Eurasian Association, Eurasian A ssociation, S ingapor e • A nnual Re port 2009

Eurasian Community House 139 Ceylon Road Singapore 429744 Tel: 6447 1578 Fax: 6447 3189

Bringing People Together Annual Report 2009 MISSION To Enrich the legacy of our Cohesive and Vibrant Eurasian Community that is integrated with and Contributing to a Multi-ethnic, Multi-religious and Multi-cultural Singapore.

CORE VALUES Our core values for the Association - Pride, Humility, Integrity, and Excellence. Pride for the Community.

Humility in our Actions.

Integrity in our Conduct.

Excellence in our Social Responsibility for the Community through Education, Family Support, and Community Bonding Programmes. Contents

Management Commitee 02 Women’s Wing 20 Notice and Agenda 03 Quarterly Health Talks and Screenings President’s Message 04 Social Activities Honorary Secretary’s Report 05 Silver Circle 22 Major Events 08 Balut Education 11 Flea Market/SAVH Massage and Reflexology Event Opportunity Fund ‘Red and White’ National Day Celebration Lunch President’s Challenge and Merit Bursary Awards Balik Kampung Night (OPSG)-Kip McGrath Multi-Racial Education Christmas Dinner and Dance Centre (MREC) Eurasian Community Fund (ECF) Education Awards Performing Arts Chapter (PAC) 24 Self-Help Groups Joint Tuition Awards Chingay 2009 Buddhist Lodge Bursary Awards Held At the Buddhist Lodge EA’s 90th Anniversary Auditorium Portuguese Dance Classes Bridging Programme Miscellaneous Arts in Motion Enrichment Programmes Corporate Communications 25 YOUTH & SPORT The Corporate Communications Committee EA Soccer School 14 The NewEurasian Magazine ASEAN+3 Leader Executive Programme 15 E-Newsletter MYLN Chillout@Starbucks Session Website What’s Next? Exploring Post-Secondary Options Volunteer Management 26 EA Visits Eurasian Students at Republic Polytechnic and NUS Volunteer Management MYLN Network Night Volunteer Database Dialogue with Speaker of Parliament, Volunteer Appreciation Inter-Racial Networking Dialogue New Members Night Family Support Services 16 House Operations 26 Help and Counselling Clinics Eddie’s Place Befrienders Day Utilisation of Facilities NKF Health and Mammogram Screening at House Maintenance ECH Sinking Fund FSS Christmas Party Treasurer’s Report 27 GST Offset Package Financial Contents 28 Community Bonding 18 LIST OF Donors xx External Events New Members Night Toastmasters Club Heritage 19 Learning Journeys Preserving Nostalgia, Traditions and Culture Book Launch The Bahau Expedition 2 The Digital Archives Project

Eurasian Association, Singapore 1 Annual Report 2009 Contents

Management Committee

President Mr. Edward D’Silva Vice President Dr. Barry P. Pereira Honorary Secretary Mr. Harry B. Pereira Honorary Treasurer Ms. Lynn Desker (as of 1 January 2009) Asst Hon Secretary Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross Committee Members Mr. Geoffrey da Silva Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao Mrs. Yvonne Marie Pereira Mr. Christian Eber Ms. Carla J. Barker Mr. Burton Westerhout (co-opted as of September 2009) Mr. Zaf Coelho (co-opted as of January 2009)

THE MINISTER FINANCE ADVISORY PANEL Representing the Eurasians in Cabinet Mr. Colin Meyer Mr. Ms. Jean Pereira Mr. Burton Westerhout Patron Mr. Herman R. Hochstadt EDUCATION ADVISORY PANEL Mr. Winston James Hodge Trustees Dr. Vilma D’Rozario Mr. Oscar Oliveiro Dr. Alexis Pereira Mr. Barry Desker Ms. Sara de Souza Mr. Timothy de Souza Ms. Karen Louise Pereira Mr. Joseph F. Conceicao Mr. Gerald Minjoot* COMMUNITY BONDING ADVISORY PANEL Mr. Gerard de Silva* Mr. Terence Shepherdson *appointed with effect from 15 August 2009 Ms. Caroline de Guzman Mr. Lionel de Souza MANDATORY COMMITTEES Mr. Vincent Schoon AUDIT COMMITTEE Ms. Carol Pereira Mr. Po’ad Mattar Mr. Kevin Scully COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY PANEL Mr. Chad Olsen Mr. Warren Fernandez Mr. Daryl Pereira Ms. Dawn Westerhout Ms. Angelina Fernandez Khoo FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE Mr. Francis Remedios MC MEMBERS EXTERNAL COMMITTEES Mr. Gerard Peacock Mr. Edward D’Silva Dr. Ralph Stanley North Light school SELECTION COMMITTEE (ENDOWMENT FUND) Mr. Rene Pereira Mr. Harry Pereira Ms. Annabel Pennefather Working Committee on Dysfunctional Families Mr. Lawrence da Silva Mr. Robert Scully Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross Br. Michael Broughton

NON-MANDATORY COMMITTEES Mr. Geoffrey da Silva LEGAL ADVISORY PANEL Compulsory Education Board, Ministry of Education Mr. Martin Marini (appointed with effect from 1 May 2009) Joint Tuition Awards Committee Mr. William Jansen Mr. Michael Palmer Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao Mr. Jason Dendroff (appointed with effect from 17 November 2009) Inter-Racial Inter-Religious (IRIR) Working Committee Mr. William da Silva (appointed with effect from 15 November 2009) Mrs. Yvonne Marie Pereira Inter-Racial Inter-Religious (IRIR) Working Committee National Library Board Advisory Panel for Seniors Singapore Recreation Club

Eurasian Association, Singapore 2 Annual Report 2009 Notice and Agenda

Mr. Edward D’Silva 1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE EURASIAN ASSOCIATION, Dr. Barry P. Pereira SINGAPORE, WILL BE HELD AT THE EURASIAN COMMUNITY HOUSE, 139 CEYLON ROAD, SINGAPORE Mr. Harry B. Pereira 429744 ON 30 APRIL 2010 AT 7.30pm. Ms. Lynn Desker (as of 1 January 2009) Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross Mr. Geoffrey da Silva 2. AGENDA Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao Mrs. Yvonne Marie Pereira 2.1. President’s address Mr. Christian Eber Ms. Carla J. Barker 2.2. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2009. Mr. Burton Westerhout (co-opted as of September 2009) 2.3. Matters arising from the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2009. Mr. Zaf Coelho (co-opted as of January 2009) 2.4. To receive the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2009 pursuant to Clause 22(a) of the rules of The Eurasian Association, Singapore and Clause 23.2(b)(iv) of the AGM Bye-Laws. 2.5. To elect Office Bearers and Members of the Management Committee. 2.6. To appoint the Association’s Auditors for the ensuing year. 2.7. To consider and approve the following Resolutions which have been submitted: Amendments to the Rules of The Eurasian Association, Singapore 2.7.1. To amend Rule 3 to create a new category of Honorary Members. 2.7.2. To amend Rule 4 to update and simplify the Association’s definition of who is a “Eurasian” for the purpose of the Rules, in particular, eligibility for Ordinary Membership in the Association. 2.7.3. To amend Rule 10 to update and simplify the eligibility criteria for Associate Membership. 2.7.4. To add a new Rule 11 to empower the Management Committee to confer Honorary Membership in the Association. 2.7.5. To add a new Rule 12 to empower the Management Committee to confer the title and status of Visitor of the Eurasian Community House. 2.7.6. To amend Rule 13 to clarify that the Committee may both revoke the membership of an expelled Member’s and exclude him/her from the Association. 2.7.7. To add a new Rule 15A to empower the Committee to revoke the conferment of the status of Visitor of the Eurasian Community House when circumstances make this necessary. 2.7.8. To amend Rule 16 (renumbered 18) to provide for a 2nd Vice-President, for community leadership development and succession planning purposes. 2.7.9. To amend rule 18(a) (renumbered 20(a)) to clarify the principles for orderly succession in the leadership of the Association. 2.7.10. To add a new Rule 18(c) to ensure that the Commissioner of Charities is updated on such changes as required under the Charities Act. 2.7.11. To add new paragraphs (d) and (e) to Rule 19 (renumbered 21) to ensure that proper procedures are in place to declare, prevent and address conflict of interest issues by Members of the Committee. 2.7.12. To add a new Rule 23 to empower the Committee to appoint “persons of standing and experience” to serve as Advisors to the Committee. 2.7.13. To amend Rule 31 (renumbered 34) as advised by the Commissioner of Charities, as the requirement to seek the prior sanction of the Comptroller of Income Tax no longer applies. 2.7.14. To amend Rule 33(c) (renumbered 36(c)) as advised by the Commissioner of Charities, to ensure that upon dissolution, the Association’s funds are used in accordance to their intended purposes. 2.7.15. To amend Rule 33(d) (renumbered 36(d)) as advised by the Commissioner of Charities, as notice of dissolution to the Comptroller of Income Tax is no longer required. 2.7.16. To amend Rule 34 (renumbered 37) to update the list of activities prohibited by law, and certain legal references therein. 2.7.17. To amend Rule 35 (renumbered 38) to simplify the eligibility criteria for appointment as Patron(s).

