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             R                                            R                       !"                                                 #  $                !                    "#        Q  !      n day one of the launch of India’s      !        Ohistoric nationwide vaccination             drive against Covid-19, Delhi,          Maharashtra and Haryana recorded %      Q   cases of adverse events — though none      Q !       of them fatal — even as the Centre            asserted that the inoculation drive was             successfully conducted and no case of    &    !  post-vaccination hospitalisation report-      !    ed so far.      !     '  !  In Delhi, 52 healthcare workers             developed minor adverse event follow- !  !          !   ing immunisation (AEFI), while 1              severe case was reported as per data  &    !   N O available from the Government.                #  ! Haryana recorded 13 adverse event  ()* * +  $,  $       !  cases following the immunisation.    !    $    '-#          * +                     !   Officials from Maharashtra said     !         !  "   ##$ $    %    ' they are further investigating the 14 Covaxin of Bharat Biotech for restrict-             cases of adverse events. ed emergency use in the country.         ",      people in just the first phase. He here organised late evening after the At some sites like RML hospital in The Resident Doctors’ Association   -   &       saluted scientists for developing the drive was wrapped up for the day. the national Capital, a section of doc- (RDA) of the Central Government    +        ndia launched its mammoth vac- vaccines in such a short span of time. Of three lakh planned to be inoc- tors were apprehensive of an adverse hospital, RML refused to take the shot             Icination drive on Saturday to bring The PM cautioned people to ulated, around 1,91,181 beneficiaries event as they doubted the efficacy of the and requested the Medical   !  #  "    the pandemic under control with two ensure that they take both the doses were given the shot of Covid-19 vac- Covaxin developed by the Bharat Superintendent to vaccinate them              locally-produced vaccines — at one month’s gap and show patience cines on first day involving 16,755 Biotech, which is yet to complete the with Oxford Covid-19 vaccine                Covishield and Covaxin — with as the country begins to give the anti- personnel at 3,351 vaccination ses- phase three trials. Covishield.     -     nearly two lakh out of tragetted three dote to its huge population. sions. The Drugs Controller General of In a letter to the MS, the associa-        lakh taking shot against the pathogen “Don’t make the mistake of tak- Agnani said that Covid-19 vac- India (DCGI) had earlier this month tion said the resident doctors were “a bit    !   on the first day on Saturday. ing one dose and then forgetting cines Covaxin and Covishield approved Oxford Covid-19 vaccine apprehensive” about Covaxin and might        Launching the “world’s largest about dose two and don’t forget coro- (developed by Bharat Biotech and Covishield, manufactured by the Serum not participate in the immunisation  &  - !      vaccination drive” against Covid-19, navirus appropriate behaviour after Serum Institute of India (SII) respec- Institute, and indigenously developed drive in large numbers.            Modi congratulated citizens and sci- getting the dose. The patience with tively) were given at 3,351 session .  &              entists for the feat but cautioned peo- which you fought coronavirus, show across the country. He refused to take           ple against being careless and not tak- the same patience during vaccination any questions from the reporters.  Q    N   O        ing precautions after taking the first now,” Modi said. !& .      N   O       dose of the vaccination. As the PM kicked off the vaccine        &    The Prime Minister also alerted rollout with a click of a button, a             people against the rumours spread video message played the Sanskrit          about the vaccines. He said Indian chant — sarve bhavantu sukhinah, #    &#  !& Q     vaccines are the “cheapest and the sarve santu niramaya (All be happy, Serum Institute CEO Adar                best in the world”. all be free of illness). Poonawalla was administered the             Modi, in a televised address The Covid-19 vaccination drive first dose of the Covishield coron-        /         before the vaccine rollout, said there was successfully conducted on the avirus vaccine on Saturday afternoon,           ,   are several nations whose entire first day, Additional Secretary in the hours after Prime Minister Narendra   "# "            population is less than 3 crore, but Union health Ministry Manohar Modi launched India’s nationwide         India will be vaccinating as many Agnani said during a press briefing vaccination drive. $$$%           !            %$&'"#                      0"  !  '$%$     !          , $   Q           %  &    &             tricts as part of a nationwide pro-   !  Q         gramme on Saturday.A total of s many as 178 more persons test-      0   13,345 of 16,314 persons enlisted for Aed Covid-19 positive in 22 districts  '' !   -       !    the inoculation were vaccinated by in the State on Saturday, with which the ," 1  /          !"##  $ evening. This was 84 per cent of the total tally increased to 3,33,127. Of the           "   % &  ''  day’s target.The first vaccine shot was new cases, 103 were reported from           !   ( ) *+, administered to a sanitation worker, quarantine and 75 were local contact n a further declining trend, State "#          Biranchi Naik (51), of the Capital cases.Sundargarh district recorded the Icapital Bhubaneswar on Saturday          M  )  )-   Hospital, Bhubaneswar, at 11.05 am. day’s highest 30 followed by Sambalpur registered four new Covid-19 pos-          !  -- ' - A total of 16,100 healthcare 24, Jharsuguda 23, Puri 19, Nuapada 16 itive cases, increasing the city’s total           workers would be vaccinated today. The Union Ministry of Health and Bargarh 10.The number of total tally to 31718, which included 201    M        Medical Education and Training and Family Welfare took feedbacks active cases stood at 2,087. One more active cases.       &      Director Dr CBK Mohanty said on the immunisation from two sites, patient succumbed to the virus on the Of the new cases, two were local     %        extensive arrangements were made Bhubaneswar and Sundargarh. Chief day, taking the total toll to 1,899. The contacts and two were quarantine          he first phase of the Covid-19 for the mega vaccination drive. All Minister Naveen Patnaik interacted deceased was a 43-year-old man from cases.       &     Tvaccination meant for healthcare protocols were followed and neces- with vaccination beneficiaries at Sundargarh district. However, 230 per- However, three more persons   N   OM     personnel was conducted in the sary infrastructures were created in three places. sons recovered on the day, taking the recovered on the day, taking the total  State at 161 sites covering all 30 dis- the districts for the programme. Continued on Page 4 total recoveries to 3,29, 318. recoveries to 31,318 in the city.           

    Many of us met her before she was wheeled into the operation the- !   R t was neither the age, nor the way atre the next day. Little did we know Ito go. Usha Srivastava, 59, who that it would be the last time we headed the Hindi Pioneer since its would see her. birth in 2011, passed away at 11.30 at Her valiant fight for survival, our  !  the Max hospital, Saket, in New prayers, and doctors’ efforts could not Delhi on Saturday. change what destiny had in store for She left behind a grieving fami- her. She left us without a word, ly, shell-shocked colleagues, a large without even opening her eyes for number of friends, well-wishers, and nearly three weeks. acquaintance who would found it dif- When she first fell ill in end of ficult to accept that the cheerful, October last year, none of us ever friendly, demure face of Hindi jour- thought in two-month time we would nalism is no more.    lose her forever. After all, we were so Usha was suffering from a liver  !"#$L $"!&! used to her presence, her friendly ailment and had undergone a liver banters and intense political debates, transplant. She could never recover to her family. Union Minister Nitin that we thought nothing could ever     from the post-operation complica- Gadara and Haryana Chief Minister defeat her. Alas! We were so wrong. tions. Manohar Lal Khattar were among Usha completed her study from hief Minister Naveen Patnaik took feedbacks from vacci- A host of political leaders and those who mourned Usha’s death. Kashi Hindu Vishwavidyalaya and Cnation beneficiaries. journalists have mourned her death. The Pioneer CEO Shobori then started her journalist career from Three beneficiaries, one each from the Sundargarh District An emotional Chandan Mitra, Ganguly described Usha as a “valu- Hindi daily Aaj as a correspondent Headquarters Hospital, the Capital Hospital in Bhubaneswar the Editor-in-Chief of The Pioneer, able” colleague who also cared for from Varanasi. Later, she moved to and the City Hospital in Brahmapur shared their experiences nearly broke down on hearing the everyone around her. “I find it so dif- Delhi and worked with Amar Ujala, with Patnaik on virtual mode after getting first doses of vac- news of Usha’s demise. “She nurtured ficult to come to terms with her pass- Rajasthan Patrika and Dainik Bhaskar cine.Reviewing the vaccination drive, Patnaik thanked the the Hindi Pioneer like her own baby. ing away. She was such a noble soul,” before she joined as the Resident healthcare workers and other frontline Covid warriors for their She was a spirited, committed, and she said. Editor of the Hindi Pioneer in 2011. dedication in times of the pandemic. lively colleague, whose absence can- When her wait for a liver donor She would be always the last to “The year 2021 has brought good news for everyone. The not be filled easily. I’m speechless with ended on December 25 after nearly leave the office. long wait is now over. We will not forget the sacrifices and ser- grief,” he said. a fortnight of a wait during which she But when it came to leave us for vices rendered by the healthcare workers in past 10 months dur- Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister was bedridden in the hospital, in and one last time, she seemed to be in ing the pandemic,” Patnaik said. He sought cooperation from Yogi Adityanath mourned Usha’s out of the ICUs, at The Pioneer we such a tearing hurry. the Covid warriors for success of the massive vaccination pro- death and conveyed his condolences took a sigh of relief. Goodbye, Usha... gramme. Continued on Page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here is a thrill that comes with watching an action-thriller and when -#-#%+A#A?2, ?'',>#'-0,> that is embellished with sci-fi the experience of watching the same 0A>#?>#=4-<,.- K<-O,>C#P,22,O#  0>-,?2,-##'-?? 7#,#P7#O>##-#P#?     even if the said people are no more and the Tis at another level. It goes without saying that one must enjoy this mere mention of the names can be construed genre otherwise it can be a drag as one tries to grapple with what is ->=5##00#-)## #<O--C>#P#'#'-    !"  " ! in bad taste. But then, this is reel life not unfolding. .#,''#?#>,-#- -0?#:==70#>##  #   &! ' ! reality. The storyline is simple enough to begin with — bring down a madman ??=-1-#> '<5,>2#=,??-< '   ! )  The makers have ensured that no one all set to wage a war against the US by going after the nukes that are in hiding. #,?'<>10>#'#- -#-,?2-#.-#>#.  *+*,-. point is dragged for long and the story moves The curve ball? The setting is 2036 with a Civil War in Europe. #'->1#-#H'-##' 0#-##'J,?>># at a pace that is interesting and offers plenty Then there is the whole thing about using machines to fight this unrest  =M -#.-K 0.0,- his 38-minute each episode created by of turns that may leave one only to and caught in between are the locals who only want peace and go on with #<.#2,1#.??-7D# '>1'#?--2#,0,5#,#> Ali Abbas Zafar may not have been able be thrown a curve ball with another twist — their lives. Machines fighting? Sound familiar? Remember the Terminator -#>'-##?FL ->?2,- O##-#<P'>0- Tto scratch the surface as far as intrigue all within a span of minutes. series? Outside The Wire takes that on to a whole new dimension — a -)#?#>##-1? -,#>.1##?-2.- and twists are concerned but that doesn’t The performance too keeps one glued to humanoid — a prototype — capable of doing things out-the-box; a lean mean ,?'>,=??-H '>?0-= -0A1?' mean that they are missing. The Season 1 that this series. Sunil Grover as Gurpal is a fighting machine but capable of emotions. Definitely dangerous because it 1'#>2'#,0-.#? ?'?2 #,#-# has nine episodes takes you on a behind welcome change. It is good to see him move means it can think independently of its maker. ,J,'-##'-#-=- #>00#.3#,#%% closed doors journey of politics where playing totally away from Dr Gulati’s role in The Kapil Outside The Wire directed by Mikael Hafstrom is definitely an >-##?--# ',5Q#= person against the other, murder and using Sharma show. Saif Ali Khan plays his role just ambitious project that starts off on a rather intriguing idea and keeps one .->#-1'=-0' 1#<.#2,-#>## the common man as a stepping stone to as brilliantly. engaged for the majority of the film. Anthony Mackie who is also one of ?>?#?-#-#>>= -#<#FL'<.-#1# further one’s career is fair game — all that As a wannabe king to a kingmaker, his the producers here pairs up with Damon Idris, plays the role of an android -0-'-##'-# #'.#?#?'-##' matters is the position and the power that character keeps the interest alive. Dimple officer rather well. The downer is that the movie somewhat looses its steam >1?>#='#H#0- .#1--###2>1#>= comes with it. Kapadia may look a tad old but one can’t take as it progresses to become a film that is all about killing the enemy — the ?#>0#0#.#'-- --##-,-#- While the story appears to have been told away the elegance with which she portrays US — in order for to stop its android soldiers’ project since the prototype - C=M #>#2#-01? many times, Tandav manages to keep one herself here. The others actors, and there are has gone rogue. 5#,#>OD?1#.##? engaged. Who doesn’t want to know how the so many, do their bit. The repetitive shoot-out are a drag but those who love bullets flying at . 5   . .. -<--'>?-- game is played and however fictional the It makes for a good watch since it gas the drop of a hat would love this one. After all to watch machines go all out 0##2-, .-0#,.-#?,1'? characters may be, a reference to a lady plenty of twists and turns. is what action thrillers are all about even if the climax is a bit of a let down ?#'K--'#=M politician can’t help one try and draw parallel L$ $   given a good start. L$ $   3  $   O#   P

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etelling the tales of history and of responsibility to do justice to the  What made you say yes to mythology on TV is a pure delight character. “When one plays a character play Farishta in Naagin 5? Rboth for the makers and the who is praised like God by a society, there I have never done a audience. No matter how many times one is a lot of things that one has to take care supernatural fantasy show sees such stories, they still look as fresh of. This is a huge character and there is a earlier and also I was getting and entertaining. Take for example lot of responsibility on my shoulders. As a chance to work with Balaji Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, which even an actor I need to execute it right. Since after three-and-a-half years, so after so many years became one of the it is winters, the costume is not an issue. that’s what attracted me to the most watched series on TV during the Come April, and then it will be a bit of role. Not to mention, that it is lockdown or for that matter BR Chopra’s hassle. Also, the body language and the an interesting character and Mahabharat which was also topping the mannerisms has to be spot-on. If he is different from what I have list. with Ahilya, his tone will be different. He done till date. One wonders what is it with such will talk to her like a man does to a girl.  What all can the audience shows that they can never go out of But, if he is with the other people, he will expect from this new entry? trend. “Our soul lies there. We are speak with authority. Fortunately, I have There is a lot of craze for able to connect with these been blessed with a voice that can do Naagin among the audience. I stories and that’s the reason justice to it, hence things get simpler,” can’t reveal the track but I am they are always on our watch he tells you. sure it will be as interesting as lists. The other reason is Shringarpure adds that if one has it has been all these years with that people get life lessons understood the characteristics of the me joining the show as a from them in an character that he plays, then there cameo. entertaining way. If we’ll is not much to research about. “If  Did the role offer any preach them something, the you know the characteristics, challenges? audience immediately lose visualise what you play and then The role is challenging interest, but instead if we just layer it up,” Shringarpure, who because the technique to teach them in a fun way they debuted with Param Vir Chakra, shoot a fantasy thriller is will learn from it,” Rajesh says. However, acting was never on different from a daily soap. I Shringarpure, who plays Malhar his cards. have never joined a show Rao Holkar in SET’s Punyashlok “In school and college, I was into midway and believe it will be Ahilya Bai, says. dramatics but never thought that I will fun and also a learning The story, he says, is the 17th century be in this line. I wanted to join the experience. period drama and is not about the Defence forces and I was selected as  In all these years, what has chronicles or glory of Malhar Rao, but the a pilot in the Air Force, but during the been your biggest takeaway rapport that he shared with his daughter- medical I got rejected due to some from the industry? in-law, Ahilya Bai Holkar. “Malhar Rao is reasons. I was worried what do to I am growing and compassionate, endearing and he next and then I got to know that RK evolving with every project understands even the smallest of emotions banner was presenting a film Param that I do, not only as an actor of every one. He has been given the title Vir Chakra. Initially, I was but also as a human being. of subedar by the Peshwas. He came from apprehensive and I didn’t feel like That’s my biggest takeaway. I a humble and subdued family. He going to their studio. My friend am fortunate enough to have supports his daughter-in-law in all walks insisted that I should give it a try. I been able to work with such of her journey. The relationship that is went there and spoke formally with good people all through. I am shown here between the father-in-law the director. The first thing about me grateful for whatever I have and daughter-in-law is very unique,” he that striked them was my voice. I achieved and my journey is explains. didn’t tell them the reason of my visit nothing short of amazing. On what attracted Shringarpure to and they told me that I should visit  You have been a part of a the show, he says, is of course the story them more often. I took it very few music videos as well. itself. “It is a matter of pride for positively and made it a point to go there How did that happen? anyone to be a part of such inspiring twice a week. But I couldn’t open my I got an offer, I had time stories. Also, the character itself is so mouth in front of them, I thought that and so I did it. I didn’t give it strong. Not to mention, the progressive they should realise what I was there for. much thought. And the last auditioning. Thankfully, have a back-up plan if things thoughts that the story has to offer, I It went on for sometime. music video that I did — Ek ( &    within two months of coming didn’t go their way. But I was was instantly attracted towards this role One day, I got to know that they Dafa To Mil, was shot and to Mumbai, I got work. There dedicated enough to this craft and the show,” he says. need an instructor to train the directed very well.   ) was no struggle that I had to and that is all I cared about. I There is always a learning lesson when shortlisted candidates. A jawan came to  How did acting happen to '  ) go through because of my was sure things will work out is a part of historical shows, he adds. teach them from Colaba and the director you? (   parents or any other thing. It on their own and there was “People always tell you to forget the past urged me that I should also join him and It happened after school.  '  0   all went smooth for me. nothing that I was worried and move on. But when we become a part give commands to people. Then after a few I always wanted to act. I told  Did you have any about. of such stories, it is then we realise that days, a spot boy asked me why am I not my parents that I want to go  )0&   * apprehensions?  What next? we shouldn’t forget our past, roots, playing the role in the film since I was to Mumbai. They were 1) 2&   Not at all. I knew what I There are a few things in forefathers and what they did for us. It is trained enough. Then, the voting supportive and encouraged -  & wanted to do and I just went the pipeline and I will talk because of them we are able to live a happy happened and everyone on the sets was my decision. They were happy with my intuitions. A lot of about it and share more details and independent life,” he says. in the favour of me getting the role. of what I wanted to do. I came )0  people are worried about the soon as things will get With such roles, he says, comes a lot Fortunately, I got that project,” he tells you. to Mumbai and started future and they do want to confirmed.

