Shr ink ing Cit ies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANCHESTER / LIVERPOOL II LIVERPOOL / MANCHESTER ARBEITSMATERIALIEN WORK ING PAPERS PABOCIE MATEPIALY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANCHESTER / LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER / LIVERPOOL II --------------------------------------------- March 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shrinking Cities A project initiated by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Federal Cultural Foundation, Germany) in cooperation with the Gallery for Contemporary Art Leipzig, Bauhaus Foundation Dessau and the journal Archplus. Office Philipp Oswalt, Eisenacher Str. 74, D-10823 Berlin, P: +49 (0)30 81 82 19-11, F: +49 (0)30 81 82 19-12, II
[email protected], TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3INTRODUCTION Philipp Misselwitz 5MAP OF THE M62 REGION 6STATISTICAL DATA: MANCHESTER / LIVERPOOL Ed Ferrari, Anke Hagemann, Peter Lee, Nora Müller and Jonathan Roberts M62 REGION 11 ABANDONMENT AS OPPORTUNITY Katherine Mumford and Anne Power 17 CHANGING HOUSING MARKETS AND URBAN REGENERATION: THE CASE OF THE M62 CORRIDOR Brendan Nevin, Peter Lee, Lisa Goodson, Alan Murie, Jenny Phillimore and Jonathan Roberts 22 CHANGING EMPLOYMENT GEOGRAPHY IN ENGLAND’S NORTH WEST Cecilia Wong, Mark Baker and Nick Gallent MANCHESTER 32 MANCHESTER CITY