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53.7083.80; winter lew grades 52.8083.15. Rye FINANCIAL FINANCIAL flour dull; fair to good $3.2483.40; choice to STAMP SALES SCRUTINIZED. BLOW AT INTERURBAN PLANS. SMAAIMAAAMAMAMAMAAAAAMMMf fancy J3.4383.50. Buckwheat Hour steauler at fWWWWWVWVWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAMA Commeal quiet; yellow Western 51.V2; city 51.01: kiln dried 5283.05. Rye dull-N- To Reduce Post Offices Raised by Central Refuses to 2 Western KVa f. 0. b. afloat; State and Grant Jersey 6685SC. Barley dull; teculng 39c c. 1. f. Outside Purchasers. Union Company's Buffalo: malting 3yy60c c. i. f. Buffalo. W'neat Petition. Receipts 52.560; exports 22,410; No. sjot firm: REPUBLIC SPECIAL. HIGH-GRAD- E BQNDS 2 red bVAe elevator; No. 2 red b'lilc '. u. b. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. IN afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth 91!4c f. o. b. Washington. Nov. 2D. The Pcst-Offlc- e Alto Pass, 111., Nov. 2). and NO WATER THESE BONDS alloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba nominal f. o. o. The Anna afloat, options cpenea easier bee'ause of poor Department is encounterinp; many ob- Jonesboro Electric Street Ptilway project cables, but speedily recoered on goe.d Western stacles In Its policy of reducing post oince-- s buying, malt Northwest receipts, further ruins has been given a hard blow by the re- in Arirenllne. nr.d ntiMinir. A tinol (iron from the second to the third grade, where fusal of the Illinois Central liai'road Corn-pa- n- Twenty-fiv- e under realizing left cloi-in- prices unchanged to It Is determined by Inspectors re Attractive Investments FOR SALE (25) $1,000 isC net higher; May bt closed that tho to sign a petition of the Union Coun- &4c; July closed aavic. Corn Re- ceipts have been abnormally enlarged by ty Traction and Power Company for a ceipts 35,040; expoits spot steaay; No. 2 niGLI-GEAP- 6 the purchase of stamps by bustnem men franchise to construct, operate main- We have on hand an assortment o E each per cent gold bonds. 50j elevator and 50c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yell- and ow- 51"-,- No. 2 white 50c. Option market high- for consumption In other places. tain electric lights, waterworks and a with care. Will lie pleased er on light interior snow in me West BONDS, selected great and rising temperatures. close was steady A half dozen such cases are being In- street railway along the east anti west Tne , furnish, prices upon application. and net unchanged; May iiiflie-- cloned J":c; vestigated in Massachusetts, while otner.--! railrcad streets in Anna, until satisfac- to 'ist and SIX DOLLARS SECURITY back of every Dec. A'irj'.-c- . closed 4j4c. Oats Receipts exiurf- - hpjt dull; No. 2 415ic; stai.d-nr- .l liavc been reported from and Ne- tory arrangements shall have been mad CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. of Recom- white Jl!;c: No. 3 i9!4c; No. 2 wnlte 4Jc: braska. In Massachusetts business men between the two ccmpar.Ies, with reference dollar face value of these bonds. No. 3 white 445'c: tik. white liay to the street car lino crossing the Illinois steady: shipping 6il875c: go-i- to choice S581 Insist on their right to purchase stamps yz'.-- Central track. Hops steady: State, common to cnoice, wherever they like. A man using JI.COO mended by best and most conservative finan- hiu. 218aJo; liu.', 21825'.zc; olds 9812c; I'actnc As the traction company cannot get a Missouri Trust Co. of St. Louis, 2ltric: ISIB, 2Pa2ic; olds S81-!c- . worth of stamps a week for Ills business franchise until the Illinois Central signs ciers of St. Louis: Illdei steady; Galvcitun, a to 23 lbs., ISc; In Boston can Increase the receipts of ih its petition, it is in a serious predicament. California, li to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 t3 wh-;r- It is the general belief In Anna that tha 20 lbs., lie. leather steady; acid z:i2Tiir. lleer post oinee In the suburban village Illinois Is retaliating OLIVE AND SEVENTH STS. ls.-- f Central for the steady; rainliy $14811: mess Si8.50; hams he lives. $32,000 a year. Tho question In- trouble has had with the city of Anna, u.5'ji.J2; packers t981U; city exit a India metM it - ; the- 115'ili. Cut meats dull; pickled bellies 'Jet volved is as how far the officials can Ju.t-iliab- ly regarding llagmen at crossing in EDWARD BECKMANN, 410 Houser Building. shoulueis 54860; pickled hams 14'.78 go. isnaturally question. Jl53c. liril steady: tvesteru steamed $il.94: It the desire ,of The plan of the Union County Traction d steady; Continent 7.208'.S0. rork quiet; residents of smajl towns to gain the ben- and Power Company was to build an elec- family si!,; short clear 513.60815; mess Ju.iSCji Jonest-or- 13.5i). efits of free delivery by obtaining tric railway from through Anna Tallow flrm; city 4!ic; country 4H a to the Southern Illinois Hospital for the 6e. Cnttou-see- u oil steady; prime crude noin.-na- l; Post Office. doz. Florida hampers 51.5082.50. according to Good to choice veal calves, per owt.. 5.00 6.00 yellow 21c Rice steady: domestic, fair to Insane, one mile northeast of Anna. condition. Good to choice heavy steer calves. extra, 3Ct5?!tc; Jupan nominal. Molasses In reducing the grade of the small Post TOMA'IOES Home-grow- n from storage 510 per head 9.00810.31 steady; New Orleans open kettle, gooJ to Offices, Assistant Gen- TO OUR SAVINGS DEPOSITORS: 1.50 per bu. Florida 6s quotable at J3&2.25; Good to choice heavv heifer calves, choice, First Postmaster Lnreelo Free of Fever. California 4s at S1.5W1.75. per head 7.5,5J 9.0) . Nov. 2S. Cash: Flour quiet but eral Wynne has acted on the report of in- Laredo, Tex.. Nov. 23. This city has now lillETS Home-grow- n at 20'?30c per bu. Fair to good heavy calves, per head.. 7.o.iSw fc.5-- steady: winter patents 5484.20; stralgnts 3.748 been free from any case of yellow fever On December 10, 1903, or thereafter, please present your LKTTL'CE Home-grow- n 40'iHOc per spectors, which show that the Increase of bu.; New Common calves, per head ,... U.uO$ 6.50 4.10; spring patents 5184.30; stralgnts SS.&48 for four days and In all probability, should Orleans head lettuce 51 Mii5.'-- 0 per bbl. offices Home-grow- HOGS hogs was 3.73: bakcis' 52.5003.$.). No. 2 spring receipts at smaller has been nt the improvetl savings pass books at window No. 20, north ctrrldor, so CARROTS n 4045c bu. box and The run of eeti for Saturday Wheat the conditions continue, the per quite small, there being only In' the neighbor- Sl'.ic; No 3 81SiS25ic: No. 2 red 83S84XC. corn expenso of larger offices. The matter prob- State henlth authorities will give city bbl. hood 1.000 good No. 2 41ic; No. 2 yellow No. 2 go the that interest earned. If any, way be entered therein, nUMHO New 52 per box. of on sale. A demand i'.Ittd 43c. Oats ably will before the Massachusetts a bill quarantine-ma- Orleans bu. sell-r- No. Rye 1 clean of and the Home-grow- n and the small supply enabled to force Kc: 3 white 3554833c. No. Wtiit courts. TURNIPS 13ft:0c bu. box. an advance, to 10c on o2c. Barley Good feeaing 3.V2W:; fair to choice be raised by Tuesday. PARSNIPS Home-grow- n 3040c bu. and 51.00 which as a rule amounted bbl. all good hogs und about oc on the fair kind. mailing 43854c. Seeds Prime timothy SiM); CELERY Michigan crates 35B50c: fancy Little pigs, if good, sell at the top of the miir-ke- t, clocr, contract grade. 