Published by CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc. Citizen Protests Do mass demonstrations lead to policy changes?

issent has always been part of American politics, but scholars say ’s election has sparked a heightened era of protests reflecting the country’s deep ideological polarization. Fueled Dby , demonstrations have arisen over Trump adminis- tration policies on such issues as health care, and immigration. Meanwhile, alleged police brutality and the removal of Confederate monuments have aroused mass protests, some violent. And on college campuses, students have clashed over whether right- and left-wing provocateurs should speak at public Demonstrators at the massive Women’s March on , on Jan. 21, 2017, protest Donald Trump’s election, which scholars say has triggered the largest forums. In addition to using street protests, conservatives for demonstrations in recent memory. Other protests have erupted over Civil War monuments, alleged police brutality, immigration policy and the weakening of decades have turned to ballot measures to oppose abortion, and environmental protections. But some scholars question whether protests sway policymakers. more recently the tea party movement rallied against the Afford- able Care Act and other policies championed by former President Barack Obama. But experts say the size and stridency of today’s protests are reminiscent of the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War I THIS REPORT movements of the 1960s. Still, skeptics question whether street N THE ISSUES ...... 3 protests can change government policy, and some states are S BACKGROUND ...... 9 cracking down on protests that become disruptive or violent. I CHRONOLOGY ...... 11 D CURRENT SITUATION ...... 15 CQ Researcher • Jan. 5, 2018 • E Volume 28, Number 1 • Pages 1-24 AT ISSUE ...... 17 OUTLOOK ...... 19 RECIPIENT OF SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE ◆ AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SILVER GAVEL AWARD BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 22 THE NEXT STEP ...... 23 CITIZEN PROTESTS

Jan. 5, 2018 Volume 28, Number 1

THE ISSUES Corporate Boycotts Often EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Thomas J. Billitteri 5 Sparked by Politics [email protected] • Does protesting sway The top reason consumers 3 ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS: Kenneth policymakers? give for boycotting a cor- Fireman, [email protected], • Should controversial porate brand is that they Kathy Koch, [email protected], speakers be denied platforms? disagree with the company’s Scott Rohrer, [email protected] political leanings. • Are consumer boycotts ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR: Val Ellicott effective? Consumers Reward, SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: 8 Punish Climate Policies Thomas J. Colin, [email protected] Almost a third of Americans BACKGROUND CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Marcia Clemmitt, say they patronize compa- Sarah Glazer, Alan Greenblatt, Reed Karaim, nies trying to reduce global Barbara Mantel, Patrick Marshall, Tom Price Challenges to Dissent warming. 9 Acts of protest sparked the SENIOR PROJECT EDITOR: Olu B. Davis American Revolution. Chronology EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Natalia Gurevich 11 Key events since 1941. Nonviolent Protests FACT CHECKERS: Eva P. Dasher, 10 Experts say nonviolent strate- Michelle Harris, Betsy Towner Levine, Social Media a Boon for Robin Palmer gies helped the civil rights 12 Protest Organizers movement succeed. Some wonder, though, whether it fosters long-term Confrontational Protests commitment. 12 Many groups used aggressive tactics in the 1980s and ’90s. Confederate Monuments 14 Stir Racial Controversy An Imprint of SAGE Publications Inc. By removing statues, “you SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CURRENT SITUATION lose the opportunities to tell GLOBAL LEARNING RESOURCES: the whole story.” Karen Phillips Clamping Down EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ONLINE LIBRARY AND 15 Five states have adopted At Issue: new restrictions on protests. 17 REFERENCE PUBLISHING: Should protests be more Todd Baldwin strictly regulated? Police as Targets 18 Protests continue against Copyright © 2018 CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE police shootings of unarmed FOR FURTHER RESEARCH Publications, Inc. SAGE reserves all copyright and African-Americans. other rights herein, unless previ ous ly speci fied in writ- For More Information ing. No part of this publication may be reproduced 21 Organizations to contact. electronically or otherwise, without prior written OUTLOOK permission. Unau tho rized re pro duction or trans mis- Bibliography sion of SAGE copyright ed material is a violation of Continuing Conflict 22 Selected sources used. federal law car ry ing civil fines of up to $100,000. 19 Demonstrations are expected to continue in a deeply CQ Press is a registered trademark of Congressional The Next Step Quarterly Inc. divided nation. 23 Additional articles. CQ Researcher (ISSN 1056-2036) is printed on acid- Citing CQ Researcher free paper. Pub lished weekly, except: (March wk. 4) SIDEBARS AND GRAPHICS 23 Sample bibliography formats. (May wk. 4) (June wk. 5) (Aug. wks. 2, 3) (Nov. wk. 4) and (Dec. wks. 3, 4). Published by SAGE Most Rate Nonviolent Publications, Inc., 2455 Teller Rd., Thousand Oaks, 4 Protest a Key Right CA 91320. Annual full-service subscriptions start at A majority of Americans say $1,131. For pricing, call 1-800-818-7243. To purchase the right to peaceful protest a CQ Researcher report in print or electronic format is important to democracy. (PDF), visit or call 866-427-7737. Single reports start at $15. Bulk purchase discounts and electronic-rights licensing are also available. Periodicals postage paid at Thousand Oaks, , and at additional mailing offices. POST MASTER: Send address changes to CQ Research er, 2600 Ave., N.W., Suite 600, Washing ton, DC 20037. Cover: Getty Images/Barbara Alper

2 CQ Researcher Citizen Protests BY ALAN GREENBLATT

The question remains whether such protests matter: THE ISSUES Trump has shown few signs ike millions of Demo- of changing course on policy. crats, Anne Taussig was Some, however, argue that L dismayed when Donald the wave of popular dissent Trump was elected president. — dubbed by liberals as the Unlike after past elections, “resistance” — has injected however, she felt she could new life into liberal causes not wait four years before try- that will pay dividends in this ing to do something about it. year’s midterm congressional The 66-year-old product elections and beyond. designer from St. Louis op- “While Trump has given poses Trump’s policies on his followers the liberal tears issues such as taxes, health /Al Diaz they crave, that victory con- care and abortion and is con- tains the seeds of its own cerned about his campaign’s reversal,” wrote Michelle possible collusion with Russia. Goldberg, a Times Thus, she became an activist opinion columnist. 2

in 2017, even though she had Herald The Of course, it’s not just lib- not participated in a street erals who embrace protests, protest since college. and activism is not just about “We follow that strategy, to national politics. Conserva- go after Trump the way the tives have protested issues Getty Images/ tea party went after [President] 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, such as abortion, gay mar- Obama,” she says, referring right, sparked nationwide controversy in 2016 when he riage, the growing national to the conservative, antitax, began kneeling during the national anthem to protest debt and the Affordable Care populist movement that arose police shootings of unarmed black Americans. Since Act. Liberals have demanded then, many other players have joined him. Some polls after the election of Barack indicate pregame kneeling is considered unpatriotic action on climate change, Obama in 2008. by many Americans, including President Trump, environmental protection, Taussig co-founded a St. who said protesting players should be fired and LGBT rights and alleged po- Louis chapter of Indivisible, a urged fans to boycott NFL games. lice brutality against unarmed left-leaning nationwide advocacy group African-Americans. Angry protests also that sprang up after Trump’s election. policy. Anti-Iraq War protests became have erupted on college campuses in Her chapter claims 3,000 members, routine during the George W. Bush response to both liberal and conserva- many of whom routinely protest out- administration. tive speakers. Native Americans and side congressional offices or when But Trump’s election has ushered in their allies have staged long-running administration officials come to town. an era of heightened protest, according protests against oil pipelines built on The group showed up at the St. Louis to those who study citizen activism. sacred Indian lands. And some white airport last January, as activists did at From marching and demonstrating to supremacists have taken to the streets other facilities around the country, to flooding Capitol Hill switchboards with to oppose the removal of Confederate protest Trump’s ban on travel from phone calls, many Americans are voic- monuments, among other causes. (See certain majority-Muslim countries. ing strident opposition to a president sidebar, p. 14.) Political protests are hardly new whose approval rating is consistently In politics, such protests are part — citizens have demonstrated against under 40 percent — historically low of an “outside game” — a strategy of government officials and policies they for a first-year president. 1 At the agitating for or against policies from oppose since before the country was same time, anti-Trump Americans are outside formal political institutions. The born. In recent years, conservatives held boycotting products associated with strategy can be part of an activist’s protests and disrupted town halls dur- him or his family, while millions are toolkit for changing government or ing Obama’s presidency, complaining expressing their anger on social media corporate practices, but some experts about deficit spending and health care about his policies. on activism say to effect change it must Jan. 5, 2018 3 CITIZEN PROTESTS

others have considered doing so. (See Most Rate Nonviolent Protest a Key Right “Current Situation,” p. 15.) The vast majority of Americans — 91 percent — believe the right to Dana Fisher, a sociologist at the Uni- protest nonviolently is important to a strong democracy. A smaller versity of , College Park, who is writing a book about protests in the majority — 84 percent — say news organizations’ freedom to Trump era, says she is not surprised that criticize political leaders is important. the number of protests are up. Protests How Americans Rate Various Aspects of a Strong Democracy occur more frequently during Republican administrations, she says, and “we have 3% 4% 7% 5% 12% a man in the who seems to be very intent on creating what we 6% 11% 12% 18% 20% [academics] call moral outrage. That has been a boon for protest, for sure.” Most academics who study protests 74% 89% 83% 79% 64% agree that activism tends to be a tactic preferred by the left, citing the civil rights, free-speech and antiwar move- News The rights of ments of the 1960s, the anti-nuclear People having organizations people with A system of checks the right to being free to and anti-globalization movements of Open and fair unpopular and balances dividing nonviolent criticize national views being the 1980s and ’90s, and more recently power among the protest political leaders elections president, Congress protected the Occupy Wall Street and Black and the courts Very important Lives Matter movements. However, Note: Numbers do not add to 100 because Somewhat important David Meyer, a sociologist at the “don’t-know” responses are not shown. Not too/Not at all important University of California, Irvine, who Source: “Large Majorities See Checks and Balances, Right to Protest as Essential for studies protests, says conservative, Democracy,” Pew Research Center, March 2, 2017, antiabortion activists “have been the most stalwart over the last 40 years, be followed up by long-term commit- to academics tracking protests across showing up in big demonstrations in ment to an “inside game” — lobbying the United States. 4 Since Trump took Washington, D.C., and [at] site-based and participation in political campaigns. office, Washington has seen several protests, including outside clinics, at The tea party movement did just that. marches that drew 50,000 or more least since the 1970s.” It started off holding large rallies, such participants protesting administration The rights to assemble and petition as an antitax protest in Washington in policies on climate change, the government are enshrined in the 2009 that attracted as many as 70,000 and racial justice, among other issues. 5 Constitution. A 2017 Pew Research people. 3 Eventually, attending such While most protests — whether Center poll found that 79 percent of protests largely gave way to organizing directed at Trump or involving other Americans believe it is “very” important local groups that aimed to influence issues — have been peaceful, some that people have the right to nonvio- and bolster GOP political campaigns. have spawned violence and even death. lent protest, and 74 percent believe Scholars who study protest move- Last August in Charlottesville, Va., a it is “very” important that the “rights ments say the Trump presidency has suspected neo-Nazi drove his car into of people with unpopular views are triggered larger and more frequent a crowd of counter-protesters, killing protected.” (See graphic, above.) demonstrations than have been seen one and injuring 35. 6 Vandalism and However, Meyer says many Ameri- in recent memory. Most notably, the violence also have erupted in some cans tend to disapprove of protests Women’s March the day after Trump’s protests against police brutality, includ- that are provocative or turn violent, inauguration saw more than 4 million ing the murder of five police officers especially if they disagree with the people in Washington and elsewhere by a sniper during an otherwise peace- cause. “We’re very uncomfortable when participate in anti-Trump demonstra- ful protest in in July 2016. 7 In people we disagree with protest,” he tions — the largest single-day set of response to violent or disruptive dem- says. Such protests are seen as “disrup- protests in U.S. history. And up to onstrations, especially those that block tive and costly and unpleasant.” 1.2 million people took part in 950 highway traffic or other infrastructure, On campuses, some students have rallies, marches, sit-ins or other forms five states have imposed restrictions tried to block provocative speakers, of political activity in April, according on protests, and more than a dozen leading to criticism they are squelch-

