Program of the 70th anniversary of the Landing in Up to date: 3rd February 2014 Events are subject to change and these are not all the events. Check the internet for the various organizations.

Thursday 29th and Friday, 30th May:

10.30 p.m.: Sound and Light show about the Liberation in , at Manoir de la Hougue, followed by a great firework. Organization: Comité des fêtes - [email protected]

Friday, 30th May

HEMEVEZ 9 p.m.: Local choir festival on the theme of Peace and Freedom from the 30th may till 1st June Organization: Association of Heritage preservation and Townhall - 0033 645 63 88 39 or [email protected]

Saturday, 31st May:

CARENTAN Morning: Start of the 14th meeting of convertible cars (time and place to be defined) Organization: Townhall and Mr Neveu (association “Cabriolets en ”) Opening of the Arizona Camp (organization: CAPA) with 420 participants, 150 vehicles including 5 Armored ones. Several animations (see details below in “US camps”)

HEMEVEZ 9 p.m.: Local choir festival on the theme of Peace and Freedom from the 30th may till 1st June Organization: Association of Heritage preservation and Townhall - 0033 645 63 88 39 or [email protected]

SAINTE MERE EGLISE 8.30 p.m.: Concert Jazz Bill Carrothers and with two choirs “Maitrise de ” and “American Boy Choir”, on the podium, on the church’ square. Organization: CG50 and Townhall

UTAH BEACH-SAINTE MERE EGLISE 10a.m. - 5 p.m.: International March for Peace (around 20 km). Start from and arrival in Sainte Mère Eglise. Organization: Centre paroissial - Tel: 00 33 233 41 41 48 or [email protected]

Sunday, 1st of June:

CARENTAN 2.30-6.30 p.m.: Conference with Denis Van Den Brick who will recall the chronology of the days before D-Day: Training of paratroopers in England, the civilian life in (by Patrick Fissot) and the everyday’s life of German soldiers. Exhibition of photos and equipment, at salle des fête, theatre room (place to be confirmed). Everyone is welcome. Organization: Amis de la 101e Airborne - Sébastien Lesné - [email protected] HEMEVEZ 3 p.m.: Local choir festival on the theme of Peace and Freedom from the 30th may till 1st June Organization: Association of Heritage preservation and Townhall - 0033 645 63 88 39 or [email protected]

PICAUVILLE During the day: Military fair, at salle polyvalente. Organization: se souvient - Tel: 00 33 233 41 02 48 or [email protected]

UTAH BEACH 70m Fresco specially created for the 70th anniversary of the Landing by pupils of different nationalities, exhibited on the beach. Project of the Conseil Général. (to be confirmed) Monday, 2nd, Tuesday, 3rd and Wednesday, 4th of June French TV program “Midi en France” will be shot in Sainte Mère Eglise, on the church’ square.

Monday, 2nd June

UTAH BEACH Inauguration of the Tree of Freedom (to be confirmed) 70 groups of young Normans gather currently 70 testimonies of people which have lived the Landing and the Battle of Normandy. They can be Veterans, resistance fighters, inhabitants, children of deportee, Germans… Following this gathering, 70 extracts of these testimonies will be hung on 3 Trees of Freedom, planted in Ouistreham, Montormel and Utah Beach

Tuesday, 3rd June

American troops will be there from the 3rd until the 9th of June (350 soldiers in Carentan, sport hall of Haut Dick, 300 soldiers in Sainte Mère Eglise) 150 French soldiers from the 6e RG (Engineer Regiment) of the 9e BIMa (Marine Infantry Brigade) from Angers will be stationed at the sport hall Jean Truffaut.