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Q v‡rq hq ƒˆiyv†urq i’ Th hqh Q h†hh Ihqh s‚ hq ‚ iruhys ‚s 8H`F Q v‡rpu G‡q %& Ih’hƒhyyv 7uˆihr†h &$  ! Ury) %&#!$%!&! Ah‘) %&#!$%"$$ r€hvy) ‚ v††hƒv‚rr 5t€hvyp‚€ Q v‡rq h‡ X@7GDI@ 9! ( Trp‡‚ 6 a‚r9 Hhpur†h Dqˆ†‡ vhy @†‡h‡r 7uˆihr†h  &$   @qv‡‚ ) 8uhqh Hv‡ h Sr†vqr‡ @qv‡‚ ) TQ Ihqh SID Srt I‚ PSD@IB!&!!#&$ 6DS TVS8C6SB@ ‚s Sr  @h†‡) 8hypˆ‡‡h Shpuv I‚ ‡u) Gru Xr†‡) Hˆ€ihv = 6u€rqhihq T‚ˆ‡u) 7hthy‚ r = 8urhv 8r‡ hy ) Fuhwˆ hu‚ 9ryuv Pssvpr) I‚ % 7ruvq Bˆyhi 7uhh 7huhqˆ Tuhu ahsh Hh t Ir 9ryuv  ! Qu‚r)  # #$$ 8‚€€ˆvph‡v‚ Pssvpr) A"  Trp‡‚ % IPD96 Bhˆ‡h€ 7ˆqu Ihth ! "  VQ Qu‚r)  !#'&(' = #'&(( Gˆpx‚ Pssvpr) #‡u Ay‚‚  Thuh h Tu‚ƒƒvt 8r‡ r Ahv“hihq S‚hq Gˆpx‚ !!%  % Uryrƒu‚r†) $!!!"#%##" !"#%### !"#%##$     " +,- ./.+ ) /

1 4  5 15 M,.',1       6)   ?0 3 !   3O,.,?#     R4  3  75 4 my, provide a healthy O 54 M young couple consumed 8" environment to Apoison for unknown rea- )4  R4 human life, reduce 44 son at Marakuta village under 54  import bill and sustain the Sadar police limits in the ecosystem. Jharsuguda.While the man    8 involvement in gross irregu- BDO Dharua took around Rs     The inaugural     died, the woman was admitted    larities in execution of 5 crore for sanctioning funds month-long awareness function was con- to a hospital in a critical con- Individual Household Latrines under the scheme. The block Adrive, SAKSHAM, by the ducted at the Indian n under-trial prisoner dition. he State Government on (IHHL) programme. Besides, was sanctioned funds for Ministry of Petroleum and Oil Bhavan, here, by A(UTP) lodged at the The deceased was identi- TSaturday suspended two Debendra Bahadur and Sunil 26,355 bogs, sources said. Natural Gas started on chief guest Rajya Jharpada Special Jail here died fied as Gobardhan Oram (30), Odisha Administrative Service Samal have been suspended for Following the complaints, Saturday, which would contin- Sabha member Padma due to health complications on a resident of Ubuda village (OAS) officers and a Junior their alleged involvement in Nabarangpur DRDA officials, ue till February 15. This year’s Vibhushan Raghunath jointly with the Petroleum Saturday. under Lakhanpur block in Engineer (JE) from their ser- misappropriation of the enti- at the instruction of district theme is “Green & Clean Mohapatra. Conservation Research The deceased, identified Jharsuguda district. His body vices for their alleged involve- tled money of the same pro- Collector Dr Ajit Kumar Energy”. He stressed upon the need Association (PCRA), will con- as Rabi Dulla, had been arrest- was found in bushes near ment in corruption. gramme,” said an official order Mishra, visited the villages to Governor Prof Ganeshi Lal to conserve petroleum prod- duct training programmes for ed in connection with a loot- Marakuta village.Later, family The suspended officials issued by the Panchayati Raj inquire into the allegations. delivered his message through ucts at all costs. drivers on better driving habits ing incident at an armoury in members of the deceased are BDO Lariman Kharsel of and Drinking Water Recently, beneficiaries led audio visual mode on the occa- State Level Coordinator to save fuel. Nayagarh district. He was also reached the spot. Police and a Chitrakonda block in Department. by Congress leader and former sion. Emphasising upon oil (SLC), Chief General Manager, Workshops will be con- accused in crimes like looting magistrate recorded the state- Malkangiri district, BDO The IHHL scheme is exe- Nabarangpur MP Pradip Majhi conservation, he thrust upon Indian Oil Corporation ducted for housewives at every weapons after torching the ment of the woman, who is Debendra Bahadur Singh cuted under the Swachh Bharat had also lodged complaints at two things, “Ek Bharat Sresth Limited, Subhajit Ghosh in his LPG panchayat on better cook- Nayagarh police station, mur- currently undergoing treat- Dharua of Jharigaon block in Mission (Grameen) pro- the Jharigaon police station. Bharat” and “Atmanirvar welcome address elaborated ing habits to save LPG. Across der and explosion. He was ment at the District Nabarangpur and JE Sunil gramme. All the officers have been Bharat”. on the activities planned to cre- the State, quiz, debate and also arrested for his alleged Headquarters Hospital.Police Samal of Jharigaon block in In Nabarangpur district, asked not to leave their head- He urged all to develop ate awareness about oil and gas painting competitions will be links with Maoists. However, said a probe has been initiated Nabarangpur. several beneficiaries had lodged quarters without prior per- habit of optimal use of energy conservation in the State. organised in schools and col- the jail authorities could not be into the incident to ascertain “Lariman Kharsel has been complaints at the Jharigaon mission from the concerned which subsequently will help in During the one month leges to emphasise upon the contacted to comment on the the reason for which the cou- placed under suspension for police station alleging that the authorities protecting the national econo- programme, the oil industries, importance of conservation. UTP’s death. ple committed suicide.      4   34 )1'2#'-     3 4      0'##--#>#      JAGATSINGHPUR:Even as  5      Dashsharma distributed relief 22nd Jagatsinghgpur Book Fair to the needy and during the was put on hold this year due n the Indian Red Cross (IRC) Covid-19 pandemic he organ- to the Covid 19 pandemic but  4 7  ICommissionerate police ised many blood donation    to mark the occasion a cele- branch annual general meet on camps and cooperated with the bration was organised through ahul Oram of the SOS Friday, branch Chairman and Commissionerate police virtual mode on Friday. RChildren’s Village, Commissioner of Police branch.     streamline the admission is District Collector-cum- Prakash Behera, Sahoo Cable Rourkela, has been offered Sudhansu Sarangi and Vice- Among others, DCP underway and Chief Minister chairman Jagatsinghpur proprietor Bharat Chandra admission at the prestigious Chairman and Additional Headquarters Pramod Kumar he admissions of students Naveen Patnaik will launch it Sanskrutika Parishad Sangram Sahoo and those connected on Doon School in Class-VII. Commissioner of Police Rekha Patel, Bhubaneswar DCP Uma Tunder the Economically soon,” said Dash. Keshari Mohapatra inaugurat- the occasion through virtual Rahul is a sincere, well-dis- Lohani felicitated executive Shankar Dash and Cuttack Weaker Sections (EWS) quota Notably, the Odisha ed the event in presence of manner were District ciplined and hardworking boy committee member Dillip DCP Pratik Singh were present. in private schools in the State Abhibhabak Mahasangha has Parishad office bearers and Information and Public presently studying in Class-VI Dashsharma. ACP Lalitendu Mohanty coor- would now get online. been demanding a 25-per cent others. Relations Officer Kaminiranjan at the Delhi Public School, During the Phailin cyclone dinated the function. School and Mass reservation for students belong- Joint secretary Sudhir Patnaik and Parishad office Rourkela. Among so many Education Minister Samir ing to poor and disadvantaged Kumar Mohanty delivered the bearers Sarada Prasad Das, children across India from dif- Ranjan Dash on Saturday said sections in private English inaugural speech and spoke on Ganeswar Mania, Naresh Das, ferent NGOs, Rahul could out- the move aims at bringing in medium schools. the book fair’s history since Prasanta Kumar Mohapatra, shine both in the written and Oram who cleared all the transparency. Earlier, the As per Section 12(1)(c) of 2000 without break. Mahendra Acharya, Dr Ajaya the online interviews conduct- rounds so brilliantly. Indeed, department had received the RTE Act, all specified cat- Parishad working presi- Kumar Mishra , scribes Pinaki ed by subject experts from Rahul has brought pride and reports regarding irregularities egory or private schools must dent Biplab Choudhury chaired Mohanty, Pradipta Kishor The Doon School. honour to Rourkela and all SOS in admissions at some places in reserve 25 per cent of their the meeting. A souvenir was Choudhury, Manoj Dash, "Congratulations to entire Children’s Villages of India by the State. seats for children belonging to released by Collector Radhakanta Mishra, Rourkela team consisting of qualifying the entrance," said “We had earlier come EWS from the neighbour- Mohapatra, besides a few Duryodhan Moharana, , mothers, coworkers and Village Tapan Kumar Suna, Village across some problems in hood and provide them books. Those felicitated includ- Sasanka Sekhar Panda and Director for making it happen Director, SOS Children’s admissions of students under admission from Class-I ed district NIC head Jyoti Udaya Swain. and also to the child Rahul Village, Rourkela the EWS quota. The process to onwards. Q7    )   +       -   3 70  '         4   ) 0   8    56, 73%(#8 BHUBANESWAR:Cold wave  $ ,  R again gripped several parts of the State on Saturday with the mercury dipping below 10     89 5 degree Celsius at four places in the last 24 hours. Phulbani was ormer Nabarangpur BJP   the coldest place at 5.8 degree FMP Parsuram Majhi has followed by Jharsuguda 7.6 alleged that the diversion of P1 degree, Darngbadi 8 degree, Indravati water to Kalahandi     Sundargarh 8.5 degree and district would create water cri-  4 Keonjhar 9.9 degree. Stations sis in Nabarangpur district.  M  with the block and district enior cine journalist and that recorded below 11 degree     ident Dr Prakash Chandra Addressing the media a day -  headquarters. Seditor of film magazine Celsius are Balangir 10 degree, Panigrahi, medicine specialist after Chief Minister Naveen s part of the nationwide Dr Arindham ‘Banichitra’ Parikshit Jena Sonepur 10.2 degree, or orthopaedic, bones, joint, of Sparsh Hospital Dr Sagar Patnaik unveiled a mega lift  Arollout of the Covid vac- Roychoudary, chief medical passed away on Saturday. He Bhawanipatna 10.5 degree and Fnerves and ligament prob- Hembrum, former general irrigation project in Kalahandi, cine from Saturday, the Utkal officer, Utkal Hospital, was was 79. The Odisha Cine Sambalpur 10.8 degree. lems wwhichaffect work effi- secretary of Food Corporation Majhi said the State He further said the State Hospital at Ossapada in Tikiri first to take the vaccine. UAIL Critics’ Association and the Bhubaneswar and Cuttack ciency of the people, a multi- of India Arun Kumar Behera Government is neglecting the Government had is chosen as a vaccination site unit head Beig expressed his Sanskruti O Sanskruti held a recorded minimum tempera- faceted rehabilitation centre, and former general secretary interest of the farmers of the planned to implement five for the Tikiri area by the gratitude for the frontline condolence meeting for Jena at ture of 16 and 15 degree, the MEDICLUB, was inaugu- of State Bank of India Nabarangpur district who irrigation projects here but not Rayagada district administra- workers, the hospital manage- the Buddha Mandir here. The respectively, the Regional rated at Niladrivihar with all Employees Union Siba Prasad are entitled to get water from a single project has been start- tion. The hospital is a health- ment and staffs who relentlessly speakers referred to Jena’s Office of IMD here said. modern machineries and Behera. river ed yet. If the Government care initiative of UAIL, a unit battled the Covid crisis. immense contribution to Odia Besides, a think blanket of fog amenities. Among other facilities the Indravati. The failed to start an of Hindalco Industries Limited The UAIL is deeply cine journalism and his effort enveloped various parts of the The centre is initiated by Occupational Therapy, Physio Government has been using irrigation project here of the Aditya Birla Group. engaged in executing its CSR to make the ‘Banichitra’ a major State with poor visibility Dr Abhishek Kumar Behera Therapy, Prosthetics and Indravati water from soon, the BJP would take to the The Utkal Hospital fulfils activities in peripheral villages publication for encouragement recorded at many places on and Dr Dinesh Kumar Behera. Orthotics (artificial limb) treat- Nabarangpur for irrigation pro- streets, Majhi warned. all the criteria like adequate in the areas of education, of the Odia film industry. Saturday morning. At several The inauguration ceremony ments will be made available ject in neighbouring district. Among others, district BJP space, trained HR, AEFI kit, healthcare, sustainable liveli- The meeting was attended, places, including Bhubaneswar was attended by Assistant along with rarely available On the other hand , local farm- president Jagadish.Bisoyi and bed in observation room, refer- hood and rural infrastructure. among others, by Pradosh and Cuttack, the foggy condi- Regional Manager of SBI RC treatments like Laser Therapy, ers are deprived of the river senior party leader Jhadeswar ral mechanism and internet It is engaged in 57 villages serv- Patnaik, Dilip Hali, Lutu tion prevailed till 10.30 am on Pattnaik, Niladrivihar Youth G-10, Combo Healer and oth- water for irrigation, he claimed. Khadanga were present. availability for communication ing over 30,000 populations. Mohanty and Shridhar Martha. the day. PNS and Cultural Association pres- ers. ' , ,,,  1       