4 CQ Researcher ing free speech. Racist speakers in particular, such as white nationalist Corporate Boycotts Often Sparked by Politics Richard Spencer, have drawn large oppositional and disruptive crowds, The main reason consumers say they boycott a corporate brand is some of which have turned violent. 8 if the corporation supports a politician, party or movement with And some speakers on the left have which they disagree. Other top reasons include the perception drawn protests on a few campuses. 9 that a company is racist or harms the environment. “Unfortunately, what all of us are seeing across the country, more and Top 10 Reasons Americans Boycott Brands Support for a politician/party/ more, is a threat to that marketplace of 51% ideas, with people trying to shut down movement you do not support Product(s) having a negative impact 44% others with different perspectives,” says on consumers’ health John Hardin, director of university rela- Racism in company culture/practices 44% tions at the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, a conservative group that Harm to the environment 42% promotes open debate on campus. Faulty/recalled products 41% In recent years, protests organized Cover-ups (e.g., of 41% by the Black Lives Matter movement financial mismanagement) against police brutality and killings Corruption (e.g., collusion 41% of unarmed African-Americans have with authorities) involved disruptive tactics such as Data breaches exposing lack of security 25% shutting down traffic on freeways. In 25% proposing penalties for such actions, Tax avoidance/evasion Unfair practices related to Minnesota Republican state Rep. Nick 24% market dominance Zerwas says, “You have absolutely zero First Amendment protections or Source: “1 in 12 Americans Say They’ve Boycotted A Brand Due to A Data Breach,” right to assemble in the center lane of Marketing Charts, YouGov, Sept. 21, 2017, Interstate 94.” (See “At Issue,” p. 17.) Many NFL players have protested tool not only for mobilizing people says Michael Heaney, a political scientist police shootings of unarmed black but also for spreading information at the University of . “Many of men by kneeling during the pregame about logistics, medicine, transportation the protests that we’ve seen this year national anthem, which has generated and other issues,” says Joshua Tucker, have not been super effective.” controversy. Trump said the players co-director of the Social Media and Some street protests are organized should be fired and urged fans to Political Participation lab at New York primarily to draw media and public at- boycott NFL games. Some polls showed University. In addition, he notes, after tention to an issue rather than to change that many Americans believe the players the protests end, social networks can policy, says Greg Magarian, a law pro- were disrespectful of national symbols drum up support for other activities, fessor at Washington University. “Street such as the flag and the anthem. 10 “A such as raising money for candidates. protest is the classic, inexpensive way threat to symbols feels like a threat to As politicians and observers view the of getting your message out,” he says. collective identity,” says John Inazu, a current wave of political protests, here Street protests alone may not be law professor at Washington University are some questions they are debating: enough to convince policymakers to in St. Louis who has written a book change course on an issue, however, about freedom of assembly. 11 Does protesting sway policymakers? says Stan Veuger, a resident scholar But other polls found that Americans While the Trump presidency has at the American Enterprise Institute, a supported the players’ right to protest, triggered multiple protests and marches conservative think tank. Protests must depending on how the questions demanding his impeachment, there is be followed up with efforts to lobby were phrased, and many found that little evidence they have led to policy politicians or engage in direct negotiation the public felt Trump’s response was changes at the White House — and they with institutional leaders, he says. “I don’t inappropriate. 12 have not forced Trump to leave office. think going somewhere and shouting Social media has made it easier to “If you have a protest of Hillary convinces people who are not already organize protests, regardless of the Clinton voters against Donald Trump, convinced of your viewpoint,” he says, cause. “Social media is a remarkable that’s not going to be very effective,” “but it may help with mobilizing.” Jan. 5, 2018 5 CITIZEN PROTESTS

Meyer, the University of California Conversely, when the act was en- a really important moment.” sociologist, agrees. “Protest is effective acted in 2010, it was done despite In 2011, when Occupy Wall Street when it takes place in concert with a protests from the tea party and other protesters against income inequality range of other political activities — skeptics, and poll numbers showing began occupying public spaces in New when it inspires people to do other more people disapproved of it than York City and around the country, the things. It’s not just the event, it’s the supported it. 15 (Ironically, the law’s movement appeared to be leaderless context in which it takes place.” poll numbers improved in 2017 as and lacking in specific demands. It But having activists from around the congressional action toward repeal faded quickly from the scene. But it country flood switchboards is not as became more likely.) 16 had a lasting impact by highlighting effective as having constituents call. It “Protests rarely have outcomes in economic disparity as an issue. is standard practice for congressional terms of passing a bill or affecting a “Occupy, which a lot of people see staffers to ask for callers’ ZIP codes, so presidential policy,” says Fisher, the as ineffectual, changed the way we think they can determine which callers are Maryland sociologist. But protests about income inequality,” says Magarian. Few causes have seen such con- sistent support from activists as the anti-abortion movement. Since the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, opponents have held annual marches in Washington, employed disruptive tactics such as blocking access to clinics and have coupled street protests with intense lobbying. Although the public remains divided on the issue, dozens of states have enacted hundreds of restrictions on the procedure in recent years. 17 Given the nature of street protests, dominated by slogans demanding im- mediate action, it is difficult to persuade some participants to work for a cause over many years, says Meyer. “It’s hard

Getty Images/Brian Blanco to get people to show up and say, ‘We’re A man wearing a shirt with swastikas is punched on Oct. 19, 2017, before going to march as part of a 60-year a speech at the University of by white nationalist Richard Spencer, who was shouted down by protesters. While campus liberals have drawn process toward racial and economic considerable media attention by their attempts to silence provocateurs like progress,’ ” he says. But those who Spencer, conservative students also have sought to shut down liberal speakers. succeed in changing policy “recognize it’s a long-haul process, and protest is constituents. 13 However, even constitu- still can help focus attention or bring one piece of that story.” ent protests are not always effective. concerned people together to continue “Movements don’t write legislation,” For instance, citizens who were working on an issue, she says. said Nina Eliasoph, a sociologist at the worried about Republican efforts to Persistence is key, says Don Mitch- University of Southern California. “They overhaul the Affordable Care Act ell, an American scholar of protests force open a line of questions that makes (“Obamacare”) flooded Capitol Hill who teaches at Uppsala University in it possible for people to imagine new switchboards last year. “Since last Thurs- Sweden. Sometimes the importance policies. That’s always the first step.” 18 day, the Cochran offices have received of a particular protest as a turning approximately 224 constituent calls point on an issue is only understood Should controversial speakers be against and two in favor of [the] draft in retrospect, he says. For instance, he denied platforms? of the health care bill,” Chris Gallegos, says, “the media was really dismissive” Last February, a right-wing provo- communications director for Mississippi of people protesting the House Un- cateur was scheduled to speak at the Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, told American Activities Committee in San University of California, Berkeley, under Politico in June. 14 Yet Cochran ended Francisco in 1960. “But then if you look the auspices of the campus chapter up voting for the legislation. at the histories, people talk about it as of the College Republicans. But Milo

6 CQ Researcher Yiannopoulos never got the chance. Kristan Hawkins, president of the ers. In October, hecklers at Whittier The university canceled his speech anti-abortion group Students for Life of College in California shouted down after some opponents of his appear- America, says she is used to protest- California Attorney General Xavier ance assaulted members of the group ers attending her talks. Lately, though, Becerra and state Rep. Ian Calderon, and caused an estimated $100,000 in their tone and type of complaints both Democrats, yelling slogans such property damage. 19 have changed, she says. At Dartmouth as “respect our president” and “build The perpetrators were not af- College a few weeks ago, she says, the wall.” 22 filiated with the university, but many students held up signs saying, “You’re “There’s a long list of liberal aca- students also protested the appear- literally a racist,” or, “You’re canceled.” demics who have been targeted by the ance by Yiannopoulos, who has as- In the past, “Usually, the mantra right, or online trolls,” says sociated with white nationalists and would be about taking away women’s Rathi, the Berkeley student. harshly criticized Muslims, Jews and rights,” Hawkins says. “These other Silencing speakers is counterproduc- immigrants. 20 Mukund Rathi, a law things are new.” tive, says Douglas McAdam, a Stanford student at Berkeley, says “the right to free speech is important” but argues it was reasonable for protesters to shut Yiannopoulos down because he represented a threat to student safety. At other universities, Yiannopoulos has singled out transgender or un- documented students for “doxxing” — posting their images online and encouraging people to harass them or call Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “He has a script he fol- lows, where he would target, bully and harass particular students,” Rathi says. “That does cross the line, once someone targets people.” Given the increasing activism of white supremacists, the concept of “no platforming” — denying contentious Getty Images/Drew Angerer speakers the ability to address public Anti-abortion advocates and counter-demonstrators face off at the Supreme Court on Jan. 27, 2017, during the March for Life, which annually protests forums or refusing to appear on panels the court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision establishing a woman’s with them — has gained momentum. constitutional right to an abortion. While President Trump’s election has A far left movement known as “antifa,” galvanized liberals, conservatives also have been active protesters, short for anti-fascists, believes in de- opposing, in addition to abortion, issues such as the nying public platforms for people it growing national debt and the Affordable Care Act. considers fascists and actively seeks to Liberal activists who seek to block University sociologist and co-author shut them down. conservative speakers look like hypo- of the 2014 book Deeply Divided: The Supreme Court ruled in 1969 crites, says Georgetown University Racial Politics and Social Movements that the Constitution does not protect historian Michael Kazin, the editor in Postwar America. “It simply draws speech that intends or is likely to incite of Dissent, a liberal opinion journal. more attention to the very people violence. 21 But Washington University’s “It makes the left look scared of op- you disagree with,” he says. “Look at Magarian says many U.S. activists have position to their ideas, which is not a Germany, which has had a law against blurred the line when it comes to good thing.” free speech and neo-Nazi gatherings. determining when speakers are using While campus protests against right- Of late, it seems to be fueling a rebirth violent speech. “If a speaker is say- wing speakers such as Yiannopoulos, of neo-Nazi sentiment in Germany pre- ing we should not provide a path to Spencer and conservative commentator cisely because they can claim they’re citizenship for undocumented foreign Ben Shapiro have drawn considerable being repressed.” nationals, that’s not an incitement to media attention, conservative students Rather than trying to block speak- violence,” he says. also have sought to shut down speak- ers, free speech advocates say, critics Jan. 5, 2018 7 CITIZEN PROTESTS

