barclay, b'jfi· 6;45 p. m.-England v~. Soulh Afflca, cflcket. -WHAS- KIJKA (sl\'-11.87-15.21) Powell, Anne Jami~on, Fran· tonI', and Others; AI Good· 7 p. m.-Au Outline uf Nonsel1H'. a.nd Coast 10 Coast Network WAVE- World ReVile ces Langford, Haymond Paige's man's Orch.· WLW WBBI\I-Pat flanill!;an's Sports Orchestra; Igor Gorin. bari· WOIJi\t·-Frankie J\la~lers' Orch. BERLIN, GERMANY; DJD oun, DJC (6.02> WFBE-lJance Hhythms tOile: Gue~l: WABC WBB:\l WENR-Leonard KeHer',) Orch. Daily, 8:15 p. m.-~e\'~. WGN-Palmer House En~emblc WWVA WHAS WKRC I(MOX WCBF-News Sunday, August 11, 7:15 p. m.-Gl'rrlnHl Industry WL \V-Oltl Fa;;hioned Girl (~w·6.12) WGN-Wayne King's Orchestra ill thc German LandSC:lpe, talk by Dr. Kurt WSl\I-Strinc:s NBC-Waltz Time; Frank MUlln, WS..\I-Johnny Courtney's Orch, Mallucdl. 'W WVA-Din'ner Music tenor; Vivienne Se,(!;al, SOIH:lllO: WSM-Dallce Orchestra 7:30 p. m.-lIonll'l WE.o\F WS ..\I WGY WTA\! WENR-SOll~ A Day League. - the essence of flowers. Exquisite! Wf"I3E--Star Seren'lflers WYBE-Tn be allllounced CHS-Franlde \lasters' Orch.: .A. Jingle drep lilsts a wet!! 1f is:- WGN-Wayne King's Orchestra \V.\BC WI(HC WS:\lK I(MOX 6 p. m.-:\leIOllies from Old Time Song Plays. WGN-Lum .Illd Almer, comedy 7 p. m.-Schleswig-1I01stcin, travelogue. sketch WI.\V-Dance Orrhl'l'tra WHAS \\ BB.':t "Fascination" NBC-Shallclor. violinist; Joe 7 15 p. m.-Airs from Gerlllan and tali'l K:\IOX WAVE-Don Pedro's OrcheSlra Wednesday. August 14. 6 p. m.-Talk; Relllie5 suits :\'Br-Geurge R. Hulme~. lleWll: In l.i.leller.s. WflA5--Hot Dates in History WEAF WGY b,,-9.53> 12:30 a.m. ES 11 :30 p.m. CS 6 :30 p. m.-Chorus Conducted by Viltore WLW-Capl. Alfrrd G. Kar~l!r ... NBC-Amos 'n' Andy; WTAM CeS-Horatio Zito's Orcheslra: Veneziani. 7 :30 p.m, EST 6:30 CST WS:,>I WBB\! K\IOX 7 p. m.-Italian Les!'on; Tin,l Brionllc, ~nl}ra· • CBS-Court ot Hum~n Rela KOKA-Troj,1Il Quartet i'IlBC-AI Kvale's Orch.· WENIl no; NI'\~s. tions; "WI' \Iarrird on 1.0"1"'; WAVE-Tulll Gelllr,,'!' Orch. WS.\I WAYE Friday. August 16, 6 p. m.-The Encyclopedia WABe WHAS K\lOX WBlnl \VCKY-News . M8S-Joe Sanders' Orchestra: Treccani and the American Collaboration. (!'w-6.12) \\'ENR-GlolX' Trotter WGN WLW t:llk by Giovanni Gentile. ~BC-Collel!e Prom; Ruth Et· WGN-Hol":lce Hei,!t's Orchestra Wli -\s--f)crar Kogel's Orchestra 6:30 p. m.--oprra, Fanfuna, hy Attlliu Parelli, tim.!, songs; Hed NirhClls' Or· WIIAS-Uasdl;lll S('ores WT,\.\I-Ilirk "Idler'!, Ordle~tra At Conclusion of Opera

6 :00 a.m. EST 5:00 CST WLS-Announcemenl! and Newi NBC Tl'ddy Hill's Orch.: WJZ WSM New, j Pan AmerIcan KDKA-Musical Clock WTAl'l1-Calistheniu Star Indicates High Spot Selections WSM WAVE WCKY lmKA IlrO;ldnst WLS-Smile-a-While 9:00 a.m. EST 8:00 CST * WENR (sw·15.2D WTAM-SI)Ortsma'l; Ba~eball WWVA-l'Iyin' X Round·Up NBC-Nelt,s; CI('(t Bro\\n, pian. 4:00 p.m. EST 3:00 CST Scure~ i~t ~ WGBF-i\1r. and Mrs. W(;N-Waves of Melody 6:30 a.m. EST 5:30 CST WJZ KDKA WCKY (sw­ WGN-Three Treys \vilAS-Log Cabin Bo)'s KIJKA-I'lough Boys WWVA-Sports; Baseball Sc:ore, NUC-Jolly Bill & Jane: WEAF 15.20 WGY-Musical Program WL5-I"a and Ma Smilhers WFBE-Where to Go CUS--New~; Mellow Moments: 6:15 p.m. EST 5:15 CST CB:;-On:an Ileveille: WADC \\'L5--0lto's Tune Twisters WSAI-Hex B.. ttle'~ Ensemble W1AM-Mu~ical Cot"ktail NDl:-Jilmhor("(', \'ariet)' show: NBC-Pollock and Lawnhunt: WABe WKRC WTAM-Tennessee Ilillbillies (SBC) 4:15 p.m. EST 3:15 CST NBC-News j Johnny Marvin. WEAF WrK\' WSAI WTAM WJZ \\"WVA-Kiddie Program WWVA-Musical Procram NBC-Blue noom Echoes: WEAF NHl'-Th~ Ma~lrr Builder: WJZ KMOX-Home folks' Hour t.nM: WEAF WGY WSM 11:15 a.m. EST 10:15 CST \\'LW WGY WSAI \\'TA~1 WEN R KDKA \\ HAM (sw WGY-!o1usical Clock \\'SAI WAVE NBC-Ilone)'bo)' and SluaIras: 1 :30 p.m. EST 12 :30 CST rUS-Frank D:Jile)-'s Orch~tra: 1187.1521> WLW-Top 0' the Morninl KMOX-Vie"s on Newt WEAl' WTAM WSAI N8C-WeeK·End Revue: WE'\f WABC WHAS WS~IK WW\'A lIoll~e EIl~mble WFBE-Jan Garber's Music: \\'·f"\1 WGY W5,\1 WS~1 \\G\"-I':Jlmf'r \\'TAM-Sun Up NBC-Geniil fonariova. iOPr"no: WKRC KMOX (<KA-Mac and &b KMOX (slt,·15.21) WAYE WESR (5\\·15.21) W\\ VA-·Hank. Slim and Uncle NBC-\\alber( Brown Strine En· \\·LW-Vir;ini.tns. male qU:Jrtet ist: WEAF WI BE-f.thtl Knapp 8ehrmilnn