5 43 Nature (IUCN) Red List. The trade would reduce but unfor- platforms since the 2000s, and of dogs in tracking them; 5) set- buyers based in cities and species is also listed under the tunately in all probability it consequently a sizable chunk of ting fire to the burrow entrance towns with the hunters who are angolins are unique tooth- Appendix I of the International appears to be the same. wildlife trade happens via social to smoke the pangolins out; mostly from villages virtually. Pless mammals. They are Convention of Trade in The cases of pangolin media, and other online com- and 6) tracking them at night The most important play- the only mammal which has Endangered Species (CITES) poaching are regularly being munication media. It is fairly (since pangolins are nocturnal) ers in combating wildlife trade hard keratinous scales on their which prohibits international reported from different places easy to find videos and pictures . The pangolins are extremely though remain the grassroots body. They are myrmecopha- commercial trade. of Odisha. To address this, we of threatened and protected easy to catch once they are communities particularly for- gus (feeds on ants and ter- Among eight pangolin need inputs from local people species of fauna and flora ani- sighted. Once the animal is est dwelling people who coex- mites). Being insectivorous species globally, four each are (primary data) to understand mals online. Middlemen share caught, only picking it up, ist with these species. Unless mammals, they feed on eggs, found in Asia and Africa. India the trade and its channels. We these videos and pictures of putting it into a sack and car- they are made the main part- larvae and adults of ants and is home to two species, Chinese need to understand whether it collected pangolins to their rying it away remains, because ners in conserving pangolins termites acting as biological pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) is happening at the local level colleagues and contacts online, pangolins are defenseless and through community initiatives, pest controlling agents. Their and Indian pangolin (Manis or if there is an organized net- used to make psychotropic live pangolins and its scales is attracting buyers and therefore can’t attack or defend them- the situation may continue to long sticky tongue is used for crassicaudata). Chinese pan- work (secondary data). drugs, such as methampheta- a highly lucrative business for enabling the trade. Traffickers selves in any way. worsen rapidly for pangolins feeding on insects and devoid golin is known to occur in Pangolin scales and parts mine. organised mafias, who exploit and criminal networks are Earlier, locals used to kill and other endangered species. of any teeth. They are solitary northern and northeastern are ingredients in prescrip- Forest officials of poor and vulnerable forest explaining e-commerce web- the animal straight away, eat its It is necessary to gain sup- and remain inactive and hide India. Indian pangolin is wide- tions of traditional Chinese Athagarh in Odisha busted a dwelling communities for their sites and social media platforms meat and burn or discard the port from indigenous people to in their burrows and tree holes ly distributed throughout the medicine. The scales’ uses vary huge gang of pangolin smug- criminal interests. This is push- to trade in illicit wildlife prod- scales’. However, people now help control the impact of during daytime. They roll their country except the Himalayan widely, from helping with glers during 2019 to 2020 and ing endangered species into ucts globally. realise the commercial value of hunting, thereby reducing the body to form a ball-like struc- region. anorexia, sores, and skin infec- arrested more than 30 mem- extinction and simultaneously Based on investigations pangolins in the wildlife trade supply. The convergence of ture in case they sense the pres- In February 2020, a study tions to treating infertility in bers of the organised network placing these communities at and interrogations to the arrest- market, and are trying to keep various stakeholders, most ence of predators in their vicin- by the South China women and promoting lacta- from different parts of the high risk. Pangolins are illegally ed poachers/ smugglers and it alive till they find a buyer and importantly forest dwelling ity. They secrete strong odour Agricultural University identi- tion. Pangolin scales are com- State. Investigations revealed hunted and traded within discussion with community, it sell it. Pangolins fetch steep communities, researchers, gov- through their anal glands that fied pangolins as the potential posed primarily of keratin, the that the accused were trading Odisha and India while a sub- is found that the most fre- prices locally as well as in the ernment departments and is used in defence. intermediate host of the novel same substance that makes up live pangolins and scales online set of these is smuggled abroad quently-used methods for international market, and this NGOs in devising strategies to Pangolins are listed in coronavirus (Covid-19). The hair and fingernails, and no by forming Whatsapp groups by trafficking networks. hunting pangolins were 1) is the greatest incentive for its break the web of poaching Schedule I of India’s Wildlife study announced the discovery credible scientific evidence in which videos and photos While personal contacts identifying and digging the hunting. Technology, social and trade is, therefore, essen- (Protection) Act, 1972, imply- of a 99% genetic match exists supporting their efficacy. were shared with customers of and networks of grassroots burrow; 2) tracking the foot media and communication tial to save pangolins from ing the highest degree of pro- between the new 2019-nCoV The pangolin trade is also outside country and details markets run by middlemen and tail prints; 3) waiting at the tools play an important role extinction. tection, and grouped as endan- virus and a strain of the virus linked to the narcotics indus- communicated in codes to enabled wildlife trade, the burrow for the animal to here in facilitating wildlife (The author is a Deputy gered by the International found in pangolins. We try. Pangolin scales are pur- conceal the transactions. cyber revolution has enabled emerge and then hitting them trade through bringing togeth- Conservator of Forests, Union for Conservation of thought that after Covid-19, the ported to contain a substance Trafficking (smuggling) of widespread access to digital with sticks on the head; 4) use er the nexus of middlemen and Odisha)     " +,- ./.+  /

33  "        9(:    Q*     (  R 9  &   ' 9     3 8$       3         he anti Covid-19 jab drive he three-day Odishi fest at Tfor health workers was Tthe magnificent Mukteswar launched in Jagatsinghpur dis- Temple ended on Saturday trict on Saturday. with spellbinding perfor- Collector SK Mohapatra mances of Odishi by renowned inaugurated the initiative at the ATHAGARH: The "Athagarh dancers of national and inter- District Headquarters Hospital Prahari", a weekly newspaper national repute showcasing the as Prime Minister Narendra published from here, observed varied items of Odishi reper- Modi rolled out the massive its 20th foundation day on toire. country wide Covid 19 immu- January 14, the day of Makar The evening’s programme nization exercise on Saturday. Sankranti. was started after lighting the Four sites of the district With the welcome speech lamp by Minister, Odia such as the DHH and the by its Chief Editor Naliniprava Language, Literature , Culture Balikuda, Raghunathpur and Pattnaik, the meeting was coor- and Tourism Jyoti Prakash Biridi Community Health dinated by senior scribe Dinesh Panigrahi; Chairperson, OTDC Centres [CHCs] were selected Das. Editor Babita Das read out for the first vaccination in their names for getting the Ltd Shreemaye Mishra, Renowned Odishi hearing In duet Sripunya Mohanty for the vaccination and 100 the editorial which was written  5  Ganjam district, I feel proud.” vaccine. Presently, there are Secretary, Orissa Dance impaired danseuse Sonali and Pratap Barik presented persons were fixed to be immu- for the occasion. Well-wishers He said the vaccine is fully safe 16,800 vaccines in the district. Akademy Guru Aruna Mohapatra started her pro- Pallavi - Raga Nagoballi chore- nized in each site. like Bhaskar Mishra, Prafulla he Covid-19 vaccination and does not have any side On the day, arrangements Mohanty, Director, gramme with Mangalacharan - ography by Guru Aruna According to hospital Kumar Pattnaik, Jadunath Tdrive began in Brahampur effects. The people should not were made for 1100 people to TourismSachin Ramachandra Shiva followed by Abhinaya Mohanty, which was followed sources, 289 persons were Pattnaik, Srinath Rath, Ashok and 11 centres in Ganjam dis- be apprehensive to take the take the vaccine at the 11 cen- Jadhav and Chief Executive, Sajani Go Najani Pirati Jaha by Abhinaya Su Mukha administered Covid –jab out of Dash, Prasant Pattnaik, trict on Saturday. The drive shot. tres. While district Collector GKCM Odissi Research Kali choreography by Durga Gunakeshi choreography by 400 on the first day, while Bimbadhar Rout, Ranjan kicked off in all other centres Later, Dr Sunil Agarwal Vijay Amruta Kulange, CDMO CentreDr Sangita Gosain. Charan Ranbir and music com- Guru Aruna Mohanty and Raghunathpur CHC achieved Mohapatra, Pradyumna Dash, as soon as Prime Minister took the shot at the MKCG Uma Shankar Mishra and The first programme of the position by Sukanta Kumar music composition by Guru hundred percent immunisation Trilochan Behera and Sanatan Modi launched the programme Medical College Hospital and BeMC Commssioner evening was a chorus in hon- Kundu. Dhaneswar Swain. target. It was 72 percent in the Ray spoke. General Manager through videoconferencing. spoke about his experience to Siddheswar Baliarsingh Bender our of Lord Shiva eulogizing Her last item was Pallavi - The concluding item of DHH, 74 percent at Balikuda Shailendra Pattnaik proposed The first vaccine was Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik were present at the City the glory of Lord Shiva pre- Raga Saranga choreography by concluding evening was a and 43 at the Biridi CHC. In the vote of thanks. A one- administered to Dr Sunil Kota though video-conference. Hospital, RDC T Aao inspect- sented by eminent music direc- herself and music composition Group Odishi presentation by the DHH, Dr Dharanidhar minute silent prayer was also at the City Hospital. Dr Kota Notably, more than 25,105 ed the programme at the tor Guru Srinibas Satapathy by Guru Nirmal Kumar Jyotsnarani Sahoo and group of Senapati was first given Covid conducted in fond memory of said, “As my name was chosen Covid warriors had enlisted MKCG Hospital. and his group. Mohapatra. Soor Mandir, Cuttack. 19 vaccine. its founder Narayan Das.

<* *  ' /            ,      4  4)  5  Banda (UP): The condition of a 5-year-old girl, who was 5 5 allegedly raped in a village in Uttar Pradesh's Banda district, 5  5   deteriorated after which she    was rushed to a hospital in Kanpur for better treatment, he Chandahandi-Umarkote police said on Saturday. Chief Tmain road was blocked on Medical Officer Uday Bhan Saturday due to unrest in four Singh said the girl was sent to paddy procurement mandis in Kanpur for better treatment Chandahandi block of and undergoing plastic surgery Nabarangpur district. the paddy of selective farmers farmers blocked the State high- resolved, the protesters said. as she was profusely bleeding. Hundreds of farmers, led is procured due to a nexus. way, said Bagh. Hundreds of farmers, The incident took place on by RMC director and Congress It is also alleged that the Even after testing the stan- including Humeshwar Hans, Friday night in the village leader Khemaraj Bagh, blocked paddy of hundreds of farmers dards and handing them over Rasik Nag, Pitambar Nayak, under Girwa police station the road with bags of paddy on is rejected for various reasons to the mandi, the millers are Jaydev Nial, Sadananda Kand, area, they said. the road. It is to be noted that, or underrated below MSP. still picking up the paddy at Bhuvan Suna, Pitambar A 23-year-old man has been even though farmers have been Despite repeated complaints, their sweet will. The road- Jhankar, Dhansingh Jhankar, arrested in this connection, keeping paddy in the mandi for no action has been taken so far blocks will not be lifted until Amaru Nayak, and others par- Circle Officer (CO) Nareni    78    7    , '        about a month, it is alleged that and finding no way out the the situation in the mandi is ticipated in the road blockade. Siyaram said. 7    $   ,        '

 first to be administered the vac- ' , * ,  cine. Additional DMET Dr ; ,  #      UK Satapathy and Dr Jayant    $         + Panda of the SCB Medical 3$,   College Hospital were also vac-   cinated. New Delhi: As the country -#,'>0# diverse, as India, has been made New Delhi: Prime Minister 57! 0   From Page 1 The first dose of vaccine rolled out the world's largest ''A :):; AIIMS Bhubaneswar, KIIMS Nag and senior doctor Dilip leadership and said the world said, has given the people of Monday.  &  )  and SUM Hospital. Mishra received the vaccine has begun to look up to India as India a reinforced sense of self- The Prime Minister's Office Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan first. a power to reckon with. He said ment of early lockdown by esteem and self-confidence, and From Page 1 (PMO) on Saturday said the metro ' :0  (SOA) Vice-Chancellor and Notably, the State has Prime Minister Modi has always Prime Minister Modi way back also reinforced people's faith and Health Minister Naba projects will provide an environ- former All India Institute of received 4.08 lakh doses of demonstrated the ability to make in March, India was possibly the trust in Prime Minister Modi. Kishore Das said it was ment-friendly mass rapid transit Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Covishield vaccine and 20,000 a virtue out of adversity. first to declare a decisive war Singh also lauded India's coro- a memorable day of system to the two cities in Gujarat. ment issued by the PMO said. Bhubaneswar Director Dr doses of Covaxin vaccine in the "In the wake of COVID against the pandemic. na warriors for their enduring health service. In the The Ahmedabad Metro Rail The Surat Metro Rail Project Ashok Kumar Mahapatra and first lot. While 3.38 lakh health- pandemic, the prime minister "Today with the launch of fight over the last one first phase, more than 4 Project Phase-II is 28.25 km long is 40.35 km long and comprises Capital Hospital Director Dr care workers have been regis- has placed India on the path of vaccination drive, India is pos- year. He said the pandemic lakh Covaxin and over with two corridors. The 22.8-km- two corridors. The 21.61-km-long Lakhmidhar Sahoo were tered for the vaccination, the 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' and the sibly the first to herald the had brought out the best in the 20,000 Covishield vac- long corridor-I is from Motera corridor-I is from Sarthana to among those who took shots of Government has a target to give world has begun to look up to beginning of the end of the pan- Indian medical fraternity and cines have been sent to Stadium to Mahatma Mandir, Dream City, while the 18.74-km- the vaccine on the first day. first doses of the vaccination to India as a power to reckon demic. Something which was brought to the surface the inner different centres for while the 5.4-km-long corridor-II long corridor-II is from Bhesan to In Cuttack, Barsha Dei, a 1.92 lakh healthcare workers with,” said Singh, the Minister of considered unbelievable to be strengths and potentials of vaccination of nearly is from GNLU to GIFT City. The Saroli. The total completion cost of sanitation worker of the SCB within a week using the avail- State for Personnel. achieved for a country as pop- Indian medical professionals. two lakh health workers total completion cost of the Phase- the project is Rs 12,020 crore, the Medical College Hospital, was able vials. He said with the announce- ulous, as heterogeneous and as PTI in the State. II project is Rs 5,384 crore, a state- PMO said. PTI 7  7  #0,,. % ,     **  $  ,          resolving residents' issues During the combined The corporation has failed #''#?2#0 despite repeated complaints. development survey of Sat to do any upkeep and mainte-     ontinuing with the devel- "Half the problems of Delhi Nagar, WEA and 100 quarter, nance of roads that also comes Copment work in his con- can be resolved if the MCD the Rajinder Nagar MLA came under its purview. Their abject ,>,FM.11 stituency, Rajinder Nagar MLA begins to take ownership and across several lanes where failure has caused multiple      and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) do its duty properly vis-a-vis, garbage was not collected nor problems to residents. Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Chief ple with vested interests are senior leader Raghav Chadha timely action when people had the lanes been cleaned Following this, the Rajinder Minister Yogi Adityanath on spreading rumours about the conducted a door-to-door sur- lodge complaints. It is unfor- properly. Several residents Nagar MLA issued immediate Hyderabad: Bharat Biotech, According to an industry Saturday asked the people to coronavirus vaccine," he said. vey of Sat Nagar along with the tunate that the Corporation has apprised their elected repre- directions for the affected areas which has received a govern- expert, the company is liable to remain alert for rumours regard- "There is a need to avoid representatives of BSES, Delhi failed in its duty towards the sentative of lack of cleanliness to be cleaned thoroughly. ment purchase order for sup- pay compensation to people in ing COVID-19 vaccines and any kind of rumour and people Jal Board, Municipal people. and improper garbage dispos- During the course of the ply of 55 lakh doses of Covaxin, case of serious side effects wait for their turn to get them- should wait for their turn. We Corporations and Public They have not acted on the al, which eventually becomes a nearly two-hour development a COVID-19 vaccine, will pay caused by the vaccine admin- selves vaccinated. have also to remain alert for the Works Department and exam- upkeep of roads; they have not major problem. survey, where the Rajinder compensation to recipients in istered while in the clinical trial Healthcare workers at the people who are spreading ined issues related to water sup- taken any steps towards prop- Despite their repeated Nagar MLA went door-to- case of any 'serious adverse' mode.The central licensing frontline of India's COVID-19 rumours," the chief minister ply, drainage, electricity and er and regular garbage dispos- complaints, the MCD had door and met with residents of effects experienced after receiv- authority has granted permis- battle got their first jabs on said. The vaccine developed in road network.During his visit, al. Their inaction has become taken no action.Chadha said, Sat Nagar and was apprised of ing the antidote. sion for the sale or distribution Saturday with Prime Minister the country is very effective and Chadha questioned the MCD's a major cause for concern," he "Garbage disposal comes under various issues and has now A consent form to be of Covaxin for restricted use in Narendra Modi launching the also reasonably priced, he said, lackadaisical approach in said. the purview of the MCD. designed a roadmap. signed by the vaccine recipients emergency situations in public world's largest vaccination drive emphasising the need for peo- said, "In case of any adverse interest as an abundant caution, against the pandemic. ple to maintain COVID proto- events or serious adverse in clinical trial mode. "Today is a day of immense col and social distancing even * :  $  events, you will be provided Meanwhile, Joint happiness and excitement. India after getting vaccinated. PTI medically recognised standard Managing Director of Bharat is the first country which has The CM said that vaccina- 5    of care in the government des- Biotech International Ltd, launched two vaccines," Chief tion also carried forward PM ignated and authorised centres Suchitra Ella in her twitter Minister Adityanath said here. Modi's resolution of `Make in       and hospitals.""The compen- account said, "Covaxin & The chief minister visited India'. sation for serious adverse event Bharat Biotech is truly humbled the Balrampur Hospital in "Those who have been NEW DELHI: Air quality in will be paid by sponsor (BBIL) & honoured to be of service to Lucknow in the morning and administered the vaccine today Delhi spiked to dangerous lev- in case if the SAE is proven to the nation & the fraternity of all reviewed the vaccination drive will get the second dose after 28 els due to low ventilation and be causally related to the vac- first responders of covid who where the first doses were days. People should wait for their calm surface winds as Air cine," the form said. In phase have served public health." administered to Dr Praveen turn as everyone's sequence has Quality and Weather 1 and 2 clinical trials, Covaxin Covaxin is a highly puri- Kumar and staff nurse Geeta been set. We have to break the Forecasting And Research ( has demonstrated the ability to fied and inactivated two-dose Devi. Adityanath also interact- virus chain," he said. SAFAR ) predicted on Saturday. produce antidotes against SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, manu- ed with the staff of the hospital. Geeta Devi, the staff nurse According to the National COVID-19. factured in a Vero cell manu- "I have just met the health of Balrampur hospital, who took Ambient Air Quality Index ( However the clinical effi- facturing platform with an workers who have got vaccinat- the first shot of the vaccine said NAAQI ), the overall Air cacy of the vaccine is yet to be excellent safety track record of ed and they are all fine," he said she was initially scared but after Quality Index ( AQI ) was established and it is still being more than 300 million doses, told newspersons. taking the dose, "I am feeling recorded at 492 micrograms studied in phase 3 clinical tri- the drug maker had said. "I congratulate Prime completely fine".According to per cubic. According to als. "Hence, it is important to Covaxin is India's totally Minister Narendra Modi for state Medical and Health SAFAR, the values of appreciate that receiving the indigenous COVID-19 vac- this achievement and thank the Minister Jai Pratap Singh, the Suspended Particulate Matters vaccine does not mean that cine developed in collaboration scientists of the country. At this vaccination in the first phase ( SPMs ) were recorded 436 other precautions related to with the Indian Council of point of time, when the country started at 317 centres and 31,700 and 278 microgram per cubic COVID-19 need not be fol- Medical Research and National is moving ahead in this battle health workers are being vacci- for Particulate Matters ( PM )         ,  ,8 $    '-# lowed," it added. Institute of Virology. against a pandemic, some peo- nated on the first day. 10 and 2.5.SAFAR.     " +,- ./.+  & -/

