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Letter from Cairo A Century and a half of Egyptian Parliament A bi-monthly periodical on the p.4 current political, economic, and cultural developments in Egypt It is well known that Egypt knew parliamentary life 150 years ago. Most historians agree that Egyptian Parliament... the first assembly that can be compared to a Western parliament was established in 1866 Issued by Foreign Information Sector by Khedive Ismail (1863-1879). Along such period, Egypt’s parliamentary history witnessed State Information Service Oldest legislative various evolutions and names to its parliamentary councils, starting from the High Council, Arab Republic of Egypt institution in the Arab the Consultation Council, the Advisory Council of Laws, then adopting thetwo‐council system ( and representatives) upon adopting 1923 Constitution, then returning to World, Africa & Middle East the one‐council system upon July 23, 1952 Revolution. As of 1979, the two‐council system was adopted. Following the approval of the 2014 Constitution, Egypt now has a unicameral Chairman of SIS parliament, House of Representatives. Ambassador Egypt’s new parliament, which opened 10 January, is the most empowered and diverse parliamentary body in Egyptian history. For example, women made extraordinary gains Salah A. Elsadek p.17 and now hold 89 seats in the House of Representatives, making the highest percentage of female representation (14.9 percent) in parliament’s 150-year history. The same is also true about Christians whose number now stands at 39 (6.5 percent) while the number of political parties represented in parliament rose to 19, with 245 MPs (41.1 per cent). The Biography of House Speaker Parliament was seated with expanded authorities and derives its power from a progressive Editor-in-Chief new Constitution, which was approved through a referendum in January 2014 and marked Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal the first in a series of key milestones in Egypt’s democratic evolution. The newly elected Abdel Mo'ti Abu Zeid members of Egypt’s House of Representatives will now play a pivotal role in fulfilling the peoples’ desire for equitable prosperity and enduring liberty, stability and social justice. Executive Editor In line with Egypt’s pivotal African role, Egypt hosts the October session of the Pan- African Parliament, in Sharm el-Sheikh which coincides with Egypt’s celebration marking the Nashwa Abdel Hamid 150 anniversary of the inception of parliamentary life in Egypt .Improving ties with Africa p.28-29 in general and with the Nile Basin states in particular has been a priority in post-30 June Egypt President Sisi visited Equatorial Guinea to attend the African Union summit, his first international meeting since becoming president. El-Sisi’s participation in the AU summit in June 2014 was another breakthrough in Egypt’s relations with Africa, as it contributed to lifting the ban on Egypt’s membership of the African Union’s Peace and Security Council, Layout thawing Egyptian-African relations. Historically, Egypt played a major role in the founding Nisreen Ahmed of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and establishing structures of the African Union. African countries have gained prominence in Egypt’s foreign policy in recent years as Egypt has shown increased willingness to participate in all activities of the Pan-African Parliament. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi affirmed the importance of the Pan-African Parliament as a Egypt and the Pan-African Parliament legal institution and praised the developments of its procedures and protocol over the past One Africa, One Voice few years. The current issue of “Letter from Cairo” offers a panoramic analysis of the history of parliamentary life in Egypt, the rise and evolution of political life, the constitutional history of Egypt with special emphasis on the current Constitution and Egypt’s historic relations with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Pan-African Parliament as well.

2 3 SIS Website: http://sis.gov.eg Email: [email protected] The Egyptian Parliament is the dynasty was able to unite the north applied a successful system of oldest legislative institution in the and south of Egypt in one state. self-rule since the era of old Egyptian Parliament... Oldest legislative Arab World. It emerged with the He enacted the oldest legislative Kingdom. Since the Third and consultative representative sys- systems in human history when Fourth Ddynasties of the old institution in the Arab World, Middle East & Africa tems that started since Mohamed he regarded the law of “Tehut”, Egyptian Kingdoms, different Ali assumed office and set down the god of wisdom, as the only decrees and legislations were the principle regulations for the ruling law throughout Egypt. King drawn, for example, the one Supreme Council. It was one of Mina made the city of “Manf” specifying the working hours the first parliamentary attempts a capital and an administrative for the farmer and the time to regulate the relationship be- centre for the first unified cen- this work is to be conducted. tween the ruler and the people, tralized state in history ever to Also the legislation of King Men- until Khedive Ismail came on 22 have an organized body govern- kauraa aiming at the abolition October 1866 and established ment, administration, judiciary, of serfdom. In the era of the the first representative parlia- education, police, army…etc. The Middle Kingdom “Rakhmiraa”, ment in the true sense of the remnants of the Ancient Egyptian the prime minister and head word, namely the “Representa- civilization from the eras of the of judicial of king Thutmose III, tive Consultative Council” (Maglis Old, Middle and Modern King- left a complete record on the Shura al-Nowwab), modeled on doms (2980 -11500 BC) stand walls of his tomb in Thebes for the modern Western mode of proof of success achieved by the the legislations specifying the establishing elected legislative ancient Egyptians in the systems competences and functions of institutions. These institutions of government and administra- a minister. represented the electorate and tion. The King (pharaoh) was the In the Pharaonic Modern voiced their interests to the ex- Head of the State, next was the ecutive authority. The aim was Kingdom, King “Hur Muheb” Great Treasurer or Tax Collector. had a prominent role as he was to implement the modernizing Public officials were appointed theories of Khedive Ismail, which considered one of the most by a royal decree and got pro- important legislators in his- sought to establish a sound par- moted in their posts. Egypt also liamentary life capable of truly tory. His legislation had civil expressing the interests and as- rather than religious character. pirations of the different sects He was keen on issuing many and social strata of the Egyptian rules governing the relationship Egypt celebrates 150 years people. between the individual and the ruling power. His legislations The Evolution of the Parlia- were the first to firmly establish mentary Life in Egypt the idea of public freedoms and rights. He also emphasized the of Parliamentary Life Egypt introduced to human- idea that public office is the ity the oldest administrative servant and not the master of and legislative systems. Along Egypt marks the 150th anniversary of the inception of parliamentary life with a big people. The Pharaonic civiliza- the banks of the River Nile the tion left several monuments celebration beginning October 9 in the convention hall at Sharm El-Sheikh attended by oldest organized government was speakers of key world parliaments. The history of Egypt’s Western-style parliament, the testifying to this legislative and founded; building the greatest administrative development, first in the Arab, African and Middle East regions, dates back to 22 October 1866 when of civilizations. These Egyptian namely the text found in the the 75-MP Council of Consultative Deputies (Maglis Shura Al-Nuwab) was formed. The civilizations standing tall through tomb of princess “Aidot” in council, opened during the era of Khedive Ismail (1863-1879), held its first meeting the ages would never have been Saqqara which is considered on 25 November 1866. The Foreign Ministry launched an advertising campaign to established, varied and contin- the oldest tax legislation in celebrate 150 years of Egypt’s parliamentary life in Washington DC. The campaign ued, had they not been based history. On their temples and highlighted the current developments in Egypt to the American society including the on strong steadfast basics in the tombs, the Ancient Egyptians 150 years of Egypt’s parliamentary life and to discuss the many challenges that Egypt systems and arts of government often recorded the image of the and administration. faces with its partners, both the Arab nations or in the USA. The campaign sends both King presenting “Maaet”, the a tourist and a political message, which includes putting posters near the White House, Rule and Administration symbol of justice and law, to in Ancient Egypt the God, in a clear gesture to US Congress headquarters and the tourist buses in DC. The campaign would continue the significance of the values until next March, which coincides with the upcoming nuclear security summit hosted Before 5200 years, King Mina, King Horemheb 1319–1292 BC and concepts of justice and in DC in late March, on the hopes that it will have a positive impact of the campaign. the founder of the First Pharaonic sovereignty of low.

4 5 After Alexander the Great con- on all civil and criminal disputes, When Napoleon Bonaparte’s the opinion or position of the parliamentary council. Its estab- statute also included the dates quered Egypt in 330BC, the Greek as well as personal status. This expedition arrived to Egypt, Na- Ottoman Sultan. Mohammed Ali lishment marks the true beginning of the council’s conventions and rule of Egypt started. After the was the situation until the end poleon held negotiation with El- had his pledge of allegiance as of Egypt’s first parliament, most the method of operation within death of Alexander, there came of 18th century. Azhar scholars and community ruler on the “conditions of the members of which were chosen its frame. The success of the High the period of the Ptolemics then leaders, which resulted in forming people” which came down to through election. At first, it con- Council led to the establishment the Roman rule. During the Ro- Egypt, looking forward to estab- an integrated structure for the the fact that “the nation is the sisted of 24 members, then 48 of another council in 1829- the lishing a modern country based man rule, Egyptians were able country in the modern style. The source of authorities”. These con- members after adding 24 sheikhs “Advisory Council” which is the on science and advancement, to keep most of their traditions, nucleus of the Egyptian parlia- ditions stipulated that the affairs and scholars, thus the General important starting point of the sought to achieve an ideological rules and customs until Egypt ment is the “General Cabinet” agreed upon after matured con- Cabinet was formed of cabinets’ system of consultation, as this and political revival in government, embraced Christianity in the established by Bonaparte, as sent shall be managed in justice, administrators and heads of state council consisted of the highest administration and legislation. first half of the 1st century AD. he called on December 4, 1798 along with the establishment of offices, two scholars chosen by government officials, scholars, Furthermore, modern institutions The Egyptian church contributed for establishment of general as- rules and legislations and end- the Rector of Al-Azhar, two mer- leading personalities headed to the establishment of several of rule had to be founded i.e. sembly of prominent national by Ibrahim Pasha (son of Mo- the Constitution, ministries and ing injustice and that he shall chants chosen by the head of rules, traditions and arts. In the figures to have the capacity of not act expect on counsel of the the capital’s tradesmen, two of hammed Ali). This council- in the Islamic era, Egypt derived rules parliament. This actually took representing Egyptians from number of members and their place by late 18th century. scholars. Once the sole ruler of the well-informed in accounting, of government and legislation all parts of the country, for the Egypt, Mohammed Ali started a two of the leading personalities representation to all classes form the Holy Quran and the Development of parliamentary purpose of consultation over total administrative revolution to for each Egyptian province to be of the people – was almost a honorable traditions of Prophet life in Egypt in the modern age the councils he formed and in establish modern institutions of elected by the people. general assembly formed of 156 Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him), setting the administrative, fis- government, including the forma- members of whom 33 were of based on the shura (consultative) In the last few years of the 18th cal and judicial systems in the tion of a modern representative In January 1825, the fundamental high officials and scholars, 24 principle which is an essentially century, Egypt witnessed impor- state. The General Cabinet in its parliament. statute of the High Council was members of regional adminis- Islamic value. tant political and social develop- first constituent form consisted issued defining its competence by trators, and 99 members of the ments both on the ideological of 180 members representing The “High Council” which was discussing what Mohammed Ali most prominent Egyptian person- When Egypt become the capital and practical levels. In 1795, less all districts and different social formed in 1824 during Mohamed reviews or suggests as regards his alities chosen through election. of the Fatimid rule (969-1171 than six years after the French classes; scholars, tradesmen Ali’s era is considered the first internal policy. The fundamental The Advisory Council was held AD), government and legislation Revolution, Egypt witnessed the and civilians. This parliament developed. Cairo was designed first socio- political great battle first held session on October6, to be the capital city of Egypt for democracy. In this battle the 1798. Bonaparte issued what was and the Muslim Caliphate. In the stands of national powers and called the Decree of Conditions Ayyobid era (1171-1250 AD), the people’s leadership regarding is- which specified competence and Citadel became the seat of rule sues of the people were decisively functions of the General Cabi- and center of power. Legislative declared. The vanguards of these net emphasizing its consultative and judiciary councils varied; there powers adopted national claims legislative capacity. In the first was the council of justice and the in justice, equality and freedom. confrontation between the parlia- council for the grievances and so Within the framework of the ment and leaders of the French on. The competences of these expedition on taxes, Bonaparte councils included issuing legisla- rising resistance of the people against the Ottoman ruler and suspended the newly-established tions and rules and concluding parliament, thus flaring the first treaties with foreign countries. Mameluks, Egypt was on the verge of a great national revo- Cairo Revolution on October 21, In the Mameluks era (1250- lution which led to the acquiring 1798, one of the demands of 1517 AD), Sultan Al-Zaher Beibars of an act by “Ulama” or savants which was the de-suspension built the “House of Justices” (Dar of religion and popular leader- of the parliament. EL-Adl) at the Castle of Saladin ships from the Ottoman ruler and The High Council El-Ayyobi to be the headquarters Mameluks. The act was the first of the rule. The jurisdiction of “Magnacarta” of Egypt, as well In May 1805, Egypt witnessed the the Ruling Council at the time as the nucleus for the first mod- first mature democratic revolution included issuing and enforcing ern constitution of the country; of the modern age: the revolu- legislations, settling disputes, setting clear regulators of the tion led by El-Azhar scholars, in holding negotiations with neigh- relationship between the citizen which all classes of the Egyptian boring countries. In the Ottoman and the power. This included the people took part. The leaders era(1517-1805 AD), Sharia (Islamic compliance of some rulers of the of this revolution nominated Law) courts were the applicable country with people’s demands Mohammed Ali Pasha as “Wali” rule in Egypt, as judges applied concerning taxes, representation –ruler of Egypt –”In the name rules directly derived from Shariaa and so on. of the people”, notwithstanding Miniature replica of consultative assembly in Islamic Egypt, Acquisition of the Egyptian Parliament Museum

