P.L. 1580

Dokument imqiegħed fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tad-Deputati fis-Seduta Numru 107 tat-2 ta’ Mejju 2018 mill-Ispeaker, l-Onor. Anġlu Farrugia.

______Raymond Scicluna Skrivan tal-Kamra

Parliamentary Delegation Report to the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta.

Date: 281h- 291h April 2018

Venue: Cairo, Egypt

Maltese delegation: Honourable Anglu Farrugia MP, President of the House of Representatives Honourable Glenn Bedingfield MP, Government Member Honourable Anton Refalo MP, Government Member Honurable Carmela Mifsud Bonnici MP, Opposition Member Mr Giovanni Miceli, Adviser International Relations, House of Representatives Ms Karen Mama, Research Analyst, House of Representatives

At the invitation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Arab Republic of Egypt and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, Honourable Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Honourable Anglu Farrugia MP, participated at the sth Summit of Speakers of Parliaments and the 14'h Plenary Session of the Union for the Mediterranean, which were held at the Egyptian House of Representatives, Cairo.

;, .. , Saturday, 28th April, 2018

Hon Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Medite!Tanean, welcomed all the participants to the 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the Union for the Mediterranean and delivered the opening address of the conference. Hon Aal elaborated on the importance of multilateral cooperation in all areas between both sides of the Mediterranean. He then refe!Ted to ilTegular migration and its root causes, mainly wars, economic imbalance and human trafficking. He also mentioned the situation in Palestine and the non-implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions, adding that having peace in this region would greatly contribute to counter terrorism. He concluded by saying that Members of Parliament have the duty to revisit legislation and enhance the exchange of information to cmmter terrorism and promote peace in the region.

Counsellor Omar Mmwan, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, delivered a speech on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt, HE Mr. Sheriflsmail. He said that there can be no peace in the region without development and no development without peace. He spoke about Egypt's on-going economic and social transitions and concluded by saying that everyone should work together for tolerance and peace.

On behalf of HE Antonio Tajani, President of the Europem1 Parliament, Hon David-Maria Sassoli, Vice-President of the European Parliament, said that the Mediterranean was passing through a difficult moment and that hate was taking the place of peace. He called for greater cooperation by all MeditelTanean countries to fight together against those who are sowing te!Torism. He noted that Parliamentarians should put their energy at the service of their citizens. He refe!Ted to economic issues, leading to an increased number of migrants, and the importance to promote economic and social development while having full respect for human rights. He mentioned the situation in Syria, Iraq, Libya and the Occupied Territories, adding that Europe should do more to help fmd a peaceful and durable solution. He concluded by referring to the importance of development in Africa and also increased attention to issues related to clinlate change. l-Ion Maria Edera Spadoni, Vice-President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, who spoke on behalf of HE Roberto Fico, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, said that the European response was not enough to address major issues such as migration, te!Torism and political instability, which has led to an increased sense of insecurity. She highlighted the need for increased cooperation between all countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region to address holistically the ongoing challenges. She concluded by refelTing to exchanges at the cultural, economic and energy level as desirable practices to promote development and peace in the Mediterranean.

Hon Ali Erkuscan, Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, spoke on behalf of HE "---'.1 Ismail Kallraman, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He elaborated on the present situation in Turkey and its role within the region. He said that Turkey has suffered from terrorism, adding that if Turkey were not stable, Europe would also be instable. He referred to migration, saying that there were approximately 3.5 million Syrian refugees in Turkey. He mentioned the agreement on migration reached between Turkey and the European Union and highlighted that Turkey was instmmental to reduce and manage the migration flow into Europe. He emphasised the need to identify the root causes of migration and to promote sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. He concluded by stating that Islam should not be associated with terrorism, which does not belong to any religion.

Following the speech by the Turkish representative, the floor was open for interventions by the Speakers of Parliaments and Heads of Delegations of the Parliamentary Assembly ofthe Union for the Mediterranean.

The Honourable Ahglu Farrugia, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta was the third speaker to take the floor after Austria and Cyprus. In his address, Speaker Farrugia welcomed the opportunity to reconvene and exchange ideas on ongoing challenges and opportunities in the shared Euro-Mediterranean region. He said that this year's topic, Counter­ Terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean region, builds on the excellent discussions held during the 2017 Summit of Speakers and continues to strengthen the importance of dialogue and exchange of best practices at parliamentary level.

