Three-Dimensionallntegration of RemotelySensed Geological Data: A Methodologyfor PetroleumExploration*

Abstract scribed through a seriesof non-quantitative,idealized, so The standard approach to integration of satelliteimagery block diagrams.But this approachdoes not get the most in- and sub-surfacegeological data has been the comparison of formation out of the data, and may result in unrealistic mod- a map-view image interprctation with a selection of sub-sur- eling of geologicalfeatures such as fault geometriesand lithologic boundaries. face cross-sections.The relationship between surface and subsurfacegeologr can be better understoodthrough quanti- This study teststechniques to integratea ro digital ter- tative thrce-dimensional (sn) computer modeling. This study rain model with sn subsurfaceinterpretations in order to teststechniques to integrate a so digital terrain model with construct quantitative models of the geology.In particular, it aims to demonstratemethods that will be beneficial in inter- 3D sub-surface interpretations.Data types integrated,from a portion of the Paradox Basin, southeast , include Land- pretation of imagery data in frontier exploration areaswhere sat TMimagery, digital elevation data (ntu), and sub-surface few sub-surface data are available. The key objectives are gravity and magnetic data. Combined modeling of basement o To gain a betterunderstanding of the relationshipbetween and topographicfeatures suggeststhe baditional lineament subsurfacegeology and surfacegeology as rnterpretedftom analysis approach to structuruI interpretation is over-sim- satelliteimagery; and plistic. Integration of otu and image data displayed in sn . To testif, and by how much,the three-dimensionalmethods facilitatethe understandingof sub- proved more effective litholog discrimination than a developedin this study for surfacegeology. map-view approach. Automated strike and dip interpretation algorithms require DEMdata at resolutionsbetter than 70 m This study is multi-disciplinary in the sensethat it incorpo- by 90 m. The methodologr testedis beneficial to interpreta- rates concepts and methods from the fields of remote sens- tion of imagery data in ftontier exploration areas. ing, geographic information systems, subsurface geology, digital tenain modeling, computer mapping, and three-di- lntroduction mensionalmodeling to establisha methodologyto maximize Integration of remote sensing and digital terrain modeling the interpretation of the geological information. has been demonstrated to produce significant gains, and it is a well-establishedtechnique in areassuch'as environmental StudyArea impact assessment(Baker, 1991J, landslide hazard assess- The Blanding sub-basinof the ParadoxBasin in southeast ment (Huangand Chen, 1991),and surfacemineral explora- Utah was selectedto test the methodologyas it is a proven tion (Braux et o1.,1990), Software has been developedthat hydrocarbon province with plgntiful subsurface data and combines image data with digital elevation models (onv) and good surfaceexposures. The setting and a summary of the re- producesthree-dimensional surface displays with perspec- gional structural featuresare shown in Figure 1. Structural tive viewing (e.9.,Duguay et o/., 1gB9;McGuffie ef o/., 1989; relief on Mesozoicreference horizons is approximately6,000 Morris, 1991).In addition, the value of integratingremote feet from the baseof the Blanding Basin to the crest of the sensingwith geographicinformation systems(cts) has been Monument Upwarp. demonstratedand softwarepackages are available(e.g., Bult- The Paradox Basin was formed during Pennsylvanian man and Getting,1991; Runsheng et al., tgst). time as a transtensionalbasin, with the main deformationoc- However,in the field of trying to deducesub-surface ge- curring along northwest-to southeast-trendingfault zones, ology from satelliteimagery, three-dimensional (so) model- seenin surfaceimagery as prominent lineamentssuch as the ing techniques,beyond the display of a single surfacein Nequoia-AbajoLineament (Knepper, 1982; Stevensonand perspective,have not been fully employedin an integrated Baars,1986). This pattern is complicatedby a perpendicular fashion. The standardapproach to combining sub-surface series of regional lineament zones trending northeast to data with imageinterpretation has been the comparisonof a southwest.Within the study areaare three major Iineaments map-view (zn) imageinterpretation with a selectionof sub- (Figure1). The Four CornersLineament, trending NW-SE, surfacecross-sections. The resulting synthesiswould be de- definesthe southern limits of the ParadoxBasin, and is a strike-slip fault with right-lateral displacement. The NE-SW- "Presented at the Ninth Thematic Conferenceon Geologic Remote trending Coconino Lineament is interpreted by Davis (1978) Sensing,Pasadena, California, 8-11 February1993. as a major partitioning element in the basement extending beyond the Paradox Basin. The Monument Upwarp and Monocline are features along the Coconino Li- Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 59, No. B, August 1993,pp. 1251-1256. MichelleI,..JVI'K*":;

0099-1 1 1 2/9 3/5 I 08-12 5 1 $ 03.00/0 Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology, @1993American Societyfor Photogrammetry University of Aberdeen,Meston Building, Kings College, and RemoteSensing AberdeenABg ztIE, Scotland,United Kingdom.