WFlJE-Yariel\ SeIKtions \\'C;;~I-I\Sundav Jack 31emblt': WJI. KDKA WCKY School l..eSSOD ~BC-Rise Ind Shine: WJZ \\ GIU---Ilcl\ ScOUlS \\ TAM- lim Eberhardt \It WVA-Dinner Music 9:15 a.m. EST 8:15 CST WG~-Ltll Saho. ore:anist (,\\ 15.211 7 :00 a.m. EST 6:00 CST Banjol~r3l: WA\'E-Grealer Louinille S:J\· 4:30 p.m, EST 3:30 CST 6:30 p.m. EST 5:30 CST Devotion~: NBC-The WEA" WGY-Doc Schneider's CowboYi NBC-)1orninll: \\'.IZ in~s NBC-Temple of Son:;: NBC-Qperalic CoemSj Leo Spit. WG\' WL\\' WTA~t \\L5-Hoo~itr Sodbuslers alld Talk wn KOKA WCKY (sw-21.54> \\'rHE-GladY' and Mary WCKY WENR alll~·'s Oreh.; WJZ WENR CBS-on Ihe Air Tocla)'; L)'rie Ca5--Connie Gillt'S. song: WABC Arkie WKRC K!\10X WGHF-Aulu Club NDC-Austin W)'lie's Orchestra: KDKA (slt,·11.87-15.21) ~ert'uade. WAU( 11 :30 a.m. EST 18:30 CST S~ NnC-Edw, MacHus-h, baritone: WG:'\-Bueball; Phillld~ll'hia VI, WE.\F WLW WTAM WA\'£ [/lS--Siln Fr..nci,co mphony NBC-Spareribs: WEAf KBC-Merr) Madcaps: WEAF fhica~o Whit~ 50"< WGY Orch.: W\BC WKRC WSMK WJZ WCKY KDKA WAVE WGY WL\\' \\'TAM \\'SAI K~10X KMOX-Unde Lum \\'5\1 (311t, 15.21) WLS-livntock and Grain Mar. CB5--Elsit' Thompson. ore:-ani«t; WHAS (s\\,-11.83) WG!'i-Good Morllinl NBC-Words and Music: \vJZ (~It, Spirit of God Neidlin~er kets E\t'I)"n MacGrf'g'or, conlralto: 1\IJC-Jamboru- WGY 9.53) WGY -Musical Clock WCKY KDKA W,,"VE WSM \\'S~1K At\' Clark WI.W-Gene Uurt"h~II's Orch, WABC WHAS \\'WVA \\ G;'Il-rJanre Orc:he..lra \\'KRC-.o.Sunrise Worship Into Heart {s1t,-15,21l (~It, Tnnsfo~llIcd Ackle)' WKRC 15,27) WBBM-Herbert FOOle. or~ani!it WLS-New~ CBS-AI Rolh's S)ncop3l0rs; 1:45 p.m. EST 12 ;45 CST KI"'h.A-A Recr('(t; Bill & Alex WF8E-To be announced WLW-.o.family Prayer Period WFBE-Old Favorites \VABC WKRC WSMK \\IHAS l\1B5--George Duffy's Orchestra: \\'GBF-Cih' Court WFBE-Tea TImt' Tunes WGllF-StOt"k Market WSAI-Timely TIps KMOX W\V\'A (sw 15,27) WLW WSAI-Ol'alen Sillute WGN-Pallller House Ensemhlf' WTA:.\l-Slim Eberhardt WGS-Marjorie Graham WfUE-Junior Aviators WFBE-Mu..iul Program \\'HAS-Bob Atc:hu \\~M-Frlend! and Neil[hbon WHAM-Nelt,s WWVA-l:1Gost>e1 Tabernacle WCBF-a~ll\' Shoo ltohn \\ (;BF-rurb~lone lI"porter WLW-Bob Newhall••portt WI.S--II"rmoll)' Ranch WG!\-Markels WI.5-lIome Talenl Show 4 :45 p.m, EST 3 :45 CST 1:15 a.m. EST 6:15 CST WSAl-Traffic Courl Cues C1~S--Tilo WSM-Uohb) Tucker NBC-Pals, dramalic skelch: WL5-lIenr)' Burr's Book of WWVA-I\Gospel Tabernacle Guizar, tenor: WAUe WWVA-Where To Go To Church WJZ KI)KA (sw.21.54) 9:30 a.m. PST 8:30 CST lIaUads 2:00 p.m. EST 1:00 CST WS~tK WWVA WKHC (~\\. NnC-Milrie de Ville. lonss: 15.m 6:45 p,m. EST 5:45 CST NBC-Don Hall Trio: WEAF It:45 a.m. EST 10:45 C~T NUC-Old Skilll'er'll Badio GanlC:: NHr-Sl'lIrl~ P:lrade of the Air. \\TAM WLW W,IZ \\ICKY KDKA (sw.15.21) MBS-Prtinled Dr('ams: WGN WJZ WLW KDKA WCKY KOKA-Chuck Wayne CBS-Let', Prelend: WABC WFBE-Vuclil Variet)' Thornlon Fisher; Guest; WEAF KMOX-I~ickard Family WLW WSAI (sw.15,21l WSAI WTAM WGY WSM WCKY-Berl Larne Fitldlen \\'KItC WrBE-Fri/l:id "acls (H5-{)n the Yillltie Green: WS.\I-Dixit' Memories Matha)'~ WA\'E (.. \\ 9,53) WLS-Morninl Hound·Up NnC-Nicholas Orch.: \\'(;Bf'-AudiLioILS fOf Young W.\BC WHAS WSMK (s"· 5:00 p.m. EST 4:00 CST WEAF WLW WGY W5M NBC-o,>t'tltic Gems: WCKY 7:30 a.m. EST 6:~0 CST Folks 15.27. NRC-£nric Madrieuera's Orch.: WIIAM j{l\fOX-The Coruhuskers Wt: \'-H,l11: allli Bacita~e NB('-Week·End Re\'ue: Is,,", WEAF WSAI WTAM WAVE NBC-Walter Crtssel, baritone; WAVE-Mu~ical Clock MUS-M ..c\ alld Her l\1ell: WGN William Meeder. orga!list; WLS--lInmCmakeh'- -Hour 15.33. \\'SM WI.\\' WGY WLW . WFBE-Glatln Catron Sumlllar~ WJZ KDKA (sw 21.5'1) KMOX-Ne\\sj Wirlllol\' Shoppers rBS--Wighlluan CUI) WBIlI\1-A Vi~it to tile Posl WGS-Mark~ls; Serenade \\'FBE-Baseball; Rt'lls n, Bn~ from fore~t Hill. WAHl: \\ HAS CB~haPt'1 Singer~: WABC WHA!'t-Mrs. Randolph, ihopping Orrke A 'heller ill the Time o( Afternoon tOil WKRC WSMK \\'\\'\'A b"­ \\ fHE-To be announced guide \\ (; nf- Rillhoo:mit'r\ 11.83) Storm WLS-Jolly Joe's Junior Stan \\"GBF-Club Time BI~~w A~~urauce WKRC-Ibseballj Ileds \$, Bos NBC-Ouo Thurn's Bavarian WTAM-VilUll;hn King WW\'A-S)lllphoIlY Orch. (CUS) Urighll)' Gleams our Banner 10" Orch.: \\'JI. WCKY WWVA-Fhin' X Hound Up 12 :()O DI F.S 11 :00 a.m. CS WL~Merry Go Round KDKI\-;o.;e\\s·Reeler Je:.us My All NUC-lee Gordon's Orchestra; 1:00 p.m. EST 6:00 CST Rescue the Perishing 9:45 a.m. EST 8:45 CST 2:15 p.m. EST 1:15 CST Wfo;\"R-Kallf'llnlC)'er·s Kinder, NBC-'I he lIit raraue; Lennie ~BC--or/l::millities; Jad.. O\\lmS, \\EAF \\ITA!