LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)

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LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thursday, August 29,1996 Eleventh Series, Vol. IV, No. 20 Bhadra 7,1918 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Eleventh Lok Sabha) (Vol. IV contains No. 11 to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD Lok Sabha Shrimati RavaNayyar Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri PC. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A .P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Smt. Kamaia Sharma Shri P.*. Sharma Editor Editor WKtMfflm. Shri J.8.S. Rawat iWIIWPiiMilsi Assistant Editor CONTENTS (Eleventh Series , Vol. IV Second Session, 1996/1918 (Saka) No. 20, Thursday August 29, 1996/Bhadra 7, 1918 (Saka) C olum n s ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : ‘ Starred Questions Nos. : 381— 384 1— 25 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS : Starred Questions Nos. : 385— 400 26— 57 Unstarred Questions Nos. : 3245— 3476 57— 349 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 349— 351 STANDING COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE 352 First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Reports and Minutes— Presented BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 352— 353 Fourth Report— Presented STANDING COMMITTEE ON URBAN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT 353 Third and Fourth Reports and Minutes— Presented STANDING COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE 353 Twenty-Sixth Report— Laid STANDING COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 353— 354 Forty-First and Forty-second Reports— Laid STANDING COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY 354 Eighteenth and Nineteenth Reports— Laid MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 376— 380 (i) Need to protect Indian News Print Industry as recommended by the Kelkar Samiti Shri Mangal Ram Premi 376 (ii) Need to exempt Kerala State from the purview of Coastal Zone Regulations Shri P.C. Chacko 377 (iii) Need to sanction more funds out of Central Road Funds to Andhra Pradesh Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy 377 *The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. 0) (ii) C olumns (iv) Need for action plan for regular dredging of the silt and sand deposited in the catchment area of Durgapur barrage, West Bengal Shri Sunil Khan 378 (v) Need to televise programmes through L.P.Ts throughout the day particularly at Martandam, Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu Shri N. Dennis 378 (vi) Need to restore the railway line between Kotipalli and Kakinada in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh Shri T. Gopal Krishna 379 (vii) Need for early completion of by-pass in Lalitpur, U.P. Shri Rajendra Agnihotri 379 (viii) Need for early construction of a by-pass on National Highway No. 3 between Indore and Dewas, M.P Shrimati Sumitra Mahajan 380 DISCUSSION UNDER RULE 193 380— 443 Loss of lives due to heavy rains and landslides during Amarnath Yatra in Jammu and Kashmir Shri Indrajit Gupta 380 Shri Sontosh Mohan Dev 383 Shri Krishan Lai Sharma 390 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 395 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 400 Shri Jag Mohan 402 Shri PR. Dasmunsi 408 Shri Virendra Kumar Singh 414 Shri Anant Gangaram Geete 415 Shri Sanat Mehta 417 Shri Harm Pathak 420 Shri Jai Prakash 425 Shri Samik Lahiri 427 Shri Pramothes Mukherjee 430 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 436 Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari 439 Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy 440 Shri Jai Prakash Agarwal 441 (iii) C olumns GENERAL BUDGET, 1996-97 443-474 General Discussion Shrimati Krishna Bose 443 Shri Tiruchi Siva 447 Shrimati Jayawanti Navinchandra Mehta 452 Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra 456 Shri M.P. Veerendra Kumar 459 Dr. Laxminarayan Pandey 463 Shri E. Ahamed 466 Shri Manoranjan Bhakta 470 ANNOUNCEMENT RE: SURRENDER OF MEMBER IN THE COURT 475— 476 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA (b) whether a sufficient quantity of bauxite is available for setting up of an Aluminium Plant in the State; Thursday, August 29, 1996/Bhadra 7, 1918 (Saka) (c) if so, whether the Government propose to set up an The Lok Sabha met at One Minute Past Aluminium Plant or propose to invite foreign companies to Eleven of the Clock. set up the same; and [M r . D eputy S peaker in the Chair] (d) if so, the details thereof? [E nglish] [English] SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura): Sir, it is said that THE MINISTER OF STEEL AND MINISTER OF MINES justice delayed is justice denied. But in the case of the riot (SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA) : (a) to (d). A victims of 1984, justice has not been completely denied. 