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PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., Jan, 14, 1975 OBITUARIES Manning To Talk To Art Group Mrs. Theresa Brozna Fred Sharis, both of Windsor; The Tolland County Art Mrs. Theresa Babula Brozna, and nine grandchildren. A B O U T T O W N Association will have Robert 84, of 49 Salem Rd. died Sunday Funeral services are Manning as its guest speaker at at her home. Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the the meeting scheduled for today Mrs. Brozna was born in John F. Tierney Funeral Home, at 8 p.m. in the Edith Peck 219 W, Center St. Burial will be Manchester Philatelic Socie meet tonight at 8 at the home of room of the Rockville Public iianrljPHtFr Eupninn fcalh Austria and lived in Hartford Mrs. Vincent Diana, 141 Pitkin most of her life, coming to in East Cemetery. ty will meet tonight from 7 to 10 Library. at Mott’s Community Hall. The St. Manchester several years ago. Friends may call at the Manning will present a slide program will include informa MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 89 t w e n t y -FIG H T p a g e s — TW O s e c t io n s Survivors are 3 sons, Charles funeral home tonight from 7 to program on "Recent Trends in Manchester A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS tion on basic identification, Brozna of Hartford, Stanely 9. Visual Fine Arts from Abstrac foreign countries and philatelic tion to Realism.” He is an Brozna of East Hartford and terms.
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