Rizki Hidayat, Hustinawati, SKom., MMSi

Professional Program, 2007

Gunadarma University key words: application, asp, apache ABSTRACT : Linux is a Unix operating system nuanced (Unix-Like), which was developed by Linus Torvalds, in 1991. Linux kernel itself is a core of an operating system that regulates the use of hardware (hardware) that can be used to efficiently and easily. Linux is realized with the free to the public, so everyone can learn and develop using the Linux General Public License license. Until now, Linux has a big role in the OS market. Linux has been in portasikan to a variety of computer architectures, starting from HP, the Suns SPARC and UltraSPARC, Motorola PowerPC, and others. In terms of development, Linux on by hundreds of hackers who develop scattered throughout the world, the program generated such as Sendmail, Apache, BIND, and many thousands of other programs.. Linux also has a variant. This variant is commonly called food distribution, or more familiarly called distributions. Until recently, Linux distributions already achieving hundreds or even thousands around the world. For example GeexBox distro specifically for playing music files, video or images. For development, server, and for everyday use are Slackware, SuSE, Mandriva, and Red Hat. Edubuntu for education there. In fact every country, now have their own distro. For example from Indonesia there Xnuxer and Blankon, from Africa there is , from China's Red Flag Linux there, and so forth. In scientific writing, the author makes a Linux operating system-based LiveCD. LiveCD is meant is the use of direct distribution that can run on a computer with a CD or DVD media without having to install the first distro in question. Distributions made Datux Linux LiveCD called basis or foundation Slackware Linux operating system.. In designing the application, the authors use UML (Unified Modeling Language).