511. Provisions Mess VALLEY TRUST COMPANY, flat but common to only fair ones are to poik. per libl.. 511.12'4811.26; lard. U lbs , MISSISSIPPI whits plumo 40S145C per bunch; Kalamazoo, get hard small. 10S15c per bunch. Home-grow- n 25&30C rid of at anything like satisfactory prices, short ribs sides, loose,ir per bunch. Cclerv roots 25S40c per doz. 'the best sellers are the nice, smooth butcher 6.6J',a; short clear sides, bxd., s68t.12'3. WnisK.v ST-LOUI- N. W. Pine . TIME-TABL- Corner Fourth and Stroots. BdliPLANT Florida JJ2.25if2.ro per hamper. hoits and be."t heavies. Tho top of tho market Basis of htghwines, 51.25. S RAILROAD E PEPPERS-Florl- was H.a and the bulk of sales was 54.2."'a Kansas city. Mo.. Nov. 28. Wheat Dec 6Skc: da 6s at 51.2531.50. at May : Open Monday Evenings Until 7:33. bTKINt; BEAN& Cneice ruiutlam round 4.S3. with nothing weighing oier 15) Ib3. selling esu'ata'-.c- cash No. 2 hard 7287Sc; No. 3 green less. below $4 23. o,871c; No. 4 61867c; rejected 5861c; No. 2 rrti 533.50 rer bu.: flat and wax 8181.1c; No. 3 SQUAMI Hubbard TSc per 100 lbs. SHEEP The .usual Saturday quietness pre- 7880. Corn Dec. 36)iio: May SWEET POTATOES Steady. New Bermuda vailed in the sheen matket, there being nothing cash No. 2 mixed No. 2 wlllte !T. LOUIS TIME. and Queen 40f45c per bu. loose. Nansemond on sale except a load from Arkansas, and they No. 3 29)ic. Oats No. 2 mixed 36838c; Departures and vellow 60i75c. wcre ci;!v stockers or but Ilttlo hetur; No. 2 mixed wnlte 3IIic Hay Cholco timothy Arrivals and of Trains at L. & S R. R. SPINACH-P- er bu., loose. 2So. the market closed on the Friday basis, $9.50: prairie JSaS.&u. i'.e No. 2 475ic. Union irlatlou. Train. Depart. Arrlra. w, which, howeicr. was aa good any day lleceipta Wheat 28.000: com 33,t)0; oats 24.tv). Dally. Florida Limited, via Nash- SAUEHKRAUT-Nc- per H bbl., J2.25 and about as . bbl. J3.75. during the week. Ihc market is in good snaix-- Shirments Wheat 114. ): corn 6.6.jO; oats h.004. tDally except Sunday. ville, Atlanta, Chattanoo- HORSERADISH New J3.50S3.75 per bbl. all decent mutton stock selling readily, the . Nov. 28. Wheat h'glier: No. 1 5Sunday only. ga. Macon. Thomasvllle. SPANISH ONIONS New J1.05 per crt. bttter lambs being quotable at S1.2j5.50 and Nurthern 8454c: No. 2 Northern M882c; ilay ("Except Monday. Jacksonville; St. Augustine, CAULIFLOWER Near-b- y JL50 per doz. for sheep at 53 40(fci3.6O. Cull lambs sell very slow KOfjtMMc bid. Rye steady; No. 1 56'4'(3;c. Bar- Dally except Saturday and Sunday. and Tampa pra sound. Eastern 33.50 per bbl. and Irrtgular. Stockers. If good, meet with a ley steadier; So. 2 63e; sample 35a64c Cora ttSaturday only. Fast Mall Cvaasillle. Nash RUTABAGAS In bulk 33tf34o bu. del. good inquiry, but tho common ones are not itetdy; Nov. 468-l7- May 41Hc bid. .Saturday and Sunday only. ville, Birmingham. Mont- & COMPANY Minn.. Nov. 2J. on No. gomery. Chattanooga. At- WBITAKER MUSTARD GREENS Per bu.. loose. 1520c. wanted. Duluth. Wheat trie fc S-- 1 S2c; U. O. II. R. , lanta, RADISHES New Orleans Iced 40S50o per So far this week sales' Included lambs at $10 Northern No. 2 Northern 73!4c; Dec. 79c: Train. Depart. Mobile. New Orleans Invite Personal Interviews and Correspondence doz. 5.50. the bulk of them at $4.755.2.7; native and Mav 8054c oats in etoru and to arrive 3354c. Arrive. and Jacksonville. Fia. ; sheep 53.10(13.60, Minneapolis, Nov. 23. May Cincinnati. Louisville, Wash- Charleston, s. pm GREEN PEAS Florida 5232.25 per hamper. Southwest mutton at the bulk Wneat Dec. 795ic; PMladal-phi- a c. SXam 72s J3.25Sj3.50; S05-- 1 1 ington. Baltimore, Southern Express Evans- - Relative to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds at stockers sold at ZVS. cull lambs On trk. No. hard S2c: No. Northern 2:05 to J2JW. bucks 5283, principally J2.23 81c; No. 2 No. 3 7S548 and New York Express. am I'SSpm i'lrming-ha- - Miscellaneous Market. at and at at Northern Northern Cincinnati. Louisville, Pitts- line. ina Stocks. - - - Direct Wire to New York. I2M 75c. Flour First patents 54.154.55: second burg, Washington, - ' Mobile. New Orleans. FEATHERS Prime white live geess In small jioustjs The receipts or horses were abso- patents urst clears 4o.zoff.jo;.secona Baitl- Thomaavllle. Jacksonville, lutely S2.20&2.35. mote, Philadelphia and Palatka. Ocala sks. 54c and In large sks. 52c: prime gray do. nominal, which was the signal for an clears Bran In bulk 513. New York Mall and St. 41c In 40c large old extremely quiet close of the week's market. I.Ucrpool, Nov. . Spot wheat. No. 2 red Fart Petersburg 8:45 pm 300 North Fourth Street small and la sks.; white There were hardly any offerings Cincinnati Accommodation... 18:16 am 16:52 pm 7:ara 40g42c; X !04f35c: XX 22l25c: XXX ll'tfltc: available, and Western winter steudy at 6s 2d; futures quiet; Cincinnati, Louisville, Pitts- CHICAGO AND ALTOS. XXX 5c; tare 10 per cent on small sks. and what there were were of a poor class, and not Dec. 6s 55id: .March to. 4Xd; .May 6 2Tid. Spot burg. Washington, calculated to arouse any activity, having been corn steady: mixed 4s Vid; Balti- Chicago Trains. 2c on large: chickens fie; ducks white 40c; American futures more, Philadelphia Arri-rs-. SOc in the hands of the dealer several The Dec 4s 5id; 2s 115:d. and Train. Depart. dark daK dull: Jan. New York Royal Blue The Alton Limited 9:04 am 7:15 pen ROOTS Per lb.: Ginseng at J5 to J5.60: market has been quiet during the last half of Peoria. Nov. 28. Com Old and new firm; the week on new 4 3 42Ric; new 3 3SC. Limited '5:25 pra Prairie State Expres" tl2:02pm 16:12pm stemmy. weedy, etc. less; lady slipper kc; account of the Intervention of a No. 37c: No. No. Vlncennes Accommodation.... f3:40 pm 18:32 am Palace Express seneca 65c: pink 13c; golden 65c; 5Hc: holiday. It cut down receipts, and buyers, ex- Wlilsky on tho basis of 31.25 for llnislied goods. 'isopm IHSam seal black offerings. Bet- Flora Accommodation 803 am 7:50 pm Midnight Special 11:4Jpm 3:10am May apple 6c; snake 37c; white snake pecting lighter hao stayed away. Toledo, O , Nov. 2h. Clover seed Cash and West Baden and French ter prospects, so as actHlty is concerned, Dec. JS.7754; JU.S7; J6.9254-I'rlm- Lick Kansas City Trains. At SO cents per share; par value, worth 24c: angelica 6ftc: wahoo bark of root far Jan. Feb. March Springs, via Monon Route. 1,9:30 am 'S'JS pm Sc. of tree 2Hic: blood 6c: bluefkwr c; are before the trade the coming week. A nvclal alslke $6.45. l'rlmo timothy J1.3I54. Missouri State Express S:12am 9:44 pm NEVADA-KEYSTO- NE 51.00. great bark 10:6-)p- Is a mine and able of root fie; wild ginger range horse sale Is to be held on Thursday, Kansas city Limited 7:14am producer. Will sassafras bark 7c proves (C, P. A St. I..) NY be famous the SHEEP PELTS-F- ull wool pelts. 