CARENTAN 8 p.m.: Theatre-spectacle “What if we build Peace together?”, in French, English and German. Organization: Collège of Sainte Mère Eglise

SAINTE MERE EGLISE 2.30 p.m.: Dedication time by Antonin Dehays for his book “Sainte Mère Eglise - un sanctuaire américain en Normandie”, in the Airborne Museum - 0033 233 41 41 35 or infos@airbornemuseum. org 6 p.m.: Soldiers have dinner in the local families. Meeting at the salle des fêtes, next to the townhall. Registration: [email protected] or [email protected] or 0033 233 21 00 33. Organization: AVA (Amis des Vétérans Américains)

Wednesday, 4th June:

AMFREVILLE 11.30 a.m.: Ceremony at the 507th PIR Monument. Organization: Townhall with US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude 2.30 p.m.: Ceremony at the “Timmes Orchard” Monument. Organization: Townhall with US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude 6 p.m.: Historic Walk with commentaries (tour to be defined). Limited number of participants - With prior booking at the Tourist Office - Tel: 00 33 233 21 00 33 or [email protected]. Souvenir leaflet: 5 €. Organization: Communauté de Communes in partnership with the association US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude

CARENTAN 1.00-1.30 p.m.: Parachute drop from C-47 planes with around 250 men in re-enactment clothes. The planes will leave Portsmouth, GB and make a fly over Utah Beach before the parachute drop above Carentan, after the Palm roundabout, direction St Côme du Mont, on the left. Organization: Townhall and RCPT (Round Canopy Parachuting Team) - [email protected] With the American, Dutch, German and French soldiers:

5.00 p.m.: Inauguration of the Cole Monument, at the Palm roundabout (north side of Carentan) 5.30 p.m.: Official ceremony, at the Carré de Choux (Route of St Come, in front of But department’ store) 6 p.m.: Ceremony at the Signal Monument (next to the townhall, in front of the train station)

GOURBESVILLE 10 a.m.: Ceremony at the 90th ID and 82nd AB. Organization: Townhall

MONTEBOURG 2:30 or 5 p.m. (to be confirmed): Ceremony. Organization: Townhall

PICAUVILLE 4.00 p.m.: Ceremony on the site dedicated to Chaplain Maternowski, at the Guetteville hamlet. Organization: US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude

SAINTE MERE EGLISE During the day: Military Fair in Sainte Mère Eglise at the hall market Organization: Association Timberwolves Tel: 00 33 608 45 24 65 or [email protected]

Thursday, 5th June:

CARENTAN 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Military Fair at the hall market, road of Périers Free entrance. Exhibitor: 15€/m. Information and booking: 0033 671 96 46 70 or [email protected] Morning: presentation of amphibian vehicles, on the marina 2.30 p.m.: Choir with 160 children (Liberation songs). Organization: schools of Carentan Military music (to be confirmed) 3.00 p.m.: Parade of amphibian vehicles in the canal of Haut Dick with 15 amphibian jeeps, 1 GMC Duck… with music entertainment. A commentary will give you the vehicles’ story and their particularities. Organization: Captain Pierrejean and Townhall - 0033 233 42 74 00

CHEF DU PONT 2 p.m.: Ceremony at the Rex Comb Square. Organization: Townhall

HIESVILLE Historic Walk (9 km). “The night the Eagles screamed” Meeting at the car park of the village. Limited number of participants - With prior booking at the Tourist Office - Tel: 00 33 233 21 00 33 or [email protected]. Souvenir leaflet: 3 €. Organization: Communauté de Communes de Sainte Mère Eglise.

PICAUVILLE 10 a.m.: Ceremony dedicated to the Airborne troops and the flight crew, at the USAAF Monument, Prieuré’ square, with 200 American soldiers and 150 German soldiers with their music, the American Guard of Honor, a bugle player and an American and a German chaplain. Inauguration of the Monument dedicated to the A8 Airfield American Pilots, killed in duty. Fly over by an American Airforce Aircraft. Organization: Townhall in partnership with Picauville se souvient

SAINT COME DU MONT 10.30 a.m.: Inauguration of the new plaque in memory of Joe Beyrle (506th, 101st AB) with his family, including his two sons (one is an American Ambassador in Russia), at the church.


