Recipients of Honoris Causa Degrees and of Scholarships and Awards
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Recipients of Honoris Causa Degrees and of Scholarships and Awards 2004 Contents HONORIS CAUSA DEGRFES OF THE UNlVERSrrV OF MELBOURNE- Mfinbers ofthc Royal Family I Othcr Distinguished Graduatcs 1-10 SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS- I'he Royal Commission ol'thc fixhibitioii of 1851 Scicncc Rcsearch Scholarships 1891-1988 11 Rhodiis ScUoIars elected Ibr Vicloria 1904- 12 Koyal Society's Ruthcrtbrd Scholarship lloldcrs 1952- 1.1 Ailchison Travelling Scholarship (rroin 1950 Aitchison-Mycr) Iloldcrs 1927- 13 Sir Arthur Sims Iravclling Scholarship Holders 1951- 14 Rac und lídith Bcnnctt Travclling Scholarship lloldcrs 1979- 14 Slclla M;iry l.anglbrd Schuhu-ship I lolders 1979- 14 Univcrsity orMclbournc Iravclling Scholarsliips Holdcrs 1941-1983 15 Sir William Upjohn Mcdal 16 University of Mclbournc Silvcr Medals 1966-1985 16 Univcrsit) of Mclbournc Mcdals (ncw scrics) 1987- Silver 17 (lold 17 2004 RECIPIENTS OF HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES AND OF SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Honoris Causa Degrees of the University of Melbourne (Whcrc rccipicnts havc dcgrccs from olhcr univcrsilies this is indicatcd m brackels afler Ihcir namcs ) MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY 186H llisRoyal llighncss Princc Alfred Hrnest Albcrl, Dukc of Edinburgh (Hdinburgh) LLD 1901 llis Royal Highness Prince George Frcderick Ernest Albert, Dukc of York (afterwards King Georgc V) (Cambridgc) [JJ) 1920 llis Royal llighness lidvvard Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David, Prince of Walcs (afterwards King Edward VIII) (O.xford) LLD 1927 His Royal Highncss Princc Albcrt Frederick Arthur Georgc, Duke of York (aflerwards King Gcorge VI) (Cambridgc) LLD 1934 His Royal Highness Price Hcnry William Frcdcrick Albcrt, Duke of Gloucester (Cambridgc) I.LD 1958 llcr Majcsly Quccn 1-lizabcth, Thc Quccn Molhcr (Oxford) LLD OTHER DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES 1914 CharlcsGrccly Abbot (Massachusetts) DSc Hcnry Edward Armstrong (Lcipzig) DSc WiUiam Bateson (Cambridge) DSc William Morris Davis (Harvard) DSc Frank Watson Dyson (Cambridge) DSc Sir Ihomas Henry HoUand (Calcutta) DSc Luigi Antonio Ettorc Luiggi (Gcnoa) DSc Williani Jackson Popc (Cambridgc) DSc Alfred William Portcr (London) DSc Sir Ernest Ruthcrford (Cambridge and New Zealand) DSc Sir Edward Albcrt Schafcr (London) DSc Johannes Walther (Jena) DSc 1915 Robcrt Randolph Garren (Sydney) MA Albcrt Bathurst Piddington (Sydney) MA William Ralph Boycc Gibson (Oxford) MA William Kcrr)' (Cambridge) VIA Thomas Howell Laby (Cambridge) MA David Kenned)' Picken (Glasgow and Cambridgc) MA William Harrison Moore (Cambridge, London and St. Andrews) LLD 1916 Richard Penrose Franklin (Cambridge) MA Robert Strachan W'allace (Aberdeen and Oxford) MA 1918 André Siegfricd (Paris) ; LittD 1920 Sir William Riddell Birdwood (Cambridge) LLD Sir John Monash (Oxford and Cambridge) LLD Albcrt Powcr (Royal Univ., Ireland) MA 2004 1 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES 1921 Robert Leslie Blackwood (Tasmania) MA 1922 Wilfred Eade Agar (Glasgow F.R.S.) DSc 1923 Frank LongstatTApperly (O.xford) MD William John Young (London) DSc 1924 John Alexander Gunn (Liverpool) MA 1925 Jeremiah Mathias Murphy (Royal Univ.. Ireland) MA Cecil Allison Scutt (Cambridge) MA 1927 Stanley Melbourne Bruce (Cambridge) LLD John Neil Greenwood (Manchester) DSc 1929 Frank Clare Wilkinson (Liverpool) DDSc 1931 Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean (Oxford) LittD 1932 Charles Herbett Fagge (London) MD Samuel MacMahon Wadham (Cambridge) MA George tlerbert Cowling (Leeds) MA 1934 Sir John Cadman (Birmingham) DEng John Masefield (Oxford) LittD Frederic Wood Jones (London) DSc George Stephenson Browne (Oxford) MA 1935 Edwin Bramwell (Edinburgh) MD John Shields Fairbairn (Oxford) MD Sir Hcnry Lindo Ferguson (Diiblin) MD Jamcs Ralph Darling (Oxford) MA Eric Wilfred Fish (Manchester and London) DDSc Sir Hcnry John Gauvain (Cambridge) MD fhomas. Baron Hordcr (London) MD Robert Hutchison (Edinburgh) MD Frederick Paul Keppel (Michigan and Toronto) LLD Ernest Kaye Le Flcmming (Dublin) MD Sir l-Aven John Maclcan (Edinburgh) MD Sir William llenry Wilcox (London) MD Raymond Edward Priestley (Cambridge) DSc 1936 Rasnor Carey Johnson (Oxford and London) DSc 1937 Sir Robcrt Randolph Garran (Sydney) LLD Frederick Crossfield Happold (Cambridge) LLD Frank William Llart (Columbia) LLD Colin Macdonald Gilray (New Zealand and Oxford) MA William Philip Hackett (Nal. Univ.. reland) MA Raymond Maxwell Crawford (Oxfbrd) MA William Davies (Manchester and Oxford) DSc Aubrey Frederic Burstall (Cambridge and Birmingham) '.^,"."^ DSc Isaac Leon Kandcl (Manchester and Columbia) LittD Yusuke Tsurmumi (Tokio) LLD Sir Geoffrey Granville Whiskard (Oxford) LLD Harrv' Egerton Wimperis (Cambridge) DEng Laurin Zilliacus (Massachusetts) LLD 1938 Norman Bcntwich (Cambridge) L'..7'' LLD Percy Ellwood Corbett (Oxford) LLD Lionel Curtis (Oxford) LittD Phillip Henry Kerr, Marquess of Lothian (Oxford)....^!............... LittD Joseph Aloysius Lyons (Cambridge) LLD Sir Alfred Eckhard Zimmern (Oxford and McGill),,. LitlD 1939 Robert Andrews Millikan (Harvard and Columbia) DSc 1940 Charles Jost Burchell (Dalhousie) LLD 1942 DSc Marcus Laurence Elwm Oliphant (AdelaiderCamb'ridgea'n'd'Birm'ingham')' LLD Sir Campbel! Stuart (Virginia) 1943 LLD Hsu Mo (Peiyang and George Washington) ZZ'ZZ''."'''!'!Z'.''^ 2004 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES Robert Gordon Menzies (Bristol and Belfast) LLD Sir Walter Layton (London, Cambridge and Columbia) LLD Sir James Barrett (Manitoba) LLD 1947 Sir Gordon Gordon-Taylor (Aberdeen. London and Toronto) LLD 1948 Douglas Veale (Oxford) LLD Beveridge. Baron (Oxford and London) LLD Sir Patrick Abercrombie (Liverpool) LLD 1949 William Morris. Viscount Nuffield (Oxford, Sydney and Birmingham) LLD M\ron Mclvin Cowen (Drake, lowa and Salem) LLD 1950 Robert Vivian Bradlaw (Durham) DDSc Bertrand Arthur WiUiam. 3r.d Earl Russeli (Cambridge) LLD Profcssor Sir Peter MacCallum (New Zealand and Edinburgh) MD 1951 Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley (Adelaide and London) LLD Sir John Dudley Gibbs Medley (Oxford) LLD Professor Matthew Stewart (Leeds) MD James Bryant Conant (Harvard) LLD Erwin Nathanial Griswold (Harvard) LLD Albert van de Sandt Centlivres (Oxford and Cape Town) LLD Sir Francis Raymond lívershed (Oxford) LLD Sir Edward Mellanby (Cambridge) LLD 1952 Pete Jarman(Alabama) LLD Sir Hcnry Simpson Newland (Adelaidc) LLD Professor Charles Hcrbert Bcst ('l'oronto) LLD Professor Wilfred Edward LcGros Clark (London) MD Francis Avery Jones (London) MD Professor Lambcrt Charlcs Rogers (Wales) MD Norman McAIister Gregg (Sydney) MD Algemon Beverly Reesc (Harvard) MD John Foster (Cambridgc) MD Edward Charlcs Dodds (London) MD Sir John Douglas Cockcroft (Cambridge) LLD 1954 Very Reverend Jercmiah Matthias Murphy (Oxford) LLD 1955 Sir John Shcppard (Cambridge) LittD Profcssor Richard Hcnr> l'awney (Oxford, Manchester and Paris) LittD Clarence Decatur I lowe (Oxfbrd and M.l l'.) 111) Waltcr Adams(Loiulon) l.LD lirnst Gidcon Malhcrbc (Cape) LLl) Ram Prasad fripathy (London) Ll.l) Walter Allcn Jcnkins (Shcfndd) LLD Andrcw Stcwart (Manitoba) LLD George Alexander Curric (Aberdccn) LLD Douglas William Logan (Oxford) LLD Henry Urmiston Willink (Cambridge) LLD Robert Stevenson Aitken (New Zealand) 'LD Aibcrt Pcrcivai Rowe (London) 1-LD Professor Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey (Cambridge) LLD llcrhcrt Colc Coombs (London) !-'-L> Sir lan Clunics Ross (SN'dne)) 'LD Professor Richard van der Riet Woolley (Cape) I-LD 1956 The Honourablc Sir Charles Lowe (Adelaidc) LLD Profcssor James Arthur Prescott (Manchester) DAgrSc John Gurner Burncll (Sydney) DEng Profcssor Frank Reginald Beasle> (Oxford and Sydney) LLD Profcssor Andrew Mo>'nihan Claje (Leeds) MD Professor Arthur Dale Trendall (New Zealand and Cambridge) LittD Sir William Gcorge Penne) (London and Cambridge).... LLD 2004 HONORIS CAUSA DEGREES Professor Arnold Joscph Toynbee (Oxford, Birmingham, Columbia, Cambridge and Princeton) ^^'^ Lindsay Tasman Ride (Oxford and Toronto) LLD Alexander James Reid (Western Australia) LLD Otto Sadler Hirschfeld (Queensland) ^LD John Mellis Napier (Adelaide) ^^^ Essington Lewis (Sydney) ^'-^ Charles Bickerton Blackburn (Adelaide, Sydney and New South Wales University of Technolog)') ^^^ Professor Samuel MacMahon Wadham (Cambridge) LLD Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase (Oxford and St, Andrews) _. LLD Professor Ernest Basil Verney (Cambridge) DSc Colin Macdonald Gilray (NewZealand and Oxford) LLD 1957 Sir William Joseph Slim (Leeds, Birmingham. Cambridge, Sydney and Oxford) LLD William Kcith Chambers Guthrie (Cambridge) LittD WiUiam Frederick Paton LittD 1959 Sir Owen Dixon (Oxford and Harvard) LLD Dr. Arthur Lehmann Goodhart (Cambridge and Oxford) LLD Sir John Greig Latham LLD Professor Ernst Mayer (Berlin and Yale) DSc Sir Leslie Harold Martin (Cambridge) DSc Arthur Ernest lloward Nickson DMus Jamcs Alexander Steele DMus 1960 His Excellency Genera! Sir Dallas Brooks LLD Profcssor Sir Alexandcr Todd (Cambridge, London, Oxford) LLD Profcssor Vasant Raniji Khanolkar (London) LLD 1961 l'rofessor James Aitchison (Edinburgh) DDSc Sir William Neil McKie (Oxford) DMus Sir Albert Axon (Queensland) DEng Edward Byam Brown DEng Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark (Tasmania) DEng 1962 Wilder Graves Pentleld (Johns Hopkins, Oxfbrd) LLD Sir Vincení dc Fcrranti (Manchcster) DEng Franz Ilolzinger (Vicnna) DEng His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand (Peshawar, Saigon, Gadya Mada, Bangkok) LLD Sir Roy Cameron (Edinburgh) LLJ) Sir Frank MacFarlane Burnet (London, Cambridge, Western Australia) LLD Emeritus Professor William Alexander Osborne (Belfast, Tubingen) MD Sir William George Dismore Upjohn LLD Sir William Johnston LLD Sir Albert