75CSS1: whloh usually an Incentive for increased Wool. Train. Depart. Arrive. Local Trains. world over. A five thousand dol shearling 10c to 35c: JOc 50c; dry. native horses, ns well r.s an attraction for Plasa, Springfield Accommodation... '8:13 ...... lamb at to London, 28. wool Chautauqua, Grafton un lar (J30CO) sold bar received from a nine days' run of the mill In September. Another fallen, etc, lOffillc per lb. more buyers. Prices during the closing week Nov. The offerings at the and Alton 56:30 am 7:29 pm Jacksonville Accommodation. 55:12 am 16:44 pm reeeh-e- d fifteen days work in October $4,500. BEESWAX Unchanged at 2Sc per lb. for have experienced some changes. The week auction sales were 11.924 bales. There Alton. Springfield. Peoria and Peoria Limited T9:0t am 11:25 pm bar from first worth and two more bars opened Jacksonville Express 14:36 pm ivorth J4.000 each, produced since then. Wo expect to have nnother one on oxhlbltion 'irlme. duller and with alues generally ?55i was line kinds high Chautauqua Express Silt am ""7:39 pm. 10:40 am LINSEED OIL Quotable at 34c per cab for 7.30 lower, but thero was a gradual improve- a brisk demand for at Alton, Chautauqua and iiiikiici'i uiiy In St. Louis December 3rd. FACTS FACTS plenty of them. We recommend It. ns C5c per ment as the week progressed, wnlch brought price. Low and lnftrlor grades were slow. Most Fiver" 15:15 Address raw and for boiled: lc gal. less in car Springfield Mall f5:ll pm 10:65 am Dm 10:15 am fio four banking institutions. lots. prlrts nt the close almost to a point of steadi- of the crossbreds offered were taken by the Alton. Jerseyvllle and Jacksonville Expre-- i ... 16:50 pm TOP CORN Selling on cob. per 100 lbs. at ness with last week. Hood Southern kinds arc Springfield 16:41 pm 10:55 am Springfield "Capital City BRUCE B. QYLER CQNPANY, 778 Laclede Bldg., St. Louis. 60j"i5c for mixed to Jl for white; old worth at leait showing as good a position as tney did home trnde. American bujers secured a few Flyer" 17:15 pm more. a week ago. lots of superior grade. France and Germany FRISCO SYSTEM. Springfield Special $10:35 pm METAL-P- Depart. Alton Special pm SCRAP IRON AND er 100 lbs.: Horse quotations: competed for scoured. A good supply of line Train. Arrive...... 111:31 ...... Wrought Iron 60c: heavy cast 45c; malleable draft, common to good J100159 Valley Park Accommodation. 16:50 am fl0:35 am 35c; light Heav condition new clip caused spirited competition. aney Accommodation, :30 pm 1,:55 am ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS BRIDGE steel and breakable 40c: stove brass Heavy draft, choice to extra 73'ir201 j. TERSII.VAL singles 10"ic; daisies lllsc: Young Americas 55: heavy brass 53: copper 59.50; zinc 53.50; lead Chunks, to good Withdrawals were frequent- - Following arc the Accommodation. 's;isin Ti:o yui RAILWAY SUBURBAN FINANCIAL long New York : 53.50; pewter S12. fair 9yl25 sale-i-t in detail: New- 3.10) bales; THAJX 115:: horns lllic; twins Chunks, choice to extra 1.15U1.50 South Wales Texas and , Kansas Mall SERVICE. llmburger poor 5"J7c: Swiss 15c SALT 85c; granulated SOc 3d; greasy Queens- Sprint-field- - lor E. side medium at Farm chunks 7.vSll0 scoured lldsils 4i(d8'ls 5Jd. For Fort Smith. Eastbound-Lea- ve choice: No.llllc:2 "OfflSc- per per bbl. 940 scoured greasy 6V(?lod. Hous- Eighth and Gratiot streets. at brick HSlljc. bbl.; 5c more this side Southern horses, plain to good 60S1 S3 land bales: Parts, Dallas. Ennts, dlly-9:- 10 m.; 2:"i, 5:00. 6S2 p. m. EGGS Received 5)8 pkgs. local ana 665 pkgs. CORN-Quot- 1,400 Carthaj--e- , a. Exoept 1st BROOM at 5895 per ton; Southern horses, cholco to Victoria bales; scoured 7'idtfls 8d: gieasy ton. Galveston, Sunday 4:04. 6:16. 12:03. Citizens' Railway 6s. through: shipped 3.293 pkgs.: light onr-lng- s; no. extra 10Jul2; 1.1U0 greasy ' 9:00 A:(t-- loao a m.: 1:40, ilrm; sales. Southern drliers i 123il.V) 6!zd81s !d. South Australia bales; Jonlln and Wichita... am 8:02 p. m. Saturday lunday only 11:1T p market quotable ;c for loss off, 24c for BEANS AND PEAS Quote from store: White 5u.i)a West Australia 2,U4o bales; greasy Accommodation 21:10 pm 510:25 am and at Harness horses 15v3io.' sd. Pacific a m. Sunday only 7:03 a. m.; 12:25 p. m. Union Depot R. R. Cons, current iccelpts, cases returned. Held and off beans Cholco d at J2.2u$f2.25 per bu.; Tasmania 2,000; greasy 11U&1 Id. valley pm iiiaup-- a- 6s. ; rark Acccmmodation.rti:33 Leave Washington avenue, elaily 9:14 - ra.; loss. S2.CSlifJ.10: About four carloads of mules came balei-- H-d- greasy stock Srlme do. at screened at Jl.Suai.S5; in Saturday New Zealand 2.0O scoured Meteor For Springfield. 2:05, 6:C3. 6:37 p. m. Except Sunday 4:03. tla. green Scotch peas at J1.35&L40 per bu.; mornir. but they were consigned 4!:'flld. Capo of Oood Hope and Naul 0) Carthage. Joplin. Wichita, 7:41. 1034 a. m.. 12:12. 2:43. 8:0fi n. m. RsTm-dfl-- r Ave. and Fair Grounds 3H-b- exclusively to the dealers, Cass ist 5s. Provlstons, split peas at J7 per bbl.; J2 per bu.: any and. therefore, did liales: scoured Is 15d: creasv 55s89d. The ar Vlnita. Oklahoma. Denlson. and Sunday only p. m. Sunday only 6iX lackeye J1.70: California pink per not have effect upon the commission mar- 11- 1- 1904 s Green Hams. Car held o. b. at at 3c which rivals for the llrst series of sales Sherman, Dallas, Fcrt 1:10 a. m.: 12-- p. m. Etc lots f. E. lb.; Lima beans at 4$HVic per lb.: lentils 3H ket, closed quiet on Friday, with the ame-un- t ?,834 bales, 2.544 Brown-woo- d St. Louis R. R. Go. Ist 5s. side thus; Ham at lie; 12s at 10c; at offerings generally to including forwatuot Worth, Waco and Westbound Leave Granite City. dally1-J- i t4c Country white bcana ut 51. 1531.25 per bu. pretty well cleaned up. No to spinners. Imports during week 2:30 pm 11:30 am Sunday-5-1- 14s at 9Hc: lfs at 9c; ISs at Mic: 20s at new conditions to direct The the 2:45. 6:58. 7:12 P. ra. Except 4. 6:04. for medium and mixed to 5L40ill.50 for navy. were be looked for In tho were: New South Wales 1.543; Queensland Valley park Accommodation. ts50 pm t6:40am 8:24. 9:50. 11:10 m.; 4:25. 9:17 p. hklnned ilanw at 9c: lstf20s 91ic: tc BAMHELS-Co- ul oil, market and noil transpired. 7:0i a. m. Sat- R. R. Go. Ist 5s. 24s Co i:f EMPTY turpentine and The demand Victoria 434; South Australia Sj. Cape of Valley Park Accommodation. 76:34 pm 16:00 pm urday only 12:35 p. m. Sunday only aso. at Sc: Cnlitomlas at to 6iic: N. Y. S1.U5; lncgar 70c: oil linseed irom the South for cotton during 2,272 (10Sil2-av- .) black luc: mules the Good liopo and ..atal At''?; elsewhere Pacific Accommodation 15:24 pm 17:42am 10:00 a. m- - Saturday and Sunday only 1152 shoulders at 6!ic. From the block &0c: &oc; sugar 15c; week in general was good, closed 17:10 pm slit and varnish machine but -it rather bales. Pacific Accommodation m Except Saturday and Sunday 5:42 p. m. i. del.: Hams at SVc for run of house: bellies at whisky feOc: do. half bbls. 60c: wine 51: sauer- quiet, a not unusual happening- the end of AND ALL OTHER UNDERLYING STREET 6lic to llljc as In ateragc: California at week. Compared at Poultry. Texas and Kansas Limited Leave Madison, dally 1:16. 2:43. 6:0C tST &'ruc; kraut 30&40C; pickle 43g50c; flour 15c; molasses the with last week, the mar- m. Sunday-5:- !9. N. Y. shoulders at 6c ket does not show any Springfield Eureka Springs, Except 609, 829, 155. 