Eurasian Association, Singapore 3 Annual Report 2009 Notice and Agenda

2.7.18. To amend Rule 36 (renumbered 39) to: a) Insert a new paragraph (a) as advised by the Commissioner of Charities, for clarity; b) To amend former paragraph (a) (renumbered (b)) to remove the life-time office of the Association’s Trustees; c) To add a new paragraph (d) to provide for the Association’s Trustees to be henceforth appointed to a term of 5 years each and to empower the Committee, in its discretion, to reappoint any Trustee(s) for a further (and final) consecutive term of another 5 years. d) To add a new paragraph (e) to add a necessary transitional provision for Trustees holding office when the previous amendments come into effect. e) To add a new paragraph (f) for the avoidance of doubt. 2.7.19. To make consequential amendments by renumbering, and also necessary editorial correctionsto, the following Rules (and where applicable, paragraphs thereof): - Rules 5, 7, 10, 11 (renumbered 13), 12 (renumbered 14), 14 (renumbered 16), 15 (renumbered 17), 16 (renumbered 18), 17 (renumbered 19), 18 (renumbered 20), 19 (renumbered 21), 20 (renumbered 22), 21 (renumbered 24), 22 (renumbered 25), 23 (renumbered 26), 24 (renumbered 27), 25 (renumbered 28), 26 (renumbered 29), 27 (renumbered 30), 28 (renumbered 31), 29 (renumbered 32), 30 (renumbered 33), 31 (renumbered 34), 32 (renumbered 35), 33 (renumbered 36), 34 (renumbered 37), 35 (renumbered 38) and 36 (renumbered 39). 2.8. To discuss any other matters arising in accordance with the Rules of the Association.


3.1. The Annual Report includes the following: 3.1.1. Minutes of the annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2009 3.1.2. Audited Financial Statement of the Eurasian Association 3.1.3. Changes to the EA Constitution 3.1.4. Nomination Form 3.2. The Annual General Meeting is open only to registered Members of the Association. Non-Members will not be allowed to attend. 3.3. In accordance to Rule 26(b) of the Rules of the Association, only Ordinary Members are entitled to vote in person, or by proxy. 3.4. Nomination for Office Bearers and Committee Members must be received by the Committee at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting and must be prescribed form as annexed hereto. 3.5. Registration procedures: 3.5.1. Each Member shall produce her/his identity card to the relevant Registration Officer. 3.5.2. The Registration Officer shall check that the name of each person seeking admission to the Annual General Meeting appears on the Membership Roll. 3.5.3. Each Member shall initial against her/his name in the Membership Roll. 3.5.4. Ballot entitlement slips shall then be issued to each Life Member and Ordinary, and Member by the persons appointed for this purpose by the Management Committee.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 4 Annual Report 2009 Notice and Agenda

3.6. Procedure for Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members 3.6.1. Candidates for election may address the Chair if they wish, but in any case, for no more than 5 minutes each. 3.6.2. The Chairman shall at her/his discretion decide whether to allow speeches in support of a candidate, and if so, shall announce how many Members may speak and for how long. 3.6.3. Scrutineers shall be appointed by the Members present to count votes on a show of hands. 3.6.4. Each Position for an Office Bearer shall be voted upon separately and one candidate shall be elected to each post (except for the posts of Vice-President) in the following sequence: first, President; second, 1st Vice-President; third, 2nd Vice-President; fourth, Hon. Treasurer; fifth, Hon. Secretary; and sixth, Assistant Hon. Secretary. 3.6.5. After the election of the Office Bearers, the position for the five Committee Members shall be voted upon separately. The five candidates who gain the most votes shall be declared by the Chairman to be elected as Committee Members.

By Order of The Management Committee

Mr. Harry B. Pereira Honorary Secretary

Registered Office: 139 Ceylon Road, Singapore 429744

Date: 2 April 2010

Eurasian Association, Singapore 5 Annual Report 2009 President’s Message

extravaganza was dedicated to showcasing the musical talents and contributions of the Eurasian community.

Despite great successes, the Management Committee acknowledges that there is still much work to be done for the Eurasian community, especially in the EA’s two core working groups: Education and Welfare. As we edge closer towards our Centennial year, we can still work harder towards achieving the milestones and goals in improving the standing of Eurasians in Singapore. We must raise the academic standing of Eurasian youths and ensure that no student is left behind. We must also work on raising the community’s standards of excellence in business, education, the arts, and sports, to reclaim the past achievements of our Eurasian leaders in those fields.

The achievement of milestones is a collective effort. We need more EA members and volunteers to step up to the plate and contribute their time and skills to benefit Eurasians in need. We especially hope to see more Eurasian youths and young professionals dedicate their expertise, enthusiasm and fresh ideas towards rejuvenating the Association. The Mentoring Young Leaders Network (MYLN) has grown since its inception in 2008, reaching out and engaging Eurasian young professionals as well as youths in educational institutions. We hope to see the MYLN develop into a larger, more vibrant network of young Eurasians who can build upon the achievements of prominent older Eurasians. The current Management Committee (MC) is coming to the end of its two-year term in office. From 2008 to Lastly, the Eurasian community must continue to strive 2010, the Association has seen some great strides and towards inclusiveness. With the rise in the number of inter- achievements, while facing some tough obstacles in the marriages between Singaporeans and citizens of Western midst of one of the worst economic crises of the century. nations, the concept of the Eurasian needs to expand to The year 2009 proved to be an ongoing challenge for all of incorporate the New Eurasian, the product of these inter- us here at the EA, and for the Eurasian community. Although marriages. It is for the benefit of Eurasians that we all come the economy is rebounding slowly, we are not in the clear. together and work together as one, towards a common Nonetheless, we must push on, and approach our 100th goal of raising the profile of Eurasians in Singapore. This Anniversary with determination, hope and enthusiasm. remains a challenge for all of us for the next ten years leading up to our 100th Anniversary, but I believe that it In 2009, the EA introduced the Merit Bursary Awards, a can be achieved if the community works collaboratively new scheme that affords full scholarships and stipends to and puts its mind to it. deserving Eurasian students to study at the ITE and the Polytechnics. There are currently three awards for ITE and two awards for the Polytechnics. These scholarships have successfully identified high-achieving students from low- income families who have done very well for their N’ and O’-level examinations, as well as contributed to CCAs and community involvement.

In line with its goal of bringing people together, the EA hosted Singapore’s first ever combined National Day observance ceremony in collaboration with other Self- Help Groups CDAC, Yayasan MENDAKI, and SINDA. The Association also celebrated its 90th Anniversary Edward D’Silva with Eurasiana: A Musical Tribute, in June 2009. The gala President, The Eurasian Association

Eurasian Association, Singapore 6 Annual Report 2009 Honorary Secretary’s Report

The Management Committee is pleased to present the (Five BOT meetings) Annual Report of the Eurasian Association (henceforth Mr. Edward D’Silva (5) Dr. Barry Pereira (4) Mr. Harry Pereira referred to as ‘The Association’) and the Financial (5) Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross (4) Ms. Lynn Desker (2) Mr. Statement of the Association for the period from 1 January Geoffrey da Silva (2) Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao (1) Ms. 2009 to 31 December 2009. Yvonne Pereira (3) Mr. Christian Eber (1) Mr. Zaf Coelho (1) Ms. Carla Barker (3) Mr. Burton Westerhout (0) In January 2009, Ms. Lynn Desker came on board as Treasurer, replacing Mr. Zaf Coelho who had stepped IPC Status down the previous year. Mr. Burton Westerhout and Mr. Zaf The Association, being accorded Institute of Public Coelho were co-opted into the Management Committee in Character (IPC) status and being one of the Community September 2009 and January 2009 respectively. Self-Help Groups working for public benefit, has emphasized transparency and good corporate governance. This is an As of 31 December 2009, the Management Committee increasingly important criterion for any potential donor who consisted of the following: wishes to donate to the Association.

Post Name Detailed Terms of Reference for all Committees and Advisory Panels were finalised and distributed to the President Mr. Edward D’Silva various members. The Terms of Reference were adapted Vice-President Dr. Barry P. Pereira Honorary Secretary Mr. Harry Pereira from the template suggested by the National Council of Honorary Treasurer Ms. Lynn Desker Social Services (NCSS). Assistant Honorary Secretary Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross Committee Members Mr. Geoffrey da Silva Review of Constitution Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao A review of the Association’s Constitution was initiated Mrs. Yvonne M. Pereira in 2009 and it was decided that it would be amended Mr. Christian Eber to include additions such as the inclusion of an extra Ms. Carla Barker Vice-President; Trustees no longer having lifetime terms; Mr. Zaf Coelho and the inclusion of more than one Patron. The revised (co-opted January 2009) Constitution will be tabled at the 2010 AGM. Mr. Burton Westerhout (co-opted September 2009) IPC Code of Governance – Documentation of SOPs External consultant Stone Forest, which was 80 per cent Meetings funded by the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) There were a total of six Management Committee meetings under its VCF Grant Scheme, ensured full compliance and five Board of Trustees meetings between January 2009 in areas of processes and documentation to maintain and December 2009. Management Committee members’ accountability and public trust. The IPC portal has been attendance at these meetings were: updated accordingly.