“All firms weigh the pros and cons of Consumers Reward, Punish Climate Policies giving in to what the boycotters want,” Almost a third of Americans said they supported companies says Christopher Groening, a marketing professor at ’s Kent State Univer- actively trying to reduce global warming by buying their products sity, adding that they worry about “more more than once in 2015. In most years, about a fifth of Americans than just the initial financial costs” from avoided products from companies that are not climate conscious. lost sales. If a boycott affects a firm’s Share of Americans Engaging in Global Warming Activism, reputation, “consumers may be less likely to do business with the firm.” 35% 2008-2016 Boycotts seem to be becoming more 30 common. Between 1990 and 2007, only 25 213 boycotts were mentioned in the na- 20 15 tion’s six largest newspapers, according 10 to data compiled by Timothy Werner, a 5 business professor at the University of 0 . By comparison, the anti-Trump Fall Jan. June May Nov. April Sept. April Dec. April Oct. March Oct. March Nov. #GrabYourWallet campaign launched 2008 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 more than 50 boycotts of Trump-related Source: Connie Roser-Renouf et al., “Consumer Rewarded companies products during the first 200 days of Activism on Global Warming,” Yale Program on Punished companies Both rewarded and punished his presidency. Climate Change Communication, Oct. 14, 2016, companies Boycotts have become more popu- Contacted a government official lar in part because technology makes them cheaper to organize, Werner says. should counter their hateful ideas. Free engaging directly in partisan politics “The cost of organizing is dramatically speech means free speech for those because of the risk of alienating a large lower,” he says. you disagree with, or it doesn’t mean share of their potential customer base. Werner says consumer boycotts anything at all, says Kazin, paraphrasing In November, fans of Sean Hannity’s can be effective, depending on how Rosa Luxemburg, a Polish socialist who Fox News talk show posted videos much media coverage they receive. died nearly a century ago. 23 of themselves destroying their Keurig About 25 percent of boycotts lead to “Let the idiots speak,” says Heaney, coffee machines after the company concessions from targeted companies, the Michigan political scientist. “Their withdrew its sponsorship of his show he says, if the campaigns received views, if they’re so wrong, should be because Hannity appeared to dismiss any sustained media attention. Often, easily dismissed.” allegations of sexual misconduct involv- however, boycotts are covered only ing Roy Moore, a Republican Senate when they are announced, if then. Are consumer boycotts effective? candidate in Alabama. Hannity called Most boycotts aim to change corpo- The retail giant Target has angered the videos “hilarious,” but the next day rate behavior rather than inflict lasting consumers on both sides of LGBT asked fans to halt the practice after he damage, Werner says. Shannon Coulter, rights issues in recent years. In 2010, had received an apology from Keurig’s co-founder of the #GrabYourWallet the company became the target of a chief executive. Despite the apology, campaign, says she does not measure boycott after it donated $150,000 to a Keurig did not resume its sponsorship success by the number of companies super PAC that supported a Minnesota of the show. 26 being boycotted, but by how many com- gubernatorial candidate who opposed Such incidents might make cor- panies actually make concessions, such same-sex marriage. 24 More recently, so- porations wary about advertising on as dropping sales of Trump-branded cial conservatives boycotted and pick- controversial programs because doing products (38 companies as of Dec. 1). eted Target in 2016 when a company so might anger partisans on either side “We know from history that success- blog post publicized its longstanding of an issue, says Maurice Schweitzer, a ful boycotts give companies constructive policy to allow transgender individuals management professor at the University steps that they can take,” Coulter says. to use bathrooms that conform with of . “Imagine you’re think- “Otherwise, it’s just naming and shaming.” their gender identity. 25 ing of advertising with Sean Hannity,” he #GrabYourWallet originally targeted While some big corporations make says. “You don’t want to be exposed.” companies that did business directly campaign contributions, they gener- Consumer boycotts can cause image with Trump or his family. Later, it ex- ally have shied away from otherwise and brand problems, Schweitzer says. panded its reach to include advertisers

8 CQ Researcher on Fox News, which Coulter accuses And if the boycotters were not either into contempt or disrepute.” Rep. of spreading inaccurate and defama- particularly loyal customers in the first Matthew Lyon of , who was tory information. “A lot of people feel place, companies likely don’t care convicted under the act, complained frustrated and hopeless right now,” she whether they boycott. As with politicians that Adams had “a continual grasp for says. “My favorite thing that people say and their constituents, companies care power” and would turn people out of about [the campaign] is, ‘This has given most about losing support from loyal office if he disagreed with them. 30 me some sense of control.’ ” followers. Consumer preferences often The next president, Thomas Jefferson, But in a polarized era one side’s are aligned with their politics to begin persuaded Congress to repeal most of boycott might trigger a reaction from with. In 2016, Trump carried 76 per- the laws and pardoned those still in the other side. In 2016, retailer Lands’ cent of counties with a Cracker Barrel prison for breaking them. 31 End apologized for featuring women’s restaurant, but just 22 percent of those Some protest movements were rights activist Gloria Steinem in its with a Whole Foods store. 29 hugely influential during the 19th and catalog, which drew condemnation “By and large, these culture war 20th centuries, including the abolitionist from social conservatives angered by boycotts are extremely ineffective,” says movement against slavery, the temper- her support for abortion. The company Washington University’s Inazu. “Con- ance movement to ban alcohol and the decided to drop her image from its sumer bases are aligned with politics.” labor movement’s effort to outlaw child digital advertising, which then drew For instance, he adds, people boycotting labor and other practices. Yet serious condemnation from liberals. 27 Hobby Lobby — an arts and crafts sup- protests have often met with resistance And when liberals, including New plier whose owners are well-known for from government authorities. York Mayor Bill de Blasio, called for opposing birth control — are not the “There was no time in American boycotts of the fast food restaurant typical Hobby Lobby customer. history when all views could be aired Chick-fil-A because of its executives’ without some restrictions,” says Kazin, and ownership’s public opposition to the Georgetown historian. “There have same-sex marriage, conservatives made always been some views that some a point of buying more of its chicken BACKGROUND people thought were so repugnant sandwiches and even staged “Chick-fil-A and dangerous that they couldn’t be Appreciation Days” to promote patron- allowed to be heard.” age of the restaurant. For instance, after the United States It can be difficult to sustain a boy- Challenges to Dissent entered World War I in 1917, Congress cott over the long haul. Last February, sought to shut down dissent by enact- dropped the fashion line of he United States was founded in ing the Espionage Act of 1917 and the , the president’s eldest T an act of protest — a rebellion Sedition Act of 1918, which banned daughter, citing poor sales. In response, against British colonial power. The protests against the war or speech or conservatives boycotted Nordstrom, but Revolutionary War was preceded by publication “disloyal” to the govern- the uproar fizzled, despite complaints protests, such as the Tea Party ment, soldiers or the American flag. 32 about the department store from the of 1773, a celebrated example of van- “It is extremely dangerous to exercise president himself. 28 dalism in defiance of taxes. the constitutional right of free speech in “It’s spotty — the degree to which The First Amendment to the Constitu- a country fighting to make democracy boycotts and consumer action . . . tion enshrined the rights to free speech safe in the world,” lamented Eugene are successful,” says the University of and freedom of assembly and the right V. Debs, a socialist labor organizer Maryland’s Fisher. to petition the government. But within and presidential candidate, in a 1918 In some industries, companies with a few years, President John Adams speech for which he was arrested. 33 near-monopolies do not feel compelled convinced Congress to pass the Alien The Supreme Court upheld Debs’ to concede to consumer pressure, and Sedition Acts, laws enacted in 1798 conviction in 1919, part of a trio of Werner says. In others, consumers may designed to crack down on immigrants decisions affirming the constitutional- not want to stop buying their favorite and political enemies. ity of the wartime acts. 34 One case, brands for long. The Sedition Act barred public op- Schenck v. United States, prompted “At some point, people just give position to the government, including Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ famous up,” the University of Pennsylvania’s “any false, scandalous, and malicious comment, “The most stringent protection Schweitzer says. “Their individual writing” against the government of the of free speech would not protect a man preferences get in the way. They lose United States, Congress, or the presi- in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and focus, they lose attention.” dent, with intent to defame, or “bring causing a panic.” 35 The court upheld Jan. 5, 2018 9 CITIZEN PROTESTS the conviction of Charles Schenck, the scientist. “You don’t want to have The most prominent leader of the Socialist Party secretary, for publishing protests at 3 a.m., when people are movement, the Rev. Martin Luther King a pamphlet opposing the military draft. 36 trying to sleep. Jr., insisted on nonviolent protests, (The court overturned the decision in “But when states and localities try to similar to those Indian leader Mahatma 1969, in Brandenburg v. Ohio, stating regulate protests,” he continues, “they Gandhi had used successfully in pro- that speech is protected unless it is “di- often do so with purposes that are not testing British colonial rule during the rected to inciting or producing imminent in the public interest. They’ll try to use first half of the 20th century. lawless action and is likely to incite or that power to . . . put [protests] in very But Americans did not all embrace produce such action.”) 37 inconvenient places where they really the civil rights movement. A 1961 Gallup After the war, thousands of un- can’t be heard.” Poll, for instance, found that 61 percent of Americans disapproved of the Freedom Riders, a biracial group that sought to desegregate public transportation in the South, while only 22 percent approved. 42 “Things that we recognize as effective later on are almost always extraordinarily unpopular when they’re happening,” says Meyer, the University of California sociologist. After a 1963 protest campaign in Birmingham, Ala., that led to African- Americans being fire-hosed by police and bombed by the Ku Klux Klan, President John F. Kennedy called for federal civil rights legislation to end

Getty Images/The LIFEGetty Images/The Collection/Michael Abramson discrimination in public accommoda- Vietnam veterans and other protesters demonstrate in Washington, D.C., in April 1973 during the Vietnam Veterans Against the War march. Scholars say the size and tions. “The events in Birmingham and stridency of today’s protests are reminiscent of the civil rights and antiwar movements elsewhere have so increased the cries of the 1960s. In 1968, police brutally confronted antiwar protesters for equality that no city or state or outside the Democratic National Convention with tear gas and billy clubs. legislative body can prudently choose to ignore them,” Kennedy said. 43 employed veterans occupied parts of Nonviolent Protests Months later Kennedy was assas- Washington, D.C., in 1932, at the height sinated. In 1964 President Lyndon of the Great Depression, demanding fter the Supreme Court’s his- Johnson pushed for passage of the early payment of military bonuses. A toric ruling in Brown v. Board of Civil Rights Act as a memorial to the Many citizens saw the veterans, the Education in 1954 that segregation in slain Kennedy. so-called Bonus Army, as heroes. But public schools is unconstitutional, there King then began pushing for voting the authorities saw them as subversives was massive resistance in the South rights legislation. On March 7, 1965, bent on taking over the government. to integrating schools or giving blacks protesters attempted to march from Gen. Douglas MacArthur used tanks voting or other rights. 40 “Southern state Selma, Ala., to the state capitol in and saber-wielding cavalry to disperse legislatures moved quickly to block any Montgomery. They were met along the the protesters. 38 efforts toward school desegregation,” way by state troopers, sheriff’s deputies In 1941, in Cox v. New Hampshire, wrote historians Maurice Isserman of and vigilantes who tear-gassed and beat the Supreme Court ruled that govern- Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., and them. “Men, women and children were ments can impose reasonable “time, Georgetown’s Kazin. 41 During that era, beaten to the ground with billy clubs, place and manner” restrictions on when some legislatures added Confederate cattle prods and bull whips,” Isserman and where protests and demonstrations battle standards to their state flags. and Kazin wrote. “Some marchers were can be held. 39 In response, the civil rights move- ridden down by horses.” 44 “That makes sense for all sorts of ment in the 1960s pursued different Televised images of the violence reasons, for keeping the public order,” strategies — including sit-ins, boycotts against peaceful protesters in Selma says Heaney, the Michigan political and marches — to combat racist laws. Continued on p. 12