30c; lard tcs. 45c: 23c oft each broken head; decided changes on good REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Fort Smith, Paris, Dallas, 11:14 a. m.; 4:31, 9:21 p. m. Saturday RAILWAY BONDS DEALT IN. Pork New mess In a Jobbing way 2c mules, which good-age- d oaly each hoop missing. constitute fat. and Corst-can- a, 12:19 p. only clced nominally JILL'S. quota, per mules, New York, Nov. 28. Live Poultry Receipts Greenville. Ennls. m. Sunday 6:00. 8:03. 1006 a. m. MOSS We ib.: Gray mixed Mit preferably of the medium Houston, Galveston, Saturday and Sunday only 11:58 p. m-- Lard Choice steam en E. side closed nomi- gray, brown and blade mixed l?i'u2c; sizes, for Southern use. The tnln common tho week were SS cars Western, 3 cars nally 6. VsC. and for Austin. San Antonio, Car- 7tc brownlci and black mixed 2U2Hc: machine-picke- d kinds have, however. If anything, been duller 3 4 thage. Joplin. Wichita, ST. LOUIS-PEORI- A LINE. D. S. Meats To arrive, loose and cured c'rlbs 3',jl&4c. 4',44?5c. more draggy Southern. cars Southwestern and fully by G. EDWARDS SONS ., X 3831JC, XX XXX XXXX 5 and than last week, and "sellers '8:85 pm (See P. & St-- L.1 VA. & closed nominally: 7.57H7.0c: c. have experienced great express, against 36 cars last week. Fully 14 Burton and the West , 7:aro C. a. f. Rxd. In jobbinK way ranged: fijfiHc: extra black 6c; infeilor less. a deal of difficulty In Western Express For Spring-fiel- a Extra RAGS. ETC Per loo lbs.: Country rags at getting cost prices for them in any Instance. cars unsold on jobbers' hande, mostly chickens, Denison, Sher- SOUTHERN RAILWAY. shorts at 7!ic: c'rlbs at 7;c; short clears at 1 very poor Vlnita. ST. LINoCJ. to plates 75c Old lope No. manlla at 51.25; No. 2 at The market is on such classes as and 2 cars more on trk. Quotations unchanged. man. Oklahoma. Cartbage 7bc: lollies at sc 9,c: and fat 60c. Rubber at 5585.50. the demand at present is for fat, finished mules Dressed Poultry Receipts 1,S52 pkgs.; pm Train. Depart. Arrlnw BROKERAGE CO., backs at Oic. Dealers charge higher on orders. per almost excluslicly. and Joplin 10:60 IMsm Princeton. Louisville. Lex- Bacon Bxd. s. In Jobbing way PEAN UTS Farmers' stock, lb.: Red 154 for the week 30,301 pkgs. Seeral belated lots c meats a 62c: whlto 2'4g2Mc. Mule nuotatlons: turkeys morning, very few ST. LOUIS AND HANNIBAL RAILWAY ington and way stations, ranged: Urcakfafit bacon at from 114c 14 of arrived tnls but r for CHESTNUTS Italian at fe per lb.; Virginia hands, extreme range ,. ....J 65.00H100.0i) were wanted, and some houses are carrying (Via Wabash). Chattanooga. Rome. At- 4IO-4I- heavy to 17c for choice light; hams at UUc to 14 2 OLIVE , PECANS Western at 5',4S55iC and Texas at hands, bulk of sales ...... 73.(Ki 13.M over considerable unsold, linolces in Depart. Arrtve- - lanta. Mattoon and points ST. 12Uc: California nt "Uc and New York snout-- 1414 hands, transit Train. In tha flrmfhwMe ! an SSi . Plain smoked In Jobbing 6c extreme range .... 75.ecei25.tfl are moderate and market closed steady. Quo- Mail and Express t7:40 am qi:J0 an dcrs at ''re. lots a We quote: '.ed It1', Mount Vernon Accommoda- - way ranged: Extra shorts TTnc: DRIED FRUIT hands, bulk of sales...... Si.l'JWll'J.O'J tations unchanged. Mall and Express t5:0Spm 16:15 pra at c'rlbs at rings 4V495c: do. quarters at 15 hands, extreme range ...... S4.UI0I33.U4 uon TCMpm SWc: short clear at SUc; bellies at 8!ic to 4US4c: 15 pat-iv-ic Lex- lOc: bleached peelings at 154c: chops at 15tc; d hands, hulk of sales .... .'....100.0U ' 115.01 railway, Princeton. Louisville, plates and fat' backs at 64c: standard backs at 1354 ington and way FUTURE PRICES EASIER, sLc. Dealers charge higher on orders. quarters at 2c for dark to 4c for prime. hands, extreme range 115.1.08160.04 REPUBLIC SPECIAL, Train. 25art- - stations. 2Uff?3c. 15S hands, 120. CO 10:06?pm Knoxvllle. Asbevllle. Chat- Oleo Steal ine Nominal at 6"!;c Peaches at bulk of sales...... 0y HO. 2S. 4,638 Fast Mall 3:00am MAPLE SUGAR-Qu- cte at Sc to 10c per lb. 161 hands, extreme range. 200.0) New York, Nov. Receipts 7:3jsjn tanooga, Rome. Atlanta. WITH LITTLE SPECULATION. .... 133.00'fl cases; week 32.824 cases. Local Express Talloa Country run In light offering;: No. 1 SORGHUM Prime new nominal at 30c per 1654 hands, bulk of sales...... 140.00165.O'J for tha Quotations Day Express Kansas City, Augusta, Charleston. Ma- quotable at iCH-ic- ; No. 2 at 3UB3Vic; packers' gal.; poorer goods less. unchanged. Pueblo. Denver. Salt Lake con and all points In Flor-Id-a No. at 4Tc: prime at Ic to s'tc, and HONEY Comb 10c to 12c; choice Chicago Nov. 28. Eggs stuidy; at mark, pm and the Southeast, 10-0- 4 pen am i edlblt at Colorado per doz. City and San Francisco fa stock at tUc to at 14c; strained and extracted at 4$4Hc in bbls. Br Telesrrmih. cases included. 23tf26c Washington Accommodation.. f5:2Spm f7:56am ST. LOUIS AND Beef On orders,5cbbld.: P.'ato J3: roll and Ful. cans. Nov- Kansas City.' Nuv. 2a. Eggs steady; Mis- Joseph." TOLEDO, WESTBBJf. and cln JtCa.n'?"JFlty' Mo" - 24t-t- c St. Joplin. Wichita (CLOVER ton Market J10: mess 510.76. Dried, per COOPERAGE We quote on prompt 500. Including 100 souri and Kansas, returned, doz.; new LEAF ROUTE.) FOREIGN MARKETS ARE ON lb.: orders for Southerns; market unchanged: 23c. and Kansas Limited and Train. Depart, Arrj-r-- t. sets llijc: Inside 14c: knuckles 14c: outside 10c delivery: Lard tcs. J1.S2H for- : No, 2. whltewood caes Included. Missouri S:10pm uice;wjii:i lairio 28. Eggs Southwest 7:m "The Commercials Travalnr Tongue per lb. 1 Philadelphia, Nov. unchanged; fresh THE DOWNTURN. l.Hc J1.30 for and $1.35 for ge,d JJU4.13; WUtern fed steers J3.25.84.I): Kansas and Colorado Ex 10:10 pm 7:10am Toledo. Buffalo Live Poultry Turkeys, good dressing stock do.; oak pork bbls. $1.20 for near-b- less off, 3c: do. Western SKtfSc, loss Creve coeur Lake trains leave Union Station and New 12Hc: old chickens, hens, per lb.. 7c: spring $1.10 pork bbls. $1.10: Southeastern SO'ifJlc: Southern 2&tf&!c 5.1:30 4:31 xoric "nwsra for ash oleo cows $1.5082 45: native cowa bit; at 6:15 a. m.. ilS a. m.. p. m. and Express In- aeragg receipts Sc; old 51.40; slack-wor- k 6- - Eastern Illinois. chickens. roosters tcs. bbls. flour. SSc. Sl..j"i3.io: native heifers S2.155f3.73: bull? S: Cheese. Ohio mm 10c: geeso 10c; guinea initi-ru- n 3- Butter and diana and Tiolnts T:2X 4c: ducks chickens, per noop oo. ioc: nppie no. z do. 33c: -i: call es $25(3.73: receipts for the week 27,3v0. P'Oak Hill trains leave Union Station at doz., 53; lUe pigeons and squabs, per doz., TSc 16c- - ic: New York. Nov. 28. Butter Receipts 4.566 f"S (3iarleston Accommodation.... S00 pm 103iam meal 31c: lime do. 24c J;".,!.sIM',";1,'.ts market 5810c higher; top ; a. m.. 110:10 a. m.. T5:C0 a. m. nnd t:20 p. m. Corn Follows Wheat After an Dressed Iced Poultry Turkeys at 14c: chick- COOPERSTUFFS In car lots on trk.: Staves i ... , 1.1. k -- . - pkg:-.