Conference on the American glider’s pilots, by Philippe Esvelin At the D-Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum - 0033 233 42 00 42 or [email protected] 3 p.m.: conference in English:: 6.30 p.m.: conference in French

SAINTE MARIE DU MONT 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.: Military Fair in Sainte Marie du Mont in open air next to the sport field. Free entrance. Information and booking: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 00 33 233 71 56 54 or [email protected] 7.30 p.m.: Parachute drop from C47 planes on Utah Beach. Organization: Utah Beach Museum - 0033 233 71 53 35 or [email protected] 8.00 - 9.30 p.m.: Official Ceremony at Utah Beach with the French army. Legion of Honor given to John Roman, David and Gene Dewhurst. Organization: Townhall 9.30-11 p.m.: Concert of Gary Sinise with The Lt Dan Band, at the Utah Beach Museum (to be confirmed) 10.45/11 p.m.: Lightning of the Norman coast with 23 simultaneous fireworks along the coastline. In Utah Beach, firework and Military music

SAINTE MERE EGLISE 4 p.m.: Official ceremony at the Signal Monument, on the church’ square. Organization: Townhall 5 p.m.: Inauguration of the Airborne Museum’s extension (on invitation) 7 p.m.: Memorial service in the church with the “Sonoran Desert Chorale” (Arizona). Several civilian and military VIP Organization: AVA

Friday, 6th June:

CARENTAN 11.30 a.m.: Ceremony dedicated to women with balloon release. At Arizona Camp, road to Périers 4 p.m. (hour to be confirmed): Hike “on the steps of the Refugees of Carentan” who have left the town on the 6th of June 1944, after the bombings. Organization: Patrick Fissot and Tourist Office in Carentan - 0033 233 71 23 50 or [email protected] 9.30 p.m.: Spectacles by the local associations of dance, swing’n dance, at the racecourse. 11 p.m.: Firework, at the racecourse

PICAUVILLE 5 p.m.: Presentation of the French-German Friendship with texts and songs. Dedication to the Citizens of Honor and all US soldiers who have given us back our Freedom. General Leclerc’ square. Organization: Association Patrimoine with La Gabare choir - [email protected] 7.00 p.m.: Ceremony at the 90th ID Monument, rue Pasteur. Organization: Townhall in partnership with Picauville se souvient 8.00 p.m.: Friendship diner at salle polyvalente. Information and booking: Association Picauville se souvient: 0033 233 41 02 48 or [email protected]

SAINT COME DU MONT Inauguration of the Airborne Memorial Wall at the Dead Man’s Corner Museum (time to be defined). Since 2007, St Côme du Mont Museum has a project of Commemorative Wall: graved stones with the donator name and Veteran name (82nd or 101st Airborne Paratrooper or C47 plane pilot) will be set to build this honor wall. Anyone wishing to purchase a stone can contact At the D-Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum: 0033 233 42 00 42 or [email protected]

SAINTE MARIE DU MONT 9.00 a.m.: French-Danish Ceremony on Utah Beach, at the Danish Monument (to be confirmed) 10.00 a.m.: IVY March in Sainte Marie du Mont. Follow the itinerary used by the 4th ID on June, 6th 1944. Start in front of the Utah Beach Museum and arrival in Sainte Marie du Mont around 1 p.m. Information and booking: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected] 11 a.m.: Oecumenical mass on the beach. Organization: Centre Paroissial of Sainte Mère Eglise (to be confirmed) 11 a.m.: Ceremony at the Angelos Chatas USN Monument with the daughter and grand-daughter of A. Chatas (Utah Beach, direction Beauguillot Bird Sanctuary). Organization: Association des Amis du Jour J d’Utah Beach 1 p.m.: Arrival of the IVY March in Sainte Marie du Mont 4 to 5 p.m.: Fiona Harrison’s concert (1940’ songs), on the church’ square 5.00 p.m.: Welcome to Veterans (to be confirmed). Organization: UNC 8.00 p.m.: Projection of the documentary « Eagles of Mercy », with the Veterans and the actors of TV miniseries “Band of Brothers”: 2 American medics took care of the wounded in the church of Angoville au Plain in the early day of the 6th June 1944. At the Utah Beach Museum. Private projection on booking on 8.30 p.m.: Dance of the Liberation on the church’ square. Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected]

