~ - ·- ..... ~~~1 STATE HWY 79 BLOUNTSVILLE, AL 35031 (205) 466-7689

Cti ( thanks to all of you who attended the Good Or Volunteer Militia.

_-:op•,·u-".0:::1.·~.:.tp_l:. ; 1"\-.:J) St2LES• J.. . .p..;..ildfir.:S i '-LO d!l; ~ Ui-,- "}U!Jr ·· ·Wi: , !-(jJ drove ~~n·.i hours to attend Last count ~ o·v"er ,.t.lH; " people• ait21:i.ii:•'' .J.nd +'r··r;- .Jm .... r .. .u..a 1 1

,1•. ':.-"pL-j-! - .1."""'.; ::: i th-=n~·,,a u-.:J-- +ii'-'-' thoco•• """'- of ',iou ¥iho donated to the Bob and Jimmies~ fami I y and defell~e funds.

Pest assu r ed~ next year :- s meeting FJill be bigger- and Getter.

r i

Jeff F.~ andall

Donat ions for the Starr Family: Dear Jeff aud the other Gadsden Xinute1en: Bob Starr Fund c/o Jeff Randall I would like to thank yuu for the hospitality shown •yself, ~:a u te 1 Box 182 Ga llant, Alaha.iiia 35972 Williai Beeier, aud XiY.e Kuriatny~ during our visit to the 2d 205 570 06.38 Annual 6ood 'o! Boys Rally the 17th, 18th, and 19th.

JJ Don~tions filr Jiiililiie McCrainie Bill got a good videocassette copy of the speeches 1ade by Johnson, Nancy Lord, ~ike Keep and ~ike Kuriatnyr. Contact Mike firrin : 42il33 8436 or... email at Miper1MOL com I a& iakir.g copies of it far propaganda purposes, and to shon the rest who did nat coie what they 1issed. I think it would it be OK to ask those who nant a copy for a donation to help the Macon Innocents Legal Defense to keep thea froa being XcVeighed by a governaent desperate to keep the knonledge that govern1ent ATF ,. ; · infor~ants wanted ta blew up the Oly~pics and blaie it on the ~ilitias like they did in Gklahosa City. .. l got to see ail those qocd, i r:teJl ioEnt Patriots who llad KEVIN tt DANNY BARKER prev·iousl)' or:ly i:nown via e-•ai I. It is good to assign a cteter1ined face and VOH:E to such people.

i't glad that I w.;s able to co&e and visit such decent people far a ~hile. "~ybe that is what heaven is lite.

i' i! be bacl: iie~t year if r Ciili. Thanks.

~art in Lindstellt 7th Missouri ~i!itia , ' 1: 939635 58/LIBERTY (0UTFORUI'I1 13-Kay-96 17:12:07 Sb: Govern•ent Terroris1? Qate: Thu, 02 May 199b 12:18:17 -0500 F1: Bruce "Loz• Schoenfelder 72162,1174 Fro1: "David L. Goad" ([email protected]> To: all Subject: RE: Jack booted thugs .Reply-to: [email protected] THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNI'IENT IN DOI'IESTIC TERRORISI'I Editorial Folks, Ouestion: is there any do1estic terrorist attack in which the ' ATF is at it again ••• federal govern•ent was not involved? The answer is that we don't know, because the Oklaho1a bo1bing has yet to go to trial. But in This Tuesday night at about 9:30 ps in St. Charles county, l'lissouri, 3 all other terrorist attacks we find governaent involvetent. group of 14 county/fed goons led by an ATF twit raided a suburban household of 4; two mid-thirties parents, and 6 and 2 year old children. They kicked in the back door, threatened to kill the dog, tied up the _ I~ the _ •~s~ recent exa1ple, the alleged bo1b making by beorgra Mrlitra •embers, the governtent involvement beca1e clear husband on the floor with a gun at his head and generally trashed the in a Macon, Georgia courtroo1 last l'londay. Several federai house searching for weapons. They did not even produce a warrant for infortants had participated in the plans to make pipe bombs, and over an hour. The couple thought they had been invaded by burglars, and the attorney to the defendant Robert Starr claimed that Star~ ~as expected to die. The screams of "ATF!" by the goons did not 1ean the only conspirator not working for the government. In fact, anything to the couple. his attorney clai1s that bomb laking parts were buried on hi~ p~operty by federal agents without his knowledge. Two days before After an hour ~ a half, not finding what they were looking for they just h1s arrest, Starr appeared on a talk radio show sayinQ that there left, no apologies, nothing. was a ~overnzent conspiracy against hit and that he ;as going to expose rt. It appears that an ATF infor1ant was aaking the whole thing up. He toid the ATF that he had been to this house tany tiles, and that a large stash A BATF agent also adtitted in court that Starr's co­ of machine guns were there as part of a ~arge gun running operation. The defendant, William James "Jiaay• McCranie, had said, "I don't local police, upon checking the county records told the informant that want to know anything about it" and walked away when the the owners name did not 1atch the naae of the so-called "gun-runner" he govern1ent infor1ant was talking about building boabs. was informing on. His response was that the guy 1ust be a guest of the hoiieowners. Strangely, CBS news reported on the day of Starr's arrest that it had been a plot to botb the Olympic Games in Atlanta this On this basis a judge authorized the search warrant. Nell, so auch for suiier. Who told thea that and why did they believe it? Who is the necessity of a sworn state1ent by a trustworthy individual. CBS news working for? The uncritical attitude with which the ~ainstreaa 3edia repeats everything the government tells it is The ATF "official" has indicated that he will apologize at some point. distasteful.

A few !to iel frustrating points; As for previous terrorist attacks, we know that at the very least, World Trade Center bocbers were trained by a federai 1. The local cops took the trouble to (partiallyl check up on what the agent, and we know that a governient infor1ant inspired the New infor1ant was telling thet, and when conflicting data was obtained, York harbor tunnel attacks that were averted at the last moient. decided to trust the ir.fortant over records showing a typical law abiding family. When will local judges start to give their local residents the The residents of Oklahoaa City were not that fortunate. Was benefit of the doubt over paid infor1ants? it a govern;ent operation gone awry? The federal govern~ent shows surprising little interest in the John Doe 12 who was seen 2. As usual, rather than knocking on the front door in the daytice, in the truck with McVeigh. Was he working for the federa l serving the warrant, and peacefully checking out the residence, they government? If that were the case the government would be likely kicked in the door, and threatened the fatily. Equally as usual they to cover up that fact rather than face the ensuing public apparently found an extre1ist, right wing, terrorist dog and wanted to outr a·~e. kill it. The questio~ that presents itself, then, is whether any . of 3. Rather than admit the screw up on the spot, the ATF ~AY be pressured these terrorist plots would have materialiled without the into an apology. involvement and assistance of the federal 4qovern1ent? The new antiterrorise bill is designed to ~llow the Clinton adiinistraticn .to better control and monitor the American people. Oh well, just another day in paradise. Perhaps what we need more is a bill to ~eep a better check on what the gover~aent is doing: We · obviously cannot d~pend on ihe iainstream sedia for that.

