~ - ·- ..... ~~~1 STATE HWY 79 BLOUNTSVILLE, AL 35031 (205) 466-7689 Cti ( thanks to all of you who attended the Good Or Volunteer Militia. _-:op•,·u-".0:::1.·~.:.tp_l:. ; 1"\-.:J) St2LES• J.. .p..;..ildfir.:S i '-LO d!l; ~ Ui-,- "}U!Jr ·· ·Wi: , !-(jJ drove ~~n·.i hours to attend Last count ~ o·v"er ,.t.lH; " people• ait21:i.ii:•'' .J.nd +'r··r;- .Jm .... r .. .u..a 1 1 ,1•. ':.-"pL-j-! - .1."""'.; ::: i th-=n~·,,a u-.:J-- +ii'-'-' thoco•• """'- of ',iou ¥iho donated to the Bob and Jimmies~ fami I y and defell~e funds. Pest assu r ed~ next year :- s meeting FJill be bigger- and Getter. r i Jeff F.~ andall Donat ions for the Starr Family: Dear Jeff aud the other Gadsden Xinute1en: Bob Starr Fund c/o Jeff Randall I would like to thank yuu for the hospitality shown •yself, ~:a u te 1 Box 182 Ga llant, Alaha.iiia 35972 Williai Beeier, aud XiY.e Kuriatny~ during our visit to the 2d 205 570 06.38 Annual 6ood 'o! Boys Rally the 17th, 18th, and 19th. JJ Don~tions filr Jiiililiie McCrainie Bill got a good videocassette copy of the speeches 1ade by Johnson, Nancy Lord, ~ike Keep and ~ike Kuriatnyr. Contact Mike firrin : 42il33 8436 or... email at Miper1MOL com I a& iakir.g copies of it far propaganda purposes, and to shon the rest who did nat coie what they 1issed. I think it would it be OK to ask those who nant a copy for a donation to help the Macon Innocents Legal Defense to keep thea froa being XcVeighed by a governaent desperate to keep the knonledge that govern1ent ATF ,. ; · infor~ants wanted ta blew up the Oly~pics and blaie it on the ~ilitias like they did in Gklahosa City. .. l got to see ail those qocd, i r:teJl ioEnt Patriots who llad KEVIN tt DANNY BARKER prev·iousl)' or:ly i:nown via e-•ai I. It is good to assign a cteter1ined face and VOH:E to such people. i't glad that I w.;s able to co&e and visit such decent people far a ~hile. "~ybe that is what heaven is lite. i' i! be bacl: iie~t year if r Ciili. Thanks. ~art in Lindstellt 7th Missouri ~i!itia , ' 1: 939635 58/LIBERTY (0UTFORUI'I1 13-Kay-96 17:12:07 Sb: Govern•ent Terroris1? Qate: Thu, 02 May 199b 12:18:17 -0500 F1: Bruce "Loz• Schoenfelder 72162,1174 Fro1: "David L. Goad" ([email protected]> To: all Subject: RE: Jack booted thugs .Reply-to: [email protected] THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNI'IENT IN DOI'IESTIC TERRORISI'I Editorial Folks, Ouestion: is there any do1estic terrorist attack in which the ' ATF is at it again ••• federal govern•ent was not involved? The answer is that we don't know, because the Oklaho1a bo1bing has yet to go to trial. But in This Tuesday night at about 9:30 ps in St. Charles county, l'lissouri, 3 all other terrorist attacks we find governaent involvetent. group of 14 county/fed goons led by an ATF twit raided a suburban household of 4; two mid-thirties parents, and 6 and 2 year old children. They kicked in the back door, threatened to kill the dog, tied up the _ I~ the _ •~s~ recent exa1ple, the alleged bo1b making by beorgra Mrlitra •embers, the governtent involvement beca1e clear husband on the floor with a gun at his head and generally trashed the in a Macon, Georgia courtroo1 last l'londay. Several federai house searching for weapons. They did not even produce a warrant for infortants had participated in the plans to make pipe bombs, and over an hour. The couple thought they had been invaded by burglars, and the attorney to the defendant Robert Starr claimed that Star~ ~as expected to die. The screams of "ATF!" by the goons did not 1ean the only conspirator not working for the government. In fact, anything to the couple. his attorney clai1s that bomb laking parts were buried on hi~ p~operty by federal agents without his knowledge. Two days before After an hour ~ a half, not finding what they were looking for they just h1s arrest, Starr appeared on a talk radio show sayinQ that there left, no apologies, nothing. was a ~overnzent conspiracy against hit and that he ;as going to expose rt. It appears that an ATF infor1ant was aaking the whole thing up. He toid the ATF that he had been to this house tany tiles, and that a large stash A BATF agent also adtitted in court that Starr's co­ of machine guns were there as part of a ~arge gun running operation. The defendant, William James "Jiaay• McCranie, had said, "I don't local police, upon checking the county records told the informant that want to know anything about it" and walked away when the the owners name did not 1atch the naae of the so-called "gun-runner" he govern1ent infor1ant was talking