10 CQ Researcher Chronology

1970 rested at encampments and events 1940s-1960s Ohio National Guard troops kill associated with the Occupy Wall Mass protests influence civil four Kent State University students Street anti-inequality movement. rights and war policies. during a protest against the Viet- nam War; 10 days later, police kill 2014 1941 two protesters at Jackson State Police shooting of Michael Brown, Supreme Court rules that govern- University in Mississippi. an unarmed black teenager, in ments cannot restrict the content of Ferguson, Mo., triggers nationwide speech but can regulate the “time, 1979 protests as part of the Black Lives place and manner” of protests. Following a nuclear accident at Matter movement. the Three Mile Island generating 1955 station in Pennsylvania, 125,000 2016 African-Americans launch a year- people march to the U.S. Capitol San Francisco 49ers quarterback long boycott of the public bus to protest nuclear power. Colin Kaepernick sits and later system in Montgomery, Ala., to kneels during the national anthem, protest segregation. 1983 sparking a protest movement among Peaceful protests convince 400 NFL players against police violence 1963 local governments to endorse a against African-Americans. A campaign against segregation in freeze on nuclear weapons. Birmingham, Ala., triggers more 2017 than 750 civil rights protests in 1989 More than 200 people are arrested 186 cities. Supreme Court rules that flag on rioting charges during protests burning is protected speech. at President Trump’s inauguration 1964 (Jan. 20). . . . More than 4 mil- Students at the University of Cali- 1991 lion people participate in women’s fornia, Berkeley, begin the Free Wichita, Kan., police arrest 2,600 marches critical of Trump in cities Speech Movement, protesting a anti-abortion protesters outside around the country (Jan. 21). . . . ban on campus political activities. clinics during Operation Rescue’s Thousands protest at airports nation- “Summer of Mercy” campaign. wide against Trump’s ban on travel 1968 from select Muslim-majority nations Antiwar protesters and police 1999 (Jan. 29). . . . Violent protests at the clash outside the Democratic Na- Anti-globalization protests disrupt University of California, Berkeley, tional Convention in Chicago, in World Bank meetings in . lead to the cancelation of a talk by what is later termed a “police Some anarchists turn to violence; right-wing provocateur Milo Yian- riot.” . . . During an Olympic 500 people are arrested. nopoulos (Feb. 1). . . . Ohio Uni- medal ceremony, African-American versity bans indoor protests follow- champions Tommie Smith and • ing a sit-in at which 70 protesters John Carlos raise gloved fists in a demanding that the school become black-power salute. a “sanctuary campus” were arrested 2000s-Present (Sept. 8). . . . A rally in defense 1969 Protests intensify against pres- of Confederate monuments in Supreme Court rules that speech idential administrations and Charlottesville, Va., turns violent, is protected unless it incites im- police. with a suspected neo-Nazi allegedly mediate violence and lawlessness. killing a woman after driving a car 2009 into a crowd of counter-protesters. • More than 300,000 people partici- (Aug. 12). . . . University of Wis- pate in tea party protests against consin adopts a policy to suspend President Barack Obama’s policies or expel students who disrupt 1970s-1990s on taxes and health care. campus presentations (Oct. 6). . . . Most, but not all, protests are A judge dismisses rioting charges peaceful. 2011 against protesters arrested at Trump’s More than 5,500 people are ar- inauguration (Dec. 13). Jan. 5, 2018 11 CITIZEN PROTESTS

Social Media a Boon for Protest Organizers Some wonder, though, whether it fosters long-term commitment.

he largest single-day protest in American history grew communicate those fears and organize their opposition without out of a post. The day after Donald Trump relying on the convening power of a national political party,” wrote T was elected president, Teresa Shook, a retired lawyer Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio. “With Facebook, , in Hawaii, posted a message asking if women would be in- e-mail and texts, anyone could become a political organizer.” 3 terested in holding a protest rally in Washington around the Social media also has emerged as a major means of helping time of his inauguration. Before she went to bed, 40 people organize protests around the globe, from Egypt to Brazil. And had expressed interest; by the next morning about 10,000 it has helped telescope the months of planning that used to people had responded. 1 Two months later, after the message precede a big march. had spread over the internet, an estimated 4 million people Deray Mckesson, a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement participated in marches in Washington and dozens of other against police shootings of unarmed African-Americans, said, “The cities in the United States and around the world. 2 tools that we have to organize and to resist are fundamentally It was the first of several mass protests against Trump in different than anything that’s existed before in black struggle.” Washington last year, including marches focused on climate Civil rights organizers in the 1960s, such as the Rev. Martin issues and racial justice. Luther King Jr. or Ella Baker, he said, “could not just wake up “Social media has been a key organizing tool for every one and sit at the breakfast table and talk to a million people.” 4 of these marches against Trump,” says Dana Fisher, a sociolo- Prior to the internet, organizers would go door-to-door gist at the University of Maryland who is writing a book about for months to try to enlist interest in a major march or use Trump-era protests. “There’s no question that organizing and a “telephone tree,” in which each individual contacted would coordinating has changed because of social media.” be expected to call several more people in turn. Later, “faxes Social media has been an organizing tool for protesters for were an amazing tool for getting people out on the streets,” several years, including among members of the tea party and Fisher says, so “you wanted a big fax list.” other conservatives unhappy with Barack Obama’s presidency. Today’s protest organizers use text-messaging services and “Widespread access to social media gave people the means to social media sites such as , Snapchat and Twitter. These

Continued from p. 10 Confrontational Protests dents staged protests at hundreds of shocked the country. Eight days later, campuses around the country. 49 Ten Johnson called on Congress to enact n August 1968, four months after days later, two students were killed the Voting Rights Act, which he signed I the assassination of Dr. King and the and 12 more wounded when police into law that August. 45 urban riots that his murder triggered opened fire at a protest at Jackson State The civil rights movement’s success across the country, the situation outside University in Mississippi. 50 using nonviolent protests influenced the Democratic National Convention in Law enforcement agencies eventu- other campaigns. Some participants in Chicago was anything but nonviolent. ally learned to negotiate with protest other 1960s movements, such as Mario Protesters against the Vietnam War leaders, and subsequent protest move- Savio of the Free Speech Movement were met by police who deployed ments during the 1970s and ’80s were at UC Berkeley, had been civil rights tear gas and used clubs to beat not largely peaceful. The protesters and workers and borrowed from the move- only protesters but also reporters and police often would agree in advance ment’s techniques and strategies. 46 The bystanders. 47 about the location and timing of dem- Free Speech Movement, in turn, helped Although official investigators later onstrations. establish the template for other student criticized the police for their actions, a Beginning in the 1970s, after the protests of the era, such as campus majority of the public supported the po- Supreme Court’s Jan. 22, 1973, ruling sit-ins to demand concessions from lice, and Republican Richard M. Nixon, in Roe v. Wade that Americans have university administrators and marches running on a “law and order” platform, a constitutional right to an abortion, against the Vietnam War. won the presidency that year. 48 anti-abortion protesters have gathered “The research shows nonviolence Two years later, after Ohio National outside the court in Washington every works better,” says Fabio Rojas, a so- Guardsmen opened fire at an antiwar Jan. 22 for the annual “March for Life.” ciologist at Indiana University, Bloom- protest at Ohio’s Kent State University, Often they are met by abortion-rights ington. “When you become violent, killing four unarmed students and supporters, but the demonstrations you lose respect.” wounding nine others, outraged stu- usually are peaceful.

12 CQ Researcher are cheaper and easier to use than older methods of com- less likely to have agreed upon appropriate behavior during munication and often have a wider reach. a rally than are participants bused in together by an organiz- Social media can be particularly helpful for gathering like- ing group, says David Meyer, a sociologist at the University minded people who are not part of a physically proximate of California, Irvine. community, or who support fringe causes. “When it’s a niche Although social media clearly has had an effect on how movement or subject to social stigma, social media allows you protesters organize their events, it has not altered the funda- to locate people of similar views who are not in your personal mentals of what people do at protests. The basics of marching, networks,” says Stan Veuger, a resident scholar at the American sign-carrying and participating in acts of civil disobedience Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. would still be recognizable to pre-internet organizers. He cites the example of neo-Nazis, who have been able to “We have social media, so people can exchange ideas use the internet to bring white nationalists together and help and organize more quickly,” says historian Michael Kazin of them spread their movement. Georgetown University, who studies social movements. “But But social media has its drawbacks, especially for main- the basic repertoire doesn’t change.” stream movements protesting government policies. For one — Alan Greenblatt thing, government authorities can track resistance movements through their use of social media. And the sheer ease of social 1 Paul Farhi, “How mainstream media missed the march that social media media as an organizing tool might not encourage sustained turned into a phenomenon,” , Jan. 22, 2017, http:// engagement. It is easy to “like” a political post on Facebook or retweet it on Twitter, without necessarily following up. 2 Erica Chenowith and Jeremy Pressman, “This is what we learned by “Social media allows people “to express their discontent counting the women’s marches,” The Washington Post, Feb. 7, 2017, http:// at their computers, rather than leaving your house and going 3 Marco Rubio, An American Son (2012), p. 176. out into the cold,” Veuger says. 4 Bijan Stephen, “Social Media Helps Black Lives Matter Fight the Power,” In addition, protesters organized through social media are Wired, November 2015,

“What’s happened is this long pro- chained themselves to a balcony at National Guard. 56 The crowd — one cess where police and local authorities the New York Stock Exchange and of the earliest mass protests organized have worked to make it safer and easier blockaded offices at the Food and Drug via the internet — was larger than to protest, and make it less disruptive,” Administration. 52 The anti-abortion expected and helped kick off the anti- Meyer says. group Operation Rescue, founded globalization movement. College authorities and protest orga- in 1987, borrowed blockading tactics After that confrontation — and the nizers began setting up so-called free from leftist groups. 53 Separately, at Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in the speech zones, where protesters could least 11 people have been killed by United States two years later — the hold rallies and listen to speeches. anti-abortion extremists since 1993. 54 WTO tightened security at its interna- “You could protest all you want, but “Earth First! and the other new direct tional meetings and moved them to out- you could never protest in the places action movements of the 1980s and ’90s of-the way cities with more restrictive where you might be most effective,” differed from . . . earlier efforts partly protest policies, such as Doha, Qatar. says Uppsala’s Mitchell. in temperament: They were pushier Protesters were quarantined in fenced- Over time, some activists chafed and more cynical,” writes journalist off free speech zones, sometimes far at the restrictions or concluded they and activist L.A. Kauffman. 55 from the site of main events. could have more impact pursuing con- During the late 1990s and early 2000s, “A decade followed of really intense frontational tactics. During the 1980s, anti-globalization protesters who sought protest fencing, making protests not for instance, the environmental group to disrupt World Bank and International heard,” says Mitchell. “That led to Earth First! drove nails into trees in an Monetary Fund meetings blocked traffic escalation of tactics on the part of effort to damage saws and discourage and in some cases vandalized property. dissidents, who feel the only way they logging. 51 During the “battle for Seattle” in 1999, can get heard is being more extreme Later that decade, members of ACT some 50,000 demonstrators were met in their tactics.” UP, a group seeking faster approval outside a World Trade Organization In 2008, Obama was elected in the and lower prices for anti-AIDS drugs, (WTO) conference by police and the midst of a crippling international finan- Jan. 5, 2018 13 CITIZEN PROTESTS