The~ashingtqn Weekly (http:/iwww.federal~coal excellent. publicatio; strongly suggest that you :subscribe! "'~ 3

Press Release May 1996 Gadsden Minutemen

To all militia personnel:

It has come to our attention that the lives of Kevin and Danny Barker may have been threatened. As you all know. the Barker brothers were the paid ATF confidential informants CCI # 62 and CI # 63) in the Starr/McCranie case.

We ask. if you hear of anyone threatening these people please call Jeff Randall immediately at (205) 570 0638. I will imediatley turn this information over to the proper authorities. We do not need these people harmed in any fashion. their testimony is crucial to the case and also crucial in exposing ATF "Operation Piedmont." Piedmont is an operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms to implicate and coerce militiamen into manufacturing or experimenting with explosives.

FBI agent William Stewart (Atlanta) has been notified and provided with documentation on this operation. Mr Stewart is also the agent who informed Bob Starr of a possible death threat on his life. this occurred two days before Starr was arrested.

There is more government documentation on the Barker brothers and Operation Piedmont. however. the investigators for the defense cannot release it at this time. Also. there are a couple of agents who are working with us in exposing this illegal exercise. their confidentiality cannot be compromised. We are asking that everyone suspend communications with federal law enforcement until this case is over with and all documentation is made public. If an agent contacts you. DO NOT TALK to him without a subpoena. and immedialtey contact me or someone else on the defense investigation. We can tell you that there are a couple of people inside the ATF and FBI that are providing good information to us. some of you may know these people. so please suspend communications with anyone in federal law enforcement until this cas~ is resolved.

Recent. high quality surveillance photos of Kevin and Danny will be distributed shortly. These photos are being distributed for the purposes of information gathering only. so please distribute when you receive them. AGAIN. anyone who hears of any threats on these people. please contact me immediatley. We must keep these people safe. it is very important to the case in Macon.

On another subject. ATTENTION ALABAMA, I was called two days ago, by a "militiamen," stating that a group in Alabama was making pipe bombs. I cannot validate this information. however, we urge everyone to steer clear of anyone talking about explosives. Operation Piedmont is not only localized in Georgia, but other states also. If you hear, talk of or see anyone dealing with any illegal equipment, DO NOT try to run your own intelligence operation, DO NOT try to apprehend these people, if you ask why, then ask Bob Starr for the reasons.


Jeff Randall 205 570 0638 On Thursday, Kay 9. Richard Hayward vas arrested. He vas charged vith "contributing to a child in need of supervision. • This occurred because Rich's son Justin had whistled in class and had been suspended from school for a day. For the school year. this made a total of three days of suspension tor Justin. and 'the authorities' violated their ovn rules to declare Justin truant. and Richard therefore "criainal. • Pursuant to this declaration of truancy, Kr. Hayvard is alleged to have been required to appear in court tor a lecture by a judge , wherein he vould officially have no rights and no voice. This is part of the federally funded 'Early Yarning Prograa.' intended to spot attendance (truancy) problellS early on and address thea before they harden into habit. That sounds like a noble cause. but the proble• is that there vas no truancy. ~.nd there lidS no docllJlentat ion for Kr. Hay-iard · s l::€ing served vith notice of a required court appearance. And the arrest vas not tor failure to appear. So the federal progrdl coordinator tor the school district swore out a warrant for Richard's arrest. In it he alleged that Kr.Hayvard's son bad been suspended three days tor fighting. vhich vas a lie; be alleged that Kr.Hayvard had ignored a notice to appear in court. vhich vas a lie; and he violated the school policy vhich iliplies that the parent vho registers a child in school is the "parent of record. • and Krs.Hayvard registered the child in school and she was nowhere nentioned. Since this incident vas the second tite that the school district officials had atteitpted to harass Richard in this vay. he ret~rned the favor . For the lies on his affidavit for the arrest varrant. Kr. Crill (the fed of record) vas charged vith perjury and a warrant vas issued for his arrest. Kr. Hayward t irst vent to the St.Ciair County Alaba.w court house. and vas given the run-around by the clerical etployees. They vould not accept his conplaint . and requ1red him to see the District Attorney, vhose office is tventy tiles avay. Recognizing the atbush. Kr. Hayward called Mike Ke11p of the Gadsden Minute Ken dlld asked him to hring his heavy weapons and COlle help cut through the bovine excrell€nt. Kr. Ke11p arrived with his video ca11era dlld he and Kr. Hayvard proceeded to the D1strict Attorney's office. Steadily eyeballing the video ca~~era. vh ich had the lens cap on and vas carried casual! y under Kr . Kemp's an. the District Attorney vas very helpful a..nd disclaimed any responsibility for the issuance or non issuance of varrants. At one point. he agreed vith Kr.Kenp that it m insane to suspend a child for reasons of discipline and then declare hill truant for the sus pens 1on . Kr . Hayvard and Kr. Ketp proceeded back to the St. Clair County court house in Ashville fro» the St. Clair County court house in Pel! City (don't even ask) and entered the clerk of court's office again. having been refused a warrant earlier that aorning. Kr .Ketp's ca11era m present. lens . cap in place and under his an. The lady clerks were helpful as they could be. pointedly inquiring about the ruera. They vere truthfu!l y told tllat Kr. Ketp vas not fi !ling. As quickly as printers could print. the warrant vas produced and signed, vitb proaise of execution. Kr. Hayvard vas jailed. accused on a truaped-up charge vbich is a "violation: vhicll is not even a llisdeJieanor. because Kr . Hayward previously had the audacity to sue the school board tor not allowing his son to vear a t-shirt vith a confederate battle flag; the lying fed vas arrested for a class C felony . And. by the vay, Kr.Ketp vas rolling audio tape throughout the neeting vith the DA. and vhile in the clerk of court's office in Ashville. He vasn't filaing.