 3:40     -    $       #->O- *9695P &)-;        o promote toy manufac- Tturing among domestic         claim that there were extensive players, particularly among consultations before the Farm rural entrepreneurs, the he CBI has re-registered ormer Union Minister P Laws Ordinances were promul- Common Service Centre TJ&K ACB FIR in connec- FChidambaram on Saturday gated. The truth is that no one (CSC), an SPV under the tion with the alleged irregu- hit out at the Centre over the was consulted. In particular, Ministry of Electronics and larities committed in transfer impasse on the farm laws, alleg- state governments were not IT Ministry, has joined hands of land under the Roshni ing that “no one” was consulted consulted,” he alleged. with the All India Council for Scheme against 13 persons of for the legislations, and assert- The only way out of the Technical Education (AICTE) Pulwama, including seven ed that the only way out for the impasse is for the government to to organise ‘Toycathon-2021’. then officials posted in the dis- Government was to agree to admit its mistake and agree to “Toycathon-2021 is aimed trict like the Deputy start on a “clean slate”. His start on a clean slate, at understanding the creativi- Commissioner, Pulwama and remarks came a day after the Chidambaram said. Thousands ty among start-ups in rural his subordinates. Centre asked protesting farmers of farmers, mostly from Haryana areas, students and profes- The then Deputy to form an informal group to and Punjab, have been protest- sionals for developing and 4M) 4A%&% Commissioner, Pulwama, Majid Sheikh and Ghulam misuse of their official position prepare a concrete proposal ing at several border points of manufacturing toys. It is a  A Mehraj Ahmad Kakroo, the Rasool Wani. as public servants conferred about their objections and sug- Delhi since November 28 last unique opportunity for stu- then Additional Deputy The accused have been undue pecuniary benefit upon gestions on the farm laws for fur- year, demanding a repeal of the dents, teachers, start-ups and 5  Commissioner, Pulwama booked under Section 120-B the illegal occupants of state ther discussion at their next three laws and a legal guarantee toy experts/professionals in Iftikhar-ul Hasnain, the then (criminal conspiracy) of the land by arbitrarily fixing the meeting on January 19 to end to the minimum support price India to submit their innovative   C Assistant Commissioner, Ranbir Penal Code and rele- price of land which was lower the long-running protest at var- (MSP) system for their crops. toys/games concepts and win C4 C Q Revenue, Mohammad Rajab vant provisions of the than the prevailing market ious Delhi borders. Enacted in September last prizes worth Rs.50 lakhs,” said Bhatt, the then Tehsildar Prevention of Corruption Act. rate of the area, incorrect The protesting farmer year, the three laws have been CSC Managing Director Dr 5   Mohammad Hussain, the then “In pursuance of the J&K application of rates and unau- unions, however, stuck to their projected by the Centre as major Dinesh Tyagi. Naib Tehsildar, Kakpora, High Court, FIR No 29/2015 thorised change of classifica- main demand of a complete reforms in the agriculture sector Toycathon-2021 is an Mohammad Maqbool OF Police Station-VOK, now tion of land from residential to repeal of the three legislations. that will remove middlemen and inter-ministerial initiative Broadcasting. this unique initiative due to its Ahanger, the then Girdawar, ACB, J&K is re-registered,” agricultural. In a series of tweets, allow farmers to sell their pro- involving six ministries. Toycathon-2021 will be reach and expertise. Kakpora, Ghulam Ahmad reads the FIR. Verification revealed that Chidambaram said that as duce anywhere in the country. Organised by the Ministry of conducted through CSC CSC Academies are being Sheikh and the then Patwari An audit report of the the ownership rights of the expected, another round of talks However, the protesting Education’s Innovation Cell Academy, an arm of CSC, at utilised to create awareness, Halqa , Kakpora, Abdul Razak Principal Accountant General state land measuring six between the farmers and gov- farmers have expressed their with support from AICTE, 6,000 block and taluka level promote and conduct Wagey have been named in (Audit) alleged irregularities Kanals, 10 Marlas and four ernment has failed. apprehension that the new laws the initiative is being support- where CSC Academies are Toycathon-2021 in rural areas. the FIR. committed in the transfer of Sirsai was transferred in the The fault lies with the would pave the way for elimi- ed by the Ministry of Women present. “CSC Academy, a not- The new concepts of toys gen- In addition, private per- land under the Roshni scheme. name of the six accused per- Government because it will not nating the safety cushion of the and Child Development, for-profit society which deliv- erated from Tyocathon-2021 sons named in the FIR are The report revealed that the sons under Jammu and agree to get rid of the disputed MSP and do away with the Ministry of Commerce and ers specialized courses/training might also be useful in solving Ahmad Pandith, Nabi Naikoo, officers and officials of Kashmir State Land (vesting of laws, the former Union minis- “mandi” (wholesale market) sys- Industry, Ministry of MSME, programmes, and promotes our societal problems,” said Mohammad Amin Pandith, Revenue department of ownership) Act, 2001, it ter said. “RTI responses have tem, leaving them at the mercy Ministry of Textiles and entrepreneurship among the Tyagi, who is also Secretary of Dr Farhat Pandith, Abdul Pulwama have by abuse and added. exposed as a lie the government’s of big corporates. Ministry of Information and rural masses, is best suited for the CSC Academy. ' $, $   9< *     7#  >?*$7  =  ,  9  , 7      A  ;     ,                   P he Supreme Court has here will be no letup in the      Timposed a fine of25,000 Tintense cold and dense to      on Gujarat for wasting judicial very dense fog conditions in the ays after booking its four time, irked over the “lethargy north and north western parts Dpersonnel for allegedly ormer president of the and incompetence” of the of the country at least the next receiving bribe to compromise FSupreme Court Bar state government in filing a three to four days. Dense to on investigation against com- Association (SCBA) and petition before it after a delay very dense fog over north and panies accused of bank fraud, senior advocate Vikas Singh of over a year. central India has delayed sev- the CBI has suspended two of on Saturday requested Chief A bench, headed by eral trains and rescheduled them —Inspector Kapil Justice S A Bobde to constitute Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, flights in Delhi, Amritsar and Dhankad and Stenographer a bench to resolve the election pulled up the state for Lucknow on Saturday due to Samir Kumar Singh — and rec- stalemate of the professional approaching the apex court in poor to zero visibility. ommended administrative body of lawyers. a “casual manner” and dis- According to the India two-three days,” the IMD said. five days in the prevailing action against the other two. He said Dushyant Dave, missed the plea on the ground Meteorological Department “This will also lead to weather conditions. Srinagar Officials said on Saturday who resigned from the post of of delay. (IMD), zero visibility was dense fog conditions with vis- city — the summer capital that the agency has recom- SCBA president on Thursday, It observed that such kind reported over Delhi, Lucknow ibility at below 200 metres in ofJammu and Kashmir -- mended to the Department of was to constitute the election of “certificate cases” are filed and Amritsar due to variable the morning hours, which can recorded a low of minus 8.2 Personnel and Training to ini- committee in the first week of      with the only objective to and calm lower-level winds impact the transport and power degrees Celsius, down from tiate administrative action November last year as the obtain a quietus from the top on Saturday. “Zero visibility sectors,” it said. minus 7.6 degrees Celsius the against deputy superintendents term of the executive com- raders’ body CAIT on court on the ground that shown over Delhi, Lucknow Due to the prevalence of previous night. of police R K Rishi and R K mittee was ending on TSaturday filed a petition in nothing could be done and Amritsar...,” the IMD said dry north and north-westerly Cold wave conditions pre- Sangwan. December 13. the Supreme Court, making a because the highest court had in a tweet. This is the third time winds, minimum temperatures vailed in Punjab and Haryana The Department of “He delayed the decision plea to direct WhatsApp to dismissed the appeal. during this winter season that are likely to fall by 2-4 degrees on Saturday, with Bathinda Personnel and Training is the by a month. Even after decid- withdraw its new privacy pol- The petition was filed in the visibility has dropped to over most parts of northwest registering a minimum tem- nodal ministry for the CBI, ing on December 4, he icy the the top court by the state zero in several cities. Dense India during the next two days. perature of 4 degrees Celsius. they said. delayed communicating to The body issued a state- government after a delay of fog-induced low visibility con- The cold and chilly winter this Among other places in Punjab, According to the charges the election committee by ment claiming that the new 427 days against an order of ditions led to delay of over 40 year is due to the prevailing La Amritsar, Ludhiana and Patiala levelled in the eight-page FIR, another week. When the EC WhatsApp privacy policy the Gujarat High Court passed flights from the Indira Gandhi Nina condition which is a braved the chill at 6.5, 7.8 and made public on Friday after the had already decided to con- encroaches upon various fun- with tens of millions of its users in March 2019 in a case. International Airport (IGIA) weather phenomenon caused 6.7 degrees Celsius, respec- completion of a search opera- duct the election virtually, damental rights of the citizens. moving from the platform to “The objective is to com- here on Saturday. According to due to the cooling of the Pacific tively, up to three degrees tion by the agency, Inspector there was no occasion for About the petition, the rivals like Signal and Telegram. plete a mere formality and airport sources, poor visibility Ocean. This has led to the drop above normal. Dhankad received bribe money him to call an EC to ratify the traders’’ body said it “has also The policy change was save the skin of the officers conditions and non-compli- in temperature and long spells In Uttar Pradesh, the low- from Sangwan and Rishi, who election committee decision of prayed that Union of India originally scheduled to come who may be in default in fol- ant CAT III B trained pilots led of cold. Also, the western dis- est temperature in Uttar were soliciting favours for appointing NSDL,” Singh said must frame guidelines to gov- into effect on February 8, the lowing the due process or to the delays. turbances brought rains and Pradesh was 2.6 degrees Shree Shyam Pulp and Board in a letter to the Registrar ern big technology companies Facebook-owned company may have done it deliberate- According to IMD, snowfall in the first week of Celsius, recorded at Churk Mills, accused in a Rs 700-crore General of the Supreme like WhatsApp and frame poli- said. ly. We have deprecated such Ludhiana, Patiala, Karnal and January which has also impact- observatory, while Jhansi reg- bank fraud case, and Frost Court. cies which would protect the It has clarified that the practice and process and we Aligarh reported visibility-50 ed the weather. istered a high of 24.2 degree International, accused in a Rs “If a hybrid mode (of elec- privacy of citizens and busi- update does not affect data do so again. meters each at 5.30 pm on Kuldeep Srivastava, head of Celsius -- the highest in the 3,600-crore bank fraud case. tion) was what they wanted, nesses”. sharing with Facebook with “We refuse to grant such Saturday and Bahraich, regional forecasting at the state. The CBI has booked its they should have decided on “The Confederation of All regard to personal conversa- certificates and if the govern- Gangtok, Cooch Behar-200 Regional Meteorological Cold wave conditions con- four personnel, besides two December 4. Now asking the India Traders (CAIT) has tions or other profile infor- ment suffers losses, it is time each. As regards Delhi and Department in Delhi, said that tinued in Himachal Pradesh advocates, Additional Director election committee to defer today filed a petition in the mation and only addresses when concerned officers Safdarjung have reported visi- temperatures will begin to rise with Keylong shivering at of Shree Shyam Pulp and Board the election to third week of Supreme Court with the prayer business chats in the event a responsible for the same bear bility 500 meters while visibil- from January 19. “The La Nina minus 6.8 degrees Celsius. Mills Mandeep Kaur Dhillon February is again an attempt to direct WhatsApp to with- user converses with a compa- the consequences,” said the ity in Palam was reported1000 conditions will persist till the IMD has predicted dry but and Directors of Frost by Dave to prolong his tenure draw its new privacy policy, ny’’s customer service plat- bench, also comprising meters. first week of February 2021. We cold weather in the state till International Sujay Desai and till then creating a drama of which is encroaching upon form through WhatsApp. Justices Dinesh Maheshwari The dense fog is likely to expect day temperatures to January 22. Tribal Lahaul and Uday Desai. resignation and then making various fundamental rights of “The petition especially and Hrishikesh Roy. persist on Sunday and Monday gradually increase from Spiti’s administrative centre “The CBI has a zero tol- the EC to reject his decision to the citizens granted by highlights the difference of “The irony, emphasised as well. “Dense to very dense January-end which will give Keylong continued to be the erance policy towards corrup- resign,” the letter stated. Constitution of India,” the approach in EU and India by us repeatedly, is that no fog at some/many pockets very some respite to people,” he coldest place in the state at tion, be it other departments or The senior lawyer said all statement said. countries with respect to the action is ever taken against the likely over Punjab, Haryana, said. minus 6.8 degrees Celsius, within the organisation. The the three members of the the Meanwhile, WhatsApp has privacy policy of WhatsApp officers and if the court push- Chandigarh & Delhi, Uttar Dense fog also added to Shimla MeT centre director case is a result of strict vigil and election committee resigned announced delaying by three and how the data of Indian es it, some mild warning is all Pradesh, north Rajasthan; at extreme cold in Jammu & Manmohan Singh said. Kalpa action on any input which on Friday night as the SCBA months the implementation users can be misused by such that happens,” the bench said isolated pockets over Sub- Kashmir on Saturday, and the in Kinnaur district recorded a indicates involvement of our refused to accept its decision of the new privacy policy that big tech companies,” CAIT in its order passed earlier this Himalayan West Bengal & weather office forecast no low of zero degrees Celsius, he officials in corrupt practice,” an to hold elections through has faced a massive backlash said. week. Sikkim, Bihar during the next major change during the next added. official said. NSDL, a digital firm. ?0,1,'0>?       ?'05#-#F)  3  @, =       2021 cases of Avian Influenza have been confirmed in poul- interference,” the Nepalese criticism within Nepal. he Centre on Saturday said try in Latur, Parbhani, Nanded,      foreign minister said. Gyawali said Nepal’s rela- Tbird flu in poultry has been Pune, Solapur, Yavatmal, Nepal plunged into a tions with both India and confirmed in nine districts of Ahmednagar, Beed and Raigad epal does not accept political turmoil following China are excellent and that it Maharashtra, while culling districts of Maharashtra,” it Ninterference in its Prime Minister K P Sharma never compares ties with each operation in poultry is under- said. domestic politics as it is capa- Oli’s sudden decision to dis- other. way in one district each in However, the ministry ble of handling its internal solve parliament and call Asked about the political Madhya Pradesh and again requested state govern- problems, Nepalese Foreign for fresh elections in view of crisis and role of NCP leader Chhattisgarh. Apart from poul- ments to “rethink” their deci- Minister Pradeep Kumar internal feud in the ruling Pushpa Kamal Dahal who is try, the viral disease has been sions to impose ban sale of Gyawali said on Saturday, in Nepal Communist Party popularly known as confirmed in crow in poultry products and allow comments that came against (NCP). Prachanda, Gyawali refused to Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Uttar sale of poultry items sourced the backdrop of China wad- As the crisis deepened, make any direct comment Pradesh, while in pigeon, from the non-infected ing into the political turmoil China rushed a high-level and said as foreign minister of brown fish owl and Heron in areas/states. in the Himalayan nation fol- team headed by Vice the country, he represents Delhi. As per the report, received lowing the dissolution of its Minister of the International everyone in Nepal. The Ministry of Animal from Central Poultry parliament. Department of the At the same time, the Husbandry on Saturday said Development Organisation Gyawali’s assertion came Communist Party of China Nepalese foreign minister jus- that Avian Influenza has been Mumbai, unusual mortality of at a media interaction when (CPC) Guo Yezhou to tified Oli’s decision to dissolve confirmed in Chhatarpur dis- poultry have been found in the asked about China’s attempt Kathmandu to hold talks parliament saying he followed trict of Madhya Pradesh farm. The samples have been to play a role in the after- with the rival factions with- the democratic principle of (crow); Surat, Navsari and sent to the designated labora- math of fast-paced political in the NCP after the Chinese seeking fresh mandate from Narmada districts of Gujarat tory for testing. developments in Nepal last ambassador in the country the people whose decisions are (crow); Dehradun district of The ministry has again month. failed to sort out differ- supreme in a democracy. Uttarakhand (crow); Kanpur asked the states to rethink “We never accept inter- ences. “In democracy, people are district of Uttar Pradesh (crow). their decisions to impose ban ference in our domestic pol- The team held talks with the final authority to decide Additionally, in Delhi, Pigeon on sale of poultry and poultry itics. We are able to settle almost all top Nepalese lead- about who will govern. I think and brown fish owl in products and allow selling of our own problems. As a ers but had to return empty dissolution of the parliament Najafgarh and Heron in Rohini poultry and poultry products close neighbour, there may handed. The Chinese med- is a reflection of the internal !   $      7   % @$ ,,     have tested positive for avian sourced from the non-infected be some concerns or ques- dling in Nepalese political issue. It is not wise to blame , influenza. “Till 16 January, areas/States. tions but we never accept developments triggered strong anybody,” Gyawali said.     " +,- ./.+ /