6 7 for consultation on education, district chiefs in other provinces, jurisdiction especially regarding administration and public works. in addition to the President of financial affairs. In 1830, this council issued a pack- the Council appointed by direct age of instructions, including the decree of the Khedive. The man- In June 1879, the new main basics and methods of its work. date term of the Council was statute of the Representatives In 1833, the Advisory Council 3 years, in each of which the Council was prepared as a pre- enacted regulation, as an ap- council convenes for two months. liminary step towards presenting pendix to the former instructions The Council of Representatives it to the Khedive for approval. as well as organizing the periods was held in 9 sessions along 3 This was the statute that made of convention, procedures of parliaments in the period from the number of representatives deliberation and decision issu- November 25, 1866 until July amounts to 120 for Egypt and the ance. In 1837 Mohammad Ali 6, 1879 AD. Sudan. The most important item promulgated the State Basic Law of this statute was determining which replaced the Consultation As time passed, the competence the minister responsibility and Council with the Special Legis- of the council gradually expanded granting greater authority to the lative Council and The General and the opposing tendencies Council in some financial aspects. Legislative Council, to discuss started to emerge on account Kehdive Tawfik, appointed on June the matters referred there‐to of the financial crisis and the 26, 1879, rejected the statute by the government which was consequent foreign interference and issued an order to dissolve organized into seven “dawawin” in Egyptian affairs. This develop- the Council. Yet, the council kept ministries. ment was aided by the spread holding sessions until July 1879. The Advisory Council of Laws of ideas of enlightenment The Representative Consultative Advisory Council of Repre- through a group of Council was soon transformed only once from December 26, mere consultative authorities. 5 parliamentary bodies in the sentatives great thinkers into the Egyptian Representative 1881 until March 26, 1882, as By virtue of the Regular Law, the period between 1883 and 1913. and writers, in The year 1866 witnessed the Council in 1881, which issued Britain occupied Egypt in 1882 Egyptian parliament consisted addi- tion the Statute of 7 February 1882, repealing the main law. In 1883, of two chambers: The Advisory The Legislative Assembly crucial step of developing parlia- to mentary life in Egypt when Khedive which was a true expression of a so-called Regular Law was is- Council of Laws and the General In July 1913 both the Advisory Ismail established the “Advisory what the members of the Council sued which was considered a Assembly. That law gave rise as Council of Laws and the General Council of Representatives”; this of Representatives had hoped setback to parliamentary life. well to the provinces councils Assembly were dissolved, and council is regarded as the first for the Egyptian political system. However, Britain issued a decree which were of administrative the Legislative Assembly was effecting the destruction of the and not legislative functions, parliament with representative With the appearance of op- established. It consisted of 83 parliamentary system, allegedly but still they elected the mem- function and real responsibilities position trends and the erup- members: 66 elected and 17 ap- to calm the state of affairs in bers of the Advisory Council of not just a consultative council. tion of the Orabi Revolution on pointed. The Regular Law prom- Egypt. It was replaced in 1883 Laws. The Advisory Council of The Khedive decree on estab- September 9, 1881, the elections ulgated in July 1913 stated that by another system represented Laws consisted of 30 members, lishing this council was issued in of the Advisory Council of Rep- the Legislative Assembly term in the “Councils of the First of of which 14 members including November 1866, including the resentatives was held and the would be six years. In fact, the May Law”, which declared the the speaker and one of his two statute and regulatory system new Council was inaugurated Legislative Assembly lasted from establishment of the Legal Con- deputies were appointed, in ad- of the council. The main statute on December 26, 1881 under January 22, 1914 till June 17, 1914 included 18 items regarding the sultative Council and the Gen- dition to 16 elected members the name “Egyptian Council when World War I broke out and election system, legal conditions including the second deputy of Representatives” in accord- eral Assembly. In early 1913, a martial laws were declared in required for the eligibility of the Khedive Ismail 1863-1879 speaker of the council. The term ance with the regulations of the new statutory law was issued, Egypt. Later in December 1914, candidate and the periods in which stipulating the establishment of of the Council was 6 years. As Council statute issued in 1866. for the General Assembly it con- Britain declared Egypt a British the council had the capacity to a Legislative Assembly to replace A government decree was then sisted of 83 members of whom protectorate, and the legislative “negotiate internal affairs and the General Assembly and the newspapers at the time which issued on Feb.7, 1882 holding 46 members were elected and Assembly session was postponed advise the Khedive”. The council Legal Consultative Council. supported the popular demand the Cabinet accountable to the the remaining members were indefinitely. In 1915 the Regular statutes were greatly influenced Law was suspended. After the by parliamentary regulations ap- of establishing a parliament of Representative Council elected The Advisory Council of Laws appointed according to the Law end of World War I, the 1919 plicable in Europe at the time, wide competence. In 1878, this by the people, which had the of the Advisory Council. The Gen- In 1883, the so‐called Regular Egyptian Revolution broke out especially the French legislative demand was reflected in the es- authority to legislate and inter- eral Assembly was headed by Law was issued which consti- which resulted in the 28 Febru- Body. tablishment of the first Council rogate the minister. The Egyptian the president of the Advisory of Ministers in Egypt as it as- Council of Representatives’ term tuted a setback to representa- Council of Laws appointed by ary 1922 declaration recognizing The Advisory Council of Rep- sumed responsibility before the became 5 years with 3 months tive life in Egypt as it did not the Khedive from among the per- Egypt as an independent state resentatives had 75 members re-established parliament and of convention. Yet this did not regard the principle of separa- manent members. The Advisory and terminated Egypt as a British elected by the dignitaries in Cairo, was given more capacities. Yet last long; the Egyptian Council of tion of powers and dealt with Council of laws and the General protectorate. Thereupon, a new Alexandria and Damietta, and by some areas still kept out of its Representatives was in session the parliamentary councils as Assembly held 31 sessions along Egyptian Constitution was prom-