5/21/96 Ricll Hayward's court date v-aS today; lle and the typical Minuteldn crev arrived at the St. Clair county court house only to find that the judge bad taken a povder. and all cases vere continued until tid-June . Before ve left. "the authorities' vere caught on tape, a.d.llitting: firstly, that all the involved attorneys had been notified that court vould not be held that day, yet none of the Alericans vho vere required to niss vork and disrupt their lives to be at the court on tine vere notified. Secondly, it vas stated that the only notice that vould be given for those required to return to the court vas given in the courtroon that 11orning. I 1ust vonder: vhat does 'due ·process" 11ean?

'{AU CAN FOOl ME llf£ CWS1iTuTIOU WllfN A~M FlNiSifD WilH lHiS ...

., _...... 119'"'11' we....,...._ c.-,_~..,.....,_~ .... -...,_~.,......

I 5

S;_.ibj: Sta. tement on JJ .s. nd Starr c.ss e Date : 96--05-25 23 :40: 29 EDT Fr-om: CopWa.t ch OCC:CGrib70171 c::M:M Statement . ... Please d i str-i1)Ltte ~1ay 25

In r esponse to a ll ·:)f t h:i 3 internet and ema.i l t r0ff i c c:onc·::l-n:i ng offer the f o llowing:

J ,1 wrote in his fax, that a meeting was called in Kr1ob Creek at the request of Lucky Kountz and .Jeff Randall. I can only speak fm- myse lf, and I krrow that I d i d not "request" any meeting. JJ came t o me after the ma in meeting and said."Best Western motel tonight at 8:00pm." i said okay. Hha.t ' s go i:g go. He sc.id that he ,,;c.s organizing a meeting t o have s ome r es o l ve on the Fl-eeman issue. I caro.not speak for Lucky, however, I know that I did not request: ~ h is meeting, even though I wc.s happy to attend and be a part of this.

My stand on the Declaration is the same now, as it wc.s wher, it was signed. Many people put their heart and soul into that document. including myself and Mike Kemp from Alabama. Ow:- signatures will stay on, regmul ess of any intimidation, possible criminal charges or threats on ow- lives. We, the Gadsden Minutemen, stand behind ow- word completely. with no intentions of backing off. TI1i s principle has been the reason we have been able to ex-pose and proactively incapacitate many rcgue law enforcement officers.

This Declaration was not about declaring war on anyone, nor was it a threat. We may or may not support some of the Freemen's beliefs, but one tf1ing we know for s Lu-e, the court system today is conupt .- I personally do not f eel the Freemen will get a true Constituional trial if they sw-render. this is due t o many things, including the liberal press. This is not to say that we support the Freemen, but until the government and mainstream press will addl-ess the issues that the Freemen have brought to the forefront, how can we expect the Freemen t o get a fair trial should they SLUTender?

Now on to other issues. I, along with Mike Perrin and Rich Hayward, have spent the last two days in Macon, Georgia, interviewing witnesses, talking to the press. spending time with the defendants families and others involved in the Starr case. Thanks to the good people in this movement. we were able to deliver enough money to both families to support them for the nezt few weeks. This case will be won by the defense, and the criminals ·inside ATF will be expJsed. I am positive of that. However, we car1not let up on this case, we car1not be chasing dO'Nn every coropiracy lead that the government may plant to occupy our time. We must concentrate on the first hand witnesses involved, educate the public in the area, and work with the local press. I assure everyone, if we attempt to tie this case with another case, full of rumor and conspiracy thoughts, we will lose our credibilty with the local JLQ'Y pool. We do not have to chase ghost stories to nail these criminal ATF agents involved in the Stcu~ case. We already have more than enough evidence to prove that Pob and Jimmy cu-e ir1nocent ... let's not be made foc·ls of by wild 1umor.

Nancy Lord is a great attorney, she will do a fine job should an indictment be handed down and a trial take place. She has dedicated allot of personal time and money for this cause, so lets make Sill'e she stays on this case and conitune to offer Oill' support to her throughout this ordeal.

:_ . ... -~ 7"·· - · .JJ has dr:.:(li ~::ct t,::ci aJ l(.> t ~:l f hl3 pt-=.:1-s·:,r ..s.l self t·J tl-Li :=: t.:·cL38 ~ 3.l3 (J . h!?. has t:tls· ~ \jc,n8 ·~t ·~} Jc..,_J. j (Jt; d.sal i11g with t he i S SlJt::s in ~~e Sta1-r -:.\J.S t~ . I .j._:, rt(Jt agT·t::e with JJ' s de-cisic·n t o rem•:>VE: his no.:n~ publicli from th>O: Il8cl·3TatJ. ..::> n . many p.s.triots w'Jl. ) o.n:, firmly t..:-hind the Stan - defense will -iiew this as "c_-ra•,;fi.::;hing." ,_:md will wc•nder­ h~~ will ilicL c~1..lt t)li Stcur- sh ~ :;ul(i a situat.i(Jn cu-ise. TI1e;3e qLiestions aJ-e a l1 ~eady T :::.e ing as ked b; ,~,J.!ti pec-;::·le T.:is is t:-,e last tr1i1,y t ~, :is c:.::-.. se needed at this pcint _ l_ \:iew it ,:!.:3 a ··ie1Jl 1=--"~ ~-. _:,! · cle ·.::i.3i :.Jr1, as ~any~ in the rrt~:--'"v· ement :-1a.\te a lr·· ead.y· e:- ~pr·es:3ed _ ~{is ~'e:.-:p!a.r1ctr1 ti·~)!l 11 ~ · _j lC.. a: l c! t_ a~ut ~ho l-1e tr,_tsted the Jl~)st, ar1d th.is Wthers me.

