
• • 10 The National Weekly of Programs and Personalities Week Ending August 17, 1935 ECABSI Volume IV Number 43 ¢ Jessica Dragonette See Page 15 My Time Is Your Time--Radio's Super-Manhunt News and Views of the Week They Were A roHlin <tatlun In I ern: 11:1lI1l', Japan Be ... ides its e(forl:'> to Tl,llh lhl' l'mtnl Indi;m:l. ~;l\~ the nl'\\"p:lpcr~ of th.l1 St.Jtes anti the other princip;11 cnun­ Not cit)' :l k''(Jn in puHk ~T\i,l". Dur­ Seeks Air Irie... of the \\(,rld \\ith .. horl-\\;I\e ~Irike ~TlIOl(lca~t'. Afraid ing the general in Terre Haute. Supremacy Japan i ... t'ngJged in ;J ih l\\() ne\\~pJpers .. u:,penlled puh­ great program for Ihe enlarg;t:Olenl lie.llion. I he~ J!J\f a.. their rea'on the kaT 01 .. trike t,1 r<Jdic in Ih.lI ..::ountr\'. In the nt,lr futuu. the mJin ') mpathi/er... II rcm:linf<l lor tht' !o.:al hroad.:a'tinl! 101..111 .. t.llion i... In he incre:l,ed to .1 p('\\t'r III \;0 kilo­ '!;Jtion. WHO\\ to larry on It tool. the pl;lce (.f the \\;lth .1lld cthl'r ~t:ltion.. lo IlIO kilo\\atl-. thu., f1\·allll~ p.,ptr.. and n....hl·d nl'''' ;lOti .. trikl' l":\t:'It,pmcnJ-. unll1 in r;lllJ"l' thl· brge~t .. tatiOlh in the \\url..!. \t the pre.... ;1 "I:tlh-ml'nl \\;lS f(·;lchl'd. tnl timl' ul the ~i 'Iation'l, ,e\en Jre r;l[nl at III 1..."0­ The radio ..talion hro.ll!C;l ..t tht: IIT..t nt\\..; Ih.ll \\Jtl-. .,nd l~ at lrom j kilo\\3t... hi lUJ \\:ttl .. the .. trike \\3" (I\-er ;1(h:f tht' .. t;th: trl,OP" mOHd mto I hl' l"ten..ion program al'-() include, Ihe COlh(Tll(­ the cit)'. tion of ,I !:Ir~l' building for e:t(1l (If thl' ..Iudill., III loklo T. '\. Taylor. (orml'T rre.,idtnt of the Inlh:m.1 .lllli O lk.:t. \\hi..::h \\ill inwrpor.llt: tht, blt:-.t type 01 :--t;lIe l'ederatlOn of LtboT. and no\\ an orgamllT of brll.lllc.l tin~ equipment sele"::lct! afh'r nlen...l\t resear..::h. lhe American I fderallon 01 Lahor. ~alll th;ll certain fl'­ ;1l1ll \\hlch \\ill equal any 'll(h 'ImiLtr in.,t;J!latlons In m;trk.. \, hiell he h.. d propo..ed to nl.Jl..e o\'er statIon .Jlly p;nt of the world, Tht,..t: t\\O .:ilil·" \\jll (hus con­ \\ BO\\' (Ihe inili;d... 01 \\hich "tand lor "B.Jni...; of the tinue to ht: the hroadcasting centl'r., Ilf tht' Impire. ~pr:ech \\;Ih;,.. h ), h;11! hecn u::'hored In the clUing the \,ll'an h:l ... l'\changed inll'Tll<Jtion;t1 f<JdlO broad":::l"''' gtnerOiI 'Irikt'. I aylor uiliLi/cd tilt' ,Htitudt, of i\\a)'or up tn tht' pTt'''l'nt limt·. \\ith !he l nitt'd ~t~lle.. , Grt';l1 S;IOl Bt'('(hl'r ;lntl Ihe 1t":;11 Oldmini .. lr;ttion in their hand­ 13nLlin. Gl'Tm;tn.