December 2, 2009 THE TOWNS COUNTY HERALD Page 9A T Towns County’s Leader In Sports ■ E-mail:
[email protected] Sports Hiawassee, Georgia December 2, 2009 Tri-County Race Indians lose competitive game to Nantahala Track Awards Banquet Jordan Moss (11) 12 By Jerry Kendall Bradley Swanson con- Lady Indians (Grade) In last week’s edition Ali Bleckley (10) 11 Race Track Awards Ban- Towns County Herald tinued his scoring spree of the Melissa Conrad (12) 22 of Local Racing Action, night before, including eight Kerri Abernathy (12) 14 Brittany Walls (11) 11 quet mistakenly were omit- The Indians led Nan- photos of the Towns County ted. Congratulations to these tahala for most of the first ten treys this time in a sparkling 32 Gabby Arencibia (10) 11 Gabby Arencibia (10) 6 winners at the Tri-County drivers. T(Dec2,D1)TS minutes of the game but saw point performance for the Indi- Jordan Moss (11) 11 Lindsay Patton (10) 6 the visiting Hawks use a 27-8 ans. John Bleckley also used Ali Bleckley (10) 5 Sheena Kendall (12) 5 run the final 7:12 of the second the 3-point basket to advantage Sheena Kendall (12) 2 Heather Hamilton (12) 2 quarter in overcoming an 18-13 by including three among his 12 Indians (Grade) Indians (Grade) Indian lead for a commanding points for the game and Brandon Bradley Swanson (11) 27 Bradley Swanson (11) 32 40-26 advantage at intermis- Henderson took third honors in John Bleckley (12) 16 John Bleckley (12) 12 sion.