SUPPLEMENTARY B DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND REGULATORY BOARD 18TH DECEMBER 2008 REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES APPLICATION UPON WHICH THE COUNTY PLANNING AUTHORITY IS CONSULTED BY THE DISTRICT COUNCIL PART A – SUMMARY REPORT APP.NO. & DATE: 2008/1356/07 – Received by LCC on 3rd November 2008 PROPOSAL: New buildings incorporating pits, paddock, media centre, broadcast centre, race control, medical centre, 3 hospitality suites, club house, toilets, temporary grandstands; realignment, widening and diversion of existing track, new pit lane; fuel and tyre area; 1 vehicle access tunnel, widening of one existing pedestrian tunnel, asphalt and gravel run-off areas, hard standing, service roads, barriers, fencing, ancillary trackside development and engineering works. LOCATION: Land at Donington Park Race Circuit, Castle Donington. (North West Leicestershire) APPLICANT: Donington Ventures (Leisure) Ltd MAIN ISSUES: Policy considerations, economic benefits, landscape impact, traffic generation, and other environmental impacts RECOMMENDATION: The Cabinet be advised that views be forwarded to the District Council as set out in the main report, namely that there is no objection to the principle of the development, but a number of concerns arising from the proposals and the subsequent uses arising therefrom. Circulation Under Sensitive Issues Procedures Mrs L. A. S. Pendleton CC, Mr. N. J. Rushton CC Officer to Contact Mr C. J. Noakes (Tel: 0116 305 7053) E-Mail:
[email protected] 2 2008/1356/07 – continued PART B – MAIN REPORT Background 1. North West Leicestershire District Council has received this application for major new developments at Donington Racetrack, which more recently has been the subject of substantially additional information.