B:;ttom lin,:; is this, I fully ir,tend t_._:, continue t ·:· wor~: ·w·ith Nancy Lord on thi:=: case _ I k:-,ov-; in my he0rt that B:Jb is innocent. and I wi ~ l not let my diffen:::nce 1.-t opinions •,..,ri th one man keep a1e from helping fub StruT. I can only ask that •,..,r.::; c.ll l·eserve ,)Lu- "email bashing," :__mtil after this case 1s finished . This i s not abJut JJ Johnson. Nancy Lord Jeff Randall or anyone else involved in this case, it's .::Ux>ut those innocent men locked away in jail, and their fa.. milies. I beg all of you to continue to put these men atove your own hard feelings. If you wish to jump JJ's ass, please do it d irectly and not publicly . Don't get me w-rong, there are many things I •,..,ruuld like to say, but afte;:- vi::::itiu:J with Bob's wife and 3 yeru- .-:.>ld daughter· t ·=day . I l-efuse t:::) do a.nyt.hing that ;,rould possibly place more ht.u'i: on t.hi3 fcul'ii ly _ I. j .~ f ·S t::=:e t:::l .J.rfl . t~-ier~ ::~,.-!ill ~~-;· , ·)r · ~ · ~ r3.t \) l _L~:C_ my ·:liffel~ences Urltil this case is finisf-led. If, ~.)n t!1e ot heYli.arl\:i. Nar-;c y~ l... } :>:;""d ;,... =-i.s:-!83 f· :-~ 1- rne tc· leave tl1~:: defer-L3e team} I ~dill clc. ,.:: i) ~ ~ s.nd. n<:t .=.\.) a nythir-1'; t c> h;...u·-t the St.a.r-r· Cd3::: CY' famil y _ Ir-1 my opi ni(Jn , JJ s h()lilci g c• home t o Ohio a.nd spend S ()ITlE: time :.-ith a true patl-iot. his wife Heler:, but I can.not mo.ke personal dec:isic,IJS fol- another man. All other- cornrnents concerr,ir,g t--lr _ JcJhn:=: on ;,,rill l.Jt:· held bc:.ck l_lrltil t.h t-? Star-1- c:::..se i~3 put t c! tB(i, at tl'tat time I 1.·lill 5 f=·ea.k rn;~ m:_:·!(: . a.!ll.i ~ ;! ...: .=: e ~~ : y~ ~:Ju whc ~ -:~ow rnc~ can attest t.f"u:l::· I don't. pLLll ;:tr:;·­ pLtnches , ~ -u-lt.J l then I c.s } - ~ t~1 a. t eve1;.r1::ne ur1c:iersta.nd I .:lffi :: - ~st:r -airling rn;; th ~ Jug!-!tS .. d. !1d mayl:>e '2 '·ien 3GC1· ificirrJ S r.)ffie ·:·f tey prir1ciples _. because r:)f the gc~~Jj pe~.::,ple l o c·~·::.:~!(i away in ~1 a.C.'t ::Jt~. \3eol··gia . I put th~s ~ =. pcc~r:·· l e and their- l i ·ves a.J~\;e rny~ own fee-l ir-1gs at t~,i s point _

T<) ,J,J, I ct s ~: t t-tat y· ~ ~ · u plea.se Ltr1de1:···startd that this mo..J vement 1s rtot abJ1.1t .s_ ny· ·:)ne pel-son, it will SLlrv'ive without y- .::;u, and it will sL.:rvive without me and any oth·::r singul,::Lr p•SL3·-::>rt. It w-ill not survive if we a.ll•:::.w .::.<.JY eg•"Js to g-I"ow lorgel- than our deeds _

I ask that e veryone receiving this statement . plea.se continue t o pray for &·b and .Jirnrny, and ·'ilso place your a.nima.::;ity towards anyone asid•3. for the time b?ing. B:Jb, Jimmy and the fa.mi lies need your support , and I can truly say that Nancy Loni i:::: honest l y conc el-ned an-::1 doi!~·_:;r >::Vel--y"7:.r:in·;; within her power to bring out the tl·uth_ If your are mad et someone wait unti 1 we reur1i te these families before )iOU express too much ange1· _ I \vi ll cc>ntir.'-1•3 to \-lor~ ·-=>r. this case in some capacity . ... my hea1'i: is a Lceady too far i ntc it , and will de· my best to l ·:>ok out for fub, J irnrny and the families.

Thanks to everyone who j_::=, part of helping, no matter how small it is.

Jeff Randall Gadsden Minutemen

PS: I will be bringing everyone up to date on the most recent developements 1n the Starr investigation, as soon as I ca.-1 catch up on other busuiness, Evidence continues to mount against the Barker brothers ard ATF .

