Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Mohammad Shaban B. Sc, M. A, M. Phil, Ph. D (University of Kashmir, Srinagar)

DESIGNATION: - Research Fellow Institute of Kashmir Studies University of Kashmir Hazratbal Srinagar – 190006.

RESIDENCE: - Noorpora, Awantipora Kashmir – 192122

PHONE: - +91 - 9906889170 +91 - 7780803636

EMAIL: - [email protected] [email protected]

AREAS OF SPECIALISATION: -  Analytical study of Kashmiri Literature.  Stylistic cum Critical Studies of Literary Works.  Translation of Creative and Informative Material.  Prose Writing.


 Attended the four week duration 70th General Orientation Course organized by UGC - Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kashmir Srinagar, from 11th January to 06th February 2016.  Participated in One Week Workshop in Information Technology, organized by UGC - Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kashmir Srinagar, from 14 to 20th June 2016.



Teaching: -  Period of One year – (Worked as a Contractual Lecturer in the Post Graduate Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir Hazratbal Srinagar in 2009).  Teaching Open Elective Courses at Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Kashmir Srinagar.

Research: - Period of Eleven years – (Eight years as Research Fellow which is three years in addition to the experience gained through the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy).

Evaluation: - Reviewer cum Evaluator of Kashmiri books and manuscripts (unpublished material) for Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore and have reviewed many books till this time. The latest book evaluated is Asri Tajik ti Kashir Shairi – Taqabli Mutali that is written by Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad who is an associate Professor at AMU.

Membership: - 1. Member Departmental Research Committee, Institute of Kashmir Studies University of Kashmir Srinagar. 2. Member Board of Post graduate Studies, Institute of Kashmir Studies University of Kashmir Srinagar.


 The Handicrafts of Kashmir “Kashri athe kami” submitted in the Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir Srinagar  A Stylistic Study of ’s Poetry submitted in the Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir Srinagar.  A Translation of a book submitted in the Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Kashmir Srinagar in 2011.  An Analytical Study of Kashmiri Proverbs and Sayings completed in the Institute of Kashmir studies, University of Kashmir Srinagar.  A Stylistic Comparison of the Poetry of Mahmood Gami and submitted in the Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir Srinagar.


 Field work for the diploma course dissertation.  Literary field survey for M. Phil programme.  Field work in connection with Ph. D degree.  Field survey regarding the Analytic Research Project.


LEARNED SOCIETIES ASSOCIATION: - 1. Remained as a General Secretary for two years in 1984 - 85 of the “Kashir Adbi Mehfil” a weekly Literary Programme being organised by the Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir Srinagar. 2. Member of Bedil International Foundation, New Delhi in the year 2015 - 16.


Books: - Aslobiyat (Mehmud Gami ta Rasul Mir) published in 1997 having Pp - 256.

Research papers and Articles: -

 A paper "Professor Marghoob Sabni Sarbarahi ta Nigrani tahat Chapaymet Anharek Khas Shumare" Sheraza (Kashmiri) 2017 Marghoob Number, 50(4): 640-646 {ISSN: 2278-3245.  An article “Dramhuk Usloob” published by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Srinagar in the journal of Kashmiri Sheraza vol. 34 no. 4.in 2001 which is edited by Balwant Thakur.  A paper “Shaikh-ul - Alam sindi Kalamuk Uslobiyati Mutala” published by Markazi Nur, Shaikh - ul - Alam Chair, University of Kashmir Hazratbal Srinagar in the 1st issue of its Research Journal Alamdar in the year 2000 that is edited by its founder Chairman Prof. Hamidi Kashmiri.  A Research paper “Rasul Mirun Shari Jamaliyat” published by Department of Kashmiri, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar in its Research magazine Anhaar’s Special number Mashriqi Shari Jamaliyat in 1997 which is edited by Prof. Marghoob Banihali.  An article “Jalakduzi ta Topa ka`m” published by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Srinagar in the Special number of Sheraza Kashmiri vol. 22 no. 6 that is, Kashir Ajaibat in 1985 which is edited by Mohammad Yousuf Taing.  In addition book reviews on some books are also published in different magazines; like Sheraza of JK-AACL, Sgr. Some of these books are as under: o Iktishafi Tanqeed ki Shairiyat – Prof. Hamidi Kashmiri o Pursan – Naji Munawar etc.