8 9 ulgated in April 1923. It adopted wards a sound parliamentary life survive long, because of the carried out their Revolution on on which basis the Nation’s As- ing to the political parties’ law the parliamentary representative in Egypt. It was issued in the wake increasing pressures exerted 23 July 1952, the Revolutionary sembly was established of 350 in 1977, had taken part in the system based on separation of of Britain’s official recognition on the King, as the whole of Council declared on 10 Decem- elected members, at least half of said elections. In 1980, the Shura and cooperation among authori- that Egypt was an independent Egypt rejected him along with ber 1952 the fall of the 1923 whom are workers and farmers (Consultative) Council was set up ties. It also organized the relation sovereign state. the political system that had Constitution. Egypt remained in in addition to ten representatives to broaden the scope of political between the legislative and the brought him to power. On 19 a period of transition until late appointed by the President of and democratic participation. executive authorities based on According to the 1923 Consti- December 1935, Royal Edict No. President Gamal Abdel Nasser the Republic. This House for- the principle of supervision and tution, the Egyptian Parliament 142 of 1935 was issued, ordain- declared, on 16 January 1956, a mation lasted from March 26, On September 11, 1979 the Con- the balance of powers. was bi‐cameral, made up of the ing the reimplementation of the new constitution that regulated 1964 up until the new election stitution of Egypt was promulgated. Senate and the House of Repre- 1923 Constitution. This Constitution supported the The Constitution of 1923 and stabilized state authority. on January 20, 1969 and in turn sentatives. All of the members This constitution came to be it lasted until August 30, 1971, democratic parliamentary system, of the House of Representatives Theoretically-speaking, the asserting the sovereignty of law, After the end of the World War known as the 1956 Constitu- where the National Assembly were to be elected, for a 5‐year parliament stipulated by the independence of Judiciary and I, the 1919 Revolution broke tion, upon which was formed exercised both the legislative and term. On the other hand, three Egyptian 1923 Constitution was principles of plurality within the demanding freedom and inde- the first parliamentary council controlling powers throughout fifths of the Senate members an advanced step on the road framework of the basic compo- pendence for Egypt, as well as of the Revolution that started the two sessions. were elected, and the rest were of parliamentary life in Egypt. nents and principles of Egyptian establishing a full democratic and its first sittings on 22 July 1957. appointed. The number of mem- Practice was mixed with nega- The People’s Assembly Society. Within the framework parliamentary life. This revolution It came to be known as Maglis bers in both houses changed from tive aspects. Political life in the of the Constitution the parlia- resulted in the issuance of the al-Umma (National Assembly), time to time; the House of Rep- period 1923-1952 varied between When late President Mohamed ment took the name “People’s Declaration of February 28, 1922 and it remained in effect until resentatives had 214 members tides of limited democratic and assumed office, Assembly” which is the Legis- which acknowledged Egypt as 10 February 1958. It was then in the period between 1924 until popular flow and ebb, besides he called upon the National As- lative Authority, competent to an independent sovereign state succeeded by the Joint National 1930, become 232, 235, 264 in interventions on the part of the sembly, on 20 May 1971, to draft endorse the state general policy, (despite four British reservations), Assembly in accordance with the 1942, then 319 members in 1950. occupations authorities and the the permanent Constitution of economic and social develop- and also ended British protection Constitution of March 1958, in The Constitution adopted the palace. Hence, the parliament the Arab Republic of Egypt and ment plans and the budget, over Egypt. Based on this new the wake of the Union with Syria. principle of equality in compe- was dissolved about ten times; present it to the people to be also monitoring the Executive reality a new Constitution for The Joint National Assembly re- tences between both councils, in 1930 when the 1923 Constitu- voted upon in a referendum. Authority. In according with the the country was promulgated. mained in effect until 22 June with some exceptions. A new tion was abrogated and a new On 11 September 1971, the Constitution, the then People’s The Constitution was issued in 1961. With the fall of the Union constitution was issued in 1930, permanent Constitution was Assembly comprises a minimum one promulgated – presenting a with Syria, in March 1964, a pro- April 1923, laid by a committee and lasted for five years. This issued in the wake of a refer- of 350 elected members, at least set back to the democratic life. visional constitution was issued, of 30 members including rep- was a setback to democratic life endum. With this Constitution, half of whom are workers and resentatives of political parties’ This new Constitution remained by which the elected National until the 1923 Constitution was in force until the 1923 Consti- a new phase of modern and farmers. The President of the community as well as national Assembly was established. contemporary Egyptian history restored in 1935. However, it is tution was restored in 1935. Republic may appoint a maxi- movement leaders. The Consti- began. Under it, elections for the clear that the House of Repre- Thus, matters become worse Among the main principles of mum of ten members. In 1976 tution of 1923 provided for the People’s Assembly were held, sentatives that came in light of for both internal and external July 23, 1952 Revolution in Egypt the legislative elections were parliamentary system based on and the Assembly formed of 350 1923 Constitution were dissolved factors; reaching to the pre- was the principle of “establishing conducted on basis of multiple the segregation of and coopera- members in addition to 10 ap- more than once. 1952 Revolution conditions. fora. In 1979, the first legisla- tion between authorities. The sound democratic life”. The previ- pointed members convened for This stage was one of political tive were held relation between the Legislative The period during 1923‐52 ous Constitution was repealed, its first sitting on 11 November and governmental instability to within the multi-party system, and the Executive authorities was characterized by political the Republic declared and the 1971. It was the first Assembly the extent that Egypt had 41 parties dissolved. In 1956 the new in which many political parties was regulated on basis of the and governmental instability to to complete its constitutional participated. These parties were principle of monitoring and bal- the extent that Egypt developed cabinets in the period between Constitution was promulgated; cycle, namely a period of five 1923 and 1952. providing for the formation of proclaimed after the promulga- ance, hence making a ministry 20 cabinets during that period. full years. tion of the political parties’ law accountable to the parliament The parliament was dissolved in the Nation’s Assembly on July 22, Parliamentary life in Egypt 1957 of 350 elected members In 1977, the People’s Assembly in 1977. which had the right to move no January 1952 upon the Grand after the 1952 Revolution confidence in it, meanwhile giving Cairo Fire and Egypt remained with a mandate term of 5 years. witnessed the Peace Initiative Restoring the Bicameral System the King the right to dissolve the without a parliament until July Upon July 23, 1952 Revolution, In February 1958, and consider- declared by President Sadat on 9 parliament . The 1923 Consti- 23, 1952 Revolution. In December the legislative authority went ing the unity between Egypt and November 1977, and upon which In 1976, Egypt witnessed an tution established a bi-cameral 1952, the Revolutionary Com- through various stages. Until Syria, the 1956 Constitution was the People’s Assembly consented important political transition with parliament: the Senate and the mand Council announced the 1956, Egypt remained without repealed by a temporary Constitu- to the two Camp David Agree- the declaration of the Arab Social- House of Representatives. fall of 1923 Constitution. a legislative council. Upon the tion on which basis was formed ments on 4 October 1978. The ist Party (Centrist), the Liberal issuance of 1956 Constitution, the a joint Nation’s Assembly (400 People’s Assembly then rati- Socialist Party (Right Wing) and A new constitutional phase be- The 1923 Constitution was single‐council system replaced members from Egypt -200 from fied the Peace Agreement on the National Union Progressive gan with the declaration of the nullified with the issuance of the two‐council system with 342 Syria), which held first meeting 10 April 1979. In 1979, party- Party (left wing) inside the Socialist 1923 Constitution on 19 April of the 1930 Constitution, issued members. on July 21, 1958 and lasted until based legislative elections were Union. Such platforms, along with the same year. This Constitution on 22 October 1930. However, 1961. In March 1964, a temporary conducted for the first time in the independents, had entered was a great step on the road to- the 1930 Constitution did not When the Free Army Officers constitution was promulgated Egypt. Parties, formed accord- the People’s Assembly elections

10 11 in November 1976. The Centrist divided into 48 constituencies were adopted as the electoral 3, 2010, on February 13, 2011 a parties represented 280 seats, (448 members) and 31 seats were process, in which political par- constitutional declaration was the right wing 21 seats, the left allocated for women. On Febru- ties participated. In 1986, a law issued to disable the constitution wing 2 seats and the independents ary 1987, the People’s Assembly modifying the electoral process, and to dissolve the People’s and 48 seats. During the first meet- was dissolved upon the Supreme the basis of relating party lists to the Shura Council. ing of the People’s Assembly in Constitutional Court’s verdict of the individual majority system November 1976, the platforms the non‐constitutionality of the was issued. However, experience Supreme Constitutional Court were changed to political parties party‐list system. Thereupon, yielded the return to the indi- Dissolves 2012 Parliament and the Law on Political Parties April 1987 elections were held vidual majority system in 1990. Upon January 25 Revolution, was issued in June 1977. The according to the proportional The Republic was divided into 222 the People’s Assembly elections legislative session continued from list system and the individual constituencies, two members for were held on three stages that system (400 members through November 11, 1976 until April each constituency, one at least started on November 28, 2011 the list and 48 through the indi- 10, 1979 without completing its from laborers and farmers. till January 11, 2012. The first vidual system). This council was constitutional term, as on April session was held on January dissolved on October 13, 1990 Five Parliamentary Sessions 19, 1979 a public referendum was 23, 2012 and consisted of 508 held and by virtue of which the due to the non-constitutionality in 20 Years (1990‐2010) of the elections law which did members, including 332 through Shura Council was established. The period 1990‐2010 had wit- not give the independents equal the list system, 166 through the President Anwar el-Sadat By virtue of the May 22, 1980 nessed five parliamentary ses- individual system and 10 mem- referendum, a 7th part was added rights for the candidates of the partisan lists. sions: The first (1990‐1995), the bers were appointed. On June 14, to the Constitution under the second (1995‐2000), the third 2012 the Supreme Constitutional ʺThe People’s Assembly elec- After the adoption of the new title “New Rulings.” It included Decreed amendments were (2000‐2005), the fourth (2005‐2010) Court accepted the challenges tions were held with respect constitution in January 2014, as two chapters; the Shura Council introduced to the People’s As- and the fifth did not last long presented against the People’s to unconstitutional provisions, Article 245 thereof included the and the Authority of the Press. sembly electoral system in pursuit due to the eruption of January Assembly which was later dis- the matter which necessitated abolition of the Shura Council, the Article 196 tackled the formation of the best popular representa- 25, 2011 Revolution. Such last solved. Elections were held ac- that the Assembly is null and legislative authority in Egypt has of the Shura Council, stipulat- tion. In 1983, the party-list and elections were held during the cording to Article 38 of March void since it has been elected, become limited to single‐cham- ing “The Shura Assembly shall proportional representation period November 28‐December 2011 constitutional declaration thus it should be dissolved by ber system, namely the House of be composed of a number of that was later amended on Sep- the force of law as of the date Representatives, which consists members defined by the law, tember 25, 2011 stipulates that indicated.” of 596 members; 568 of which not less than 132 members. Two “The law will govern the right are elected by the slate and indi- thirds of the members shall be of candidacy for the People’s 2015 Parliament, Final step vidual systems, where 448 seats elected by direct secret public Assembly and Shura Council of Political Roadmap were dedicated for individual balloting, half of whom at least system and 120 others for the according to the determined Egyptians went to the polls must be workers and farmers. electoral system that gathers slate system. The president has The President of the Republic between October and Decem- the right to appoint 5% of the between the closed partisan ber 2015 to elect the first parlia- shall appoint the other third.” lists and the individual list by a number of the elected Members ment since the ouster of former proportion of two thirds for the of the Parliament (MPs) which Furthermore, Law no. 21 of president Mohamed Morsi. The first and the remaining third for reaches. The term of office of the 1979 was issued on the occasion elections represent the third par- the second.” The Constitutional House of Representatives shall of holding the People’s Assembly liamentary vote since 2010; the be five calendar years from the elections (July7, 1979). According Court, in the grounds of its verdict, states that, “The huge turnout first took place just two months date of its first session. to it, constituencies were divided before the 2011 revolution, in to 176, in addition to allocating of independent candidates be- Competences of the House longing to slate‐system political November 2010, while the second 30 seats for women. Elections vote took place in the winter of of Representatives: were held in June 1979 and the parties. This had its impact on the two‐third percentage allocated 2011/2012. The 2015 election According to the 2014 Constitu- “National Democratic Party” won represents the third and final with 330 seats, the Labour Party to the closed slate system. But tion, the House of Representa- for the competition between the part of the political roadmap tives has the power of legislation, (30 seats), the Liberal Party (3 put forward after the ouster of seats), and the independents won candidates belonging to politi- approving the general policy of Morsi in 2013. The first step was 10 seats. This Council finished cal parties and independents on the state, the general plan for a new constitution, passed by a its constitutional term. the other third percentage, there economic and social develop- would have been a rearrange public referendum on 18 Janu- ment, the general budget of the The first legislative elections of the party slates, taking into ary 2014, and the second was state, as well as having control ran during Mubarak’s era on account the priorities of each the election of a new president, over the work of the executive June 23, 1984 according to the party. The Constitutional Court former army chief Abdel-Fattah authority. The House of Repre- Former presidents Mohamed Naguib (L) and Gamal Abd el-Nasser (R) Party‐list system. Egypt was concluded in its statement that El-Sisi, on 8 June 2014. sentatives is entrusted with the with law scholar Abd el-Razzak el-Sanhuri 12 13 following functions: Egypt’s Constitution empowers may withdraw confidence from the members of the new House of the President if the motion ‐ Legislative function (providing Representatives with strong oversight is signed by a parliamentary the legal basis). authority over executive actions. As majority and approved by a ‐ Monitoring the executive au- opposed to previous Parliaments two-thirds majority. If the thority. that lacked authority to provide motion is then approved by genuine checks and balances, the a public referendum, early ‐ Financial function. Constitution now establishes a clear presidential elections would separation of powers between the be held within 60 days. A Diverse, Representative legislative and executive branches. Parliament These powers include: • Prime Minister Appointment: The President’s nomination Parliamentary election results • Strong Legislative Oversight: All of a Prime Minister is subject indicate that 318 of the 596 new laws are subject to parliamen- to parliamentary approval. House of Representative mem- tary approval. Within 15 days of Failure by the House of Rep- bers are independents unaffili- convening, the House of Rep- resentatives to do so would ated with any political party, a resentatives must be presented result in a Prime Minister ap- significant shift from Egypt’s with and may approve or reject pointed directly by the party historical trend of empower- any laws or decrees introduced or coalition that holds the ing majority parties to govern during its absence. majority or highest number Parliament. Two hundred thirty- of seats. seven candidates affiliated with • Budgetary Power: The House of political parties were elected, Representatives must approve • Fact-Finding Committees: President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi addresses the newly elected House of Representatives in Cairo, 2016 with the Free Egyptians Party, the state budget and has the The House of Representatives power to amend and authorize taking the highest number of may form special fact-finding after the adoption of this Con- Demography and Social Studies in Article 11 of the Constitution executive expenditures. seats at 65. Nation’s Future, a committees to inspect the ac- stitution. Each slate, including and Research released on March which stipulates that “The state political party aimed at giving • Must Approve Any State of Emer- tivities of an administrative 15 seats, should incorporate; 2014. The 2014 Constitution states shall ensure the achievement a voice to young Egyptians and gency: Any state of emergency body, public agency or public three Christians, two workers in Article 11 that “the state shall of equality between women founded by a 25-year old who declaration by the executive project and is entitled to ob- and peasants, two youth, a dis- ensure the achievement of equal- and men in all civil, political, is the youngest head of party branch must be approved by tain any data or information abled, an expatriate Egyptian. ity between women and men economic, social, and cultural in Egypt, came in second with the House of Representatives. from the executive branch. Seven women, at least, should in all civil, political, economic, rights in pursuance with the pro- 51 seats. Individuals under 35 States of emergencies may not • Presidential Accountability: be among the holders of these social and cultural rights in ac- visions of this Constitution. The years old won nearly 10 percent exceed three months and can attributes or even from others. cordance with the provisions state shall take the necessary of total seats contested. In ad- The House of Representatives only be extended with parlia- can exercise authority, for the of this Constitution.” Women’s measures to ensure the appro- dition to the historic advances mentary approval. The House Women Participation in representation in the House of priate representation of women made by Egyptian youth, women first time, to officially accuse of Representatives may not be the Parliament Representatives increased after in the House of Representatives, also made extraordinary gains by a President of violating the dissolved during this period, and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ap- as specified by law. The state winning 89 seats. This impressive Constitution, not limited to The last few years witnessed may not be dissolved under any criminal violations and cor- much progress of Egyptian women’s pointed an additional 14 female shall also guarantee women’s number was attributed in part circumstances without a popular ruption, as was the case under role in public life as evidenced by members. The 89 female members right at holding public and senior to the unprecedented number referendum. administrative posts in the state previous Constitutions. their active participation in the in parliament unprecedentedly (275) of women competing for and their appointment in judicial 50‐Member Committee entrusted make up 14.93 percent of avail- individual candidate seats. Amongst • Authority to Declare War: The bodies and authorities without Appropriate and Fair Rep- with drafting the Constitution, able seats, which is considered elected party-list candidates, 56 President cannot declare war resentation discrimination. The state shall and the appointment of a num- a giant leap in women’s parlia- were female, constituting an im- without a two-thirds majority protect women against forms ber of female ministers in the mentary representation. pressive 47 percent of the field. approval from the House of For the first time in parliamentary of violence and ensure enabling Representatives. current and previous cabinets. The ranks of Coptic Christians set history, the 2014 Constitution Women’s Representation in women to strike a balance be- Moreover, the rate of the bread to serve in Parliament also grew guarantees affirmative action for the 50‐Member Committee tween family duties and work The Constitution also balances six marginalized groups of the winner women increased to 30% considerably, with 24 Copts gaining power between the executive requirements. The state shall seats via party list voting and 12 Egyptian society. Articles 243 and of the Egyptian families. Official Women were represented ac- provide care to and protection and legislative branches more statistics reveal that out of 18 tively in the drafting committee attaining positions as independ- equitably: 244 stipulated that the State should of motherhood and childhood, ent candidates. Media personali- adequately represent the work- million families, there are 5.4 of the constitution amendment female heads of families, and ties and journalists won 11 seats, • Term Limits: The Constitution ers, peasants, Christians, youth, million supported by women, by 10% (5 female members of a elderly and neediest women.” while individuals with disabilities limits the tenure of the Presi- disabled brackets, and expatriate i.e. about 25 million individuals. total number of 50 members). and Egyptian expatriates won eight dent to two four-year terms. Egyptians in the first election of This figure is based on the report The Constitution highlights the The House of Representatives seats apiece. The House of Representatives the House of Representatives of the Central Department for value of women and this was clear Law issued on June 5, 2014