The Speaker explained that members of parliament hold a pivotal role to transpose laws, promote parliamentary diplomacy, and sustain close cooperation with their constituency. The transposition of intemationally agreed protocols and inter-parliamentary dialogue are important parliamentary tools to ensure that national legislation is adequate and the representatives of the people are equipped with the best knowledge how to address the evolving terrorist threat. To this end, Speaker Farrugia welcomed developments within the European Union addressing money-laundering, cash entering and leaving the EU, and increased regulations on explosive precursors.

Speaker Farrugia spoke about the regional and international organisations that have a seat in Malta and congratulated them for their work in addressing terrorism from political, social, economic, and religious perspectives. In this regard, Speaker Farrugia welcomed the inter­ parliamentary work of the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. Furthermore, he announced that this summer, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, also based in Malta, is launching its parliamentary dimension to further advocate the role of Parliamentarians to promote religious understanding, tolerance, and peace.

Upon concluding, Speaker Farrugia recognised that investment and quality education form the basis of resilient societies and that members of parliament hold the key to promote a better understanding of the root causes of terrorism and sustain closer cooperation at a stal(eholder, public, and parliamentary level. At the end of the interventions, the 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the Union for the Mediterranean unanimously approved a Statement on "Counter-Terrorism in the Euro­ Mediterranean Region". This Statement included an amendment to paragraph 4 which was proposed by the Maltese Parliament. The original text read as follows:

"Encouraging member states to develop comprehensive national strategies for fighting terrorism and the extremism leading to terrorism while according priority to preventing, combatting and confi'onting terrorists acts."

The text proposed by the Maltese Parliament read as follows:

"Encourage member states to develop comprehensive national strategies for the fight against terrorism and extremist ideology while according priority to preventing, detecting and countering terrorist threats and attacks. "

The final and consolidated text adopted by the Summit reads as follows:

"Encourage member states of Union for Mediterranean to further develop comprehensive national strategies for the fight against terrorism and extremist ideology inciting violence and terrorism while according priority to preventing, detecting and countering terrorist threats and attacks. "

1(' l Sunday, 29'11 April2018

On the margins of the 14'h Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, the Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives, Hon Dr Ali Abdel Aal, requested a bilateral meeting with the Hon Dr Anglu Farrugia.

During the meeting, the two Speakers agreed on the importance of enhancing cooperation between the two Parliaments at a bilateral and multilateral level. The two sides agreed to set­ up a Joint Parliamentary Friendship Group as well as to exchange high-level visits.

The Hon Farrugia said that Egypt is an important player in Europe and the Mediterranean and emphasised that stability in the region is intrinsically linlced with stability in Egypt.

Speaker Farrugia was accompanied by MPs Glenn Bedingfield, Anton Refalo and Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici, Malta's representatives to the PA UfM. Also present were Charles Sultana, Malta's Ambassador to Egypt, and Giovanni Miceli and Karen Mamo from the House of Representatives.

AngluFar ug Speaker the House o epresentatives Parliament of Malta

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PR180932 28.04.2018


Speaker ofthe House ofRepresentatives leads Parliamentary delegation to the Summit ofSpeakers ofParliaments and Plenary Session ofthe PA-UJM

Speaker of the House of Representatives Anglu Farrugia left Malta to Cairo, Egypt, to participate in the 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM).

Accompanying the Speaker is a Maltese Parliamentary delegation that will participate in the 14th Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. The Maltese Parliamentary delegation is composed of Members of Parliament Glenn Bedingfield, Anton Refalo and Carmela Mifsud Bonnici.

The 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the PA-UfM will take place on Saturday 28th, while the Committee Meetings and the 14th Plenary Session of the PA-UfM will be held on Saturday and Sunday 29th April2018 respectively.

The PA-UfM is an inter-parliamentary organisation bringing together the Parliaments of the 28 European Union Member States and of 15 countries from the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean.