93 statement is laid on the Table of the House. persons have been sentenced to five years, rigorous impris­ onment. We need to have a discussion on this matter. STATEMENT MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Let us first complete the Ques­ (a) The district-wise recoverable reserves of Bauxite in tion Hour. After that you might take it up. Bihar is given below :— SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA : Sir, it is a very important issue. District (Unit : 000 Tonnes) SHRI P.M. SAYEED (Lakshadweep) : Sir, it is the first Monghyr 813.00 question of the day? Palamau 3323.20 [Translation] Rohtas 1300.00 SHRI SATYA PAL JAIN (Chandigarh) : Shri Madan Lal Gumla 37132.50 Khurana deserves congratulations for this. It is because of his initiative that legal action could be taken and the culprits Lohardaga 12120.50 have been awarded imprisonment. Dumka 6415.00 [E nglish] Total : 61104.20 SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: All the 93 accused persons have been sentenced to five years rigorous imprisonment. (b) The Alumina Refinery of Indian Aluminium Company Limited is already located at Muri in the State. Any new ORAL ANSWERSVo QUESTIONS capacities can be created on establishment of additional reserves in the State to justify setting up of such a plant. [Translation] (c) and (d). The Government at present has no such Bauxite Reserves In Bihar proposal. However, to encourage private sector investment in the aluminium sector, aluminium metal and its downstream *381. SHRI BRAJ MOHAN RAM : Will the Minister of products have been exempted from the provision of com­ MINES be pleased to state: pulsory licensing. Further, to attract foreign investment, aluminium has been included in the list of industries where (a) The quantity of bauxite reserves in Bihar, location- automatic approval of foreign equity participation upto 51% wise; is available. 3 Oral Answers AUGUST 29, 1996 Oral Answers 4 [Translation] [English] SHRI BRAJ MOHAN RAM : Birla Group of Industries SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA : There is no have set up an Aluminium Plant in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar has foreign investment proposal received by the Governments. adequate deposits of Bauxite required to produce Aluminium. The Government of Bihar had given lease to Birla Group on [Translation] the condition that they would set up Aluminium Plant in Palamau District. But Birla Group of Industries have not set SHRI B.L. SHARMA ‘PREM’ : My question is 382. up the plant even after lapse of three years. I, therefore, want to ask as to why their lease should not be cancelled? MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER ; Who will give answer to 382. [E nglish] SHRI RAMENDRA KUMAR : I have to ask a question. SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA : Sir, there is a [E nglish] bauxite recovery unit in Bihar. Bihar holds sixth position in regard to bauxite reserves in the country. There is already MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I have passed to the next one unit in Bihar and another unit in Uttar Pradesh and both question. these units use bauxite that is recovered from Bihar only. [Translation] [Translation] I had called twice-thrice but no one raised his hands. SHRI BRAJ MOHAN RAM : An agreement was signed between the Birla Group and the Government of Bihar. I, SHRI RAMENDRA KUMAR : I had raised my hand but therefore, want to ask as to why the plant has not been set you did not bother. up even after lapse of 3 years whereas entire bauxite goes to Uttar Pradesh from Bihar and a plant can be set up there. [E nglish] [English] MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Anyway, now the train has left. SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA : The Government will examine it. This practice is not readily available with us. Telephone on Demand under National Telecom Policy [Translation] *382. SHRI B.L SHARMA ‘PREM’ : Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: SHRI BRAJ MOHAN RAM : May I know from the hon’ble Minister names of industrial groups who have sent proposals (a) whether the Government have taken any decision to to set up Aluminium Plant with names of places, where they provide telephone connections on demand in the Metro­ propose to set up the same? politan cities by April, 1997 under National Telecom Policy; [English] (b) if so, the details thereof; and SHRI BIRENDRA PRASAD BAISHYA : In the aluminium (c) if not, the progress made so far in this regard and the industry, about six tonnes of bauxite is required to produce time by which it is likely to be implemented? one tonne of aluminium. There is proposal to set up the aluminium industry. After the new Mineral Policy, both foreign [Translation] and domestic parties have been invited to set up the aluminium industry in the country. THE MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI BENI PRASAD VARMA) : (a) to (c). The National Telecom Policy [Translation] 1994 envisages provision of telephone connection on demand by 1997. This was to be accomplished with the participation SHRI TARIQ ANWAR : Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir, it is learnt of private sector complementing the efforts of Government. that a large number of foreign proposals regarding investment The waiting list of the Metro districts as on 31st March, 1995 have been received in respect of every state under the new and 31st March, 1996 the targets for providing telephone economic policy. But Bihar is the only exception in respect of connections during 1996-97 and the achievements during which no proposal for any significant investment has been 1995-96 and upto 31st July, 1996 are given in Statement.
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