The Voice Of The North Centre June 2019

Message from the Chairman Hi everyone, and welcome to another edition of Caranews. The rally season is now fully underway and off to a good start and I hope you are enjoying yourselves. We still have a packed rally programme for you to continue enjoying, however, we have had to cancel an upcoming rally at Manfield due to lack of support and I would urge you to book early to avoid any more cancellations. Please don't forget our celebration rally in July, it's the centre's 3500th rally, an important milestone in our history, it's a weekend rally with extra nights available and entertainment in a dedicated function room at racecourse, again please book early to help the marshall's and organisers provide a full and enjoyable rally. Before the next edition of Caranews we will be hosting the Festival of the North rally in August at Newby Hall, don't forget to book if this takes your fancy. Hope to see you on a rally field soon.

Steve and Suzanne.

Teenagers We have held a few fundraisers so far this year, we have recently raised £110 at and £224 at York Mayday. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes. All donations are greatly appreciated for all our events. Our next fundraising event will be held at Children's sports where there will be a tombola during the day and a few other little fundraisers at the saturday night social. Then our next fundraiser will be at Scarborough. We are selling tuck shop throughout the year, I will have this with me everytime I'm away so please feel free to give me a knock. We will also have several blind cards and bonus balls running throughout the year to help with our funds. I hope to see you all out and about on the rally field.

Megan Staley, Young caravaners chair

Obituary Sadly in March, Jim Henwood passed away. Jim was a member of The Original North Group of The Caravan Club. He was the last surviving founder member of The North Yorkshire Centre who was still rallying. Jim and his brother Ron ran several rallies. He was a Committee Member from 1969 to 1975. In his latter years Jim rallied less with the Centre and attended more motorhome rallies in his beloved camper van. It was very fitting that the camper van was present at the funeral. Jim was the first member of the Centre to receive his Golden Medal for being a Caravan Club member for 50 consecutive years.

Sadly, another long term member Jim Lewis passed away in May 2019. Jim and his wife, Jean, were North Yorkshire members for over 40 years and only gave up rallying in the last couple of years. They joined the centre in 1974 and their first rally was Runswick Bay. They ran countless rallies over the years. The most popular being Kilpin Hall and Bishopthorpe for 15 years. Jim was a committee member having held different roles over the years. Jean would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts and wishes they gave her at this sad time.

Our thoughts and prayers are with both families.

Masham Rally The rally started with a warm welcome from Mike and Jacquie, the rally marshalls. The quaint village of Masham is a short walk from the rally field with many pubs and shops to visit. Friday evening saw the birthday celebration of one of the ralliers with food and drink served at the White Bear. Saturday morning had inclement weather but didn't stop ralliers trying to complete the treasure hunt. Mike had organised a tour around the Black Sheep Brewery which was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and were able to sample the local Black Sheep brews. Sunday morning was a drier, brighter day and we were able to sit out in the field. The flag was a dry event and we all managed to get off a wet field without any trouble. Many thanks to Mike, Jacquie, Dave and Debbie for a great weekend, see you all again next year.

Easter at the Alders The rally officers John, Ros, Dave and Sheila hosted an enjoyable weekend with lovely weather. The railers enjoyed games of Bingo and quizzes and also a game called egg jarping. Dave Rowe won the trophy and is looking forward to retaining his title next year. The site is in close proximity to Easingwold Thirsk and York.

Melrose Rally We had 18 vans attending the rally for the internationally famous 7's Tournament. Visitors from Durham, Yorkshire Dales and South Lancs. With a rally of this duration vans kept arriving and departing with the majority of the people coming for The Presentation of the International Guest Teams on the Friday night in the Melrose RFC Clubhouse. Saturday saw the start of the tournament at 11 am and continue throughout the day on a knock out basis until the Final at 6.20 pm.

Our main social was a breakfast at The Woolen Mill, a snip at £3.50. Easter was celebrated in hot sunshine the winner of the Easter Bonnet Parade was Jenni Smith. Another first in our rally experience was when we held the Final Coffee Evening in our caravan.

Kelso Rally 20 vans attended this rally on the Border Union Showground and the majority had the benefit of EHU as the weather was dry but cool. The Showground was within walking distance of the town and is situated close to the River Tweed, famous for its salmon fishing.

We had visitors from Yorkshire Dales, Durham, South Lancashire and West of Scotland.

Future Rallies

Please refer to your handbook for future rallies and book in advance where possible to help support the centre.

Celebration Rally North Yorkshire's 3500th Celebration Rally will be held at Wetherby Racecourse from Thursday 18th to Monday 22nd July. There will be a full programme of events throughout the rally, including evening entertainment. Please support your centre and help celebrate this milestone. Booking form and more information on pages 43 & 44 of your events programme book or on the centre website.

Malton to Pickering

Ralliers thinking of going from Malton RUFC 2nd-7th August to Pickering 9th-13th August can stay two extra nights at Malton, by arrangement with the rugby club. For more details please contact Dave. Pickering is now full, with a waiting list in operation.

Awards and Presentations Micheal and Jacquie were presented with a recognition plaque for their efforts as block marshals at The National rally for the past 10 years.

Alongside Micheal and Jacquie, have been Dave and Debbie Gregory who were also presented with a recognition plaque for their commitment as assistant block marshalls at The National rally for the past 5 years.

Ros and John Loughran were presented with a plaque in recognition for their continuous contributions to the popular Ellerton Lake rally. This year was Ros and Johns landmark 20 year anniversary as rally marshalls.

For the past 10 years, Karen and Dave Young have been assistant rally marshalls at Ellerton Lake and were also presented with a plaque for their contributions.

Darts & Doms Winners 2019 at Wetherby Racecourse Rally Dominoes: Mick McPhillips and Pauline Peel Darts: Dave Routh and Kirsty Hurst

Rally Vouchers

When booking a rally you can purchase £3 vouchers from any committee member and use them to secure your place on a rally instead of writing a cheque. These vouchers can be redeemed against any rally and will cut down the number of £3 cheques to be taken to the bank.

Puzzle Place either X or O into each empty square, so that no four consecutive squares in a straight line in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) contain more than three of the same symbols.









If anyone has anything of interest, rally reports, notifications, etc that could be in the next edition of the Caranews, please send them to Carol (email: [email protected]) ​ ​ Next edition will be distributed at Scarborough RUFC.