PE&R5 t2sl neament. The House Creek fault zone consists of several NE- SW-trending en echelon faults that suggestleft-lateral move- ment (Stevensonand Baars,1986), which is compatiblewith these being antithetic shear faults to the NW-SE-trending fault zones. A deep-seatedfault underlying the Comb Ridge monocline lies en echelon to the House Creek fault zone (Stevensonand Baars,1986). During Laramidetime (Late Cretaceousto Early Eocene),the Colorado Plateau was sub- jected to compressional forces, and large-scaleinversion structures, such as the broad upwarps and monoclines, were developed(Blakey and Gubitosa,1984; Peterson,1986; Blakey,19BB). \ .c ;;;( {. \ The areaof interest is between 110oto 109" longitude ''.\i \\>f\l\\ =*h;-\' and 37oto 38" latitude North, in southeastUtah. Pennsylvan- \ =\B\ / €<--- ian and Permian age rocks are exposed on the Monument Upwarp fFigures 2 and 3). Late Permian and early Jurassic iir.Kt*: rocks are exposed in Comb Wash. The Jurassic-ageWingate, Kayenta, and Navajo formations are exposed.on Comb Ridge. , N.s Morico \. ( A major surface topographic feature, on the easternboundary -R^./ r\i'"{iare''-^v --,/ of Comb Ridge, is the Abajo Mountains which are formed by -, 1 i Oligocenelaccolithic intrusions. Eastof Comb Ridge are /,." lt-\ \/ younger lrI01020304050', Jurassic and Early Cretaceousunits exposed in river / DEFIANCE , valleys and on the mesa cliffs. Major drainages within the study area include the San |uan River that tracks across the southern portion from eastto west. As the San |uan crosses Figure1. Locationmap showingregional structural features Comb Ridge and the Monument Upwarp, there is a classic and studyarea (afterStevenson and Baars,1986). goose-neckincised meander-looppattern associatedwith an- tecedence.Major north-south drainagesinclude Montezuma Creek, Recapture Creek, Cottonwood Wash, and Comb Wash (Figure 3). South of the San Juan River, surface exposures of using two-dimensional GISoverlay techniques and three-di- JurassicMorrison Formation to Navajo Sandstoneare masked mensional surface comparison methods to identify the rela- by Recentaeolian deposits. tionship between surface topography and sub-surface basement structures. The co-registeredimage and nslvl data were used to test the usefulness of automatic strike and dip, Methods using software developed by researchersat the University College, University of London. Finally, the RAINDRoPsoft- DataSet ware developed by Morris (1991) was run on the Dnv data to A seven-bandLandsat Thematic Mapper (rv) image in digi- identify major drainages. tal format was used in this study for lithologic discrimina- To test the proposed methodology, three commercially tion. Two images were tested: a three-band decorrelated available software packagesare linked: Image ProcessingSys- principal components(rC) image (bands7,4,5,7 with PC1,2,3 tem from Erdas,CPSa mapping packagefrom Radian Inc., and displayedin Red, Green,Blue (RGB),respectively), and a the Stratigraphic Geocellular Modelling (sctvt)Package from stretchedfalse-color composite (bands 1,4,5 displayedin Stratamodel Inc. The Erdas System used in this studv is a RGB,respectively). The stretched false-color composite image personal-computer version mounted on a Compaq 386 under was the most useful in regional lithological interpretations. Dos. The cPs3 and SGMsoftware run on a SiliCon-Graphics The noise introduced in the PCimage by the equal weighting IRISUnix workstation. Network software was used to translate of decreasingPCs was accentuatedwhen the imagewas re- files between DoS and Unix formats. sampled to larger pixels, negating any spectral enhancement that this method produced at full resolution. Digital elevation data for this study were obtained from Results the USGSl-degree digital data set (1" DEMdata are used to map at a scaleof 1:250,000).These data have a pixel resolu- StructuralInterpretation tion of 70 bv 90 metres with a vertical accuracv of 30 m and The methods that are traditionally used for lineament analy- a horizontai accuracyof t30 m. The gravity and magnetic sis in remote sensingare summarizedby Drury {1987).The interpretationsare from Caseand ]oesting (7972).The inter- standard technique includes an initial stage of image preted depth to basementwas digitized from the map processingusing high-passand directional filters that detect (1:250,000);the locationsof interpretedbasement faults were edgeswith preferred orientations, followed by visual inter- digitized as a separatefile. pretation of lineaments with a classification schemebased on the degreeof confidence. In some studies, the strike of inter- DataProcessing Procedure preted lineaments are plotted on a rose diagram to gain an The processingstages are outlined in Figure 4. The first stage understanding of trends in the regional structural fabric. This includes the digital image processing of Landsat TM Imagery approachhas been successfullyautomated (Saether ef a1., to enhance the surface geology interpretation. The enhanced 1991). image was combined with digital elevation data (DEM)to pro- The ability of this technique to distinguish between sur- duce a digital terrain model (oru) to further improve the face lineaments that represent geology and those of man- interpretation of the surface geology. The onu data were made origin varies considerably(Saether et aL.,1991;Baum- compared with the gravity and magnetic interpretations gardner, 1991). Factors that control the accuracy include the