Attachments: none Page: 1 of1

3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VL T 2000 Tel +(356) 22001700 Fax +(356) 22001775 [email protected] ,,_-...] KAMRA TAD-DEPUTATI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PARLAMENTTA' MALTA

L~iSpeaker The Speaker

Speech by

Hon. Angelo Farrugia Speaker of the House of Representatives

Countering Terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

PA-UfM 5th Summit of Speakers

28 April 2018

;,'•J President Dr Ali Abd EI-Aal

President of the European Parliament

Esteemed colleagues

Ladies and Gentlemen

Allow me to join previous Speakers to express my gratitude and that of my delegation to the Parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt for hosting such an important Summit and for the hospitality given to all participants.

It is indeed a great pleasure to be present here today for our Fifth Summit of Presidents of the Parliamentary Dimension oft he Union for the Mediterranean. From the excellent meeting we had in 2017 in Rome to the great welcome in 2018 by the Egyptian Presidency in Cairo, the Summit of Speakers is an important yearly gathering for the Presidents of European and Mediterranean Parliaments. The identification and discussion of key challenges and opportunities currently affecting our shared Euro-Mediterranean region creates a strong and durable network of equal partners.

This year's topic Countering terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean region, builds on our previous meetings and debates. In fact, allow me to recall our discussions held during the fourth Summit of Speakers, which I strongly believe are linked to this year's topic. As Presidents of our respective Parliaments we agreed on the importance of promoting good quality employment, inclusive growth for all and sustainable development, especially in countries already negatively affected from climate change. These three distinct yet interrelated tools form the basis of a resilient and robust Euro-Mediterranean region, capable of addressing external and internal extremist ideology and threats.

Let us be clear, the violent threats posed by terrorist groups or lone criminals are not grounded in religious scripture or political ideology, but are rather the direct reflection of ingrained socio-economic problems, injustice and political tensions.

Esteemed Colleagues,

As we continue to discuss terrorism and its unfortunate development in the Euro­ Mediterranean region, it is imperative to underline that terrorism has no state, no religion and no border, and that each and every attack is an attack on us all. As members of our respective communities, but also as regional partners, we need to emphasise that our shared principles of dialogue, mutual understanding and peace constitute our strength and weapon of resilience against waves of extremism, intolerance and violence. Let us reaffirm that we hold the tools to act in a preventive and non-violent manner and that we are politically and morally committed to promote inclusive and just societies.

As members of parliament, and therefore representatives of our respective constituencies, we have the duty to: (i) transpose internationally and regionally agreed protocols into national law, (ii) actively participate in inter-parliamentary meetings, and (iii) maintain open channels of communication with our respective constituency.

The first point, and therefore the transposition of international protocols into national legislation is very important to ensure counter-terrorism legislation is up to date and effective. The Maltese Parliament has been actively enacting UN Security Council Resolutions and EU Directives that criminalize the funding, recruitment and training of terrorism. Only recently, a Bill to provide for the transposition of the European Directive on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime was submitted to parliament. At a European level, Malta is also actively contributing to the inter-institutional trialogue negotiations on a draft regulation that seeks to increase checks on cash entering and leaving the EU. This is an important development and continues to strengthen the role of controlling the financing and monetary transactions used for terrorist activity. I also greatly welcome the European Commission's proposal to introduce new rules to make it harder to acquire and trade explosive precursors, frequently used in home-made bombs.

My second point, active participation in inter-parliamentary meetings, is an excellent opportunity to ensure key actors in the region maintain close cooperation, feel confident to exchange best practices on counter-terrorism strategies and have the opportunity to meet with key stakeholders, including Internet service providers, intelligence services and youth leaders.

The third point, maintaining open channels of communication with the public, is a more daunting and challenging task. Nonetheless, it is crucial to ensure that fears and threats are better interpreted and addressed.

Esteemed Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen

The Maltese Parliament strongly believes in the role of parliamentary diplomacy and has been proudly organizing a number of inter-parliamentary meetings addressing key challenges such as terrorism, migration and climate change. Furthermore, Malta is also home to a number of organizations that have a strong parliamentary dimension and are very active in the region. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, active in Malta for over 10 years, and the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law (IIJ), now in its 4th year of operation, provide two important inter-parliamentary platforms for parliamentarians hailing from the Mediterranean, European, African and Asian regions. Only recently, on 21 and 22 March, the IIJ organized a workshop addressing the important nexus between members of Parliament and the Judiciary, thus creating an important bridge between the work of the legislator and that ofthe law courts.