14 15 guarantees a minimum of 70 citizens. It states: “Ctizens are for the House of Representa- women representatives (or 5%) equal before the law, and they tives conducted after the en- in a chamber comprising 568 are equal in their rights and forcement of the present law, Biography of House Speaker Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal elected seats and 28 appointed freedoms and public duties, persons with disabilities shall by the President. A total of without discrimination because have eight seats within the 2,573 candidates stood in the of religion, creed, sex, origin, lists (a seat in each list that most recent elections. Accord- race, color, language, disability, comprises 15 seats ,and three ing to the Egyptian Centre for social status, political or geo- seats for each list that has 45 Women’s Rights, 100 women graphic affiliation or for any seats). The unprecedented in- candidates ran on eight party other reason. Discrimination clusion of nine people with lists and a further 110 women and incitement to hatred are disabilities in the Egyptian ran as independents, totaling crimes, punishable by law. The parliament raises hopes that 8.2 per cent of all candidates. State is obliged to take the nec- it will bring about legal ad- Seventy-five women were di- essary measures to eliminate vantages for such persons in rectly elected, including five as all forms of discrimination, and Egypt. Prominent among those independents, while another the law regulates the estab- MPs are Khalid Hanafi, the first 14 were appointed by the Presi- lishment of an independent visually impaired deputy of dent. As almost 15 per cent Committee for this purpose. the House and one of the 28 of Egyptian parliamentarians Hence, the Constitution es- parliamentarians appointed are now women, Egypt has tablished firm, definite and by President Abdel Fattah El- made an impressive step for- clear rules guaranteeing, for Sisi and Dr. Heba Hagrass, an ward when compared to the the first time in the history Advocate for Rights of Persons results of previous elections of Egyptian political life, the with Disabilities in Egypt, the held in 2012. rights of people with special Arab Region, and worldwide needs. This is represented in The “Women in Parliament since 1989 with a MA in Soci- the adoption of Article 81 of the in 2015” report issued by ology from the American Uni- Constitution, which stipulates House of Representatives Speaker Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal Inter-Parliamentary Union versity of Cairo in 1998 and that “The state is committed to stated that minimal change a PhD degree the Centre for ensuring the rights of persons was seen in women’s average Disability Studies -University House of Representative the committee that drafted the Posts with disabilities and dwarfs, share of all parliamentary seats of Leeds, UK in 2010. Speaker Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal, who political rights law, as well as the medically, economically, so- - Deputy Prosecutor General, 1973. following elections in 2015: was elected to the post on 10 electoral law. In 2015, Abdel-Aal cially, culturally, physically and Youth Representation in it rose by only 0.5 percent- January 2016, has occupied sev- headed a committee responsible - Lecturer in General Law Depart- educationally, providing job the Parliament age points, adding that in the eral official posts before he held for drafting three election laws; ment, Faculty of Law, Ain Shams opportunities for them, with the past ten years, that figure has Official statistics indicate that the new post. He is a prominent University. allocation of a quota for them, the exercise of political rights, increased by 6.4 percentage 75% of the total population in professor of constitutional and preparing public facilities and the House of Representatives - Egyptian Cultural Attaché in points, from 16.2 to 22.6 per Egypt is under 40 years old, and administrative law in Ain Shams the environment surrounding affairs, and the division of elec- Paris, 1987-1991. cent. The report revealed that 62% under 30 years old. The University. He is also a lawyer them, and ensuring their exer- toral constituencies. President Sisi Egypt made equally impressive Constitution secured a positive with the Cassation Court, the selected Abdel-Al as a member - Constitutional Adviser, the Ku- progress, with an increase of cise of all political rights, and Administrative Court and the waiti Emir Cabinet. integrating them with other privilege to six brackets of the of the legislative reform commit- 12.9 points. Egyptian society including the Supreme Constitutional Court. tee that took charge of vetting - Constitutional expert in Parlia- citizens, in accordance with the Dr. Abdel-Aal was elected speaker principles of equality, justice youth. According to Articles important political and economic ment, 1992. Representation of Those of the house with 401 out of 585 and equal opportunities.” This 213 and 244 of the Constitu- legislation. with Disabilities in Parlia- votes. Abdel-Al, 68, had won a Dr. Abdel-Aal also participated provision came as a result of tion, Article 5 of the House of ment 2015 seat in the 2015 parliamentary Education in the first conference on outlin- the seriousness of the chal- Representatives’ Law, the list elections in Upper Egypt as part ing the first draft of the Ethiopian The Constitution, adopted lenges imposed by the status of 15 seats should have two - MA in Law, Ain Shams Uni- of the “For The Love of Egypt” constitution in Addis Ababa in in January 2014, guarantees quo, where the figures show youths, and the list of 45 seats versity. electoral list. In 2013, Abdel-Aal 1993. He compiled several books, the rights and freedoms of all that the number of persons has 6 youths, thus the total made headlines when former - General Law diploma, May the most important of which are: Egyptians. This is evident in with disabilities reached 10 number of youth represented interim president Adli Mansour 1973. The Responsibility of the State for the State’s commitment to million people, including 2 in the four lists is 16. The num- selected him to the 10-member the Judicial Authority Activities, achieving equality of oppor- million children. ber of youth under 35 years - Criminal Law diploma, May committee entrusted with hand- Legal Consequences and Political tunity for all citizens, without old in the current parliament 1974. discrimination. Article 53 of In accordance with Article (5) is 39 and the figure goes up ing a draft of Egypt’s new con- Duties for Dissolving Parliament, the Constitution shows in de- of the House of Representa- to 99 including those whose stitution to a wider 50-member - PhD in Law, Paris University The Media Law, The Constitutional tail the rights and duties of tives’ Law, the first election age is less than 40 years old. body for review. He also sat on 1984. Judiciary and Public Freedoms.