January 2009 – April 2009 HR Policies (Six MC meetings) External consultant, ProGuide, has been recruited as of Mr. Edward D’Silva (6) Dr. Barry Pereira (6) Mr. Harry Pereira October 2009 to review the HR policies of the Association, (6) Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross (6) Ms. Lynn Desker (5) Mr. as well as to create an employment manual for the Geoffrey da Silva (5) Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao (5) Ms. Association’s employees. The NCSS has agreed to fund 50 Yvonne Pereira (6) Mr. Christian Eber (6) Mr. Zaf Coelho (4) per cent of the project’s cost through its VCF Consultancy Ms. Carla Barker (6) Mr. Burton Westerhout (2) Grant. The project is due to be completed at the end of February 2010.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 7 Annual Report 2009 Honorary Secretary’s Report

Appeal to MCYS Executive in February and resigned in March. Education The Association appealed to the Ministry of Community Executive Ms. Therese Thompson resigned in May and Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in October 2009 was replaced by Ms. Jacqueline Peeris the same month. for additional funding; permission to sublet the top floor Accountant Mr. Desmond Hang was employed in May and of the Eurasian Community House; as well as funding for tendered his resignation in October, to be replaced by Mr. a new CEO. The MCYS approved all three requests in Peter Teo. Events Executive Mr. Sugiman Rahmat resigned December 2009. in December.

New Accounting Standards (RAP6) Membership The Association complies with most of the RAP6 The membership database has been consolidated Accounting Standards, which was introduced to all and members’ particulars have been updated as of 31 charities, with the classification of the various donations December 2009. Membership for the various categories to be channeled to either Restricted or Unrestricted is as follows: funds. S/No Description As of Year New As of Major Fundraising APPEAL Ended Members In Year In 2009, the Association appealed to various foundations 2008 Year 2009 Ended 2009 as well as high net-worth donors in Singapore for donations of $1 million for proposed Education and 1 Life Members 1897 67 1944 Welfare programmes over the next two years. Seventy per 2 Ordinary 327 2 326 cent of the $1 million would be for Education and Training, Members with 30 per cent for EA’s Family Support Services. As of 3 Associate 234 8 238 December 2009, $258,000 has been raised. Temasek Members Cares and the Tan Chin Tuan foundation have also agreed to collaborate with the Association and provide funding for 4 Associate 80 1 78 Education and Family Support Services. The Association Ordinary Members is currently in negotiation with both foundations. 5 Junior 504 6 478 Members Cost Allocation Study A cost allocation study was introduced in September Grand Total 3042 84 3064 2009 to reflect the total costs of conducting activities by the Association’s sub-committees. Two costs need to be allocated to the activities: staff costs, and the costs of The numbers as of Year Ended 2009 reflect the net running and maintaining the ECH. The project is currently membership, after taking into account members who have underway and will be approved by the Management passed on or have withdrawn. Committee for financial year 2010. EA Management Committee members on Non-EA Committees Auditor Foo Kon Tan Grant Thornton is the appointed Auditor for A number of EA Management Committee members sit the Association. on various working committees on racial and religious affairs, Community Development Councils, local ComCare networks and other community groups. Secretariat As of 31 December 2009, the Secretariat Team consisted Meetings with VIPs of the following: In 2009, the Management Committee met with a number of VIPs and distinguished guests. Position Name

Director, Operations Lester Low Date Visitor Purpose of Visit Team Secretary Cecilia Sim Accountant Peter Teo 17 February 2009 President S.R. To meet with the Operations/Events Executive Patch Tan Nathan’s visit to EA community and to Education Executive Jacqueline Peeris discuss ways of Family Support Services J. Ramakrishnan reaching out to needy Florence Monica students. Adriano 30 May 2009 Conferment Ceremony To confer the title of Corporate Communications Executive Moira Ong of Speaker Abdullah ‘Visitor to the Eurasian Volunteer/Membership Executive Lorraine Bligh Tarmugi Community House’ Front Desk Assistant Walter Pinto on Speaker Tarmugi in recognition of his Following the resignation of Senior Operations Executive contributions to the Mr. Chase Lim Boon Seng in January, Mr. Patch Tan was community. appointed Operations/Events Executive in February. Mr. Romeo Bertiz Jr. came on board as Senior Accounts

Eurasian Association, Singapore 8 Annual Report 2009 Honorary Secretary’s Report

23 July 2009 Dinner meeting with To discuss External Courses Minister Tharman programmes in which The Management Committee members and staff have EA may collaborate been active in attending courses organised by the National with SINDA. Council of Social Services (NCSS) under its training arm, the 6 August 2009 Conferment of Dr. To confer the title of Social Service Training Institute (SSTI). This enables them Noeleen Heyzer ‘Life Membership to execute their roles and responsibilities in the context (Honorary)’ on Dr. of a non-profit organization more effectively. Some of the Heyzer in recognition courses attended by Management Committee members of her achievements and staff are as follows: in the international diplomatic scene. • Making Sense of Fundraising 28 October 2009 Briefing and Update to Mr. George Yeo • Understanding the Regulations and Code of Governance for Charities & IPCs 29 October 2009 PAC Meeting with President S.R. Nathan • Managing Organisational Change for NPOs • Practices and Governing instruments for Charities and 16 November 2009 Lunch with in/outgoing To thank outgoing IPCs with Self-Help Groups’ CEOs for their CEO (Mendaki, SINDA successful & CDAC) collaborative Education relationships with The inaugural Merit Bursary Awards were launched in 2009. EA, and to welcome The Awards are granted to outstanding and deserving incoming CEOs. students accepted into the ITE or any of the five national 19 November 2009 The British High To establish ties given polytechnics. Commissioner’s Visit our shared ancestral history. Looking Ahead Despite a challenging year, the Association has MISCELLANEOUS managed to achieve many milestones in 2009. Some major achievements include the celebration of its 90th Organisational Structure Anniversary, a major fundraising initiative for Education The Audit, Fundraising, Finance, Corporate Communications, and Welfare services, as well as reaching out to, and Community Bonding, Education and Performing Arts engaging, Eurasian youth and young professionals. Chapter Advisory Panels meet every quarter to review and oversee the processes of the sub-committees at a strategic The year 2010 will be another challenging year, especially level in compliance with the Association’s IPC status. with regards to Education, Family Support Services and Community Bonding. The Association is dedicated to National Day Celebrations with other SHGs expending more energy and effort in the implementation of On 3 August, Singapore’s four community Self-Help Groups programmes in these core working groups. To achieve this, (SHGs) organised their first-ever combined National Day we are calling for members to come forward, and to assist observance ceremony, hosted by the Association at and contribute in various capacities towards Education, the ECH. The event was attended by a number of VIPs Family Support Services and Community Bonding. including Minister George Yeo, Mr. , Dr. and Dr. . The nurturing and grooming of Eurasian youth will also be placed at the forefront in 2010. This should be not just a EA 90th Anniversary Extravaganza short-term goal for the year, but a long-term strategy for On 26 and 27 June, the Association celebrated its 90th the Association. The future of the Eurasian community is anniversary with a musical extravaganza, “EURASIANA – strongly dependent on its youth and young professionals. A Musical Tribute” at the Esplanade. Lastly, inclusiveness is important for the survival of the Temporary Car Park Association and the Eurasian community as a whole, and The construction of the temporary car park on the vacant the Association hopes to work on encouraging the Eurasian plot of land adjacent to the Association is currently community to become more inclusive and supportive. ongoing, with approval being sought from all relevant authorities.

Books Dr Paglar: Everyman’s Hero, written by the late Rex Shelley, was completed in November and will be launched in January 2010. A book on E.W. Barker has been initiated.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 9 Annual Report 2009 Major Events

The EA Dragon Boat Team Top: Eurasiana dancers at EA’s 90th Anniversary gala extravaganza. Bottom: President S. R. Nathan signing a copy of “Dr Paglar: Everyman’s Hero”

YOUTH CONFERMENT OF MR. ABDULLAH TARMUGI MERIT BURSARY AWARDS On 31 May, Speaker of Parliamant Abdullah Tarmugi was The EA launched its inaugural Merit Bursary Awards in conferred “Visitor to the Eurasian Community House” 2009 for outstanding and deserving students accepted status at the Association. EA President, Edward D’Silva into the ITE or any of the five polytechnics. The award presented Mr. Tarmugi with a symbolic key to the ECH. covers full tuition fees and includes a textbook stipend. On 5 September, the awards were presented to four recipients EURASIANA at the Eurasian Community Fund (ECF) Education Awards Held at the Esplanade Concert Hall on 26 and 27 June, Ceremony. EURASIANA – A Musical Tribute marked the EA’s 90th anniversary and showcased the community’s musical EDUCATION talent. Jointly presented by the People’s Association (PA) OUTREACH TO INSTITUTIONS and the Eurasian Association, EURASIANA symbolised The MYLN reached out to Eurasian students at Republic cross-community collaboration. Among the attendees Polytechnic on 15 May, and the National University of were Guests-of-Honour President S.R. Nathan; Minister Singapore (NUS) on 20 August. representing Eurasians in Parliament George Yeo; National Development Minister ; Eurasian MP MENTORING YOUNG LEADERS NETWORK (MYLN) ; and PA chief Executive Director Tan FIRST ANNIVERSARY Boon Huat. On 19 September, a group of 16 young professionals gathered at the Eurasian Community House museum in Iconic names in the music and entertainment industry celebration of the first anniversary of the EA Mentoring such as Dick Lee, Iskandar Ismail, Brian Richmond, Young Leaders Network (MYLN). Formally launched Hamish Brown, and Andrea De Cruz joined at the ECF Awards in September 2008, the MYLN has hands with up-and-coming performers to make the grown from a small group to a network of over 80 young concert a success. The audience enjoyed performances professionals. by a new generation of Eurasian talents such as Michaela Therese, and the three divas Candice de Rozario, and CHINGAY 2009 Alemay and Vanessa Fernandez. Other crowd-pullers On 30 January, EA’s own EURASIANA joined 30 other included John Molina, Stephen Francis, Marina Xavier contingents in 13 floats at City Hall for the first of two nights and Don Richmond, Jeremy and Claressa Monteiro and of the Chingay Parade. The Eurasian float was a unique Nick Hogan. Portuguese Carrack or large boat, displaying members depicting Portuguese, Dutch and English/Scottish heritage groups.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 10 Annual Report 2009 Major Events

90TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS CONFERMENT OF DR. NOELEEN HEYZER The EA celebrated its 90th Anniversary at the Singapore On 6 August, Dr. Noeleen Heyzer was conferred Life Swimming Club on 19 July, remembering and honouring Membership (Honorary) of the Eurasian Association. The individuals who had built up the Association. Entertainment conferment ceremony was held at the Eurasian Community was provided by band That’s Life, supported by DJ Jude House and attended by Patron Herman Hochstadt, Paul. The eldest lady and gentleman present - Helen de Trustees, the Management Committee and volunteers. Souza, 95, and Gerard Clarke, 91 - cut the anniversary cake to launch the party. EA DRAGONS STRIKE GOLD The EA Dragons came first in their event at the 27th The EA also paid tribute to past contributions made Singapore River Regatta 2009, held on 21 and 22 by the 15 Management Committee members who November at the Singapore River. The team has shown kept the Association afloat during times of dwindling tremendous progress since 2006, when it took last place membership, resources and morale throughout the in the same category. The team also brought “gold” to the 1980s: Thomas Alberquerque (deceased); Ronnie Barth lives of many children at an orphanage in Pai, northern (deceased); Aloysius de Rozario; Paul Desker; Kenneth Thailand, raising more than $3,000 at the March ’09 race Eber (deceased); Arthur W Fox; Rene Fernando; Shelton carnival for a new dormitory. Fernando; Patrick Grosse; Trevor Hale; Claire McIntyre; Austin Pereira; Horace Pinto; Kathleen Woodford CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS TREAT (deceased) and Lionel Zuzarte. Held in conjunction with the Family Christmas Carnival, the Children’s Christmas Treat on 19 December welcomed Special mentions also went out to individuals who 150 children who enjoyed activities and treats such as contributed to the Association’s rebuilding throughout the face painting, tattoos, carnival games, pizza, ice-cream, 1990s: E.W. Barker, Bryan Davenport, Joseph Tessensohn, candy floss and popcorn. There were presents and prizes Kathleen Woodford, Fred Fox and Ernest Marsh (all galore for the participants, including bicycles for four lucky deceased). Also thanked for their service to the EA were children. Guests included children from the different Self- Helen Joseph, Walter Pinto and Dixie Ferdinands. Help Groups as well as 20 of the EA’s Family Support Services children and their families. The event’s Guest-of- NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONS Honour was MP . On 3 August, the Association hosted Singapore’s first ever combined National Day observance ceremony in collaboration with Self-Help Groups (SHGs) CDAC, Yayasan MENDAKI and SINDA. Guests-of-Honour included Minister representing Eurasians in Cabinet George Yeo,; Mr. Lim Swee Say, Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim and Dr. Balaji Sadasivan.

Helen de Souza, 95, and Gerard Clarke, 91, cutting EA’s 90th Anniversary Cake

Eurasian Association, Singapore 11 Annual Report 2009 Major Events

The launch of “Dr Paglar: Everyman’s Hero” in January 2010, with Guest-of-Honour President S.R. Nathan

FAMILY CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL NEW YEAR’S EVE BALL Organised by the Women’s Wing, the Family Christmas Held at the Shangri-La Hotel ballroom on 31 December, the Carnival took place on 19 December at the ECH with a Masquerade Soirée-themed annual New Year’s Eve Ball good turnout despite a heavy downpour. A total of 15 stalls theme saw many guests arriving in beautiful masks and displayed a selection of Eurasian food, Christmas fare and feathers to ring in the new year. Committee members were gift items, and wines to sample and buy. Fabian and Tracy, kept busy at the reception selling their own handmade Gerard Danker, Singapore Idol finalist Kyle Ganapathy, creations. Guests were also able to purchase professional the Santa Babes and MP Chan Soo Sen encouraged the photographs during cocktail hour, with proceeds going to crowd to participate in the festivities. Many visitors took the Association. home goodies from the tombola and lucky draw prizes generously donated by Quentin’s, Atos Wellness and Music and entertainment were provided by band LaChica Women’s Wing committee members. Go, Brian Lune, DJ Bernard Jeremiah and the Eurasiana dancers. Sponsors donated 70 prizes, including trips to FFS COLOURFUL CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL Phuket and Bali courtesy of Glen D’Souza, a carpet from On 20 December, over two dozen children under EA’s Eastern Carpets, meals from the Indochine Group, JBL Family Support Services (FSS) wing enjoyed a fun-filled speakers from Harman International plus other goodies day at the Colour Christmas Carnival held at Dhoby Ghaut from Mimolette, F. J. Benjamin, Shangri-La and more. Green Ampitheater. The event was organised to bring cheer to young beneficiaries from all ethnic groups.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 12 Annual Report 2009 Education Committee Members: Mr. Geoffrey da Silva (Chairman), Mr. George Pasqual, Mr. Edmund Rodrigues

At the Self-Help Groups Joint Tuition Awards in July 2009

OPPORTUNITY FUND from ITE College West; and Jeremy Jerome Francisco from Project Ray of Hope was held on 17 January at the Eurasian ITE College West. Community House to disburse the Opportunity Fund in the form of Popular and Bata vouchers to Eurasian students Through this awards scheme, the EA aims to develop from primary, secondary and tertiary levels. a strong youth cohort who will be professionally and technically competent to seek rewarding careers in their The Opportunity Fund is an initiative by the Ministry of chosen fields. Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) under the Progress Package of Budget 2006, whereby the ONEPEOPLE.SG (OPSG) – KIP MCGRATH MULTI- Government allocated matching grants to the Self-Help RACIAL EDUCATION CENTRE (MREC) Groups. A total of 104 students benefitted from the fund, Jointly organised by OPSG, the Chinese Development with a total of $31,100 being disbursed during the event. Assistance Council (CDAC), Eurasian Association (EA), Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), The vouchers are to be used to purchase textbooks, Yayasan MENDAKI and Kip McGrath Worldwide Education assessment books, stationery and other learning aids. Centres, the MREC project aims to provide individualised tutoring for underachieving students from low income PRESIDENT’S CHALLENGE & MERIT BURSARY families. The centre employs Kip McGrath’s unique tutoring AWARDS model in mathematics, in which each child receives an The President’s Challenge is an annual charity drive individualised lesson plan that meets his or her specific comprising a series of community-based activities to rally learning needs. Kip McGrath’s accelerated programme the public towards helping those in need of assistance. for underachievers has proven to be extremely effective in bridging the numeracy gaps of students who have fallen Upon submitting an application in October 2008, the EA behind. was selected to be a beneficiary of President’s Challenge 2008. The amount allocated would be used only for EA’s Supported and funded by other organisations, students Merit Bursary Awards for deserving Eurasian students who pay a highly subsidised fee of only $10. Classes for 2010 wish to pursue post-secondary education at polytechnics commence in February 2010. and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) – for two Polytechnic and three ITE Merit Bursaries. The scheme Eurasian Community Fund (ECF) Education covers full tuition fees, books and ancillary expenses. Mr. Awards Lawrence da Silva also generously pledged his support The ECF Education Awards ceremony was held on 5 towards the Merit Bursary Awards. September at St. Patrick’s School. Guest-of-Honour Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education, Mr. In September 2009, four recipients were selected upon , spoke about the importance of Eurasian being interviewed by the Education Selection Panel: identity and the crucial role of youth in preserving Eurasian Victoria Marilyn Apps from Ngee Ann Polytechnic; Andrew culture. John Welford from Singapore Polytechnic; Lesley Ariel Ho

Eurasian Association, Singapore 13 Annual Report 2009 Education Committee Members: Mr. Geoffrey da Silva (Chairman), Mr. George Pasqual, Mr. Edmund Rodrigues

Rebekah Broughton Sponsored by Mrs Evelyn Rodrigues The ‘Peggy Wai Chee Leong Award’ Top Eurasian ‘A’ Level Student 2008 Aaron Brian Theseira Sponsored by Mr. Herman Hochstadt

The ‘Colonel R. J. Minjoot Award’ Outstanding Eurasian ITE Student 2008 David Christopher Pang Sponsored by Mr. Gerald Minjoot

The ‘Oscar G. da Silva Award’ Top Eurasian Polytechnic Student 2008 Christopher Andrew Andrade Sponsored by Mr. Lawrence da Silva

The ‘Henry David Hochstadt Award’ Top Eurasian University Student 2008 Crystal Tan Yan Wen Sponsored by Mr. Herman Hochstadt

