Former Airfield Community Newsletter November 2020

Emerging Masterplan - Presented at the Chapter Two Community Consultation Event

The current draft Illustrative Masterplan as presented at our second round of consultation Community Consultation Feedback

We held our second round of community consultation It was very valuable to hear your thoughts on the progress on 19th and 21st November, with residents, of the masterplan so far, and we welcome all feedback. stakeholders and councillors attending to provide Recordings of both sessions are available to view on feedback and comments on the proposals so far. There our website, and a Q&A document answering all of the were opportunities to ask questions on topics ranging questions during the consultation events is also available. from, the emerging masterplan, sustainable modes of If you are yet to watch the sessions or read transport, ecology, and sustainability, to name a few. the Q&A, you can do so on our website at This round of consultation marks our second ‘chapter, and you can also fill of engagement’, with the third chapter expected out a feedback form. early next year, followed by the the submission of the We would really like to hear from you if you attended application in the second quarter of 2021. We sent out the sessions and would encourage everyone to fill 8,739 invitations to this event, advertised in the local out a feedback form. The media and sent invitations to our Community Liaison deadline for feedback is if it is to be included in the summary Group attendees and requested that they shared with 7th December report, but any forms received after this date will still be their members. circulated to the design team for consideration.

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend these events and to send in their thoughts. Your opinions are vital while designing the masterplan and ensuring that the existing community is involved in the emerging plans for the former . We are looking forward to meeting with you again next year to show you how your feedback has been incorporated into the masterplan.

In addition to the form, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via [email protected] or speak to your Community Liaison Group representative with any comments or questions.


July 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 Chapter One - First Launch of Submission of the Stub Road Chapter Two - Second Community Consultation Community Liaison and Roundabout application Round of Public WE ARE Events held Group and Enabling Works application Consultation Events HERE You can find our website at

Community Liaison Group

Our Community Liaison Group brings together representatives of local community groups and stakeholders to workshop different topics in detail. So far, we have discussed transport, infrastructure, community facilities and sustainability, amongst other topics.

Minutes of these sessions are published on our website at, along with the presentations, so please do take a moment to read through to read the discussions had on each topic.. These sessions are a really valuable opportunity for us to get the thoughts of the community representatives, so please do speak to your representative or contact the team directly using the The minutes and presentation from our fourth Community details below to make sure your feedback is heard. Liaison Group are now available on our website.

Members: • Ockham Parish Council • Effingham Residents Association • Send Parish Council • Cobham and Downside Residents Association • Ripley Parish Council • Bike Users Group • Parish Council • Enterprise M3 • Parish Council • Chamber of Commerce • Parish Council • RHS Wisley • Parish Council • Guildford Society • Ockham Parish Church • Guildford Ramblers • Wisley Action Group

December 2020 January 2021 Early 2021 Second quarter of 2021 Second Design Continued Chapter Three - Third Round of Application Review Community Public Consultation Events and Submission WE ARE HERE Panel Liaison Groups third Design Review Panel Design Review Panel

The key findings from the feedback are being used to Once we have amended our plans based on the feedback shape the masterplan ahead of our next Design Review received, we will hold our next consultation events in the Panel in December. New Year.

These masterplan options will then be presented to the Please see the meeting minutes from the Design Review Panel, which is made up of independent first Design Review Panel on our website at professionals with architectural and design expertise. This panel will review our proposals and recommend any amendments that will help shape the plans for the former Wisley Airfield.

Keeping Wisley Airfield Secure

Our specialist on-site security team, Kestrel Guards, have been working on the former Wisley Airfield site to prevent any anti-social behaviour.

If you wish to contact the security team to notify them of an incident, then please find their contact details below:

Kestrel Guards - 24hour Control Room Call 02380 666 760 or email [email protected] Please do not approach anyone on the site, instead contact our security team to log an incident and they will do their best to make sure any issues are dealt with appropriately. Taylor Wimpey security


If you have any questions about the information provided in this newsletter, please contact us on: PHONE 07713 940 724

pencil-alt [email protected]