.- - have ceased to exist long ago. Wonen provide the incentive, the glue that ties the fanily unit together, providing the 7 barrier against all invasion, whether active, pro-active or be it proble11atical. The Universal Creator da110 well knew that nan alone would never 11ake it by himself'! This Hello on the ~ire : could be readily seen in the Saintly Twinkle of Grand-ma-me Randalls' eyes' Everyone should nake available (time) to Hope all that 'o'ere in Alabama this past 'o'eekend the Grandsons and Granddaughters. the exquisiteness. of made it home in fine shape. Hated to leave the interpersonal relationship, knowledge, bu110r. and nost of peaceful surroundings and gracious hospitality. all the boundless love and commitment that uo one else ' other that Grandparents can provide' It w1ll give the Hopefully the following will indicate the sincerity future generations the necessary ingrediaents to survive . of appreciation of the week end activities with the follo11ing: l special thank you to "Kike Kemp' the Kaster of Ceremonie s tor the prsentation of the events . His Insights to the now h 'Hillbilly' Rendition "Famous Cop-Watch Program" that is creat ing terror to the Terrorists. Hopefully everyone when returning to their OF respective communities will implement th1s program that ha s become so effective in combating malicious entry. pros ­ 'The Good 0 Boys Roundup' ecution, and un'iarrantless confiscation . Tile assimilation Gallant. Alabana of information and assiduously applied can readily create disenfranchisement within the infrastructure of Govern ­ \1/ords cannot describe the serenity. ningled with the mental Organized Terrorism' A word of caut1on. this pro­ aroma of pine and the echo of a whip-poor-wil! graiD is not for the timid. as bad the pr ivilege of Wit ­ serenading three tired travelers to sleep in the wee nessing the implementaion on a Chief of Police in the hours' Precognition of the next three days would little town of Sulphur Springs. The Off1cer had a complet e hardly let the thought process unwind and no one, come apart and screamed and made accusat io ns , shooting him ­ unless they had the privilege of attendance could self in the foot'? (no, he shot it off) the tape was hand describe the epidony of hospitality furnished by the delivered to an attorneys office for evidentiary proof Gadsden Kinute Ken. later that afternoon as I am sure that malicious harass ­ ment will continue against this family until a criminal 'Roots' are the personification of characterization and comlaint is documentated and implenentated 7' Kichael 'Grandpa and Grandma Randall' provided the neucleus of Kuriatny-k, M:artin Lindstedt and myself 11ish to extend Americanism to their offspring, permeating the valleys our aRpreciation for the valuable lessons !earned . The and hills of Alabama. The industriousness. mingled Kuriatn.yk FaDily are in the process of purchasing a Video with stewardship was visible in every aspect of the Canera and Wireless Microphone, to complet e their arsenal three generations of the 'Randall Families" . of Heavy Weap.onry of mass destruct ion to the Government Sponsored Terrorists . The Kuriatnyks' already have 35 The planning, the correlation of this event was a 'o'ork of millimeter hardware which is the favorite weaponry of Jeff art that would be envious of any governmental or corporate Randal against the infamous Sons of Satan 1.e. BlTF,FBI.and strategist. The events emerged methodically, interwoven other agencies of pernicious characteristics. with meticulous timing; Security, safety, personal comfort. education. motivation, training, musical and vocal enter­ Special appreciation and recognition is extended to a tainment. providing the nany participants. young (three "Unique Legal Eagle" who flew in from California to share cornered pantsl to llY age, three days of association. (as her involvement against the malicioui prosecution of two J.Jwould sayl that would "go down in the annals of Militia Ken that are presently incarcerate·i in Georgia . ~labama History'' The dedication to purpose and the tenacity used to entrap the obstinate S.O.S Troopers as and will also go down in A special note of appreciation to the 'Security Personnel' the "Annals of Georgia History" as the 'Legal Icing of that were unseen during the nighttine hours, 'o'hile guests the Cake''' I can imagine the mental discomfort for the 11ere able to enjoy the evening association around the many Defend~rs of Terrorism both on the Bench and the Prosecution campfires and the restful slumber that only comes from side , when Ks. Nancy Lord entered the courtroolll 71 I would knowing that nothing would disturb their activity. have rather have Her as defense, than a whole Batt a! ion of Turbaned Turks with scrimitars hung at side. ~labama hospitality was enchanced so graciously by tbe Refreshment Contingency 'The Randall Women'. with The culnination of "The Good 0 Boys Roundup' would not have providing an endless supply of soft drinks 'o'ith an abun­ been complete without the resplendent articulation of one dance of ice and a dinner that only taste the best in the of "The Greatest Allericans' 'o'ho bas walked the walk and can outdoor surroundings. It is my contention that it it dann sure talk the talk. Loyalty, Unity . and Edification wasn't for the "Kitchen Kilitia' that this country would epitomizes J.J . Johnson and when he was finished with his message it 11as time to gather ones wits and look into the ~ mirror, looking deeply into the soul, bacause the tiae of coililitment. 'totally' is not in the too far distant future. G.M.M. The escalation of major attacks against the 'Patriots' will 5390 1 STATE HWY 79 become more and nore apparent unless with the Counter BLOUNTSVlLLE, AL 35031 Tactics developed by the Gadsden Kinutemen can turn or defuse as many situations as is financially and physically (205) 466-l689 possible to do77''

A special thanks to all who gave of thelllSelves, (their stories) the fellowship of the campground will be a lasting Just Thinking About It Influence in th is 0 Hillbilly's thoughts and it is ilY prayer that this Republic continues to survive and be I'm getting pretty tired of hearing people call this a enhanced with the dedication, leadership. and influence Democracy here in this This is not a Democracy of the Gadsden Xinute Ken and Their Famili~s. God Bless and this has never been a Democracy. This is a Republic~ THIS their Units and God Bless America one more time . IS A REPUBLIC'~' This is a Constitutional Republic' A Democracy is described in one dictionary as being mob There IS one special person whose actions and worD out sole rule. l very accurate description I believe. In a Democracy leather. making sure that everyone had a comfortable area. the people would be continually voting and changing. voting "Xi1.e Perrin' it will never cease to amaze me the physi cal and changing. I don't believe that there has ever been a endurance of this Militiaman and His dedication to service. complete Democracy before and I can't imagine one in the Only one complaint though?? 'The smell of frying bacon, future. If one cones along I hope that I don't have to live eggs and taters' permeating the whole camp ground was the in it. I have had people tell ne that there isn't any only bugle needed to rise and shine. Thanks Kike. yo!tr difference between a Republic and a Democracy . Tnis is wrong f~llowship and Pat ri otic endeavor was exquisitely v2lcomed because there is a bit of difference between the two. I by everyone. realize that we are Democratic in as much as we do vote to some extent yet this does not make us a Democracy. .l ll Federal, State. and Local Agencies were invited bl!t to We are a Republic and we have been a very successful IDY knowledge none attended. The area was well endowed ... itb Republic for over two huntired years. I could add that ... e are News Sources. &nd in amazement didn't make a nuisance of a Constitutional Republic, Yet to be a Republic you have to themselves. Whether the generation of good press will be have a Constitution. You can't be a Republic without a visible in the future, I a10 sure this event will be closely constitution. You can be a Democracy without a Constitution ~onitored. The Nevs Reporters including the Editor or if you had one you could vote it out of existence. To be a of Media By-Pass. Lawrence Keyers was at the gathering. Republic you must have a Constitution. A Republic is a aiD sure that his articles will meet the muster of this DICTATORSHIP. Boy! There's that nasty word that no body ... ants event. ~Times Staff Writer, Donna Maltbie also wrote an to use or hear. I hope that no one does anything drastic to article that appeared in the Gadsden Times, Sunday, Kay hear that we are living in a Dictatorship. Yet it is true. A !9th . Her article was very well written and unbiased and REPUBLIC is Dictated to by t2e COMSTITUTION that it is vas example of excellent Journalistic ability that is not governed by and not by lilan. !{a.r: governs and moves the country read very often and am extending appreciation troD the forward within the guidelines set forth by the Constitution . Missouri Detach~ent to the Scribner and Editor of the If they step outside the boundaries of the Constitution 1n Gadsden Times. and ·•hen time permits will produce it in the making of laws then they are guilty of treason against its entirety from the key-board of this address . the people and the country that they are working for. All our politicians swear an oath to uphold. obey, and defend the Yours For Liberty Constitution. It is high time that they started living up to and Truth 1n Justice their obligations and doing their jobs according to the supre11e law of the land which. is the Constitution Of The Hi llbi ll y Bill United States. When the people loose control of their governillent then the government will take control of the people. If the government is in control of tbe people then the people are slaves! ~ ~ 1

GOD BLESS AMERICA Bill Gribble American Bart !'kEnt ire 8 May 1996 BTFA Special Agent 1n Charge 3920 Arkright Rd. Macon . Georgia 31210

Dear Sir:

According to a report on the "Net" you stuck yc•u finger in a rally attendee's face and said "You guys are starting to piss me off" and the corrm1ent is on tape .