\! \\LW \\SAl lIilrten (NIlC> l\BC-Cht't'rio: WEAF WTAM CBS-J a c k Shannon. tenor: KMOX-E:\chln~t' Club l-lallon'~ Orch,: Kay Thomp WLW Way lenor; Orch.: WJZ KDKA \\ WVA-Derner Darling WFBE-~lini:Jture Concert son; Go~o Dei)s: Thre(' W(K\' (~\\·15,21) WABC WIIAS \\IS!\1K WKRC KJ\10X-\'ariel) Pro~ram KMOX (5w·15.27) 2:30 p,m. EST 1 :30 CST 5:15 p,m. EST 4:15 CST Rhythm Kine~, Melody Girls. K:-.iOX-llh\·thm Revue Triu~ lIau.s~r· A~lalte, WCKY-Yodelling T\\ins !\BC-H,I"V~ J,Irk: WCKY r\BC-;\l\l~ic l\Ia'!ic; Orc:hestra; CBS-Dahon Hro:.. WABC Johnnv Fred fH£-fllu~n:al \\'FBE-Musical Program wn WS~lK i!ue~l.- \\ Clock \\'~M RUlh Lyon, o<0llrano; C)·ril WW\'A WHAS b\\· \\ E"F \\"J.W WTAM WHAS-fj,Colle~e Devotion~ \\S,\I-March King 11.83) KUh\-:'\"w~ I'itl~, t('lIur; \\'JI. KUKA \\,.\\·E WG\" W:,M (s\\·9.53) WI~~Arkalls WTAM-Tennessee Ilillbillies It"rler ~BC-olto FrOlnci~co ..s WoodchopPf'r \\'A\'E-SllIok~ Mountain Trio WCKY (S\\ 15,2D Thurn's Bavarian cns·-s,Ul S)-ml>holl)' \\S~1-l)elm(lre 10:00 a.m. EST 9:00 CS'J' Brolhers WF8E-Luncheoll MelOdi('s CBS-·Uuffalo Pre\t'nl~; WAIlC Orche,tra: KDK" (IIS-W..ll: Time: WABC WSAI \\'TAM WGY WfBE-Wahl. Time WBBM-ElclI,I MVlll',Ik'~ Ensem· CUS-Eddit' 1I0us(', orlt;lnist: "C\ -~Iock Heparls 15'.27> NBC-Landt Trio and While: \\'W\'A-Dominic and Tony r-;Bl·-Mu~ic: Guild: WE\F WSM WKRC-JulilOr Ltamber of Com, bl. WJZ KDKA WCKY tlt,en ~M-I\Mornlllfl De\Olion~ KOKA-Kiddies Klub ~8r-HI'rlll Cro"e'~ Orc:he~lra ~ \\ Lm·e Ihdden \\A\"I-: 7:15 p.m. EST 6:15 CST R:OO a.m. EST 7:00 CST K!\lOX-News Thru a WOlnln's WJ/. KDKA WAVE WCKY CBS-Alltlll leilfer'" Orchl'slra: KMOX-I-'nnk lIauard, lenor. E)es WS~I (s"·15.20 CO-Illir Chri\l NBC-Richard Leibert. orcanist: Duo Form' for Trin Ke\\31: \\",\HC \\'Knc (sw· Orche~tr:;l \\ F:AF WTAM WFBE-T\\o Wild Deuces \\'rUF:-r..:o"n tlllle Tllne~ 11.83> WBBM-Zito'~ Orrhblra WGS-June Bakt'r, home man· WGN-Luncheon Music K~10X-Ba~~ball, BrO\\lIS vs, * NBC-Breakb,st Club; Edna Bo..loll NBC-:'\f"\\~; Morir: Sislers: WJZ WFBE-Tomm~ R)an Odell, contralto; Three Flal~; agt'ment WG\'-Lee Gordon's Orch.(NBC) \\'CKY WGBF-Zoo 1\t'1t,~; Baseball Re WKRC-Gud's Bible Scbool WKRC-Ma~k Melodies WG~-'Iail Box Don Mc:Sl"iIl, m,c.; Jack WI.S-Pt'rsollalit~ Inten·iew KDKA-In lh" Mall suits O\\en~, tellor: WJZ WSM WL5-Household i-'.I adt WI.W-N",ws; Market Rl'porh \\'E~R-\Vhat's the Newi! WLS--Barn Dallce Acts WS~1-llomemakers' 2:45 p.m. EST 1:45 CST KDKA WAVE (s"-21.54) Chat W\VVA-Sl'Il:S WFBE-Merchallt Bulletins \\ ~A:-Genf" Durchrll'!, Orch. (ij~Top 0 tht' Morning: 10:15 a.m. EST 9:15 CST WGBF-Ililltoppers 12:30 p,m. ES II :30 a.m. CS WGY-Ne\\s; ":n·nin~ Brl!\'ilies 7 :30 p.m. EST 6:30 CST \\ABC WS:'tlK \\'HAS 1\BC-Tc."1\ Won:.: WJZ WCKY NBC-Did.. Fidler's Orchbtra: 3:00 p.m. EST 2:00 CST WHA:o--Meiorh rruice ~Morning Devotioni: WLS WSM W'AVE Ad\ellture~; * NBC-Goldman B.tnd Concertj WEAF WTAM WSAI r\BC-Musiul Alma WLW-R, F, D. Hour Edwin Funko Goldman, con­ WLW KMOX-Piano InteTlude Comp3n~. Schirmer. concert piilliist: \\'Jz CBS-Billy Mills .and WSAI-S!Mlrts Re\'it'\Oo ductor: \\,11. WHAM KDKA WFBE-Dut Club News WS~1K hMOX-Se"5; Home Folks Hour - W,\Ur \\'KrtC WHAS \\CKY KDKA (s\\-15.21) "'WVA-News WCKY bit, 11.81) \\TKY-Xews WGBF-Household Hour ( \\ 15.21J CB5:---Three Little \Vord~: 5:45 p.m. EST 4:45 CST March. Tannhau~er Wagner \\'GBF-.D.East Side Tabernacle WGN-Your Friendl)' Neighbor \\'ABC WS~1K WHAS (sw· NOC-Nat'! Graoe:e Proe:ram: ,,"HC-To be announced: WJZ OVerlure. Ri~llli Wa~nt'l WGN-Tout of the Mornin, WKHC-Woman's Hour Gue~t SPt'akers; Marine Band: 15.27) WLW-Newsj Stoc:k Reports WEXR WCKY S~ rnllhollic j'orm, UlIh'erl'al WGY-Jlymns of All Churches WJZ WCKY WSM WAVE \\'EXH-Music and (ommellts Ker-M"rr~ WW\'A-Ral'lid Ad ServIce Macs: WEAF \\'GY JudClllell1 De Nardis WSAI-McCormick's Old Time KDKA WLW ($1t,-15,21) \\'W\'A-Hank, Slim and Uncle WS~1 (,," -953) I-·inal('. Ne\\ World Sym· fiddlers 10:30 a.m. EST 9:30 