SAINTE MERE EGLISE All day long: Tandem parachute jumps above Sainte Mère Eglise. Dive in History during the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. Meeting at the Cherbourg- Maupertus airport to get into the plane and fly above the Cotentin and Utah Beach Coasts before your get ready to jump above Sainte Mère Eglise! Prices: 365 €/person, video+photos: 130 €, video: 100 € Booking: Tourist Office of Sainte Mère Eglise - 0033 233 21 00 33 or [email protected] 9.30 a.m.: Dedication time by Ronalds Ooms for his book “The Official Biography of Band of Brothers Veteran Clancy Lyall », at the Airborne Museum - 0033 233 41 41 35 or [email protected] 2 to 5 p.m.: US concerts and Welcome to Veterans, on the church’ square 2-2.30 p.m.: « Eisenhower Elite Energy » of Eisenhower High School (50 singers) 2.30-3 p.m.: Alexandria Hamonizers (95 singers) 3-5 p.m. : Concert followed by a great American parade in town with 350 musicians of the three groups: East Burke High School « Marching Cavaliers », Lakeshore High School “Lancer Marching Band”, University of Texas San Antonio “Roadrunner Marching Band”

9 p.m.: Concert for Peace, on the church’ square with the regional orchestra and a choir. (or in the church according to the weather conditions) Official International Ceremony in Ouistreham with the Heads of state (time to be determined) Saturday, 7th June:

AMFREVILLE 10.30 a.m.: Inauguration of a new monument on the Site “Charles De Glopper" and the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment (GIR) at Hameau Flaux in Amfreville. 11.30 a.m.: Inauguration of a new monument (Glider wing) next to the Cauquigny Chapel Organization: US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude - ou / [email protected]

ANGOVILLE AU PLAIN 10.30 a.m.: Mass in the church 11.30 a.m. Ceremony at the monument dedicated to the medics Robert E. WRIGHT and Kenneth J MOORE from the 2nd Battalion of the 501st PIR of the . Organization:Townhall

CARENTAN 8.30 a.m.: Start of the Carentan Liberty March from Carentan, at the marina. Organization: Carentan Liberty Group: [email protected] 3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.: Animations, place de la république Music and dance with the Three Belles and The Bevin Boys, demonstrations of dance Exodus re- enactment Vehicles parade 4.30 p.m.: Arrival of the Carentan Liberty March, re-enactment of the 23rd June 1944 ceremony “Silver Star”, place de la république 5.00 p.m.: Flash mob with 1940’s music , place de la république 8.30 p.m.: Great Dance of the Liberation animated by the Big Band “Tea for Two” with 21 musicians, the Three Belles and The Bevin Boys. Flash Mob with 1940’s music, at the racecourse. 1940’s atmosphere. Please wear 1940’s clothes. Entrance fee: 6 € Organization: Carentan Liberty Group - 0033 233 42 19 86

CATZ 10.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m.: Jeep gathering ( with collectors from around the world. More information: At the Normandy Tank Museum: [email protected] or 0033 233 44 39 45

ECAUSSEVILLE 2 p.m.: Re-enactment of 1944 parachute drop with 10 C-47 planes Organization: RCPT Demonstrations of parachute folding. Grilled meat to take away on site. At the Airship Hangar: [email protected] or 0033 233 08 56 02

GRAIGNES 5.30 p.m.: Ceremony. Organization: Townhall

PICAUVILLE 9 a.m.: Hike on the « historic paths » of Picauville and Etienville. English and French commentaries. Organization: Association Patrimoine - [email protected] or 0033 607 48 09 95 SAINTE MARIE DU MONT 10 a.m.-6 p.m.: Exhibition of Armored vehicles and tow trucks. Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected]

3 p.m.: Spectacle "Let’s build Peace together" on the church square by 39 French, American and German high school students. Organization: Collège (high school) of Sainte Mère Eglise (à confirmer) 7.30 p.m.: Parade of the Major Girls in Sainte Marie du Mont. Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected] 9.00-11.00 p.m.: Theatre mini-plays by the teenagers of Ste Mère Eglise Secondary school in the Utah Beach Museum.