Well. Mr. Agent 1n Charge I guess you have realized by now no one. with the possible exception of your family, gives a hoot if you are "pissed" off . I imagine you felt secure with your hundreds of law enforcement and all their guns protecting you from our cameras and recorders .

I have prayed for you and will continue to pray for you and if you are a Christian please say one for me. I'm sorry I could not have been there to ;;;ee t you but my arthritis. MD. and diabetes keeps me home.

·:'our Taxpaying Employer.

Jack Morgan Tennessee Volunteer Militia Go d save our Country (423) 688-7816 ID

Help '• The Freemen need help!

Now is the time for All Patriots to come to the aid of the People that have exposed the key to the Fraud of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Theft of the wealth of America ! We have proven the Fraud and Corruption of and by the U.S.Government !

The Freemen need help from all Patriots, not only for their Lawful defense in the Courts of Constitutional Law, they need physical help from you in the form of vocal and written support to the People and the media Demandim:; an Independent Constitutional Grand Jury investiJ:ation of All Parties involved!

We have established a Help! Freedom Defense Fund to help with the tremendous costs of Defending and Supporting these Extremely Honorable and Brave American Patriots in this Battle to expose the Truth !

Please send whatever help You can ! To: -dletp ! Ko w Yl f._ 2611 lOth Ave So. Suite 2-218 Great Falls ,Montana 59405

The People of Justus Township, Montana state have done every act that they completed both Lawfully and correctly under the Constitution for the united, States of America, the Constitution for Montana state Republic, the Uniform Commercial Code, the U.S. Bankers Handbook, Montana Codes Annotated and the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961. All records and documents are correctly filed in the appropriate offices of Montana state Republic and in the appropriate offices of the united, States of America ! \ ' . These People have done nothing Unlawful !

The U.S. Government is trying to stop the exposure of the Truth ! Do not let this be another WACO ! . . WHAT HAS HAPPENED ·To THE FBI? WHY, NOTHING AT ALL . II

Current questions about FBI behavior at Ruby Ridge and, subsequently, Waco seem to concern the "degenerated" state of the FBI which could produce such aberrations. I would maintain that the FBI has always been fertile ground for a politically skilled and connected "rogue" to ply his career-enhancing skills. The outward appearance is always of scrupulous, "just the facts, and by the book," highly skilled and elite protectors of the people. I have no doubt that a great number of FBI personnel, even by today's corrupted standards, fit exactly that description. Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Frederick Whitehurst comes to mind. But it is now known that the FBI of Hoover's day targeted individuals for legal harassment, and performed "black bag" and entrapment and provocative operations against political dissidents and opponents. But, finally, to the point. They also demonstrated a willingness to shoot first and ask questions later. On January 22, 1962, Katie Ruth Blanton Patterson, in a car with her cousin and her cousin's husband, died from six gunshot wounds, from an (alleged) semiautomatic US M-1 Carbine which was fired by one H.W. "Bill" Major, an FBI special agent. No one in the car was wanted for any offense whatsoever, though Katie Ruth's cousin's husband was on parole at the time. Katie Ruth's cousin was .·; also wounded in the shooting spree. Twenty-three rounds were fired. Excuse me, I must correct that. Twenty-three rounds penetrated the automobile in which Katie Ruth rode. The excuse given for the shooting was that a wanted man, an escaped convict, the husband of the foolish Katie Ruth, had once been seen occupying the car. Agent Major, standing and shooting from off the road, feared for his life because the loud muffler on the car made it sound as though shots were being fired from the speeding vehicle which he thought was also trying to run him down. Off the road. Newspaper accounts speak of the car being "riddled with 23 bullets ... " A photo accompanying the article shows about half of them in the right front door and window post. The Gadsden Times states that Agent Major was "staked out" at the home of Katie Ruth's father, where she lived. Agent Major was observing the home, and never saw Katie Ruth's husband, since he was not there. Quoting the Etowah County, Alabama Circuit Solicitor (prosecutor), The Gadsden Times states "the driver ... saying he did not know who the agent was, and that he was afraid to stop." ""As the car reached the FBI age.nt, he opened fire," Wright explained, "and continued to fire as the car raced past."" "After the car had gotten past Major, it came to a halt on the side of the

I J) road." ""Although the car was stopped, Major continued to fire," Wright (pro.secutor):quqted Jones (the driver) as saying. 'When the firing did not stop, Jones drove on down the road about three-quarters of a mile to a store where he called for help."" Does this sound like the 911 call from Mt. Carmel, Waco, Texas? If this car were speeding and Agent Major was firing a semiautomatic M-1 carbine,' how is it that so many rounds were in such a tight group in the front door? Did he have a good, stable firing position off the road, as I was told by my elders, rather than diving desperately for cover, as was portrayed by Agent Major? I saw the vehicle a a 13-year old. I remember holes in the trunk as well. I was very familiar with the rate of fire available from a semiautomatic weapon. I recall having no trouble believing that the weapon involved, particularly since only one man was shooting, was a "machine gun," as I was told by my elders at the time. Was the weapon an M-2, fully automatic? Was the car perhaps not speeding towards, then away from Agent Major quite as rapidly as he would portray? Agent Major was a six year veteran. Did he have six years of inbred arrogance, and hunger for the glory and promotion that would be his if he "caught the bad guy trying to get away," managing to kill the guy with the excuse of being assaulted with a car? Wright, the County Solicitor (prosecutor) and Colvard, Sheriff of Etowah County, described Major as a "fine officer and fine gentleman."