1252 FEET o Alluvium.olluvium 0-100 Loss. mdiment o o- loo Oikas,plugs, diatremes inlrusive F Abaio Mts la€oliihs inlrusiv6

a Man@sShals 0-700 tJJ

F I orsgB vroux Ls M9t ul 't50 Dakola Sildstono 30 - Burro Canvon Fm 50-180

BrushyBcin Mbr 2@ - 440

HecapturoMbr 0.285 tsm Salt Wash Member 0-550

= BlullSs Mbr 0.340 a WanakahFm 60 - 200 EntradaSandstone 50 - 400 Carm6l Fm -? 0-120 Navajo Sandstone 300 - 800

Kavenla Fm WingateSandstone 250 - 450

: Chinle 200- 1000 o Formalion s F Moenkopi -- Fqmation 0-500 =-=-

Do ChellySs 0.550 Figure3. Geologicalmap of the studyarea (after uscs z OrganRock Fm 100- 900 geologicalmaps 1:1,000,000). PP: Pennsylvanian;P: Permian;Tr: Triassic;JTr: Triassic-Jurassic;J1: Middle Jurassic;J2= UpperJurassic; K1: LowerCretaceous; U 500 - 1200 Sandslone Qg: Quaternary,Q: Quaternary. -< Halgailo Fm [email protected]

Honaker Trail - Fsmaiion 500 1500 z Oil2on6: z JJ. lsmay !!t o +++ J Deserl Creek - E Paradox .J-J, Akah 500-3500 IIVAGEDATA DEMDAIA SUBSURFACEOATA o z t-r i z Earker Craok -'r- lmporlLandsal TM Data lmportDEM Data DigitizeBasement Positjon LlJ AlkaliGulch :_r_ Proce$ LandsatTM Dala DigilizeInterpreted Faults

PinkortonTrail Fm 100.400 Rectityand co-register lmage and OEM Data lmpodinto CPS3 Molas Formtion 0 - 150 Gridin CPS3 a U) Loadvill6Limstono 300- 600 = Export - to SGM Ouray l-ormation 50 140 Expon files Ehert Formation 160- 350 to Automatic U o - Strikeand Dip McCrackenSs Mbr 0 120 and RAINDROP BuildStratigraphic Framework wilh BasementGrid and DEM AnolhFormati 0.200 lmporl Basement Faults as Altribute "Suora-Muav"Dolomite 0-300 "Bright Anqef Shalo 0.300 lmport lmage Data as Attrlbute lgnacioQuartzile 100.300 T\./: Build Disptay o Schist,gneb3, grmitic and o. pegmatiladikes and plugs n lnte.pretati0n figure2. Stratigraphyand lithologies exposed SGI\,1 in the studyarea (after Hintze, 1988). Figure4. Dataprocessing procedure used in thisstudy.