about building boabs. was informing on. His response was that the guy 1ust be a guest of the hoiieowners. Strangely, CBS news reported on the day of Starr's arrest that it had been a plot to botb the Olympic Games in Atlanta this On this basis a judge authorized the search warrant. Nell, so auch for suiier. Who told thea that and why did they believe it? Who is the necessity of a sworn state1ent by a trustworthy individual. CBS news working for? The uncritical attitude with which the ~ainstreaa 3edia repeats everything the government tells it is The ATF "official" has indicated that he will apologize at some point. distasteful. A few !to iel frustrating points; As for previous terrorist attacks, we know that at the very least, World Trade Center bocbers were trained by a federai 1. The local cops took the trouble to (partiallyl check up on what the agent, and we know that a governient infor1ant inspired the New infor1ant was telling thet, and when conflicting data was obtained, York harbor tunnel attacks that were averted at the last moient. decided to trust the ir.fortant over records showing a typical law abiding family. When will local judges start to give their local residents the The residents of Oklahoaa City were not that fortunate. Was benefit of the doubt over paid infor1ants? it a govern;ent sting operation gone awry? The federal govern~ent shows surprising little interest in the John Doe 12 who was seen 2. As usual, rather than knocking on the front door in the daytice, in the truck with McVeigh. Was he working for the federa l serving the warrant, and peacefully checking out the residence, they government? If that were the case the government would be likely kicked in the door, and threatened the fatily. Equally as usual they to cover up that fact rather than face the ensuing public apparently found an extre1ist, right wing, terrorist dog and wanted to outr a·~e. kill it. The questio~ that presents itself, then, is whether any . of 3. Rather than admit the screw up on the spot, the ATF ~AY be pressured these terrorist plots would have materialiled without the into an apology. involvement and assistance of the federal 4qovern1ent? The new antiterrorise bill is designed to ~llow the Clinton adiinistraticn .to better control and monitor the American people. Oh well, just another day in paradise. Perhaps what we need more is a bill to ~eep a better check on what the gover~aent is doing: We · obviously cannot d~pend on ihe iainstream sedia for that. The~ashingtqn Weekly (http:/iwww.federal~coal excellent. publicatio; strongly suggest that you :subscribe! "'~ 3 Press Release May 1996 Gadsden Minutemen To all militia personnel: It has come to our attention that the lives of Kevin and Danny Barker may have been threatened. As you all know. the Barker brothers were the paid ATF confidential informants CCI # 62 and CI # 63) in the Starr/McCranie case. We ask. if you hear of anyone threatening these people please call Jeff Randall immediately at (205) 570 0638. I will imediatley turn this information over to the proper authorities. We do not need these people harmed in any fashion. their testimony is crucial to the case and also crucial in exposing ATF "Operation Piedmont." Piedmont is an operation run by the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms to implicate and coerce militiamen into manufacturing or experimenting with explosives. FBI agent William Stewart (Atlanta) has been notified and provided with documentation on this operation. Mr Stewart is also the agent who informed Bob Starr of a possible death threat on his life. this occurred two days before Starr was arrested. There is more government documentation on the Barker brothers and Operation Piedmont. however. the investigators for the defense cannot release it at this time. Also. there are a couple of agents who are working with us in exposing this illegal exercise. their confidentiality cannot be compromised. We are asking that everyone suspend communications with federal law enforcement until this case is over with and all documentation is made public. If an agent contacts you. DO NOT TALK to him without a subpoena. and immedialtey contact me or someone else on the defense investigation. We can tell you that there are a couple of people inside the ATF and FBI that are providing good information to us. some of you may know these people. so please suspend communications with anyone in federal law enforcement until this cas~ is resolved.
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