Translations: -

. A book translated from English into Kashmiri which has been published by the Institute of Kashmir Studies University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar in 2011. . Translated a paper entitled "Jayyid Iqbal Shinas Professor Marghoob Banihali - Unki Iqbaliyati Tasanef kay Hawalay say aek Mutala” written by Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Ganai 2017 "Sheraza (Kashmiri) Marghoob Number, 50(5): 578 -584 {ISSN: 2278-3245}


. Translation of the Research paper “Jalakduzi ta Topa ka`m” into and published in a Special number of Urdu Sheraza vol. 26 no. 8, 9 (Kashmiri Ajayibat) in 1987 by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages Srinagar. . Translation of the Research paper “Jalakduzi ta Topa ka’m” into Punjabi and published in a Special number of Punjabi Sheraza vol.19 no. 1, 2 in 1988 by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages, Srinagar. . Translation of a Rajasthani Short story written by Ghan Peth Awardee of Rajasthan Vijay dhan detha into Kashmiri “Razi nama” that is published in an Anthology, Rajasthani Afsana of Sahatya Akademi, New Delhi. . In addition, I have translated (22) Short stories & Essays from English, Urdu, Punjabi, Rajasthani and Hindi that will be published soon in various anthologies of Sahitya Akademi New Delhi.

Creative writings: -

 A Short Story “Yahay Asa Pari” published in Sheraza (Kashmiri) vol. 30 no. 5 in 1996 by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages, Srinagar.  A Short Story “Bunyul” published in Kashmiri Sheraza vol. 31 no. 2 in 1997 by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages Srinagar.  A Short Story “Ash gand” published in Kashmiri Sheraza vol. 31 no. 3 in 1997 by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages, Srinagar.


 Presented a paper " - A Divine Treasure from Central Asia to Kashmir" in an International Conference on "Literary Legacy of Indo-Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran" held at University campus and organized by Centre of Central Asian Studies, University of Kashmir in collaboration with Bedil International Foundation, New Delhi from 31 March to 02 April 2015.  Presented a paper on the topic "The Orthographic Variations and their Corrective forms in Kashmiri Language" in a workshop "Standardisation in Kashmiri Orthography" organized by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages Srinagar from 28 to 30 July 2015.  Participated and translated some Punjabi short stories into Kashmiri and vice versa in the “Punjabi - Kashmiri Short Story Translation Workshop” held from 6th to 10th March 2006 at Sahitya Akademi, Rabindra Bhawan New Delhi.  Took part and translated some short stories into Kashmiri and vice versa to other languages in the “Northern Regional Languages Translation Workshop” organised by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi from 2nd to 9th June 2006 at Pahalgam Kashmir.  Participated and translated some Rajasthani short stories into Kashmiri and vice versa in the “Rajasthani - Kashmiri Translation Workshop on Fiction” organised by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi held from 10 - 15 January 2007 at Jodhpur Rajasthan.


 Took part and translated some Punjabi short stories into Kashmiri and vice versa in the “Punjabi - Kashmiri Translation Workshop on Fiction” organised by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi from 20 - 24 June 2007 at Gulmarg Kashmir.  Presented a paper entitled “The poetic aesthetics in the poetry of Rasul Mir” in the Annual Seminar of the Department of Kashmiri University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar in 1996.  Presented a paper entitled “A stylistic study of the poetry of Shaikh ul Alam” in a seminar of the Markaz i Nur, Shaikh-ul Alam Chair, University of Kashmir Hazratbal Srinagar in the year 1997.  Presented a paper entitled “The Embroidery of Kashmir” in a seminar organised by the Academy of art, culture and languages, Srinagar.  Presented a paper entitled “The style in a drama” in the Annual seminar organised by the department of Kashmiri University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar in 1998.


Participated in more than eighty Conferences, Seminars, Symposia and Workshops organised by different departments/Research Institutes especially the Kashmiri department of University of Kashmir, Srinagar and other Institutions of State and outside.


Release of my book Aslobiyat in the world book fair 1998 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi by the worthy Vice Chancellor of the University of Kashmir Prof. M. Y. Qadri. Later on, some reviews regarding the book were made at radio, TV and were published also in different dailies. One of the reviews published in Kashmir Times on 14th Feb 1998 stated lastly as under: ‘This book is not only the 1st published Ph. D in Kashmiri Language but is also the 1st Kashmiri book released on an international forum’

Dr. Mohammad Shaban
