POLISH SINGERS CONVENTION WRAPS UP IN BROOKLYNPOLISH AMERICAN — PAGE JOURNAL 20 • JULY 2016 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1911 JULY 2016 • VOL. 105, NO. 7 | $2.00 www.polamjournal.com REMINDING WASHINGTON OF RUSSIA’S AGGRESSIVENESS • POPE FRANCIS READIES FOR TRIP TO KRAKOW 500 GRADUATE FROM POLISH LANGUAGE SCHOOLS • HIPPOCRENE TO RELEASE NEW BOOK ON FORCED LABORERS BARANSKI TO STAR IN SPINOFF AFTER SERIES • AN UNSUNG HERO PASSES • “AGELESS POLE” WILL HAVE TO WAIT Newsmark Obama Wants to Discuss Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński Canonized “A BAD DAY FOR POLAND AND EUROPE.” Britons “Quality of Poland’s Democracy” have voted to leave the EU in a historic referendum, a re- saw, said Mark Toner, deputy spokes- by Pope Francis sult that has sent tremors across Europe and sparked tur- man for the U.S. State Department. moil on global markets. “We have a long and very close re- British Prime Minister David Cameron announced he lationship with Poland. As a fellow de- would resign by October after voters swatted aside his ar- mocracy and an ally, the United States guments that the UK should stay in the European Union. cares very deeply about Poland,” said Poland’s Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice-President of the Eu- Toner. ropean Parliament, said the result “is a bad day for Poland “And so I think it’s in that regard that and Europe” adding that the decision “will weaken the Eu- Secretary Kerry… and President Obama ropean Union, for example in its relations with Russia.” look forward to having discussions with “Internally, it will make Germany and France stronger Poland’s new political leadership about within the bloc,” he added. a broad range of issues, bilateral issues Global markets reacted sharply to the vote for a Brex- and multilateral issues that we engage it, with the British pound recording a historic plunge and on together. reaching its lowest level against the dollar in decades. “But I think also that would include The złoty and other emerging markets currencies also some of our concerns about the quality weakened following the news. of Poland’s democracy.” Polish offi cials have argued that a so-called Brexit In January, the European Commis- would badly hit the British and European economy. sion said it was starting a “rule-of-law” Stanislaus Papczynski founded the Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said probe into whether controversial laws Marians of the Immaculate Conception that Britain would remain a key ally for Poland, despite its While in Warsaw for the NATO summit pushed through by Poland’s conserva- to promote the doctrine of Mary’s Im- decision to leave the EU. this month, President Obama plans to tive Law and Justice party, which came maculate Conception. In recent years An estimated 800,000 Poles live and work in Britain. sit down with Poland’s leadership. to power in October, violate democratic the order has focused on spreading Waszczykowski also said Britain’s decision to leave the standards. the message of Divine Mercy. Above: EU could lead to other countries “blackmailing” the bloc WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Poland has been locked in a bitter An image of Papczyński attributed to by threatening to hold their own exit referendums. Barack Obama wants to discuss U.S. domestic political row after Law and Nemirovsky, in St. Michael the Archan- “Other countries, following the example of Britain, concerns about the “quality of Poland’s Justice introduced sweeping reforms to gel Basilica in Marijampole , Lithuania. democracy” during a visit to Warsaw the Constitutional Tribunal and other can for example, not even leaving the EU, blackmail the WARSAW —The founder of the fi rst for the July 7-9 NATO summit, the U.S. institutions, prompting anti-government EU with further referendums, and through such blackmail Polish male religious order was canon- State Department said. protests, and criticism from abroad. demand changes in their position in the union or demand ized in Rome, June 5. Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Law and Justice has sharply rebutted opt-outs — exclusion from certain European policies, said Saint Stanislaus Papczyński (1631- John Kerry expect to discuss a range of criticism that its reforms are anti-dem- Waszczykowski. “Such a possibility exists, unfortunately.” 