10.0 OUTLOOK //30

11.0 APPENDICES //32



increasingly challenging to compete for honours as well as secure sufficient resource and expertise to construct INTRODUCTION and develop an effective athlete development pathway from participation to podium. It is in this area that Paralympics Ireland’s challenge to secure sufficient 015 represented a further successful1.0 year for Ire- resource to fully implement our strategic plan is clearly 2 land’s Paralympic athletes with qualification for the apparent. This will need to be a focus in 2016 to ensure Rio 2016 Paralympics Games at the forefront of athletes long-term continuity of our successful programmes. and coaches minds throughout. The athletes contin- 2015 marked the first full year of implementation ued to achieve medals at major Championships with of Securing Success Together, the organisations four- 13 senior World medals and 1 European senior medal year strategy from 2014-2017. The plan focused on 5 secured by Irish athletes. The trend of regular medal strategic priorities and its success was predicated on winning success in the sports of athletics, cycling and securing additional resource. While the organisation swimming continued in 2015 with Rena McCarron continues to search for this additional resource, the Rooney adding the sport of Table Tennis to this with a short term funding requirements to prepare and send fine European bronze success. the team to Rio 2016 have taken priority. Nevertheless, The level of competition continues to grow year on we continue to implement many aspects of the strate- year as the investment in Para-sport worldwide grows gic plan and our confident the organisation will deliver apace aligned with a huge increase in broadcasting as on the majority of targets over the course of the plan media focus ratchets up ahead of the Rio 2016 Paralym- period. pic Games. While in Ireland, the established sports continue to succeed, the other sports are finding it

PAGE // 04 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Paralympics Ireland had an extensive year of COMMUNICATIONS & EVENTS activity and organisational developments in 2015. Significant progress on implementing The key activities listed below will be outlined our Communications & Media strategy in more detail throughout this annual report: focussing on increasing awareness and deepening understanding. PERFORMANCE Improved news coverage of Paralympic athletes 13 medals won at Senior World Championships attempting to qualify for Rio, particularly in the in by Irish Athletes. sports of Athletics, Cycling, Football and Swimming. Emergence of the women as a force on the Secured a significant increase in RTÉ coverage Irish Para athletics team with Orla Barry, of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games including a Nicole Lenihan, Niamh McCarthy and Deirdre nightly panel based show for the first time ever. Mongan all securing medals at the 2015 IPC A comprehensive communications and Athletics World Championships in Doha. fundraising campaign project commenced Michael McKillop and Jason Smyth extending called MoreThanSport aligned with an their gold medal winning championship overhaul of the Paralympics Ireland and unbeaten series to a full ten seasons website in readiness for Rio 2016. 2006-2015 with victory in Doha. Ellen Keane’s stunning last 25m to secure 2015 IPC 2015 was a challenging year for the organisation Swimming bronze in . particularly around securing sufficient private and The Paracycling team secure further public financial resource to fund both the preparation World Track Championship medals. of and the participation of the Irish Team at the Rio 2016 Strengthening of ties with the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. This challenge was exacerbated by organising committee at the Chef de Mission the lack of key financial information emanating from Seminar and an NPC visit in April. the Rio 2016 organising committee and the IPC on the A full road-test of Paralympics Ireland’s pre specific costs of participation and support services games holding camp venue in Uberlandia, Brasil. in Rio. Additionally, the lack of an official kit supplier Appointment of the first group of Team (despite every effort being made to recruit an Interna- Leaders and Sports Science and Medical tional high performance brand) has added a very large support to the 2016 Irish Paralympic Team. unanticipated line item to the budget for the Games of Hosting of a Rio Preparation Multisport approximately €125,000. Camp in Limerick and a Team The commercial environment is very challeng- Development Conference in . ing but the work of the Commercial Advisory Group appears to be bearing fruit with a more positive outlook GOVERNANCE & ORGANISATION for 2016 with a range of programmes developed for Changes to the Board of Directors with the supporters to contribute to our extensive additional departures of Liam Moggan and Susan O’Connell, budget requirements in a Games year. and the appointment of Eimear Breathnach as 2015 did see an increase in investment from the Vice President and election of James McCarthy Irish Sports Council to the Performance Programme as Athletes Representative on the Board. (9%) and to the Core programme (4.8%). The increase Continued implementation of the of government support is appreciated; nevertheless we voluntary Governance Code. must continue to work with our colleagues at the ISC First filings to the Charities Regulatory Authority. and Sport NI to continue the upward growth in funding Commencement of 2014 Companies Act as the costs to compete at the top level of Paralympic and the lobbying registry and filing. Sport continue to soar. Governance support challenges with the The ISC announced a special grant for Rio 2016 1.0 sports of CP Football and Boccia, with preparation in December 2014, which secured the the entry of CPSI into liquidation. Games Holding Camp in Uberlandia and a familiarisation Appointment of Archery Ireland, Badminton camp in September 2015. This camp is critical to ensure Ireland and the Irish Taekwondo Union the support services for the team for Rio 2016 are fully as members of Paralympics Ireland. road tested in advance. This report outlines the primary activities of the COMMERCIAL organisation from January to December 2015 along Securing OCS Ireland as a sponsor of Paralympics with a detailed set of audited financial statements that Ireland and the 2016 OCS Irish Paralympic Awards. indicate the organisation’s stable financial position. Founding of PI’s Commercial Advisory Group. With the 2016 Paralympic Games fast approaching, Development of the ‘Champions’ Programme the careful use of reserves in 2015 and sound financial and other revenue raising events for PI. management is required to ensure the organisation has Partner events successfully hosted in the a successful Rio Games and remains financially stable sports of Wheelchair Basketball and Football. through to the end of the next financial period. Announcement by the IPC of a worldwide partnership with Toyota covering all NPC’s and for a fixed term from 2017-2024.



he 2015 Paralympics Ireland Performance Plan he performance planning process coordinated T represented year three of the four-year plan pre- T by the ISC/IIS is highly structured and prescrip- sented to the Irish Sports Council in late 2012. The tive. The identification of critical performance factors operational plan consisted of a range of programme coupled with clear plans to address these are an essen- areas as follows: tial element of the process that impacts on the sports ability to secure investment. In the planning process in Full performance plans incorporating training 2015 some of the following factors with the potential camps & competitions for the sports of athletics, to impact on Paralympics Ireland’s ability to achieve equestrian, football 7-a-side, , performance targets were as follows: swimming, table tennis and triathlon. Comprehensive Sports Science and medicine GAMES QUALIFICATION programme for the sports listed above and 2015 was the main Games qualification year for Rio. provision for the sports of cycling, rowing Paralympics Ireland needed to prioritise resource around and shooting. The specific service areas likely qualification while at the same time focussing on included medicine, physiotherapy, physiology, likely performance progression for the 2016 Games. performance analysis, nutrition, strength & conditioning and athlete lifestyle support. HUMAN RESOURCE Human resource support to cover the positions of: Matching the needs of the athletes and sports with the – Performance Manager (This post became resource required to support them in terms of coaches, Performance Director during 2015, the costs team managers, sports science and medical personnel of which are included in the organisations Core is always challenging. As we proceed through the Games programme) cycle the demand for support services from athletes – Head of Paralympic Athletics grows. The allocation of resources to employed per- – Para Swimming Operations Manager formance staff & contractors is a critical performance – Head of Classification factor for Games success. Paralympics Ireland would – National Swim Coach like to continually develop this area, however the priority – National Throws Coach focus has been on sport science and medical support Other specific programmes including special for all likely sports on the Irish team, with dedicated projects, classification, carding support and kit. employed staff and service contractors in the key medal prospect sports of athletics, cycling and swimming. The plan received investment of €665,000 from the Irish Sports Council which represented a 9% PARALYMPICS IRELAND / IRISH increase from 2014. With additional investment from INSTITUTE OF SPORT PARTNERSHIP Paralympics Ireland resources the full budget for the The level of support from the IIS for Paralympic athletes Performance Programme for 2015 was €734,000. The has grown slowly through 2015 however due to resource allocation of this investment is detailed in the financial constraints and the number of sports they are trying to statements later in this report. serve (Olympic, Paralympic and others) the challenge The PhD research programme continued in to ensure priority support for Paralympic athletes is 2015, however a six-month break was approved for proving more difficult. At the end of 2015, the service the student to cover maternity leave in the physiology level agreement with the IIS for 2016 is still a consider- service of the Irish Institute of Sport. As a result the able period from completion. funding for the programme was reduced on a pro rata basis but will be restored in full in 2016. ACADEMY PROPOSAL The plan was developed by the Performance One of the key development areas for the organisation Manager, Dave Malone with significant input and and detailed in Securing Success Together is the setting support from Nancy Chillingworth (Performance up of the Paralympic Academy. The resource challenge Advisor) and Fiona Murray (Performance Assistant). has delayed the development of this, however budget James Nolan (Head of Paralympic Athletics) and Naomi has been allocated in 2016 with the aim of getting the O’Reilly (Head of Classification) were responsible for the programme up and running prior to Rio 2016. development of the performance plans for their areas of responsibility. SPORTS GOVERNANCE CHALLENGES The importance of Para-sport and it’s’ development within member NGB’s range significantly from strong to lacking importance or priority. The wider resource issues in Irish sport determine that resource is not suf- ficiently allocated to Para-sports in mainstream NGB’s to create a full athlete pathway leading to Paralympic 2.0 PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 07 Games success. In addition, the demands on volunteers IPC SWIMMING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, managing Para-sports are extremely high and places GLASGOW, significant strain on them to coordinate and develop Ellen Keane won a bronze medal in the sport with their NGB and Paralympics Ireland as a the SM9 200 Individual Medley. result. This is a critical area to be addressed to ensure Darragh McDonald won a bronze the number of sports remaining at the top level continues medal in the S6 400m Freestyle and grows.

Despite the myriad of challenges presented, Irish Paralympic athletes in the sports of athletics, cycling, swimming and table tennis delivered Championship medal winning success in 2015 and provides a launch pad for significant medal success at Rio 2016. Summary performance highlights from 2015 are as follows:

IPC ATHLETICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, DOHA, QATAR 7 podium finishes. Jason Smyth won a gold medal in the T13 100m. Nicole Turner competed in her first Michael McKillop won two gold medals major Championships in Glasgow in the T37/T38 800m & 1500m. at the age of 13 years. She had an Orla Barry won a bronze medal in the F57 Discus. outstanding debut, reaching the final Deirdre Mongan won a bronze in all 6 events she competed in. medal in the F53 Shot Putt Noelle Lenihan won a silver medal in the F38 Discus. IFCPF CP FOOTBALL WORLD Niamh McCarthy won a bronze CHAMPIONSHIPS, BURTON- medal in the F40/F41 Discus. ON-TRENT, ENGLAND Ireland finished in sixth place securing a coveted Rio 2016 Games place in the process. Jason Smyth had a classification review immediately prior to the In the crunch Rio qualifier World Championships match, Irish Captain Luke resulting in his sports Evans scored a late winner class changing back against Argentina to to T13 from T12. secure the participation of Ireland at the Paralympic Games for the first time UCI PARA-CYCLING TRACK since 2008. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, APELDOORN, NETHERLANDS Eoghan Clifford won a gold medal in the ITTF EUROPEAN TABLE TENNIS MC1-3 Scratch Race and bronze medal CHAMPIONSHIPS, VEJILE, DENMARK in the MC3 3km Individual Pursuit Rena McCarron Rooney secured a silver Katie George Dunleavy and Eve McCrystal won a medal in the women’s TT2 individual event. bronze medal in the WB 3km Individual Pursuit. OTHER ENCOURAGING PERFORMANCES INCLUDED: UCI PARA-CYCLING ROAD WORLD Pat O’Leary secured a 9th place finish in CHAMPIONSHIPS, NOTWILL, SWITZERLAND the Para-Canoe World Championships Eoghan Clifford won a gold medal missing Rio qualification by 1 place. in the MC3 Time Trial.

Paralympic Double Gold A full listing of Irish athlete performances in major Medallist at 2012, championships in 2015 is available in Section 11. Mark Rohan, announced his retirement from competitive cycling in 2015.