SAINTE MERE EGLISE All day long: Tandem parachute jumps above Sainte Mère Eglise. Dive in History during the 70th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy. Meeting at the Cherbourg- Maupertus airport to get into the plane and fly above the Cotentin and Utah Beach Coasts before your get ready to jump above Sainte Mère Eglise! Prices: 365 €/person, video+photos: 130 €, video: 100 € Booking: Tourist Office of Sainte Mère Eglise - 0033 233 21 00 33 or [email protected]

PHILIPPE ESVELIN A MEMBER OF THE NATIONALWWII GLIDER PILOT’S ASSOCIATION IS ASKING THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE GLIDER PILOTS AND ARE ATTENDING THE 70TH D-DAY EVENTS IN FRANCE, TO CONTACT HIM. [email protected] 10.00 to 11.00 a.m.: Conference on the gliders by Philippe Esvelin in the Airborne Museum. In French language. (At 2 p.m. in English)

11.00 a.m.: Spectacle "Let’s build Peace together" on the church square by 39 French, American and German high school students (to be confirmed) Organization: high school of Sainte Mère Eglise 12.00 p.m.: Parade of 150 Harley Davidson. Ducs de Normandy Chapter Club 1.00 p.m.: Picnic Normandy-Day with concert “Ducky Jim Trio” (50’s Rockabilly band) on the church square. Share this moment where each one brings its picnic. Tables at your disposal and take away (grilled meat) on the square. Organization: Townhall 2.00 - 8.30 p.m.: In deambulation in town, the band “la Banda Jojo”, 30’s-60’s jazz band.

2.00 to 3.00 p.m.: Conference on the gliders by Philippe Esvelin in the Airborne Museum. In English language. (At 10 a.m. in French) 3.00-4.00 p.m.: Concert of the Holland American Legion Band (Michigan Brass Band), on the church square 5.00-6.00 p.m.: Ceremony for Peace with the children, on the church’ square. Organization :Townhall 7.00 p.m.: Banquet of the Liberty in Ste Mère Eglise at the market hall. Share this dinner and evening with the Veterans and soldiers of many nationalities who will make the Sunday’ spectacle during the parachute drop! Norman and American Animations. Organization: AVA (Amis des Vétérans Américains).29 €/Adult, 19€/child from 4 to 10 years old included - free for children under 4 years old (Prices until 1st May 2014, price will rise afterwards). Limited places. Booking is confirmed after payment has been received. Booking: Tourist Office : 00 33 233 21 00 33 or [email protected] 8.00 p.m.-2.00 a.m. : Concerts, on the church’ square 8.00-9.00 p.m.: Concert « le Jazz le plus long » 9.15-10.15 p.m.: « Dota und die Stadt Piraten » (German band) 10.30-11.30 p.m.: « A Fond’De Cale » 11.30-11.45 p.m.: Concert Finale with the instrumental « Ode to Joy » played by the 3 groups on the stage 11.50 p.m.-00.10 a.m.: Fireworks on the church square. Organization: Townhall 00.15 a.m.: Dance of the Liberation with « Dénécheau Jazz Musette » (1940’s music), on the church’ square. Organization: Townhall

Sunday, 8th June:

BREVANDS Ceremony at the hamlet “le Moulin”

CARENTAN 11.00 a.m.: Mass at the Notre Dame Church 12.00 p.m.: Parade of military vehicles in town and exhibition on the Square “marché aux pommes” 8.30 p.m.: Concert by the Holland American Legion Band (50 musicians). In first part, the Carentan Harmony Orchestra. At salle des fêtes, theatre room. Organization: Townhall

SAINTE MARIE DU MONT 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.: « Utah Red Ball » in Sainte Marie du Mont. Convoy of GMC on the Utah Beach sector. Information and booking: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected] 3 p.m.: Concert of the Legion Band with 50 musicians, on Utah Beach. Organization: Utah Beach Museum 5.00 p.m.: Conference on “the liberation by the American troops of the South West Bohemia”, in partnership with Pilsen (Czech republic) 8.30 p.m.: Concert in the church. Organization: Townhall 9.00-11.00 p.m.: Theatre mini-plays by the teenagers of Ste Mère Eglise Secondary school in the Utah Beach Museum.