Eurasian students at the Bridging Programme in November- The ‘Claude & Marie da Silva Award’ December 2009 Most Improved Eurasian Student 2008 Melissa Wee Cheng Lian Present at the ceremony were the EA Management Sponsored by Mr. Geoffrey da Silva Committee and Education sub-committee members, as well as distinguished guests including Mr. Goh Chim Outstanding Eurasian Sports Student 2008 Kim; Deputy Executive Director of CDAC, Mdm. Zubaidah Noah Antony Gregory Osman; Assistant Director of Education, Ms. Rosan Sponsored by Mr. Harry Elias Basha; Director of Education, Mr. Ramesh Ganeson; Director of; Mr. Derrick Ang Ting Wei, Meritorious Eurasian Sports Student 2008 Manager of Community Projects at South East Community Claudia Emilia D’Silva Development Council (CDC); and EA Trustees Mr. Timothy Sponsored by Mr. Oscar Oliveiro de Souza, Mr. Gerald Minjoot, Mr. Gerry de Silva, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence da Silva. Special Awards Stephanie Fawcet Overee A total of 202 awards including bursaries for primary and Sponsored by Mr. Gerald Minjoot secondary students, study grants for tertiary students, and excellence and distinction awards, were presented to Self-Help Groups Joint Tuition Awards deserving Eurasian students. The distinction awards were The Collaborative Tuition Programme (CTP) is jointly as follows: organised by the CDAC, EA, SINDA and Yayasan MENDAKI. Located island wide in primary and secondary The ‘Peter H. Fernandez Award’ schools, the centres offer tuition to students of all races. Top Eurasian PSLE Student 2008 Fees payable by the student are subject to the amount of Ahmad Ashraf B. Muhammad Johari subsidy granted by the respective Self-Help Groups. Sponsored by Mr. Lawrence da Silva The sixth Self-Help Group Joint Tuition Awards ceremony The ‘Colonel R. J. Minjoot Award’ hosted by CDAC took place on 11 July at the Nanyang Top Eurasian ‘N’ – Normal Academic Level Student 2008 Polytechnic Auditorium. The Guest-of-Honour was Senior Charlene Bernadette de Costa Minister of State for Ministry of National Development & Sponsored by Mr. Gerald Minjoot Education, Ms. Hai Yien. A total of 438 students received the awards this year, with 13 of them being The ‘Colonel R. J. Minjoot Award’ Eurasian students. Top Eurasian ‘N’ – Normal Technical Level Student 2008 Dominique Deanne Leicester Special honours went to two Eurasian students for Best Sponsored by Mr. Gerald Minjoot Overall Academic Performance: Tricia Marjorie Fernandez from St. Anthony’s Canossian Secondary, and Vanessa The ‘Evelyn Rodrigues Award’ Rozario from Queenstown Secondary School. Top Eurasian ‘O’ Level Student 2008

Eurasian Association, Singapore 14 Annual Report 2009 Education Committee Members: Mr. Geoffrey da Silva (Chairman), Mr. George Pasqual, Mr. Edmund Rodrigues

The other Eurasian students who received awards in the students received $400 each, and Secondary 4 students following categories were: received $650 each. The recipients of this award were:

PSLE Hazel Melissa Pereira ($200) Jerald Justin Francisco NurFaizah Bte Muhd Faizuwan ($200) Siti Nabilah Elyssa Garnell Patrick Anthony Nair ($400) Samuel Wittberger Siti Nafira Bte Mohd Noor ($400) Ahmad Ashraf Bin Muhd Johari Bridget Ann Welford ($650)

GCE ‘N’ LEVEL The Tertiary Level ceremony was held on 10 October Adelina Eliza Esa Ali with Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Defence, Mr. Jeremy Jerome Francisco as the Guest-of-Honour. Junior College Lesley Ariel Ho students received $800 each, Polytechnic students Stanley Joseph Santa Maria received $1,200 each and university students received $3,000 each. The recipients of this award were: GCE ‘O’ LEVEL Aaron Charles Mossadeg Shauna Caroline Santa Maria ($1,200) Bradley Jude Nonis Therese Vanessa Pereira ($1,200) Sabrina Claudia Noronha Trina Gail Minjoot ($3,000)

The Eurasian Association contributed a total of $2,207.66 BRIDGING PROGRAMME to this annual programme. Jointly organised by the Ministry of Education (MOE), CDAC, EA, SINDA and MENDAKI, the four-week Bridging Buddhist Lodge Bursary Awards held at the Programme was held from 24 November to 18 December. Buddhist Lodge Auditorium Fully funded by the MOE, the project targeted six-year- The 31st Buddhist Lodge Bursary Presentation Ceremony old children who had not attended kindergarten and not was divided into three separate events. academically ready for primary school. The programme was created to help children acquire basic oral and The Primary Level ceremony was held on 14 March, with comprehension skills, basic numerical concepts and Chairman of Hindu Endowments Board, Mr. S Rajendran social skills. Classes were held daily over the four weeks as the Guest-of-Honour. All primary students received from 9am to 12pm at 15 different primary schools located $200 each. The recipients of this award were: island wide.

Apps Muhd Juwaidi ARTS IN MOTION ENRICHMENT PROGRAMMES De Kretzer Brandon C. The EA is collaborating with other Self-Help Groups Gomez Jordan C. (SHGs), CDAC, SINDA and MENDAKI, to organise an Minjoot Vanya Jean Arts Enrichment Holiday Programme for Primary 3 and 4 NurFadhillah Bte Muhd Faizuwan students during the June 2010 school holidays. Offered by Deborah de Souza’s Arts in Motion, the programme The Secondary Level ceremony was held on 25 April, reaches out to primary school students from lower-income with Minister for Community Development, Youth and families and includes a Creative Reading and Story Telling Sports, Dr. as the Guest-of-Honour. Workshop. Secondary 1 and 2 students received $200, Secondary 3

Students at the Opportunity Fund Ceremony in January 2009 Eurasian Association, Singapore 15 Annual Report 2009 Youth & Sports Committee Members: Mr. Harry Pereira (Chairman), Mr. Francis Lee (Vice Chairman), Mr. Lek T.C. (Secretary), Mr. Kevin Santa Maria (Tournaments), Mr. Johnny Stead, Mr. James Simson, Ms. Rita Wong (Members); Mr. Sebastian Yap, Mr. Alphonsus Arriolla, Mr. Abdur Raheem (Coaches).

EA SOCCER SCHOOL This year, Joshua Bernard Pereira was again chosen to The EA Soccer School aims to instill values such as represent Singapore in the APSSO (ASEAN Primary School sportsmanship, discipline and teamwork to all soccer Sport Olympiad) held in Jakarta, Indonesia. trainees alongside regular soccer training. A total of 48 training sessions were held in 2009. Coaches from the Manchester United Soccer School in the UK were in town to coach at the local MUSS programme The North East Racial Harmony Soccer Tournament 2009, in Singapore and Malaysia. As part of their community jointly organised by the Eurasian Association and North outreach efforts, the EA Soccer School was selected and East Community Development Council, is currently in its treated to a special training session conducted by these fourth year, and has become a household name among coaches in June, and again in November. Although the soccer academies. Held on 25 July at the soccer pitch session lasted for only two hours, it was nonetheless outside the Tampines Stadium, a total of 30 teams took intensive, and our boys and girls enjoyed it tremendously. part in this one-day tournament. The Guest-of-Honour, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC, Mr. Zainul Abidin Rasheed, gave away the prizes.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 16 Annual Report 2009 Youth & Sports Committee Members: Mr. Zaf Coelho (Chairperson) Mentoring Young Leaders Network (Sub-committee of Youth): Ms. Sybil Rocha (Chairperson), Mr. Zaf Coelho (Vice-Chairperson), Mr. Crispin Rodrigues (Events Manager), Ms. Kimberly Gordon (Creative Manager).