- nrm; creamery lEi823c; Stat dairy 15 Klrkwood trains leave Union Station at Tf:00 VANDALIA Do; si Receipts 7,261 pkgs.; quiet; State LINE. ens at 6c; spring chickens at Sc; roosters at Cottonwood flour bbl. 5S.50; do. meal bbl. packers 54 3o84.4); pigs and light 54.3584.40; rc lie. cheese a. m.. 7:33 a. m.. a m.. fH"20 a. m.. 3L, K. & T. "THE KATJV Advance on Short ducks 1Ui'12c: geese lli12c. Foregoing figures $6.75: No. 2 $5: No. 1 halt-bb- l. (gum) JO. 50; mill-ru- n celpts 33,500. full cream rancy small colored and whlto Sept. 11:00 p. p m.. $8:40 a. p. Early only. for the week Sheep Receipts 1.704: m., "tno m.. T:00 arain. are for choice pork bbl. $18. Headings, per set No. flour market weak: native lambs S4.2S1r5.20; 12c: late made 10!ie; large colored and white m.. S:35 p. m. and Hl: P. m. Came We quote: Quail, dry milt-ru- n 17'.&-f- Western 12c; uiy. uouzmDia, Covering. undrawn, per bbl. 677c; stock for apple lambs 51.2384.63: fed ewes 52.6383.2..: stockers sept. late made 1054c Boonvllle, Sedalls. Fort doz.. J2.75; quail, drawn. 25c per doz. les bbls. S'lc: No. 2 do. t;c; lard tierce 16c. Pork and feeders S2.25&3.25. Chicago, Nov. 18. Butter Arm; creameries 16 MOBILE AND OHIO. large per 1054 Boott. Indian Territory and Prairie chicken, dark, doz., J9; prat- bbl. 1254c Shaved hoops Flour bbl. $5.50 for j?t. Joieph. Mo., Nov. 824c: dairies 14819c. Cheese steady: daisies Train. Depart. Arrrr. Express a Territory, 57. $1 half-bb- l. Young 1054c. Mobile. Merid- Texas Cutset tle chickens. Texas and small, cooper, for hoosler; $3; colled elm Wh779; steady. Hogs-Rece- ipts 2.K9; 5H14C dflo'tc: twins. luc: Americas New Orleans. Katy Dal- Pneasants, per doz., Jio. Wild turkeys, rer lb., JS.255JS.C0: oak lard tierce cooper shared l'luladel-ihla- Nov. 2s. Butter firm; extra ian. Jackson. Cairo. "The Flyer," for 'medium and he.uy y las, Fort Worth, Houston, 12c Ducks, undrawn, per doz. Mallards. 54; $10312: pork bbl. $6; 54 Snccp 230; Western croamery 23c: do. near-b- prints 26c. Sparta, all points Local and outside. Interest in tho grain g - Receipts steadv. blue-win- teal $2.73: creen-wln- g teal J2.G0; Chicago. Cheese light: New York full cream South and Southeast S00am Galveston. San Antonio. Nov. 28. Cattle Rece.pts 20); nom- Demand - , Mexico market crowded the record for dullness 52.25. 25(iI50c per LIVE-STOC- good Mobile, Merid- City and Interme- mixed and wood Drawn doz. K MARKET. inal; good to prims steers S5.15H5.75; poor to fancy llVuHVic; do. fair to 10tttU54c- New Orleans. diate points Saturday. While porno of tho wheat shorts less. Woodcock 56. jack Snipe J1.23. Deer car- medium J3.5084.S0; and" ian. Montgomery. Atlanta. tMsm Trram casses, per lb., 14c: enlson saddles, per lb., stocked feeders 11.75 Sugar. Jackson, Cairo, all points Jefferson City. Columbia, were anxious to cover there was an choice per WL,';" L504.a: heifers 5284.75; cannerB Nov. 28 Sugar Boonvllle, Sedalla. Kansas. . still 22c Rabbits, fresh, doz.. Jlgtd.lO: Native Supply Smnll Beof Cattle bulls 51.7584.25: 51.75S6; New York. Raw steady: fair In Florida and the South on low- Jack rabbits 51.75. Squirrel, per doz.. 75c calves refining 354c; centrifugal, 93 test. 3ic; and Southwest sH pra 736am Indian Territory and Texas offsetting bearish sentiment based Steady Sheep Close Firm. Texas steers $2.75li3.50; Western steers 6 Express H:4Spta Fresh Fish Black bass at 13c: crapple at 6c Hogs Receipts 12,004; sugar 3c; refined quiet; No. 4.u6c; No. Murphysboro. Sparta and frtlm fairly large receipts de- 8c CATTLE In na- 45.0"0: 4c- - 8 9 10 Accommodation 15:10 pm 11116 am Sllssourl, Kansas. Indian er cables, and a for small and for large; dressed cat 9o: NATIVE Fresh arrivals the about 6c higher: mixed $4,353 7 No. 3.95c; No. 3.90c: No. 3.85c: No. Chester spoonbill cat Bullheads Dressed and and butchers 11 No. 12 3.75c; No. 13 3.74c: No. 14 Territory and Oklahoma nial of the Argentine damage reports re- 74c Sc tive division were light, but with holdovers 4o: good to choice heavy $4.3574.53- - rougn S.80c; 3.t5c: niG FOUR. Flyer t8 :31pm gross 3c Buffalo Gross 3&C dressed Ger- 1 A 3. 40c: mold A 4.70c: cut loaf T3Tm Cc close, 400 sale. heavy Jt.15ft4.33: gilt 51.1584.43: bulk of confectioner's SHORE. NEW YORK CENTRAL ceived the previous day. Hay wheat man carp Dressed 44c gross and small sc; there were to head for The trade p- sales 5.05c; crushed 6.05c; powdered 4.65c; Tanulatedi LAKE AND soft-she- 54.i84.40. !hee- Receipts 2.100; sheep and HUDSON RIVER. BOSTON AND ALBANY WABASH. sunfish 3c; white perch 4c; eels 5c: ll was fair slispe. Practically all canners. gce-- 4.45c; 4.70c. closed slightly lower. la lambs steady; to choice wethers $3,758' cubes AND AND OHIO RAIL- - Eastern Lines. turtles at 5c and turtle meat at Sc; terrapin at butcher steers and stock cattle were fully 4.2j: fair to choice mixed 52.7583.75; New Orleans, Nov. 2S. Sugar steady; open Depart. Corn was all but neglected. The mar- 60o per doz. Western 3 open kettle centrifugal 3 Train. so Bteers were 5c sheep S2.lCSi4.25; native lambs 5485.73; Western kettle Traln!, - Depeirt-- Arrive, continental toimiieo ueeroii, ket followed the lead of wheat on the Veals Culet: offerings light. Quote at Ec for steady. A load or of about 54.108o. centnfugul whites 3 yellows heavy to SVc for choice (100 120 lambs 834c: Open ket- Indianapolis Express t732am 1530pm Niagara Fails. Buffalo, Impetus small fat to lower than Friday's market. Most of the cows New 23. 2ft 3S8-- c; seconds 248340. Molasses - stzts-px- a downturn with the additional of lbs.): heretics and thin 21:C to 3VjC: yearling York. Nov. Beei. es Receipts easy New York and Boston Ltm- New York and Boston 900aa foreign declines and generally favorable were canners. at $1.5002.25; cutters and medi- head; no sales; dressed beef steady: city tle centrifugal 8825c blrup at 8:to am 9:43 pm Toledo, Detroit, Niagara sheep at 3Sif3iAc old bucks and ewes at 25i2Wc: - dressed .ifla-- c lted weather news. spring lambs at 4S?4c and heavy buck lambs um fat cows at J2.o9C.75, with a good class native- sides fie to 9c cer lb.; Texas lieef 5c to Knickerbocker Special New .Falls, Buffale: New York SsjSiic per lb. 5J4c. Reported exports for 1.040 beeves, Coffee. York. Boston. Washington, and Boston Express. 1:10 pm tbin lambs not wanted. J2.90Qd.23; 1.096-l- yearling steers of good 504 sheep 650 Philadelphia. 