Latin American Perspectives

Over the years Latin American Durante más de 40 años Latin Perspectives has offered a continuous American Perspectives ha sido una flow of free, independent and critical ventana a América Latina, abierta al knowledge about . pensamiento crítico y a los diálogos Such a sustained effort is all the more interdisciplinarios. Ninguna otra remarkable as it has managed to revista de habla inglesa ha logrado address the most burning issues through incorporar como autores y editores a solid empirical work and pluralistic tantos intelectuales latinoamericanos. theoretical analyses without losing sight Su publicación bi-mensual ha sido of the deep structural fault lines haunting fundamental para mantener los diálogos the subcontinent since colonial times. Its académicos y políticos entre el norte y el continuation and flourishing is of great sur de las Américas. importance particularly in the current Rosalva Aida Hernández Castillo, turbulent times. CIESAS, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, University of Coimbra, University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Rated as the leading journal in in the 2018 Google Scholar Metrics

A valuable resource

• In six thematic issues per year, Latin American Perspectives provides • Critical analysis of Latin America’s political economy—capitalism, imperialism, and socialism • In-depth articles about the movements, ideas, and conflicts shaping the course of events in the region • Access to the voices of Latin America’s critical intellectuals and leading activists

A multidisciplinary view

Latin American Perspectives’s vital multidisciplinary analysis includes: • Anthropology • Geography, Ecology, and Urban Studies • Critical Theory • History • Economics and Political Economy • Media, Literature, Art, and Culture • Political Science and International Relations • Women’s, Gender, and Ethnic Studies • Sociology and Social Movements • Film Studies and Reviews

Recent issues

The Urban Informal Freeing Latin Open Veins Immigrants, Economy Revisited America from Revisited: The Indigenous People, (January 2018) Erroneous New Extractivism and Workers Theses: The in Latin America, Pursuing Justice Legacy of Rodolfo Part 1 (November 2018) Stavenhagen (September 2018) (March 2018)

Future issues include: Israel, Palestine & Latin America, Peru, PT, Popular Feminisms, Gender & Film, Violence & Accumulation, Buen Vivir, Social Movements, Reassessing Development & Dependency, Mexico, Central America, Ocean Grabbing, Rise of the Right, Rural Politics, Puerto Rico, Precarity & Public Health, Gentrification, Brazil under Bolsonaro Experience the Valuable Content with a 30 day FREE TRIAL


to access these and other articles!

Open Veins Revisited: The New Extractivism in Latin America, Part 2 (March 2019) • Socio-environmental Conflict, Political Settlements, and Mining Governance: A Cross-Border Comparison, El Salvador and Honduras by Anthony Bebbington, Benjamin Fash, and John Rogan • Extraction, Revolution, Plurinationalism: Rethinking Extractivism from Bolivia by Andrea Marston and Amy Kennemore • Ethnicity, Gender, and Oil: Comparative Dynamics in the Ecuadorian Amazon by Ivette Vallejo, Cristina Cielo, and Fernando García

Pink Tide Governments: Pragmatic and Populist Responses to Challenges from the Right (January 2019) • Class Strategies in Chavista Venezuela: Pragmatic and Populist Policies in a Broader Context by Steve Ellner • The Limits of Pragmatism: The Rise and Fall of the Brazilian Workers Party (2002-2016) by Pedro Mendes Loureiro and Alfredo Saad-Filho • An Opportunity Squandered? Elites, Social Movements, and the Government of Evo Morales by Linda Farthing

The Cold War and Latin American Studies (July 2018) • The Cold War and the Transformation of U.S. Latin American Studies by Ronald H. Chilcote • Academic Entrepreneurs, Public Policy, and Latin American Studies in Britain by Rory M. Miller • Between Academia and Politics: Latin American Studies in Germany by Hans-Jürgen Puhle

Media, Politics, and Democratization in Latin America (May 2018) • Introduction: Media, Politics, and Democratization in Latin America by Javier Campo and Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli • Media Democratization in Ecuador by Tim Anderson • Beyond Pluralism and Media Rights: Indigenous Communication for a Decolonizing Transformation of Latin America and Abya Yala by Kathryn Lehman For over four decades Latin American Perspectives has been the journal to turn to for critical perspectives on the region’s complex socio-economic and political processes. It would be difficult to teach Latin American Studies without it. Carmen Diana Deere, University of Florida