3    4 !  (      '7 7       +           56    55          ; Q,            $ ( R Washington: US President- elect Joe Biden has announced Washington: Outgoing US Vice election. Terre Haute (US): The Trump an ambitious goal of inoculat- President Mike Pence has called The traditional in-person administration has carried out    ing a video in which she says, ing 100 million of total 331 mil- his soon-to-be successor meeting between the outgoing its 13th federal execution since “We’re gonna go down and lion Americans with Covid-19 Kamala Harris to congratulate president and the president- July, an unprecedented run Dallas-area real estate storm the Capitol,” in front of vaccines in the first 100 days of her and offer his full co-opera- elect has not happened. Same is that concluded just five days Aagent who is facing a bathroom mirror, according his administration, noting the tion in the transition of power, the case with the outgoing vice before the inauguration of charges for allegedly being to the FBI criminal complaint. vaccine rollout in the country, according to multiple media president and his successor. President-elect Joe Biden — an part of the pro-President The agent who signed the the worst hit by the pandemic, reports said. In a rare departure from the opponent of the federal death Donald Trump mob that complaint also noted that Ryan has been a “dismal failure.” However, there has been no tradition, Trump has penalty. stormed the U.S. Capitol last live-streamed a 21-minute Ahead of his inauguration communication between out- announced that he will not Dustin Higgs, convicted week said she’s a “normal per- Facebook video of her and a on January 20, Biden on Friday going President Donald Trump attend Biden’s inauguration on in the killings of three women son” who listened to her pres- group walking toward the held a briefing with his team on and president-elect Joe Biden, January 6. Trump would depart in a Maryland wildlife refuge in ident. Capitol. addressing the major health which is unprecedented in the White House for his Mar-a- 1996, was the third to receive Jenna Ryan, 50, is accused “We are going to (exple- crisis that has engulfed the recent memory. Lago resort in Florida just a lethal injection this week at of “knowingly” entering or tive) go in here,” Ryan said in nation for nearly a year now. “Vice President Mike Pence before the inauguration. the federal prison in Terre remaining in the restricted the video as she approached The US is the worst-affect- around, five things to turn diately work with states to telephoned Vice President-elect Though Trump has still Haute, Indiana. building or grounds without the top of the stairs on the west ed country in the world with frustration into motivation, open up vaccinations to more Kamala Harris Thursday to refused to actually concede his President Donald Trump’s lawful authority and disorder- side of the Capitol building. more than 23,523,000 COVID- five things to help us meet our priority groups,” he said. congratulate her and offer his 2020 election loss to Biden, he Justice Department resumed ly conduct on Capitol grounds “Life or death, it doesn’t mat- 19 infections and 391,955 goal of 100 million shots by the Biden said that the process belated assistance — filling a promised that a “peaceful tran- federal executions last year fol- on Jan. 6, according to a crim- ter. Here we go.” She then deaths, according to the Johns end of our first 100 days in of establishing priority groups is leadership role all but abdicat- sition” of power would take lowing a 17-year hiatus. No inal complaint filed by the FBI turned the camera to expose Hopkins Coronavirus tracker. office. Some wonder if we are driven by science, but the prob- ed by President Trump, who is place. president in more than 120 in a Washington federal court. her face, the complaint noted, During his election cam- reaching too far for that goal. lem is the implementation has planning to fly out of the capi- He was impeached on years had overseen as many Matt DeSarno, special and said, “Y’all know who to paign, Biden, a Democrat, Is it achievable? It’s a legitimate been too rigid and confusing. tal shortly before Joseph R Wednesday for inciting the federal executions. agent in charge of the FBI hire for your Realtor, Jenna made tackling COVID-19 and question to ask,” Biden told “If you were to ask most Biden Jr is sworn in next week,” Capitol Hill riot that stemmed Higgs, 48, was pronounced Dallas office, confirmed that Ryan for your Realtor.” the economic hardships it had reporters in Wilmington, people today, they couldn’t tell The New York Times reported. from his unsubstantiated claims dead at 1:23 am on Friday. Ryan had turned herself in and Nearly halfway through, put on Americans a core pitch Delaware. you who exactly is getting Friday’s call was the first of voter fraud. The deadly insur- The number of federal that her Carrollton apartment Ryan appears to have made it to voters. “Let me be clear; I am con- vaccinated. What they do time Pence, 61, and Harris, 56, rection at the Capitol on January death sentences carried was searched Friday. No per- to the front door, chanting, “The vaccine rollout in the vinced we can get it done, and know is there are tens of mil- had an one-to-one conversation 6 by Trump’s supporters, who out under Trump since 2020 sonal telephone for Ryan was “USA, USA” and “Here we are, United States has been a dismal this is the time to set big goals lions of doses of vaccine sitting since their vice presidential unsuccessfully tried to stop is more than in the previous available, and court records in the name of Jesus.” In an failure thus far and in today’s to pursue them with courage unused in freezers around the debate in October last year. It Congress from certifying Biden’s 56 years combined, reducing didn’t list a lawyer for her as of interview with KTVT-TV in briefing we discussed five and conviction because the country while people who was also the first direct contact win, resulted in the deaths of the number of prisoners on Friday. Fort Worth, Ryan said she things, five things we will do in health of the nation is literally want and need the vaccine between the two leaders since five people, including a police federal death row by nearly a Ryan shared photos and hoped that Trump would par- an attempt to turn things at stake. First, we will imme- can’t get it,” he said. PTI the November 3 presidential officer. PTI quarter. AP videos on social media, includ- don her. 0    ,   <  9    $ *7   ,         2#. out, with many losing to can- didates from Wines party, local ... media reported.           Wine claimed victory Friday, asserting that he had Kampala: Uganda’s electoral video evidence of vote-rigging Berlin: Germany, France and — that Tehran signed with Tehran: Iran’s paramilitary taking place in the country’s vast commission says longtime and saying “every legal option Britain pressed Iran on Saturday Germany, France, Britain, Revolutionary Guard conduct- central desert, the latest in a President Yoweri Museveni has is on the table” to challenge the to back off the latest planned China, Russia and the United ed a drill Saturday launching series of snap exercises called won a sixth term while top official election results, includ- violation of its 2015 nuclear deal States in 2015. anti-warship ballistic missiles at amid the escalating tensions Opposition challenger Bobi ing peaceful protests. with world powers, saying that Since the unilateral a simulated target in the Indian over its nuclear programme. Wine alleges rigging and offi- Candidates can challenge elec- Tehran has “no credible civilian American withdrawal from the Ocean, state television reported, Footage also showed four cials struggle to explain how tion results at the Supreme use” for uranium metal. deal in 2018, the other mem- amid heightened tensions over unmanned, triangle-shaped polling results were compiled Court. The International Atomic bers have been working to pre- Tehran’s nuclear programme drones flying in a tight forma- amid an internet blackout. Hours later, he tweeted Energy Agency said Thursday serve the accord. Iran has been and a US pressure campaign tion, smashing into targets and In a generational clash that the military had entered Iran had informed it that it had using violations of the deal to against the Islamic Republic. exploding. Tensions between widely watched across the his home compound and “we begun installing equipment for put pressure on the other sig- Footage showed two mis- Washington and Tehran have African continent, with a are in serious trouble,” which a the production of uranium natories to provide more incen- siles smash into a target that increased amid a series of inci- booming young population $   ,  ' B ,        military spokeswoman denied. metal. It said Tehran maintains tives to Iran to offset crippling Iranian state television described dents stemming from President and a host of aging leaders, the ,  $    ' Wine, whose real name is its plans to conduct research American sanctions re-imposed as “hypothetical hostile enemy Donald Trump’s unilateral with- 38-year-old singer-turned- Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, was and development on uranium after the US pullout. ships” at a distance of 1,800 kilo- drawal from Iran’s nuclear deal lawmaker Wine posed arguably diplomat to Africa has called when security forces put down roughed up and arrested sev- metal production are part of its A joint statement from the meters (1,120 miles). The report with world powers. the greatest challenge yet to the electoral process “funda- riots in November over Wines eral times while campaigning “declared aim to design an German, French and British did not specify the type of mis- Amid Trump’s final days as Museveni. He had strong sup- mentally flawed.” arrest. Wine petitioned the but was never convicted, and improved type of fuel.” foreign ministries said they siles used. president, Tehran has recently port in urban centers where Thursday’s vote followed International Criminal Court eventually he campaigned Uranium metal can also be are “deeply concerned” by the In the first phase of the drill seized a South Korean oil tanker frustration with unemploy- the East African country’s this month over alleged torture wearing a flak jacket and said used for a nuclear bomb, how- latest Iranian announcement. Friday, the Guard’s aerospace and begun enriching uranium ment and corruption is high. worst pre-election violence and other abuses by security he feared for his life. ever, and research on its pro- “Iran has no credible civil- division launched surface-to- closer to weapons-grade levels, The electoral commission since the 76-year-old Museveni forces. A heavy presence of secu- duction is specifically prohib- ian use for uranium metal,” it surface ballistic missiles and while the US has sent B-52 said Museveni received 58% of took office in 1986. Wine and While the president holds rity forces remained around his ited under the nuclear deal — said. “The production of urani- drones against “hypothetical bombers, the USS Nimitz air- ballots and Wine 34%, and other opposition candidates on to power, at least 15 of his home, where he has said he was the so-called Joint um metal has potentially grave enemy bases.” Iranian state tele- craft carrier and a nuclear sub- voter turnout was 52%. were often harassed, and more Cabinet ministers, including alone with his wife and a sin- Comprehensive Plan of Action military implications.” AP vision described the drill as marine into the region. AP The top United States than 50 people were killed the vice president, were voted gle security guard. AP $ 7 ;    *   )/          R        1    