\'. I r;m"::l', 11;lh, tlu.: :'t.etherlantls Jnt! \\~h ling of Ihe ::>ilo,llion, Slleh n·h'ren.:e, III compelled S\\l1/l'TJ;md, I hirl\-nine or Ihl' hro~ldc:lsh alone \'vert' to omil. ndl;lO~t't! tluring 11134 WUOIV wry l'lTl'dl\dv Illuk thl' pla..::c hf the 10(:11 It's ;I \\onder our \\':l"bltl~ton le~I,Iator.. , \\hl) arc p:lper:-, ,1Ild h;ld nothing to fl':1r In dOIng ,I. '0 hll,ily l'ng:lgcd in ~agging foreign reprl'''l'nt:lll\ll'''' \\ 110 mi,l!ht II~ OUT r;hiiu, ha\en't tned to framt' an mtl'm,l­ • Ihlll;11 Ia\\ 10 LO\er thIS :-11ll;lIIUn. It \\ould bl' Ju,l The Quick R:ldio i'i m.lking il h:lriler every day Iil..t· 1111"111 10 Iry. for crimin;t1 ... to gd Ol\\.JY from the CfJ1IgreHlllnll If/ri.ght Pntfl111ll .•• rlllJit} lJ Tongue of ~ct?nl'''' of Iht:ir criml·.... R.atliu patrol H,- thuds {m,. The Law car, h;l\e het'n running criminal:-. to • It Seems Clln~re,... mOln WIlfl;ht P.llm:m tnc,1 earth ;1.11 UHr thl' country Olln1l1.. t be­ Wired radio is sllbsitlizctl by ;t gn:;lt e!l:ctric li~ht to j),j.{lr oil ')11 Irlluhlt'd \\:lters. l:\ery fOle their criOll" h;\H' hcen COmmilll'd. and power combine. It C:'ln pirw progranh mto e\try Radio lime hu"im.'" mell orlo!Ollllzed tu pro­ I h;J1II.." 10 pollet' .. hort-\\;l\t' r.Jdio. criminals tuntory and large city of the L'mll'd State.... 1l:e1 tlwir propert.\ nghb Congre.... ha\'e ht.<t!n G.IIlghl in the ,lcw:l1 commi,·ion of Iheir deed,. \\illlll~ Is Fair rile only rea5Qn the publi..: i, to pay for held an inquiry. I hl'\' triel! to rLhl In ::>ome in"I;IIKt'... I\\o-\\a\' cnmmuni":;ltion ht::t\\l't:n progr01ms IS !:lecJU~ of length\ commerci:ll lalk~. mit) the...e :lctiOlh dirt: .:on~(luencl" 10 their heloved police lH:atlqu;lrlers :mtl the r:lt!in-cquippeJ squad C.Jrs Wired rJtlio pre~nts a nice prohkm lor ..,).J..::e broad­ ptt: I'll!. \\ould hOl\ e helped m;llt'ri:dly in m·lting bJ.ndib \\ ho (;I~ters \\ho lllU::>1 recognize the puhlic di..appft)\;ll 01 !"ht: re..:enl forlllation of thl'\mrrican Retail Fed­ h:\\e e",aped objl:etion3hle commerci:llization of thl' air\\:l\t". lr;lIiun ":Olu't.('d considerahle cO!l .. ternatioll. In\e.. liga~ Tht: city 01 Bmlon .... Police Chief recogniled the hroad..:a,lill~. Wired radio i"l not a thrc:n to space tion :-ho\\r:d th:lt it \\", forml't! h\· I\\enly-eight brge /!Tf:lt ath anlage inter-cummuni..::ation \\ould h;ne. lie t~ cheri::>h~ be"::lu.. the Ol\cragc li ... tener .. the Ireednm IIf fO(Jd ..::tJllt:.t."rn::> spendin~ ~O.lIUI,UII' JnnuJlly nn ;fllnr­ in"l:dleti the system \\Ith Ihe aid of General Ele..:tri(; ~It'ct being ahle to entertainment fr(Jm a dlllcn or more tl"lIl}!. \ !:Irge porllon of it goes to rOldio. So to the n,gineer:'l, ;lIlti in\ited police commi.... ioneTs from all "1:ltion... rhe audience will