PASSOVER SCHEDULE CHABAD OF TARZANA 5781 Thursday - March 25th 13th of Nissan

Siyum for Fast of First Born: 7:30 am (at Chabad of Encino). The Siyum will also be broadcast on zoom for those who are still not comfortable attending in-person services. Here is a link to join. Password: 066858

Bedikas Chometz (Search for Chometz): 7:35 pm .

Friday – March 26th - Erev Shabbos Hagadol


Shacharis: 7:00 am (at Chabad of Encino).

Burn Chometz by: 11:57 am. Click here for more info. We will have a communal Chometz burning at Chabad of Tarzana from 9:00 am - 11:57 am. (Note for t hose who are still not comfortable attending in-person services, if you don't have a safe place to burn the chometz at home such as a fireplace or fire pit, you should instead flush your chometz down the toilet and not burn it.) This year, while burning the chametz, we do not nullify the Chometz but rather we wait till Shabbos morning to do so.


Eating Challah on this Unique Shabbos - Friday Night

There is a mitzvah to eat bread at the Friday night and morning meals. the dilemma on this unique Shabbos is, on the one hand by this time your house will already be cleaned for Pesach and Chometz-free. However, i t is also forbidden to eat matzah at this time, to ensure that we have a hearty appetite for it on Passover eve.

The solution is, we retain a small quantity of chametz such as challah rolls, to use for the Hamotzi and eat them carefully, in a corner of the room away from the table, food and Pesach dishes. We then safely put away the remaining challah for the Shabbos morning meal.

Candle Lighting: 6:53 pm.

Mincha/Kabolas Shabbos/: 7:05 pm. We recite the regular Friday night prayers of Kabolas Shabbos and Maariv.

The Friday night meal is a regular Shabbos meal with the regular Shabbos Kiddush. When saying Hamotzie over the Challah be extremely careful to keep the Challah away from the food and utensils, all of which are strictly kosher for Passover by this time. Any left over Challah should be carefully put aside to be gotten rid of on Shabbos morning. Shabbos - March 27th - Shabbos Hagadol


Shacharis: 7:30 am. We recite the regular Shabbos prayers. The Haftoro is the Special Haftoro for Shabbos Hagadol. (On Shabbas morning, services are held early so that the two challah loaves (which are chometz), can be eaten before the chometz eating deadline which is 10:54 am.)

Finish Eating Chometz Before: 10:54 am.

Nullify Chometz Before: 11:56 am As chometz cannot burned, on Shabbos, any remaining challah pieces and crumbs should be flushed down the toilet. At this point, we say the second Kol Chamira declaration, disowning any leftover chametz. "All leaven and anything leavened that is in my possession - whether I have seen it or not, whether I have observed it or not, whether I have removed it or not - shall be considered naught and ownerless as the dust of the earth"


Mincha/Maariv: 6:40 pm. Click here for the complete order of Prayers for Pesach with page numbers for the Tehillat Hashem , Annotated Edition, when praying without a minyan

• Mincha pg. 253

o pg. 543 (Shmini)

o Shabbos Mincha Amida pg. 260

Hagaddah for Shabbos Hagadol pg. 398 - 405 (To be recited right after mincha)

Korban Pesach Service pg. 407 (To be recited right after Hagaddah)

• Maariv pg. 161

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add inserts for Passover and Saturday night)

o pg. 307. (We recite the Complete Hallel during Maariv on the first 2 nights of Pesach)

o pg. 174 Candle Lighting: After 7:49 pm. Light from a pre-existing flame.

The First Seder: After 7:49 pm. The Seder should begin immediately upon returning form shul.

Finish Afikoman by: 12:58 am.

Sunday – March 28th 1st Day of Pesach

Latest Shema: 9:50 am.

Shacharis: 10:00 am.

• Shacharis for Festivals pg. 181

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add inserts for Passover)

o Hallel pg. 307

o pg. 71 (Song of the Day for Sunday)

o Torah Reading pg. 496 Musaf Festival Amida pg. 340. We begin to insert "Morid Hatal" and continue to do so in every prayer until Shmini Atzeres.

Tefilas Tal (Prayer for Dew) pg. 354. (The month of Nissan marks the ends of the "season of rains" in the Holy Land. Beginning with the prayer of the 1st day of Passover, we omit the passage in our prayers praising G‑d's greatness as a provider of rain (Mashiv haruach umorid hageshem), substituting it with the words Morid hatal ("Who brings down dew"). Mincha: 7:05 pm.

• Mincha pg. 253

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add inserts for Passover)

Sunday Evening - March 28th 2nd Night of Pesach

Candle lighting time: After 7:49 pm . Light from a pre-existing flame.

Maariv: 8:00 pm

• Maariv pg. 161

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover inserts)

o Hallel pg. 307. (We recite the Complete Hallel during Maariv on the first 2 nights of Pesach)

o Counting the Omer pg. 136 Click here for more info.

o Aleinu pg. 174 Second Seder: After 7:59 pm. The Seder should begin immediately upon returning form shul.

Monday - March 29th 2nd Day of Pesach

Latest Shema: 9:49 am.

Shacharis: 10:00 am.