Berlin: Chancellor Angela the center-right candidate for favorite going into Saturday’s Dakar: A United Nations northern Mali in just a week. crimes, spokesman Stephane Merkel’s center-right party on chancellor in Germany’s Sept. convention, but the election of peacekeeper from Egypt was Another explosive device Dujarric said. Saturday chose Armin 26 election, but Laschet will Merz would have marked at killed in Mali’s northern Kidal was found at the scene in Four peacekeepers from Laschet, the pragmatic either run for chancellor or least a symbolic break with the region on Friday, and another Tessalit and disabled, the UN Ivory Coast died from an Governor of Germany’s most will have a big say in who does. Merkel era. Laschet will now was seriously injured, after mission in Mali said late Friday. improvised explosive device populous state, as its new Merkel, who has been have to work to strengthen their vehicle hit an explosive UN Secretary-General and an attack Wednesday by leader — sending a signal of chancellor since 2005, party unity — something device during a logistics con- Antonio Guterres on Saturday unidentified gunmen in the continuity months before an announced in late 2018 that Kramp-Karrenbauer struggled voy, the UN said. strongly condemned the attack Timbuktu region. election in which voters will she wouldn’t seek a fifth term. with. It brought the toll to five and said attacks against peace- The UN said six were decide who becomes the new She also stepped down from Laschet, 59, was elected in UN peacekeepers killed in keepers may constitute war wounded. AP chancellor. the CDU leadership. 2017 as governor of North Laschet defeated Friedrich The decision ends an 11- Rhine-Westphalia state, a tra- Merz, a conservative and one- month leadership limbo in ditionally center-left strong- # 7  time Merkel rival, at an online Germany’s strongest party hold. He governs the region in convention of the Christian after outgoing leader Annegret a coalition with the pro-busi-  )  Democratic Union. Laschet Kramp-Karrenbauer, who had ness Free Democrats, the won 521 votes to Merz’s 466; failed to impose her authori- CDU’s traditional ally on the a third candidate, prominent ty on the party, announced her right, but would likely be able    7 lawmaker Norbert Roettgen, resignation. A vote on her suc- to work smoothly with a more was eliminated in a first round cessor was delayed twice liberal partner, too.    of voting. because of the coronavirus Laschet pointed Saturday Saturday’s vote isn’t the pandemic. to the value of continuity and Cairo: Sudanese authorities on final word on who will run as There had been no clear moderation. AP Saturday imposed a round- the-clock curfew in the entire West Darfur province after tribal clashes between Arabs /     and non-Arabs killed at least six people and wounded at least 28 others.  R  Gov. Mohammed Abdalla al-Douma said the curfew began Saturday and would

       last until further notice, and includes the closure of all markets and a ban on gather- Islamabad: A team of He added that four inter- ings across the province. Al- Nepalese climbers on Saturday national climbing teams had Douma also granted security made history by scaling the arrived about a month ago to forces and soldiers a mandate world’s second highest peak — try scaling K2 — the last peak to use force to control the sit- Pakistan’s K2 — in the winter above 8,000 meters in the uation, according to decrees season, a local Alpine Club world to not be climbed in the obtained by The Associated official said. winter. Of these dozens of Press. The secretary of Pakistan’s climbers, the group of 10 The violence comes two Alpine Club, Karrar Haideri, Nepalis have so far been the weeks after the U.N. Security said 10 Nepali Sherpas reached only successful team, said Council ended the joint U.N.- the summit around 5 pm. Haideri. African Union peacekeeping At 8,611 metres (28,251 Since the maiden attempt force’s mandate in the Darfur feet), K2 is the most prominent back in 1988, just a handful of region, following pressure peak on the Pakistani side of winter expeditions have been from Sudan’s transitional gov- the Himalayan range, and the attempted on the storied ernment, Russia and other world’s second tallest after 8,611-metre peak in the African nations. The Darfur Mount Everest. Winter winds Karakoram range along the region remains scarred by war on K2 can blow at more than Chinese border that leads into after a rebellion in the early 200 kilometers per hour (125 the Himalayas. 2000s was brutally suppressed. miles per hour) and tempera- Haideri said no moun- The clashes erupted Friday tures drop to minus 60 degrees taineers had reached higher in Genena, West Darfur’s Celsius (minus 76 Fahrenheit). than 7,750 metres, until provincial capital, when a man “This was never done by Saturday when fair weather was killed at a market in the anyone before in winter,” said conditions allowed the Krinding camp for internally Haideri. climbers to push ahead. AP displaced people. AP     " +,- ./.+ &/

  3 !...<3 %7#            ,3   )  financial institutions in India (PVBs) have already raised have to walk a tightrope in nur- capital, and some have plans to eserve Bank of India (RBI) turing the economic recovery raise further resources taking Q"0  > R RGovernor Shaktikanta Das within the overarching objec- advantage of benign financial on Saturday said the central tive of preserving long-term conditions.“This process needs bank remains steadfast to take stability of the financial system. to be put on the fast track,” he      any further measures as may be The current COVID-19 added. The governor said required to support growth pandemic related shock will recent experience across coun- rime Minister Narendra without compromising on place greater pressure on the tries during the pandemic sug- PModi on Saturday financial stability. balance sheets of banks in gest that banks, non-banks, announced the launch of Rs Delivering the 39th terms of non-performing financial markets and payment 1,000-crore ‘Startup India Seed Palkhivala Memorial Lecture, assets, leading to erosion of systems remain at the core of Fund’ to support startups and the governor said the principal capital, he said, adding build- financial stability issues, there help budding entrepreneurs objective during the pandem- ing buffers and raising capital was a need to work much clos- pursue innovative ideas. ic period was to support eco- by banks – both in the public er at the system in its entirety. tutions need to identify risks ation and assurance to the Addressing the ‘Prarambh: nomic activity; and looking and private sector – will be cru- “In this sense, the overall early, monitor them closely Board that the “operations Startup India International back, it is evident that policies cial not only to ensure credit objective of financial stability and manage them effectively. were performed in accordance Summit’, Modi exuded confi- of the RBI have helped in eas- flow but also to build resilience policies should be closely inter- The risk management with set policies and proce- dence that the growth of star- ing the severity of the economic in the financial system. twined with the health of the function in banks and NBFCs dures”. tups will help in generating jobs The government, Modi He further said that star- impact of the pandemic. “We have advised all banks, real economy,” he noted. should evolve with changing He said the central bank and improving lives of people added, has been implementing tups in India are not limited to “I would like to unam- large non-deposit taking The financial stability times as technology becomes has already taken a number of in the region. the Fund of Fund Scheme to big cities and about 40 per cent biguously reiterate that the NBFCs and all deposit-taking needs to be seen in a broader all-pervasive and should be in measures and would continue “In order to provide initial help startups raise equity cap- of such budding entrepreneurs Reserve Bank remains steadfast NBFCs to assess the impact of perspective and must include sync with international best to do so.“Recent efforts in this capital for startups, the nation ital. Going forward, the gov- are coming from tier-II and - to take any further measures, as COVID-19 on their balance not just the stability of the practices. In this context, instill- direction were geared towards is launching a Rs 1,000 crore ernment will also help startups III cities. Modi said in 2014 may be necessary, while at the sheet, asset quality, liquidity, financial system and price sta- ing an appropriate risk culture enhancing the role and stature Startup India Seed Fund. This in raising debt capital, he there were only four startups in same time remaining fully capital adequacy, and work bility but also ‘fiscal sustain- in the organisation is impor- of compliance and internal will help in setting up new star- added. India, the Prime the unicorn club, but today committed to maintaining out possible mitigation mea- ability and external sector via- tant,” he said. audit functions in banks by tups and promote their Minister said, is home to the there are more than 30. financial stability,” he said. sures, including capital plan- bility’, Das said. A robust assurance mech- clarifying supervisor expecta- growth,” the Prime Minister world’s third largest startup He informed that 11 star- In a bid to maintain finan- ning, capital raising, and con- Noting that good gover- anism by way of internal audit tions and aligning the guide- said. ecosystem which has helped tups entered the unicorn club cial stability, Das emphasised tingency liquidity planning, nance will have to be support- function was another impor- lines with best practices. The summit marked the several budding entrepreneurs in 2020 itself. India is the the need for banks to raise among others,” he said. ed by effective risk manage- tant component of sound cor- “Some more measures on fifth anniversary of the Startup to come up with innovative world’s third largest startup resources in advance as a Prudently, a few large pub- ment functions and assurance porate governance and risk improving governance in banks India initiative launched by technologies and become big ecosystem. There are over buffer. lic sector banks (PSBs) and mechanisms, he said banks management, Das said, adding and NBFCs are in the pipeline,” Modi on this day in 2016. corporations. 41,000 startups in the country. Going ahead, he said, major private sector banks and non-banking finance insti- it provides independent evalu- he said.  !"   @   7#  %7#   +52 '  =>    ?%@>A  Q   '$7     BCA9 D  :  $        all the PSBs would become dependence of PSBs on gov-   5 5 new chief executive and man- exclude the benefit of the ‘limited’ banks. BIC will be ernment support would also aging director Sashidhar Supreme Court order asking      ith the RBI raising con- autonomous and it will have come down and ease fiscal he country’s largest private Jagdishan, who succeeded banks not to classify stress Wcern over the issuance of the power to appoint the board pressure. Tsector lender HDFC Bank Aditya Puri as the head of the during the moratorium period      nesses”. zero coupon bonds for recap- of directors and make other To save interest burden on Saturday reported a 14.36 bank.The bank’s credit growth in NPA computation, the “The Confederation of italisation of public sector policy decisions about sub- and ease the fiscal pressure, the per cent jump in consolidated came at 15.6 per cent, while the GNPA ratio would have been raders’ body CAIT on All India Traders (CAIT) has banks (PSBs), the Finance sidiaries. government decided to issue net profit to 8,760 crore for net interest margin was 4.2 per at 1.38 per cent, it added.Its TSaturday filed a petition in today filed a petition in the Ministry is examining other The idea of BIC, which zero-coupon bonds for meeting the December quarter, driven cent. The non-interest income overall provisions and contin- the Supreme Court, making a Supreme Court with the prayer avenues for affordable capital will serve as a super holding the capital needs of the banks. by a surge in core income. grew 11 per cent to 7,443 gencies for the reporting quar- plea to direct WhatsApp to to direct WhatsApp to with- infusion including setting up of company, was also discussed at The first test case of the At the standalone level, crore, largely on the back of a ter, which saw the economy withdraw its new privacy pol- draw its new privacy policy, a Bank Investment the first Gyan Sangam bankers’ new mechanism was a capital net profit for the three-month gain or revaluation in an invest- trying to recover from the icy The body issued a statement which is encroaching upon Company (BIC), sources retreat organised in 2014, infusion of Rs 5,500 crore into period grew 18.09 per cent to ment at 1,109 crore, which reverses of the pandemic, grew claiming that the new various fundamental rights of said. Setting up a BIC as a hold- sources said, adding it was Punjab & Sind Bank by issuing 8,758.29 crore, on the back of stood at 676 crore in the to 3,414 crore as against WhatsApp privacy policy the citizens granted by ing company or a core invest- proposed that the holding com- zero-coupon bonds of six dif- a 15.1 per cent growth in the year-ago period. 3,043 crore in the year-ago encroaches upon various fun- Constitution of India,” the ment company was suggested pany would look into the cap- ferent maturities last year. core net interest income at  The results showed an period. damental rights of the citizens. statement said. Meanwhile, by the P J Nayak Committee in ital needs of banks and arrange These special securities with 16,317 crore. Its deposits grew improvement in the asset qual- It held contingent provi- About the petition, the WhatsApp has announced its report on ‘Governance of funds for them without gov- tenure of 10-15 years are non- 19.1 per cent and the share of ity with the gross non-per- sions of 8,656 crore and float- traders’ body said it “has also delaying by three months the Boards of Banks in India’. ernment support. interest bearing and valued at low-cost current and savings forming assets ratio stood at ing provisions of 1,451 crore prayed that Union of India implementation of the new The report recommended It would also look at alter- par. account deposits was 43 per 0.81 per cent of the total assets as of Dec 31.It said 0.5 per cent must frame guidelines to gov- privacy policy that has faced a transferring shares of the gov- native ways of raising capital However, the Reserve cent. HDFC Bank is the first as against 1.42 per cent in the of its 10.82 lakh crore in ern big technology companies massive backlash with tens of ernment in the banks to the such as the sale of non-voting Bank of India (RBI) expressed major lender to declare its year-ago period and 1.08 per advances have been restruc- like WhatsApp and frame poli- millions of its users moving BIC which would become the shares in a bid to garner afford- concerns over zero-coupon results for the December quar- cent at the end of the preced- tured under the special scheme cies which would protect the from the platform to rivals like parent holding company of all able capital. bonds for the recapitalisation of ter. This is also the maiden ing September quarter, the announced by the RBI to han- privacy of citizens and busi- Signal and Telegram. these banks, as a result of this, With this in place, the PSBs. earnings declaration under bank said.If one were to dle the COVID-related stress. $      /    9E  %&'  5            >     '0')       ple classification system for    calculating tax on capital mar-           $ '&  s the Union Budget for ket income. Jaipur:Chief Minister AFY21-22 nears, stockbro- In a statement, ANMI New Delhi:Newsprint cost has Nirmala Sitharaman on Shri Ashok Gehlot said     and Thursday taking gasoline kers have sought rationalisation noted that financial markets jumped 20 per cent in the last Thursday ahead of the forth- that due to efficient to record high levels in Delhi and streamlining of the struc- worldwide play an important three months due to demand- coming union budget, INS has management of corona etrol and diesel prices while keeping prices very close ture for the capital market. role in garnering growth cap- supply imbalance post pan- suggested to take steps as to by the state govern- Premained unchanged for to record high levels in other The industry body stock- ital for the economy. In the demic, prompting news pub- reduce the customs duty on ment, limiting the the second consecutive day on metro cities. brokers Association of National years following the coronavirus lishers to petition the govern- import of newsprints, a stim- number of Covid Saturday. Exchanges Member of India pandemic, catalysing equity ment for waiver of 5 per cent ulus package for the industry or patients in the state and In the national capital, (ANMI) has written to Central market participation will hold import duty to help cut cost. at least to help the publications introduction of vaccine petrol was sold at the record Bank Direct Taxation (CBDT) the key to reviving India’s GDP The industry has been hit by releasing advertisement with today is a happy coin- high level of Rs 84.70 per litre. on doing away with the multi- growth, it added. hard due to COVID-19 led dis- an increased tariff of 50 per cidence. simultaneous vaccination was Prices in Mumbai, Chennai ruptions and the most news- cent “If working out a stimu- Just as we have fought the started at 167 sites in the state. and Kolkata were Rs 91.32, Rs papers have lus package for print media is corona in the best way with the Along with Dr. Sudhir 87.40 and Rs 86.15 per litre, stopped send- difficult at this juncture, DAVP cooperation of all, similarly we Bhandari, Principal of SMS respectively. ing newspapers (Directorate of Advertising and will set an example by making Medical College, doctors of Across the country, pump to rural areas Visual Publicity) may please this vaccination campaign a major medical institutes got price of petrol and diesel where there is consider releasing advertise- success. vaccinated on these sites on the remained static on Saturday. less than 50 ment for all its departments to To ensure that the corona is first day. The CM congratulat- In Delhi, Mumbai, copies to all publications with an completely eradicated despite ed all the scientists, experts and Chennai and Kolkata, diesel reduce the dis- increased tariff of 50 per cent, the vaccine, everyone should other personnel associated with was sold for Rs 74.88, Rs 81.60, tribution cost, which would be highly helpful ensure continued adherence preparing the vaccine in a Rs 80.19 and Rs 78.47 per said the Indian for the industry as a whole,” the to other health protocols, short time and said that every- litre, respectively. Newspaper INS representation said. It has including masking, social dis- one is proud of them. He said Auto fuel price rise was on Society (INS) also asked to extend the valid- tancing, and more. that this vaccine, which came hold for the last five days after President L ity of RNI (Registrar of Shri Gehlot was addressing after many trials and investi- petrol and diesel prices had Adimoolam. Newspapers for India) the state-level inauguration gations, would help us in con- increased on two successive In a repre- Circulation Certificates up to ceremony of corona vaccina- quering the corona. days last week on Wednesday sentation to the March 31, 2022 which will tion through video conference Finance enable DAVP rates to remain at the Chief Minister’s residence Minister the same till next year. on Saturday. On this occasion  ;     " +,- ./.+  R "0  &3)