16 17 Women’s Participation in Parliament: A Brief Background

Egyptian women were given the right to run for parliament in 1956, making them the first to be granted suffrage rights Veteran former MP Nawal Amer Former MP Georgette Qelini MP Rania Elwani, Appointed 2016 in the Arab world. Suffrage right was stipulated in the Appointed 2005 & 2010 Parliaments Parliament 1956 constitution and in 1957, The stages that women went Women’s representation in – Fifth stage: After 25 January eight women ran for seats in through to seek political rights 1987 House of Representative 2011 till 2013 parliament. On July 14, 1957 can be summarized in five stages was 3.9% as it reached 18 the first two Egyptian women in addition to the current one: female MP out of a total of The Supreme Council of Armed won seats in parliament, making 456 MP. This is attributed to Forces (SCAF) issued a law history both in Egypt and in – First stage 1956 – 1970 amendment cancelling women’s the Arab world. Historically, the electoral party lists as some lists included women. Yet, with quota. Instead, it stipulated the first Egyptian woman MP The 1957 elections witnessed 8 the individual system, women’s that there should be at least to be elected in Egypt was women running for Parliament, representation declined in the one woman on the electoral Rawya Attiya in 1957. In 1956, with two women winning who Percentage of women representation in Egyptian parliaments successive Parliaments during lists without determiningher as the Egyptian Constitution are RawyaAttia and Amina 1957-2012 this period. In 2005 Parliament, position on the list. Hence, granted the Egyptian women Shoukry the right to vote and to run by feminists like Doria Shafik. of women in parliament to 7.8 there were only 8 female MPs, in the light of this law, the 2011- 2012 Parliamentary for the Parliament, Rawya MP Amina Shukry also ran and percent or 36 seats. In the – Second stage 1970 – 1986 with a percentage of 1.8% out Attiya ran for elections in Dokki won in the 1957 parliament following elections, the quota of the total number of MPs. elections was held with only Constituency in 1957 for the in the runoffs in Alexandria. was cancelled and the drop This stage witnessed 1309 11 women winning in the House National Assembly and she got was more pronounced. Women women becoming members of – Fourth stage 2009 – 2010 of Representatives; 9 elected 110,807 votes. Attiya was raised In the 1964 parliament, the basic units of the Socialist and 2 presidential appointees. only made up 3.9 percent of During this stage, the law no. in a political family, her father women grabbed eight seats, lawmakers in 1987, when 14 Union in 1971. Afterwards, the Meanwhile, in the Shura Council, which amounted to 2.2 percent 149/2009 was issued increasing the upper house at the time, was a leading Al-Wafd Party female contenders won seats law no 38/ 1972 was amended of the 360 seat house. The the number of Parliamentary only 4 women won. All were member in Giza governorate and four were appointed. to allocate 30 seats in Parliament during the Royal era. Unlike introduction of quotas in 1979 for women, with at least one constituencies and allocating 64 on the electoral lists except for seats for women in Parliament most of the girls during then, marked another milestone for But 1990 marked an even seat per governorate for women. one was on individual seat s. Egypt’s women. The quota as well as women can run for Rawya Attiya completed her harsher blow to women, who This resulted in 35 female MPs reserved 30 seats for women general seats. – Sixth stage: 2014 education and got a bachelor only made up 0.22 percent of amounting to 8% out of total degree in education from Cairo and women could also compete seats of Parliament; 30 of out all lawmakers, after winning In 2010, the total number After the June 30 revolution University in 1946. She also took against men over other seats. them won through allocated 10 of 454 seats. The quota was of female candidates is 456, in 2013, the Shura Council a diploma in psychology and a In 1979, 200 women contested seats, 2 through general seats reinstated in 2010, guaranteeing out of which there is 380 was dissolved and the 2014 Master degree in journalism. and 33 won parliamentary seats. and 2 appointed, out of the 64 seats, but women were women quota out of which 380 Constitution was issued. This After working in education as Late president Anwar al-Sadat 10 presidential appointees. a teacher for 15 years, she appointed two more women, unable to win any additional women on women’s seats, 249 Constitution is considered one joined the Egyptian armed which brought the total to 35 seats. In 2012, the quota was – Third stage 1986 – 2005 independent seats in addition of the best Constitutions with forces during the 1956 war in women lawmakers, accounting lifted and female representation to 76 female candidates on regards to women’s rights. It its medical sector. The right of for eight percent of seats. The in parliament was less than Even though the quota was general seats. 64 women won included gains for women in women to vote and to run of the quota was broadened in 1984 to 2 percent despite a record dissolved in 1986, women’s and one presidential appointee the different thresholds of parliament came after a long include marginalized categories number of candidates that representation in Parliament reaching a total of number 65 political, civil, economic and struggle of Egyptian women led which reduced the percentage exceeded 900. remained relatively high. women in Parliament. social rights.

18 19 in accordance with basic principles of members obtained at least one seat the Egyptian Revolution. In March in any of the People’s Assembly or History of Political Parties in Egypt 1976, President Sadat issued a the Shura Council in the latest decree allowing three forums election may nominate in any Emergence of political parties in Egypt in the In 1907-1920, the already formed political parties to represent the right wing (the Independent MPs presidential elections to be held 19th century was a reflection of social, economic in Egypt were a starting signal for the dissemination Liberal Socialist Organization), within ten years starting from and cultural interactions as well as certain historical, of partisan life in Egypt; however, they were restricted the middle wing (Egypt Arab May 1, 2007, any member of national and political circumstances, leading to the due to the British occupation and the Egyptian Socialist Organization) and the left its higher board, according to creation and development of modern institutions subordination to the Ottoman Empire. The February wing (the National Progressive their own by-laws, provided of government administration and society in Egypt 1922 Declaration acknowledging Egypt’s independence Unionist Organization). he has been a member of such as the parliament, the cabinet, political parties, and the issuance of the 1923 Constitution have led Party-affiliated MPs such board for at least one to establishing a royal constitutional rule based on During the first meeting of the consecutive year”. syndicates, etc. The rise of political parties in Egypt People’s Assembly on November has been gradual and gone through successive stages. party pluralism and principles of liberal democracy. 22, 1976, President Sadat declared Egypt’s new law governing the Political parties have firstly been formed as secret In the neo-liberal era between the 1919 and 1952 revolutions, the power of the Wafd party laid in its the three political organizations turned Parliament’s makeup, approved on societies that were followed by formation of political leadership not its structure and its rhetoric rather than into parties. In June 1977, the law of political June 5, 2014, builds on provisions included groups. The National Democratic Party (NDP) was platform. Other parties did not have the same political party was enacted. The law stipulated party principles in the new Constitution to create a legislative body the first party formed in 1907 by Mostafa Kamel. presence; some were created under the cloak of the should not run counter to the Sharia tenets and that can be most responsive to the diverse interests In less than ten years, there was a great variety in Palace while others expressed new global aspirations preserve the national unity, social peace, the socialist of the Egyptian people. The law calls for a 567-seat these parties; in their nature, formation, organization, post-World War II. Palace political parties were very and democratic system as well as socialist gains. It Parliament, more than 10 percent larger than the power, their popular base and platforms. There were similar in the structure to the NDP, and were parties of also stated that the party should not be formed on previous Parliament to provide more Egyptian citizens national parties, groups dominated by the royal interest groups. During 1923-1952, Egypt witnessed a ethnic, racial, geographical or discriminatory bases access to political representation. The law reforms the palace, others formed by the occupation authority remarkable experience rich in political and democratic due to sex, origin, religion or creed. Following the allocation of Egypt’s parliamentary seats to ensure as well as ideological parties expressing certain practices, however, such an experience was marked signing the peace accord with Israel in 1979, the law that all Egypt’s myriad regions and political parties ideologies. with many defects resulting further stipulated that the party founders and members – including minorities, women, religious groups and from the British occupation, should not be opponent to the peace accord. diverse economic groups – are better represented: foreign intervention in Egypt’s 420 seats elected by an individual candidate system, Al‐Serah Al‐Masry Al‐Hoor affairs and the royal palace’s During Mubarak’s era, the number of political 120 elected by a party list system spread across parties in Egypt has increased to reach 24 parties at Al‐Democraty Al‐Nassery interference in political life. four districts and 27 seats allocated via presidential Following the outbreak of that time. According to the ballot on March 26, 2007 appointment. This type of dual voting system is used Al-Etihad the July 1952 Revolution, an Article (5) was amended to prohibit the establishment in several other democracies, including Germany, Houras Al‐Thawra enactment was adopted in of any religious party “The political system of the Arab Japan, South Korean, New Zealand, Romania, and Republic of Egypt is a multiparty system, within the Al‐Tagamou Alwatani AlTakadomi January 1953 on disbanding the Hungary. In these nations, just as in Egypt, voters framework of the basic elements and principles of Misr Baladi political parties and adoption cast dual ballots to elect members of Parliament: one of the one-party rule. Egypt the Egyptian society as stipulated in the Constitution. elects a local individual representative, while another Al-Horreya witnessed an era of the one- Political parties are regulated by law. Citizens have elects a regional party representative. This electoral Al‐Aslah wa Al‐Tanmia party rule which lasted till the right to establish political parties according to model, as compared to an all-individual candidate the law and no political activity shall be exercised nor Al‐Haraqa Al-Watania Al‐Misreya 1976 when late president system such as in the United States or a party-list Anwar Sadat declared the political parties established on a religious referential proportional representation such as in Finland, can Misr Al‐Hadytha era of party pluralism in the authority, on a religious basis or on discrimination on provide benefits, including: better representation for Al‐Masri Al‐Democraty Al‐Egtmai country. grounds of gender or origin”. Article (76) was also geographically diverse constituencies; encouraging As‐Salam Democratic Party amended to give the political parties the chance to be smaller political parties to form coalitions, which Following assuming office in nominated for presidency “ Political parties, founded at Al‐Mohafezeen affords them a better chance to be represented in 1970, President Anwar Sadat least five consecutive years before the starting date of Parliament; and allowing measures to encourage Al‐Nour Party adopted the slogans of rule candidature and have been operating uninterruptedly participation of independent groups. Al‐Moatamar of law and the institutional for this period, and whose members have obtained at

Al‐Shaab Al‐Gomhori state. In August 1974, Sadat least 3% of the elected members of both the People’s Statistics prepared by Al-Ahram Centre for Political put forward a working paper Assembly and the Shura Council in the latest election and Strategic Studies (ACPSS) revealed that 44 political Homat Al‐Wataen to revamp the Arab Socialist or an equivalent percentage of such total in one of the parties contested in the first stage of Egypt’s parliamentary Al‐Wafd Al‐Gadid Union. In July 1975, the Arab two assemblies, may each nominate for presidency a elections in 2015. The ACPSS figures indicated that the

Mostaqbal Watan Socialist Union’s general member of their respective higher board, according number of legally licensed political parties decreased conference adopted a to their own by-laws, provided he has been a member to 83 in 2015. They were over 100 in 2012. Out of total Al‐Misryeen Al-Ahrar resolution on establishing of such board for at least one consecutive year. As an 44 parties, 13 participated as members of electoral political forums within the exception to the provisions of the afore-mentioned coalitions competing for party-based seats and 31 union for expression of opinion paragraph, the afore-mentioned political parties whose fielded candidates as independents.