"We deeply regret tlie incident... and know he made a tragic mistake. But a law enforcement officer particularly can't afford to make mistakes." "The fact that he is an officer of the law makes it doubly important that he be certain innocent people will not be injured or killed when he uses firearms." "Knowing Agent Major, we feel certain he is deeply sorry for the tragedy. But we feel he must be charged and the case presented to the grand jury for action February 12." Agent Major was jailed on a warrant for murder in the first degree, signed by the Katie Ruth's father. He was released on a $3,000 bond, into the custody of a U.S. Attorney. Solicitor Wright, who had earlier called for his being charged in the matter, somehow failed to get an indictment from his grand jury, which returned a "no true bill." A civil claim was made for $160,000 ... I visited your grave, Katie Ruth, with the hearings concerning Ruby Ridge, the murder of another young woman fresh in my mind, I was blinded by tears, unusual in this hard-boiled soul. Rest in peace, Katie Ruth. You are not forgotten; perhaps, with the help of late-waking Americans, your death will not be in vain. G.M.M. William Michael Kemp 53901 STATE HVtJY 79 BLOUNTSVILLE, AL 35031 (205) 466-7689 l ---··--- · -...,..,,~ ; ·~.,..,..., =~=-~~=...--. prerogatil·es and freedoms :.:uarunreeti :o payments by, banking institutions' as them under the Constitution, '' and defined by the President, and exp'ort,

... ~ . .... :: ; .. . •., ~· ·~· hoarding, melting or eannarkings of gold '. : .., , '• . . :·'· ' ~ · Whereas, the U.S. has used a or silver coin or bullion or currency, by . . . 11 mathematically flawed monetary policy Why American any person within the United States, or . . .. ·... ·. '. ·. :t• since 1914 by which, according to the anyplace subject to the jurisdiction Voters ~ . .. /4... ~ .:\.~ Dept. of Treasury, "the acrual creation thereof, " and Should ••• . '' ',~. ~l' oj money always involves the extension of . • I 1:) 11 ( :, . credit by private commercial banks and Whereas, this amended version officially DUMP DOLE :\•\ \ .. .., . :~ "money for paying interest on borrowed made Americans the enemy of their money comes from the same source as Federal government, and in essence Thought this might be of other money comes from 11 meaning suspended the Constitution and interest to you ... there's no way for Americans to pay transformed the u.s. into a their debts, and that eventually, the Constitutional dictatorship, and

it Jm:r ~ adoptM at. rai1y at tlN Loutu privately owned Federal Reserve Stau Capitol. Banking System will hold title to all real Whereas, U.S. Senate Report.# 93-549 wealth of its choice, a mortgage on the says: "This vast range of powers, taken remainder. and :1 claim l)n all futun~ torJether. confer enough authon'ty to mle Whereas. our nation's Republican production, a t'act ilgreed to oy Kansas t'/ze <..'OUntry Without teferenc:e !0 ,'lunnat Governors, via the Williamsburg Governor Joan Finney and Senate constitutional processes" and R~solve dated November 1994, stated: 1) President Burke, and made known to "the challenge to th11 liberties of the the entire Kansas Congressional Whereas, Public Law 313 dated 4-14-52 . people ... comes from our own Federal delegation, and says that the termination of "this government... that has defied and that existing state of war... would render now ignores, virtually every constitutional Whereas. on March 9. 1933. Congress certain statutory provisions inoperative" limit fashioned by the framers to confine passed the ~mergenc:/ Banking .-\.c~. Jnu ihac 'some of these statutory its reach and thus ... guard the freedoms Section 2 of which amended Section 95 provisions are needed to insure of the people;" 2) "Federal action has (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act the ... capacity of the United States to · exceeded the clear bounds of... the of 1917 to read: support the United Nations ... ," this being .. Constitution, and thus violated the rights an open admission that U.S. guaranteed to the people;" 3) "Our "During time of war or during any other participation in the UN is freedoms are no longer safe when they period o( national emergency declared by unconstitutional, and exist only at the sufferance of Federal the President, (author's emphasis) the !egislarors, Federal courts, and Federal President may, through any agency :hut Whereas, the Governors pledge cannot Bureaucrats;" and 4) "The people of the he may designate, or otherwise, be realized unless and until the nation's States seek to regain control of their own investigate, regulate. or prohibit. under monetary policy is corrected to bring it destiny, and they have entrusted State such niles and regulations as he may into compliance with the Constitution's lea~ers with the responsibility ... ; and prescribe, by means of licenses or intent, the Emergency Powers of the othenvise, any transactions in foreign President arc terminated. and U.S. Whereas. the Governors pledged to exchange. transfers of credit bee-ween, or sovereignty is reinstated. and restore "to the States and the people the G:> Whereas, the entire Kansas congressional delegation has been HAVING BEEN IN A POSITION TO Court under the authority provided her apprised of the need to make these STOP THE AFOREMENTIONED by Art. III, Sec. 2 of the Constitution of · corrections but have chosen to ignore UNCONSTnnnnONALACTSANDTO the U~ited States and hereby appoint the need, and SIGNIFICANTLY INFLUENCE Mr. Steve Morgan as our representative CORRECTION OF THE ISSUES to formally contact AG Stovall on this matter. Whereas, U.S. Senator Robert Dole (R­ PRESENTED HEREIN BUT HAVING KS) has· not only ignored the· needed FAILED TO DO SO IS EITHER: .-A) ********************··········~·· corrections but also denied the request POORLY INFORMED, B) of a majority of his constituents and UNDERSTANDING OF THE ISSUES END OF RESOLUTION further subverted the principles of our AND THE REPERCUSSIONS OF HIS Declaration of Independence and ACfiONS OR LACK THEREOF BUT Fellow Voters - Many of you are aware of our unpayable public and private . Constitution by supporting p~ssage of DOESN'T HAVE THE COURAGE TO debts and of how every President in the NAFfA, GAIT, the Brady BiU:• and in HONOR HIS OATH OF OFFICE OR, last 60 years has used de<:rees, other ways, BE IT RESOL VEif·that we C) INTENTIONALLY SUBVERTED in · attendance · at the ··~'Kansas THE PRINCIPLES OF OUR Proclamations and Executive Orders to rule over us without reference to the Constitutionists rally: :1. . DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE .-\ND CONSTITUTION AND Constitution. It is urgent and necessar:' 1. Extend our congratulations to the KJ'lOWINGL Y HELPED DESTROY that this be stopped! Republican Governors for recognizing OUR NATION'S FOUNDING that the . Federal government "has PRINCIPLES AND THE FREE AND Change will only come when enough exceeded the clear bounds... of the INDEPENDENT STATUS OF OUR voters understand these issues and insist Co.nstitution " and for committing STATES IN ORDER TO SUBJECf that our Presidential and all political themselves to rectifying this condition AMERICANS TO THE CONTROL OF candidates, address our nation's and hereby promise to pro¥ide the OTHER NATIONS AND/OR THE mathematically unsound monetary Governors our full support sq.; long as UNITED NATIONS AND, policy, and the use of "EMERGENCY they display honesty and int~grity in POWERS" to violate our rights as noted pursuit of their pledge. J$:·. WE THEREFORE FIND SENATOR by our Republican governors. DOLE UNFIT FOR ANY PUBUC 2. Aut4orize the sponsors of this rally OFFICE AND ESPECIALLY THE Our Constitution is our Lifeline back to to send a letter to each State Governor OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE a sane and just syste~ of government. to find if she or he agrees with the need UNITED STATES. It is the only lawful "contract with to correct our mathematically unsound America." Please study it. and he sure monetary policy and terminate the -L Respectfully request that Kansas that those you ·;ote for understand :.md Emergency Powers so that · the Attorney Ge~eral Carla Stoval file the will honor it! Constitution can again reign as the lawsuit prepared hy .Judge (rtd) ] . .J. Supreme Law of our Land and the Restoring lawful government border to border Boesel challenging the constitutionality makes more sense them a NEW WORLD ORDER. Governors pledge can be met. of the United Nations Charter on five counts directly with the U.S. Supreme 3. FIND THAT SENATOR DOLE,