Confederate Monuments Stir Racial Controversy By removing statues, “you lose the opportunities to tell the whole story.” rguments about Confederate symbols have raged for and in the civil rights movement,” says Derek Alderman, a years, but they seem to have taken on renewed in- historical geographer at the University of who has A tensity in 2017 as cities such as , Louisville, studied Confederate monuments. St. Louis and removed prominent Confederate Nevertheless, Alderman and other scholars argue that Confed- monuments from parks and other public spaces. erate monuments should not be removed but recontextualized, “We don’t have monuments to terrorists and traitors in this with signage offering context about their purposes and intent. country,” says St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones. Taking them down “would be a mistake because then you lose But defenders of the monuments — including President the opportunity for educating people [and] that racism becomes Trump — say they are a recognition of the sacrifices made invisible,” says Rosemary Feurer, a historian at Northern by individual soldiers and need to be preserved as part of University in DeKalb. the nation’s heritage and history. In 2016, Baltimore installed plaques explicitly stating that “When you have a monument or statue or anything of historic statues of Confederate figures such as Lee and Stonewall value removed or put away, I do believe that you lose the opportuni- Jackson had been intended as part of a campaign of racial ties to tell the whole story,” says Gerald Allen, a Republican Alabama intimidation. “These larger-than-life representations of Lee and state senator who sponsored that state’s law blocking removal of Jackson helped perpetuate the Lost Cause ideology, which historic monuments that have been in place for 40 years or more. advocated for white supremacy, portrayed slavery as benign Several other Southern states have similar laws. and justified secession,” one plaque said. 2 Arguably last year’s most violent street protest took place But last August, Baltimore’s new mayor, Catherine Pugh, in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12, when neo-Nazis and other decided the statues had to be removed. “I don’t know why white supremacists marched in defense of the city’s Confederate they were put there — I wasn’t here at the time — but I do monument to Gen. Robert E. Lee, which the City Council had know they’re offensive to many people in this nation,” she voted to remove. The marchers were met by counter-protesters, said. “What should go in their place is a plaque of sorts that one of whom was killed and 35 others injured, when a sus- tells what was there and why it was removed.” 3 pected neo-Nazi allegedly drove his car into a crowd. 1 Defenders of the monuments say such actions erase his- The story dominated national news, part of an ongoing tory. They warn that people offended by Confederate figures debate about whether Confederate monuments memorialize may go even further, such as by removing monuments of heroism or represent the South’s Civil War-era support for slavery the nation’s founders who were slave owners. “I wonder, is and secession. Scholars note that most Confederate monuments it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson were erected either around the dawn of the 20th century, when the week after?” Trump said in August. “You know, you really discriminatory Jim Crow laws were being enacted, or at the start do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?” 4 of the modern civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s. Historians say there is a difference between leaders who owned “Those monuments are not just a symptom of racial inequal- slaves and those who led a treasonous war to perpetuate slavery. ity but [were] a tool of intimidation in the early 20th century “Jefferson was a slaveowner, but he authored words that cial crisis and the 2007-09 recession. His Americans for Prosperity, helping to leading to roughly 5,500 arrests. 59 But efforts to expand health coverage and push Republican candidates further without clear demands or leaders, the rejuvenate the economy through deficit to the right. 58 movement eventually faded away. spending prompted the tea party protest The other major populist movement In recent years, many of the nation’s movement on the right, which began of the Obama presidency was the left- most prominent protests have revolved with rallies that drew tens of thousands leaning Occupy Wall Street movement, around the issue of police violence. The of participants around the country on led by people angry about the growing social media hashtag #BlackLivesMatter April 15, 2009 (the deadline day for income disparity between the wealthiest first emerged following the 2013 acquit- filing federal income tax returns). 57 1 percent of the population and the tal of George Zimmerman, a member of In time, the tea party became a poorest members of society. Members a neighborhood watch group in Florida loose amalgam of hundreds of local occupying a park near Wall Street in who was acquitted after shooting an organizations — including 800 with 2011 chanted “we are the 99 percent.” unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin. 60 about 200 active members each — The movement quickly spread to more But the movement took on greater allied with well-funded conservative than 100 cities, with protesters staging currency a year later when a police groups such as FreedomWorks and sit-ins at banks and blocking traffic, officer in Ferguson, Mo., killed an

14 CQ Researcher have been used by black Americans and others seeking inclu- sion into full American citizenship since the founding,” says Harvard University historian Annette Gordon-Reed. “That and his many other accomplishments set him apart.” Over the past couple of years, several state Democratic parties have removed the names of Jefferson and Andrew Jackson from their annual fundraising dinners, out of sensitivity to the fact that Jefferson owned slaves and Jackson oversaw the forcible removal of American Indians from their homes to unsettled lands west of the Mississippi River. 5 On Dec. 18, the Democratic Party announced it was renaming its Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in honor of Barack and Michelle Obama. 6 Getty Images/Justin Sullivan In December, more than 100 artists and academics wrote A city worker wearing body armor and a face covering to Mayor Bill de Blasio calling for the removal prepares for the removal of the Jefferson Davis monument of several statues in the city that they said glorified racism, in New Orleans on May 4, 2017. Several other cities including representations of Christopher Columbus, who has removed Confederate monuments from parks and been criticized for his treatment of indigenous peoples, and other public spaces in 2017. Philippe Pétain, a French leader who collaborated with the for driver accused of ramming Charlottesville crowd,” The Washington Post, Nazis during World War II. De Blasio said he favors removing Dec. 14, 2017, https:// 7 2 “Lee Jackson Monument, 1948,” Special Commission to Review Baltimore’s symbols of hate from city property. Public Confederate Monuments, But some cities in the South have not succeeded in removing 3 Colin Campbell and Luke Broadwater, “Citing ‘safety and security,’ Pugh Confederate monuments. In December, Memphis acted to get has Baltimore Confederate monuments taken down,” The Baltimore Sun, around a state prohibition on removal of Confederate monu- Aug. 16, 2017, 4 Jennifer Schuessler, “Historians Question Trump’s Comments on Confederate ments by deciding to sell parks to a nonprofit, which was not Monuments,” , Aug. 15, 2017, prohibited from removing the monuments, while in Virginia 5 Alan Greenblatt, “Jefferson Who? Democrats Are Disowning Their Founders,” the Richmond City Council voted down a proposal to request Governing, July 31, 2015, permission from the Virginia General Assembly to remove five 6 Jacqueline Thomsen, “Colorado Dems rename annual event the ‘Obama Confederate statues from Monument Avenue. 8 Dinner,’ ” , Dec. 18, 2017, 7 Peter Libbey, “Academics and Artists Weigh In on Controversial City — Alan Greenblatt Monuments,” The New York Times, Dec. 2, 2017, 8 Adrian Sainz, “Memphis asks judge to rule on removal of Confederate statue,” The Associated Press, Dec. 13, 2017, 1 Christina Caron, “Heather Heyer, Charlottesville Victim, Is Recalled as ‘a Also see Mark Robinson, “Richmond City Council rejects councilman’s pro- Strong Woman,’ ” The New York Times, Aug. 13, 2017, posal on removal of Monument Avenue statues,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, ydyde7o7. Also see Paul Duggan, “Charge upgraded to first-degree murder Dec. 11, 2017, unarmed black teen, Michael Brown. people. The protesters were charged A series of high-profile police killings with felony rioting, conspiracy to riot and of black suspects in recent years has CURRENT property-damage crimes in connection led to protests in cities across the with more than $100,000 in damages country. 61 SITUATION caused when demonstrators set trash cans In recent years, protesters have on fire and smashed store windows. The sought to block construction of oil American Civil Liberties Union has filed pipelines, notably the Dakota Access Clamping Down a civil suit against D.C. police, alleging and Keystone XL projects. Both have that police used excessive force during seen confrontations between police n late December, a jury in Washington, Inauguration Day protests, injuring six and protesters who built encampments I D.C., acquitted the first six of 166 people, including a 10-year-old boy. 62 designed to block the construction. anti-Trump protesters who faced trial Defense attorneys had maintained But with both projects gaining final in connection with Inauguration Day during the trial of the six that their approval during the Trump administra- demonstrations that turned destructive, clients were not among the handful of tion, the protests have dwindled. leading to the arrest of more than 200 protesters who behaved violently. The Jan. 5, 2018 15 CITIZEN PROTESTS attorneys called the acquittal a victory Armento, 38, of , said the and an activist with the antiwar group both for the defendants and free-speech verdict showed “the jury was unwilling Code Pink. She was arrested on Jan. advocates who claimed police over- to do what the government wanted them 10, 2016, for laughing out loud during a reached when they arrested 212 on to do, which was criminalize dissent.” 66 confirmation hearing for Attorney General Jan. 20, 2017. Since then, 20 defendants In an op-ed piece published during . Fairooz had been charged have pleaded guilty, and charges were the four-week trial, human rights law- with disrupting Congress and unlawful dropped against another 20. yers Yael Bromberg and Eirik Cheverud demonstrating on Capitol property. A jury A week before the acquittals, D.C. said the arrests were not standard convicted her in May, but a judge later Superior Court Judge Lynn Leibovitz operating procedure and that mass threw out the conviction. 68 threw out the most serious charges incarceration of protesters is prohibited Meanwhile, lawmakers in nearly 20 — felony rioting — against the six. by a city ordinance. They called the states introduced bills in 2017 designed Prosecutors had told jurors that there trial “selective prosecution,” noting that to impose new regulations and penalties was no evidence the six on trial were the government was charging those on protests, according to State Innova- themselves involved in the vandalism who participated in protests that turned tion Exchange, a nonprofit that supports but that by choosing to remain with the violent and damaged property during liberal lawmakers. 69 And pressure from group they were guilty by association. the president’s inauguration but did state lawmakers prompted the University “They helped this path of destruction, not similarly pursue sweeping charges of system in October to adopt and it’s for those choices . . . that they against white supremacists whose Char- a policy of punishing students who need to be held accountable,” Assistant lottesville protests eight months later disrupt public forums and potentially U.S. Attorney Jennifer Kerkhoff said. 63 turned violent and ended up with one expelling them for repeat offenses. 70 But Leibovitz rejected that argument. counter-protester allegedly murdered. Arkansas, , Oklahoma, North Dakota and South Dakota enacted new laws governing protests, taking a variety of approaches to address specific problems created by protests in different locales. In response to anti-pipeline protests, for instance, North Dakota expanded anti- trespassing laws, increased penalties for rioting and criminalized the wearing of masks or hoods while breaking the law. 71 Other states, such as Oklahoma and South Dakota, where protesters sought to block oil pipeline construction, made it a crime to trespass near “criti- cal infrastructure.” Georgia expanded Getty Images/Drew Angerer Tea party activists demonstrate against the Affordable Care Act in Washington, its domestic terrorism statute to cover D.C., on Sept. 10, 2013. Known as “Obamacare,” the act was passed in 2010 people who damage infrastructure. 72 despite protests from the tea party and other skeptics. At the time, more people The Arkansas legislature enacted penal- disapproved of the law than supported it. But the law’s poll numbers improved in ties of up to a year in jail for people 2017 as congressional action toward repeal looked more likely. who interfere with commerce or traffic “None of them engaged in conduct that “There was no sweeping online drag- through mass picketing, but Republican amounted to urging other persons to net to identify organizers who conspired Gov. Asa Hutchinson vetoed the bill, destroy property,” she said. 64 to plan, promote and carry out violence citing constitutional concerns. 73 After the acquittals, prosecutors in Charlottesville — violence against “I was disappointed in the governor’s said they appreciated the jury’s “close people, not property,” they wrote. “This veto,” says Arkansas Republican state Sen. examination of the individual conduct is classic content-based discrimination Trent Garner, the bill’s sponsor. “I support and intent of each defendant during of freedom of speech and assembly.” 67 100 percent the right to assemble, but this trial” and look forward to “the same In another case involving an anti- there’s a distinction between free speech rigorous review for each defendant” in Trump administration protester in Wash- and [disruptive] action.” the remaining pending cases, which are ington, the Justice Department announced Some states considered, but did expected to extend well into 2018. 65 on Nov. 8 that it would not appeal a case not enact, rules to force protesters to One of the defendants, Jennifer against Deirdre Fairooz, a retired librarian Continued on p. 18