SYPNOSIS on 15 May. During the visit, the MYLN presented the The year 2009 was exciting and eventful for EA Youth audience with an overview of the EA, highlighting its key and its sub-committee, the Mentoring Young Leaders programmes and activities. Everyone found it an enjoyable Network (MYLN). From its inception in 2008, the MYLN and beneficial evening, and appreciated EA’s efforts to has been engaged in a flurry of activities and events aimed reach out to Eurasians. at providing guidance for aspiring Eurasian young adults and engaging young Eurasian professionals. The MYLN EA representatives reached out to Eurasian undergraduates has grown from a small group to a network of more than and postgraduates at the National University of Singapore 80 young professionals and adults. (NUS) during a tea session on 20 August. Zaf Coelho and Sybil Rocha gave a short introduction to the EA and ASEAN+3 LEADER EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME MYLN. A lively discussion took place over refreshments, Crispin Rodrigues represented the Eurasian Association during during which many of the students expressed interest in the second ASEAN+3 Leader Executive Programme. Held becoming involved in the MYLN’s activities. EA members in Singapore, the event involved youth leaders from ASEAN were pleased to learn that there is an increasing number of countries, Japan, Korea and China. Crispin was involved Eurasians pursuing courses in medicine and the sciences. in the discussion on creating an independent entity from ASEAN, utilising the Singapore-ASEAN youth fund to create MYLN NETWORK NIGHT opportunities for various ASEAN+3 nations to collaborate On 19 September, a group of 16 young professionals and get involved in programmes. These programmes include gathered at the ECH museum for the MYLN’s second creating awareness of the UN Millennium Development Goals Network Night to celebrate the MYLN’s achievements (MDGs), as well as opportunities for exchange of ideas, in the past year, and to allow new and existing MYLN cultural displays and leadership development. members to network. During the evening, participants reflected upon the directions they would like the MYLN to MYLN CHILLOUT@STARBUCKS SESSIONS take, and suggested activities to engage other Eurasian To reach out to busy Eurasian young adults, the MYLN young professionals. The group was encouraged to see organized monthly coffee sessions at Starbucks in One more new faces eager to be ‘plugged into’ the Eurasian Fullerton. During the coffee sessions, new contacts were community via the MYLN. forged, and the committee learnt more about what young Eurasians want to see at the EA, as well as their concerns and DIALOGUE WITH SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT, aspirations. Starbucks sponsored the coffee sessions. ABDULLAH TARMUGI The MYLN invited Speaker of Parliament, Abdullah Tarmugi WHAT’S NEXT? EXPLORING POST-SECONDARY for an informal dialogue at the ECH on 7 November. Mr. OPTIONS Tarmugi shared his valuable insight into the importance of Secondary students and their parents learned about post- awaking the Eurasian consciousness and the significant secondary study options at this event held at the Eurasian role of youths as future leaders of the community. A lively Community House on 6 June. Ms. Debra Scully, a career discussion and candid Q&A session ensued. counselor at Katong Convent, gave a career talk. Five polytechnics and three junior colleges made presentations INTER-RACIAL NETWORKING DIALOGUE on their courses and showcased them in booths so students In January, young professionals in Singapore’s Self-Help could consider their options at leisure. Members of the Groups (SHGs) – the EA, CDAC, MENDAKI and SINDA – MYLN were also featured in The Living Room on 938 Live. have set up an inter-racial networking dialogue to facilitate networking and collaboration amongst the SHGs, with each EA VISITS EURASIAN STUDENTS AT REPUBLIC SHG taking turns to host the get-togethers. The dialogue POLYTECHNIC AND NUS sessions will explore the possibility of setting up regular As part of the MYLN’s outreach programme, the MYLN meetings between the various SHGs’ young professional committee and three Management Committee members committees. visited Eurasian staff and students at Republic Polytechnic

Eurasian Association, Singapore 17 Annual Report 2009 Family Support Services Committee: Dr. Barry Pereira (Chairman), Mr. Harry Pereira, Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross (Members), Ms. Florence Monica Adriano (FFS Executive), Mr. J. Ramakrishnan (Case Work Executive).

NKF health screening At the Befrienders Day event in October 2009

In 2009, FSS saw an increase of 25 per cent in the number BEFRIENDERS DAY of households under its assistance schemes, with a 56 per Around 50 new and old volunteers attended this event cent increase in the amount of funds disbursed, compared on 31 October. Dr. Barry Pereira briefed the attendees on to 2008. The increases were mainly due to more people the case management review and approval mechanics coming forward requesting assistance, as well as a better undertaken by the FSS Review Committee. Many felt the outreach programme. information was relevant and useful. Volunteers were also given an overview of their responsibility, and were urged to The FSS team continued to provide supplementary continue to be the Association’s “eyes and ears” in helping assistance to Eurasians in need through its Financial needy Eurasians. Assistance and Food Rations programmes. As of 31 December 2009, FSS assisted about 139 households, NKF HEALTH AND MAMMOGRAM SCREENING AT ECH covering over 350 people. The schemes included Financial The NKF Mammogram Screening was held on 30 May with Assistance, NTUC Vouchers, the Emergency Assistance 30 FSS clients participating. On 31 October, 22 FSS clients and the Beyond Financial Assistance Fund. Through our attended the NKF Health Screening. Special transport outreach programmes, we received 13 referrals from arrangements were made for clients to attend the health internal sources (volunteers) and nine others from external screenings. sources, including three from Member of Parliaments of different wards. FSS CHRISTMAS PARTY The FSS Christmas Party was held on 22 November, A monthly affair, the ration run delivered basic necessities continuing the theme of “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like to homes via the EA van. A dedicated group of about 25 Christmas”. 180 FSS elderly clients, family members, volunteers, many of whom used their own transport to caregivers and volunteers attended the party, which was conduct deliveries at no charge to EA, was our first line of honoured by special guests Ms. Marina Xavier, Mr. Dixie contact with each household. The FSS ration run team was Ferdinand, Mr. Terence Castillo and Mr. Jude Gerard Paul. supported by three part-time staff members who assisted Many delighted FSS clients expressed their heartfelt in packing and delivering rations. thanks and appreciation for the food, music and hospitality. Our special thanks to Women’s Wing members and the The FSS Review Committee continued to meet every Secretariat for their efforts towards making this event a first Tuesday of the month to review and accept success. recommendations made by the FSS team. During the period of reporting, the Committee reviewed a total of GST OFFSET PACKAGE 118 new and repeat cases, and another 121 existing The FSS Review Committee reviewed 2008’s GST Offset cases requiring a reassessment of the case management. Payout Package. In view of the limited funds available, A total of 16 cases were discontinued or declined after the Committee restricted the payout to FSS clients and careful consideration. These were mostly cases that have one caregiver per household. The criteria for the amount progressed and become self-sufficient. received continued to be based on the guidelines set by the Government for their GST Package. We continued to work with the five CDCs and the other four Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to serve our clients better. The A total of 253 individuals benefitted from the Payout SHGs held a Joint Job Fair on 16 July at Package made in December 2009. The payments were timely so that families under the Education and FSS HELP AND COUNSELLING CLINICS Committees would be assisted with the expenses of their Weekly Help and Counselling Clinics were held only when school-going children and Christmas festivities. Hampers necessary on Thursdays with Mr. J. Ramakrishnan and Ms. were also personally delivered to 180 households by Florence Adriano handling the Help Clinics. Mr. Sukumaran volunteers, committee members and staff members. Menon or Ms. Andrea Mayrhofer conducted Counselling Clinics on an as-needed and referral basis.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 18 Annual Report 2009 Community Bonding

At the first-ever combined National Day Ceremony with other Self-Help Groups

The following volunteers served on the Community 5. Joint Self-Help Groups National Day Ceremony 2009 Bonding Advisory Panel (CBAP): organised by EA, CDAC, Mendaki and Sinda, held on 3 August at Eurasian Community House. Mr. Terence Shepherdson (Chairman) Ms. Caroline de Guzman (Secretary) 6. Launch of Islamic Council of Singapore (MUIS) and Ms. Carol Pereira Harmony Centre Breaking Fast (IFTAR), held on 10 Mr. Lionel de Souza September. Mr. Vincent Schoon New Members’ Night The CBAP held several meetings during the year with the On 22 May, Vice-President, Dr. Barry Pereira and aim to reach out to younger Eurasians in the community, Chairperson of Community Bonding, Yvonne Pereira, as well as tapping on other Eurasians who have not been welcomed the second batch of new members who joined associated with the EA in any capacity. the EA as of June 2008. Dr. Pereira conducted a short presentation, giving new members insight into activities External events and facilities available at ECH, and talked about the history To foster a better relationship with fellow Self-Help Groups of the very “first Eurasians”. The members were taken on a and agencies, our Management Committee members tour of our heritage corner that displays the rich history and and volunteers participated in several events as detailed culture of Eurasians, and treated to a light dinner. Everyone below: made new friends, and left the Eurasian Community House with a sense of belonging. 1. Active-Agers Carnival organised by the Council for Third Age (C3A) held in June at Suntec City. Lionel de TOASTMASTERS CLUB Souza and Yvonne Pereira were nominated as “Active- By way of a public speaking workshop held on 11 July, Agers” by the organisers. the Silver Circle was instrumental in the formation of The Eurasian Association’s Toastmasters Club, which was 2. The opening of a Community Co-operative Kitchen officially chartered on 1 August. For this, we have to thank on 17 July organised by the North West Community the SRC Toastmasters club members, especially Michael Development Council (CDC), Bukit Panjang Citizens’ Rodrigues and Terence Shepherdson for their invaluable Consultative Committee (CCC) and Al-Iman Mosque. assistance. Special thanks must also be accorded to Lynn Desker for her support. Since then, the EA TMC has 3. Inaugural National Orange Ribbon Harmony Walk produced some outstanding speakers who did us proud organised by (OPSG) on 18 July at by winning contests in such a short period of time. Bishan Active Park.

4. Inter-Religious Inter-Racial Concert held on 18 and 19 July at the Suntec Convention Centre. Our Eurasiana dancers performed at the concert.

Eurasiana dancers at the Inter-Religious Inter-Racial concert Mr. Lionel de Souza at the Active-Agers Carnival

Eurasian Association, Singapore 19 Annual Report 2009 Community Bonding - Heritage Committee Members: Dr. Barry P. Pereira (Chair), Mr. Gerry da Silva (ex officio), Ms. Adrienne de Souza, Ms. Cara Pereira, Ms. Catherine Zuzarte, Mr. Cedric Pereira, Ms. Charlene Lee, Ms. Charlotte Collars, Ms. Christina Theseira, Ms. Eulyth Fernandez, Ms. Fiona Hodgkins, Mr. Geoff Morris, Ms. Geraldene Lowe, Mr. Kevin Shepherson, Mr. Kevin Sim, Ms. Laraine Parry, Ms. Lucille Marcus, Ms. Moira Ong, Mr. Percy Shepherdson, Ms. Therese Thompson, Mr. Quentin Pereira, Mr. Vernon Cornelius, Ms. Karen D’Almeida.