CST KMOX-Magic Kitchen Jack pholly Dvorak I\'WVA-News NUC-Whilne\' Ensemble; WJZ KDKA-hailk Walton Leal;ue WI- DE-Del>!. of the Interior 3:15 p.m. EST 2:15 CST \\ II \'E-World Re\'ue Valse Lulie Ruger!i ~ 15 a.m. EST 7:15 CST WCKY KOKA (5w.15.20 WGUF-Mr. II, A, Woods NBC-Ken Sparnon's Ensemble. NBr-Hicilard Leibert, orgauisl: (US-Diversity: WADC WWVA WFBE-The StCI)h"r Si~ters CBS-To be annoullt"ed; WABC WGN·-Marketsj .o.Mld-day Sery· WJZ I{DKA \\ICKY WAVE \\vBF-New~ W\\'VA \\'Kllt WHAS KMOX WLW WGY KMOX WHAS WKRC (S\\" ices \\'SM WENH (s\\'-15,20 WSMK (!t\\ 6.12) W"~KY-Ureakfast Club (NBC) 15.27) WGN-Musical Memories \\'GY-Farrn Pro\.:rarn CBS-Chicae:oall~ \\itll flhr~h:lll WKI:(-Brt~ebrtll Scores MOS-New York Philharmonic WrUE-Arkansas Fiddlers NBC-Morning Parade; WLW WtS-Weather; Marhls; News Sosson; WABC WSMK WHAS WSAr-Basp.billl Resume Orr-h.· WGN WSAI WKRC-Top 0' the Mornins: l\'AVE-.o.Devotion;l1 Service Mu~ic: WWVA-Luncheon (sl\'·15.2V W5l\1K-Allan Leafer's Orch, \\IBBM-Ted Fiorilo's Orchellira rano; «("ns) WVOE-lIan)' Hal·tlllan's Sports WL5-·Jolly Joe and His Pet Pali WGN-Earl Harl[er's Orchestra CBS-Billy Mill~ & Company; WEAF WGY WTAM WSAI Re\·i.~w W'W\'A-Denver OarJillg WGY-Childrell'i Theater of the \\'TAM-Lee Gordon's Orchestra WWVA WI.W W\\ \'A-I-·ronl Pall:f" Drama WGBF-Histol'ical Facts 8:30 a.m. EST 1:30 CST Air WFUE-Variety Pro!::"ram Syrirtll I.ullahy Comfort WSM-Leon Cole, organist \\ILS-Barn Dance Party :-.l BC-Junior Uadio Journal: \\ GUF-B\llIetin Board Thro\\ Me a Rose Kalman WEAF WTAM WGY 10:45 a.m. EST 9:4& CST Night 7:45 p.m. EST 6:45 CST \\ILS-Poultry Service Time Estralita POlice raS-The TrOOI>ers; \\'Anc KMOX-Tick·Tock Revue NBC-The Whill1ey Ensemble: WSM-Variely !"rogr;lm WS~t E\ I:r.\ No\\ alit! Then Silver WWVA WKIlC WHAS (sw­ WFBE-Morninfl Conc:ert WAVE WTAM-Noonday ResuUlt' 6:00 p.m. EST 5:00 CST WGN-Good Morninll; Program KMOX-Let's Compare Notes 3:30 p.m. EST 2:30 CST NHr-To bt ;JUliounc:ed: WLW 6.121 WLS-Ford Rush; Ralph Emer- WLS-Ne\\:>, Julian Bentle)' 1:00 p.m. ES 12:00 m CS NBC-Our Harn, childrt"n's pro C8S-Johnn~· !-Iamp's Orcht'stril: KMOX-Life 011 the Red kone ~on, organist 11:00 a.m. EST 10:00 CST CBS-Saturda) Music::.le: WABC ~ram: WEAf WCY WLW WABC WKRC WSMK WIIAS Rillich WLW-Rh)lhm Jeslers ~BC-Simp~on Boys of Spruce. WSl\1K WWVA WKRC KMOX ~YTAM WSAI (~\\ 11.83) WFBE-Studio Selections WSAI-.o.Church Forum Itl!,uj Ba\: WJZ KDKA (s\\· (sw-15,27) CB~hicaeoans; Marshall Sos NBr-The Arl of Living: WEAF WGBF-!Xannint! the Past WWVA-Morning Oance TUlles 15.21> . NDC-Rex Baltle's ElIsvnble: so,,~ WWVA KDKA-Dance Orc:h('stn II :on p.m. EST 7:00 CST 8:45 a.m. EST 7 :45 CST CB5-0rientale: WABC WSMK WEAF WGY WTAM KMOX-Baseball; SI. Loui~ WBBM-Sorm Snerr, pianist * CBS-Concert Hall: WABC NBC-The Vass Famil)': \\'EAF \\'HAS WKRC KMOX (sw· WFBE-H) C. Geis Bro\\ns \'«. Bo~lon WrBE-Dinner Music \\ HAS KMOX \\'KHC (s"' WlW 15.271 \\'GBF-Church and School News 3:45 p.m. EST 2:45 C~T WGBF-Fourth 51. Market 6.12) CH!'t-Mcm of Manbattan: WABC NBC-Minute Mell, r\lale quartet: WGK-Palmer House Ensemble NBC-The TnHr«: WEAF WGY WGN-Bob Elson's Sports Re, Ou\re ton coeur "Car·men" WSl\1K \\'KItC WEAf WLW \\'SAJ WSM WHAS-Markel5; Piano Redtal WTAM WSAI \\ILW \'iew Oilet \\GIU-Timelv Tonics WAVE WSAI-Police Flashes CB5--The Travers, (rom Sara· WGY-Varirty PrO~ram Ovt'rture: "Die Flederlllau:>" WGY-Musical I'rngram WCKY-St'w~ 1:15 p.m. EST 12:15 CST to~a; WABC WIIAS WWVA \\'IIAM-Soortnst Strauss \\ HAS-Georgia Wildcats WFHE-Ho\\ard Collins WGOF-Farmer Purcell WSMK hit, 15,27) WSAI-Knol Hole Club ZueighulIg Strau~s Numerals m• Program Listings Indicate Short - Wave Rebroadcasts. See Page 13