16 CQ Researcher At Issue:

Shouldyes protests be more strictly regulated?


ecently, demonstrations and protests have been mov- acially tinged violence in Charlottesville, Va., last year ing onto freeways and obstructing other public spaces. shone a light on a disturbing trend: state legislation This all-too-frequent tactic is designed to attract atten- r limiting the right to protest. These efforts, almost en- r tirely led by conservative lawmakers, predate what happened tion to an increasing number of issues, in part because current penalties don’t seem to be a sufficient deterrent. In 2017, I in Charlottesville and represent a reaction to a range of protest introduced legislation that would alter the criminal penalty for movements, including Black Lives Matter, anti-pipeline protests blocking public rights-of-way. The bill would not change which and the Women’s March on Washington. protests are legal or illegal, but it would increase the criminal These bills were introduced with the intent of protecting penalty for those who intentionally obstruct traffic access to a public property or public safety, but they also silence political highway, airport or transit system. That is not protected expres- opponents and limit the effectiveness of peaceful protests. sion under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution or In 2017, the State Innovation Exchange tracked proposed current Minnesota statutes. restrictions on protests in 20 state legislatures, and at least five Critics have asserted that my proposal is somehow uncon- of those bills were signed into law. Many of the bills sought stitutional, but without being specific. Since the ratification of to increase criminal penalties and prison time associated with the Bill of Rights,yes interpretation of the First Amendment has protests that blockno highways, force protesters to pay for the been challenged in the courts numerous times. As a result of costs associated with demonstrations and even to charge pro- court rulings the amendment has become more narrowly de- testers with racketeering. fined; the Supreme Court has decided on multiple occasions Conservative lawmakers in at least six states proposed re- that the right to free speech does not extend to actions that ducing or eliminating liability for drivers who strike protesters put others’ safety and rights at risk. with their vehicles. That these proposals could have made Disruptive protests create chaos, which can easily and rap- acts of protest more lethal is a particularly ghoulish concept idly devolve into riots. In July 2016, a protest that shut down after Charlottesville, where protesters were run down. So far, Interstate 94 was marked by smoke bombs, fireworks, jagged none of these bills has made it into law. We expect to see a rocks and broken bottles. Twenty-one police officers were in- renewed push for them in statehouses in 2018. jured, including an officer who suffered a spinal-compression But laws to restrict public protests shouldn’t be viewed in injury after a chunk of concrete was dropped on his head. isolation. Consider it this way: In the current era, with one Breaking the law and resorting to violence is not an effective party in control of Congress, the White House, the Supreme way to petition the government, and inflicting harm on law Court and the vast majority of statehouses, public protest is enforcement is not an effective way to persuade the public to one of the few avenues left for citizens who want to voice sympathize with your cause. opposition to policy choices. Others include filing ballot initia- Many who oppose my legislation argue that it would “chill” tives and pursuing policies through local government, which free speech. I vehemently disagree. Increased criminal penalties is generally less partisan. Most important, citizens can vote. for blocking a freeway, closing an airport or blocking transit In 2017, however, conservative state lawmakers pursued should not impact legal protests. not just anti-protest bills but legislation to limit the use of I have no issue with people protesting and petitioning ballot measures, severely restrict the ability of cities and towns their government. I agree with the Constitution that Americans to practice self-governance and make it harder for citizens to have the right to assemble and speak freely against their gov- register and vote. Taken together, this looks a lot like an effort to ernment, but I also agree with the courts setting limits on the insulate those in power by attacking the fundamental demo- time, place and manner of expression of those rights. The cratic mechanisms that check their power. legislation I propose is not meant to impede protesters’ con- Coupled with attempts by national conservatives to ram stitutional rights; it is meant to preserve the public’s right to through their agenda without hearings or debate, state lawmakers appear to be advancing a governing vision that is undemocratic. safety noand reliable transportation. Jan. 5, 2018 17 CITIZEN PROTESTS

Continued from p. 16 and that he hoped they would be fired. The FBI and Justice Department reimburse local governments for public That prompted far more players to take announced in November that they safety costs associated with demonstra- a knee, stay seated or lock arms during will investigate the St. Louis Police tions. The Arizona Senate, for instance, the anthem, and some student athletes Department after complaints that police approved a bill in February to allow the began kneeling during the anthem in used excessive force by tear-gassing seizure of assets from anyone who plans support of the movement. and pepper-spraying protesters and or participates in protests that become But some polls indicated many knocking them to the ground during violent, but the House killed it. 74 In Americans found it disrespectful toward the initial protests in September. 82 states where protesters had shut down the flag and the anthem. 77 “If players “Given the intensity of protests around airports or freeways, lawmakers consid- meant to direct that gesture toward the policing itself, the cops are at once the ob- ered increasing penalties for blocking police and not toward the military and ject of the protests and meant to control it,” traffic and shielding drivers from civil the flag, then that message got blurred,” says Mitchell, the Uppsala professor. “You liability if their vehicle hits protesters. says Jim Bueermann, president of the have upper brass saying, ‘We understand “If you want to protest, fine, I am for Police Foundation in Washington, which the need for protests,’ but frontline cops peaceful protesting, not lawless rioters,” researches law enforcement issues. are often behaving very, very aggressively said Republican state Rep. Matthew Hill, After he began kneeling during the because they see themselves as the target.” sponsor of an unsuccessful bill in Ten- anthem in 2016, Kaepernick had said, Bueermann, a former police chief in nessee to shield drivers from liability. “We “I am not going to stand up and show California, says most officers are trained don’t want anyone to be hurt, but people pride in a flag for a country that oppresses to handle demonstrations appropriately — should not knowingly put themselves in black people and people of color.” 78 He even when police are the target of protests harm’s way when you’ve got moms and was cut from the 49ers and not picked and are sometimes being physically as- dads trying to get their kids to school.” 75 up by another team for the 2017 season, saulted and taunted. “In most instances, The idea of protecting drivers who leading to suggestions that league owners they do maintain a professional posture,” strike protesters from liability may have were trying to silence the controversy. 79 he says. “These are very stressful events become politically toxic after the death Taking a knee during the anthem for everyone involved. They usually come in Charlottesville. The charge against the “makes a very strong and clear point, on the heels of some tragic event, and suspect in that case was upgraded to first- yet it harms no one,” says sociologist there’s community reaction, much of it degree murder at a hearing on Dec. 14. 76 Rojas at Indiana University. In addition, directed at the police.” says UC Irvine sociologist Meyer, seeing Nick Adams, a research fellow at UC players take a knee is “harder to ignore Berkeley, has found that protests tend Police as Targets than long and difficult conversations to become violent when the police about training or body cameras.” make an aggressive show of force, such elebrities often use their platforms John Schnatter, the founder of the as brandishing automatic weapons or C to draw attention to particular Papa Johns pizza chain, announced on deploying military-style hardware. 83 causes. Perhaps the most high-profile ce- Dec. 21 that he would step down as In addition, says Heaney, of the lebrity protests in 2017 have involved NFL its CEO. The chain is an NFL sponsor, , “You’re seeing players who began kneeling during the and Schnatter had courted controversy protests occurring in jurisdictions that are national anthem in protest against police by saying that the protests had hurt not accustomed to it,” where local law killings of unarmed African-Americans. NFL ratings. That comment led white enforcement agencies have less experi- The protests became one of the most supremacists to embrace the pizza ence than big-city police have in handling widely covered stories of the year. brand, which proved to be a public rowdy demonstrations. Local police “are The leader of the protests, former relations problem for the company. 80 trained in how to deal with riots,” he says. San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Demonstrations against police brutal- “When they see a large group of people, Kaepernick, could not find work in the ity continue away from the football field. they tend to treat it as a riot.” NFL but became a finalist as Time’s Protests became a nightly occurrence for An independent review of the Char- “Person of the Year” and has been nearly a month in St. Louis last fall, after lottesville demonstration by a former honored by other publications such a judge in September acquitted a white federal prosecutor faulted police for as Sports Illustrated and GQ. former police officer who had shot and poor training, deployment and planning, At a political rally in Alabama in Sep- killed a black suspect. As recently as the which led to the fatal rally’s “disastrous tember, Trump elevated the controversy day after Thanksgiving, protesters briefly results.” 84 Charlottesville Police Chief by suggesting that NFL players had no shut down a suburban shopping mall Alfred Thomas resigned on Dec. 18, business bringing politics onto the field chanting “no justice, no profits.” 81 following the review’s release. 85

