

Choreography: Darolyn Pchajek – [email protected] Artist: (featuring ) Level: Intermediate CD: One Love (Bonus Track Version) Wait 16 beats (Available for download on iTunes)

PART A PART E Me & You Ohio 2 Slaprocks Lisa Brown Left Triple Repeat with opposite footwork Repeat with opposite footwork PART F PART B Joshua Groovy (facing diagonal left) 2 Basics (Turn ½ left) 2 Tapbacks Fancy Double Simone Stomp (return to facing front) Repeat all steps to the front Repeat all steps but face diagonal right this time BREAK CHORUS 8-count Roundout Mac Slur Jazz Tell Mama 2 Utahs Repeat with opposite footwork Utah Rock Slide (Turn ½ left) Repeat all steps to the front BREAK 2 Slur & Turn PART C 2 Hardsteps Rougie Vine Repeat with opposite footwork Basketball Basic (Turn ½ left) Double Rock Chug PART D Repeat all steps to the front Turn the Corner (Turn ¼ right) Simone Travel (Turn ¼ right) PART D Turn the Corner (Turn ¼ right) CHORUS Simone Travel (Turn ¼ right) Mac Slur Jazz Repeat both steps to the front 2 Utahs Utah Rock Slide (Turn ½ left) CHORUS Repeat all steps to the front Mac Slur Jazz 2 Utahs Utah Rock Slide (Turn ½ left) Repeat all steps to the front

SEQUENCE: A B Chorus C D Chorus E F Break Break2 D Chorus Steps to “When Love Takes Over”

Me & You DS DT(xf) DT(os) RS DT(os) RS DS RS L R R RL R RL R LR

2 Slaprocks DT(b) RS(xif) DT(b) RS(xif) (moving left) L LR L LR

Left Triple DS DS DS RS L R L RL

Groovy DS Brush Up Toe(xif) Heel Tap Toe(xib) Heel Brush Up Toe(xif) Heel Brush Up Toe(xif) Heel L R R R L R L L L R R R

2 Tap Backs DT(b) Tap(b) Step(b) DT(b) Tap(b) Step(b) L L L R R R

Simone Stomp DS DS Stomp Stomp Drag Slide L R L R Both Both

Mac Slur Jazz Heel Ball Ball(xb) Ball(os) Heel Ball Ball(xb) Ball(os) Heel Slur(f) Step DS Heel(twist toe lt)/Toe(twist heel rt) Snap(twist rt)/Heel(twist lt) L L R L R R L L L R R L BOTH BOTH 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 &7 & 8

2 Utahs DS DT DS DT L R R L

Utah Rock Slide DS DT (turn ½ left) RS Ball Slide L R RL R R

Rougie Vine DS DS(xib) RS(xif) Drag/Clap Step DS(xib) RS(xif) DS RS(clap twice on the last RS) L R LR R L R LR L RL

Basketball Basic Pivot (turn ½ left) Step DS RS R L R LR

Double Rock Chug DS DS RS Chug L R LR L

Turn the Corner DS DS Rock (turn ¼ right) Step(b)(push both palms out) Step RS DS DS RS L R L R L RL R L RL

Simone Travel DT Step/Slur(out & fwd) Step Step Step/Slur(out & fwd) Step Step Step Brush Up DS Ball Slide R R / L L R L / R R L R L L R R

Ohio DS RS Rock Heel (w) Snap Step DT(os) DS DT(os) Heel Up L RL R L L R L L R R R

Lisa Brown DT(b) Brush Up Touch(xif) Touch(os) DS DS RS RS R R R R R L RL RL

Joshua DT Ball Ball(xif) Ball Ball(os) Ball(xif) Ball Slide RS Ball Slide RS Ball Slide L L R L R L R R LR L L RL R R

2 Basics DS RS DS RS L RL R LR

Fancy Double DS DS RS RS L R LR RL

8-count Roundout DS Toe (xif) Heel Toe Heel Toe (os) Heel Toe(xif) Heel Toe Heel Toe(os) Heel Toe(os) Heel L R R L L R R L L R R L L R R

Tell Mama DS Brush Up DS Brush Up DS Tap (b) Step DS RS L R R L L R R L RL

Slur & Turn DS Slur Step(xib) DS DS (Turn ½ left on 2 DS) Slur Step(xib) DS DS(Turn ½ right on 2 DS) RS L R R L R L L R L RL

2 Hardsteps DT(b) Brush Up DS RS DT(b) Brush Up DS RS R R R LR L L L RL