21 7 Mr. Fairfax Did Y all Cast Y ollr Vote for In Cincinnati With The Queen of Radio? (Continued from Page /5) OrviJle Revelle 7wygart \\as content to have the drama­ V~~OLFE See Back Page, This Isslle fized version follow the ori,ginal story in .as laie Finkelstein. also Mrs. this particubr respect. rmkelsteill. The program is to he heard PE:\IClIANT for reality precipi­ over station WENR Saturdays at 6 p. m. l<-lted lengthy argument recently EDT (5 EST; 5 COT; 4 CST; 3 MST; at \\IFS!::. The debate revolved RAY LA-WILL. former member of 2 PST). (Elitabetb Cossey, Spearfish, A is~uc the WJ{RC s1aff. has entered into the ;Ioout an in the C:l!ling All CMS ser­ S D.) night cluh g-ame_ Ray is manager of BINS is 23 (/{eJllletb Radmore, Titus­ ies directed by KI:::\I SEAJ\lAN, and in­ 'i.·jfle, I'a.) chided Seam:m, of the Century Players. the l\foonli:ght Gardens at Coney IsIalld. RALPH KIRBERY will return to the GAY ~\ir\RLr:Y. Aug~st script writer and tening to a broadcast about his own and baton waver BILL 5TOESS, this duces radio shows between h;:ps have him confused with JACK crimes \\'oilld not sound authentic feature i:-. now heard over the Eastern He came to NBC from the staf;e as an 1'.055. (N. K. B., Arles;a. N. Me.'\.J part or the country as well as the Mid­ pre~ent It was onlv :lfter Seaman convinced actor, but was drafted to his job. him that a ~iol;Jlor of one law would \yest through tht~ f:l(ililie:. of the Mutu:l1 Ht- was born in Chicago. and just lecently. 1\1r. Fairfax answers personally hardly hesit:lte to bri,'ak ~Hlolher one that system. on August 4, celebrated his birthday. only those inquiries which are ac. (B. Park, Concord, Mass.) companied by addre~se,d return en­ velope and pnsta:ge. :\1r. Fairfax ROSEMARY and I'RJSCILLA LANE can guarant.ee to answer only WA\IE-Paul Pendarvis' Orch berland Rid"c Runners, Linda Parker, BrothI (sw-9.53) CB5-hham Jones' Orchcstra: WBBM-Maurie Stein's Orch. ------,Enclolcd tiud $1.00 tor Sdentl/ie ~'crlal, prepaid. J\lB5--,luc SalHlers' Orch.: WG:-l" o I * NBC-Carefree C.unival; Tom· WAUC WHAS KMOX WKRC If lint pleucd will return after 5 day. trlll for National Laboratories my Harris, tenor; Cliff Nazar­ 1\BC-Sh:HldQr, violinisl; Bob WLW rf'fund. Ch.....k llert It dnlred sent P.P., C.O.D., $1.00 I Dept. D.. Fargo. No. Dak. ro, comedian; Nola Day. con· Chesler's Orch.: WJZ WCKY J :30 a.m. EST 12 :30 CST o WBBM-F1llyd Town's Oreh. pillS tew ceilis postaae. I & WHAM KDKA (sw·6.].4) ~ot aJ\ trlllto; Charles Marshall his Orche~tra: -Same...... ••.. .. •...••••••••••••••••••••. I uvenment, but (ully testell. MallY usert Helen Troy, comrdi"nne; Mere· WAVE-Tom Gentry's Oreh. 'lBS-Horace Heidt's report o"\I'r 3.•0. milt!! Tfteptlon. Gites trivle tht WtW \\'C:-l" Addren..•...... •...... •....•..•.••••.•••••••. f \-olum", onr recular ltl!iille aerials 00 mallJ' 1

This department is solely for the use of the readers as • pl.ce in which to voice opinions and exchange views about n.dio. Address your letters. which MUST NOT So Complete, uceed 100 words. to VOL, RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth Court. (hingo, Illinois Words and Music Just Deserts Deotr VOL: Xl,"iot, Ohio Deal' VOL: Chiccessary adj unet to your sors offend and lose the old regular USl'r)\ who radio enjoyment. In it you'll Pro and Con Test ing to the heauty, cOIDI)let.eness I)f'~r made all of Ihese pro,e::rams I)Ossible! N, N. W. and usefulness of this first aid find the comillete life stories of VOL: Topeka. Kan, to radio listeninK. fifty-two leading stars together With .... hat, IIhl)" I a~k, flu cOlltest winners \\io The supply iH limited-get with their pictures reproduced ('onll"sl.. ! I have huu\;ht lllCI'c1lalldisl! I will your copy now. The third print­ in large size. Then too there is Of'\'er USf:'. houghl 11I1I1l1l"f'fl~ of staml'~ 1 call Is Our Space Read! inK nearly has been exhausted. the most comiliele list of broad­ never eash ill on ""11 hav!! I~ell willinll: to take Dur VOL: (hic,lgO, III. If you have delayed ordering casting stations in North Amer­ chances alonll: wilh other entrllnts. Hul iSII'1 I want 10 offer a fell \Iords of praise for the k~l'~ :rour copy. be sure to write TO­ ica ever published-and this list it a rather peculiar bit of rl'tirf'nrl' thlll greotte~t of all band luders, JOE SANDEUS. is cross indexed three wayS. SllOnSOrS from evel' rnakin,lt puhlic just 1\II.. t \\'h.. t'~ been Ihe 1lL,llter with RADIO GUIDI': VA Y. Use the coupon below. huck~! ~nol ~illgle This book, 5 H: by 8~' inches Radio Guide's New 1935 Mike­ particular essay or slotran took down the a Ilonl 11,1) been printed about Joe Surel)- that isn't askin~ too much as 11 ~id(" "i"rl' hI' 0IJeIll'cJ >It the Bhckhallk. You've fea· in size and containing 134 page~. roscolle Album and Log Book is as