SAINTE MERE EGLISE 8.30 a.m.: Vintage cycling hike with 1940-45’s bicycles, clothes and uniforms Limited to 70 participants. Registration: 00 33 243 21 21 46 or [email protected] Organization: CVMO in partnership with MVCG Bretagne, CLG, CAPA and la Roulotte Gauloise 9.30 a.m.: Ceremony at the Temporary Military Cemeteries Monument, at the sportfield. Organization: Townhall 10 a.m.: Memorial Mass, in the church. Organization: Centre paroissial 11.45 a.m.: Welcome to 300 to 350 “Friends of the Way of Liberty” cyclers, at the Borne 0, in front of the Townhall. Booking starts in January 2014. PARACHUTAGES - La Fière Site (Kellam Bridge) - 3 km away from the center 9.30 a.m.: Re-enactment of 1944 parachute drop with 10 C-47 planes. Organization: RCPT, LJT and Townhall 11.00 a.m.: Ecumenical Memorial Mass 11.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m.: Parade of the band “la Banda Jojo” on the site Starting at 12.00 p.m.: International Military Parachute drops with 700 soldiers of several nationalities, on the site. Patrouille de France (French squadron’s airshow) - To be confirmed 4 p.m.: Official Ceremony at the Iron Mike Monument. The French Medal of Honor will be given to the American Veteran Fred Morgan (paratrooper medic with the 82nd Airborne). Organization: Townhall 2.30 p.m.: Concert with “Melon Jazz Band” (25 musicians) 4.p.m.: Vintage cycling hike is back in town! 5 p.m.: Flash Mob with 1940’s music, on the church’ square 6 p.m.: Welcome to the paratroopers, on the church’ square Inauguration of the monument “Tribute to the Allied paratroopers of June 1944”, on the church’ square. Organization: AVA 6.15 p.m.: Fly over by the C-47 planes 6.30 p.m.: Military Brass bands, on the church’ square 8.30-10.00 p.m.: Concert with “Melon Jazz Band” (25 musicians) or “Kid Rock” on the church’ square

Monday, 9th June

AZEVILLE Tie to be defined: Historical conference and film projection in open air. Organization: Battery - 0033 233 40 63 05 or [email protected]

PICAUVILLE 11.00 a.m.: Mass and wreath laying in dedication to the civilian and military victims of the 1939-1945 period. In the church. Organization: Association Patrimoine - [email protected]

SAINT COME DU MONT 10.30 a.m.: Inauguration of the plaque in memory of LTC Wolverton, killed on the 6th of June Organization: Townhall

SAINTENY 9.30 a.m.: Gathering, at the Townhall Inauguration and ceremony at the Roserie Monument (at the end of the town, 2nd street, on the left) Ceremony at the Forge Monument (D971, axe Periers-Carentan) Reception in Sainteny, at the Townhall. Organization: Townhall

SAINTE MERE EGLISE 11.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.: Music entertainment of the “Camion Jazz” with “Jazz-Unit Normandie”, “Glenn Project” and “la Fanfare Overlord”, in town.