In the coming months, the Maltese Parliament will further consolidate its commitment to act as a platform for the exchange of ideas and the peaceful development of the region as it will be hosting the opening session of the International Parliament of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace. Established in Malta in July 2017. The GCTP aims to act as an international space and global platform for the promotion of tolerance and peace whilst proactively counter discrimination, religious sectarianism and ethnocentricity. The parliamentary dimension is an excellent opportunity to recognize that peace, tolerance and understanding is a desirable and possible practice.

I strongly believe that parliamentary diplomacy within different political, economic and cultural fora continues to strengthen cooperation and ensure members of parliament are participant and active contributors to address challenges and opportunities in the region.

Going back to my third point above, i.e. maintaining open channels of communication with the constituency, is presumably the least mentioned but most challenging of the three. The Maltese Parliament, has on numerous occasions tried to bridge the divide between elected representatives and the people. The Maltese Public, in addition to being able to attend sittings and follow the proceedings in person, through the introduction of Parliament TV and live streaming of parliamentary sittings, including also committee meetings, is now able to follow, from the comfort of their homes, debates and discussions held in the House. Whilst recognizing that this is one-way process and much more needs to be done to ensure increased levels of trust between the legislators and the people, direct consultation with key stakeholders and members of the public is a desirable and very much needed practice. This is t... j especially valid when delving into counter-terrorism strategies, human rights and respect for the rule of law.

Esteemed Colleagues

To conclude, I wish to reiterate my strong beliefs that effective counter-terrorism strategies require strong political commitment which reaffirms that:

• Terrorism belongs to no religion or state • Education, quality employment and inclusive policy for all act as the basis for the creation of resilient and just societies • Members of Parliament hold the key to promote a better understanding of the root causes of terrorism and sustain closer cooperation at a stakeholder, public and Parliamentary level.

Thank you


PR180933 28.04.2018


Speaker Anglu Farrugia attends the 5'11 Summit of Speakers ofParliaments of the Union for the Mediterranean

Speaker Anglu Farrugia participated in the 5'11 Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM) in Cairo, under the 2018 Egyptian Presidency ofPA-UfM.

The 5'11 Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the UfM was opened by Dr Ali Abdel Aal, Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives and President of the PA-UfM. Speeches were then delivered on behalf of , , Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, Roberto Fico, President ofthe Chamber of Deputies ofthe Italian Republic, and Dr Ismail Kahraman, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.

Ih his address, Speaker Farrugia welcomed the opportunity to reconvene and exchange ideas on ongoing challenges and opportunities in the shared Euro-Mediterranean region. He said that this year's topic, Counter-Terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean region, builds on the excellent discussions held during the 2017 Summit of Speakers and continues to strengthen the importance of dialogue and exchange of best practices at parliamentary level.

The Speaker explained that members of parliament hold a pivotal role to transpose laws, promote parliamentary diplomacy, and sustain close cooperation with their constituency. The transposition of internationally agreed protocols and inter-parliamentary dialogue are important parliamentary tools to ensure that national legislation is adequate and the representatives of the people are equipped with the best knowledge how to address the evolving terrorist threat. To this end, Speaker Farrugia welcomed developments within the European Union addressing money-laundering, cash entering and leaving the EU, and increased regulations on explosive precursors.

Speaker Farrugia spoke about the regional and international organisations that have a seat in Malta and congratulated them for their work in addressing terrorism from political, social, economic, and religious perspectives. In this regard, Speaker Farrugia welcomed the inter-parliamentary work of the International Institute for Justice and the Rule of Law and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. Furthermore, he announced that this summer, the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace, also based in Malta, is launching its parliamentary dimension to further advocate the role of Parliamentarians to promote religious understanding, tolerance, and peace.

Upon concluding, Speaker Farrugia recognised that investment and quality education form the basis of resilient societies and that members of parliament hold the key to promote a better understanding

Attachments: photos Page: 1 ofZ

3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VL T 2000 Tel +(356) 2200 1700 Fax +(356) 2200 1775 [email protected] of the root causes of terrorism and sustain closer cooperation at a stakeholder, public, and parliamentary level.