· ~ A."l OPE}.i LVITER 1D C-OD with reve!-ertce from a heavy heart Where were You yesterday? Were You with the Israelis who fired that deadly blitz into the U.N. camp? Did You go there and see the carnage? Did You see the baby with her head severed from her tiny body? Is your heart filled wis~ tears as are the eyes and hearts of human kirrl at the sight of this brutality? Is this some cruel. sick cosmic joke? Are we to urrlerstarrl that You and Your followers "love the little children of the world" except Palestinian and Lebanese children? Are these butchers really Your "chosen". _ best. frierxls? D::> You agree with Madeleine Kerbel Albright that the transfer of culpability to children. in 01~er to kill them. is justifiable? Why do You allow Clinton. Christopher and their murderirq hcinj.lers to continue to make us all a party to this inhumane slaughter by t.l)e.ir condoning. encomo.ging, arrl supporting Israel with our money arrl weapons. Last night one of Your Ministers told me that these unconscionable ki 11 ings are "Your perfect will" and that it must be "so Jesus wi 11 co:ne back soon. " Are You the author of this insanity? lnhy do Your people hide their eyes an::i harden their hearts - otherwise passionate. intelligent people listening to fu-d believing the apologist in t.l)e press and government ••ho rationalize and excuse these horrid crimes? Were You at Deir Yassin wnen these same uncivilized beasts packed the bodies of women and babies into wells after t.l)eir :massacre? . Did You feel anything when they forced naked pregnant women onto flat-:bed . trucks to t..e paraded through Jerusalem, stoned and spat upon? Were You a11)rwhere near Sabra and Shat i la when Your ' chosen one ' Ariel Sharon, flooded -these filthy refugee camps with bright lights and sent his arrl his men a..rrl the 'Christian (?) ?halangist' militia, puppets in with only orders to not rape girls under 12 years old? Did You watch as these storm-troops· held yo;_mg ooys on the grou.:-.~ cutting away 'ti'1eir testicles and then slitting theh- young throats? 't.hy are so few of Your worshipers aware of these heinous will..: ·crimes in ht..tndreds of nameless villages? Did You 'go before' these m~~iacai; fiendish bastards as they forced FOWs to crawl and bark like dogs while shouting, "lor.g live Begin, long live Sharon?" Are You behind this blatant demonstration of 'selective humanitai-ianism' wherein we are instructed- to make such a prodigious difference between the terrorist killin;r of some children ard treat the deaths of others with callous disregard? I just ohserved a pericd of silence in respect fm- the lives of those slair:. in 0.-::lahoma, as it shoulc be, but will there ever be any recognition or even acknowledgement of 01..1.r dastardly involvement in Israel's terrorism? While near 100 men, women, arX: little babies lay mangled in this UN camp our duplicitous masters used only one word to describe this unpardonable crime. "r~-ettable". Will You be with those hypocrits ne:;..,-t. week at the Holocaust 1·~useum who participate in the iconical worship of fifty year old corpses, while the soil of Your Holy Land is sullied with the fresh blood of children? Why would You serrl Billy Graham to Cklahoma City and not to Waco or Beirut? Answer me damn-it, answer me!


Nuremberg, 1947 Israel, 1996 G.M.M. 53901 STATE HWY 79 James Floyd BLOUNTSVILLE. AL 35031 (205) 466-7689 185 Co Rd. 254

Cullman, Al 35057

I 689L -99V (SOZ)­ ~ £09£ l'l '3lli/\SlNf10l8 ti:.L I HU 3.L\f.LS ~0689 \1 NVW I •V'l"V'.fD

"powerful and wide eoough to realize ~ law with a hidden agenda unrelated other vital nationa! priorities- to its announced purpose

"criteria should be automatically converted guidefmes are mandatory and apply into state standards if the state fails to ad" without regard for local conditions

·encourage (regulated parties) to penalize anyone who only just move beyond compliance" complies with the law i "allow states to use revolving funds for OIS36- hide social welfare spending in vantaged community needs" other parts of the budget

"help states collect sufficient funds (to) ...

"EPA should be authorized to collect the fee state control is illusory and is tort eited if if the state does not collect suffiCient funds" local taxes aren"t raised enough

"strengthen citizen enforcement" give pressure groups broad powers to sue

"holistic approach" expand the federal sphere of control over anything faintly related to the problem

·a new era in environmental protection" massively expand the federal sphere of control

"best available management measures"- without regard for cost-effectiveness

"guidelines ... should be regularly updated to rules wlll change unpredictably in response focus on reducing the greatest .. risks" to interest groups and junk science, keeping you guessing

"based on current science" quick. before scientists expose fautts in the program

"improve quality of life for air subsidize favored groups

Incentives" peoatties for everyone else