The Committee on Heritage and Eurasian Culture is sub- present to engage the crowd in lively Kristang songs and divided into four working groups: Learning Journeys; dances. Cake maestro Greg Gomes demonstrated how Genealogy and Family History; Preserving Nostalgia, to decorate a three-tier sugee cake, a staple at Eurasian Traditions and Culture; and the Eurasian Heritage weddings and celebrations. Resource Centre. BOOK LAUNCH The Eurasian Community House has two permanent The Heritage Committee supported the launch of The exhibitions: ‘The Eurasian Showcase’ on Level One and Great Genealogical Search by Kevin Shepherdson. Written the ‘World War II: The Eurasian Story’ gallery on Level by Eurasians for Eurasians, this book lays out different Four. The exhibition showcases a model of the Bahau research methods to help discover one’s family history,. Catholic Colony, with several rare artifacts and photos The book is narrated in the style of a case study so that on loan from members of the community. Over the next readers feel like they are reading a detective novel, while ten years, the Committee plans to turn the Eurasian learning how to do genealogy research at the same time. Community House into a resource centre for research on Eurasian legacy, heritage and culture. THE BAHAU EXPEDITION 2 In December, our Bahau Expedition Team comprising LEARNING JOURNEYS Ms. Fiona Hodgkins, Ms. Therese Thompson, Mr. Geoff The Learning Journey programme has become a popular Morris, Mr. Paul Rodrigues and Dr. Barry Pereira, met tour with schools, companies and other organizations, with Mr. Gerry Carroll from the Heritage Committee of attracting 2,091 people in 2009. the Eurasian Association, Western Australia, to visit the Bahau Catholic Colony site. The team located the site of The programme is run by our in-house guides, Ms. Lucille the convent and the railway stop at Mukim V and trekked Marcus, Ms. Eulyth Fernandez, Mrs. Christina Theseira within the Eurasian Catholic Colony, Mukim VI. They also and Ms. Maureen Westerhout. Some schools that visited visited site of the Women’s Hospital in Kuala Pilah, and the us include Marymount Convent, St. Gabriel’s Primary, cemetery and the old Hospital at Seremban. The research CHIJ St. Joseph’s Convent, Teck Whye Secondary, River on the Bahau Catholic Colony continues with the team Valley High School, Pei Cai Secondary, Tanjong Katong interviewing former Bahau internees. Secondary, Bedok Town Secondary, Presbyterian High School and Broadrick Secondary School. Other visitors Part of this research contributed to a Channel 5 included Singapore History Consultants, Tiong Bahru & commissioned TV series, The Lost Chapters featuring the Tanjong Pagar Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circle Story on Bahau, which will air on 7 and 14 January 2010. (IRCC), People’s Association - Indian Activity Council,, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Southeast THE DIGITAL ArCHIVES PROJECT CDC. The Heritage Committee embarked on a long-term program to preserve the many facets of Eurasian history, heritage PRESERVING NOSTALGIA, TRADITIONS AND CULTURE and culture. These will be kept in a proposed resource On 25 and 26 April, Eurasians were very much part of centre at the Eurasian Community House. The EA now has the Peranakan Museum’s first anniversary bash, with a Photo Archive Team that will come to your doorstep to colourful displays through banners, posters and photos. collect old black and white photos for photo archiving, as well as recordings and heritage items. Ms. Catherine Zuzarte, Ms. Laraine Parry, Mrs. Monica Leicester-Wong, Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross, Ms. Led by Geoff Morris, the Photo Archive Team plans to Geraldine Lowe, Mrs. Shirley Rodrigues and Mrs. Lorraine create a photo database of Eurasian-related artifacts, Ess-Sim from the Women’s Wing and the Committee on places and events. Its short-term objective is to record Heritage and Culture came dressed in Eurasian-styled and digitize old photos of weddings, birthdays, baptisms, kebaya and baju panjang. Eurasian dancers, and sporting events or sportspeople (schoolchildren and adult). Its long-term objective is to Our resident experts on Peranakan culture, Mr. Kevin share them with younger generations to come, so that Aeria, and Rosemary and Therese Thompson, explained they have a better understanding and appreciation of their the Peranakan icons linked to our culture. The Kristang heritage. Cultural Troupe led by Mrs. Valarie Scully was also

Eurasian Association, Singapore 20 Annual Report 2009 Community Bonding - Women’s Wing Committee Members: Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross (Chairperson), Mrs. Lorraine Ess-Sim, Ms. Majella Oliveiro, Mrs. Stephanie Holland, Mrs. Monica Leicester-Wong, Ms. Veronica Ann, Ms. Philomena Nonis, Mr. Peter Rodrigues.

At the Polynesian BBQ in April 2009

Quarterly Health Talks and Health Screenings SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The year 2009 started off with a series of Health Talks Tour of the Wild and Health Screenings. The first quarter saw the SATA About 30 participants gathered on 18 April at the ECH mobile unit at the Eurasian Community House with around to take in many of the interesting sights and wildlife in 30 people signing up for comprehensive health checks abundance at Sungei Buloh in Singapore. The group and X-rays. The health screenings were organised in was then taken to Mrs. Ivy Singh-Lim’s farm, Bollywood conjunction with our Saturday Matinee Movie Screenings Veggies, for a simple but hearty lunch. Afterwards, the and our Thrift Shop, with items donated by the community. group took an informative tour of the Newater plant which Snacks and drinks sales helped fund these events. gave everyone insight into the importance of alternative sources of water. In the second quarter, the National Healthcare Group Diagnostics (NHGD) Mammobus conducted mammograms Japanese Cooking Workshop for the community. The privacy afforded by the mobile unit This workshop was the first in a series of new initiatives calmed any anxiety within those who signed up for this spearheaded by the committee. Chef Tetsuya Yoshida necessary health check. A breast cancer survivor’s real- from Japan ran a series of workshops during his stay in life experience helped everyone realise that breast cancer Singapore, and EA was one of his chosen venues. Held can be prevented through early detection and regular on 19 April, the workshop featured proper etiquette for mammograms. tea-drinking and handling chopsticks, as well as the art of rolling rice balls. All 30 participants enjoyed a spread of The NHGD Cervical Cancer Mobile Screening Unit Bus culinary delights such as grilled salmon, teriyaki chicken, arrived at the ECH for the third quarterly health screening. miso soup and rice balls. Lucky participants won lucky There was a good turnout for this heavily subsidised health draw prizes and everyone received door gifts from Oliveiro check. EA was fortunate to be one of the first organisations Co Ltd. to experience the mobile unit. This will be continue to be a permanent health check organised for the community. Sunday Lunches and Friday Night BBQs at Quentin’s The committee decided to add a different dimension to Lastly, the National Kidney Foundation organised their community bonding activities through bi-monthly Sunday comprehensive health check with a full blood test for lunches and Friday night BBQs at Quentin’s. These Friday participants. The community welcomed these regular health night events were a hit with the younger crowd and met screenings and talks, and the committee will continue with enthusiasm by the community. to provide these valuable services for the community in 2010. Held in January, Tribute to Elvis was the first of the Sunday lunches. Elvis impersonator Gary Aviet entertained the crowd with his outfit and dance moves.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 21 Annual Report 2009 Community Bonding - Women’s Wing Committee Members: Mrs. Christine Clunies-Ross (Chairperson), Mrs. Lorraine Ess-Sim, Ms. Majella Oliveiro, Mrs. Stephanie Holland, Mrs. Monica Leicester-Wong, Ms. Veronica Ann, Ms. Philomena Nonis, Mr. Peter Rodrigues.

The first of the Friday night BBQs was held in February and unique to its varied cultural backgrounds. The crowd was attracted a crowd of 80 people. Games, tombola and the entertained by the Joshilley Bhangra troupe and our Guest lucky draw enticed the crowds to stay till the end. of Honour, Ms. , was pleased to be invited back to the Association and promised closer ties with her March’s Sunday Lunch was a celebration of Easter. The constituency. presentation of a plaque by the Cosmopolitan Women’s Club to the Association enhanced the event and was the The Friday night BBQ in August paid tribute to Michael highlight of the afternoon. The committee wore beautiful Jackson, who passed away in June 2009. Michael Jackson hats and prizes were given to those who dressed according impersonators and lots of Michael Jackson songs from our to our theme. DJ, Bernard Jeremiah, made the event a huge success.