18 CQ Researcher But polls indicate that many Ameri- “We have become inured to violent mains a curse that can be revived with cans are not sympathetic to protests speech,” says Fisher, the University of devastating consequences.” 90 aimed directly at police, particularly Maryland professor. She’s hoping for a For protests to be an expression of after incidents involving individuals return to civility and respect, but she something other than anger or dissatis- targeting and shooting officers. fears continued disagreement could de- faction, movements must have some sort volve into more physical confrontations. of policy change or other goal in mind. “I worry that the nature of protests, “Anger is not enough,” says Rojas, the because they’re so emotive and often Indiana sociologist. “You need concrete OUTLOOK angry, don’t facilitate finding the unsexy plans. That’s what matters. The differ- common ground needed to change ence between short-term protests and policy in the long term,” says Inazu, the something long-term like women’s rights Continuing Conflict Washington University law professor. or the pro-life movement is getting away To make matters worse, Americans’ from just being angry, to saying ‘this is rotest, by its nature, involves con- willingness to confront one another in exactly what I want.’ ” P flict. With a president who is contro- the streets was manipulated by Russians versial and unabashedly confrontational, via social media during the 2016 presi- few observers believe the current wave dential campaign. A Facebook group Notes of protests will calm down soon. called on people to attend a noon rally at “Trump loves the fight — he loves an Islamic center in on May 21, 1 Julia Manchester, “Poll: Trump’s approval goading people,” says McAdam, the 2016, to “Stop Islamification of Texas.” rating makes him least popular first-year Stanford sociologist. “He’s picking a Another Facebook group called for a president on record,” The Hill, Dec. 16, 2017, fight, and the left is picking up on it.” “Save Islamic Knowledge” protest at the 2 Political consultants say a lot may same time and place. Observers thought Michelle Goldberg, “The Year In Resistance,” depend on how elections this year and it was a protest and a counter-protest. The New York Times, Dec. 19, 2017, https:// in 2020 turn out. But it turned out the opposing rallies 3 Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson, The “2018 is what I’m all about,” says had both been organized by Facebook Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Taussig, the St. Louis protester. groups controlled by Russians who Conservatism (2012), p. 8. Trump’s opponents on the left threat- purchased $200 worth of Facebook ads. 4 Erica Chenoweth et al., “New data shows ened in advance to take to the streets if “From a computer in St. Petersburg, Russia, a sharp increase in U.S. protest activity in he fires , the special counsel these operators can create and promote April,” The Washington Post, May 22, 2017, investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged events anywhere in the United States . . . collusion with Russia. Some conserva- to tear apart our society,” 5 Robinson Meyer, “The Climate March’s Big tives, by contrast, have warned that the Republican Sen. Richard Burr, who chairs Tent Strategy Draws a Big Crowd,” The Atlantic, president’s supporters will riot if Trump the Senate Intelligence Committee, said April 30, 2017,; is impeached. “Try to impeach him. Just at a hearing in November. 88 Max Greenwood, “ rallies draw huge crowds around US,” The Hill, April try it,” Roger Stone, a longtime Trump Politicians from both parties are 22, 2017,; Dick political adviser, said last August. “You will calling for a return to civility and less Uliano, “Thousands gather for the March for have a spasm of violence in this country, bitterness. “We have seen our discourse Racial Justice on Capitol Hill,” WTOP, Sept. 30, 86 an insurrection like you’ve never seen.” degraded by casual cruelty,” former 2017, In an era when the country is deeply President George W. Bush, a Republi- 6 Paul Duggan, “Charge upgraded to first- polarized, continuing conflict between can, said in October. “Argument turns degree murder for driver accused of ramming the political parties and their supporters too easily into animosity. Disagreement Charlottesville crowd,” The Washington Post, appears to be almost a given. Some escalates into dehumanization.” 89 Dec. 14, 2017, observers worry that the Charlottesville “All too often, tribalism based on race, 7 Jim Salter and Summer Ballentine, “Police clash could become an ugly precursor religion, sexual identity and place of birth arrest more than 80 amid violent St. Louis to increased political violence. Scattered has replaced inclusive nationalism, in protests,” The Associated Press, Sept. 18, 2017, Also see Ralph acts of violence have occurred in and which you can be proud of your tribe Ellis and Rosa Flores, “Multiple officers killed around politics — such as a liberal open- and still embrace the larger American at Dallas protest over police killings,” CNN, ing fire at a Republican congressional community,” former President Bill Clinton, July 8, 2016, baseball practice in June in Alexandria, a Democrat, wrote in a recent op-ed. 8 For background, see Marcia Clemmitt, “ ‘Alt- Va. — and death threats have become “From Charleston to Charlottesville, we Right’ Movement,” CQ Researcher, March 17, routine against some politicians. 87 are reminded that the racial divide re- 2017, pp. 241-264. Jan. 5, 2018 19 CITIZEN PROTESTS

9 Catherine Rampell, “The right shuts down 21 U.S. Supreme Court, Brandenburg v. Ohio, Sept. 19, 2012, free speech, too,” The Washington Post, Dec. 395 U.S. 444 (1969), 35 U.S. Supreme Court, Schenck v. United States, 15, 2016, 22 Robby Soave, “Snowflakes on the Right: 249 U.S. 47 (1919), 10 Russell Blair, “Q Poll: Majority Of Ameri- Conservative Hecklers Shut Down Speakers 36 Gabe Rottman, “A ‘Foreign Policy Exception’ cans Disagree With NFL Anthem Protests,” at Whittier College,” Reason, Oct. 16, 2017, to the First Amendment?,” ACLU, Sept. 28, 2012, Hartford Courant, Oct. 11, 2017, http://tinyurl. com/y82huebl. 23 Christopher Hitchens, “Red Rosa,” The At- 37 Trevor Timm, “It’s Time to Stop Using the 11 John Inazu, Liberty’s Refuge: The Forgotten lantic, June 2011, ‘Fire in a Crowded Theater’ Quote,” The Atlan- Freedom of Assembly (2012). 24 Brian Montopoli, “Target Boycott Move- tic, Nov. 2, 2012, 12 Susan Page and Julia Fair, “USA TODAY ment Grows Following Donation to Support 38 Terence McArdle, “The veterans were des- Poll: Americans say Trump is wrong on NFL ‘Antigay’ Candidate,” CBS News, July 28, 2010, perate. Gen. MacArthur ordered U.S. troops protests,” USA Today, Oct. 2, 2017, http://tinyurl. to attack them,” The Washington Post, July 28, com/y9wk53km. Also see Kathryn Casteel, “How 25 Khadeeja Safdar, “How Target Botched Its 2017, Do Americans Feel About the NFL Protests? It Response to the North Carolina Bathroom 39 U.S. Supreme Court, Cox v. New Hamp- Depends On How You Ask,” FiveThirtyEight, Law,” The Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2017, shire, 312 U.S. 569 (1941), Oct. 9, 2017, yanppoxs. 13 David Pierce, “Congress’ Phone System Is 26 Jonah Engel Bromwich, “Hannity Fans 40 U.S. Supreme Court, Brown v. Board of Broken — But It’s Still Your Best Shot,” Wired, Destroy Keurig Coffee Makers After Company Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), Feb. 3, 2017, Pulls Advertising,” The New York Times, Nov. 14 Diamond Naga Siu, “Republican senators hit 13, 2017, 41 Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin, by calls from voters worried about Obamacare 27 Laura Heller, “Lands’ End Apologizes For America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s repeal bill,” Politico, June 27, 2017, http:// Gloria Steinem Feature, Faces Backlash,” Forbes, (2000), p. 32. Feb. 26, 2016, 42 Gallup Poll, May 1961, 15 “CNN Opinion Research Poll,” CNN, March 28 Kim Bhasin, “Nordstrom Is Winning the ycfrww4d. 22, 2010, War Over Ivanka Trump,” Bloomberg, March 43 Quoted in Mark Engler and Paul Engler, 16 Dan Mangan, “Obamacare tops 50 percent 7, 2017, This Is an Uprising (2016), p. 130. John F. popularity among Americans for first time 29 Michael Hendrix, “Why 2016 Came Down Kennedy, “Radio and Television Report to in new poll, after Senate unveils bill to gut to Whole Foods vs. Cracker Barrel,” Medium, the American People on Civil Rights,” The health-care law,” CNBC, June 23, 2017, http:// Nov. 10, 2016, American Presidency Project, June 11, 1963, 30 Matthew Sickmeier, “Matthew Lyon: The Sedi- 17 “Last Five Years Account for More Than tion Act’s First Victim,” Tenth Amendment Center, 44 Isserman and Kazin, op. cit., p. 134. One-quarter of All Abortion Restrictions Sept. 8, 2014, 45 Lyndon B. Johnson, “President Johnson’s Enacted Since Roe,” Guttmacher Institute, 31 Peter Onuf, “Thomas Jefferson: Domestic Special Message to the Congress: The Ameri- January 2016, Affairs,” Miller Center, University of Virginia, can Promise,” LBJ Presidential Library, March 18 Alan Greenblatt, “For Wall Street Protests, 15, 1965, What Constitutes Success?” NPR, Oct. 14, 2011, 32 Jim Robbins, “Pardons Granted 88 Years 46 Eric Pace, “Mario Savio, 53, Campus Protester, After Crimes of Sedition,” The New York Times, Dies,” The New York Times, Nov. 7, 1996, http:// 19 Madison Park and Kyung Lah, “Berkeley May 3, 2006, protests of Yiannopoulos caused $100,000 in 33 Jake Johnson, “Eugene V. Debs and the 47 Caitlin Gibson, “What happened in Chicago damage,” CNN, Feb. 2, 2017, http://tinyurl. Urgent Need for a New Anti-War Movement,” in 1968, and why is everyone talking about com/jalc9a6. Common Dreams, Sept. 22, 2016, http:// it now?” The Washington Post, July 18, 2016, 20 Joseph Bernstein, “Alt-White: How the Breit- bart Machine Laundered Racist Hate,” Buzzfeed, 34 Ken White, “ Three Generations of a Hackneyed 48 Carl Brown, “The Whole World Was Watch- Oct. 5, 2017, Apologia for Censorship Are Enough,” Popehat, ing: Public Opinion in 1968,” Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, July 8, 2016, About the Author 49 “Kent State: In Memory of 4 Slain, 1970,” Reuters, May 5, 1990, Alan Greenblatt Governing is a staff writer at magazine. 50 Whitney Blair Wyckoff, “Jackson State: A Previously he covered politics and government for NPR Tragedy Widely Forgotten,” NPR, May 3, 2010, and CQ Weekly, where he won the National Press Club’s Sandy Hume Award for political journalism. He graduated 51 Engler and Engler, op. cit., p. 227. from San Francisco State University in 1986 and received 52 Ibid., p. 201. a master’s degree in English literature from the University 53 L.A. Kauffman, Direct Action: Protest and of Virginia in 1988. His CQ Researcher reports include the Reinvention of American Radicalism “Future of the GOP” and “Immigration Debate.” (2017), p. 89. 54 Liam Stack, “A Brief History of Deadly Attacks