PAGE // 08 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS excellence in their coaching profession. While the 2.3 SPORTS programme has been very beneficial to the personal development of key members of the Para-sport high SCIENCE AND performance coaching community, the future of the programme is uncertain, as funding for the programme MEDICINE to the IIS has been cut significantly for 2016. The PEP programme has also provided the template for the PROGRAMME bespoke Team Leadership Programme developed by Paralympics Ireland with the IIS. This programme com- menced in late 2015 and will continue as an essential he Sports Science and Medicine Programme (SSM) support initiative to the appointed team leaders for the T remained a key cornerstone of the Paralympics build up to and at the Paralympic Games. Ireland performance plan. The model of SSM services across all panel sports continues to be the most effec- tive means of utilising the limited resource available while at the same time providing essential multi-disci- 2.5 2016 plinary service support to potential Rio athletes. As we have moved closer to the Rio Games the athletes likely PERFORMANCE to qualify have been priority recipients of SSM services. The dedicated Paralympic Services Hub at the PLAN Irish Institute of Sport on the National Sports Campus has continued to operate through 2015. In turn the take DEVELOPMENT up by athletes and the demand for services continued to grow throughout the year. s the performance plan submitted in early 2013 A was a four-year plan, the planning process for The total invested in the SSM 2016 was greatly simplified and primarily contained programme in support of athletes operational information. The plan was submitted to in 2015 amounted to €141,327 Sport Ireland for investment consideration in October following Board approval and followed up with a pitch for investment by Paralympics Ireland’s Performance In addition to the hub, services are rolled out via Director, supported by the CEO. additional provision at domestic and international train- Working closely with the IIS the Performance ing camps and competitions by a panel of Paralympics Director significantly simplified the planning process Ireland services providers. for each sport, however the response time from some The Sport Science and Medical Team along with sports and the lack of clarity with regard to their members of the Performance staff of Paralympics specific SSM requirements proving very frustrating Ireland also form the Rio Sports Science & Medical for Paralympics Ireland staff, thus threatening the Strategy Group. They met on four occasions in 2015 organisation with potentially missing key investment and are focused on optimum preparation and service milestones with Sport Ireland. delivery for the team in Rio. The 2015 Multisport Camp in Uberlandia was a key knowledge-gathering platform for the group to finesse plans for the upcoming Rio The amalgamation of the Irish Sports Games. Council and the National Sports Campus Development Authority to Sport Ireland became effective from October 1st 2015 with Mr Kieran Mulvey and Mr John Treacy appointed as the first 2.4 COACHING Chairperson and CEO respectively

aralympics Ireland via the performance P programme continues to support the National At the end of 2015, no indication as to likely Sport Swim Coach and National Throws coach positions, Ireland investment in the Performance Programme and is looking to increase athlete contact time with has been given making budgeting challenging. Conse- these two coaches in 2016. To support the work of the quently, the budget has been prepared and approved Para-Cycling Team an allocation of €22,500 was made by the Board on the prudent basis of a ‘flat’ investment to Cycling Ireland to ensure the continued provision of of €665,000 as per the 2015 investment. a dedicated National Coach for the Para-Cycling squad. A number of Paralympic coaches continued to be supported via the IIS’s Pursuit of Excellence Programme (PEP). This is a bespoke support programme of per- sonal development for coaches to assist them achieve



in September 2015. Denis Toomey and Liam Harbison 3.1 ROCOG / IPC (CEO) attended on behalf of Paralympics Ireland. The rate of improvement from the April visit was noticeable however concerns remain as to readiness of Rio for reparations for Rio 2016 stepped up consider- the Games. The seminar involved key updates and dis- P ably in 2015 with a number of visits3.0 to Brazil by cussions with all the functional areas of the organising Paralympics Ireland representatives. committee and the IPC. In April, a delegation led by Chef de Mission, Denis Toomey, visited Uberlandia and Rio to advance prepara- From a Paralympics Ireland perspective the tions for the holding camp base and to receive updates primary concerns relate to the following: on ROCOG’s preparations. At his address to the AGM later that month, Denis Toomey, noted strong word of Venue readiness, particularly in the Deodoro Zone caution on the state of preparations in Rio, particularly (hosting Equestrian, Football 7-a-side & Shooting). with regard to venue construction and transport. The published travel times to venues are A familiarisation camp took place in Uberlandia particularly lengthy with the use of dedicated commencing at the end of August which included the ‘Paralympic Lanes’ unconfirmed. Games HQ Team, sports science and medical team, The cost of and availability of suitable and athletes and support staff from the sports of ath- accommodation for non-official team members. letics, canoeing, cycling & swimming. The camp pro- Although taking place in the Brazilian vided Paralympics Ireland with a clear action plan for winter, temperatures and humidity will be changes to be made to ensure the camp base is 100% higher than expected (as experienced at the ready for the Pre Games Holding Camp in August 2016. familiarisation camp). This will require a The Chef de Mission Seminar took place in Rio detailed acclimatisation and travel strategy.

PAGE // 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Conflicting reports of the budget for the Games being cut and the likely impact on services Denis Toomey (Chef de Mission) being reduced for the Paralympic Games. Liam Harbison (CEO) Dave Malone (Performance Director) Progress has been made in many areas such as the following:

Confirmation of the final event programme 3.3 PARALYMPICS Publication of the final Games programme schedule Accommodation Allocation Agreement completed IRELAND GAMES between Paralympics Ireland and Rio 2016 Ticket sales agreement completed between PREPARATION Paralympics Ireland and Rio 2016. PROGRAMME “We are working hard to prepare for any challenges that emerge along the way to he Road to Rio plan continues to be rolled out. the Games. While we are satisfied that T Updates on the key operational areas are detailed ROCOG will have everything in place, we below: still need to prepare for the eventuality that this may not be the case. Our aim will TEAM APPOINTMENTS be to ensure that we do everything within The Board, subject to sufficient availability of our control to provide the performance accreditation made the following appointments to the environment for the Irish athletes to 2016 Irish Paralympic Team: excel irrespective of challenges that emerge from the organising committee.” Dave Malone – HQ Team Denis Toomey, Chef de Mission Fiona Murray – HQ Team Dr. Joe Conway – Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Faulkner – Team Physiotherapist The emergence of the Zika virus in late 2015 is Stephen McIvor – Team Sports Psychologist a further concern to potential team members and James Nolan – Athletics Team Leader Paralympics Ireland. Initial information that emerged Tommy McGowan – Cycling Team Leader suggested a potential link between Zika and Micro- Raymond Kane – Shooting Team Leader cephaly with particular concerns around pregnancy. Hayley Burke – Swimming Team Leader Paralympics Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer is review- Ronan Rooney – Table Tennis Team Leader ing all information emerging and will make clear rec- ommendations to the potential team members as to SPORT SCIENCE & MEDICAL SERVICES (SSM) preventative measures before, during and after travel The SSM team conduct quarterly meetings with to the Games. the Performance Director to assess the support needs of the athletes in preparation for the Games and to maximise support during the qualification phase. The SSM group met on four occasions in 2015 and has 3.2 PARALYMPIC reviewed in full the feedback from the Uberlandia Camp in September. This group are set to produce the PERFORMANCE Local Environment and Travel plan for the athletes and 3.0 support staff in early 2015. COMMITTEE (PPC) TEAM SELECTION PRINCIPLES & CRITERIA The 2016 Irish Paralympic Team Selection Principles he PPC, a joint Sport Ireland / PI committee to and Criteria was published by Paralympics Ireland T ensure the most effective co-ordination of activity in November 2015 following extensive discussion to support the preparation and performance of the with each sport. The document maps out for Irish Team for the Paralympic Games met on a further athletes the process of selection for the team to three occasions in 2015. The focus of the committee travel to Rio. The sports included in the document was monitoring performance through the 2015 Cham- are those deemed highly likely to qualify athletes pionships and finalising planning around the Uberlandia for the games. Further sports may be added later Camp base and the Rio 2016 Games. in 2016 but these sports will follow the same The Paralympics Ireland personnel on the PPC principles and processes as the other sports. alongside Paul McDermott, Austin Mallon and Erika Murphy of Sport Ireland include:



The selection timelines vary for each FREIGHT & EQUIPMENT sport. The Board aim to formally The experience of the group that travelled to announce the team on July 5th, 2016. Uberlandia provided a real insight to our ability to The document is available on the Paralympics move freight in and out of Brazil. The experience was Ireland website and is subject to on-going predominantly negative particularly accessing Uber- review and amendment by the Board. landia. As an example, a canoe shipped in July for the end of August camp was only released from customs in Brazil in December. Consequently, Paralympics Ireland “The overarching aim to select a High are now engaged solely with the official partners of Rio Performance Team of athletes winning to 2016 to ensure ease of movement. Kuehne + Nagel are win multiple medals for Ireland at the Rio working closely with the HQ team to ensure everything 2016 Paralympic Games in ” is in place to guarantee on time delivery to Uberlandia 2016 Irish Paralympic Team Selection and Rio. Principles and Criteria Rio 2016 has an extensive freight support plan in place for the sports of canoeing, equestrian, rowing and sailing. In each case Paralympics Ireland have signed TEAM LEADER RECRUITMENT & TRAINING on for inclusion whereby we are responsible for ship- Further Team Leader appointments are antici- ping boats and horses to designated European Hubs pated in early 2016 as and when sports secure athlete and Rio 2016 will take responsibility for their transfer quota slots for the Games. Paralympics Ireland in to and back from Rio. conjunction with the Institute of Sport have developed a comprehensive Team Leadership Development NPC ASSISTANTS Programme which is being rolled out throughout 2016 Paralympics Ireland had a great response to our but which commenced in the final quarter of 2015. call for ‘Irish’ volunteers who have applied to Rio 2016 to Mr Dave Passmore of DCU has been engaged to participate at the Games. Having reviewed the applica- develop and implement the programme on behalf of tions with Rio 2016, Paralympics Ireland have appointed the IIS. The programme has also engaged the support 3 Irish based individuals to act as our NPC Assistants in of the Army and An Garda Siochana as it follows the Rio during the Games. This approach greatly improves successful model of the IIS Pursuit of Excellence the support service to the Chef de Mission and the HQ Programme (PEP). Team during the Games.

GAMES KIT CONSULATE SUPPORT The supply of official team kit for Rio 2016 has The Irish Embassy officials in Brazil, led by H.E. been a significant challenge for the organisation. The Mr. Brian Glynn (Ambassador) have been in regular outcome from the London Games was a desire from communication and support to Paralympics Ireland. In the athletes for a major international high performance particular, Sao Paulo based representatives provided brand of kit to be recruited for the Rio Games. Despite assistance to the Uberlandia Camp group in transfer- the organisations best efforts, we have not secured ring through São Paulo in September. an official partner to supply the team kit. We have While no Irish consulate is currently in Rio, a tem- concluded a supply contract for the standard team kit porary consulate will be operating during the Olympic with Under Armour and have agreed an action plan in and Paralympic Games. Communication is on going place to ensure design, production and supply are in with the consulate staff on a range of areas to support accordance with the IPC’s Manufacturing Guidelines. the work of Paralympics Ireland in Rio. As no official partner has been secured, Paralym- pics Ireland are now in a position to offer limited bene- ACCOMMODATION fits to individual technical kit providers for each sport. Paralympics Ireland requires a host of additional Discussions are on going with a range of potential accommodation to service our Games operation. The providers, specifically the primary kit suppliers of each accommodation is required to cater for arrange of client NGB. groups: The parade uniform is still to be sourced. Additional team members (not accredited) e.g. Sports science team members Paralympics Ireland officials e.g. President, CEO etc. Paralympics Ireland Media Team Dignitaries

PAGE // 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Sponsors In order to ensure appropriate transport links for 3.4 GAMES these client groups we’ve accessed the official hotel programme of Rio 2016. While this approach is costly, PERFORMANCE it is deemed the most effective for Rio from a service, security and transport perspective. TARGETS TICKETING Paralympics Ireland completed the Ticket Sales aralympics Ireland set the following targets for Rio Agreement with Rio 2016 and is therefore an Autho- P 2016 in 2013: rised Ticket Reseller (ATR). The terms of the agreement restrict Paralympics Ireland to servicing the ticket Sustain a position on the official medals needs of Paralympics Ireland only. In light of our expe- table in the top 30 nations. riences of ticket sales for London 2012, the financial risk Top 30 on the medals table is achievable to the organisation with mass pre purchase of tickets, with an estimated minimum of 4 gold medals Paralympics Ireland decided not to sell tickets to the required at the Games to be close. general public. To service the public ticket need, the Increase in the overall team size IPC have retained the rights to sell tickets in Ireland. to in excess of 50 athletes. COSPORT have been appointed to sell tickets to Irish It is unlikely the team size will reach 50, however Para-sport fans as a result. the predicted team size of athletes is approx. Rio 2016 have announced an Athlete Family & 49 as of the end of 2015. This figure includes Friends Ticket programme whereby each athlete is ‘able bodied competition partners’ such as entitled to 2 tickets for every appearance for their des- tandem pilots (cycling) and guides (athletics). ignated family and friends on a paid basis. Paralym- When these are added, the likely overall pics Ireland is working with Rio 2016 to coordinate this athlete team size is approximately 48-49. programme with Irish athletes. Increase the number of sports winning medals on the Irish team. MEDIA PROGRAMME Four sports secured medals at London 2012. A media experiential day is planned for the first Currently we are projecting medals in three sports quarter of 2016 at which we aim to announce details with an outside possibility of a medal in fourth. of Paralympics Ireland’s Games media service. We Increase the number of sports on plan to service media requests from all Irish media the Irish team from 10. organisations across print, digital, radio and TV with a Depending on qualification over the course of dedicated PI team of up to 8 people. The away team will the remaining period to the Games, the number be led by Vice President John Fulham, and the home of sports may still exceed 10, however it is more service led by Sinead Naughton (Communications and likely that we will not achieve this target. Events Director) with a specific focus of supporting the extensive programming of RTÉ who are the National TV Rights Holder in Ireland. The media service will be complemented by pro- fessional imagery on a reproduction fee free basis by Irish sports photographic agency Sportsfile.

