Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 March 2015
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annual report for the year ended 31 March 2015 PR 221/2015 ISBN: 978-0-621-43807-9 Published by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism Metlife Towers, Market Square Private Bag X6108, KIMBERLEY 8300 Tel: 053 839 4000 Fax: 053 831 3668 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Economic Development & Tourism Department: Economic Development & Tourism NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Designed and Printed by SwiftPrint, Kimberley, 053 Tel: 839-2900 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 Mr. John Block, MPL MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Mr. K. Packirisamy Acting Head of Department: Economic Development and Tourism Adv. M. Phera Mr. D. Christians Mrs. D. Samson Chief Operations Officer Executive Manager: Executive Manager: Integrated Economic Tourism Developoment Services Trade and Sector Development Mr. D. Martin Mr. S. Mabilo Mrs. L. Wyngaardt Executive Manager: Executive Manager: Executive Manager: Economic Business Regulation Economic Planning Technical Cluster Secretariat and Governance 1 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 2 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 CONTENTS PART A GENERAL INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________________ 5 Departmental General Information __________________________________________________________________ 5 List of Abbrevation/ Acronyms _____________________________________________________________________ 6 Foreword of the MEC _____________________________________________________________________________ 7 Report of the Accounting Officer ____________________________________________________________________ 9 Statement of responsibility and confirmation of accuracy for the Annual Report ____________________________ 19 Strategic Overview ______________________________________________________________________________ 20 Legislative Mandate _____________________________________________________________________________ 21 Organisational Structure _________________________________________________________________________ 25 Entities reporting to the Department _______________________________________________________________ 26 PART B PERFORMANCE INFORMATION _____________________________________________________________________ 28 Auditor General’s Report _________________________________________________________________________ 28 Overview of Departmental Performance ____________________________________________________________ 28 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals _________________________________________________________________ 45 Performance Information by Programme ____________________________________________________________ 60 Transfer Payments _____________________________________________________________________________ 118 Conditional Grants _____________________________________________________________________________ 122 Donor Funds __________________________________________________________________________________ 123 Capital Investments ____________________________________________________________________________ 124 PART C GOVERNANCE __________________________________________________________________________________ 126 Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 126 Risk Management ______________________________________________________________________________ 126 Fraud Corruption ______________________________________________________________________________ 127 Minimising conflict of interest ____________________________________________________________________ 127 Code of conduct _______________________________________________________________________________ 127 Health safety and environmental issues ____________________________________________________________ 127 Portfolio committees ___________________________________________________________________________ 127 Scopa resolutions ______________________________________________________________________________ 128 Prior modifications to Audit Reports _______________________________________________________________ 128 Internal control unit ____________________________________________________________________________ 128 Internal Audit and Audit Commitees _______________________________________________________________ 128 Audit Committee Report ________________________________________________________________________ 130 PART D HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT _________________________________________________________________ 134 Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________ 134 Human Resources oversight statistics ______________________________________________________________ 135 PART E FINANCIAL INFORMATION_________________________________________________________________________ 163 Report of the Auditor General ___________________________________________________________________ 164 Annual Financial Statements _____________________________________________________________________ 168 3 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 4 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 GENERAL INFORMATION For the year ended the 31 March 2015 PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Metlife Towers Corner of Stead and Knight Street POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X6108 KIMBERLEY 8300 TELEPHONE NUMBER/S: 053 839 4000 FAX NUMBER: 053 831 3668 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: 5 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 GENERAL INFORMATION For the year ended the 31 March 2015 1.2 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ ACRONYMS AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa JTG John Taolo Gaetsewe AO Accounting Officer KIDJA Kimberley International Diamond and BBBEE Black Broad Based Economic Empowerment Jewellery Academy BRICS Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa KM Knowledge Management CAD Computer Aided Design KD & JC Kimberley Diamond and Jewellery Centre CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing LED Local Economic Development CFO Chief Financial Officer MEC Member of Executive Council CSIR Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework DEDaT Department of Economic Development and MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework Tourism MIS Management Information System DGDS District Growth and Development Strategy M & E Monitoring and Evaluation DSDF District Spatial Development Framework MandE Monitoring and Evaluation system DTI Department of Trade and Industry MQA Mining Qualification Authority EIA Enterprise Information Architecture NDP National Development Plan EXCO Executive Council NEF National Empowerment Fund EPWP Extended Public Works Programme PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy ESSA Economic Society of South Africa PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act ETAC Economic Technical Advisory Committee PAJA Promotion of Administrative Justice Act EU European Union PFMA Public Finance Management Act FABCOS Foundation for Business and Consumer RALED Regional and Local Economic Development Services R & D Research and Development GDP-R Gross Domestic Product per Region SCM Supply Chain Management HOD Head of Department SDIP Service Delivery Improvement Plan ICT Information and Communication Technology SEDA Small Enterprise Development Agency IDC Industrial Development Cooperation SITA State Information Technology Agency IDP Integrated Development Plan SIP Strategic Integrated Project IDT Independent Development Trust SLA Service Level Agreement IEDS Integrated Economic Development Services SMME Small Medium and Micro Enterprises IYM In-Year Monitoring 6 NORTHERN CAPE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM | VOTE 6 FOREWORD BY THE MEC For the year ended the 31 March 2015 1.3. FOREWORD BY THE MEC The 2014/15 financial year has been a year of reflection for the ANC-led Government, as we celebrate twenty one years since the commencement of our new dispensation. A historical retreat provides the opportunity to address the question of what has been achieved during this period. I am pleased to report that, yes indeed we have a good story to tell. Twenty (21) years in Government, the Democratic Government of the Republic has ensured that more and more of our people benefit from the policy interventions we have adopted as a government. However, we as the elected representatives acknowledge that the war on poverty, unemployment and inequality continues unabated. It is pleasing to note that the 2014/15 financial year has indeed been a year for a shift in thinking. At the beginning of the financial year, the South African Government adopted two most poignant and key strategic themes for the 2014/15 Medium-term Strategic Framework (MTSF). In the 2014/15 MTSF Government adopted the following strategic themes: • Radical Economic Transformation; and • Improved Service Delivery These strategic themes can never be mere rhetoric by Government, but have to be the “mantra” for all in government to work towards radical economic transformation whilst expediting service delivery. The radical transformation of our economy and the escalation of service delivery to our People, cannot be a thumb-suck exercise. Thus, I am elated to announce that critical to any undertaking by the Department is sound research premised on internationally and nationally proven methodology. In this regard, the Department has compiled a number