20 CQ Researcher on Abortion Providers,” The New York Times, Nov. 29, 2015, 55 Kauffman, op. cit., p. 106. FOR MORE INFORMATION 56 For background, see Brian Hansen, “Global- ization Backlash,” CQ Researcher, Sept. 28, 2001, American Association of University Professors, 1133 19th St., N.W., Suite 200, pp. 761-784. Washington, DC 20036; 202-737-5900; Trade association that ad- 57 vocates for higher education and promotes academic freedom; also covers free Nate Silver, “How Many Attended The speech issues in its Academe magazine and blog. Tea Parties?” FiveThirtyEight, April 16, 2009, Charles Koch Foundation, 1320 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22201; 58 Skocpol and Williamson, op. cit., p. 22. 703-875-1770; Among other causes, gives grants to col- 59 Engler and Engler, op. cit., p. 147. leges in support of programs that help promote civic engagement and civil dialogue. 60 Kauffman, op. cit., p. 173. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, 510 Walnut St., Suite 1250, 61 For background, see Peter Katel, “Police Tactics,” Philadelphia, PA 19106; 215-717-3473; Promotes individual rights, CQ Researcher, Dec. 12, 2014, pp. 1033-1060. including free speech and religious liberty, at American colleges and universities. 62 Keith L. Alexander and Ellie Silverman, Free Speech Project, Georgetown University, 320 Old North, 3700 O St., N.W., “Not-guilty verdicts for first six people on Washington, DC 20057; 202-687-5232; Founda- trial in violent Inauguration Day protests,” tion-sponsored program that monitors free speech controversies at places such as The Washington Post, Dec. 21, 2017, https:// college campuses and state capitals.; Keith L. Alexander, National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement, 1608 Rhode Island “ACLU adds 10-year-old boy, mother to law- Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; 202-974-6200; freespeechcenter.universityofcali- suit against D.C. police in Inauguration Day New program of the University of California that will conduct research and seek to promote the value of free speech. arrests,” The Washington Post, Jan. 3, 2018, Social Media and Political Participation, New York University, 6 Washington 63 Sean Rossman, “Free speech or destruc- Place, New York, NY 10003; 212-998-7900; Interdisciplinary pro- tion: First Trump inauguration protesters go gram that conducts research on the impact of social media on political behavior. on trial,” USA Today, Nov. 20, 2017, https:// override governor’s veto of ‘mass picketing’ 2017, 64 Keith L. Alexander, “Judge dismisses lead bill,” Arkansas Times, April 18, 2017, http:// 83 Kurtis Alexander, “Police often provoke rioting charge against defendants in Inaugura- protest violence, UC researchers find,” San tion Day protest trial,” The Washington Post, 74 Antonia Noori Farzan, “ ‘Plan A Protest, Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 22, 2014, http:// Dec. 13, 2017, Lose Your House’ Bill, SB 1142, Killed by 65 Alexander and Silverman, op. cit. Arizona House,” Phoenix New Times, Feb. 27, 84 Chris Kenning, “Review faults police response 66 Ibid. 2017, to Charlottesville far-right rally,” Reuters, Dec. 1, 67 Yael Bromberg and Eirik Cheverud, “Anti- 75 Hayley Mason, “Bill would make drivers 2017, Trump protesters risk 60 years in jail. Is dis- immune from civil liability if they hit protest- 85 Joe Heim, “Charlottesville police chief re- sent a crime?” The Guardian, Nov. 22, 2017, ers blocking street,” WSMV, Feb. 10, 2017, signs in wake of report on white-supremacist rally,” The Washington Post, Dec. 18, 2017, 68 Laurel Wamsley, “DOJ Drops Case Against 76 Duggan, op. cit. Woman Who Laughed During Sessions Hear- 77 Casteel, op. cit. 86 Cristiano Lima, “Roger Stone predicts violent ing,” NPR, Nov. 8, 2017, 78 Steve Wyche, “Colin Kaepernick explains ‘insurrection’ if Trump is impeached,” Politico, y9e5kx3k. why he sat during national anthem,” NFL Media, Aug. 24, 2017,; 69 “2017 End-of-Session Report,” State Innova- Aug. 27, 2016, “Nobody Is Above the Law — Mueller Firing tion Exchange, 79 Shaun King, “Until the De Facto Ban On Rapid Response,”, undated, 70 Karen Herzog, “Regents approve punish- Kaepernick Is Lifted, The NFL’s Gestures Toward ments up to expulsion for UW students who Criminal Justice Reform Ring Hollow,” The Inter- 87 Alan Greenblatt, “Congressional Shooting repeatedly disrupt speakers,” cept, Dec. 2, 2017, Highlights Rise of Violence in Politics,” Govern- Journal Sentinel, Oct. 6, 2017, https://tinyurl. 80 Marwa Eltagouri, “Papa John’s founder will ing, June 14, 2017, com/y8tocxak. step down as CEO after criticizing national 88 Claire Allbright, “A Russian Facebook page 71 Mitch Smith and Michael Wines, “Across anthem protests in the NFL,” The Washing- organized a protest in Texas. A different Russian the Country, a Republican Push to Rein In ton Post, Dec. 21, 2017, page launched the counterprotest,” Texas Tribune, Protesters,” The New York Times, March 2, 2017, yamy6xs4. Nov. 1, 2017, 81 Daniel Shular, “Black Friday Protest at Gal- 89 “Full text: George W. Bush speech on 72 Max Moran, “ACLU Says New Georgia leria Leads to Seven Arrests,” Riverfront Times, Trumpism,” Politico, Oct. 19, 2017, http:// Terrorism Law Is Broader Than The Patriot Nov. 25, 2017, Act,” Georgia Public Broadcasting, July 11, 82 Robert Patrick, “FBI, Justice Department 90 Bill Clinton, “Bill Clinton: Americans Must 2017, investigating St. Louis police conduct during Decide Who We Really Are,” The New York 73 David Ramsey, “Garner will not try to protests,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Nov. 21, Times, Dec. 4, 2017, Jan. 5, 2018 21 Bibliography Selected Sources

Books Polls show that most Americans disapprove of NFL play- ers failing to stand during the national anthem, but their Engler, Mark, and Paul Engler, This Is an Uprising: responses vary depending on how the question is phrased. How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century, Nation Books, 2016. Panzar, Javier, and Alene Tchekmedyian, “9 arrested as A journalist (Mark) and a protest organizer (Paul) draw protesters gather at UC Berkeley for talk by conserva- lessons from the most influential nonviolent movements of tive speaker Ben Shapiro,” Times, Sept. 15, the past half-century. 2017, Protests against an appearance by a conservative writer led Kauffman, L.A., Direct Action: Protest and the Reinven- the city of Berkeley, Calif., to lift a 20-year ban on police tion of American Radicalism, Verso, 2017. using pepper spray and cost the University of California, A writer and participant in radical politics traces protest move- Berkeley, $600,000 in security expenses. ments that have used disruptive tactics over the past 40 years. Reid, Eric, “Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I McAdam, Doug, and Karina Kloos, Deeply Divided: Decided to Take a Knee,” The New York Times, Sept. Racial Politics and Social Movements in Post-War 25, 2017, America, Oxford University Press, 2014. An NFL player explains why he decided to kneel during Two sociologists argue that post-World War II social move- the national anthem to protest police shootings, saying the ments and backlashes against them have created divisions action was meant as a respectful gesture and not a criticism in U.S. politics and contributed to income inequality. of the flag or the military.

Tufekci, Zeynep, Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power Romo, Vanessa, “Activists On The Left Seek To Harness and Fragility of Networked Protest, Yale University Spending As Part Of Their Anti-Trump Resistance,” NPR, Press, 2017. June 11, 2017, A professor of information and technology at the Univer- Anti-Trump activists are encouraging people to voice their sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, explores ways in which disapproval of the president by boycotting products and new technologies have both empowered and hampered services associated with him. contemporary protest movements. Smith, Mitch, and Michael Wines, “Across the Country, Articles a Republican Push to Rein In Protesters,” The New York Times, March 2, 2017, Bradley, Stefan M., “Civil Debate Is Fine. Protest Is Even More than a dozen states have considered legislation to Better,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Sept. 26, regulate protests or increase penalties for participants. 2017, The writer, who chairs the Department of African-American Reports and Studies Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, ar- gues that asking students to engage politely in civil debate, Inazu, John, “Unlawful Assembly as Social Control,” without disruption, limits their effectiveness in confronting UCLA Law Review, 2017, ideas that they find threatening. A Washington University law professor argues that law enforcement agencies are given too much discretion in de- Bromberg, Yael, and Eirik Cheverud, “Anti-Trump pro- termining when assemblies are illegal, leading to restrictions testers risk 60 years in jail. Is dissent a crime?” The on gatherings across the political spectrum. Guardian, Nov. 22, 2017, Two attorneys note that the government is prosecuting McDonnell, Mary-Hunter, and Timothy Werner, “Black- people who participated in protests that turned violent dur- listed Businesses: Social Activists’ Challenges and the ing the president’s inauguration but did not similarly pursue Disruption of Corporate Political Activity,” Adminis- sweeping charges against white supremacists who engaged trative Science Quarterly, May 3, 2016, http://tinyurl. in protests that turned violent in Charlottesville, Va. com/ycxuencc. Consumer boycotts make politicians more likely to return Casteel, Kathryn, “How Do Americans Feel About The campaign contributions from targeted companies and also NFL Protests? It Depends On How You Ask,” FiveThirty make governments less likely to award contracts to those Eight, Oct. 9, 2017, companies.

22 CQ Researcher The Next Step: Additional Articles from Current Periodicals

Black Lives Matter causes, but social media is making these campaigns more effective, the founder of a consulting firm argues. Perez, Maria, “New York Police Nearly Killed Black Lives Matter Leader During Peaceful Protests, Lawsuit Claims,” Picchi, Aimee, “Sean Hannity fans boycott Keurig, but Newsweek, Nov. 28, 2017, will it make a dent?” CBS News, Nov. 13, 2017, https:// The president of the Black Lives Matter chapter of Greater New York is suing the New York City Police Department, alleging Conservatives are boycotting Keurig, a beverage brewing officers used excessive force during his arrest at a 2017 protest. system, over its maker’s decision to pull its advertising from Sean Hannity’s Fox News show when the host appeared to Touré, “A Year Inside the Black Lives Matter Movement,” defend Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. Rolling Stone, Dec. 7, 2017, A Rolling Stone contributor takes a comprehensive look Taylor, Kate, “Brands including Papa John’s and Star- at the protest movement stemming from police violence bucks are victims of a ‘consumer awakening’ as boycotts against African-Americans, and how it is defining civil rights explode in Trump’s America,’ ” Business Insider, Nov. 22, activism in “the age of Trump.” 2017, Both conservatives and liberals are increasingly organizing Vohra, Sweta, “Documents show US monitoring of consumer boycotts to protest well-known brands’ stances Black Lives Matter,” Al Jazeera, Nov. 28, 2017, https:// on social or political issues. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security began Social Media monitoring Black Lives Matter protests in 2016, assessing the events as potential threats, according to recently released Khan, Ilyas M., “Pakistan protests: The political tensions documents. behind the scenes,” BBC News, Nov. 26, 2017, https:// Campus Protests Government critics say Pakistani authorities, who blocked access to social media sites, mishandled protests that arose over the Balingit, Moriah, and Sarah Larimer, “DeVos assailed by ouster of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a corruption scandal. protesters at college campuses in Boston, Washington,” The Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2017, https://tinyurl. Pengelly, Martin, “#MeToo: thousands march in LA as com/yaeaduqx. sexual misconduct allegations continue,” The Guardian, Students protested Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ policies Nov. 12, 2017, during her back-to-back appearances at Harvard and George The #MeToo social media movement, a call to action for Washington universities. women who have faced sexual harassment or sexual assault, led to a demonstration. Raguso, Emilie, “14 arrests Sunday tied to Milo event,” Berkeleyside, Sept. 25, 2017, CITING CQ RESEARCHER Police arrested 14 people after “heated arguments” broke Sample formats for citing these reports in a bibliography out during a recent appearance by right-wing personality Milo Yiannopoulos at the University of California, Berkeley. include the ones listed below. Preferred styles and formats vary, so please check with your instructor or professor. Ramirez, Charles E., “UM students to protest Richard Spencer visit,” News, Nov. 27, 2017, https:// MLA STYLE Mantel, Barbara. “Coal Industry’s Future.” CQ Researcher 17 Student groups at the University of Michigan used various June 2016: 529-552. tactics, including social media campaigns and pressure on the school administration, in an effort to prevent white APA STYLE nationalist Richard Spencer from speaking at their campus. Mantel, B. (2016, June 17). Coal Industry’s Future. CQ Re- Consumer Boycotts searcher, 6, 529-552. HICAGO TYLE Adamson, Allen, “How Smart Companies Shift Ahead C S In The Era Of Political Divisiveness,” Forbes, Nov. 17, Mantel, Barbara. “Coal Industry’s Future.” CQ Researcher, 2017, June 17, 2016, 529-52. Consumers have long used boycotts to pursue political Jan. 5, 2018 23 In-depth Reports on Issues in the News

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