GUEST PROGRAMME Planning of our guest programme is at an advanced stage. The guest programme provides us with an opportunity to ensure key stakeholders and influencers are in attendance at the Games and expe- rience the Paralympic Spirit ‘live’. Our guest group will include representatives of Government, Sport Ireland, and Paralympics Ireland sponsors. We are confident the Government will be repre- sented by one of the Ministers for Sport. As a general It is estimated that the Irish Team will election is set to take place in Ireland in 2016, we won’t need to win a minimum of 4 gold medals be able to confirm this until a government is firmly at Rio 2016 to achieve our target of established. Top 30 on the official medals table

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 13 PICTURE: Jason Smyth, Brendan Murphy (CEO, Allianz Ireland), James Nolan, Deirdre Mongan and Niamh McCarthy


he full implementation of the Governance Code is here were a number of changes to the Board of T on going with significant progress made in 2015. T Directors in 2015: The organisation is gradually making the necessary Liam Moggan resigned as Vice President and was policy and operational adjustments in order to reach replaced by Eimear Breathnach. Consequently, full compliance. the Athletes Commission nominated James The Companies Act 2014 came into effect in July McCarthy to represent them on the Board. 2015 and allowed companies an 18-month transition Susan O’Connell stepped down from the Board period to make the necessary changes to the gover- Autumn 2015. The Board are currently seeking a nance structure. The Board agreed to bring forward the suitable replacement with similar legal skills. review of the Memorandum and Articles of Association The Board of Directors as at 31/12/2015 is as from the traditional post Games year to 2016 in order to follows: ensure the necessary compliance amendments are in place before the end of the transition period. POSITION NAME The Board have retained the services of Leman President James Gradwell Solicitors to assist us in the review process. The Board Vice President John Fulham aim to present revised governance documentation to the membership at the next AGM in April 2016. Vice President Eimear Breathnach The Charities Act 2014 became effective in 2015, Finance Officer Mark Riseley which included the setting up of the Charities Regula- Athletes Representative James McCarthy tory Commission. Paralympics Ireland has been regis- Member at Large Brendan Jennings tered with the Commission and is filing in accordance with our statutory obligations. Member at Large Jennifer Chamberlaine Member at Large Gordon D’Arcy Honorary Life Member Anne Ebbs

PAGE // 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Irish Taekwondo Union 4.3 STAFFING Rowing Ireland Table Tennis Ireland Tennis Ireland here were a number of staffing changes during Triathlon Ireland T 2015 with Nancy Chillingworth (Performance Advisor) and Naomi O’Reilly (Head of Classification) Multisport Disciplinary NGB Members: leaving the organisation. Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland* At the end of the 2015 the following positions Irish Wheelchair Association – Sport where in place and funded primarily from core and Vision Sports Ireland performance investment from the Sport Ireland. Paralympic Sports Organisations: SPORT IRELAND CORE FUNDED POSITIONS Boccia (CPSI)* Chief Executive Officer – Liam Harbison Football 5-a-Side (IBS) Performance Director – Dave Malone Football 7-a-Side (CPSI)* Office Administrator – Emma Heavin Paralympics Ireland Athletics Financial Administrator (Part- Performance Committee Time) – Patricia Fitzgerald Paralympics Ireland Swimming Performance Committee SPORT IRELAND HIGH PERFORMANCE Powerlifting (IWA) FUNDED POSITIONS: Wheelchair Basketball (IWA) Head of Paralympic Athletics – James Nolan Wheelchair Rugby (IWA) Para Swimming Operations Manager – Hayley Burk *CPSI went into liquidation in late 2015. Classification Coordinator (Part-Time) – To be filled The following new members were appointed SPORT NI FUNDED POSITIONS to Paralympics Ireland at the AGM in 2015: Performance Assistant – Fiona Murray Archery Ireland 4.0 Badminton Ireland PARALYMPICS IRELAND FUNDED POSITIONS Irish Taekwondo Union Commercial Director – Patrick Haslett Communications & Events The sports of Para Athletics and Para Swim- Director – Sinead Naughton ming are governed by Paralympics Ireland Media & Events Manager (Maternity as official sub committees. The composition Leave cover post) – Mary McGuire. of the two sub committees is as follows:

Sasha Maguire joined the team for a period on student work placement from UCD. ATHLETICS POSITION SWIMMING In order to fulfil the additional operational PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE demands of a Games year, a number of student place- COMMITTEE COMMITTEE ment and intern positions will be available in 2016. Eamon Henry Chairperson Mairead Farquharson James Nolan Head of Sport Hayley Burke Dave Sweeney National Coach Jim Laverty Dr. Joe Conway Sports Science Jon Faulkner 4.4 MEMBERSHIP Representative Paul McKee NGB Peter Banks he organisation had twenty-two fully paid member Representative T organisations in 2015. (AI/SI) Nicky Hamill Disability Sport Nicky Hamill THE LIST OF MEMBER ORGANISATIONS Member at IN 2015 INCLUDES: Large Vacant Disability Sport Frank Cullinane NGB Members: Member at Archery Ireland Large Badminton Ireland Canoeing Ireland Cycling Ireland Horse Sport Ireland Irish Sailing Association

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 15 The reserves floor for the organisation as per the 4.5 ATHLETES Financial Policies and Procedure Manual is €250,000. The development of the 2016 budget has proved par- COMMISSION ticularly challenging due to uncertainty of the level of Sport Ireland investment and uncertainty of the cost of some Games services provided by Rio 2016. The he purpose of the Athlete’s Commission (AC) is to Board have approved a provisional budget in December T give the athletes a forum to have an input into the 2015, which again reflects an operating deficit in 2016, preparation programmes of Paralympics Ireland before however the reserves floor should not be breached. each Paralympic Games. It also provides a direct link Sponsorship revenue and other donations are expected for Paralympics Ireland to confer with athlete advo- to grow as greater media focus and public interest will cates on particular issues. accrue during the Rio Games period. The AC met on three occasions in 2015 and con- Grant Thornton carried an audit of the organisa- tributed to discussions in a range of areas. tions finances and has presented the Auditors Report Following the appointment of Eimear Breathnach and Financial Statements in section 12 of this report. as Vice President of Paralympics Ireland, the AC elected The Board of Directors recommends the adoption of James McCarty as its new Chairperson. He subse- these accounts to the members. quently took the athletes representative place on the Board. Eimear Breathnach will retain her place on the AC until 2017. The primary focus of the AC is the development of the Paralympians Recognition Project. The project 4.7 LEGAL MATTERS aims to develop an official numbering and recognition programme for all Paralympians who have represented Ireland at Paralympic Games. The project-working rofessional legal services were provided by Leman group aims to launch the programme in 2016. P Solicitors. Leman were engaged in two specific areas in 2015, namely the provision of legal advice on a THE CURRENT COMPOSITION OF personnel disciplinary matter and an athlete grievance. THE AC IS AS FOLLOWS: No complaints were received in 2015 under the James McCarthy (Athletics) – Chairperson Paralympics Ireland Participants Rules and no litiga- Eimear Breathnach (Table Tennis) tion, of knowledge, is currently pending to Paralympics Helen Arbuthnot (Rowing) Ireland. Breda Bernie (Equestrian Eoin Cleare (Athletics) Colin Lynch (Cycling) Luke Evans (Football 7-a-Side) 4.8 STRATEGIC Enda Smyth (Cycling) stepped down from the AC in 2015. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 4.6 FINANCE mplementation of the strategic plan – Securing I Success Together – for the period 2014-2017 has been he financial position of Paralympics Ireland is cur- on going where possible. Many of the actions required T rently in a steady state with an operating surplus significantly improved budget for the organisation of of €15,790 recorded for the 2015 financial year. While approximately €2 million per annum (excluding Games the organisation achieved a surplus in 2015, the cash at years) which has not materialised to date. Nevertheless, bank figure at year-end was reduced by approximately the non-financial aspects of the plan are generally on €150,000. This cash reduction was as per the budget track for implementation by the end of 2017 as planned. approved by the Board. The level of cash reduction Further information on the specifics of the plan is reflects the financial requirements of the organisation detailed in section 5 of this report. through the four years Games cycle with reserves built up in years 1 and 2 in order to expend necessary resources on the preparation and participation of the Irish Team.

PAGE // 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5.0 PICTURE: Luke Evans POLICY FORMATION & DEVELOPMENT 5.0 and Paralympic Games. 5.1 SECURING Establish a talent identification model and performance pathway for Irish Paralympic athletes. SUCCESS Pursue organisational excellence underpinned by sustainable resources. TOGETHER Increase public awareness, deepen understanding and build support for Irish Paralympic sport. Achieve an international voice to serve and The overarching strategic goals for influence the global Paralympic movement. the organisation are as follows: IMPLEMENTATION Maximise medal potential of Irish athletes Some of the key developments on the at European & World Championships implementation of the plan include:

OBJECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION INITIATIVES Maximise Medal The new model has created a tiering of athletes at the elite level. This has allowed potential a greater prioritisation of resources to support podium potential athletes. Further development of dedicated sports science and medical support services to Paralympic panel athletes Piloting of a new athlete welfare programme called Ignition specifically aimed at athletes with high support needs. This pilot programme has been challenging to maintain momentum with the reliance on volunteer expertise; nevertheless the pilot continues to operate with two Paralympians receiving dedicated support. We hope to announce key outcomes from the pilot project in 2016. Review of the ISC’s International Carding Scheme in preparation for a transition of the scheme to Paralympics Ireland. Paralympics Ireland delayed taking administrative responsibility for the carding scheme in 2015 as a number of 10 core principles identified for a PI administered scheme require further consideration by Sport Ireland and some of our member NGB’s before agreement is finalised. Talent ID model This objective requires sustained long-term resource. The Board have approved a budget to commence the Paralympic Academy in 2016. The Paralympic Academy is currently being researched focusing on Para-sport youth development initiatives in other NPC’s. The Academy will focus on young athletes in tier 1 sports firstly and extended to other sports later. Organisational Implementation of the Governance Code is nearing completion. excellence Continued development of Paralympics Ireland sponsor/partner portfolio. Set up of the Commercial Advisory Group to advise and support diversified sponsorship and fundraising initiatives. Public awareness Implementation of a Media & Communications specific strategy for Paralympics Ireland Greatly enhanced relationship with RTÉ that will result in significantly enhanced Rio 2016 coverage on the national broadcaster. Increased coverage of Irish Championship teams on RTÉ News and radio programmes in 2015. Greater breadth and depth of coverage of Irish Para- athletes across print, digital, radio and TV. Development of a major awareness campaign called More Than Sport and rebuild of the Paralympics Ireland website. International Strengthening of Irish representation to IPC committees. influence Paralympics Ireland have won the bid for the 2018 IPC Swimming European Championships to be held in Dublin with its announcement pending subject to contract. Enhanced collaboration with other National Paralympic Committees to drive the international policy agenda at IPC. Appointment of Liam Harbison to chair a voting strategy-working group of European NPC’s for the 2017 IPC Governing Board elections.

PAGE // 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5.2 IPC LICENSING 5.5 CEREBRAL PALSY SPORTS aralympics Ireland coordinated athlete licensing P with IPC for sports governed by the IPC. 56 athletes in 4 sports were licensed in 2015 as follows: erebral Palsy Sport Ireland entered liquidation in C 2015 and putting a question mark over the gov- Athletics 37 Powerlifting 7 ernance of the sports of CP Football and Boccia. In Shooting 2 Swimming 10 consultation with the stakeholders of the two sports (including their respective International Federations) and in order to provide transitional administrative support, the Board of Paralympics Ireland approved 5.3 CLASSIFICATION the following steps: CP FOOTBALL he national classification programme had a chal- Become the national member of IFCPF T lenging year in 2015. The departure of the Head for a period of one year to ensure the of Classification resulted in the suspension of the participation of the Irish Team at Rio 2016. programme to allow Paralympics Ireland to review the Work with the FAI and Sport Ireland to effectiveness and focus of the programme. The review negotiate the transfer of governance for the was conducted with a range of classification stake- sport to the FAI over the course of 2016. holders and agreed a number of key actions prior to Administer the performance plan in full of the CP recommencing the national programme. Performance Programme in 2016 and seek Sport Ireland investment to replace the CPSI annual They included: contribution to the performance programme. Recruitment for a new post of Classification Coordinator BOCCIA Replace the Classification Advisory Group with Become the national member of BISFed the National Classification Committee (NCC) for a transitional period up to 2021. Develop terms of reference for the NCC and Form an official sub committee called Boccia appointment of an independent chairperson Ireland to rebuild the sport from the bottom up with agreed terms of reference. Paralympics Ireland aim to complete these three Seek Sport Ireland investment to recruit actions in the first quarter of 2016 and thanks the NGB’s a Boccia Development Manager. for their cooperation while the programme has been Develop an action plan to ensure Boccia under suspension. Ireland may become an official NGB for The members of the IPC approved the adop- the sport of Boccia in Ireland by 2021. tion of the revised IPC Athlete Classification Code at the General Assembly in November 2015. The code becomes effective from January 1st, 2017. The Clas- sification Coordinator and the NCC will be responsible 5.6 POLICY for ensuring Paralympics Ireland complies with its obligations as a signatory of the code. OUTLOOK

number of policy items are due to be addressed in 5.4 IPC NATIONALITY A 2016 by Paralympics Ireland. These include: Publication of revised Participant Rules and POLICY the Rio 2016 Team Member Agreement Transfer of coordination of the ISC Carding Scheme to Paralympics Ireland due to take effect in 2016. t is our view that the existing IPC Nationality Code Final policy amendments to ensure full I provides very limited protection for Paralympics compliance with The Governance Code. Ireland in our ability to prevent transfers of athletes Adoption of revised Memorandum who have competed for Ireland at Paralympic Games. & Articles of Association. Paralympics Ireland has made a representation to Development and approval of terms of reference the IPC requesting a review of the code as a matter for the National Classification Committee of urgency. Unfortunately, the IPC view is that as this Development and approval of terms only affects one country, they are not going to review of reference for Boccia Ireland the policy. 2017-2020 Quadrennial & Performance Plan.



