ChurCh of Ireland unIted dIoCeses CHURCH REVIEW of dublIn and GlendalouGh ISSN 0790-0384 Church Review is published monthly and usually available by the first Sunday. Please order your copy from your Parish A Letter from the Archbishop Elect by annual sub scription. €40 for 2011 AD. POSTAL SUBSCRIIPTIIONS//CIIRCULATIION I WAS INNOCENTLY chairing a meeting in the Theological Institute on the afternoon of Wednesday February 2nd when I found myself having to leave the Copies by post are available from: Charlotte O’Brien, ‘Mountview’, meeting momentarily to take a telephone call. The caller was the archbishop of The Paddock, Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. Armagh, ringing to tell me that the Electoral College for Dublin and Glendalough E:
[email protected] Dioceses wanted me to be the next archbishop of Dublin. I found myself asking for a T: 086 026 5522. little time, offering hopeful prayer and making two telephone calls. I then rang the The cost is the subscription and archbishop back, thanking him and the College and, in accepting the invitation, appropriate postage. pledging myself then, as I also do now, to do my best as God directs. My wife, Inez, and I had the pleasure of living for three years in Dublin at an earlier stage in our lives and enjoyed it thoroughly. A little more than twenty years later, returning will be an exciting COPY DEADLIINE experience. Dublin, of course, will have changed, yet from our earlier time living in Dublin we had All editorial material MUST be with the a great sense of a city with energy, a people and a place who felt they could do things and went Editor by 15th of the preceeding month, ahead and did them.