2016 CAAPS Proceeding 2 Editing
WAC Lighting is proud to support the Chinese American Academic & Professional Society WAC Lighting is a family owned and operated manufacturer that has been driving lighting innovation for over 30 years. Visit on us on the web at www.waclighting.com T HE C ITY OF N EW Y ORK O FFICE OF THE M AYOR N EW Y ORK, NY 10007 August 14, 2016 Dear Friends: I am delighted to welcome you to the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society’s 41st Annual Convention. Our great city would not be the global hub of commerce, innovation and higher education it is today without the tremendous contributions of Asian New Yorkers. Established in 1975, CAAPS provides opportunities for Chinese American scholars and professionals from a variety of sectors to network, share knowledge, develop their skills and advance their careers. As you gather to exchange ideas about improving society through multidisciplinary collaboration, I commend this wonderful organization for its efforts to strengthen our academic and business communities, promote cross-cultural understanding, and empower Chinese American leaders throughout the five boroughs and beyond. Together, we are forging a brighter, more inclusive future for all. On behalf of the City of New York, please accept my best wishes for a productive conference and continued success. Sincerely, Bill de Blasio Mayor Chairman’s Welcome Statement On behalf of the Chinese American Academic and Professional Society (CAAPS), it is my great pleasure to welcome you to our 41st Annual Convention. I deeply appreciate your enthusiastic participation and generous support over the past 41years. You have made CAAPS one of the most prestigious and influential Chinese American organizations in the United States.
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