12:00 noon 6:4Spm Tflta at . and quarters of beef Calves 23. Baltimore and Toledo. New York and Bos- flesh sold at $4.90, and a fair class of l,lls-lb- Receipts 308 head. Not enough Now York. Nov. Coffee Spot Rio steady; Alton Accom-- Mall 1:45 am 330 am 54.20. good business to No 7 Invoice 6T4c: mild &He: Cordova Mattoon and ton Fast Cail. Grain, Floor, Etc. Hides. Kansas steers fetched A fairly make a market: about 50 calves itni,- - Htu 6tl54c modatlon t420pm :4am Midnight Limited Detroit-Buffal- sold 2393. CO; common opened steady at an advance of GSla WHEAT Received K cars local and 17 cars Dry-fli- (16 class of heifers at JJ. dressed veals fc to 134c per Ib. sheep Futures - and Alton Accom- - New York and Butcher lbs. and up) at 14Wc; $2.20, and ruled fairly active during- the en Mattoon through, By Bample, del.: No. 2 red at SS& do. light (under 15 lbs.) 12iic; light Blockers at and fair to medium lambs Receipts 2.7a4; sheep rated about st'ady: points, and modatlon $1:80 pm . Boston ll:S3pns 300 pm 4 re- at fallen at 13c; 6009800 ure session un a. iciicw.ii u, ft-ii, wj icvati-nize- d &9&c: No. 3 red at SiGo.c; No. at and Arkansas 13V4C; on selec- kinds. lbs., at J2.082.75. lambs very slow; common and medium stock Boston, New York. Cincin- Toledo and Jacksonville. Lo- 3 native at latter quotations on bull Interests and covering, which was - n jected at SOc: No. 2 hard at 7f87Pc: No. hard HV5c for No. 1 and 125ic No. Following la a list of based very weak; about 9 cars stock unsold ; sheep nati. Washington. Baltl- cal Express 1:16 am "tiotp-- 63,i6jo; 3 tion at for 2; encouraged by continued light primary receipts 1100 pm o 7IJT76C; No. 4 hard at No. mixed Dry-salt- Green-salte- d sales during the week: sold at 31.7583.40; few selected 5.1.75; more and Philadelphia Chlca-r- at z glue at 10311c at lambs and higher cables. Tho maritet closed Spring- - Line. at 6c; No. S white spring at 70c; No. do. round at 7c: do. on selection at THc No. 1 SHIPPING AND EXPORT STEERS. at 53.2583.90; dressed mutton 5c to 7c per lb.: Cincinnati. Dayton. Banner ExpTess Chicago 923am 3 70c- - for Arm. net 5 to 15 points higher, with sales of Express 825pm "7:10 am T'Cfma at 74c; No. spring at and 6Hc for No. 2. Bulls or uncured lc per lb. and beef steers, strictly dressed lambs to 10c Hogs Receipts 2,5i.9; 5.6586.70c; field. Columbus Banner Limited Chicago. 305 pm TSJ am COllN Received IS cars local and 16 cars ?ic Icsps; Best native none reported on sale alive. 66.0C) bags, including: Dec Jan. t2:30axn Chicago.. .11:33 pm less: part cured culls 3lc. Horse fancy. L50OK1.700 lbs J3.2dSo.40 6SO.O00: May 6.30 Fast Bxnresi -- .,; -- Midnight Limited 0am through. Uy cample. deL: No. 2 ut 415tc lor 1 52.75; 5.8085.5c: Feb. 5.70o: March Leaves i.ov.- 111.. in.ow p. jn.. o:to hides Grem No. at No. 2 at 11.75; Choice export steers. 1.300S1.COO lbs... 5.00a5.:5 July 6.4086.45c; Aug. 6.5388.50c; Sept. Alton a. p. . Knnsas CltT Line. new and 42c for oid; No. 3 at for new ponies, colo;s and blues $1: all dry 75c 1,300 St. p. m. Arrives '800 m.. 1:45 m. g0OT-- No. 4 to. No. at at Good shipping and export steers, Louis Cotton Market. 5.6083. 66c Kansas City Express and 4lc for old: at sc'.t93"c new: COO "2:20 pm 1:60 40c ill. lbs 4.6035.00 Spot market firm at up; no ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Kansas city Fast Man am 3 white at 4:o for old; No. 3 white at for shipping 1,201 sales. Fruits. City 10:i5pm am 41c old. Wool. Fair to medium steers. Ordinary Dried Lines. Kansas Limited 650 new and for 1.450 lbs 4.0024.60 $; evaporat- Northern OATS Received 30 cars local and f, cars Missouri llllnolr Tex., I. T. Good ordinary ion New York. Nov. 28. Tho market for Train. Depart. Arrlv. Northwestern Line. ; and & Ok. DRESSF.D BEEF AND BUTCHER STEERS. Low easy; common are quoted Express Unlcn Station through. By sample, del.: No. 2 at S"'5?37-4c- Med. comb. & Med.. 12 middling ioj, ed npples continues North , Illinois Prom mo...lS B20 Bteers 1.200S1.29O lbs., rough to best..$t.WB5.23 Middling , Hij prime 3!485Vic; cnoice at 5')i'rf5io; Springfield. Frceport and Council BIuSs and Omaha No. 3 at 2oj36c: No. 4 at No. S white cloth, mxd.,.21 W Med.. 688 mo.17 &1SV4 lbs 3.5tltr...2,i at 486c; at 9:00 4 21'ip Steers l.a0tfl.039 Good middling rancy 7c. Prunes are meeting with some export 8:40pm Express am 1:50 am Ts at 7g?3bc and fancy aSfcc; No. whlto at Clothing 20 6i2')Vi Coarse & low.,14 15 1.0X1 3.5035.04) n, Dubuque (J2) Bteers less than lbs Middling fair li'.J inquiry, but so far actual business has been Chicago Daylight...... ".7:52amSpecial Minneapolis and St. Paul Low & braid.. Light fine ....14 Wl6"j range 254c to 654c Springfield 11:45 7:32 TJmited 2:10 Dm r. 5251c bid for No. 2 and tOSMVic for Hurry 17 Heavy Sjl2 COWS AND HEIFERS. Tinges stained below llgnt; prices from on all Peoria and am pm RYE &.... sandy..I0 and USSc white. are quiet, but about steady; 14:45 pm 10:40 Cinnon Ball Omaha "7:30 pm 7C0am 2. Hurry & clear.l71.ivl5 corn-fe- d heifers, 70O775 lbs. 51.501f4.75 Spot glades. Apricots Springfield Accommodation... am No. Ark. and Southern Fancy Galveston market flrm;'mlddling 10r,c extra luS105ic, and Special 910 pm 724 Mm and Des Moines FLAXSEED-Sp- ot S3c bid. 90 Si 91 corn-fe- d 90081,100 3.7SSt4.rs choice quoted at 9!ic: at Chicago Diamond Ottumwa Hard burry ..13 HIS"? lfftl fnpA! Fancy heifers, lbs New Orleans Spot market steady; middling quiet; choice are $7:00 pm Express '900 am 4) pm FLOUR Soft winter flour: Patents in wood Light fine ....16 C17M: Jledl (lcose)..!h8 my. Good to choice heifers 3.50'4.25 10 fancy at 11015c. Peaches also Springfield Accommodation.... Sa.!Sfa3.85: extra fancy 53.70 quoted at extra choice at 75V2S54C Lines. Ottumwa. Des Moines and H3T4.10: straights Heavy line It PH1" i:urry is H1514 Oood grass heifers 3.0)83.50 Memphis Spot market firm; middling 107ic 'iWic: Southern Minneapolis Limited 7:30 pm "S'OOam CS.S0' clears J3.2033.4g; low grades In Jutes Lamb IS 1SJi ll.ird burry.. ..11 ji:u Fair to medium grass heifers 2.30M2.75 Receipts at principal points: and fancy at 9wiu)4C. Fast Mall Paducah, Cairo, extra fancy: straights y- d LornI Trains. 13.50 for firsts to J3.W for Kos.. Neb.. Dak..V- Tubwashed Best corn-fe- heavy cows .1.50B4.0U Galveston. 26.533 bales. Memphis, aacseuu. oil. winter Hour In Jutes Patents 19 No 1 mU5?51 Dry Good. New Orleans and Texas West Moberly and Kansas t 5033. Hard Urtght med ff2J Oood fat cows 3.0CSJ3.2S New Orleans. 17,178 bAlea. "7:40 clears S2.758'3. Fcregoing.prtces for Dark med 15 No. 2 cows 2.50'(i2.75 912 New York. Nov. 28.The week in dry roods Express, Nashville. At- City Local am J.4O3.60: W6 24'"e:4U Medium fat Mobile. hales. 7:20-u- n bands trk. or at depot this side. Light line 14 Cil6U 2.23MJ.60 with an ever Hardening ten- and Jacksonville i:lt)pm Moberly Local 5:03 pm 11:10 am lots from first Burry ...... 20 2l Cutters Savannah. 1.204 bales. closed quietly, but lanta Jackson- Heavy buck. ..10 (al2 to good canners 1.75U2.25 7SS dency to prices. Few open advances were reg- New Orleans Special Cairo, Eust Decaf? and l"LOb"R Jobbing way 13.25 Fair Charleston. bales. many New Orleans.. 1:16 pm Local t4:40pra"UJam RYE In a at la Common and shelly cows 1.C0S1.W Norfolk, 1.534 bales. istered, but a good lines have been Memphis and - 'Saipm ville Jute sks. arid 13.40 la wood for new; mixed and Furs. Houstonrl6,553 bales. quietly marked up, and prices which would Accommodation Murpbys- Suburban Trains. BULLS. accepted week or more ago are boro. Marion and Crcal St, Charles tflS5 pra t340pia Memphis. 2.059 bales. have been a T62i) - b. at SJ.40 for Raccoon Opossum-N- o. Choice corn-fe- d bulls .. S.5OR4.0O now peremptorily refused by manufacturers, Springs. Sparta and Klnloch Park pin hom- - S.OOS.1.25 St. Louis warehouse statement: 450 pm 1114 pra city meal, S2.70 for pearl meal, grits and No. 1 largo . Jl.00 1 large Oood fat bulls 1903. 1903. many of whom refuse to quote prices on deliv- Chester am Ferguson ":45 4B Heavy-weig- half-f- Limited "420 pra "5:40 No. I medium... . HI No. 1 medlim .... bulls 2.50if2.75 Stocks on hand Sept. 1 ; 1,263 11,715 eries far ahead. New Orleans pm jYrAN winter bran quotable at 74c in ! Pmntur, ...... 