   (" ) *+ ohit Sharma’s indiscreet shot ,  -.//!" % , ,   selection pegged India back .@-!;A 0B Rafter rookie bowling attack     As he has always maintained, restricted Australia to 369 on a rain- inclement weather which effective- he doesn’t have much time for his curtailed second day of the fourth ly makes the home team more jit- ohit Sharma understands the critics and would rather focus on Test on Saturday. tery as a draw would be enough for Rcriticism that his untimely the role his team wants him to With heavy thundershowers Ajinkya Rahane to lift the Border- dismissal has invited but the India perform. preventing any play in the post tea Gavaskar Trophy. vice- has “no regrets” about “The team has shown lot of session, India ended the day at 62 In the first session, India’s rook- going after Nathan Lyon, saying confidence in me. It’s just that I for two. ie bowling line-up did put up a lion- that’s his way of putting bowlers have to do what the team expects Rohit was elegant as ever in his hearted effort, getting the last five under pressure. me to do and not worry about 44 off 74 balls before Nathan Lyon for 95 runs. Rohit looked in good touch what happens anywhere else or in his 100th Test enticed him to Shardul Thakur (3/94) along during his 44 off 74 balls but was what people talk about.” come down the track but the half- with debutants Washington Sundar dismissed trying to loft Lyon over On the match situation, Rohit chip-half-loft was safely pouched by (3/89) and Thangarasu Natarajan mid-, the kind of shots said that although 369 at the in the deep. (3/78) got the breakthroughs while that has often brought about his Gabba was a very good first India also lost Shubman Gill (7) Mohammed Siraj (28-10-77-1) got dismissal even during earlier Test innings score and there is no rea- who edged one off Pat Cummins to one on the opening day. matches. son why India with two of their Steve Smith. For an attack as thin on expe- “You always have a plan and most seasoned campaigners at the Cheteshwar Pujara (8) and rience as India, the effort in adverse I actually have no regret of play- crease can’t match the home team’s Ajinkya Rahane (2) added only times can only be commended. ing that shot. It is something that total on a good track. two runs in the 6.1 overs before the India lost five main bowlers through I always like to do — put pressure “We have got solid batters to break. the three Test matches and were on bowlers. Nathan Lyon is a come in now. Two of the most There were six boundaries from forced to hand Test debuts to smart bowler and he bowled into experienced players are still out Rohit but he did not fiddle at deliv- Natarajan and Washington. me which made it difficult for me That’s something that I back there in the middle. The pitch is eries in and around the off-stump Nathan Lyon (24 off 22 balls) to get some elevation,” Rohit said myself to play and that’s the kind good and I don’t see any reason channel even as Cummins and Josh and Mitchell Starc (20 off 35 balls) at the post-match virtual confer- of role I play in this team. When why we can’t get to that total of Hazlewood bowled a testing spell counter-attacked the inexperienced ence. it looks like that, it looks bad, but first innings.” under overcast conditions. Indian attack with a brisk 39-run His shot selection invited crit- I don’t think too much as my focus His advice for the batsmen is The shot of the session was an partnership to take Australia past icism from the commentary box. is to make it count once I am in,” to play session by session rather on-drive off Cummins which came 350-run mark. India were 62 for two at stumps he said. than looking at the final total. after a streaky boundary through the Going by statistics, Australia when Rohit could have gone for “Having said that, there is a “We should focus on what’s slips in the same over. Another have never lost a Test match at the a big score after a good start. process I like to follow. Sometimes there in front of us rather than delightful stroke was an off-drive off Gabba after scoring 350 in the first Rohit understands the disap- you get out and sometimes it goes thinking too far ahead. It’s a big Cameron Green as 49 runs were innings. pointment but in his defence over the ropes. Unfortunate and score and we have to focus on ses- added for the second wicket. %$        ,,  94-  7#D- Resuming at 274 for five, Tim would explain why he went for sad dismissal in the end to be hon- sions, take it as it comes. The pitch There wasn’t much swing on Paine (50) and Cameron Green (47) that kind of a high-risk stroke. est. Like I said, those are my shots is playing good and we have to offer but the pace off the track has till Rohit kept the scoreboard tick- the tea break went after Lyon when extended their stand to 98 before “It’s not that it is (that shot) and I will keep playing them,” the back ourselves. We have the guys increased compared to the first day ing at the other end. the situation demanded that he the home team encountered a mini- coming out of nowhere. It’s a shot senior player was forthright about to do it and I don’t see why we can and it only helped that the It wouldn’t be an over statement could have played for session-end. collapse. that I have played well in the past. his mind-set. bat well on day three,” he said. Australian pace attack is a more well to say that among all top order bats- It was very similar to his dis- Thakur bowled a fuller built one with average speed being man across both sides, Rohit looked missal off Moeen Ali at the stroke that shaped away and Paine’s lazy at least 6-7 kmph more than their the most comfortable and till his dis- of tea during the 2014 series and that drive without going to the pitch of when Thakur provided the break- angle delivery from Sundar which a fuller delivery from Thakur as Indian counterparts. missal never looked like being trou- was also after being set in the mid- the delivery saw Rohit Sharma take through. straightened after pitching and Australia slumped from 311 for five Pujara, at the other end was bled by the four-pronged attack. dle-order. a regulation catch at the second slip. With the partnership broken, breached through his defences. to 315 for eight before the tail playing his usual ‘grinding out’ However as has been his wont India, who have been forced to Paine was just getting into the Green probably lost his concentra- Pat Cummins (2) was adjudged wagged once again to beef up the game but it didn’t look too arduous in SENA countries, Rohit just before field a depleted side won’t mind an groove with some good drives tion as he played for the turn to an leg before as he yorked himself to total.

   best batters, and test them- It’s not every team that  $   P Q/  8       $R selves,” he said. can restrict Australia to less ndia’s vice-captain Rohit Rohit believes that each than 400 hundred in six ISharma is extremely and every youngster in this completed innings and that’s  3   impressed with Thangarasu mean feat. lot of composure, is a strong “Most of these guys are set-up knows that with so a big credit to bowling unit. Natarajan’s “solid character” “Natarajan bowled pret- character who doesn’t speak playing first time in Australia. much competition for places, “The A tours must have     and believes that the Tamil ty well, to be honest. Playing much but we all know he has Siraj has played a couple of there aren’t too many helped. Shardul, Navdeep Nadu left-arm seamer is here outside the country (interna- a solid personality. He wants games and Saini played in chances that will be up for and Siraj have played a lot of ustralia’s assistant coach Andrew to stay with his insatiable tionals) for the first time and to do well for the team and Sydney. Obviously, there’s grabs. A team cricket. They know AMcDonald on Saturday praised hunger to succeed at the top bowling to such batsmen, it also for himself. He is here to not a lot of experience there. “Basically it boils down how difficult it can be in the highly inexperienced Indian level. wasn’t going to be easy and stay,” he said. “They showed a lot of to where they are coming Australia. Their understand- bowling attack for the final Test and Natarajan, who came in he was not under any pres- For Rohit, considering discipline and overall if I from. There is a lot of hunger ing of conditions helped singled out Washington Sundar, say- as a net bowler, joined fellow sure,” Rohit said about the that cumulative experience of had to analyse the perfor- to perform. You don’t get a them. ing the young off-spinner filled the rookies Mohammed Siraj, debutant, who was the pick the bowling attack was four mance of these bowlers, I lot of opportunities at this “To not let Australia shoes of Ravichandran Ashwin “quite Washington Sundar and of the bowlers with 3/78 in Test matches, they need to be would say they bowled pret- level and we all know that. So score 400 is an achievement well”. Shardul Thakur to restrict 24.2 overs. lauded for keeping Australia ty well. It’s a good pitch still. when you get an opportuni- in itself. These tours they Hit by a barrage of injuries Australia to 369, which “From ball one, he was under check on a good bat- This is a great experience for ty, you have to make that have done has helped them through the series, India picked according to Rohit is no right up there. He showed a ting wicket. them bowling against the count.” stay in control,” he said. debutants Washington (3/89) and medium pacer T Natarajan (3/78) in the playing eleven on Friday. #       The duo was travelling with the Punjab, Baroda, TN close to Mushtaq Ali knock-outs squad as net bowlers. “I thought they (the Indian $= ,A-  bowlers) were very consistent. I     itive 158 for four. thought Washington Sundar in par- Right-arm medium pacer Atit Sheth Sydney: Sydney Cricket Ground officials have launched ticular was disciplined and fill that their own,” the 39-year-old said. unjab inched closer to a knockout (4/17) then wreaked havoc to scuttle out an investigation after an Indian supporter alleged that he role of Ravi Ashwin quite well and The left-arm pacer had Pberth with a 10-wicket rout of Jammu Maharashtra for a meagre 98 and give his was subjected to racial profiling and abuse by a security kept it tight and was able to take some impressed in the limited overs leg of and Kashmir in a Group A game of the Syed team four full points. officer during the final day of the third Test against key wickets on the way,” McDonald the tour after making the Indian team Mushtaq Ali Trophy here on Saturday, their Devdhar was handed the captaincy after Australia. said at post-day conference. at the back of a stellar IPL. fourth win in a row. regular skipper Krunal Pandya left the bub- The incident took place after Indian fast bowler “So, for me I suppose, he is a Australia were bowled out for Shubham Pundir top-scored with 42 to ble following his father’s demise. Mohammed Siraj was allegedly racially abused by spec- bowler who controlled well the 369 in the first session of the rain-cur- take J&K to 139 for eight in 20 overs. In Group B match at Eden Gardens in tators on the third and fourth day of the drawn Test at SCG. tempo of the game and I think it tailed second day. Like Washington Punjab made short of the target, can- Kolkata, Assam pulled off an upset 13-run Sydney resident Krishna Kumar met Venues NSW legal stood out for me.” and Natarajan, Shardul Thakur also tering to victory in 14.3 overs with open- win over Bengal while Tamil Nadu won its personnel on Thursday to lodge an official complaint, McDonald, who also coaches in took three wickets.. ers Simran Singh (59 off 42) and fourth straight match to go top of the points accusing the security at the venue of racial profiling and the IPL, was also impressed by “They (Indian bowlers) applied Abhishek Sharma (73 not out off 46) shar- table. unjustified frisking. Natarajan. pressure throughout the innings and ing an unbeaten 140-run stand. Bengal opted to field and saw the tal- He informed the authorities that he felt “stripped and “...Natarajan shaped the ball they made (it) difficult for our- Sharma smashed half a dozen sixes and ented Riyan Parag (77, 54 balls, 5 fours, 5 naked” by his treatment on the final day of the third Test early, there is lot (to like) about him, selves. Times when we felt we would his opening partner hit four of them. sixes) help Assam put up a fighting 157 for (January 11), according to a report in the Sydney Morning left-arm swing bowler, no doubt he get on the top, they were able to Senior pacer Siddarth Kaul was the pick 5 in 20 overs. The visiting team restricted Herald. is inexperienced but has enough bounce back and get key wickets at of the Punjab bowlers with four wicket for Bengal to 144 for 8. Kumar, who attended three days’ play of the third Test, played first-class games to be play his crucial times. It was great arm- 33 runs in four overs. In another match, skipper Dinesh told Venues NSW that he was targeted after trying to carry first Test on this tour, (that) is a great wrestle, so full credit to their attack,” In other Group A games, Karnataka Karthik (40 not out, 30 balls, 2X4, 2X6) and four banners reading: “Rivalry is good, racism is not”, “No achievement, so I think they held the Australian assistant coach said. defeated Railways for their third win in four N Jagadeesan (78 not out, 51 balls, 4X4, 5X6) racism mate”, “Brown inclusion matters” and “Cricket games. saw Tamil Nadu home against Hyderabad Australia more diversity please”. A struggling Uttar Pradesh recorded after a brief stutter in the middle of the A security officer stopped Kumar, informing him that their first win of the tournament with nine- innings. that one of the banners exceeded the permitted dimensions. (   $    (   wicket victory over Tripura. Opener Karan Earlier, Hyderabad made 152 for 7 in When he requested to speak to a security supervisor, Sharma top scored for UP with an unbeat- 20 overs thanks to contributions from B Kumar was asked to leave. en 68 off 36 balls. Suresh Raina too Sandeep (41) and Pragnay Reddy (30) and “He told me, ‘If you need to address this matter, go back remained unbeaten with 36 off 23 balls. late hitting by C V Milind (30, 11 balls, 3 to where you belong’,” Kumar said.       ;   In Vadodara, Baroda too continued sixes). Kumar said the official then told the junior guards to their winning run by claiming a 60-run vic- TN leads the group with 16 points after “make sure we give him a complete frisking when he gets   7) is an important one, and I am sure tory over Maharashtra in an Elite 'C' Group four consecutive wins followed by Bengal back”. the players selected in the squad have game. (12). The two teams face off on January 18 “To me this a pure case of profiling. They changed their outh Africa have always been a the potential and hunger to give best This is Baroda’s fourth win on the trot with the top spot on the line. entire formation so the guy next to the boundary is stand- Sdifficult opposition but Pakistan results in the series,” Misbah said. in the league stage after having defeated As per the format of the tournament, ing right in front of me and facing me,” Kumar said. will have the home advantage this The South African cricket team, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and the top ranked teams from each group “I want justice. I want accountability. I was feeling time as they host the visitors for the which last toured Pakistan in late Chhattisgarh in their first three outings. (Five in Elite and 1 Plate) will qualify for stripped, feeling watched and I went there to fight racism. first time in nearly 14 years, said head 2007, arrived in Karachi on Saturday. Put in to bat, Baroda rode on stand-in the knockout stage along with the next “Why should I be stopped from addressing racism, espe- coach Misbah-ul-Haq. The visiting team’s head coach skipper Kedar Devdhar’s stroke-filled two teams in Elite Groups A to E with cially at a ground where it was debatable whether it was hap- Back from New Zealand after a Mark Boucher cautioned his team, unbeaten 99 off 71 balls to post a compet- the most points. pening or not?,” he added. PTI disappointing tour which ended saying his batsmen will face a tough with a 0-2 loss in the two-Test task against a “dangerous” side like series, Pakistan will now play two Pakistan. Tests against South Africa at Karachi “Pakistan is a dangerous side at .   (     "      ! R B (January 26-30) and Rawalpindi home; we will have to come up with (February 4-8), followed by a three- a proper strategy to beat them at their    teammates in the pavilion and a lone In the next over Root hit his match T20I series at Lahore, begin- own backyard,” the former wicket- England fan watching from a near- landmark four then Dom Bess was ning from February 11. keeper said. oe Root completed his fourth by fort could applaud, the perfor- run out as the tourists suffered a bout “South Africa has never been an “The wickets here in Pakistan are Jdouble century for England on mance confirmed Root’s return as a of nerves. easy side to beat, but them playing batting friendly, and we are relying Saturday but insisted it will mean batsman after a barren 2020 saw him Perera also took Jack Leach and after 13 years in Pakistan will be an 1     $  E  on our batsmen to score runs. Their nothing if his side cannot overcome fall to number 11 in the ICC rank- Mark Wood in successive overs to advantage for us, and we have a great          confidence will be high after scoring a defiant in the first Test. ings. finish on four for 109 runs. chance to improve our record against       ' runs against Sri Lanka. Our fast The England captain made 228 He had not reached three figures After their first innings collapse, them,” Misbah said. bowlers will have to work very hard of his team’s 421 all out — 26 runs in a Test since his 226 in New Sri Lanka looked a different side in He said the two Test matches are and early 2020 at home but have lost to get wickets.” short of his brilliant 254 career best Zealand in November 2019. the second. part of the ICC World successive away Test tours to “Pakistan bowlers will have against Pakistan at Old Trafford in But he indicated his disappoint- Perera and Thirimanne made Championship and are very impor- Australia, England and New Zealand home advantage, so this series will be 2016. ment after seeing six wickets fall to 101 for the first wicket. tant for the home side which will try leading to a criticism of the team’s a test for our batsmen, but once they But led Sri Sri Lanka’s bowlers in the morning Perera took a fiery Mark Wood to get maximum points out of it to performances and selection policies are successful in occupying the Lanka’s stubborn resistance, hitting session and then the struggle by his bouncer on his hand and needed a improve their position on the table. with Misbah under-fire. crease, they will be able to score an unbeaten 75 while own attack. tight bandage to continue. He even- “Playing at home ground is Following their dismal tour of freely,” Boucher said. “We are excit- made 62 as the home team reached Running out of partners, Root tually gave a catch to Jack Leach on always encouraging for the players, New Zealand, Pakistan’s new chief ed to play in Pakistan again, and 156/2 in their second innings. After was the last man out, caught by the boundary off a wayward Sam and it reflected in our performances selector Muhammad Wasim named expect a great series ahead with all their disappointing 135 in the first Emuldeniya on the boundary as he Curran delivery. in the series against Sri Lanka and nine uncapped players in a revamped focus on the game.” innings, they need another 130 to ing session to add the 32 runs to his went for a six off . After four straight Test zeros Bangladesh last year,” Misbah said. 20-member squad for the test series South Africa had won the two- reach England’s total. overnight total. He reached 200 He saw fast bowler Asitha broke the spell and Pakistan won Tests against Sri against South Africa. Test series 1-0 during their last tour Root’s 321 ball innings with a six with a four off Lasith Emuldeniya. Fernando take Jos Buttler (30) and scored 15 patient runs before he gave Lanka and Bangladesh in late 2019 “The series against South Africa of Pakistan in 2007. and 18 fours dominated the day. It While the empty Covid-19- Sam Curran (0) with successive a catch to wicketkeeper Jos Buttler took less than an hour in the open- stricken stadium meant that only his balls. off Leach’s bowling.      1234/41