20 21 Egypt’s Constitutional Experience

Egypt’s constitutional 1930 constitution was invalidated experience started in the 17th in 1935 and Egypt revived the century. Under Muhammed 1923 constitution. The ensuing Ali Pasha, Egypt had its first Nasserite period witnessed a constitution laid out in a myriad of temporary constitutions document called the Siyasitname and constitutional declarations. (a Turkish word for a list of A committee was formed to bylaws). This document allowed draft a constitution including for the establishment of some some of Egypt’s best thinkers representative councils known and intellectuals including the as dawaween, but it was never dean of Arabic literature Taha The 1923 Constitution Drafting Committee a fully fledged constitution Hussien, Ahmed Lotfi El Sayed in the contemporary sense and Fekri Abaza. The committee a permanent constitution. increased the powers of the previous councils had been only of the word. In 1866 under drafted the 1954 constitution The new constitution clearly president by adding articles on consultative. Prime Minister Khedive Ismail, the first real as a progressive document by empowered the counter-terrorism, namely Article Sherif Pasha was delegated representative council was as well as granting more rights 179 that allows the president to to draft the constitution, but Mohammed Ali Pasha emphasizing civil liberties, established and its bylaws were labour rights and social justice. to Egyptians. Nearly a decade transfer any defendant to any because of mounting disputes gifted from the Khedive and did However, the draft was rejected later, President Anwar Sadat court for crimes of terrorism. he did not remain in power not impose a real obligation known at the time as the “the by the Revolutionary Council passed a major amendment. to witness its ratification. His on the government. Still, the The amendment had three Egyptian Constitutions successor, Prime Minster Mahmud leader of the nation.” The 1923 of 1952 and replaced with the at a Glance bylaws of 1866 were a step constitution gave much power constitution of 1956 which did significant changes. The first Sami El Baroudi, presented towards devolving governance to the king, but empowered not last for long. Two years was in Article 2 changing “Islamic Constitution of 1882 the new constitution, which in Egypt away from the hands the Egyptian public to a limited later, Egypt and Syria joined Shari’a as a source of legislation” was passed by the House of of a single ruler. In 1882, one It replaced the Constitution of Representatives, ratified by the extent. It was annulled in 1930 together a union known as the to “Islamic Shari’a as the main of the demands of the Orabi 1879. The promulgation of the Khedive, and officially declared and a new constitution was United Arab Republic (UAR) and source of legislation.” The second Revolt, a revolt against Khedive a temporary constitution was pertains to Article 77 changing 1882 Constitution was the result in force on February 8, 1882. Tawfik and foreign domination, drafted that same year. The of populist demands. Previous The 1882 Constitution declared 1930 constitution marked the drafted in 1958. This constitution “another presidential term” to was to allow for a constitutional was soon annulled and two were “other presidential terms.” The eras were limited to bylaws or two authorities in the state, document, and it paved the beginning of a difficult period the “Siyasetname”, issued under the executive and legislative for the enfranchisement of the passed in 1962, one for Egypt third was establishing the Upper way for the 1923 constitution house, the Shura Council. Muhammad Ali to regulate the branches. It assigned the task Egyptian people, as it discriminated and one for Syria. However, the which is regarded as the first union failed in 1964, and that’s public affairs of the country. of debating and endorsing the against the citizenry in electing As for former president Hosni real constitution Egypt knew. when Egypt drafted another They were not constitutions in state budget to the Parliament. their representatives. Article 81 Mubarak, he passed the 2005 It was the model for the eight temporary constitution. a technical sense as they were It also outlined the powers and Egyptian constitutions that stated that voters had to own amendments which launched the limited to purely administrative responsibilities of the executive followed. It came out of the a specific amount of money to Finally in 1971, after the first multi-candidate presidential matters. The Constitution of branch and completely excluded 1919 revolution under the vote. These and other defects death of Gamal Abdel Nasser elections in Egypt’s history, and 1882 created the first Egyptian the Khedive from any type leadership of Saad Zaghloul, fed so much discontent that the the year before, Egypt gained the 2007 amendments that parliamentary representation - of oversight. It affirmed the

22 23 sovereignty of the nation over to popular demand, they were announced its first constitutional from his post in 1954. Gamal be drafted. This constitution laws effectively and to rule on the state and affirmed that the issued as a grant from the ruler, declaration, repealing the 1923 Abdel Nasser was declared his differed from prior ones because the constitutionality of laws. It nation is not subject to hereditary none of them submitted the Constitution, ousting King successor. The Revolutionary it defined the ideology of the stressed the dual nature of the rule. Among the disadvantages head of state to any type of Farouk, and replacing him with Command Council formed a state of Egypt as socialist. executive branch, consisting of this constitution was that it oversight or accountability. And, his son Ahmed Fouad, Egyptians constitutional drafting committee. of the Head of State and the was issued via Khedival decree, it allowed the King to ratify supported this movement. The This constitution was put to a Constitution of 1971 cabinet and entailed the powers to the people. It also ignored laws. If the king rejected a draft First Declaration promised to popular referendum in 1956 After the military defeat of of the “People’s Assembly.” It the judiciary and considered law, it required a two-thirds establish a committee that would and became the first Egyptian 1967, the drafting of a permanent specified the use of referenda it to be a sub-category of the majority to pass. draft a new constitution. The constitution to be issued with constitution was postponed. After and elections as selection tools executive power. This constitution Second Constitutional Declaration popular consent from the people. Gamal Abdel Nasser’s death in for MPs and president and the was repealed after the British Constitution of 1930 issued in January 1953 dissolved Its most prominent elements 1970, his successor Anwar Sadat four powers of the state; the occupation of Egypt and the The Constitution of 1930 all political parties and confiscated were: the State’s guarantee to decided to expedite the issuance executive, the judicial and issuing of the bylaws in 1883. was the all their funds on behalf of the provide for universal education of the constitution as part of his legislative powers - with the Constitution of 1923 from 1930 to 1935. It replaced people. The Third Declaration and employment. It also “Corrective Revolution” and in addition of the press. The the Constitution of 1923 until set forth general principles specified a law for agricultural order to secure control over the constitution detailed the powers The Constitution of 1923 was the Constitution of 1923 was leaning towards democracy and land ownership. The 1956 country and to eliminate what of each authority and how its the constitution of Egypt from restored in 1935. King Fouad constitutionality. It was signed constitution closely followed the he later called the “centers of affairs were to be conducted. 1923–1952. It was replaced by issued a royal decree to repeal the by Major General Mohammed 1923 constitution, but replaced power”. A constituent commission The President of the Republic the Constitution of 1930 for 1923 Constitution, and replace Naguib, Commander-in-Chief the monarchy with a republican was formed by remained unaccountable before a 5-year period before being it with the 1930 constitution, of the Army, and the leader system. The preamble made the People’s Assembly. He serves restored in 1935. It adopted the drafted by the government of of the revolution. The Fourth it unequivocally clear that the as the head of the executive parliamentary representative Ismail Sidky Pasha to strengthen and final declaration decreed constitution was issued by the and judicial branches, and the system based on separation the powers of the king at the the abolition of the monarchy, Egyptian people and not as a Supreme Commander of the of and cooperation among expense of the Parliament. The the proclamation of a Republic, favor granted by anyone. The Armed Forces. There have been authorities. The following authority of the parliament had and the inauguration of Major 1956 Constitution stayed in three amendments to the 1971 differences distinguish the increased due to the control General Mohamed Naguib as force for only twenty months. Constitution: constitution of 1923 from the President of the Republic on of the Wafd Party and other Constitution of 1958 1980 1882 Constitution: It recognized political parties over the reins June 18, 1953. the separation of three powers, of the state. While the new Provisional Constitution, the The First Amendment included the executive, judiciary, and Constitution of 1954 1930 Constitution retained many “Constitution of the Union” two clauses. The first clause legislative, established a bicameral of the 1923 articles, it added This provisional constitution Came about following the was related to the length of system with two councils: the several items increasing the was issued in 1954 and was union between Egypt and Syria, the Presidential term. The Senate, with a consultative powers of the king to counter rejected by the Revolutionary which led to the suspension amendment substituted “for function, and the Council of the growing influence of the Command Council, although it of the 1956 Constitution and other periods” instead of “for Representatives, with a legislative function. It detailed many liberal Wafd party in Parliament. was drafted by cross-section the declaration of the 1958 another period,” thus extending rights and freedoms omitted For example, it gave the right to of fifty leading politicians, and Provisional Constitution. This the presidential term indefinitely. from previous constitutions. propose financial laws to the King legal and economic experts. document was very brief and Presidential decree and the The second clause confirmed the alone and not to the Senate. On included a number of principles supremacy of Islamic law over Examples include: regulation Constitution of 1956 1971 Constitution was then of nationality rights, the right March 12, 1935, under public and transitional provisions in put to a referendum. It was all other sources of legislation to resort to the judicial system, pressure and in what became The Constitution of 1956 was addition to an emphasis on called a permanent constitution, by changing the wording of and the right to freely practice known as the “Cairo Uprising,” the constitution of Egypt from the Arab character of the new like its 1956 predecessor. The the article from “Islamic law one’s religion. It regulated the the King abolished the 1930 22 July 1957 to 1958 and from state and the regulation of 1971 Constitution confirmed (Sharia) is a principal source of issuance of laws and ministerial Constitution and reestablished 1961 to 1964. It replaced the nationality. the socialist nature of the state, legislation” to “Islamic law is the oversight more elaborately the 1923 Constitution. Constitution of 1923 and was stressed the pan-Arabist and principal source of legislation Constitution of 1964 provisions.” than its predecessors. It is 1952 Constitutional replaced by the Constitution of Islamic basis of the state and characterized by its emphasis on Declarations 1958. It was restored in 1961, The 1964 Constitution elevated the status of the 2005 the sovereignty of the Egyptian until it was replaced by the decreed a socialist orientation judiciary and established the nation. Although the draft When the revolution by the Constitution of 1963. The 1956 to the country. It was issued Supreme Constitutional Court, The Second Amendment was Constitutions of 1879, 1882, and Free Officers movement took Constitution was issued after the as a temporary constitution which enabled the judiciary, to Article 76 of the Constitution 1923 were drafted in response place in 1952, the movement ousting of Mohammad Naguib until a permanent one could for the first time, to regulate modifying the selection