• Shacharis for Festivals pg. 181

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover inserts)

o Hallel pg. 307

o Shir Shel Yom pg. 72 (Song of the Day for Monday)

o Torah Reading pg. 498 • Musaf Festival Amida pg. 340 (add all Passover inserts)

Mincha: 7:05 pm.

• Mincha pg. 253

o Festival Amida pg. 260 (add all Passover inserts) Yom Tov Ends/Maariv: 7:50 pm.

• Maariv pg. 118

o Maariv Amida pg. 123 (We begin saying V'sain Brocho in the paragraph of Boreich. We continue to say this in every weekday Amidah until the Maariv prayer on Dec. 4th. Remember to insert Yaaleh V'yavo

o Counting the Omer pg. 136

o Aleinu pg. 126

o Havdolo pg. 297 (No spices or candle)

Tues. - Fri. March 30th - April 2nd - Chol Hamoed

Shacharis: 7:00 am (at Chabad of Encino).

• Shacharis for weekdays pg. 27

o Weekday Amida pg. 45 (Remember to insert Yaaleh V'yavo with the insert for Passover)

o Half Hallel pg. 307 (for half hallel we omit the paragraphs of Lo Lanu and Ahavti on page 308)

o Torah Reading - Tues. pg. 502, Wed. pg. 503, Thurs. pg. 504, Fri. pg. 505

o Musaf Festival & Chol Hamoed Amida pg. 340 (add Passover and Chol Hamoed inserts. On pg. 344 add in the insert for the last 6 days of Pesach.)

Mincha/Maariv: 7:05 pm.

Weekday Amida (Remember to insert Yaaleh V'yavo with the insert for Passover)

Friday Evening April 2nd - 7th Night of Pesach

Candle Lighting: 6:58 pm

Mincha & Kabbolas Shabbos/Maariv: 7:10 pm

Mincha pg. 101 (Remember to insert Yaaleh V'yavo with the insert for Passover)

Kabolas Shabbos pg. 156 (When Shabbos falls on Yom Tov we begin with Mizmor L'Dovid

• Maariv pg. 161

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover and Shabbos inserts)

o Vayechulu pg. 172

o Counting the Omer pg. 136 (6th day of the Omer)

o Aleinu pg. 174 Late Night Learning: To commemorate the fact that the splitting of the Red Sea took place throughout the 7th night following the Exodus from Egypt, many have the custom to stay awake late into the night studying Torah. Click here for a variety of articles and in-depth talks regarding the splitting of the Red Sea which can be printed before Yom Tov.

Shabbos April 3rd - 7th Day of Pesach

Latest Shema: 9:45 am.

Shacharis: 10:00 am.

• Shacharis for Shabbos & Festivals pg. 181

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover and Shabbos inserts)

o Half Hallel pg. 307 (for half hallel we omit the paragraphs of Lo Lanu and Ahavti on page 308)

o Shir Shel Yom pg. 218 (Song of the Day for Shabbos) • Torah Reading pg. 509

pg. 232 • Musaf Festival Amida pg. 340. (add all Passover and Shabbos inserts)

o Ein Kelokeinu pg. 242

o Aleinu pg. 244 Mincha: 7:05 pm.

• Mincha pg. 253

o Torah Reading pg. 543 (Shmini)

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover and Shabbos inserts)

o Aleinu pg. 267

Sat. Night April 3rd - 8th Night of Pesach

Candle lighting time: After 7:54 pm. Light from a pre-existing flame.

Maariv: 7:55 pm.

• Maariv pg. 161

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover inserts)

o Counting the Omer pg. 136 (the 7th day of the Omer)

o Aleinu pg. 174

Sunday, April 4th - 8th Day of Pesach

Latest Shema: 9:45 am.

Shacharis: 10:00 am.

• Shacharis for Festivals pg. 181

o Festival Amida pg. 331 (add all Passover inserts)

o Half Hallel pg. 307 (for half hallel we omit the paragraphs of Lo Lanu and Ahavti on page 308) o Shir Shel Yom pg. 71 (Song of the Day for Sunday) • Torah Reading pg. 514 (Bottom of the page)

• Yizkor pg. 338 (when one is unable to attend shul, Yizkor can be said at home)

• Ashrei pg. 232

• Musaf Festival Amida pg. 340 (add all Passover inserts)

o Ein Kelokeinu pg. 242

o Aleinu pg. 244 Mincha: 5:15 pm.

• Mincha pg. 253

o Festival Amida pg. 331(add all Passover inserts)

o Aleinu pg. 267 Moshiach's Seudah at Your Home: 6:15 pm. The Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of partaking of a "Moshiach's meal" on the afternoon of the last day of Passover; in addition to the matzah eaten at "Moshiach's meal", the Rebbes of Chabad added the custom of drinking four cups of wine, as in the seder held on Passover's first days.

Each year at Chabad of Tarzana we dedicate our Moshiach's Seudah in loving memory of :

Rabbi Gordon’s father – Harav Sholom Dovber ben Harav Yochanon ob'm,

Rabbi Greene’s father – Reb Yehuda ben Aharon Eliyahu ob'm as we observer their Yahrtzeits on this day.

Maariv/Yom Tov Ends: 8:05 pm.

• Maariv pg. 118

o Maariv Amida pg. 123

o Count the Omer pg. 136 (8th day of the Omer) It is best to wait about an hour before eating from the Chometz which you sold, in order to allow the Rabbi time to buy it back.