1701), founder of the Marians of the issues with the Polish authorities in War- ocratic. Immaculate Conception, which now has PLANE CRASH BODIES TO BE EXHUMED. The Polish more than 500 priests in 19 countries, prosecutor told relatives of the victims of the 2010 Smo- promoted social justice and prayers for lensk plane crash that all the bodies which were not cre- Polish Authors, Librarians Converge the dying. mated will be exhumed for testing. Poland’s bishops said Papczyński “Comprehensive post-mortem examinations, also using in Chicago at BookExpo America calls people “to contemplate God’s computer tomography in the fi eld of toxicology and DNA mercy and proclaim that God’s heart will be important for determining the injuries of the vic- is open to all.” tims and the causes of their deaths,” said Zbigniew Ziobro, They said Father Papczyński had the national prosecutor. created the order when his country was A meeting with the relatives of the disaster victims was “sunk in endless war, famine and dis- attended by the head of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice ease,” after realizing that many Poles, (PiS) party, Jarosław Kaczyński, whose twin brother, Pres- soldiers included, were dying “unpre- ident Lech Kaczyński, was one of 96 who died in the crash pared for meeting with God.” near Smolensk airport in western Russia on April 10, 2010. “Father Papczyński showed that love The meeting with Ziobro and his deputy Marek Pa- is the spirit, light and life of every or- sionek might indicate that the body of Lech Kaczyński der and social community, that no needy and his wife Maria Kaczyńska, who also died in the crash, person should be left to die without sup- might be exhumed. (Newsweek) port,” they said. Papczyński had established clinics MINISTER OFFERS CONDOLENCES. “We are deeply and shelters for the “distressed, rejected moved and struck with grief by the shocking news coming and unjustly treated,” and to counter the from Orlando,” Poland Foreign Minister Witold Waszc- alcoholism, rampant in the 17th century. zykowski underlined in his message of condolences that Born into a blacksmith’s fam- was sent today to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. ily at Podegrodzie, in Poland’s southern “On behalf of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Aff airs and Beskidy region, Saint Papczyński joined myself, I wish to express our deepest condolences. Our the Spanish-based Piarist congregation thoughts go to the families and friends of the victims as in 1654, after being educated at Jesuit well as to all people aff ected by this tragedy,” reads the colleges, and became its fi rst full Polish statement by Poland’s head of diplomacy. POLAND SHINES AT TRADE SHOW. Poland was the 2016 “Guest of Honor” at member two years later. the largest publishing trade show in the United States, with the spotlight aimed Ordained in 1661, he left the Piarists KUCZYNSKI IS PERU’S PRESIDENT-ELECT. Pedro at Polish authors, publishers, and illustrators. Above, Aquila Polonica publisher after nine years, complaining about their Pablo Kuczynski, a well-respected economist and former Terry Tegnazian with Julian Kulski at the exposition. lack of rigor, and in 1673 founded a re- U.S. citizen, offi cially became Peru’s president-elect when CHICAGO — “This is the best est publishing trade show in the United treat house at Skierniewice for his new his main rival conceded, June 10, after days of counting booth in the show,” said publisher and States. Marian order, with a mission to promote ballots from the country’s tightest election in history. editor Glenn Young as he admired the Organized by the Polish Book Insti- the Immaculate Conception and pray for Kuczynski fought a grueling campaign at age 77, but he graphic art panels in the “Books from tute in Krakow, the Polish Cultural Insti- souls in purgatory. now faces more diffi cult challenges. He must assemble a Poland” booth during BookExpo Amer- tute in New York, and Aquila Polonica He later served as a military chaplain coalition and win popular support as he takes power with a ica (BEA), May 11-12-13 in Chicago. Publishing in Los Angeles, the Poland against Turkish invaders in Ukraine and weak political base. As the 2016 “Guest of Honor,” Poland booth at BookExpo and at the May 14 acted as confessor to King Jan Sobieski Kuczynski’s father was born in Poznan, in Poland, aimed the spotlight at Polish authors, BookCon show for the public, off ered a during his victory over the Turks at the moved to Berlin, and later Peru when Hitler came to power. publishers, and illustrators at the larg- See “BookExpo,” page 4 1683 Battle of Vienna. 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • JULY 2016 ALMANAC VIEWPOINTS Follow us on Facebook or visit us on the internet at: Reminding Washington of Russia’s Aggressiveness polamjournal.com Americans for Security in Cen- destruction and military materiel are during the Cold War, an American interest, are speaking with one voice tral and Eastern Europe (ASCEE) clearly intended to threaten and in- presence will reduce the probability now,” said ASCEE. “The increased Q held a rally in front of the White timidate NATO members. of a Russian attack. Russian threat makes it obvious July Lipiec House on Sat., June 11.
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