important to your radio tu future cOlileshllt... Or do Ihey iust sort the turNI sturips :thullt el'f'l"y otllel' r"c1io penolla~e as the tube itselr. Avail your­ letters by sl"tt!s and let somebody pick the of tCldn)'-wh)· nnt givl' IJ~ a story On someone self of this OI)llortunity toda}'! \\inner" blind-foldl'd! The \\hole thine: has an \\hom \\t' fPall~· W,lIlt to fpad >lhulIl! I'\l! e:lger, lllHle'irotble aroma. Perh,lp~ ~Ollle or the recent ly scanned every copy each WI'f'k. luukillg for r;'di" cc,.,te~t pl'omoter" will see O,is cOlllplaint SOUle Il~rae:raph or story .. bout Joe Sanfll'rs, but and ""plain thl! I'rUCl!flure. That would c1-trify irs the same thin!! every tinll~--thl're',\ not 11l;l!I("rs a 101. ,Ionian Prie~t1~ tl,illl!: in Ihe book about him. C'lIlon, ther~let's be fair-Joe i" still Ihe gr"ntl t)erSOI1 he \\3S, and he certainly hOi" one Good in Everything of th~ finbt orchesll'as on the air-his fans are lu~iol1, Ihe~ 1)("31' VOL: Vidnri,l, Tl"x. and 're solidly behind him bl'cause No I'ea,:on for c... mplainls~Jllea~1! fIn not throw hl"s ~f) rc\:ulac' Ilitll them~it'~ one of the many slones because they hul'!. reason" I\h~' he'~ hack un top. Let',; have a g;ood, H ~'ou are not ~atidil'd with one 1)1'0';1'<1111, meal)' stl>r~· ahllllt ,1(1{" Sallder~-SOOX! lilly not turn the dialt You will fillli good Ruth Fiffer JIl,'~ic to ]Jle;I"I~ )"011. I'or five years I have listf:'ned with cll'light to Colulllhia's prU1:;I'ams and "hall COJltinul' to enjo~' them, e~peciallr the most Gee-Whitteker! beautiful music by Emef~' Df'ul"ch in his pro· De>lr VOL: Bethel, Minn, gral\l~, Homan}' Trail, CUlIl:ert Miniatures, Ol'i­ The l'eciation as I h;)ve heen. Being a printer myself I would likl! lu comment fa\"orably on Ihe quality of Thank You, Cyr thc \IUl'k. J think MIKEroscope should be con­ ~lars D{'~r VOL: Wif:hHa Falls, Tex. lill11lO'd (for the I'eason that of today often I've been wanlin!;\: to .... rite you and say a few disappear 50 suddenly) and, sinre HADIO GUIDE words about the Beauty Box program-\\ithout oriJ.!inated the splendid ifll'a-why not continue a doubt this grand pl'ogralll hullis its place amoug if readel's are ~nrrif:il'ntly interested? the finest un the air. Miss 0, F. WhiLlekrr Prai~c must be gi\'ell f.'sperially to lIH! heauLi {ul VOiCI'S of Francia While and Jaml'S 1\1l'lton­ and Ill,l)' they continue Oil in Ihis fille \\'lll'k they Two Spare Stars are doing. Dear VOL: Killawug. N. Y. Lung mar thi~ program of the world's finest I c~rlainly agree with H. F, Edl\ard~ of Ham­ elltl'rtainment rule the airwaves. ilton, Ohio, Gi\'e Seth Parker a six slar ratin~ And wishing lllurh happiness to yOli and your in c(Jmpari"on to some you are raling four stars An encyclopedia of informa­ IlOW. L. 1<' Murphey tion about radio's leading fine publicatioil. Haymond Cyr All This for stars, pictured and described to the last detail-Also replete with a log section never be­ fore equaled. including lists of the broadcasting stations Only ot the United States. Canada It's the Gypsy In Him and Mexico, arranged three ways-by call letters. fre­ quency and location - The Oldest principal short-wave stations Feature Story of Harry llorlick and His G)'fJsies, of the world-Lists of the Sponsored Program on the Air, Leads Next Week's Issue stations in the NBC, CBS 50c and independent networks. of RADIO GUIDE. In the Isme You Will Find Also Postpaid Get your order in TODAYl ------J. J. Mitchell, Circulation Manager, Pinkie RADIO GUIDE. 731 Plymouth Court, Chica~o, Ill. Please send me one MIKEroscope Album and Log Book, for which An Intimate Closeup of the Child Who Has Amazed the I enclose 50c. I understand you pay the postage. Radio World by His Brilliant Work in One Man's Family Name , , ...... •...... , . Street and address -, . And an Infinite Variety of Other Feature Stories of the Stars. It'll City and State .. , . Please make remittance either by money ord~r or check. Not respon­ All Be in the Issue Dated Week Ending August 24. Watch for It! sible for cash.

26 3 , Ra di 0 5 Super-Manhunt