PE&RS 12s3 Figure 5 shows a 2D GISoverlay of the basement faults on the surface DEMdata. This demonstratesvarious degrees of correlation of surface topographic features with inter- preted basementfaults, For example,it is evident that the Comb RidgeMonocline correspondsto the position of a ma- jor subsurfacefault, In contrast,the San Juan River position, which has been interpreted as being fault controlled, can be seen to correspond to three different sub-surfacefault seg- ments, not just one. Note that Baars(1981) has suggestedthat the position of the San Juan River to the west of the study areais modified by Recentaeolian deposits. At the opposite extreme, although the major NE-SW-trending basement fault associatedwith the CoconinoLineament has a decidedsur- face expression, the position of the sub-surface structure coincident with the Four Corners Lineament is less distinc- tive and would not be evident in a zD image lineament inter- pretation alone. Montezuma Creek is the second largest drainage in the study area and has a linear surface expression traditionally attributed to fault control. When comparing the position of Montezuma Creek to subsurface features, there is no associ- ated sub-surfacefault. However, comparing the surface nsv with the depth to the basement in a 3D display (Figure 6), it is evident that the position of Montezuma Creek corresponds to the topographically lowest point in the ancestral Blanding Basin, which suggestsan alternative causal relationship. These relationships are easily verified through the incorpora- tion of geophysicalhorizons betweenthe surfaceand the Figure5. Two-dimensionaldisplay in Erdasof orv datain basement. gray-scaleand basement faults overlay (white lines). The results of this study suggestthat the relationship be- tween surface topography and sub-surfacestructures is more complex than is generally assumedin traditional two-dimen- sional imagelineament analysis.Three-dimensional display of oeu data with gravity and magnetic data yields a more complete interpretation for subsurface exploration. AutomaticStdke and Dip Determination Automated determination of strike and dip measurements from remotely sensedimagery can greatly improve structural interpretation, and has been demonstrated in several areas. Morris (1991)successfully applied thesetechniques in the Snowdonia National Park, United Kingdom, with Airborne TM data at a 5-m resolution and nnu data derived from digi- tized contours scaledto 5 m. The computed strike and dip measurementsare within 5" of field measurements(Morris, 1991). Researchersat Imagerie Stereo Appliquee au Relief (ISTAR, 1992)in Francehave demonstrated,using SPOTim- age data and image-derived oru, that similar automated techniquescan be applied successfullyat a 2O-metreresolu- tion. Lang et al. (7987 and pers. comm.) have demonstrated the use of automatic strike and dip determination in combin- ing Landsatru data ( 30-m by 30-m resolution)and uSGs 7.S-minuteDEM (30-m by 30-m resolution)to map geologi- Figure6. Displayin scM of surfaceDEM and grid of base- cally in the Big Horn Basin,to a scaleof t:25,000. It is im- ment. Notethe locationof MontezumaCreek in relation- portant to emphasis that in all three of these studies areas shipto the lowestpoint in the BlandingBasin. The the surfacegeology is exposedon a relatively flat surface attributedisplayed is elevationin metres.Surface topo- where variation in elevation is a direct reflection of the graphicfeatures are projectedonto the basementgrid. structural dip of the beds. To test automatic strike and dip techniqueson this study area, software developed at University College, University of London, by Kevin Morris was used. A trial was made with scaleand type of data, the method of interpretation,and the USGS 1'Dev which has a spatial resolution of 70 by 90 geologicalsetting of the study area.Unfortunately, repeated metres. The image data were from a decorrelatedprincipal misuse of thesetechniques has Iead to the criticism of the componentsimage from Landsatrlt bands 1,4,5,and 7, in whole of remote sensingas "geo-art"and has left many which the first three PCs were displayed in RGB.The image structural remotesensing researchers scranlbling to justify and Dnu data were rectified to the state-planecoordinate sys- their methods (Drury, 1987). tem and the image data were resampled to 70 m by 90 m to t2s4 PE&RS match the DEMresolution. Validation was with USGSmap data and field survey of the study area. Although there was an adequatematch for the construc- tion of an overlay of image and nnu for regional lithologic interpretation, there undoubtedly was registration error intro- duced due to the warping and rectification of the imagedata independentlyof the oru. This, in combinationwith the poor vertical and horizontal accuracyof the 1oosv data, Ied to failure of thesemethods to consistentlyestimate the true strike and dip of the units. There is a good surfaceexposure of lithologic boundaries;however, they are exposedon