for Tourism and Sport, Mr Michael Ring T.D. in early 6.1 CORPORATE January. Activation planning has continued with our part- PARTNERSHIP ners in the expectation of widespread use of the rela- tionship with Paralympics Ireland and the Irish Team by FOR RIO 2016 all our partners – Allianz Ireland, Mondelez, OCS Ireland Group, Dalata Hotel Group and McInerney Saunders. The Partner Network meet regularly to discuss activa- ecruitment of corporate sponsors proved challeng- tion planning and to develop cross partner activity and R ing once again in 2015, nevertheless a number of programmes. We are greatly encouraged by some of leads are still being actively pursued. As the momen- the ideas that will come to fruition in 2016, for example, tum towards the Rio Games grows with associated Allianz Ireland have signed 3 Paralympic athletes as media reportage, the level of engagement with poten- brand ambassadors and will feature them heavily in a tial sponsors has also gained greater impetus. We major advertising campaign in early 2016. were delighted to secure OCS Group Ireland as a new Paralympics Ireland has hosted partner events sponsor for a two-year deal in 2015. OCS Ireland Group to further develop the relationship with our part- previously supported the organisation in the build up to ners and to assist them with their staff engagement London 2012. With this sponsorship, the 2016 OCS Irish programmes. These events included an inter partner Paralympic Awards are now secure and the gala event football blitz and a wheelchair basketball tournament. will take place in December 2016. The announcement of On both occasions the team representing OCS Group this sponsorship and the launch of the awards are set Ireland won out. to be announced at OCS headquarters by the Minister While frustration continues amongst NPC’s with

PAGE // 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS commercial programmes on restrictions placed upon public who support Paralympics Ireland the opportu- us via the IOC-IPC Agreement, there are parallel benefits nity to donate to our programmes, Paralympics Ireland beginning to emerge at NPC level. Toyota will become have investigated ways to allow to utilise our charitable an IOC TOP Partner from January 2017. The IPC have status that compliments rather than negatively affect secured a reciprocal arrangement where support will the brand. filter down to every NPC. In effect, Paralympics Ireland Commercial Director, Patrick Haslett, has liaised will secure an eight-year partnership deal with Toyota with colleagues in similar roles in a host of NPC’s to from 2017 to 2024. Full details are yet to be finalised, examine ways to develop this further. Aligned with the nevertheless it places the organisation on a positive development of the website and the More Than Sport sponsorship footing heading into the next Games cycle. campaign, Paralympics Ireland will add a More Than A similar partnership with a major global banking Giving element to encourage public donations and partner was also recently flagged by IPC. We await support via text code, charitable fundraising events e.g. further details and hope to announce a partnership in Mini marathon etc. In addition, we are actively recruiting that category in 2016 also. official beneficiary charity status with a range of events and commercial partners to boost revenue from our charitable activities. 6.2 COMMERCIAL ADVISORY GROUP

ith the challenging sponsorship market our need W to diversify non-state revenue streams has been addressed with the creation of the Commercial Advisory Group. The specific remit of the group is to

a). Fund performance/operational needs of the 2016 Irish Paralympic Team to the fullest b). Develop a sustainable commercial and fund- 6.4 COMMERCIAL raising strategy for the Tokyo 2020 cycle. PROGRAMME The group meet every two months and have to date advised on the following: OUTLOOK 6.0 The Corporate Donation Programme titled Champions. he budgetary challenges for the organisation in London focussed supporter events. T a Games year cannot be underestimated. The The first Paralympics Ireland Gala Fundraising approved budget for Paralympics Ireland in 2016 Ball to take place in the Summer of 2016. requires turnover of €2.2 million in order to fully serve the needs of the Rio team. The budget target for spon- The group consists of a host of highly connected sorship and fundraising is set at €564,000 which marks and influential individuals committed to support- a highly significant challenge. We are confident that the ing Paralympic sport in Ireland. The serving group programmes in place with the Commercial Advisory members in 2015 where Brendan Jennings, Gary Mac- Group, the More Than Sport campaign and the sponsor- Manus, Catherina Casey, Maeve Moriarty, Gerry Shields, ship revenue due will secure the target figure. Fergus Slattery, Michael O’Keeffe and Eddie O’Brien. The outlook for corporate partnership is encour- Gordan D’Arcy and Carla Stockton Jones (Sky TV) will aging as the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games draws nearer join the group in early 2016. and becomes more vivid in the eyes of potential part- ners. Our sponsorship proposition offers comprehen- sive rights and benefits to prospective partners, plus dedicated support from our Commercial Director. 6.3 CHARITABLE As we move through 2016, the focus will shift to finalising the sponsorship proposal for the Tokyo 2020 FUNDRAISING / cycle and retention of existing partners for further support. In addition, the opportunities created by MORE THAN SPORT hosting the 2018 Para Swimming European Champi- onships will ensure the four year Games gap in media exposure for Para-sport in Ireland is not apparent in aralympics Ireland has been slow to utilise its offi- the next cycle, nevertheless it will be important to P cial charity status publicly in the past for fear of ensure that the organisation commercial programme diluting the brand of an elite high performance sporting is not negatively affected by the commercial revenue body. With the need to diversify revenue and provide the requirements to host the championships.

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 21 PICTURE: Luke Evans and Ellen Keane at Clayton Hotel, Ballsbridge


team along with sourcing and syndication of profes- 7.1 sional imagery on a reproduction fee free basis. Some of the main outcomes included regular reporting in COMMUNICATIONS national and local media as well as online, particularly around medal success in the sports of athletics, cycling & MEDIA ACTIVITY and swimming. The reproduction of imagery by media organisations is greatest in the sports of athletics and football. While the budget for photography is substan- ur strategic objective to “Increase public aware- tial, we believe it is highly effective as we claim the O ness, deepen understanding and build support for usage rights of all images and have a significant image Irish Paralympic Sport” was the primary focus of the library now available to our stakeholders with Sports- Communications and Events Department, led by Sinead file. The relationship with Sportsfile has been built Naughton. The significant improvement in coverage of across 8 years now since Beijing 2008. Negotiations Irish Para-sport since London 20012 continued in 2015 are at an advanced stage to ensure Sportsfile produce with reporting of Irish Para-athletes in major Cham- extensive imagery of every Irish athletes performance pionships now commonplace. We continue to harness at the Rio 2016 Games. supportive relationships to expand the level of this We continue to struggle to source major cham- coverage. Of particular interest was 2015 marked pionship footage when it is available due to excessive the first time that RTÉ News sent a reporter to cover technical costs. This results in poor interest amongst the qualification of the CP Football Team at the World broadcasters in sourcing broadcast clips. Despite this Championships in Burton-on-Trent in England. we have made some progress with IPC in relation to Paralympics Ireland actively supports this cover- the IPC sports and hope to develop this further in 2016. age with dedicated support from our communications

PAGE // 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7.2 MEDIA & 7.4 EDUCATION COMMUNICATIONS The increasing focus of the media on Para-sport STRATEGY provides great opportunities for the movement if handled and support correctly. This increased focus however can place great demands on athletes and he strategy agreed in 2014 is being implemented support staff. Paralympics Ireland have an extensive T gradually with a focus on building relationships media training plan in place to support the athletes with media organisations and personnel to maximise develop their media profile and increase their ability coverage of the team in Rio but also in building the to maximise opportunities to promote Para-sport on audience in advance via a range of means. Meetings the back of their success. The potential medal zone with the sports editors took place in 2015, which were athletes along with team leaders and coaches took very positive and indicates a strong willingness on the part in a dedicated media training workshop with Jack media organisations to cover Para-sport, provided the Murray of Media HQ November. Training will be made content is provided and continuous. We are satisfied available to the rest of the athletes via the training we have fulfilled these requirements and are seeing camps programme in 2016. an uplift as a result. Another first was the appearance on the Saturday Night Show by Ellen Keane, Luke Evans and Sean Baldwin. This appearance a full 18 months before the Games was a huge boost to our aim of build- 7.4 2018 IPC ing awareness. The digital media channels such as, Joe. SWIMMING ie,, etc. are providing a whole new avenue for increasing coverage of Para-sport. We continue to EUROPEAN target this new medium in the build up to Rio to com- pliment the extensive coverage given to date. in CHAMPIONSHIPS particular provided extensive coverage of many of the qualifying events in 2015, particularly the CP Football BID which was supported by Allianz. To support our media strategy, we are actively seeking commitments for media organisations to firstly PC Swimming advised Paralympics Ireland in 2015 secure their coverage of the Games and ssecondly I that our bid to host the 2018 Para Swimming Euro- guarantee page space, air time etc. We are confident pean Championships is the preferred bid. Host contract 7.0 a number of organisations will send representatives to negotiations are on going with agreement anticipated Brazil to cover the Games. in early 2016. The bid comprised of a partnership with a range of event partners including Swim Ireland, the National Sports Campus Development Authority, Fáilte Ireland 7.3 TV and Abbey Tours. It is anticipated that a separate entity will be established to act as the Local Organising Com- mittee. TÉ via the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) have R secured the rights to cover the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. Paralympics Ireland is working closely with RTÉ in developing the broadcast plan for the Games. This plan is close to announcement and will include extensive Paralympics Ireland coverage across TV, news, radio and online. The rela- were appointed the tionship is very strong with a noticeable uplift in cover- preferred bidder age already evident as a result. It is anticipated that RTÉ for the 2018 Para- will produce a nightly hour long programme with in-stu- Swimming European dio analysis during the Games and come on air ‘live’ at Championships other times for potential medal opportunities. This is a vast increase form London 2012 and one Paralympics Ireland is pleased to commend and support. Paralympics Ireland with RTÉ have also applied for funding from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland to develop an hour long documentary of ‘behind the scenes’ with the Irish Paralympic Team. This appli- cation has been supported heavily by RTÉ and IPC. A decision on this funding is due in March 2016 with the documentary provisional scheduled for prime time on RTÉ 2 during the 2016 Christmas period.

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 23 MEMBERSHIPS 8.0& EXTERNAL RELATIONS PICTURE: Niamh McCarthy Athletes with High Support Needs (AHSN) 8.1 INTERNATIONAL Roy Guerin as athletes’ representative to IPC PARALYMPIC Powerlifting’s Sport Technical Committee. Paralympics Ireland also notes the appointment COMMITTEE (IPC) of James Murrihy to the Board of the International Fed- eration for Cerebral Palsy Football (IFCPF) as a further encouraging step. he supreme governing authority of the IPC is the T General Assembly, which takes place every 2 years. The 2015 edition took place in Mexico City in November at which a range of issues where considered and voted 8.2 EUROPEAN upon. Paralympics Ireland were represented at the General Assembly by President James Gradwell and PARALYMPIC CEO/Secretary General Liam Harbison. COMMITTEE (EPC) Some of the primary outcomes included: Nine new members were appointed to the IPC – NPC Aruba, NPC Yeman, NPC St. Vincent & the he EPC had an encouraging year with a range of Grenadines, NPC Guinea-Bissau, NPC Somalia, T programmes beginning to emerge that benefit the World Taekwondo Federation, International Sailing wider para sport movement in Europe. The EPC have Federation, IFCPF, Badminton World Federation. trailblazed the development of women in Paralympic Rio 2016 is set to break many records for sport and set up the WoMentoring Programme with Paralympic Games – 4350 athletes from assistance from the Agitos Foundation. Successful 180 countries 22 sports, 3.3 million tickets, applicants were assigned a dedicated mentor for the Cumulative TV audience of 4 billion and period of a year to develop their leadership capacity. more. Impressive online insight figures. Eimear Breathnach was successful in her application IPC’s social media traffic increased hugely in from the programme and has been since highlighted as 2015 – Facebook up 15% and Twitter up 27% one of the major success stories of the programme with The IOSD, Regions and Sports Councils of the her recent elevation to the position of Vice President of 8.0IPC have been dissolved and replaced with Paralympics Ireland. independent bodies for each group respectively. The 2nd EPC Youth Games took place in Varadzin, The General Assembly formally adopted the Croatia in June. Paralympics Ireland sent a small team revised IPC Athlete Classification Code, which of 4 athletes (1 athletics, 3 swimming) to participate. becomes effective on January 1st, 2017. The team were very successful finishing 8th on the final The members passed a motion called on the medals table. This event is in its infancy and requires IPC to revert with alternative plans at the continued support from Europe’s NPCs. The EPC have next General Assembly to reduce the costs of committed to holding a Youth Games every two years. registration fees for IPC Sports Championships. The European Paralympic Committee General The IPC will hold an open discussion with the Assembly took place in Lisbon, Portugal, in Septem- members every four years on the make-up ber. CEO/Secretary General Liam Harbison repre- of the Paralympic Games sport programme sented Paralympics Ireland. The event was preceded and will publish the process for selecting by a development workshop at which two strong (but the sports on the sport programme at least possibly conflicting) views on the direction of the EPC seven years prior to a Paralympic Games. emerged. A large cohort felt the EPC should become A motion to ‘fill the 23rd sport’ for the Tokyo more politically active within the IPC and advocate 2020 Paralympic Games was narrowly defeated strongly on behalf of European nations. Another group by 41 votes to 34 with 8 abstentions. felt the focus of the EPC should be on youth pathways IPC will advise the members by April 2016 of and competitions. a mechanism for NPC’s to classify athletes The primary discussion points at the General with Intellectual Impairment without the Assembly centred on the recent decision of IPC to NPC having to be a member of INIS. remove CP Football and Sailing from the Tokyo 2020 sport programme and the coordination of the European Following an analysis of the representation of region for the 2017 IPC Governing Board elections. In NPC’s on IPC councils, committees etc. it became clear order to attempt to coordinate the votes of the European that no nominee of Paralympics Ireland had ever been region at the IPC elections, a working group was set up appointed to IPC governing structures. In the last year to design the strategy. Liam Harbison was appointed we are pleased to advise that this situation has been Chairperson of the working group and has set about rectified with the following appointments confirmed: the task with fellow group members.