The Parliamentary Assembly - Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an inter-parliamentary organisation bringing together the parliaments of the 28 European Union member states and of 15 countries from the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean. It provides a unique forum to enhance regional cooperation and dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region.


PR180933 Page: 2 of2



PR180937 28.04.2018


The 5'11 Summit of Speakers of Parliaments of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean has approved, unanimously, the attached statement on Counter-Terrorism in the Euro­ Mediterrimean region.

The statement includes an amendment to paragraph 4 which was submitted by the Maltese Parliament.

Attachments: 1 Page: 1oft

3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VLT 2000 Tel +(356) 2200 1700 Fax +(356) 2200 1775 [email protected] -~ i PA-lJfM ~i&"'~" ')) AP-UpM

Egyptian House of Representatives • Presidency of the PA·UIM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Chambre des Representants d'Egypte- Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assemblee Parlementaire- Union Pour Ia Mediterranee b.,WI &> Ji.o.l)IJ <.,JWY,JI <5y.. h...,WI J;.l &> JW)!J <.,JWY,JI ~I Draft Statement The Fifth Summit of Speakers of the Parliaments of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Cairo 28Apri12018 "Counter-Terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean Region"

We, the Speakers of the Parliaments of the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean, meeting in the Fifth Summit of Speakers of the Parliaments of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean in Cairo on 28 April 2018 in order to discuss the topic "Counter-Terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean Region", agreed on: 1) The necessity to face the tremendous threats resulting from The escalation of terrorism and the extremism leading to terrorism in the Euro-Mediterranean region since this growing phenomenon is still causing death, destruction and instability in the countries and regions all over the world where terrorist and criminal groups are active; 2) The importance of promoting cooperation between the parliaments of the members of the Union for the Mediterranean in combating terrorism and the extremism leading to terrorism in order to exchange expertise and best practices; 3) The need for a comprehensive approach for fighting terrorism and the extremism leading to terrorism through defeating terrorism and addressing its different causes within a framework that respects the mle of law and human rights in line with fundamental rights and freedoms; 4) Encourage member states of Union for Mediterranean to further develop comprehensive national strategies for the fight against terrorism and extremist ideology inciting violence and terrorism while according priority to preventing, detecting and countering terrorist threats and attacks.; 5) Strong condemnation of all terrorist acts and incitement to commit terrorist acts, irrespective of motive, wherever and by whomever

',' -,J 1 PA-OfM ',~1»~. ~'l~ AP-UpM

Egyptian House of Representatives • Presidency of the PA-UIM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Chambre des Representants d'Egypte. Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assemblee Parlementaire- Union Pour Ia Mediterranee J,.i <)< JW)Lil.,JW.Jill J.,...,Jil...UJ -

2 i--1 Egyptian House of Representatives - Presidency of the PA-U!M Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Chambre des Representants d'Egypte- Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assemblee Pariementalre- Union Pour Ia Mediterranee k...y..ll J.,l <)< ;W)IJ <,lW__,!I ~il...U~ - <.<_,..,..JI yl_,.tll u4-> k....,WI J..l <)< ;W)IJ l..,JWJ!ll ~I 11) Calling for the promotion of cultural and educational cooperation and dialogue among religions and civilizations between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with a view to consolidating the concepts of respect for the other and cultural diversity, especially among young people~ 12) Advocating the involvement of various actors in the fight against terrorism and extremism leading to terrorism such as clerics, education and culture bodies, relevant civil society institutions, the media, Internet service providers, youth, women and others to ensure the implementation of a comprehensive strategy to combat terrorism and extremism leading to terrorism in all its aspects~ 13) Expressing solidarity with the victims of terrorism and the importance of giving priority to defending their rights and ensuring their welfare! 14) Focusing on the importance of international and regional initiatives, forums and dialogues for cooperation, fostering security, stability and interreligious dialogue and peaceful coexistence in the Euro­ Mediterranean region in the fight against terrorism based on a comprehensive approach to combating terrorism, which will play an important role in promoting a positive agenda, bringing views together and working towards finding common solutions among UfM: various states"\ 15) Requesting the UFM Secretariat and senior officials to continue studying the joint projects and initiatives that could contribute to enhancing joint cooperation to combat terrorism and extremism leading to terrorism.