1.7582.40 Memphis: Dixie. Ferguson 18:15 am Hard Do. email & No. 69 Do. small & No. i bulls Net receipts .... 400 700 Imports and Exports. Cairo. lOOs soft winter bran at 74975c in large and 35 Good qualitled dehorned bulls. for 1 Flyer Nasbvllle, Atlanta Ferguson $2020 am and No. 3 No. 3 Net receipts since Sept. 14.638 2S.S41 9:40 ,62i 77c in smaller bkc. latter for choice: mixed NO. 4 Trashy leeamg 2.2532.60 New York. Nov. 28. Total Imports of dry and Jacksonville pm 7:03 am From Olive Street Station TSc worthless. Net shipments .. 50 230 feed in 100s at for haid and 51rS2c for soft Mink Red Fox--No. 1 goods and general merchandise at the port of St. Charles ll00am 1:46pra 10O VBALS AND HERETICS. Net shipments since Sept. S.432 14,!'S5 y L".. ST. L. RY. (Henderson Route). mlds. in at S7&MC. On basis 1 large 173 1 New York for the week ending were II. & St. Charles 15:40 pm 27:S5am winter: No. large 2.E0 110S130 lbs . 6.0)5?.75 Htocks on hand 10.401 23,871 Depart. Arrive. winter at 77c r bran and Sic for mlds. 1 1.23 1 Choice veals. valued 510,6:0,632. Imports of specie at Train. Kl.nloch 1637 am No. medium... No. medium 1.50 200 . Gross receipts 3.306 5.983 at Owensboro.Clover- - bran cells at TSiSOc and ships at Jl.ua - No. Hcay fat veals, lbs. and under. 4.0065.50 New York for tho week were $76 silver and Fast Mall Brldgeton 11:15 pm "8:40 am At mill Do. small Nc 2 1.00 . 3.(QiM.00 Gross receipts since Sept. 1 65,490 Sll,48 3 Good heretics J;.0i"i.7.l3 gold. Exports of sjccle from this Louisville and the Brdgeton 16:(2am 16:10 pm No. : No. 3 50 . 2.50'n3.00 Gross shipments 2.956 5 533 Sort. S :20 am 7:16 pm ii rket E. iIde: Timothy Cholco No. 4 W 4 Thin hetfeis point tr.e week were 5601,845 silver and $53,-0- Ferguson 8:5)ara 10:30 am S7 No. 15325 . Gross shipments since Sept. 1.... 53,360 228.892 for Express Owensboro. 112 50 No. 1 J11012: No. 2 SS6D.30: No. 2 Skunk-Pri- me Gray 'Heavy killing calves 2.5033.50 gold. Eastern Ferguson 16:34 pm 1320 pm 56 1 S10SJ10.30 3 Fox Cloverport. Louisville and Clover-N- o. and No. SS9: as to size. No. 1 large SO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. By Telejjraph. Ferguson l:3opm No. 1 jsgs.&i .... the East S:45 pm 720 am Ferguson clover mixed S3U for and for Black No. 1 medium. 60 1.OOO0U3O 53.2383.75 New York, 28. Cotton future-- i ....15:43pm 5535pm 2. eccord'ng to mixture. Prairie Choice fOSy) Choice feederB. lbs Nor. closed Flaxseed. No. Short stripe No. 2 iS Medium to good feeders, SOOfr 1.000 2.!5y3.2" firm; Nov. 11.25c: Dec 11.25c: Jan. 11.31c: ST. LOUIS SOUTHVESTERN RAIL-- iioi 1 No. 2 s7.5ogs.3o: no. 3 jjs ....403-16- lbs. Feb. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. IRON .MOUNTAIN ROUTE. No. jssjs.so; Narrow stripe No. 3 30 Fair to medium feeders, 700&MO lbs.. 2.63&2.SS 11.33c; March 11.40c; April 11.37c; May 11.38c Train. Deoart- - Arrive. Broad stripe 13123 No. 4 - Chicago, 111., Nov. 28. Flaxseed was steady On" JS.COfiB. !..- 15 Choice qualitled stockers. 6108750 lbs.. 3.003.23 Spot cloecd steadv; middling unlandi 11.50c: ("COTTON BELT ROUTE.") St. Louis. Fort Worth nnd 'STRAW trk. Rye J70S. Texas 20(3O Open 1CS20 2.25H.'.S.) SPELTER-Lc- ad J4. Spelter pet. less. Fair qualitled steers, 6008750 lbs mrddling Gulf 11.73c: sales 46 bales. The mar- to lc lower, with May showing a decline. The Train. Depart. Arrive. Antonio Express pm 11:31am LEAD AND Territory 30BC9 1.51&2.U0 6:56 VT1L viler Common steers ; ket onened firm at an advance of 6810 points 97c 91c; 1 Arkansas and Texas Mall.... 8:5? am pm Texas and California Ex- - ':n Blue or unprlme less. No. 1 delivery sold at and Dec. at No. o, large... 9.00 Choice to fancy stock heifers .. 2.i3'fl2.-- on higher cables than expected and continued 1 and Texas Express 9:13 pm "7:12 nm Kl I'a-- WHISKY On basis of J1.31 for hlghwlnes. Wild cat 1MJ30 No. 1 medium 7.50 Northwestern sold at 974c, and No. was 91c Arkansas Fress Texarkana. Medium to good stock heifers...... 2.00S2.2; cold weather In the belt. Following the call. It Minneapolis got 53 cars and 192 LOUIS, C. & COLORADO Angeles and San Fran- Civet cat 10ii2) No. 2 .... E.50 .. 1.502.c).) some firmne-- . bid. Duluth ST. K. R. It. Badger 625 3 ' " Common stock heifers showed further with the active cars. FROM UNION DEPOT. cisco 8:30an ...... r... No. 3.00 Choice quality steer .. 3.t0&f3.75 one 10313 points higher Mexico ss Curb Grnfn Market. House cat 5ft 15 No. 4 calves months at time about - Depart. Arrive. California nnd I, S2c- - 817. 1.30 Choice nualltv heifer calves .... 2.5OS3.50 showing special strength In ab- Turpentine Rosin. Train. Los Angel:!. , c, Totnl Mnv wheat K254e to rjuts Muskrat 12815 Wolf and Dec. the nnd 101 and 102 Mall and Express El S2'4fSS25--- c Dehorned ana unoranuea stackers ana zeea sence of offers, as a result of moderate cover- York, Nov. 2S. quiet; In- Paso. Mexico City. Laredo r C82e to SITic and calls bid. Bear J1U12 Prairie. round..30gll.OO New Rosin strained Gasconade River and 10:30 pm 3; May com NC: puts 39- Braver Jltil Timber ers always sell a fraction better than others. ing. The other months, however, eased off a common to good S2.i58--.C- Turpentine dull; termediate points 7:13am S30pm and Galveston Mi Dee. wheat, puts Mt;o bid and t05.5t MILCH COWS. little after reaching the higher level, under FROM FORSYTH JUNCTION. Hot Springs Si eclal "820 pm "7:35 am Milwaukee 15 per only were 59859"c. Mexico Kxpress 'rails 81"-- c asked: May wheat, puts 79ic and Extreme Southern skins cent less ana realizing, but about the sales for havannah, Ga., Nov. 28. Turpentine firm: 10B and 106. Union Accommo- Texas and . ' etrlctly 153T25C per Fancy qunllty large young cows with general con- Hot Sprlnss. Ark.: Dalla-- calls S05i60- - Northern cent more. good $40,008(5.0) long nccount. and the undertone 56c. Rosin firm. Quote: A. B, C. D 52.10: E dation S:23pm "8:53 pm calves firm, with prices fluctuating around the G 52.35: H $2.40: S2.60: $2.80; Fort Worth. Colorado. Gal- Dec com. puts 415s". Good milkers 3ii.ton40.tK) tinued 52.13: F 5123: I K Mexico May corn, puts 15tc old and calls 41iSU?c Kraltn and Vegetables, opening figure". Receipts at the ports M 52.90: N 53.10; w. u. u.:o; tv. w. xj.". BURLINGTON ROUTE UNION STA- veston, Laredo and Medium milkers , 25.00ii30.O) were 74.755 against 66,368 last week nnd TION. City '3:40 pm (Eked. The Republic quotations are for lots In Common milkers 13.09y2i.O) bales, , first 63.217 last vear. For the week. 260,000 bale--- Petroleum. Train. Depart: Arrive. Texas Express Colorado. ft" hands unless otherwise Small lots On Strictly $50. 526,071 Worth, Dallas, ore charged higher: fancy milker sell above against 377,693 lait week and last year. New York. Nov. 28. Petroleum firm: refined For Hannibal. It. & St. J. Texas, Fort St. Lout Future Prices. orders SOUTHERN CATTLE The supply of quar- receipts at New Orleans, 17.121. against New York 59.