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Fees, Funds Find Ballot PODCAST FEATURE: MICHELLE OBAMA MAKING A SPLASH The women’s water polo The wife of Barack Obama visited SJSU on Sunday team improves to 5-1 and spoke to a crowd of nearly 1,000. For a chance after thumping the UOP to hear what she had to say, visit our Web site at Tigers 17-4 on Sunday. thespartandaily.com for an exclusive podcast. See SPORTS, page 4. VOLUME 130 ISSUE 7 Spartan Daily 58˚ / 40˚ thespartandaily.com MOSTLY SUNNY SERVING SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 FREE SINCE 1934 Th e CAPTURE THE FLAG Fees, chase funds for fi nd states ballot Clinton, McCain, By JOHN HORNBERG Staff Writer Obama and One side claims it is a money grab Romney headline that will adversely affect higher edu- cation, while the other feels that it is Super Tuesday. a necessary step to secure funding for California’s 2.5 million community college students. Oh yeah, and all of Today, voters will determine the merits of Proposition 92, which will those propositions. lower tuition fees and change the way California’s community colleg- es are funded. Read the voter’s guide Linda Cushing, an organizer in the PAGE 6 Bay Area for the “Yes on Prop 92” on campaign and a former community BRADDON VARDE / SPARTAN DAILY college faculty member, said the goal of the proposition is to get students back into schools. “What it will do primarily will A change at the top of SJSU/City program reduce fees slightly to allow some students to be able to come to school and get an education,” she said. The proposition will separate Amid retirement plans, head of CommUniverCity steps down with ‘big shoes to fi ll’ community college funding from the K-12 system, funding it with differ- ent formulas than those used for K- By JOHN ELLIS list of the most important.” According to Salazar, Christensen is 12, according to the voter informa- Staff Writer Salazar has been part of CommU- well respected on and off campus and tion guide provided by the secretary niverCity since the beginning and was has the ability to speak to everyone. of state’s offi ce. CommUniverCity, a collaborative notifi ed shortly before the semester that “He brought the coalition together, Opponents claim that, given the program between SJSU, the City of San she was to be the new executive direc- the administration and community, stu- CSU and UC systems’ vulnerable po- Jose and neighborhood communities, tor. dents and faculty,” Salazar said. “He set sition in the budget, the proposition’s has chosen Dayana Salazar to be its new “I don’t know exactly how it hap- up monthly meetings and worked with passage would harm both even more executive director. pened, but everyone on staff thought the city government on their Strong because it would result in further Terry Christensen, the former execu- I should do it,” Salazar said. “It was a Neighborhood Initiative.” budget cuts. tive director and political science pro- group consensus.” The Five Wounds and Brookwood The California Faculty Associa- fessor, stepped down to free up some re- Salazar acknowledged that she has Terrace neighborhoods that CommUni- tion has objections with Proposition sponsibilities as he gets ready to retire. “big shoes to fi ll,” following the person verCity works with are about one mile 92’s potential costs to the CSU sys- CommUniverCity serves as a bridge who took the idea of CommUniverCity east of downtown, centering on a 90- tem. According to the CFA’s Web between the City of San Jose and the and made it a reality. year-old church that serves a predomi- site, the proposition could cut the Five Wounds and Brookwood Terrace Christensen worked closely with SJSU nately Portuguese and Latino commu- state’s general fund by $880 million, communities near downtown. and the City of San Jose on the Dr. Martin nity, according to Salazar. which would affect the CSU system. Students and faculty work closely Luther King Jr. Library, the nations only With over 20,000 residents to work John Travis, the chair of the Po- with community members to improve public library co-developed and co-man- with, students and faculty from SJSU litical Action Legislative Committee Political Science Professor Terry Christensen social and economic problems as well as aged by a municipal government and an are continually immersing themselves in for the CFA, said he believes the po- (left) was the former executive director for city and county planning developments. institution of higher education. the communities in a variety of ways. tential hit to the CSU system affects CommUniverCity. Dayana Salazar (right), “We get into folks’ homes and bring In the wake of the unique collabora- Salazar said that political science more than just tuition. “I see really deep cuts in programs, urban and regional planning