Our Polynesian BBQ in April was a good chance for the Currently in its fourth year, our annual Oktoberfest took crowd to come dressed in their colourful island costumes. place on the last Sunday of October with food sponsored The committee sold beautiful leis and tequila shots to raise by Brazil Churrasco and Quentin’s. The crowd downed funds for the event and the Association. Erdinger beer and sausages, and had a great time at the beer drinking contest. This year’s contest ensured that the Mothers were celebrated in May with the committee Oktoberfest crown belonged to Ms. Lorraine Bligh and Mr. pulling out all stops. This lunch was a good chance for Sean Paul Lopez for the second year running. mothers and daughters to test their knowledge on each other, and take part in the mother and daughter lookalike The committee was satisfied with the activities planned for contest which drew 20 contestants. Winners walked away the community and felt that the hard work and effort put in with prizes sponsored by Monde d’Or and Quentin’s. was both fulfilling and enriching for all involved. New plans are ahead for 2010, and we will strive to do more for the July, aka Racial Harmony month, was a good chance Association and the community. for the community to showcase its heritage and foods

All dressed up for the Easter Sunday Lunch in March 2009 Top and bottom: mothers and daughters at the Mother’s Day Sunday Lunch

Eurasian Association, Singapore 22 Annual Report 2009 Community Bonding - Silver Circle Committee Members: Mrs. Yvonne Pereira (Chairperson), Ms. Dorothy Tessensohn (Vice-Chairperson), Ms. Pamela Menon (Secretary), Ms. Sandra Theseira, Ms. Emeleen Soh, Ms. Nancy Fobrogo, Ms. Gwen Ong, Mr. Peter Rodrigues, Mr. Paul Rodrigues, Mr. Patrick Ng (Members); Mr. Suresh Menon, Mr. Steven Lim, Mr. Eddie Tessensohn (Ad-Hoc Members).

At the ‘Red and White’ National Day Celebration Lunch

BALUT CHRISTMAS DINNER AND DANCE The Silver Circle sub-committee was instrumental in Members and friends of the Association gathered in opening a balut section on 9 January. The balut equipment the Multi-Purpose Hall on 12 December. Everyone was was kindly sponsored by Mrs. Evelyn Rodrigues. treated to sumptuous Christmas fare specially prepared by Chef Quentin Pereira. Great music was provided by FLEA MARKET/SAVH MASSAGE & REFLEXOLOGY the band, MSG, who left the crowd wanting more. Party EVENT games included making up as many words as possible The Silver Circle sub-committee started the year’s from the word “Christmas”, and ladies had to dress their activities on a charitable note by organising a flea market male partners’ heads with as many red Christmas bows cum massage and foot reflexology event on 8 February. as possible. Members enjoyed subsidised rates for massages by the masseurs from the Singapore Association of the Visually On a general note, although events organised by the Handicapped (SAVH). Proceeds and donations went Silver Circle were few, they were meaningful and very directly to the SAVH. well attended. Most importantly, we managed to enhance community bonding, encourage more new members to ‘RED AND WHITE’ NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION LUNCH patronise the Eurasian Community House and to instill in On 30 August, the EA’s Multi-Purpose Hall was decorated them a sense of belonging. Silver Circle sub-committee with Singapore flags, red and white balloons, and flowers. members have always assisted in all other important Friends from the Peranakan Association, the National events held at EA, as well as events jointly organised by Crime Prevention Council and Hougang C.C. were also the other Self-Help Groups. present to re-kindle ties. Last but not least, the Silver Circle sub-committee would BALIK KAMPUNG NIGHT like to thank the EA’s Patron, Trustees, Management On 10 October, Quentin’s Restaurant was packed with Committee members, Secretariat, generous sponsors members and their guests, dressed in sarongs and (especially Mr. Quentin Pereira and Mrs. Evelyn Rodrigues), kebayas complete with clogs, who eagerly sauntered in to members and their friends for supporting the Silver Circle. experience the night in a kampung-style ambience! Drinks We look forward to more fruitful years ahead! reminiscent of the good old days, like the famous East Coast Road “jelly drink” and bandung, were served as welcome drinks. To bring back good old memories, kampung food was served. Entertainment for all to joget was provided by the versatile duo of the band, D’Highlights. Chato and Qamal serenaded the guests with their wide repertoire of old time favourites in English, Malay, Indonesian, Tagalog and Thai.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 23 Annual Report 2009 Performing Arts Chapter (PAC) Committee Members: Mr. Humphrey de Conceicao (Chairman), Mrs. Elizabeth Schurmann, Ms. Jeanie D’Conceicao, Ms. Lanette Stuart, Ms. Vanessa Garnell, Mr. Maurice Lin, Ms. Sarah de Coceicao, Ms. Nicole De Silva

CHINGAY parade 2009 these classes kicked off a plan to “import” dance and music EA’s own EURASIANA joined over 30 other contingents and experts from Europe to showcase Eurasian heritage. 13 floats at City Hall for two nights of the Chingay Parade 2009. The Eurasian float was a unique Portuguese Carrack, MISCELLANEOUS displaying members depicting the Portuguese, Dutch and Our EURASIANA dancers also performed at the National English/Scottish heritage groups. Our contingent was made Orange Ribbon Celebrations (Guest-of-Honour: Minister up of EA volunteers, students from Cedar Girls’ Secondary Mentor ); Racial Harmony Celebration at EA School, and Sylvia McCully’s School of Dancing. (Guest-of-Honour: Dr. Fatimah Lateef); EA’s Red and White Lunch; and the Inter-Racial Inter-Religious Harmony Night. EA’s 90th Anniversary PAC’s two lead dancers have been training various groups PAC’s co-production of EURASIANA – A Musical Tribute, which included SIA’s Gourmet Circle, the MFA’s Diplomatic at the Esplanade on 26 and 27 June, was just the big bang Circle, SJI International, and CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent. needed to celebrate EA’s 90th Anniversary. The concert They also showed their adaptability in pop culture by featured a galaxy of the best Eurasian stars that included taking on Lady Gaga’s “Dance” at EA’s Annual Dinner and Jeremy and Claressa Monteiro, Don and Brian Richmond, dance on 31 December. Vernon Cornelius, Eunice Olsen, Candice De Rozario, John Molina, Anna Belle Francis, Nick Hogan and Stephen PAC’s very own all-male quartet, Daily Fix, also performed Francis - just to name a few. on numerous occasions, including a dinner for President S. R. Nathan on 17 February, Tea at EA for Speaker of It was also a night we took special pleasure in honouring Parliament Abdullah Tarmugi on 21 May, and a short stint our “Unforgettable Champions” that included Cultural at Indochine. Medallion Winner Sylvia Mcully, MP Joe Conceicao, Coach Patrick Zendher, Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, the late President PAC has also worked together with the Community Benjamin Sheares and Minister E.W. Barker. VIPs who Bonding Committee to bring permanent residents from the celebrated the evening with us included President S. R. Portuguese community in Singapore into the EA family. The Nathan; Ministers George Yeo, Mah Bow Tan, Professor Committee has co-organized one dinner at Quentin’s, and Tommy Koh; MPs Michael Palmer and Christopher De also initiated the very first conversational Portuguese class Souza; and diplomats and dignitaries. at EA. The Portuguese community has also sent a group of volunteers to be part of the EA’s Traditional Portuguese Portuguese Dance Classes Folk Dance team. Before the confetti could settle from EURASIANA, PAC was up and running from 29 June to 5 July for Traditional The year 2009 was a year in which PAC truly delivered Portuguese Dance workshops taught by Professor on its objectives to bring EA and the Eurasian community Margarida Moura from Lisbon, Portugal. The workshops to prominence on the national stage. We encourage and culminated in a public dance organized by SE CDC, challenge our Eurasian brothers and sisters, supporters aptly titled “Shall We Dance? An Evening Of Portuguese and friends, to come forward and continue this example. Culture”. Under the patronage of President S. R. Nathan,

Eurasiana at the Chingay Parade 2009 Top: Portuguese Dance Classes. Bottom: At the EA’s 90th Anniversary

Eurasian Association, Singapore 24 Annual Report 2009 Corporate Communications Committee Members: Mr. Edward D’Silva (Advisor), Mr. Christian Eber (Chairman), Ms. Judith Holmberg, Mr. John de Souza. Editor: Ms. Rebecca Morris Executive: Ms. Moira Ong

The Communications Committee to reach out to the younger generation of Eurasians, The Communications Committee was set up in May and hopes to boost participation in events and activities 2008 with the purpose of disseminating information and oganised by the Association’s Youth wing. The magazine raising awareness of the Eurasian community, culture and has also provided richer content due to the greater number heritage. of contributors during 2009.

The Advisory committee comprises of talented and E-Newsletter experienced individuals who spearhead the corporate The EA’s e-newsletter was used effectively for urgent communications departments of MNCs as well as one announcements, such as the Padang emergency top government agency. The EA is privileged to have collection. Many contributions and donations were them onboard and is thankful for their commitment and amassed, benefitting the community at large. guidance. If you haven’t registered for an email account, do sign up This year, the Advisory committee is joined by a new for one as soon as you can, and let us know what it is, so contributor, Ms. Judith Holmberg, and a new editor, you can receive the most up-to-date news and activities of Ms. Rebecca Morris, who is also an EA volunteer and the Association and its allied activity partners. former Bureau Chief of Tatler Singapore. Both committee members have significant experience in editorial work Website and provide much expertise for the production of The The website underwent a design revamp during 2009. Its NewEurasian magazine. fresh and clear design better emphasizes our renewed focus on Education and Welfare, the two key pillars of the The NewEurasian Magazine Association. The NewEurasian magazine is the Association’s quarterly magazine with a circulation of over 7,800 readers. The All recent and upcoming events and information about publication is targeted towards the Eurasian community the Association can be found on the EA website. We also and members of the public interested in the Eurasian provide up-to-date financial reports, and past issues of community. In the past year, The NewEurasian also aims The NewEurasian magazine available for download.

Eurasian Association, Singapore 25 Annual Report 2009