PR180941 29.04.2018


Speaker Farrugia in a bilateral meeting with Egyptian Speaker

Speaker Anglu Farrugia, who is participating in the PA UfM conference being held in Cairo, had a bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives Ali Abdel Aal.

The two dignitaries reiterated the strong and cordial relations between the two countries and the respective parliaments. They discussed the setting up of a parliamentary friendship group as well as exchanging high-level visits.

Speaker Farrugia was accompanied by MPs Glenn Bedingfield, Anton Refalo and Carmela Mifsud Bonnici, Malta's representatives to the PA UfM. Also present were Charles Sultana, Malta's Ambassador to Egypt, and Giovanni Miceli and Karen Mamo from the House of Representatives.


Attachments: none Page: 1 of 1

3, CASTILLE PLACE, VALLETTA VLT 2000 Tel +(356} 22001700 Fax +(356} 2200 1775 [email protected] ,. •


• Letter of invitation, dated S'h March 2018, from the Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives and President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, Honourable Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Parliament of Malta, Honourable Dr. Angelo Farrugia • Agenda

,.. --~

·~ :~ I ARAB REPUBliC OF EGYPT House of Representatives SPEAKER

Cairo, March 5, 20 8 H.E. Mr. Angelo Fa:rruf.{ia Speaker of the House of Representatil'es of Malta Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean


It gives me great pleasure to invite your Excellency and your Parliament' distinguished delegation to attend the PA UfM 5th Summit of Speakers and the 141 Plenary_ Session, to be held at the Egyptian House of Representatives in Cairo o i Saturday and Sunday, 28 and 29 April 2018. The draft agenda and other relevan documents will be sent as soon as possible.

Kindly accept the assurances of our highest consideration.

Dr. Ali Abdei Aal

Speaker of the Egyptian Bouse of Representatives President ofthll Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean

Please complete the attached registration form and sand it before 31 March 2018 to: E-mail: [email protected] Fax : {00202) 27948977 t" · :.

Address: 1 Majlis El.Shaab St., Cairo, Egypt Thl: (00202) 27943116 -2 7943!30 - 27943000 -2792Ii57 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (00202) 27948977 -~

\"j ~·

PA-UfM AI& ANJpM : ' Egyptian House of Representatives ·Presidency of the PA..UfM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Med/terranean Chambre des Represenlan!s d'Egypt<> • Priisldence de I'AP..tJpM Assemblt!e Parlementalre- Union Pour Ia MOditerranoe !....WI J.i.;,.. .rt..l>lJ "''W_,\1 l;u,Jil...l.i;- Wl I ""' •t..W l.jLJJjll <, I I '

PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMJ:ILY OF TilE UNION FOR 'I'HE MEDITERRANEAN The PA- UfM 5th Summit of Speal,ern and the 14th General Assembly House of Representatives Cairo, Saturday and Sunday 28 and 29 April2018. REGISTRATION FORM Please fill in this form in all its parts in BLOCK CAPITALS for each participant and send it by 31 March 2018 to: E-mail: [email protected] Fax:(00202)27948977

! Mr/Ms



0 President I Member of Parliament POSITION (tick as appropriate) 0 Official/ Staff < ' 0 Other (Please specify)




~- ' j i.l - PA-UfM ~A ANJpM i

Egyptian House of Representa~lves- Presidency of lhe,PA.UIM l Chambre des Representants d'Egypte • Presldence de I AP-UpM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for tho Mo,terranoan Assemblee Parlementalre- Union Pour Ia dlterraneo .lw.foll J>lo- ·~ :{,.'~..~.Jill ~ll...UJ- ~_,.,...n .,.,_.., ...... J,..,jW1 J>l <)4 ·~~I <;....,.ll !