UTAH BEACH 10.30 a.m.: Comanche ceremony with spectacle of dances and songs

Wednesday, 11th June

CARENTAN Training of the Engineers soldiers from Angers on the harbor Thursday, 12th June

CARENTAN 5.30 p.m.: Ceremony dedicated to civilian victims at the war memorial. Carentan was liberated on the 12th June 1944. 8.30 p.m.: Testimony evening. Organization: Patrick Fissot

UTAH BEACH 4 p.m.: Start of the “Ultra D-Day Trail” in Utah Beach. From 7 nations linked to D-DAY, 7 ultra- runners, unpaid top athletes will be associated to 5 soldiers from 5 prestigious academies to run 100 miles on the 5 D-Day beaches. Arrival is on the Friday, 13th June at 2 p.m. at the Memorial of Caen, after 10 check points. Saturday, 14th May and Sunday, 15th of June:

SAINTE MERE EGLISE During the day: 6th Book show « History and Memories »: More than 50 national and regional authors. At the townhall. (to be confirmed) Organization: Communauté de Communes and Libraries During several days: From Sunday, 25th of May till Monday, 30th of June

PICAUVILLE Exhibition of Pont-l’Abbé-Picauville photos before 1944 and now, with commentaries. A the salle T. Porcella. Organization: Association Patrimoine - [email protected] From Friday, 30th May till Sunday, 1st June

HEMEVEZ Local choir festival on the theme of Peace and Freedom at 9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Organization: Association of Heritage preservation and Townhall - 0033 645 63 88 39 or [email protected]

From Friday, 30th of May till Saturday, 30th of August

SAINT CÔME DU MONT Exhibition “The greatest Generation Memorial Exhibit 2” and the Stars & Stripes newspaper in Normandie, in the presence of Captain Mc Namara (Chief of Stars & Stripes Detachment 1 in Normandy in June 1944). A special Stars & Stripes will be edited by the newspaper that still exists and will be available during the exhibition. At the D-Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum: 0033 233 42 00 42 or

From Wednesday, 4th till Sunday, 8th June

SAINT COME DU MONT 10 a.m.-5 p.m.: Authors’ dedication time: Ian Gardner, with his book on the story of the 3rd Battalion of the 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne. (In presence of the Veteran Jim “Pee Wee” Martin) Michel de Trez: with his book “Carentan 1944” Phil Nordyke, with his book about the Medal of Honor and Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) recipients for the 1944 feat of battles. (to be confirmed) Antonin Dehays, with his book about the temporary military cemeteries in Sainte Mère Eglise, PHILIPPE ESVELIN A MEMBER OF THE NATIONALWWII GLIDER PILOT’S ASSOCIATION: Normandy Philippe Esvelin, with his book on the US glider’s pilots

Gilles Vallée, with his book about the stick of LTC Wolverton At the D-Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum: 0033 233 42 00 42 or

Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday, 8th June

Animation on the theme “Women in the war” in Quinéville, at the Mémorial de la Liberté Retrouvée: several animations such as photo and uniform exhibition…

Saturday, 2nd and Sunday, 3rd August:

National meeting of liberated towns on the theme « Free France » in St Martin de Varreville. 109 liberated towns, 109 townhalls et 109 flags will be there. Official ceremony in St Martin de Varreville, at the Leclerc Monument (time to be determined). Organization: Townhall

Saturday 2nd August

8.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m.: Military fair in open air at the Leclerc Monument. Organization: association Timberwolves - Tel: 0033 608 45 24 65 or [email protected]

Sunday 3rd August

9.45 a.m. : Gathering of the soldiers, standard bearers and Mayors 10.15 a.m. : Welcome to civilian and military VIP, flag raising, speeches, wreath laying, medal ceremony, stone baptisme, inauguration of the historical board of the 2nd Armoured Division of Leclerc and the Rochambelle Monument, flight of doves, link ceremony and song of the 2nd AD march 11.30 a.m.: Mass in open air by the Holly Mother of Peace father and the 2nd AD chaplain (atmosphere of the 1940’s mass) 1.00 p.m.: Reception following the ceremony 1.30 p.m.: Lunch. Booking at the townhall - [email protected] 30 € /person Reconstruction of Military Camps Saturday, 31th till Tuesday, 10th June