professor, was in resources,” said Salazar, an SJSU tion, Christensen and other faculty mem- students go to the neighborhoods to reg- bers wanted to continue the relationships ister citizens to vote. Through face-to- I see deep cuts in the work force,” chosen to be his replacement. urban and regional planning professor. “The community has come up with 69 started for King library and bring to- PHOTOS FROM SJSU.EDU items they want to focus on and a top 10 gether other parts of the community. See COMM, Page 2 See PROP, Page 2 INSIDE the For celebrating Martin Luther King Jr., it’s never too late Daily By KIMBERLY TSAO were supposed to be susceptible to violence Staff Writer and were placed at the front of the line. The Cultural Heritage Center at the Dr. Those who received only one bar remained at the back. GIVING BACK Martin Luther King Jr. Library held its fi fth- NOBODY BEATS annual Martin Luther King Jr. birthday cel- The march started just outside the library SJSU kinesiology profes- on Fourth and San Fernando streets. From sor Dan McClure spends BARACK ebration. The event included an hour-long Experience is not the only there, the group headed toward SJSU. They his afternoons with a much Freedom March, the second of its kind. thing to consider in a made sure to stop at the Tommie Smith and younger crowd, holding There were less than 100 people pres- presidential candidate. after-school fi tness and nutri- ent. Several were carrying signs that read John Carlos Statue. See OPINION page 5 tion programs for less-fortu- “Cultural Diversity” and “Equal Education “I think, now more than ever, people nate middle-schoolers. for all.” just really need to rise up and be passion- See STUDENT CULTURE, page 3 Kathryn Blackmer Reyes, the director of ate about what they believe in, rather than the Cultural Heritage Center, explained that stand in the sidelines and not really do any- DIAMOND the event was held in February because it’s thing,” said Marcus Kilgore, a junior soci- INDEX ology major. “Me coming here shows that I DAYS Black History Month, even though Martin don’t want to stand by and let his dream be Classifi eds.........................4 The SJSU men’s baseball Luther King Jr. Day was Jan. 21. It is held unrealized or not reach its full potential.” Columns...........................5 team hit the practice fi eld later to give SJSU students and faculty on As the weather started to disagree with the Crossword,Sudoku............4 Friday. On deck: a four- campus a chance to participate. march, the people proceeded to San Jose City ARTHUR MARKMAN / SPARTAN DAILY SpartaGuide.................2 game series against the Before the Freedom March, the partici- University of Utah starting Hall. There, amid the rain, Mayor Chuck Reed Sports...............................4 pants were given bottled water and granola Th e Freedom Marchers gathered in front of the Dr. Martin Luther Feb. 27. Student Culture ..................3 bars. Those who received two granola bars See MLK, Page 2 King Jr. Library in preparation for their second annual march. See SPORTS, page 4 2 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 CAMPUS NEWS THESPARTANDAILY.COM PROP Impact on CSUs debated SSPARTAPARTA GGUIDEUIDE EVENT CALENDAR Continued from Page 1 Proposition 92 will reduce tuition that students, particularly new trans- sition, and Sunshine said all of public for community college students from fers from community colleges, will education is in a tight situation. Today What: Live music: Vocal Recital. Travis said of the proposition’s im- $20 to $15 per unit, according to the feel the impact of the increases. “What makes this problematic is The Listening Hour Live Music Spring pact on the CSU system. “It will limit voter guide, and change laws to re- “We feel that the sticker shock that we have a great deal of respect What: Photography reception Concert Series: Graduate Vocal Recital access by a sizeable number to attend quire a two-thirds majority in the transfer students are going to feel for the community colleges,” he said. Where: Art building “A Potpourri of Song,” featuring so- the CSU. state legislature to increase it. will be fantastic,” Sunshine said. “We’re just convinced that this is not When: 6 to 8 p.m. pranos Nicole Cooper, Carley Neill and “I don’t know how we would sur- According to the analysis in the Sunshine also added that the CSU the way to handle the issue.” Contact: Wendy Crockett, innie726@ Jessica Smith, pianist Sharon Brook, vive. It would have a profound effect voter guide, California’s commu- fees have increased more than 100 Sunshine said all of public educa- aol.com and the vocal studio of Professor Erie on the CSU.” nity college students pay the lowest percent since 2002, hurting com- tion is underfunded.
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