Liam Harbison to IPC’s working group on

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 25 this, direct carding support to 23 Paralympic athletes 8.3 DEPARTMENT of €573,000 was also announced. Sport Ireland also jointly fund a PhD research student with Paralympics OF TRANSPORT, Ireland to the value of €12,000 annually for three years. In December 2014, the ISC gave a further boost to TOURISM & Rio 2016 preparations with an additional investment to Paralympics Ireland for the Uberlandia training base SPORT (DTTS) of €188,154. This investment covered the costs of the Familiarisation Camp in 2015 and secures hotel space, sports venue access and other ancillary services in aralympics Ireland had a number of contacts with Brazil for the 2016 Pre Games Holding Camp. P the Department during 2015. At the announcement of the investment by Sport The drawdown of the Sports Capital Grant from Ireland in February, Kieran Mulvey stressed the need 2014 was progressed substantially during 2015 with for growth in NGB investment by the state following the ownership of the bulk of equipment purchased years of cuts. The downward cycle would appear to now successfully transferred to Paralympics Ireland’s have turned with a significant increase for Sport Ireland member NGB’s. The purchase of the equipment and the announced in the recent budget of €3 million. drawdown of the grant are taking place on a phased The annualised funding model utilised does basis and should be complete by midsummer 2016. present risks to our future planning and financial sta- Paralympics Ireland has purchased a fully branded bility as poor performance in any given year can lead to Renault Master van for use by all members under this a swift investment cut the following year. Paralympics scheme. The van was loaned to six Paralympics Ireland Ireland calls on the Government and Sport Ireland to member organisations for varying periods during 2015 do everything in their power to bring Paralympic sports in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed. funding in line with the Games cycle, and permit a 4 In accordance with the conditions attached to year funding model to commence as soon as possible. Sports Capital Programme funding, Paralympics To secure this for the Tokyo 2020 cycle, this needs to Ireland formally acknowledge: be prioritised as a matter of urgency. That the funding was provided by the Discussions with Sport Ireland regarding our Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport investment needs for 2016 continue and will be That it was provided under the finalised early in January 2016, however indications are Sports Capital Programme that investment to Paralympics Ireland will be static in The total amount of the grant allocated to Performance plan investment and in Core investment Paralympics Ireland was €‎200,000 (Administration & programmes). An additional Games €87,390 of funding was received in the period Costs investment is currently being finalised as part of covered by the 2015 financial statements the 2016 investment package. The grant was allocated for the The Paralympic Performance Committee (PPC – provision of equipment to support the Joint body to oversee the preparation and coordination development of Paralympic Sport. of the Irish team for Paralympic Games) met on three occasions 2014. Paralympics Ireland continues to be represented on Sport Ireland’s High Performance Committee (HPC) 8.4 IRISH SPORTS by CEO, Liam Harbison. The committee was re-es- tablished in late 2015 following the creation of Sport COUNCIL (ISC) / Ireland under the Chairpersonship of Liam Sheedy. The administration of the International Carding SPORT IRELAND (SI) Scheme has still not transferred to Paralympics Ireland as originally planned. Lengthy discussions are on going over a set of principles presented to Sport he Sport Ireland Act merging the Irish Sports Ireland on how Paralympics Ireland proposes to run T Council with the National Sports Campus Develop- the scheme. Paralympics Ireland aims to transform the ment Authority came into effect on October 1st, 2015. scheme but understand that Sport Ireland has some The new merged entity called Sport Ireland is chaired key considerations before signing off on our propos- by Mr Kieran Mulvey and its CEO is Mr John Treacy. als. The athletes have been informed that the scheme Sport Ireland remains the primary investor will change considerably following the Rio Paralympic and supporter of Paralympic Sport in Ireland. A total Games. We anticipate rollout of the Paralympics Ireland investment package to Paralympics Ireland for 2015 Direct Athlete Support Scheme from January 1st, 2017. of €990,000 was announced in February. In addition to

PAGE // 26 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Pursuit of Excellence Programme (PEP), Lifestyle ser- vices support and the Evolution Series of workshops for athletes as part of the Rio 2016 Athlete Transition Programme. Paralympics Ireland has also received great support from the IIS in designing and implementing the Team Leadership Programme for our key personnel in the build up to the Rio Paralympic Games.

“The impact of the creation of Sport Ireland on High Performance Sport will be seen over time. As we move into the Tokyo 2020 cycle I strongly encourage Sport Ireland to restate its commitment to High Performance Sport, and para sport specifically. Sustained incremental investment is required on a multi-annualised basis in order to allow “The Team Leadership Programme has Ireland’s sporting bodies to plan for and will continue to play a major part continued future Championship success.” in strengthening the Rio Leadership Liam Harbison, CEO Paralympics Ireland Team by creating an understanding that there is a bigger support available to each leader outside their individual sports team and building their ability to respond to the many ‘curve balls’ 8.6 IRISH INSTITUTE that the Games will throw at us all.“ OF SPORT (IIS) Denis Toomey, Chef de Mission

aralympics Ireland continued to work closely with P the IIS throughout 2015 on a range of programmes. 8.6 SPORT NI Carded athletes continue to access performance services at the IIS, located next to our offices on the national Sports Campus. The Paralympic service hub port NI continued to support three NI based was also extended in 2015 with greater capacity and S Paralympic athletes in 2015 via the Athlete Invest- service supports available to meet the growing demand ment Programme. One athlete retired early in the year as athletes’ target Rio qualification. and had support withdrawn accordingly. The IIS on the National Sports Campus was a con- The current investment package for Paralympics struction site for most of the year as a major extension Ireland covers the costs associated with the Perfor- was put in place. As year ended the IIS clearly became mance Assistant role. This package is in place from a truly world class facility for elite high performance until March 2017. We are currently trying to secure a athletes to access support in an elite performance further package for the Tokyo cycle. Budget cuts to setting. We wish Gary Keegan and the team at the IIS the Sport NI budget during the recent political insta- every success with the new building. It is apparent bility would appear to have been restored somewhat, that significant resource needs to follow the capital which we hope will convert into increased support for investment. This is to ensure the potential of the IIS is Paralympics Ireland. realized with additional services providers and disci- plines needed to optimize performance outcomes for Irish high performance sport. This need is apparent as Paralympics Ireland’s investment in support services, which should be provided by greater capacity at the IIS, is growing at a considerable rate and impacting on our ability to resource other key areas of the Paralympics Ireland Performance Plan. Other key programmes of the IIS of which Paralympic sport derives great benefit include the


he Federation continues to advocate on a range of he Para-sports governance landscape was rocked T issues on behalf of the sports bodies. The mem- T in 2015 with founding member of the Paralympic bership of the Federation consists of NGB’s and LSP’s Council of Ireland (now Paralympics Ireland), Cerebral throughout Ireland. In the autumn the Federation Palsy Sport Ireland, entering liquidation with a receiver published it’s ‘Manifesto’ of 5 key asks of the political appointed. Paralympics Ireland are listed in the sched- parties for consideration in their own manifestos for ule of creditors with a claim of €3,188. With the winding the forthcoming General Election. The 5 key asks were: up of the organisation underway, we have been advised by the creditors that; “it is unlikely that a dividend will be NATIONAL SPORTS POLICY paid to any class of creditor in the liquidation”. Develop, adopt & implement a sport strategy With regard to the future of the two main CP (over the next political cycle) that looks to maximise Sports, Boccia and CP Football, Paralympics Ireland the power and positivity of sport across Government are working to ensure their continuity as referenced in to enhance the lives and health of all Ireland’s citizens. section 5.5 of this report. The transfer of governance in the sport of table FUNDING tennis in 2014 had a number of teething problems Aim to restore funding levels for sport to placing some strain on the development of Para-table 2008 levels by 2021 through costed programmes tennis. Paralympics Ireland provided some adminis- and initiatives to deliver targeted outcomes trative support to the sport to ensure the operational in terms of increased participation and reten- support of the athletes seeking Rio 2016 qualification tion levels as well as international performance. was in place.

A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD? Treat sport on a par with all other areas of the not for profit sector by introducing a tax relief on dona- 8.8 OLYMPIC tions to sporting bodies in respect of items of current expenditure. COUNCIL OF GIVE YOUTH THE BEST CHANCE IRELAND (OCI) Provide the next generation with the best opportu- nities and commit to the delivery of at least 2 hours manda- tory sport & physical activity (as recommended by DoH/ ollaboration between the OCI and Paralympics WHO in schools each week) whilst trying to formalise C Ireland continues on an ad hoc and informal basis links between schools and community sports clubs. with positive relationships established. On particular note is strong collaboration in the planning of the TOURISM training base for both organisations in Uberlandia. Develop a sport specialist dedicated bidding Other knowledge sharing is taking place with regards entity/unit to ensure Ireland benefits from the €450 to freight, rate card, local environment strategies and billion worldwide sports tourism industry whilst allow- the Zika Virus. ing our international athletes compete more frequently at home.

The Federation in 2015 also organized the 8.9 OTHER Inaugural Irish Sports Industry Awards and Irish Volunteer in Sports Awards. AFFILIATIONS The Federation Insurance Scheme with JLT provides significant cost and service benefits to members. Paralympics Ireland o support the work of the organisation, particu- is fully engaged in this scheme. T larly on the commercial side, Paralympics Ireland Paralympics Ireland’s CEO Liam Harbison continues retained membership of the following groups in 2015: to serve as a Director of the Federation. The Wheel Irish International Business Network Sport for Business JustGiving


9.0ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paralympics Ireland’s commercial sponsors & 9.0 ACKNOWL- supporters: - Allianz EDGEMENTS - Mondelez - OCS Ireland Group - Dalata Hotel Group Athletes and support staff of all teams - McInerney Saunders who competed internationally. Paralympic Performance Committee. Paralympics Ireland Board Members Members of Paralympics Ireland’s & Forum Delegates. Commercial Advisory Group. Paralympics Ireland staff. Irish Institute of Sport led by Mr Affiliated NGBs and Sports including Gary Keegan and his staff. their staff and volunteers. Rob Hartnett of Sport For Business. Paralympics Ireland’s Athletes Commission. Coaching Ireland led by Mr Michael Paralympics Ireland’s Sports Science & McGeehin and his staff. Medical team and other service providers Disability Sport Northern Ireland of athletes in their domestic setting. led by Mr Kevin O’Neill. Minister for Transport, Tourism & Colleagues and friends in the International Sport, Mr Paschal Donohue. Paralympic Committee, the European Paralympic Minister of State for Tourism & Committee & NPC’s around the world. Sport, Mr Michael Ring. Dave Conway, Director of the Sport Ireland led by Mr John Treacy (CE0), Mr National Sports Campus. Kieran Mulvey (Chairperson) and their staff. Sarah Keane, CEO of Swim Ireland and her team. High Performance Unit of Sport Ireland Patricia McColgan and the team at AbbeyTours. led by Mr Paul McDermott. Major events team at Fáilte Ireland. Sport NI chaired by Mr Brian Henning and the staff. Supportive employers of athletes and support staff.


