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152 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, 21st JUNE, ' 1946 NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. £100 (One Hundred Pounds) to the Carndonagh Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, for In the Goods of SARAH JANE RADCLIFFE, late of No. the charitable work of the Society amongst the 50 Chamberlain Street, in the City o£ Belfast, poor of the Parish of Donagh. Spinster, deceased. £50 (Fifty Pounds) to the National Council of NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Ireland for the Pontifical Work of the \Propa- 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named gation of the Faith for the purposes in Eire of deceased, by her Will dated the 19th day of January, the said Council. 1938, made the following charitable bequests :— £50 (Fifty Pounds) to the Reverend Mother of To the Presbyterian Orphan Society, the sum of the Convent of Mercy, Carndonagh, to be applied Twenty Pounds. by her to whatever charity she may desire to use To the Foreign Mission in connection with the it for. Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the sum of £25 (Twenty-five Pounds) to the Rev. James Twenty Pounds. Bonner, P.P., Caradonagh, and £25 (Twenty-five To the Qua Iboe Mission, the sum of Twenty Pounds) each to the Rev. Frank Bradley, C.C., Pounds. and the Rev. Michael Sheerin, C.C., for masses To the Belfast City Mission (Lord Street Hall, Bel- for the happy repose of the souls of her deceased fast), the sum of Twenty Pounds. husband, herself and relatives. £25 (Twenty-five Pounds) each to the Rev. All said legacies to be paid through First Bally- Jerry O'Callaghan, C.C., Feeny, Co. Derry; Rev. macarrett Presbyterian Church, Paulett Avenue, Con O'Doherty, Chaplain, Nazareth House, Belfast. Fahan; Rev. James Anthony O'Doherty, C.C.; The Testatrix made certain other bequests and Rev. Michael McEleney, of Chapel Street, Carn- devised and bequeathed all the rest of her property dcmagh, and the Rev. Fr. McGinley, C.C., Carri- unto her Trustee upon trust for said First Bally- gart, Co. Donegal, for masses for her deceased carrett Presbyterian Church, Belfast, and the Ulster husband, herself and relatives. Hospital for Children and Women, Templemore The residue of hei estate the Testatrix left to Avenue, Belfast, in equal proportions. the Most Reverend Neil Farren, D.D., D.C.L., The Testatrix died on the 6th day of February, Lord Bishop of Derry, for masses for the happy 1946, and Probate of her said Will and one Codicil repose of the souls of her husband and herself, was on the 13th day of May, 1946, granted forth and in the event of any of her charitable bequests of the Principal Registry, King's Bench Division being void, lapsing, or being inoperative for any (Probate), in the High Court of Justice in Northern reason, gave and devised the full amount to the Ireland, to Samuel Mcllveen McCrea, of Lisban, Most Rev. Dr. Farren, for his own absolute use Newtownards Road, Bangor, County Down, Gentle- and benefit. man, the Executor named in the said Will. The said Testatrix died on the llth day of Sep- Dated this 17th day of June, 1946. tember, 1945, and Probate of her Will was granted CHAS. A. MACKENZIE & CO., Solicitors forth of the (Principal Probate Registry, Dublin, o'~ for the Executor, 128 Albertbridge Road, the High Court of Justice in Eire, on the 1st day of Belfast. April, 1946, and forth of the Principal Registry. Belfast, of the High Court of Justice in Northern To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, King's Bench Divi'sion (Probate), on the Ireland, and all others concerned. 7th day of June, 1946, to the Reverend James Bonner. Parish Priest, and_ William Callaghan, Draper, both of Carndonagh, aforesaid, and Charles McCormick. of 5 Newmarket Street. Derry. in the County of Derry, Solicitor, the Executors named in the said NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. Will. In the Goods of MARY JOSEPHINE O'DOHERTY, late Dated this 15th day of June, 1946. of the Diamond, Carndonagh, County Donegal, CHARLES* McCORMICK, Solicitor for the Widow, deceased. Executors, 22 Nassau Street, Dublin; and NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute 5 Newmarket Street, Londonderry. 30 and 31 Viet., Cap. 54, that the above-named Mary To the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Josephine Q'Doherry by her Will dated the 21st Bequests, Eire; The Ministry of Finance, Nor- day of August, 1945, bequeathed the following thern Ireland, and all .whom it may concern. charitable legacies and bequests:— £2,000 (Two Thousand Pounds) to the Rev. James Bonner, P.P., Carndonagh, or other the Parish Priest of Carndonagh at her decease, to NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. be paid by him into the fund for the building of the New Roman Catholic Church at Carndonagh. In the Estate of ELLEN MCARDLE, late of Lady's £100 (One Hundred Pounds) to the Most Mile, Holywood, Co. Down, Widow, deceased. Reverend Neil Farren, D.D., D.C.L., Lord Bishop NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 of Derry, to be paid into the fund for the build- and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named deceased, ing of a new Roman Catholic Church in Lon- who died on the 6th October, 1945, by her Will dated donderry City. 6th September, 1944, bequeathed the following £250 (Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds) to the I charitable legacies :— Rector of the Missionary College at Pallas- 1. One Hundred Pounds to Reverend J. P. kenry, County Limerick, to found a Burse therein Connon, C.C., St. Paul's, Belfast, for Masses to for the education of a young priest. be celebrated in public in Northern Ireland for £500 (Five Hundred Pounds) to the Trustees deceased's intentions, for the time being of the Trust known as the 2. Two Hundred Pounds to the President of " Maynooth Mission to China," to found a Burse the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Sacred Heart at Dalgan Park, or elsewhere in Ireland, as said Branch, Belfast, for the charitable objects of sai<' Trustees shall determine, for the education of a Society in Sacred Heart Parish. young priest for her intention. 3. One Hundred Pounds to Reverend Superior, £100 (One Hundred Pounds) to the Reverend Alexian Brothers, Warrenpoint, for the charitable Mother, Nazareth House, Londonderry, for the objects in Ireland in connection with said Order. charitable purposes of that Institution. Deceased bequeathed the. residue of her estate £50 (Fifty Pounds) to the Rector of the Mis- as follows :— sionary College, Pallaskenry, County Limerick, (a) One-third share thereof in equal propor- for masses for her deceased husband and herself. tions to the Rector, Clonard Monastery, Belfast, £50 (Fifty Pounds) to the Superior of the and the Rector, Ardoyne Monastery, Belfast, to Franciscan Friary, Ards, Dunfanaghy, County be applied in having Masses celebrated in Nor- Donegal, for masses for her intentions. thern Ireland for deceased's intentions..