cliff faces rather than on a relatively flat surface. The fact that the Iithologic contactsin the Utah study areaare located on cliff facesthat rangebetween vertical to 40' complicatesthe ap- plication of automatic strike and dip calculation and will re- quire a very accurate match between the image and the nev data. This study has proven that a data spatial resolution of 70 m by 90 m is not adequatefor the use of automatedstrike and dip determinationin an areathat has thls type of expo- sure.An evaluationof thesemethods using the full resolu- Figure7. scM digitalterrain model of a portionof the tion TM data and USGS 7.S-minuteDEM data is currentlv in CombRidge Monocline. lmage data are a false-colorcom- progress. positeof bands1,4,5 in R,G,B,respectively. The 70- by 9O-metreDEM data havebeen resampled to 30 by 30 LithologyInterpretation metresto matchthe imageresolution. The traditional method for rock type discrimination is de- soibed by Drury (1987).Information provided by the spec- tral characteristicsof the terrain is important and is best traditional zD lineament analysis approach and the methods portrayedin multispectral color compositeimages. For this described here to interpret structural detail. study, a stretchedfalse-color composite, using bands 1,4,5in o The integration of co-registeredoru data and image data dis- RGB,respectively, was found to be preferableto principle played in three dimensions is a more effective method for in- componentsmethods. terpreting surface lithology than the traditional 2D imaSe in this study, the integrationof co-registeredimage data interpretation approach. The results of this study demonstrate and nevt data displayedin three dimensionswas found to that, through a 3D combination of the lru and image data, significantly increasethe easeof interpretationof rock types. the distribution of lithology is easily interpreted and better A portion of the surfacelithology model is shown in Figure understood. o The use of automatic strike and dip algorithms in study areas 7. The areais the southernpart of Comb Ridge displayed of this type is expected to be unsuccessful at the DEUresolu- with 3O-metrepixel resolution (DEM70- by 90-m data resam- tion on the order of z0 by 90 metres, and higher resolution pled to 30 m by 30 m). Due to the low sun angle at the time DEMdata are recommended. of imaging,much of the NW portion of Comb Ridge is in methodology has yet to be shadow.But the integrationand so modeling can overcome Although the full potential of this using these methods, so models this problem. Lithological contactsare associatedwith subtle tested, it is envisioned that, remotely sensed data sources, such slopebreaks on the cliff faces.Thus, through interpretation can be constructed from gravity aeromagnetic surveys, to on the southern facesof the cliffs of spectralvariance in the as satellite imagery, and and regional geological relationships. imageassociated with lithology contacts,and identified with gain an understanding of could be utilized in the a slopebreak in the oev data, the lithologic contactscan be This provides a low-cost method that The initial model can extrapolatedto the northwesternshadowed areas. The SGv early stages of petroleum exploration. intermediate horizons con- softwareallows the interpreterto produce a variety of per- be later expanded by including geophysical data or wellJog data to un- spectiveviews through interactiverotation of the model on structed with either geologic history of a given sedimentary basin. screen.These factors greatly improve the interpretationof ravel the full with established the surfacegeology. Results can then be used in conjunction basin analysis techniques. Conclusions Acknowledgments The methods used in this study have demonstrated the use- This work was supportedby TexacoInc., The PetroleumSci- fulness of this approach as a petroleum exploration tool. The ence and Technology Institute (PsrD, and The AAPG Grant- advantages are in-Aid Program. Special thanks to Texaco and The Petroleum o The combinedmodeling of basementstructures and topo- Science and Technology Institute for allowing for this work graphic features gives the structural interpreter a better un- to be published. The paper published here is PsrI contribu- derstandingof the relationshipbetween surface topography tion No. B. and sub-surfacestructure. The results of this study suggest that the traditional two-dimensional lineament analysis ap- proach is over simplified. More studies,using the methodol- References ogy described here on a variety of structural settings, are of the San Rivet, needed to fully understand how topographic expression re- Baars, D.L., 198t. Geologr of the Canyons luan 94 p. lates to sub-surfacestructural geology.In the meantime, stud- Four Corners Geological Society, Durango Colorado, ies of satellite imagery should use a combination of the Baker,R.N., 1991.Envhonmental RemoteSensing for the Peboleum In-

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