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Latin American Perspectives is the most important resource available providing in-depth progressive analyses of developments in Latin America. It is the unmissable journal! Alfredo Saad Filho, SOAS, University of London Collective of coordinating editors Responsible for journal decisions and policies. Ronald H. Chilcote, Managing Editor, University of California, Riverside William Bollinger, California State University, Los Angeles George Leddy, Los Angeles Valley College Donald Bray*, California State University, Los Angeles Sheryl Lutjens*, California State University, San Marcos Marjorie Bray, California State University, Los Angeles Rhonda Neugebauer, University of California, Riverside Rosalind Bresnahan, San Bernardino, California Jonathan Ritter, University of California, Riverside Frances B. Chilcote, Laguna Beach, California Jan Rus, CESMECA, San Cristóbal, Mexico Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli, Soka University of America Sarah Sarzynski, Claremont McKenna College Jean Hostetler Díaz, Riverside City College Ward Schinke, Riverside City College Steve Ellner, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela Paulo Simões, California State University, Fullerton Alfonso Gonzales, University of California, Riverside Miguel Tinker Salas*, Pomona College Armando González-Cabán, University of California, Riverside Joana Salém Vasconcelos, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Timothy F. Harding*, California State University, Los Angeles Kristi M. Wilson, Soka University of America Richard Harris, California State University, Monterey Bay *On leave, unable to attend editorial meetings Jennifer Hughes, University of California, Riverside Associate editors Closely associated with the collective but unable to attend editorial meetings. Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval, University of California, Santa Barbara Daniel Polk, Morongo Valley, California William Avilés, University of Nebraska at Kearney Richard Potter, American Jewish University Bernadete Beserra, Universidade Federal de Ceará, Brazil Cecilia MacDowell Santos, University of San Francisco Julie Charlip, Whitman College Richard Stahler-Sholk, Eastern Michigan University Gary Dymski, University of California, Riverside Steven C. Topik, University of California, Irvine Alberto García, California State University, Northridge Laura Velasco Ortiz, El Colef, Tijuana, Mexico Derrick Hindery, University of Oregon Clare Weber, California State University, San Bernardino Gary Hytrek, California State University, Long Beach Russell White, Kent, Washington Mônica Dias Martins, Universidade Estadual de Ceará, Brazil Heather Williams, Pomona College Stephanie Moore, Peruvian Oral History Project Tamar Diana Wilson, San José de Cabo, Mexico Dolores Paris, El Colef, Tijuana, Mexico Honorary editors In recognition of distinguished service over many years. Atilio Borón Adolfo Gilly Susanne Jonas James Petras Mary K. Vaughan Norma Chinchilla Martha Giménez James Levy Emir Sader Steve Volk James Cockcroft Georg M. Gugelberger Michael Löwy Hobart A. Spalding, Jr. Hilbourne Watsono Héctor Díaz-Polanco Nora Hamilton Florencia Mallon Steven Stern Joel C. Edelstein Dale Johnson José Nun Edelberto Torres-Rivas Participating editors Fully involved in reading manuscripts, organizing, and active in journal affairs. Paul Almeida, University of California, Merced Rafael Hernández, ICAIC, Cuba Álejandro Álvarez Béjar, UNAM, Mexico Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo, CIESAS, Mexico Thomas Angotti, CUNY, New York Clara Irazábal, University of Missouri–Kansas City Ricardo Antunes, UNICAMP, Brazil Daniela Issa, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Robert Austin, Chile (EHESS), Paris, France Florence Babb, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill João Roberto Martins Filho, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil David Barkin, UAM-Xochimilco, Mexico Adam Morton, The University of Sydney, Australia Marc Becker, Truman State University Sara Motta, The University of Newcastle, Australia Emelio Betances, Gettysburg College Ronaldo Munck, Dublin City University, Ireland Armando Boito, UNICAMP, Brazil Nemer E. Narchi, El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico Barry Carr, La Trobe University, Australia Mercedes Olivera Bustamante, CESMECA-UNICACH, San Julio Carranza Valdés, UNESCO, Guatemala Cristóbal, Mexico James Cypher, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico Kemy Oyarzun, Universidad de Chile, Chile Raúl Delgado Wise, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico Tânia Pellegrini, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil Carmen Diana Deere, University of Florida Anthony Pereira, King’s College London, United Kingdom Haroldo Dilla, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la Pablo Pozzi, University of , Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile Angel Quintero Rivera, CEREP, San Juan, Puerto Rico Elizabeth Dore, University of Southampton, United Kingdom Bernardo Ricupero, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil Paul Dosh, Macalester College William Robinson, University of California, Santa Barbara Michael Dougherty, Illinois State University Alfredo Saad Filho, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom Alex Dupuy, Wesleyan University Arturo Santamaría Gómez, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico Susan Eckstein, Boston University Verónica Silva, UNAM, Mexico Nicole Fabricant, Towson University Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal Linda C. Farthing, La Paz, Bolivia Luís Suárez Salazar, Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba, Cuba Adriela Fernández, Purdue University Anthony Spanakos, Montclair State University Marco A. Gandásegui, CELA, Panama Harry Vanden, University of South Florida James N. Green, Brown University Carlos Vilas, Buenos Aires, Argentina Jawdat Abu El Haj, Universidade Federal de Ceará, Brazil Roberta Villalón, St. John’s University John Hammond, CUNY, New York Cliff Welch, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil Neil Harvey, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces Kevin A. Young, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Daniel Hellinger, Webster University Staff Associate Managing Editors: Marjorie Bray Book Review Editor: George Leddy Rosalind Bresnahan Book Review Coordinator: Joseph Mejia Steve Ellner Manuscript Coordinator: Frances B. Chilcote George Leddy Manuscript Editor: Barbara Metzger Film and Media Editors: Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli Photography Editor: James Lerager Kristi M. Wilson Podcast Host: Alexander Scott Coordinating Secretary: Aiskell Román For SAGE Publishing: Paula Cantos PAID PRSRT. STD. PRSRT. OXNARD, CA U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 9090

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