24 25 process of the President of the without wide or representative Constitution of 2012 resulted in the overwhelming A ten-person committee of more equilibrium between Republic. Instead of specifying public consultation, and released acceptance of a new constitution, experts—including judges, the legislative and executive a referendum as the means its proposals on February 26, Through a decree on November which had been drafted in the jurists, and legal scholars— branches. The Constitution to select the President, the 2011. These proposals were 22, 2012, former president aftermath of the ousting of drafted proposed changes provides for a Parliament with Mohammed Morsi allowed amendment specified that the put to a referendum on March former president Morsi after to Egypt’s 2012 Constitution strong oversight over executive himself sweeping executive and President would be elected by 19, 2011, as one combined one year in power. The 2014 which were then debated, actions, with the aim of limiting legislative powers. Only few days direct, national, secret ballot. aggregate proposal, in which the power of the President, later, a constituent assembly, constitution was drafted by a amended and approved by a This amendment stirred great voters had the option of voting including a mandate to both consisting almost entirely of 50-member panel drawn from Committee of 50 representatives political controversy because simply either “yes” or “no.” The across Egyptian society, which was that reflected a broad cross- develop and approve state policy of the surprising format of the the Muslim Brotherhood and and budget priorities. This is official turnout was 41 percent different Salafi trends, issued considerably more representative section of all Egyptian society. new article - the text of the of all estimated eligible voters. than the panel which drafted Final approval of the entire similar to parliamentary systems new article took up almost two a draft constitution which was in many democratic countries Seventy-seven percent of those moved to a popular referendum the 2012 constitution. The document was unanimous. pages of the Constitution—the (Article 5). The Constitution who voted approved the changes. on December 15 and 22, 2012. Constitution was completed Egypt’s new Constitution was longest article in the document. mandates term limits for the This led the SCAF to issue a Egypt’s new constitution was through an amending process crafted to rectify the failures of It also included procedures President of two four-year terms constitutional declaration on approved by 63.8 percent of the that was the most transparent past. The Constitution enables and conditions of nomination (Article 140). The Constitution March 30, 2011, which effectively vote. Morsi’s acceleration of and inclusive in Egypt’s history. true separation of powers and that contradicted the original mandates representation for served as the interim constitution the constitution-writing process nature of the Constitution. The women, workers and farmers in until Egypt’s new constitution reflects the increasing impatience modification stipulated that a was approved by referendum the new Parliament, and other of the President’s office and the elected bodies (Articles 11, 243). party needed at least 5% of the in December 2012. Much of Muslim Brotherhood with the The Constitution articulates a seats in the Parliament to be the constitutional declaration faltering transition process in clear process for presidential able to nominate a candidate, explicitly left matters to be post-Mubarak Egypt. Yet, the thereby diminishing the chances impeachment. The Parliament defined by legislation. Some immediate consequence was is able to exercise the ability, of parties and political movements of the most significant parts an escalation in the struggle from participating in this process. for the first time, to impeach relating to People’s Assembly between Islamists—emphasizing the President for violating the 2007 (PA) elections and their legal the legitimacy of their moves Constitution, not just for criminal framework are: through previous electoral violations and corruption as was Thirty five articles were victories—and a heterogeneous the case in previous constitutions amended. Most of the amendments Direct Elections: In line camp of liberal and secular forces with democratic standards, it (Article 159). Article 40 forbids revolved around changing the that came to re-unite in what the confiscation of property, economic direction of the provided that the PA would they saw as a real danger of be “elected by a direct, public which can guard against the country from socialism to a authoritarian renaissance. After seizure of church land and free economy, and upholding and secret [ballot] election” the announcement that the new (Article 32). the demands of payment for the principles of citizenship. It constitution had been signed its return. Article 92 protects also included amendments to Role of Judiciary: The judiciary’s into law, Morsi moved quickly the rights and freedoms of the articles related to the Vice previous role supervising elections to swear in new members of individual citizens. Article 99 President and his powers, and was reinstated (Article 39). The the country’s Shura Council – ensures that ‘any assault on the granted additional authority judiciary was also given the role the upper house of parliament personal freedoms or sanctity to the Prime Minister. of final arbiter in the event of – which he protected from of the life of citizens…is a crime dissolution by decree a month March 2011 Constitutional legal challenges to parliamentary with no statute of limitations’ earlier. Declaration election results (Article 40). and that ‘just compensation’ Constitution of 2014 will be awarded to ‘those who On February 13, 2011, the Electoral System: The have been assaulted’. The 2014 SCAF dissolved parliament and declaration required the PA to Since July 2013, Egypt has constitution makes commitments suspended the 1971 constitution. have at least 350 members, half been working toward a new, to equality, non-discrimination, It then established an eight- of whom had to be workers democratic government structure and equal opportunity in several member committee of experts and farmers (Article 32). The that represents the interests articles, and even binds the state to draft amendments to that specifics of the electoral system of all its citizens. The Egyptian to establishing an independent constitution. The constitutional were to be defined by legislation constitutional referendum took An Egyptian woman living in Oman casting her vote on a divisive commission to ‘eliminate all committee performed its drafting (Article 38). place in January 2014 and draft constitution forms of discrimination’.

26 27 Salim and composed of Legal Under rule 28 of the PAP’s Rules Specialised Technical Committees. Experts and Parliamentarians of Procedure, the Parliament Under rule 28 of the PAP Rules of who considered a Draft Treaty on should meet at least twice in Procedure on ordinary sessions, the establishment of the African ordinary session within a one-year the permanent committees meet Union and a Draft Protocol of the period. Parliamentary sessions twice a year (March and August) for Egypt and the Pan-African Treaty establishing the African can last for up to one month. statutory meetings. The permanent Economic Community relating Under rule 29, the PAP can meet committees can meet more often to the Pan-African Parliament. in extraordinary session. during parliamentary sessions Parliament This was followed by the 36th Parliaments and presidents or for non-statutory meetings. Ordinary Session of the Assembly These committees are: of Heads of State and Government since 2004 • Committee for Rural Economy, of the Organization of African First Parliament: March 2004 to Agriculture, Natural Resources One Africa, One Voice Unity (OAU) which convened in October 2009 and Environment; Lome, Togo from 10th to 12th July, President: Gertrude Mongella, • Committee on Monetary and 2000. The meeting approved and UR of Tanzania The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Amb. Gertrude I. Mongella from future for the people of Africa adopted the Draft Constitutive Financial Affairs; is one of the nine organs proposed Tanzania. by promoting collective self- Act of the African Union and the Second Parliament: October in the 1991 Treaty establishing • Committee on Trade, Customs Ten Permanent Committees were reliance and economic recovery; Pan-African Parliament. 2009 to May 2012 the African Economic Community and Immigration matters; created dealing with different • Facilitate cooperation and President: Idriss Ndele Moussa, (Abuja Treaty). Its purpose, as The establishment of the Pan- • Committee on Co-operation, sectors of life in Africa. development in Africa Chad set out in article 17 of the AU African Parliament is one giant International Relations and Constitutive Act, is “to ensure the The current President of the • Strengthen Continental solidarity step forward in ensuring that Third Parliament: May 2012 to Conflict resolution; full participation of African peoples Parliament is Hon. Roger Nkodo and build a sense of common this deliberative continental May 2015 in the development and economic Dang from Cameroon destiny among the peoples of body, once operational, will act • Committee on Transport, President: Bethel Nnaemeka integration of the continent”. Africa; as a common platform for all Industry, Communications, The Parliament also consists the peoples of Africa and their Amadi, Nigeria Energy Science and Technology; The Parliament is intended as of four Vice-Presidents. These • Facilitate cooperation among grassroot organizations to get Fourth Parliament: May 2015 a platform for people from all officials are the composition of Regional Economic Communities • Committee on Health, Labour African states to be involved in more involved in discussions and to Current the Bureau of the Pan-African and their Parliamentary fora and Social Affairs; discussions and decision-making decision-making on the problems Parliament. The Parliament is President: Roger Nkodo Dang, • Committee on Education, on the problems and challenges Evolution and challenges which beset Africa. assisted by the Secretariat of the Cameroon Culture, Tourism and Human facing the continent. The Parliament Pan-African Parliament. The origin of the Pan-African Structure Resources; sits in Midrand, South Africa. Permanent Committees Parliament can be traced to the PAP representatives are elected The Objectives of the PAP The PAP has eleven Permanent • Committee on Gender, Family, Overview Abuja Treaty which was signed by by the legislatures of their Committees and one ad hoc Youth and People with Disability; • Facilitate the effective African leaders in Abuja, Nigeria, Member State, rather than being The Pan-African Parliament, also committee whose mandates implementation of the policies in June, 1991 and which came elected directly by the people. • Committee on Justice and known as the African Parliament, is and functions are set out in and objectives of the OAU/AEC into force in May, 1994. After the In addition to the full Assembly Human rights; the legislative body of the African Abuja Treaty, the Fourth Extra- Rules 22 to 27 of the PAP Rules and, ultimately, of the African of Parliament, the PAP has 10 • Committee on Rules, Privileges Union. The African Parliament held ordinary Session of the Assembly of Procedure. The functions of Union; permanent committees. and Discipline; and its inaugural session in March 2004. of Heads of State and Government the committees correspond At present it exercises oversight, • Promote the principles of human held in Sirte, Libya from 8th - 9th Meetings to those of the African Union • Committee on Audit and Public and has advisory and consultative rights and democracy in Africa; September, 1999, adopted the powers, which lasted for the first • Encourage good governance, Sirte Declaration. Among other five years of its existence, after things, the Sirte Declaration called that time period it exercised transparency and accountability for the speedy establishment of full legislative powers. Its 230 in Member States; the institutions [including the Parliamentary representitives • Familiarize the peoples of Africa Pan African Parliament] provided are elected by the legislatures with the objectives and policies for in the Treaty Establishing the of the 46 AU states rather than aimed at integrating the African African Economic Community being directly elected in their continent within the framework signed in Abuja, Nigeria. own capacity. Initially the seat of the establishment of the of the Pan African Parliament African Union; A subsequent meeting was was in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia but held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, • Promote peace, security and it was later moved to Midrand, from 17th to 21st April, 2000 South Africa. The first President stability; convened by the Secretary-General of the Parliament was Hon. Dr. • Contribute to a more prosperous of the OAU, Dr Salim Ahmed Egyptian MPs sworn on, Pan-African Parliament 2016

28 29 IPU supports Egyptian Parliament’s push for greater equality, rights and rule of law

Accounts. importance of the Pan-African African Parliament head Roger Nkodo Member States Parliament Dang on 23 August 2016 to discuss regional issues. House Speaker Ali By June 2007 the following 48 The PAP President Roger Nkodo Abdel-Aal affirmed how critical it countries have ratified the Protocol Dang, heading a high level delegation is for Egypt to regain its formerly on the Pan-African Parliament: to Cairo, Egypt on 24 February 2016, influential role on the continent. met with President Abdel Fattah Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, El-Sisi, in order to discuss the role of A parliamentary delegation led Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, the Pan-African Parliament. President by member of parliament Hatem Cape Verde, Central African El-Sisi stressed the important role Bashat, who heads the African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, and functions of the PAP and praised Affairs Subcommittee attended Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, the achievements made by the meetings and sessions of the PAP on Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, institution over the past few years. behalf of parliamentary speaker Ali Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, The President also emphasized the Abdul Aal in South Africa July 2016. Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, The sessions discussed the latest Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, PAP’s contribution in strengthening Arab delegations taking part in an Inter-Parliamentary Union summit ties between the different member recommendations made by the PAP, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, its budget, and human rights and Nigeria, Rwanda, Saharawi Arab states and promoting understanding The Inter-Parliamentary country to rejoin IPU. The 2011 held several meetings on the amongst the peoples of Africa. Sisi gender issues. Egypt is represented Democratic Republic, Senegal, in the PAP by five members including Union (IPU) has welcomed revolution, which led to the sidelines of the assembly with Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South and Nkodo Dang discussed the back Egypt as Member of dissolution of parliament the the different participating regional situation in Africa, with Mai Mahmoud in the Rural Economy, Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Organization in March following year, had left Egypt’s delegations, to boost relations Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, President Sisi stressing that the 2016. Egypt’s admission at membership in abeyance. Egypt, with the international, Arab exact circumstances surrounding Environment, El-Sayyed Felefel in Zimbabwe. the Education, Culture, Tourism and the opening session of the which had first joined IPU in and Islamic parliaments, as the continent requires a coordinated 134th IPU Assembly in Lusaka, 1924, had been one of IPU’s Each AU Member State that and concerted effort in the face Human Resources and Mostafa El- well as European parliaments. has ratified the PAP Protocol Gendy in the Committee on Justice Zambia, has increased the IPU oldest continuous members. of common challenges, mainly the In the wake of the Arab Spring, is entitled to be represented widening circle of terrorism. Nkodo and Human rights, Hatem Bashat membership to 170, marking Participating MPs from Egypt by five parliamentarians. Such Dang’s visit to Egypt takes place in in the Committee on Co-operation, a significant step forward in include parliament speaker Ali IPU started working with Egypt members are elected from the context of the PAP’s sustained International Relations and Conflict the Organization’s goal to Abdel-Aal, Secretary-General to put in place a fully functioning national parliaments and are, advocacy campaign on the ratification resolution and Salah Afifi in the achieve universal membership. Ahmed Saadeddin, the head parliament and to strengthen therefore, expected to attend of the revised protocol of the Pan- Recommendations and Complaints Parliamentary elections in of the parliamentary bloc, the capacity and effectiveness PAP Sessions. African Parliament. President Abdel Committee. Egypt at the end of 2015 Alaa Abed, and appointed MP of its new Members and staff. President Sisi emphasizes Fattah El-Sisi also met with Pan- had paved the way for the Rania Elwani. The delegation “IPU warmly welcomes Comoros,