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore points. Qulncy. Keokuk and San Antonio, Texarkana, Cl0!ed PEARS Per bbl.: Iiistem Kelfer J2.75S3 for was quite good tne day 29,034 16,533 bales, 56.55. "2:55 6:30pm Hot Springs. Ark., and Lit- Closed Ranfcd No; to S choice. antine cattle for last of last year, and at Houston 59.45: do. In bulk Burlington am t2 for week, of 22 S22 head 13,209 2S- - $1.82. "7:41 "8:29 pm tle Rock "7:13 ana Friday. Saturday. Saturday. the a total cats and being against last year. Oil City. Pa.. Nov. Credit balances Local to Hannibal anr a, . APPLES Consigned Ben Davis wlnesap. &9S Mall Littio Rock. i Wheat Dec & 895-- a beauty, offered, against IS cars and head 'last Sat- New Orleans. Nov. 23. Cotton Futures firm: CertlAcates no bid. Shipments, 86,043; average For Qulncy and Keokuk t7:41 am 16:50 pm Fast S2 S2 Roman etc, Jl.0if2 mainly urday. was fairly 11.17c bid- - 11.218H-22C- : U.26 93.559; average 69,231. Shipments Dallas and Fort I s:vf052Jta S2Ha and fancy higher, aeneting Slfil.75, mainly The market active, with Nov. Dec. Jan. 76,434: runs For St. Paul. Minneapolis, '3:03 am Oorrji-De- ...... W4 a 3WSJi49ii S3a per prices Just about steady. A few pretty good 11.27c; Feb. lt.328H.34c: March 11.43811.44c: 56.065; average 66,4(3; runs 50,053; average 56,120. via Fast Side line, Illinois Worth 40 2:1 Bulk Gecetini Jl1.75 bbl. cows sold J2.65, common May 11.548U.".7c: 11.57 "5:04 pm Local Express Texarkana to jjiy ...; b 23S5H0'. a measure. st most of them to April 11.50811.52c: June and "756 am SOpm May fair, $1.8582.35. A fair lot of steers sold at (Jll.SSc; July ll.618H.Kc. Spot cotton firm: The Metnl Markets. Bulllngton-Norther- n Pa- St. Louis Oau ...... KTib ....&:... ZSa. MALAGA GRAPES-P- er bbl. JS.50OJ.50, Tho Men-phi- s "900 pm "7:00 at $3.0553.25. with common to medium at 32.5083. sales C.330- - ordinary SHc: good ordinary 9 New York. Nov. 28. While there wero no cific Express, for Kansas Express am according to weight. 111-lC- Passenger 8:00am "7:13 pm In ORANGES en A fair lot of cows and 'heifers sold at J2io0. low middling 1011-lt- middling mid- metals reported an aver- Cltr. St. Joseph. Northwest Belmont Stocks of Rrnln Store. Florida trk. Jl.603S.70 tor common steers and cows at $2.23 and somo dling Receipts 117.221: stock 237.732. large sales of Black Hills. Wy- FOURTH STREET AND CHOUTEAU AVE- Saturday. Friday. Last XT. blights or rus.cts. with fair ll4c. was Nebraska. y very common light mixed lots at J1.50. Calves Liverpool. Nor. 2S. Cotton Spot in limited age Saturday business consummated at oming, Montana. Washing- NUE STATION. ,...4,4oS.$tS 4,405.213 4,77B.!'.,4 GRAPES Concords. Climax baskets, 25330c-pon- were common to meolum at 53tf7.59 oer iead. demand: prices 4 to 6 points hleher: American steady prices. The Iron market showed a ton. Puget Sound.' Portland De Soto and Bismarck Ac- . 9.586 165.730 Catawba lTHc good "9:110 S Corn S.i on The supply this week shows a small Increase middling fair C.50d; middling .34d: mid- slightly Improved tone, although prices were and Oregon am 7:19 am commodation "530pm "8:10am ,... lll.i79 106,12 40.M3 L11MONS California trk. JSS2.50 for last, total of 355 cars being received, dling 6.26d: middling 6.20d: eood ordinary Copper Express for St. 27.S31 2S.M1 4.693 choice to fancy: Messina and VlrdelJ3.50Q3.7t over a low nominally unchanged. was quiet, with Twin Citv si' STT ... against 332 tho week before and 3tiJ cars two (LlOd; ordinary 5.90d. The sales of the daj wero 12.50c, 12.23c Panl, Minneapolis and Iowa. 2:ltpm "J15pra ILLINOIS DIVISION. 'Si-wiJ- 11.441 box In Jobbing way. lake quoted at electrolytic and lu.rtl rr weeks ago. 4.000 bales, of which 1.000 wero for speculation 12c. Nebraska-Colorad- o Ex- Cotton Belt Express 9:45 pm 1:12 am 2,279,640 3,219.622 1.M3.9) LIJJKS Per 100. 51.50ft;. 3.700 Re- casting The tin market ruled quiet and The red wheat -. BANANAS Quotable bunch, or- The following quotations represent the con- and export and included American. firm, both spot at 25.50826c: lead steady; spot press, for. Denver, Colorado. St. Louis and Chester Ac- 3Nc I wheat. 2M.J 3W.4?.- r.7.070 at Jl2 a on 34,000 including 33.000 American. Coast, via commodation IilOpm Nc hart 24,412 ders. dition of the' market en various classes of ceipts bales, 4.23c Spelter dull; spot 5.623c' tJUh and Pacific '&No. 2 mixed COra 3.M3 quarantine cattle, based on sales during the Futures opened quiet and steady and closed St. Joseph "2:15pm 8:50pm Cotton Belt Express . 93am loam6:56 pm 2.103 2.103 16.91J COCOANliTS-P- er 1.000, B. trk.. J30: Jobbln middling g. o. Nov. 6.133 Express." 2 white corn.... 53.30 tM?r KO. wcra: Arm: American c: "Nlrht Northern ,ll.n.-flAl- l,i!S war Nov.-De- c Dec-Ja- 6 Jan.-Fc- b. "Verr York Cnrb Prices). . n ..t l. CKANIlKliniES-CS- pn JSJfS.50 choice ...53.754 4.23 6.16d; 6 03d: Old: tor ""-- i.,- - 25.191 Cod. choice Good 10 fed steers.... Feb.-Mar- March-Apr- i 7:40 VANDALIA LINE. JNo. 2 mixed cats... S.1SS 4.!1 bbl. to good S.r.lw 3.73 6.0186 02d- - OSlS.Old: il REPUBLIC SPECIAL.- and Iowa...... pm 859 am 7.S39 and fair V.MWZ per Fair 'fed steers ... 6.9RC?3.S9d- - Anrll-Ma- v S : May-Jun- e LINES WEST PITTS- 7,a . FRUITS-Fro- m 3.40 9733.9M 28. Port. Illinois, via East Side PENNSYLVANIA OF CALIFORNIA store: Tokay Medium fed steers ... 3.233 Jufy-Au- Aug.-Sep- New York. Nov. Transactions in the curb ; 3.4) 5.96d: 5.9385.94d; t. dine, leovie isiuuu, BURG PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. grapes S1.3CC1.73: emperor 51QL73 per crate. Grass steers...... 2.758 y to 6Sld-- market Included SOO Seaboard common Savannah and Du- - Tniln. Departs Arrive. v Pro.luce. Pears Buerca Grls 5275 and Vicar J2.50 per box. Good to choice heifers ... 3.00W 3.50 J la.. Mall ... ,, - lMTATOHS-Northe- rn 3.00 HARKETS BY TELEGB.APII. 13, 44 Oil 648 645, ISaOpm Fast' 2aoam 'Kliam, iTlTTTTEn Higher and rtrocfr. Creamer- extra skd on trk. MgGOe for Fair to good heifers ... 2.C58 from .12i to Standard at and City. Council 1:un Keystone Express ... "8:44 am 1:00 nm I 22jr22'tc: seconds 20c: ladle ordinary; 33(i3c for to good, 10 Good to choice cows ... 2.75M 3.23 2S"S. 200 Poi Kansas 3:CO iie: firits fair tutJEScfor 28. Receipts 40.3S5; 100 Can preferred at Mercantile. Marino Blufts. Omaha. St-- Joseph, Local' Express ... 124 am pm il Kl.Biflced.I extra, 17c: firsts ice: uairy pacae.1. tluiic.. Fair to good cows ... 2.500 2.75 New York. Nov. Flour New York Limited ...123) pm "1:42 pm ONIONS Red in bulk at 53c and skd.. del. Strong canners or cutters...... 2.23g 2.50 exports 12.357; sales 7.600: firm, with a moder- common at 454, 200 Manhattan Transit at 154. Nebraska, v-.? ISJancy Ite: poor to fair ISffloc: cpuntry stock in winter patents $484.33: 200 Havana Tobacco at 22. $10,000 Amsterdam Utah and Pacific vandalia ActMmmodatlon., ,..5:00 pm 8:4u am poor greaw TCc: yellow &0c; white globe la bulk SOS90c Common canners ate demand trade; ..-.- . pra "7:46 12c for choice and at JSllc; at '.'.'. 2l5oa patents Jf.554 Gas 6s at 103 and 10554, 200 Greene Copper .t ..-- "7:19am Eastern Express ,,.8:13 am I I'Mtbt OABBAGli-Holla- nd per ton del. Fed bulls z.h straight J3.9584.10; Minnesota at ..."ll-SJp- iiitl 33 1383.33; Minnesota bakers U and 1354- - TocaMfor Hannibal 111:20 aro New York Express 1:Slna m Irtfew., - , on crdcri: Twins 10'ic: CUCUMBERS Eastern hothouse 75t?S5c per Grass bulls .'...... i.vm 2 4.73; winter extra 3f& I. Mm 11 yrMfj ,HS& - .?? affi-- &Mttt4lhr,