well for Paralympics Ireland. The support team appoint- 10.0 OUTLOOK ments are10.0 almost complete and the selection process for the athletes has been clearly outlined. The logistics of travel and provision of team apparel continue to be s we enter a Games year, the primary focus of finalised and the budget negotiations are progressing A Paralympics Ireland is selecting the best possi- well with our key partners and Sport Ireland. The ancil- ble team for Ireland and preparing those athletes to lary but essential games services are also being put excel on the greatest stage of all. This year gives the in place, such as our own media service team and the organisation an opportunity to deliver on its mission of VIP Guest Programme. We are very hopeful that the ‘Leading elite athletes with a disability to Paralympic Minister of Sport will represent the Government at the Games success’. Qualification has been steady with an Games in support of the Irish Team. estimated final team size of between 45-50 athletes Games year also brings a plethora of additional anticipated which will compete in Rio under the stew- events to be coordinated by the organisation. 2016 will ardship of Chef de Mission Denis Toomey and Perfor- be a phenomenally busy year with training camps, team mance Director Dave Malone. announcement, a talent search event with Mondelez The Games in Rio will present many challenges and the OCS Irish Paralympic Awards to coordinate. both from an environmental and an operational per- Our ambitious, but necessary, fundraising programme spective. Reports are widespread of challenges facing will see the first Paralympics Ireland Gala Fundraising the Rio 2016 Organising Committee with regard to venue Ball take place on July 2nd – aptly titled the ‘More Than readiness, transport links being completed, budget cuts Sport Ball’. along with a wider crisis with the Brazilian economy. Away from the Games, the organisation will review We are reassured by the IPC that the Games will be its constitution in readiness for new Board elections in a great success and that they have a close eye on the 2017. Preparations will also be put in place for 2017- preparations for the Games. Lingering concerns remain 2020 with the development of the new performance over the transport system to venues with lengthy travel plan, the setting up of the Paralympic Academy and times predicted, the spread of the Zika virus and the the transition of the administration of the International preventative measures in place, security and safety of Carding Scheme to Paralympics Ireland. team members and officials. Paralympics Ireland will continue to work closely with the IPC and the Rio 2016 Organising Committee to take all necessary measures Paralympics Ireland has set a to ensure the Games experience is extremely positive target of 8 medals from the Rio and successful for Ireland’s team. 2016 Paralympic Games The many pieces of the large jigsaw that is putting the Games operation in place have come together very

PAGE // 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The programme of work for 2016 has been finalised TEAM DEVELOPMENT with clear goals and objectives as detailed below: Complete the selection of the 2016 Irish Paralympic Team in accordance with the STRATEGIC PLAN published selection principles and criteria. Successful operational and performance Host a Multisport Camp in Dublin delivery of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games Host a Team Gathering in August to finalise Commencement of the Paralympic Academy all aspects of the mission to Rio. Increased output and quality of Paralympic Games coverage in Ireland COMMUNICATIONS & EVENTS Review of PI constitution Host a media experiential event Sign 2018 Para Swimming European BAI funding for Paralympic documentary secured Championships host contract Media training programme delivered to athletes Launch of the More Than Sport campaign PERFORMANCE and the new Paralympics Ireland website Secure top-level athlete performance Deliver the PI Games Media service as per 2016 performance plan: across TV, radio, print and online. Secure at least 45 athlete quota slots Rio 2016 Maximise the coverage of the Secure a top 30 place on the Official Medals Table Paralympic Games in Ireland Win 8 medals at Rio 2016 Complete a detailed debrief of the Rio Games and COMMERCIAL Paralympics Ireland Performance Programme Secure one new major sponsor for Rio 2016 Develop the 2017-2020 Quadrennial Develop the 2017-2020 sponsorship programme and Performance Plan and commence recruitment/retention Implement PI’s Corporate Donation Programme SPORTS SCIENCE & MEDICAL (SSM) Successfully deliver the More Than Sport Ball Publish the Rio Local Environment Strategy Quarterly SSM Group meetings to identify GOVERNANCE ‘red flag’ athletes and identify strategies to Complete the full implementation support improved performance at Rio 2016 of the Governance Code Increase operational capacity in Complete obligations under the new agreement with the IIS. Charities Acts and Lobbying Act. 10.0 Finalise the key SSM appointments Secure approval for the revised constitution to the Rio 2016 Team. (Memorandum & Articles of Association)

CLASSIFICATION Paralympics Ireland is ready to deliver for the Appoint a new Classification Coordinator members over the coming year and looks forward to Approve Terms of Reference for the new National supporting your athletes as they strive for success at Classification Committee and appoint its members Rio 2016. The Board and staff are committed to deliv- Develop a classification calendar for ering on our objectives for 2016 and addressing the 2016 and 2017 and recommence the uncharted waters of the next Games cycle with detailed National Classification Programme. planning. The outlook for Tokyo with the removal of CP Finalise readiness for implementation of the IPC Football and Sailing from the programme immediately Athlete Classification Code from 1st January 2017. places a huge challenge on the organisation in terms of team size for the 2020 Games. With the Mondelez RIO 2016 OPERATIONS Talent Search event and the launch of the Paralympic Finalise logistical, travel and kit plans Academy we aim to ensure a continued throughput of Deliver top-class pre Games holding athletes on a clear talent pathway with our members to camp environment and experience ensure we maintain our strength in the wider Paralym- for the team in Uberlandia. pic movement into the future. We look forward to the Successfully implement the Games plan. on going engagement with member organisations to increase our mutual effectiveness in support of Rio success.

PICTURE: Eoghan Clifford


Appendix 1 – Report on Irish Performances at 2015 major championships



2015 IPC ATHLETICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, DOHA, QATAR SPORT ATHLETE EVENT RESULT PLACING MEDAL RECORD Athletics Niamh McCarthy F40-41 Discus Final 23.66 3rd Bronze Athletics Deirdre Mongan F53 Shot Put Final 4.02 3rd Bronze Athletics Hayley F40 Shot Put Final 5.20 6th PB Fitzsimons Athletics Jason Smyth T13 100m Semi Final 10.78 1st Athletics Jason Smyth T13 100m Final 10.62 1st Gold SB Athletics John McCarthy T51 100m Semi Final 24.69 4th Qualify for Final Athletics John McCarthy T51 100m Final 25.40 8th Athletics John McCarthy T51 400m Semi Final 01:36.03 2nd Qualify for Final Athletics John McCarthy T51 400m Final 01:35.4 6th Athletics Lorraine Regan F55/56 Javelin Final 14.47 9th Athletics Michael McKillop T37/38 800m Semi Final 02:07.16 1st Qualify SB for Final Athletics Michael McKillop T37/38 800m Final 02:01.31 1st Gold SB Athletics Michael McKillop T37 1500m Final 04:16.19 1st Gold Athletics Noelle Lenihan F37/38 Discus Final 31.64 2nd F38 Silver WR, PB Athletics Orla Barry F56/57 Discus Final 29.82 3rd Bronze SB 2015 IPC ATHLETICS WORLD MARATHON CHAMPIONSHIPS, LONDON, GREAT BRITAIN Athletics Patrick Monahan T53/54 Marathon 01:46.47 24th PB 2015 ICF CANOE SPRINT & PARACANOE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, MILAN, ITALY Canoe Patrick O’Leary KL3 200m – Heat 3 44.696 Canoe Patrick O’Leary KL3 200m – Final 42.399 9th 2015 ECA EUROPEAN CANOE SPRINT SENIORS CHAMPIONSHIPS, CZECH REPUBLIC Canoe Patrick O’Leary KL3 200m – Heat 2 44.208 2nd Canoe Patrick O’Leary KL3 200m – Final 42.536 4th 2015 UCI PARACYLING TRACK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, APELDOORN, NETHERLANDS Cycling Colin Lynch MC2 1km Time Trial 1.19.83 9th Cycling Eoghan Clifford MC3 1km Time Trial 1.15.448 9th Cycling Katie George WB 1km Time Trial 1.13.566 8th Dunleavy/Eve McCrystal Cycling Peter Ryan and MB 1km Time Trial 1.06.323 12th Damien Shaw Cycling Colin Lynch MC2 3km Individual Pursuit 3.55.453 4th Final Cycling Eoghan Clifford MC3 3km Individual Pursuit 3.39.945 3rd Qualifiers 11.0PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 33 2015 UCI PARACYLING TRACK WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, APELDOORN, NETHERLANDS SPORT ATHLETE EVENT RESULT PLACING MEDAL RECORD Cycling Eoghan Clifford MC3 3km Individual Pursuit 3.39.724 3rd Bronze Bronze Medal Final Cycling Katie George WB 3km Individual Pursuit 3.40.770 3rd Dunleavy/Eve Qualifiers McCrystal Cycling Katie George WB 3km Individual Pursuit 03:39.5 3rd Bronze Dunleavy/Eve Bronze Medal Final McCrystal Cycling Peter Ryan and MB 4km Individual Pursuit 4.30.903 8th Damien Shaw Qualifiers Cycling Colin Lynch MC1-2-3 Scratch Race Final DNF DNF Cycling Eoghan Clifford MCI-2-3 Scratch Race Final 19:45.3 1st Gold 2015 UCI PARACYLING ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, NOTWILL, SWITZERLAND Cycling Colin Lynch MC2 Time Trial 33:37.50 9th Cycling Peter Ryan/ MB Time Trial 49:22.48 15th Dermot Radford Cycling Katie George WB Time Trial 54:49.30 5th Dunlevy/Eve McCrystal Cycling Eoghan Clifford MC3 Time Trial 48:53.60 1st Gold Cycling Colin Lynch MC2 Road Race DNF Cycling Peter Ryan/ MB Road Race 03:06:24 15th Dermot Radford Cycling Katie George WB Road Race 02:25:05 4th Dunlevy/Eve McCrystal Cycling Eoghan Clifford MC3 Road Race 01:28:58 5th 2015 FEI EUROPEAN PARA DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS, DEAUVILLE, FRANCE Equestrian Kate Kerr Horan II Freestyle 68.5 6th (Arlande) Equestrian Helen Kearney Ia Individual Test 70.174 7th (Rock & Roll 2) Equestrian Kathryn IV Individual Test 64.762 10th Gallagher (Waragon) Equestrian Kate Kerr Horan II Individual Test 67.371 7th (Arlande) Equestrian Helen Kearney Ia Team Test 66.783 14th (Rock & Roll 2) Equestrian Kathryn IV Team Test 68.786 8th Gallagher (Waragon) Equestrian Kate Kerr Horan II Team Test 65.676 8th (Arlande) Equestrian Ireland Team Championship 403.502 11th 2015 IFCPF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, BURTON-ON-TRENT, GREAT BRITAIN Football Pool Match 1 Ireland V Russia (8)-(1) Scorer: G Loss Messett Football Pool Match 2 Ireland V Australia (4)-(1) Scorers: G Win Messet, D Sheridan (2), E O’Flaherty Football Pool Match 3 Ireland V Portugal (8)-(0) Scorers: G Win Messet (2), D Sheridan (4), D Snell, L Evans

PAGE // 34 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Football Quarter Final Ireland V Ukraine (4)-(0) Loss Football 5th-8th Playoff Ireland V Argentina (1)-(0) Scorer: L Win Evans Football 5th-6th Playoff Ireland V England (2)-(0) Loss IPC POWERLIFTING EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, EGER, HUNGARY Powerlifting Oscar Hancock Men’s 54 kg 3 Fails Did not place Powerlifting Jack Colbert Men’s 80kg 105.0 (2 17th (2nd Fails) Junior) Powerlifting Thomas Men’s 80kg 125.0 (2 14th McCague Fails) Powerlifting Nicola Dore Women’s 61 kg 3 Fails Did not place Powerlifting Chris O’Connor Men’s 88kg 3 Fails Did not place Powerlifting Reg Byrne Men’s 97kg 116.0, 12th 118.0 (1 Fail) IFDS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – SONAR TEAM OF JOHN TWOMEY, IAN COSTELLO & AUSTIN O’CARROLL Sailing 3-person Race 1 4th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 2 11th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 3 7th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 4 12th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 5 4th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 6 4th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 7 8th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 8 6th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 9 13th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 10 10th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Race 11 8th keelboat (Sonar) Sailing 3-person Series Score 9th keelboat (Sonar) 2015 IPC SWIMMING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, GLASGOW, GREAT BRITAIN Swimming Ailbhe Kelly S8 Women’s 100m 01:20.44 7th PB Freestyle (Heat) Swimming Ailbhe Kelly S8 Women’s 400m 05:37.45 10th PB Freestyle (Heat) Swimming Ailbhe Kelly S8 Women’s 100m 01:27.70 5th Backstroke (Heat) Swimming Ailbhe Kelly S8 Women’s 100m 01:27.24 8th PB Backstroke (Final) Swimming Darragh S6 Men’s 50m Freestyle 00:31.03 8th SB McDonald (Heat) Swimming Darragh S6 Men’s 100m Freestyle 01:13.41 5th McDonald (Heat)