Tel.: (00202) 27931202

Fax: (00202)27948977 l'/.-j E-mail: [email protected]

-{."·! •">,

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Egyptian House of Representatives - Presidency of the PA-UfM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Chambre des Representants d'Egypte- Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assemblee Parlementaire- Union Pour Ia M9diterranee

kfo-]1 J;.i LJ-' Jw-,;.\ ~WJ!ll ~I :l.uJ- ~_,..,.JI yljlll ~

Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments 1 The 14 h Plenary Session Cairo Egyptian House of Representatives Saturday and Sunday 28- 29 April 2018

09:00-09:30 Arrival and g of .. Opening address by Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives and the President of the PA-UtM

@ Speech of Mr. Sherif Ismail, Prime Minister of Egypt, to be delivered on his behalf by Counselor Omar Marwan, Minister of State for Affairs. " Speech by Mr. David-Maria Sassoli, Vice President of the Parliament ., Speech by Ms. Maria Edera Spadoni, Vice President of the Italian Chamber of " Speech by Mr. Ali Erkuscan, Member of the Grand National 09:30-13:00 of Countering Terrorism in the Euro- Mediterranean Region Interventions of speakers of parlimnents and heads of delegations of the PA-UfM Adoption of the declaration of the 5th Summit of Speakers of Parliaments A 13:30

i-1 1 Interpretation Languages: English- French-- Spanish- Italian- Turkish- Hebrew- Arabic- Portuguese

1/3 !:'!\.- UtlY1


Egyptian House of Representatives -Presidency of the PA-UfM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Ghambre des Representants d'Egypte - Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assembl8e Parlementaire- Union Pour Ia MSditerranee

.b..jl.JI J,.l &• JL...~ l_;,'W_;,oll ~I t...u"- ~_,..,..JI ylj!JI ~

08:30 Registration of participants 09:00-13:00 Meeting of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights (Shoura Hall) 2 09:00-11:00 Meeting of the Committee on Women's rights in Euro-Mediterranean countries (25 January Hall) 3 11:00-13:00 Meeting of the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, Social Affairs and Education (Saif Al Yazal Hall) 4 12:00-13:30 Meeting of the Committee on Energy, Environment and Water (25 5 '"' January Hall) 13:30-14:30 Lunch at the House of Representatives 14:30-16:30 Meeting of Working Group on Financing of the Assembly and Revision of the Rules of Procedure (Shoura Hall) 6 14:30-16:30 Meeting of the Committee on Improving Quality of Life, Exchanges between Civil Societies, and Culture (Main Hall) 7 ,c,-_.1 17:00-19:00 Bureau meeting (25 January Hall)

~- '1 19:00-20:00 Enlarged Bureau Meeting (25 January Hall) 21:00-23:00 Official dinner for participating delegations (Semiramis Hotel)

'Interpretation Languages: English- French- German- Spanish- Italian- Turkish- Hebrew- Arabic 3 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic- Turkish. 4 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic- Portuguese. 5 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic. 5 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Pmtugu_ese- Spanish- Italian- Turkish- Hebrew- Arabic 7 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic- Turkish. · 8 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic- Turkish- Italian 9 Interpretation Languages: English- French- Arabic- Turkish- Italian- Portuguese 2/3 AP-UpM

Egyptian House of Representatives- Presidency of the PA-UfM Parliamentary Assembly- Union for the Mediterranean

Chambre des Representants d'Egypte- Presidence de I'AP-UpM Assemblee Parlementaire- Union Pour Ia Mediterranee

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Plenary Session on "Countering Terrorism in Euro-Mediterranean Region" Egyptian House of Representatives- Main HaH 10 09:30 Registration of participating delegations 10:00-10:30 A group photo for all participants in the Conference Opening of the session Adoption of the agenda Adoption of the minutes of the 13th plenary session held in Italy on 12- 13 May 2017 10:30-12:30 Discussion 12:30-13:00 Break 13:00-13:15 Presentation on the UfM activities 13:15-14:30 Studying draft recommendations presented by committees and working groups: 1''-:l Speeches by chairpersons of the committees and working groups Adoption ofrecommendations of the committees and working groups ,_-,_-l 14:30-15:00 Closure of the session: Handing over the Presidency. Speech by Mr. David-Maria Sassoli, Vice President of the European Parliament

10 Interpretation Languages: English- French-- Spanish- Italian- Turkish- Hebrew- Arabic- Portuguese 3/3