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FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION JANUARY 21;, 1956 AIRTEL E Sac,�Zasnrmu-On FIELD Bus! ~92.-I / D FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT D, Milton Ladd 7 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION JANUARY 21;, 1956 AIRTEL E &#39; sac,zasnrmu-on FIELD Bus! ~92.-I / D. MILT08 mm, 5P§.cIAL imam, GOMHISSIGH or; ammu- MNT SI-$1331??- I Po:-oer Aeeletent to the Uireotw ma re / @"&#39;/ no 2/28/Sh. Beokgre-and intoraetion furnished by aw loleleaion indicate: no employment einoo retirement; how- ever, Bureau tiloe indicate eeoocietion with American Reeeereh Founaetion in weehington, D» 0., in 1955. meta eddreee ea Gene-ve, Florida, and formerly resided S235 liebrelte Avenue, Iorthweet, weelzington, D. 6. Liute an references senetore &#39;-:1111em Lengor and qtylee Bridges. Inveotigetion of Hr. Leda ehould ho restricted to interview of senetore Lenger end Bridges, e oheok of the record: or the U. 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