30 31 term and Culture. The IPU is requirements financed primarily by its of the institution, MPs members out of public funds. and staff. Secretary General The Union’s Headquarters is Chungong said that through Geneva, Switzerland. its support programme, IPU would accompany the Egyptian Mandate and Objectives Egypt and Parliament in realizing its Guyana back to priorities. The Egyptian Speaker The Union is the focal point the global parliamentary fold. and the IPU Secretary General for world-wide parliamentary Egypt’s return is the result of discussed Egypt’s offer to host a dialogue and works for peace continued engagement on a regional IPU hub in keeping with and co-operation among peoples roadmap to democracy and a decision of the IPU Executive and for the firm establishment particularly significant because Committee. They agreed to of representative democracy. once again, the whole of the pursue consultations on defining To that end, it: Fosters contacts, Arab world is in IPU,” says Saber the functions of and modalities co-ordination, and the exchange Chowdhury, IPU President. for the establishment of such of experience among parliaments In October 2011, the IPU a hub. and parliamentarians of all adopted its Strategy for 2012- countries; Considers questions 2017 under the overall title It is noteworthy that Egypt hosted of international interest and “Better parliaments, stronger the 36th Inter-Parliamentary concern and expresses its views democracy”. The IPU supports Union Conference in 1947 and the efforts of and works in close on such issues in order to bring the 98th Inter-Parliamentary about action by parliaments and co-operation with the United Union Conference in Cairo on Nations, whose objectives it parliamentarians; Contributes to 11-16 September, 1997. Former the defense and promotion of House of Representatives Headquarters, shares. The Union also co- People’s Assembly Speaker operates with regional inter- human rights -- an essential factor Ahmed Fathi Sorour was IPU of parliamentary democracy and parliamentary organizations, president from 1994 till 1997. as well as with international development; Contributes to Historic and Cultural Cairo Landmark Over 1,000 delegates including better knowledge of the working intergovernmental and non- some 600 members of parliament of representative institutions governmental organizations from the 138-member IPU took and to the strengthening and The Egyptian House of Inside this building the first of it a skylight with a small which are motivated by the part in the 1997 Conference, Representatives headquarters session of the Senate and House development of their means lower dome. The skylight has same ideals. whose agenda includes two located at the heart of Cairo of Representatives was held on 4 windows and on the dome of action. topical subjects: democracy holds an outstanding historic Saturday March 15, 1924. The from the outside there are The Speaker of the Egyptian and employment and architectural value. It is building is also a living witness prominent stripes representing Parliament, Ali Abdel-Aal and President considered a symbol of values and to events of more than 70 years repeated protruding patterns. the Secretary General of the About The Inter- The President of the Inter- principles for which the people of political and parliamentary As for the center of the circle Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Parliamentary Union of Egypt fought for long years. life in Egypt. The building holds Parliamentary Union is the political from the inside there is repeated Martin Chungong, renewed an a highly artistic and architectural prominent ornamentation of head of the Organization and This building has witnessed agreement in February 2016 The IPU is the international value, as its style combines botanical units representing the is elected to the post by the important events in the modern between the two institutions organization of Parliaments architectural models in the late style on vogue in the 1920’s IPU Membership through its history of Egypt and the journey 19th early 20th centuries. It also that paves the way for continued (Article 1 of the Statutes of the at the time of establishing the Governing Council. Upon election of patriotic work ever since it bears strong marks of Islamic collaboration on strengthening Inter-Parliamentary Union). It building. The hall is constituted parliament and democracy in was established in 1889. The for a three-year mandate, the was established in 1923 to host architecture influences. the first modern parliament after of two stories with a balcony Egypt. An IPU mission to Egypt Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) President is also the ex officio in each one. The center of the President of IPU’s Governing issuing the constitution of 1923. The architectural design of between 28 February and 4 is active in: Representative Part of Egypt’s parliament – the the building consists of a main hall bears the emblem of the March to assess the priority Democracy; International Council and the Executive old Shura Council – was built more round hall with a diameter of Republic then the rostrum. Several needs of the parliament will Peace and Security; Sustainable Committee. The current IPU than 150 years ago, while the 22 meters and a height of 30 wings are attached to the hall, form the basis of a fully-fledged Development; Human Rights President is Bangladesh MP other part – the current House meters with a dome of a rounded such as; the Pharaonic parlor support programme responding and Humanitarian Law; Women Saber Chowdhury who took of Representatives – was built part in the middle covered with and the recess of the president to the immediate and long- in politics; Education, Science office on 16 October 2014. more than 90 years ago. glass. This part has on the top and prime Minister.

32 33 • The Rosetta stone is inscribed with a decree ings and statutes of Egypt’s former rulers and pres- issued at Memphis and dated 196 BC., on the an- idents starting from th dynasty of Mohammed Ali, Parliament Museum displays Egypt’s niversary of the coronation of Ptolemy the Fifth founder of Egypt’s modern revolution. There are “Epiphanes”. The Rosetta Stone is a rock stele, also photos of all presidents of the parliament in found in 1799, inscribed with a decree issued Egypt in chronological order since Ismael Ragheb parliamentary history dating back to at Memphis, Egypt, in 196 BC on behalf of King the first president of the Advisory Council of Rep- Ptolemy V. The decree appears in three scripts: resentatives in 1866, along with photos the politi- the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, cal leaders of Egypt in the modern stage such as the middle portion is Demotic script, and the Ahmad Orabi, Mustafa Kamel, Mohamed Fareed Pharaonic times lowest is Ancient Greek. Because it presents es- and Saad Zaghloul. The second hall of the Museum sentially the same text in all three scripts (with also includes a vast array of documents and pho- With a view to preserving the rich history of fingers, and fingernails of the sculpture are deli- some minor differences among them), the stone tos of the committee which set the 1923 consti- Egyptian parliamentary and political legacy, the cately modeled. The hands are in writing position. provided the key to the modern understanding of tution - one of the important constitutions in the Parliament Museum was established inside the It seems that the right hand was holding a brush, Egyptian hieroglyphs. modern history of Egypt. Most notable among the parliament building, a museum that ranks first now missing. The identity of the person repre- acquisitions of the second hall is the royal carriage among the parliament museums of the world as sented remains unknown. Many pharaohs and • A manuscript outlining schedule of the farm- of the king of Egypt before the revolution which it includes monumental copies of the oldest gov- high-ranking officials would have their servants ers’ working hours and the duties of the minister was used to carry the king from Abdeen Palace to erning systems, legislations, regulations and trea- depicted in some form of image or sculpture so which dates back to King Horemheb, last king the parliament. ties in the history of humanity. that when they went to the afterlife they would (reigned 1319–1292 BC.) of the 18th dynasty of able to utilize their skills to help them in their ancient Egypt. The second hall also contains a collection of The Parliament Museum was inaugurated in speeches delivered in the inaugural sessions of second life. The scribes were some of the very 1986 and occupies two large halls of the building. • Legislation by Rekhmire who was an ancient parliaments since 1866 to date, minutes of the few who knew how to read and write, and were The first hall exhibits acquisitions dating back to Egyptian noble and official of the 18th dynasty meetings of the legislative councils following the highly regarded and well-paid. Scribes were used the Pharaonic age including copies of the most and served as “Governor of the Town” (Thebes) 1952 Revolution and volumes compiling constitu- for multitude of things involving everyday Egyp- important legislations and documents written on and Vizier during the reigns of Thutmosis III and tions from 1824 till the current constitution. papyrus or inscribed in stone. It also houses docu- tian life; they would be used as tax collectors and Amenhotep II. ments dating back to the Coptic and Islamic, local were in charge of organizing personnel for activi- Among the objects the Museum acquired by ties such as mining, trade and war. Scribes were • Mural of Tehuti aka Thoth carring his writing gift are a replica of Jerusalem’s iconic Dome of rule along two decades, the July 23, 1952 Revolu- tablet and pen, thus highlighting his role as inven- tion, up to current time. Among the most notable also used to work on projects like pyramid build- the Rock Mosque by Arab Inter-Parliamentary ing and helped communicate between the rulers tor of hieroglyphics, which decorate the base of Union, golden replica of sailboats by the National Pharaonic acquisitions of the Museum are repli- this majestic statue. cas and copies of: and the Egyptian people. Assembly of Kuwait, oversized sailboat replica by • Artifacts relating to the constitutional councils Indonesia and decorative platters and vases from • Oldest peace treaty in the world: Ramesses • The Seated Scribe was made around 2450– in the Islamic era where the laws where derived Germany, Bangladesh, Chile, South Africa, Kuwait, II’s marriage to Maathomeferure was born of 2325 BC; it was discovered near a tomb for an of- from the Holy Koran and Prophet Mohammed’s Jordan, India and Pakistan. The Museum also diplomacy. She was a princess of the Hittite rul- ficial named Kai and is sculpted from limestone. teachings including a message from Amr ibn al-’As houses coins and stamps memorabilia marking the This painted limestone sculpture represents a er, Hattusilis III. This was a political move to -ce was an Arab military commander to Abu Musa 6oth anniversary of the parliament and the 36th man in a seated position, presumably a scribe. ment peace between Egypt and the Hittites, after al-Ash’ari when the latter was governor of Kufa. Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference in 1947 and The figure is dressed in a white kilt stretched to its a peace treaty was signed in about year 21 of the 98th Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference on knees. It is holding a half rolled papyrus. Hands, Ramesses II’s rule. The second hall displays portraits and oil paint- 11-16 September, 1997 which Egypt hosted.

34 35 Portrait of Saad Zaghloul Royal Jewelry Royal Jewelry and Artifacts Royal Carriage