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 35 2015 IPC SWIMMING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, GLASGOW, GREAT BRITAIN SPORT ATHLETE EVENT RESULT PLACING MEDAL RECORD Swimming Darragh S6 Men’s 400m Freestyle 05:11.26 1st – Qualify SB McDonald (Heat) for Final Swimming Darragh S6 Men’s 400m Freestyle 05:12.61 3rd Bronze McDonald (Final) Swimming Ellen Keane S9 Women;s 100m 01:18.69 4th Backstroke (Heat) Swimming Ellen Keane S9 Women’s 100m 01:22.76 8th Freestyle (Heat) Swimming Ellen Keane SB8 Women’s 100m 01:22.95 1st – Qualify PB Breaststroke (Heat) for Final Swimming Ellen Keane SB8 Women’s 100m 01:22.50 5th PB Breaststroke (Final) Swimming Ellen Keane S9 Women’s 50m Freestyle 00:34.01 5th SB (Heat) Swimming Ellen Keane S9 Women’s 100m Butterfly 01:12.80 4th – Qualify (Heat) for Final Swimming Ellen Keane S9 Women’s 100m Butterfly 01:12.96 8th (Final) Swimming Ellen Keane SM9 Women’s 200m IM 02:40.53 2nd – PB (Heat) Qualify for Final Swimming Ellen Keane SM9 Women’s 200m IM 02:40.31 3rd Bronze PB (Final) Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 50m Backstroke 00:45.18 6th (Heat) Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 200m Freestyle 02:54.84 4th – Qualify (Heat) for Final Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 200m Freestyle 02:53.77 6th (Final) Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 50m Freestyle 00:38.00 5th – Qualify PB (Heat) for Final Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 50m Freestyle 00:37.92 8th PB (Final) Swimming James Scully S5 Men’s 100m Freestyle 01:22.17 4th (Heat) Swimming Jonathon S8 Men’s 400m Freestyle 04:53.34 5th McGrath (Heat) Swimming Jonathon S8 Men’s 100m Backstroke 01:17.84 6th McGrath (Heat) Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 400m 06:01.49 4th – Qualify PB Freestyle (Heat) for Final Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 400m 06:01.54 5th Freestyle (Final) Swimming Nicole Turner SB6 Women’s 100m 01:48.24 5th PB Breaststroke (Heat) Swimming Nicole Turner SB6 Women’s 100m 01:48.07 5th PB Breaststroke (Final) Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 50m Butterfly 00:40.14 2nd – PB (Heat) Qualify for Final Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 50m Butterfly 00:40.63 6th (Final) Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 50m Freestyle 00:36.81 4th – Qualify PB (Heat) for Final

PAGE // 36 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 50m Freestyle 00:36.84 6th (Final) Swimming Nicole Turner SM6 Women’s 200m IM 03:27.35 3rd – PB (Heat) Qualify for Final Swimming Nicole Turner SM6 Women’s 200m IM 03:26.86 8th PB (Final) Swimming Nicole Turner S6 Women’s 100m 01:21.38 4th – Qualify PB Freestyle (Heat) for Final ITTF EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS, VEJILE, DENMARK Table Tennis Rena McCarron Group game 1 – v-Nadejda 0;3 Loss Rooney Pushpasheva (RUS) Table Tennis Rena McCarron Group game 2 – v – Clara 3;1 Win Rooney Podda (ITA) Table Tennis Rena McCarron Group game 3 – v – Chagit 3;0 Win Rooney Yona Brill (ISR) Table Tennis Rena McCarron Semi-final – v – Giada Rossi 3;2 Win Rooney (ITA) Table Tennis Rena McCarron Final – v – Nadejda 0;3 Loss Silver Rooney Pushpasheva (RUS) Table Tennis Colin Judge Group game 1 – v – Rafal 0;3 Loss Czuper (POL) Table Tennis Colin Judge Group game 2 – v – Goran 1;3 Loss Perlic (SRB) Table Tennis Colin Judge Group game 3 – v – 3;2 Win Federico Crosara (ITA) 2015 ITU WORLD TRIATHLON GRAND FINAL, CHICAGO, USA Triathlon Catherine Womens PT5 1.19.36 9th Walsh/Fran Meehan Triathlon Aidan McGlynn Mens PT4 1.06.14 15th 2015 IWRF , PAJULAHTI, FINLAND Wcr Rugby Pool Match 1 Ireland – v – Finland 61-60 Win Wcr Rugby Pool Match 2 Ireland – v – Germany 58-62 Loss Wcr Rugby Pool Match 3 Ireland – v – Denmark 44-67 Loss Wcr Rugby Crossover Match Ireland – v – Belgium 57-56 Win after OT Wcr Rugby 5th/6th Playoff Ireland – v – France 54-63 Loss EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS MEN DIVISION C, LISBON, PORTUGAL Wcr Match 1 Ireland – v – Greece 86-42 Win Basketball Wcr Match 2 Ireland – v – Bosnia & 51-64 Loss Basketball Herzegovina Wcr Match 3 Ireland – v – Portugal 51-54 Loss Basketball Wcr Match 4 Ireland – v – Serbia 73-55 Win Basketball Wcr Match 5 Ireland – v – Finland 56-58 Loss Basketball Wcr Semi – Final Ireland – v – Bosnia & 42-72 Loss Basketball Herzegovina Wcr 3rd/4th Place Ireland – v – Finland 58-61 Loss Basketball Playoff

PARALYMICS IRELAND PAGE // 37 PICTURE: Irish fans at 2015 CP Football World Championships in England FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2015 CONTENTS:


The following pages do not form part of the statutory financial statements:




Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Company Information

Directors James Gradwell (President) John Fulham (Vice President) Liam Moggan (Vice President) (resigned 29 September 2015) Mark Riseley (Finance Officer) Susan O'Connell (resigned 22 October 2015) Eimear Breathnach (Vice President) Gordon D'Arcy Brendan Jennings Jennifer Chamberlaine James McCarthy (appointed 29 September 2015)

Company secretary Mark Riseley

Registered number 339700

Registered office Irish Sports HQ National Sports Campus Blanchardstown Dublin 15

Independent auditors Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors 24 - 26 City Quay Dublin 2

Bankers Bank of Ireland Lower Baggot Street Dublin 2

Solicitors Leman Solicitors 8-34 Percy Place Dublin 4


Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Directors' Report For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

The directors present their annual report and the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2015.

Principal activities

The principal activity of the company during the year was to promote, encourage, support involvement in sport of people with disabilities of an intellectual, physical, physiological or sensory nature.


The surplus for the year, after taxation, amounted to €15,790 (2014 :€79,713).

The directors have not recommended a dividend.

The results for the year and retained income reflect the requirement for the organisation to: - Provide for a peak level of costs around Paralympic Games, specifically Rio 2016. - Ensure it has adequate resources in place for the following twelve months. - Create additional financial stability to, and in turn, manage the principal risks and uncertainties, as below. Directors

The directors who served during the year were:

James Gradwell (President) John Fulham (Vice President) Liam Moggan (Vice President) (resigned 29 September 2015) Mark Riseley (Finance Officer) Susan O'Connell (resigned 22 October 2015) Eimear Breathnach (Vice President) Gordon D'Arcy Brendan Jennings Jennifer Chamberlaine James McCarthy (appointed 29 September 2015)

Principal risks and uncertainties - A reduced level of government funding.

- Annualised funding of sporting bodies in Ireland provides uncertainty and reduces ability for strategic financial planning. A move by Government to allow for multi-annual funding to be introduced would be strongly beneficial.

- Challenges in securing sufficient sponsorship revenue to support operations, particularly in years 1-3 of a Paralympic Games cycle.

- Changes to the Paralympics Sports Programme.

Accounting records

The measures taken by the directors to ensure compliance with the requirements of Sections 281 to 285 of the Companies Act 2014 with regard to the keeping of accounting records, are the employment of appropriately qualified accounting personnel. The company's accounting records are maintained at the company's registered office at Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

Page 1


Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Directors' Report For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

Future developments

The company plans to continue in its present activities.

Statement on relevant audit information

Each of the persons who are directors at the time when this Directors' Report is approved has confirmed that:

 so far as that director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditors are unaware, and  that director has taken all the steps that ought to have been taken as a director in order to be aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's auditors are aware of that information.


The auditors, Grant Thornton, continue in office in accordance with section 383(2) of the Companies Act 2014.

This report was approved by the board on 9 March 2016 and signed on its behalf.

James Gradwell (President) Mark Riseley (Finance Officer) Director Director

Page 2


Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Directors' Responsibilities Statement For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

The directors are responsible for preparing the Directors' Report and the financial statements in accordance with Irish law and regulations.

Irish company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year giving a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company for each financial year. Under the law, the directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with Irish Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland' and promulgated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and Irish law.

Under company law, the directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company for the financial year end date of the profit or loss of the company for that financial year and otherwise comply with the Companies Act 2014

In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to:

 select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;  make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and  prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for ensuring that the Company keeps or causes to be kept adequate accounting records which correctly explain and record the transactions of the Company, enable at any time the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company to be determined with reasonable accuracy, enable them to ensure that the financial statements and Directors' Report comply with the Companies Act 2014 and enable the financial statements to be audited. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in Ireland governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements and other information included in Directors' Reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

On behalf of the board 9 March 2016

James Gradwell (President) Mark Riseley (Finance Officer) Director Director

Page 3


Independent Auditors' Report to the Members of Paralympics Ireland

We have audited the financial statements of Paralympics Ireland for the year ended 31 December 2015, which comprise the Income Statement, the Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Statement of Financial Position, the Statement of Cash Flows, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the related notes. . The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is Irish law and accounting standards issued by the Financial Reporting Council and promulgated by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland including FRS 102 “The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland”.

This report is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in accordance with Section 391 of the Companies Act 2014. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an Auditors' Report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

As explained more fully in the Directors' Responsibilities Statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements giving a true and fair view and otherwise comply with the Companies Act 2014. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with Irish law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the audit of the financial statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the Company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements and to identify any information that is apparently materially incorrect based on, or materially inconsistent with, the knowledge acquired by us in the course of performing the audit. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on financial statements

In our opinion the financial statements:  give a true and fair view, in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in Ireland, of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2015 and of its surplus for the year then ended; and  have been properly prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2014.

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Independent Auditors' Report to the Members of Paralympics Ireland

Matters on which we are required to report by the Companies Act, 2014

 We have obtained all the information and explanations which we consider necessary for the purposes of our audit.  In our opinion the accounting records of the Company were sufficient to permit the financial statements to be readily and properly audited.  The financial statements are in agreement with the accounting records.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the provisions in the Companies Act, 2014 which require us to report to you if, in our opinion, the disclosures of directors' remuneration and transactions specified by law are not made.

Noel Delaney, FCA for and on behalf of Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants 24 - 26 City Quay Registered Auditors Dublin 2

9 March 2016

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Income Statement For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

2015 2014 Note € €

Income 1,489,296 1,472,304 Direct costs (945,477) (875,676)

Gross surplus 543,819 596,628 Administrative expenses (528,729) (518,351)

Operating surplus 15,090 78,277 Interest receivable and similar income 6 700 1,436

Surplus before tax 15,790 79,713

Surplus for the year 15,790 79,713

All amounts relate to continuing operations.

The notes on pages 51 to 68 form part of these financial statements.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Statement of Comprehensive Income For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

2015 2014 Note € € 15,790 79,713 Surplus for the financial year Other comprehensive income

Total comprehensive income for the year 15,790 79,713

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Statement of Financial Position As at 31 December 2015

2015 2014 Note € € Fixed assets Tangible assets 8 11,954 17,932 11,954 17,932 Current assets Stocks 9 40,924 40,923 Debtors: amounts falling due within one year 10 235,727 257,189 Cash at bank and in hand 11 273,850 426,864 550,501 724,976 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 12 (64,189) (260,432)

Net current assets 486,312 464,544

Total assets less current liabilities 498,266 482,476

Net assets 498,266 482,476

Capital and reserves Profit and loss account 498,266 482,476

Net funds 498,266 482,476

The financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board on 9 March 2016.

Signed on behalf of the board:

James Gradwell (President) Mark Riseley (Finance Officer) Director Director

Date: 9 March 2016

The notes on pages 51 to 68 form part of these financial statements.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Statement of Changes in Equity As at 31 December 2015

Retained earnings Total equity € € At 1 January 2015 482,476 482,476

Comprehensive income for the year Profit for the year 15,790 15,790

Other comprehensive income for the year - -

Total comprehensive income for the year 15,790 15,790

Total transactions with owners - -

At 31 December 2015 498,266 498,266

Statement of Changes in Equity As at 31 December 2014

Retained earnings Total equity € € At 1 January 2014 402,763 402,763

Comprehensive income for the year Profit for the year 79,713 79,713

Other comprehensive income for the year - -

Total comprehensive income for the year 79,713 79,713

Total transactions with owners - -

At 31 December 2014 482,476 482,476

The notes on pages 51 to 68 form part of these financial statements.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

2015 2014 € € Cash flows from operating activities Profit for the financial year 15,790 79,713 Adjustments for: Depreciation of tangible assets 5,978 5,978 Increase in stocks - (40,924) Interest received (700) (1,436) Increase in debtors 21,461 (255,440) Increase in creditors (196,243) 187,921 (153,714) (24,188) Net cash generated from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of tangible fixed assets - (23,910) Interest received 700 1,436 700 (22,474) Net cash from investing activities

Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (153,014) (46,662) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 426,864 473,526

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 273,850 426,864

Cash at bank and in hand 273,850 426,864 273,850 426,864

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

1. Accounting policies

1.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and Irish statute comprising of the Companies Act 2014.

Information on the impact of first-time adoption of FRS 102 is given in note 14.

The preparation of financial statements in compliance with FRS 102 requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise judgment in applying the Company's accounting policies (see note 2).

The following principal accounting policies have been applied:

1.2 Income

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company and the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured as the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, excluding discounts, rebates, value added tax and other sales taxes. The following criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised:

All income is recognised in the year in which they relate.

1.3 Tangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets under the cost model are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.