(Continued from Page 7) Fugitive is resting 011 top of tbe Nuff. Has ra'V'ille ul/der CllL'Oc!1Il Afoul/lain. Near will direct the ground force. From Fort a rifle and a dog, Point T:6." Point F9 !'oillt F9 I!e still bas J-1UI~t they're sending me a short-wave­ The plane circled. Point 1::6 referred to the dog c9UJ ppcd radio patrol car. And from Bal­ a designated spOI upon an accurate but Immediately the control truck's power­ tImore the coasl-gu:ud is sending ten hastily-dr:l\vn mIlitary map which Sayles ful transmitter relayed the lle\\S 10 the crack marksmen o 1'::De~11::~~~ ~:e .t~~ ~ilelt.gll for ,\lorning came. In the gray light, tired and his dug. \"anishl'd into lhe screening ::ch r(,~llmed hut determined searchers Iheir fIJrt':-.1 lihe a :ih.:ldow. When the sun dipped "You Can't Beat Radio" 1'0taJ Amount.•• , .. ta .... k. Once more Old \'irginia's imme­ 10 the hill:-., llle circling airplane had re­ morial foothills knew the drone of an air­ gained no Ir;lCC of him. Another Thriller In the plane motor and the far more familiar fhen. just at du-;k, came another radio IllCSSJ~e. I panting and baying of bloodhound", Said the airplane's radio broad­ Calling All Cars Series I Addre.. .. - •••••••••••• Suddenly the plane dipped-and :-.poke; (a ... ler: "Fugitive slp,bted at tlllproxilllatdy "Fugztive sigIJled ,., Fugitive sighted Don't Miss It! I Cit, State l Poi1lt E6. Near Poillt E6 is a rocky bluff. . Fugitive i~ aPfla~':II11y asleep in .; deep .------..... 3 27 FranceR Langford SuP P 0 r leo r 8 of continues lo for~e Kathleen "r e II s ahead of olher are putting on a Queen candidates determined drive

ILL jcssica Dragonetle Iy fill out the ballot on thi~ p:l.gc, paste he Quecn (If Radio for it 011 a penny post-card, or place il in 19J5? Will the petite, an envelope, and mail it to Queen l:lec· 'Hlburn-haired so 11 g­ tion Tellers, RADIO GUIDE, 731 Plymouth ~Iress win the reatest Court, Chicago, Illinois. ~ of all Queen Efections Failure to make out the ballot in without a ,)truggle? . full will not disqualify your vote, but The ,tn,)\\er to that qucstion rests with the millions the Editors of RADIO GUIDE request your help in com. of r:tdiQ listeners in the United State,) ami in Canada. pletmg their Illes. They alone can tell, for they alone will chou'iC this FO~ .LO.WIl\:G is a list of the current leaders in the Queen. 'I hrou/-th the medium of the ballots printed In RAmo GUIDE, the entire contest is left in the hands of EleCIl(m showing their respective positions: file great li~tening I)ublic. And that public must re· 1. Jessica Dragonette20. Helen Jepson 41. Betty Buthell spond in a hurry. 2. Mary Livingstone 21. Portland Hoffa 42. Mnine Gray For all ballots in thi,) Election must be postmarked 3. Joan Blaine, Mary22, Ethel Shuttil 43. Gertrude Niesen n(Jt later than midnight, Sunday, Septembcr H! Marlin 23. Vera Van 44. Kathleen Wilson 4. Kate Smith 24. Betty Winkler Claudia of On~ 5. Virglniil Clark, 25. Harriet Hilliard Man'S Family 11AT means that only a few ~hort weeks remain he· Helen Trent 26. Mona Van 45. Babs Ryan T forc the ele.::tion is over and the Queen is namcd. 6. Gracie Allen 27. Muriel Wilson 46. Loretta Clemens Within OIlC month, on September IH to be e:\itct, the 7. Loretta Lee 28, Lulu Selle 47. Connie Boswell National Elcctrical and I<.adj(, h:posil inn will open in 8. Ethel Merman 29. Patti Chapin 48. Peg La Centra the Grand C'..entral Palace. New York City. and at that 9. Ireene Wicker, the30. Gale Page 49. Priscilla Lane Singing Lady 31. Ruth Etting 50. Myrtle Vail Exposition the Queen will bc crowIH'd. 10. Rosemary Lane 32, Elsie Hitz, Gail of 51. Nellie Revell So delay is disaSlrous. If your favorite is to show 11. Louise Massey Dangerous Para- 52. Kathleen Wells her fuJI strength ill the Election. you must vote for her 12. Irene Beasley dise 53. Lynn Martin immedialely. Hemcmbcr, evcry ballot you fail 10 scnu 13. Gladys Swarthout 33. Beatrice lillie 54. Irna Phillips, in for your choice reduces her chances of winning the Always a dangerous contender. Habs Ryan 14. Benay Venuta 34. Frances Langford Mother Moran Eleclion. has lost ground in this week's labulation 15. Vivian Delfa 35. Francia White 55. Dorothy Page For three successivc weeks jessica Dragoncttc has Chiesa 36. Deane Janis 56. Pauline Morin 16. Willie Morris 37. Grace Moore 57. Eve Sully held the lead in this Election. for three weeks her sup­ 17. Annette Hanshaw 38. Ramona 58. Connie Gates porters have turned ill marc votes for hcr than have 18. Vivienne Segal 39. Olga Albani 59. Shirley Howard arrived for any other single performer, At times her who has been broadca.!