ECAUSSEVILLE US Camp at the Airship Hangar with the ANCM44. Exhibitions, demonstrations, military vehicle tours on site… ANCM44 : 0033 687 80 58 92 or [email protected] Airship Hangar : 0033 233 08 56 02 or [email protected]

Saturday, 31st May - Sunday, 15th June :

Brucheville: US Camp at Mr and Mrs Champagne, la Rive - 0033 233 20 02 67 or [email protected]

Saturday, 31st till Monday, 9th June:

Carentan: Arizona Camp, route Américaine. Reconstruction of a US camp with animations: US mail, field hospital, etc. Parade of 70 Harley Davidson of the 1940’s. Concert. Organization: CAPA association - [email protected] Sunday, 1st till Sunday, 8th June: Sainte Mère Eglise: Geronimo Camp, at the Airborne Museum Re- enactment of the Airborne troops in Normandy with 150 participants and 70 vehicles Several animations. Organization: Airborne Museum - 00 33 233 41 41 35 or infos@airborne-

From Sunday, 1st till Sunday, 8th June

Saint Côme du Mont: Reconstruction of a US Military Camp of the 82nd AB (Les Diables Rouges 508, Freedom’s Angels and an English group) around a US WACO glider scale model (at scale 1). At the D-Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum: 0033 233 42 00 42 or

From Tuesday, 2nd till the Tuesday, 10th June

Méautis: Bloody Gulch Camp at Manoir de Donville

Thursday, 5th - Sunday, 8th June:

Sainte Marie du Mont: Reconstruction of a US Military Camp, on the church’ square. Dioramas and workshop: exhibition of mechanics, first-aid post, headquarter, gendarmerie and MP, mortar and Cal. 30 Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire - 0033 233 71 56 54 or [email protected] More information: Offices de Tourisme de la Baie du Cotentin Ste Mère Eglise Carentan 6, rue Eisenhower - 50 480 Ste Mère Eglise 25, place de la république - 50500 Carentan Tel: 0033 233 21 00 33 - [email protected] Tel : 0033 233 71 23 50 or [email protected] Project certified by the « Région » (County Council)


Centre paroissial (Marche Internationale pour la Paix) : ou Association « Picauville se souvient » - M. DENNEBOUY Denis : / [email protected] US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude - M. BRIARD Daniel : ou / [email protected] Association Timberwolves (Bourse Militaire Ste Mère Eglise) - M. BALLESTER : ou [email protected] Association pour la sauvegarde de l’église d’Angoville au Plain - M. Hamchin : AVA (Amis des Vétérans Américains) - Mme Coupey : / [email protected] Comité des fêtes de Chef du Pont- M. CUQUEMELLE Yves : Comité des fêtes d’Orglandes - M. DOUBLET Rémy : [email protected] Association « Les amis du Jour J d’Utah Beach » - M. DELPATRY Robert : 02 33 71 53 18 ou 06 81 65 87 59 MVCG Bretagne (reconstitution du camp US à Ste Mère Eglise) - M. Menguy : / [email protected] Club du Souvenir Militaire à Ste Marie du Mont - M. Tanne : / [email protected] C-47 Club Normandy Chapter - Alain HOLLEY : ou [email protected] Round Canopy Parachuting Team Inc. (parachutages C47) - Mr ACHTEN Hubert : / [email protected] ou ANCM44 : Association Nord Cotentin Mémoire 44 - Ludo : 06 87 80 58 92 ou [email protected] Liberty Jump Team Inc - Dominique Launay : 02 33 41 27 50 / [email protected] Association de la sauvegarde du Patrimoine et Mairie d’Hémèvez - M. JOLY Jean-Marc : 06 45 63 88 39 ou [email protected] Association Patrimoine – Picauville : 06 07 48 09 95 ou [email protected] Musée Airborne – Ste Mère Eglise : 02 33 41 41 35 ou [email protected] -Day Paratrooper Historical Center, Dead Man’s Corner Museum: 02 33 42 00 42 ou [email protected] Musée du Débarquement – Utah Beach : 02 33 71 53 35 ou [email protected]