The Company adds to the carrying amount of an item of fixed assets the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost is incurred, if the replacement part is expected to provide incremental future benefits to the Company. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. Repairs and maintenance are charged to profit or loss during the period in which they are incurred.

Depreciation is charged so as to allocate the cost of assets less their residual value over their estimated useful lives, using the straight-line method. The estimated useful lives range as follows:

Depreciation is provided on the following bases:

Motor vehicles - 25% straight line

The assets' residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed, and adjusted prospectively if appropriate, or if there is an indication of a significant change since the last reporting date.

Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount and are recognised within 'other operating income' in the Income Statement.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

1. Accounting policies (continued)

1.4 Stocks

Stocks are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value, being the estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell. Cost is based on the cost of purchase on a first in, first outbasis. Work in progress and finished goods include labour and attributable overheads.

At each reporting date, stocks are assessed for impairment. If stock is impaired, the carrying amount is reduced to its selling price less costs to complete and sell. The impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

1.5 Debtors

Short term debtors are measured at transaction price, less any impairment. Loans receivable are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment.

1.6 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash is represented by cash in hand and deposits with financial institutions repayable without penalty on notice of not more than 24 hours. Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments that mature in no more than three months from the date of acquisition and that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash with insignificant risk of change in value.

In the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents are shown net of bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Company's cash management.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

1. Accounting policies (continued)

1.7 Financial instruments

The Company only enters into basic financial instruments transactions that result in the recognition of financial assets and liabilities like trade and other accounts receivable and payable, loans from banks and other third parties, loans to related parties and investments in non-puttable ordinary shares.

Debt instruments (other than those wholly repayable or receivable within one year), including loans and other accounts receivable and payable, are initially measured at present value of the future cash flows and subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Debt instruments that are payable or receivable within one year, typically trade payables or receivables, are measured, initially and subsequently, at the undiscounted amount of the cash or other consideration, expected to be paid or received. However if the arrangements of a short-term instrument constitute a financing transaction, like the payment of a trade debt deferred beyond normal business terms or financed at a rate of interest that is not a market rate or in case of an out-right short-term loan not at market rate, the financial asset or liability is measured, initially, at the present value of the future cash flow discounted at a market rate of interest for a similar debt instrument and subsequently at amortised cost.

Investments in non-convertible preference shares and in non-puttable ordinary and preference shares are measured:

i) at fair value with changes recognised in the Income Statement if the shares are publicly traded or

their fair value can otherwise be measured reliably;

ii) at cost less impairment for all other investments.

Financial assets that are measured at cost and amortised cost are assessed at the end of each reporting period for objective evidence of impairment. If objective evidence of impairment is found, an impairment loss is recognised in the Income Statement.

For financial assets measured at amortised cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between an asset's carrying amount and the present value of estimated cash flows discounted at the asset's original effective interest rate. If a financial asset has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate determined under the contract.

For financial assets measured at cost less impairment, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between an asset's carrying amount and best estimate, which is an approximation of the amount that the Company would receive for the asset if it were to be sold at the reporting date.

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the Statement of Financial Position when there is an enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

1. Accounting policies (continued)

1.8 Creditors

Short term creditors are measured at the transaction price. Other financial liabilities, including bank loans, are measured initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and are measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

1.9 Government grants

Grants are accounted under the accruals model as permitted by FRS 102. Grants relating to expenditure on tangible fixed assets are credited to the Income Statement at the same rate as the depreciation on the assets to which the grant relates. The deferred element of grants is included in creditors as deferred income.

Grants of a revenue nature are recognised in the Income Statement in the same period as the related expenditure.

1.10 Pensions

Defined contribution pension plan

The Company operates a defined contribution plan for its employees. A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the Company pays fixed contributions into a separate entity. Once the contributions have been paid the Company has no further payments obligations.

The contributions are recognised as an expense in the Income Statement when they fall due. Amounts not paid are shown in accruals as a liability in the Statement of Financial Position. The assets of the plan are held separately from the Company in independently administered funds.

1.11 Interest income

Interest income is recognised in the Income Statement using the effective interest method.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

2. Judgments in applying accounting policies and key sources of estimation uncertainty

Preparation of the financial statements requires management to make significant judgements and estimates. The items in the financial statements where these judgments and estimates have been made include:

Useful lives of depreciable assets The annual depreciation charge depends primarily on the estimated lives of each type and component of asset and, in certain circumstances, estimates of fair values and residual values. The directors annually review these asset lives and adjust them as necessary to reflect current thinking on remaining lives in light of technological change, prospective economic utilisation and physical condition of the assets concerned. Changes in asset lives can have significant impact on depreciation charges for the period. It is not practical to quantify the impact of changes in asset lives on an overall basis, as asset lives are individually determined, and there are a significant number of asset lives in use. The impact of any change would vary significantly depending on the individual changes in assets and the classes of assets impacted.

3. Analysis of income An analysis of turnover by class of business is as follows: 2015 2014 € € Grants 1,297,311 1,147,154 Fundraising, donations and sponsorship 162,468 317,447 Other 29,517 7,703 1,489,296 1,472,304

All turnover arose in Ireland.

Included within the Grant income is grants received under the sports capital programme. This funding received amounted to €87,390 (2014: €97,250), the total available funding under this programme is €200,000 and the remaining amount will be claimed in 2016. The funding is provided by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The purpose of this grant funding was to fund sports equipment for it member organisations.

4. Operating surplus

The operating profit is stated after charging/(crediting):

2015 2014 € €

Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 5,978 5,978

Defined contribution pension cost 11,140 8,058

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

5. Employees Staff costs were as follows: 2015 2014 € €

Wages and salaries 454,689 454,937 Social security costs 48,722 47,830 Cost of defined contribution scheme 11,140 8,058 514,551 510,825

Capitalised employee costs during the year amounted to €NIL (2014 -€NIL).

The average monthly number of employees, including the directors, during the year was as follows: 2015 2014 No. No. Number of administrative staff 10 10

The wages and salaries amount above includes the remuneration (salary, employers PRSI and employers pension contribution) of key management. This amounted to a total cumulative figure of €315,282.

6. Interest receivable 2015 2014 € €

Other interest receivable 700 1,436 700 1,436

7. Taxation The company does not engage in a taxable activity and has been granted charitable tax exemption under reference CHY 13420.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

5. Employees Staff costs were as follows: 2015 2014 € €

Wages and salaries 454,689 454,937 Social security costs 48,722 47,830 Cost of defined contribution scheme 11,140 8,058 514,551 510,825

Capitalised employee costs during the year amounted to €NIL (2014 -€NIL).

The average monthly number of employees, including the directors, during the year was as follows: 2015 2014 No. No. Number of administrative staff 10 10

The wages and salaries amount above includes the remuneration (salary, employers PRSI and employers pension contribution) of key management. This amounted to a total cumulative figure of €315,282.

6. Interest receivable 2015 2014 € €

Other interest receivable 700 1,436 700 1,436

7. Taxation The company does not engage in a taxable activity and has been granted charitable tax exemption under reference CHY 13420.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

8. Tangible fixed assets

Motor vehicles €

Cost or valuation At 1 January 2015 23,910

At 31 December 2015 23,910

Depreciation At 1 January 2015 5,978 Charge owned for the period 5,978

At 31 December 2015 11,956

At 31 December 2015 11,954

At 31 December 2014 17,932

Motor vehicles €

Cost or valuation Additions 23,910

At 31 December 2014 23,910

Depreciation Charge owned for the period 5,978

At 31 December 2014 5,978

Net book value

At 31 December 2014 17,932

At 31 December 2013 -

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

9. Stocks 2015 2014 € € Finished goods and goods for resale 40,924 40,923 40,924 40,923

10. Debtors

2015 2014 € €

Trade debtors 96,976 74,478 Prepayments and accrued income 138,751 182,711 235,727 257,189

11. Cash and cash equivalents 2015 2014 € €

Cash at bank and in hand 273,850 426,864 273,850 426,864

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

12. Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 2015 2014 € € Taxation and social security 16,966 14,287 Accruals 15,148 57,991 Deferred income 32,075 188,154 64,189 260,432

2015 2014 € € Other taxation and social security PAYE/PRSI 16,966 14,287 16,966 14,287

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

13. Company status

Paralympics is a company not having a share capital. Every member untertakes to contribute to the assets of the company, in the event of same being wound up while he is still a member or within one year ofter he ceases being a member, for payment of the debt and liabilities of the company contracts before he ceases to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the right of the contributories amount themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding €1.00.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee) Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

14. First time adoption of FRS 102

As previously Effect of FRS 102 As previously Effect of FRS 102 stated transition (as restated) stated transition (as restated) 1 January 1 January 1 January 31 December 31 December 31 December 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Note € € € € € € Fixed assets - - - 17,932 - 17,932 Current assets 475,274 - 475,274 724,976 - 724,976 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (72,511) - (72,511) (260,432) - (260,432)

Net current assets 402,763 - 402,763 464,544 - 464,544

ANNUAL REPORT 2015&FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Total assets less current liabilities 402,763 - 402,763 482,476 - 482,476

Net assets 402,763 - 402,763 482,476 - 482,476 A COMPANY LIMITEDBY GUARANTEE

Capital and reserves 402,763 - 402,763 482,476 - 482,476


Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

14. First time adoption of FRS 102 (continued)

As previously Effect of FRS 102 stated transition (as restated) 31 December 31 December 31 December 2014 2014 2014 Note € € € Income 1,472,304 - 1,472,304 Cost of sales (875,676) - (875,676)

596,628 - 596,628 Administrative expenses (518,351) - (518,351)

Operating surplus 78,277 - 78,277 Interest receivable and similar income 1,436 - 1,436

Surplus on ordinary activities after taxation and for the financial year 79,713 - 79,713

Explanation of changes to previously reported profit and equity: 1 No changes have been required with the transition to FRS102.

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

15. Approval of financial statements

The board of directors approved these financial statements for issue on 09 March 2016

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Detailed income and expenditure account For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

2015 2014 € € Income 1,489,296 1,472,304 Direct costs (945,477) (875,676)

Gross surplus 543,819 596,628

543,819 596,628

Less: overheads Administration expenses (528,729) (518,351)

Operating surplus 15,090 78,277

Interest receivable 700 1,436

Surplus for the year 15,790 79,713

Page 24


Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Schedule to the Detailed Accounts For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

Income 2015 2014 € € Irish Sports Council core grant 325,700 310,000 Irish Sports Council performance 671,000 635,826 Irish Sports Council grant - Rio 2016 156,079 - Sport NI core - 49,714 Sport NI performance 57,142 24,240 Admin 6,588 4,650 ISC communications/PR - 10,000 Failte Ireland grant - 7,124 Sport capital grant - members contributions - 13,000 Fundraising, donations and sponsorship 162,468 317,447 Performance income miscellaneous 11,765 638 Sport capital grant - DTTS 87,390 97,250 Other - miscellaneous 11,164 2,415 1,489,296 1,472,304

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Schedule to the Detailed Accounts For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

Direct costs 2015 2014 € €

Wages and salaries (performance) 103,622 126,645 Employers PRSI (performance) 15,771 13,596 International camps 153,029 11,452 Domestic camps 24,008 27,583 Licencing 439 909 Kits 12,922 21,914 Classification 6,872 12,108 Performance debrief - 7,727 Fast track - talent development 540 22,540 Direct athlete payments (carding) 23,136 38,899 Sport science and medicine 141,327 137,180 Fundraising costs 13,673 65,835 Coaching and management costs 46,404 38,230 Allocation to sports 317,229 263,043 Other programmes - 1,675 Sports capital grant expenditure 86,505 86,340 945,477 875,676

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Paralympics Ireland (A Company Limited by Guarantee)

Schedule to the Detailed Accounts For the Year Ended 31 December 2015

Administration expenses 2015 2014 € €

Wages and salaries (Core) 351,067 328,292 Employers PRSI (Core) 32,951 34,234 Staff pension costs - defined contribution schemes 11,140 8,058 Staff training 7,208 4,476 Travel and subsistence 11,456 11,843 Printing and design 3,989 3,690 Telephone 6,329 7,447 IT Service 1,099 2,606 General expenses 14,071 3,063 Subscriptions and affiliation fees 5,839 5,139 Legal and professional fees 4,366 12,739 Auditors' remuneration 6,201 5,535 Bank charges 1,736 686 Rent, rates and water 11,084 11,084 Light and heat 7,867 8,717 Insurances 6,022 4,363 Depreciation - motor vehicles 5,978 5,978 Printing, stationery and postage 2,769 8,414 Public relations 1,236 7,380 Photography 13,104 13,961 Online content management 9,934 2,709 Conference and meeting expenses 8,122 26,959 Communication marketing costs 5,161 978 528,729 518,351

Interest receivable 2015 2014 € €

Bank interest receivable 700 1,436 700 1,436

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Paralympics Ireland, Irish Sport HQ, National Sports Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 PICTURE: Tel: 01 6251175 ‘More Than Sport’ campaign image featuring Nicole Turner, Katie George Dunleavy, Eve McCrystal, Sean [email protected] Baldwin, Michael McKillop, Ellen Keane, Luke Evans, Jason Smyth, Eoghan Clifford and Patrick Monahan