>ting may be nominated. Just 19. Leah Ray 40. linda Parker 60. Mary Small lead ha~ been large, almost ovcrwhelming. At olhcr because she is not li,)led on this page does not mean times Mary Living.,tone, her c1n<,est rival, has crept that she has flO chance to win the Election. Several ADIO Editors of different newspapers throughout up to \\ ithin one vole of the lead, and juan Blaine, weeks remain before ballots will be thrown out for R Ihe counl ry have been asked to name their ~Iec­ third la:it week and third now, has been within a few tardiness, and with votes arriving daily, nO one call tell tioll'> for QlJ('cn of Hadio. Their nominations will have hundred haUots of the coveted leader... hip. how the Elcction will end. Some woman \\ho has not no bearing on the Elcction itself. but this reque~t has But the race is far frolll over. Daily hundreds of received a single vote up to date may win. She nced been made of them as experts on radIO. and to show hallots pour in for Mary Livingstone ami .loan I3laine, nol be a network star. how differcnt territories of the country will vote. for fourth place Kate Smith. for Virginia Clark and Your favorite has as much a right to the tillc of Editors who ha\'c sent in selections during the past Gracie Allen. Queen of Radio as anyone else';. choice for 1he honor. wcek and the \\on1("n Ihev name are: Hubert R. Ede H(~cogl1ition and acclaim await the win ncr. At the The rules of the contest are extremely slluple. f\.1ere- of the EV£'III11f!, News, Newark, New Jersey, jessica Exposition itself shc will he feted :.umptu- Dragolll'ne; Andy Smith of the News-Age· ou,)ly, Pretcntious banquets arc bcmA Nera!d, Birmingham, Alabama. Rosemary planned in her honor. Ilcr coronation Lane: Frederick W. Hobbs, jr., of the will be witnessed by thollsands and heard Official Radio Queen Ballot l':u7lIIig 'l'r(11Iscript. Boston, Massachu­ by millions through nation-wide broad­ setts. Willie l\\oms: john Reag:l.ll, jr.. of 'J'illl(,.~, casts. My Choice for Radio Queen, 1935, Is . lhe Citiiell Asheville. North Caro­ RI\IIIO GUttiE assumes all expenses lina. Ie~~ica Dragonette. iflcurred by the Qucen in winning the My Name Is Dorothy .\latli~OIl of the Teltgram Election, such as tran'ij)ortation, hotel and Ca;.etle, Worcester, l\'1assachusetts, bills, etc. No stone will bc left unlurned I live At Claudine l\1:tcDonald: Ken Berrig of the to show her Majesty the moq c'\ciling EVtlllllg Express, Portland. Maine. Mary and momentous period of her life. Li\'lllgstone: Hal Cram. of the Sl!"!'ay Telegram, Portland, I\\allle, l\\ary l.l\'lllg- EME;\1BEH, this is lhc only o/fic;al stone' Gus Garhcr of the Htrald, Mon­ Thert Are in Our Family, of Whom Are in Gainful Occupations. R Radio Queen Election. to other con­ (Xnml",rl treal.' Quebec, Ruth Etting; .c. C. Ilam­ test bears the stamp of approvttl of the merstrom of the l:"VCltlllg C,trrClI, Ottawa, We Own (or) Rent Our Home. We Own a Car Ontario. Gladys Swarthout. directors of the National Electrical and (l'hN.'k) tChedil RadIO l:xpositlOn. C E. de M. Taschereau of the jo"r. nal, Ottawa, Ontario, Benay Venuta;. Dor­ Unless you vote and vote as often as We Own a ...... ' ...... Years Old. you can you will neglect your privilege (lhke) tXutubt'rJ l.. ~ue w('{'k ('nding August 1; othy Lovc of the Da;ly News, Ptl1ladel­ to have a choice in deciding the person on phia Pennsylvania, Babs Ryan; V. Perc], Mail Your Ballot to Queen Election Tellers, Radio Guide, 731 Plymouth Court, ChicaQo, Ill. of tile La IJrclIsa, New York City. je:':iica lhe air who is most pleasing to you. This Convenient Size Will Allow the Ballot to be Pasted on a Post'Card for Mailing. Any woman who is broadcasting or lJragonctte. This file including all text and images are from scans of a private personal collection and have been scanned for archival purposes only. This file may be freely distributed, but not sold on ebay, electronically or in reproduced form. Please support the preservation of old time radio.