not bt' conlcnl to t:lke COll;.!.re..,ioIlJI Illintl Ihi.., nt'\\ O(IOPU, ..::onlltll1ed radiO. ~in}!ll' \IT the ..:ountry 10 in'!lt:"::l the sy"tem. \\hOlI i, Ix'ing fed them from a "ollr..::('. Varict\" Con;.!.rt·.... had to luok in on thi::> immedialeh. The "ew York Commi,... iuner, Ic\\is \-:llcntint" Ih~ J. and frl't't!om of the .ur\\3\fS .Jre ... pice ;mtlt ....lnti:lls At the hearinj!. \\hl'n questioned by Ih'pn'::>l'nt:lllH it ;1 parti..::uJarly hard le~t. \\·hile riding in the ga\f IIf radio's popularity. .\IILheoor of .\\ichigan. testifying bel lin' lilt' Judiciary T<1dio car in Bmwn, he e\pre:-.-.etl Ihe desire "10 talk However. people are \\illing to pay, anti th:lt IS :m Cl,mmillee of the II0ll"C, Repre"ent:ttiH \\'nght Pat­ \\llh ;'\I'W York." In less tune than it \\lIuld lake to tIlcour:lging sign. man of Te:\as had a ,a.:oot! \\ord to ,ay for Ihc fairnt.":-.., mal..e an ordinary lell'phone call, \'alentinl: \\:lS t:llking (If radiu \\hen it came to presentlllg bOlh siJt'S ot ;I \\ilh one of hi......ccrelJries in his '\e\\ York office. puhlic qlll:,tioll ttl the people. II oct:.llrrl·d \\hen ,\iT. The old-fa,hionl'd• \\intlnllll m:lkes Speaking of hi:) BO::>lon e:\JX'rien..:e \\-ilh two-way Power P;llm:ln wa.. di... ..::u ...::>ing \\hat he dedared \\;IS the ..::on­ radio, he :-Jid. "It is one of the m:1rnb of Ihe age. It eleelric r:1l1io... operah: in rural tll::>­ 1101 of the di::>"emination. h~\ll. From the trich, i, Ihe OlU'll :I"loundlllg e\IWrience I have ever "\\'hen Ihi ... food group ;Illd ollH·r groups get to.. FiJrmt:r... and people \\ ho h;l\e I'm going Itl look into Ihi.;; l\\t)-\\a\· radio system Air gt·thcr :lntl control :>lI..:h an enormou... :lmount of ad\-er­ Ihoroughly \\hcn I gel h~l'o.:k. \\'e IWHn't anything like been denied the u"e uf modern radio li,ing, they in ;t \\-:lV contrul the mt'an ... of communi­ recciver, bt'cau"e of a lack of elt'ctricity, can no\,,, enjoy i: in l"e\\ York." Cit ion in thi ... ..::olllllry," SOlid the l{eIlTt·,entati\·e. "And the hendits of modern radio. A ne\\ device h:l' heen \\hl'n they do Ih:J1. yoU are 1101 going to get :III the dt'\eloIWd by Commander Eugene I; ..\tcDonald. .Ir" lhc tlllth :lilt! all the bets 10 the people; you :Ire going to Ar..:tlc t"\Jllorer and r<Jl!io cxccuti\'e, th:lt gencratt::... l'le..::­ • il1form~l\ion i~ gl'1 ..::oloretl to them alltl hi;] ..ctl inform:ltloll." Conditions When the public \\jlling 10 pay tl iCily for mdio. using" modern \er"lion of an ~1l1..:ienl (or :-umething Ihey C;)ll gel lor noth­ "Iluw :lre )OU going to help ;1 thing lil.:<: th:lt?" Mr.
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