I Will Monitor Performance Of Six Full Ministers From – DPM Aug 5, 2015

IPOH, Aug 5 (Bernama) -- Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr said he would monitor the performance of all six full ministers who hail from Perak besides their commitment to develop the state during their tenure.

He said it would be unreasonable if the ministers who were appointed to the administration at the national level failed to bring development to Perak and turn it into one of the most developed states in .

"Do not ever take advantage of opportunities for yourself, but do whatever you can to bring development for Perak," he said at an "Evening with the Deputy Prime Minister" event held at the Perak Menteri Besar's official residence here today.

Ahmad Zahid said although he had just been appointed as the deputy prime minister, he would continue to monitor the performances of the Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, Minister of International Trade and Industry II Datuk Seri , Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Mah Siew Keong, Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri and Minister of Tourism and Culture Datuk Seri .

"I do no the powers, but I will monitor if there is any feedback from you, ladies and gentlemen, if there's anyone who is not bringing development (to Perak), tell me.

"I have promised myself and the Sultan of Perak, that his wish to see the people of Perak at the national level helping their state of origin in terms of development, will become a reality," he told the guests.

He also said that no matter how high a position a person held, the importance of seeking knowledge should never be neglected, especially among leaders, who should always be on the front line, and not be easily fooled or deceived, especially in social media.

Ahmad Zahid also said that the habit of blaming others should be stopped and everyone should take the approach of correcting themselves first.

"We should not only be steadfast, but also humble," he said.


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