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of income and employment.” Dr Ubed, who faced an uphill task while setting up his company in 2013, recalls, “People were surprised as they felt I was giving up a great career as a doctor. Start-ups were not a badge of hon- our. It was very difficult to get mentors to structure the business properly. I had to reach out to some friends in the US on Facebook who helped me. When I started in Jorhat, the local chartered accountants were not sure about how to register a local company as they hadn’t done it before. Investors liked me, my idea and the opportunity it held out but did not want to come down to Assam to meet me.” He feels that the transformation in the eco system where there is a change in attitude as well as money and mentorship being easily available are the reasons why start-ups are thriving. Gadi believes that a lot of youngsters have n 2013-14 racial attacks on North decided to head back home after getting an edu- Easterners were common. We were more cation in the metros as they no longer want a often than not referred to as Chinki or government job. “Home delivery for medicines, Chinese. In 2014, a boy, Nido Taniam, was grocery and more are run by start-ups by killed for his hairstyle in Delhi. This shook youngsters. These developments are at par with theI conscience of the entire community, recalls what is happening in the country. Earlier, they Shyam Kanu Mahanta did not think that this kind of thing can happen It was this incident that made Mahanta sit here as well.” up and take notice, egged on by other young- gency. “People felt that in order to get even informa- However, Smitakshi says that it is the com- sters from the North Eastern states to do some- something as simple as a bridge or a refinery tion from panies which are working with unique products thing to bring about a positive change. After meant that they had to struggle for it. The dis- people in like Eri Silk, organic farming and ingredients careful thought, Mahanta, who after having tance from Indian mainland and mindset didn’t their own cir- like Bhut Jolokia, the hottest chilli in the world, worked across the country had turned entrepre- help resulting in insurgency movements in 80s cle who had have created a unique footprint. neur, decided to start a festival that would repre- or 90s against the perceived discrimination of been to the The change in the attitude towards start-ups, sent the distinct culture, food and more of the the region by the Centre,” says Mahanta who region. “Live says Dr Ubed, is evident in the way he can now place. Over the years his brainchild, the North believes that the increased attention was instru- streaming of a have the pick of people he employs. “Earlier they East Festival, has become a must-visit event on mental in bringing peace to the area. destination cre- asked a lot of questions and would want to work the capital’s social calendar and in many ways Dr Parveez Ubed, CEO & Founder, ERC Eye ates an impact like for two-three days to see if the environment was representative of the changes that are gradually Care (P) Limited which works towards democ- no other. The trav- good and whether I could pay or not. There is enveloping the perception about a region which ratising digital health (eye) care for the people in el industry too tapped an attitudinal shift and the start-ups are now for the longest of time was considered distant, India & South-East Asia points out that insur- into the potential of the new media,” considered cool,” he says. different and inaccessible. gency affected business in different ways. “It says Das. Powering this perception are several reasons meant that the offices were not operational      which lie within the region as well as in the larg- every day which naturally led to erratic work         er ecosystem of the country and the world. conditions,” he says. Designer Jenjum Gadi, who calls The connectivity has improved dramatically. Mahanta says that with more peace hav- Delhi home, believes that the change According to the Ministry for Road Transport &       ing prevailed, the conditions in Guwahati are has been brought about primarily by the Highways, 4484.9 km of National Highways Mahanta believes that while the new govern- almost similar to Delhi. “In fact, it is much youngsters. “We have faced a lot of were built in between 2014-2018 in the region. ment has undertaken several measures, it was safer for women. It has good restaurants, dis- racism in metros and the youngsters Guwahati, which was the first airport in the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who cotheques, all the major brands and a lot of peo- worked on countering it by engaging in North East, is now the eighth busiest in the kick-started the effort of connecting North East ple are coming to work here. It’s very cosmopoli- discussions, both online and offline, about country. The Lokapriya Gopinath Bardoloi to the rest of the country. “He travelled to the tan. During insurgency people were scared of the people, food and culture. This created International Airport, which till three decades region and then Manmohan Singh carried this flaunting their wealth. Now they are buying awareness and dispelled myths.” He has ago was handling only two or three flights a day, integration forward when he became a Member expensive cars and splurging money which natu- noticed a marked shift in the number of peo- has over 120 commercial flights — both arrival of Parliament from Assam. Though he was not rally helps the economy,” says Mahanta. ple wanting to travel to the region and being and departure — in addition to chartered flights very vocal, this choice registered in the mind more tolerant of the food habits than they and aircrafts of the Indian Air Force. It regis- space of people,” says Mahanta who runs MMS        were when he came from a remote village in tered over six million footfalls during 2018-19, Advisory Pvt Ltd, a consultancy for road con- Smitakshi B Goswami, Director, Pratidin Arunachal Pradesh to the capital to study which is a whopping 27.46 per cent increase struction, besides the festival which he is better Group which owns Asomiya Pratidin (the 16 years back. from 2017-18. According to Airports Authority known for. largest circulated Assamese daily) and Pratidin The fashion world was the one of the of India the airport handled 55,066 aircraft Ranjit Das, President of the Tour Operators Time (a 24-hour Assamese news channel) says first industries to integrate people from the movements during 2018-19 which is a 20.99 per Association of Assam (TOAA), while talking that the efforts of the state governments shored North East since they have an inherent sense cent increase of aircraft movement over the pre- about his industry pins the beginning of the rise up the remaining gap. “When Chief Minister of style. “There are stylists, designers, graphic vious 12 months. in tourist numbers to one particular decision. Sarbananda Sonowal conducted Khelo India in designers and more in the industry which, to Gadi’s home state does not have an airport He says, “In 2009-10 the DoNER Minister Mani January last year, sports tourism got a fillip and begin with, was always open,” feels Gadi. but Arunachal Pradesh would be getting one Shanker Aiyer promoted tourism by persuading people who came here saw the development as Sharma believes that the new crop of young- in another three-four years which, he says, government officials to use their Leave Travel well as the future potential of the place. The sters has done their bit in bridging the gap would naturally make it more accessible. Concession to visit the region which led to a international level stadiums were important in which existed on both sides. “Slowly we are try- Sharma says that there is a flurry of activity, huge surge of tourists in the North East.” changing the thought process of the people who ing to assimilate ourselves in the mainstream. “Airports are coming up, there are investment The changed political thought process, came from outside,” she says. Earlier, people found a million reasons not to summits taking place as the CMs take initia- where there was focus on the region, meant that return to Guwahati after having studied or tives to improve connectivity.” connectivity improved and development acceler-          4 4R worked outside. It could be low salaries, stan- This naturally has had a positive impact. ated. Mahanta believes that the present govern- So, rather than the news of a flood or insur- 4) 5 5  dard of living or opportunities,” she says and Das says, “The perception has changed because ment and especially the Prime Minister and the gency activities, there was positivity emanating  4   adds that media, like her channel, bring together of the development of communications network DoNER Minister Jitendra Singh’s attention has from the region which grabbed eyeballs. While all the eight states which, in turn, fuels newer and also connectivity. Guwahati, for instance, been important in creating a the ones who had visited the area saw the C 4R  ideas for cooperation and development. “We has direct flights to all the metros.” positive impression among change for themselves, there were still others 4   R45 4 often hear of stories of a boy from some remote Gadi feels that a lot of festivals like the Ziro people and has put the region who were prompted to plan a R45 4    area developing software or something equally in Arunachal Pradesh, Hornbill in Nagaland on the highway to develop- trip because of the posi- 4)) 4 amazing. There is no dearth of talent here. With have also become must-visit events for travellers. ment. tive impression in the the availability of internet, there is an exchange “People who have gone to these festivals return Riniki Bhuyan Sharma, media. Das says,   4   4= of ideas and more exposure for the younger gen- with beautiful memories. That has naturally Chairman and Managing “During the TOAA’s C   5 4R eration. The basic education system has been helped create a positive impression about the Director, Pride East annual convention, we    4)   strengthened. The economically independent people and the place,” he says. Entertainments Pvt Ltd, a discussed the changing 5)  7 4 young minds are applying their knowledge Mahanta offers a different take when he regional media house, perception and dynamics everywhere,” she says. says, “The North East festival has united the agrees when she says, “With due to the print and elec- 4  =   C states of the region. It is a meeting point where Modiji’s emphasis on develop- tronic media coverage. The   M 44      disagreements have been sorted out and barri- ment, investment has poured in international audience became  4  4   The entry of youngsters in tourism has ers been broken. There is a common agenda and new avenues have opened up.” more aware of the different kinds of experiences 4R   5  transformed the way even this industry operates. for infrastructure, tourism, industry and more. This naturally meant a positive that the region held out thanks to programmes Das says, “About 20 colleges and universities in The festival in Guwahati this year had just 100 impression all around. on channels like National Geographic.” Road Assam offering a course on tourism came up in visitors but saw three lakh digital footfalls shows and participation in travel fairs by tour the last four-five years. There are thousands of worldwide.”       operators created awareness among domestic students pursuing these courses and, when they As Sharma puts it, “Earlier, the odds seemed Earlier the perception with- and international tourists about the scenic graduate, they are getting into different kinds of to be insurmountable but now the dots are being in the region of being neglect- beauty of the region. activities, exploring new destinations and look- joined and everything is coming together.” This ed, and often times exploited, Moreover, the growth of social media ing at giving an authentic experience to tourist. is certainly not the last we have heard of the by the Centre gave rise to insur- meant that potential travellers often got the People are now looking at tourism as an avenue North East success story. ■        )4C  4= 447  7=  44447   buuqy K574  1234/41

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arthiyayani Kunhamma, my moth- er, passed away peace- fully on November 6, 2020. Her departure fromK this world was as uneventful as she lived for 90 years. There were no theatrics or high drama accompanying the event. She was there alive one moment and then the other she was gone. My long- time friend and physician Dr Rajiv rushed home upon hearing the news and certified that Amma was no more. Death was not a painful event 0'> as far as my mother’s departure was concerned. On the seventh  day, we completed the the last rites / /0 immersing the ashes in Poorna   ,) ! FEE River flowing through Perumbavoor. Within the next two days, I was admitted to the ICU of Kochi Medical College having tested positive for Covid- 19 and diagnosed with pneumo- nia. Two books that gave me com- pany during this period were Preparing For Death by Dr Arun  0 0 Shourie and Death: An Inside Story by Sadhguru. The books were an eye opener for me, surrounded as I was by more than 25 Covid-19 patients who were in various phases of the 00'00' pandemic. Some of them highly critical while others in an aggres- sive mood, testing the patience of doctors, nurses and other para-  00 medical staff, working round the clock taking care of the patients. >>0 @ It was the stay in ICU which >>0  '// made me think about my own   ,  ! GEE death for the first time. I was wor- ried only about whether my demise would be painful, suffocat- ing or peaceful. The only time I writes Sundararajan. Prof TMP had been cruel to him throughout Kasturba and Gandhiji. The books books and articles about life post- time. It is the last thing that you stood that death is an interesting have read about a person’s last Mahadevan, eminent philosopher, this life. he refers to, the quotes he uses and death, the sad thing is that we are will do in your life. Moving from and entertaining phenomenon minutes in this world was about has been quoted as saying in his Even if one is born great or the way he projects the events on a ignorant about the complex nature the physical to non-physical is the and it’s not something bad as Sir C P Ramaswamy Aiyer, the tributes: “The world envies vari- becomes great through his/her wide canvas... only a master story of death. This is a subject one greatest moment in your life. propagated by the Abrahamic reli- former Divan of the princely State ous aspects of the life of Sir CP, deeds, death follows us from the teller could do the same. should be thorough and knowl- A lot has been discussed about gion. All one could feel after going of Travancore who was also a from his birth with a silver spoon moment we come into this world Add to this his sense of humor edgeable to condition us about our life after death, rebirth, salvation through the book is, fine, here I member of the Viceroy’s Executive in his mouth , through a multi- as an uninvited friend. But the even in the face of adversities. own final hours. and post-death phenomenon. But am, waiting happily for me ren- Council and the Constituent faceted career. I envy him his tragic truth is that none of us “Just like those whom we don’t When it was time for me to be we are yet to discuss in detail the dezvous with the person whom I Assembly. Sir CP, as he was death. What a wonderful way to think or worry about this eternal know, our closest relatives, among discharged from the ICU and mysteries associated with the final was born with but yet to see face addressed had the “most sudden, die!” and omnipresent character shad- them those whom we have loved transported to Ernakulam Medical moments of our life. Sadhguru, in to face with him. painless and peaceful end,” With the oxygen mask con- owing us all the from mother’s the most and our friends die ever Centre, I had graduated to reading his own inimitable style, asks hith- Vayalar Ramavarma, a leftist according to his biographer Saroja nected to my face, I had nothing womb. so often-some months it seems as Death: An Inside Story by erto unasked questions on death poet in Kerala, had written a Sundararajan. else to do other than ‘scanning’ The pain and sufferings if we have to set up a camp office Sadhguru. I don’t have words to and explains in a scintillating style poem way back in the 1970s spit- “A journalist who came to the the pages of Preparing for Death, undergone by Ramakrishna at the Lodhi Road crematorium. describe this pathbreaking book, facts associated with death. I have ting venom at death. “Oh death, National Liberal Club where he Dr Shourie’s account of the final Paramahamsa and Ramana Fed up, a relative has declared, “I full of humour and one which seen Sadhguru demolishing and get lost. I am not willing to join you was staying in London at 11.30 am hours of some of the great men Maharshi in the prelude to their am not going to any more crema- opens the windows to the world of destroying the arguments of “self- in your solitude as I don’t have on 26 september 1966, enquired if and a woman in the sub continent. samadhi should be read to be tions. If possible, I will skip my death. “You must understand that styled intellectuals” who dared to death and I am immortal” he had he was not well , thinking Sir CP He recounts the last days and last believed. These great men never own too.” what you refer to as death is a challenge the Indian system of written in the revolutionary song. had a cold. CP laughed loudly at moments of Lord Budha, Sri prayed to God Almighty to lessen Thus begins Dr Shourie his unique happening. It is the very knowledge. But this is the first Had Ramavarma read what this and replied in a cheerful Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, their sufferings and tribulations. latest work that also includes his last moment of your life. Almost time I read a book authored by Sadhguru has to speak about voice, “My dear lady, I have never Ramana Maharshi, Kasturba, The reminiscences stand out recent brush with death in Pune. everything in your life may hap- him and that too about death. death, I am sure, he would have been ill a day in my life .” So say- Mahatma Gandhi and Vinoba because of the unique Arun The collage like articles have pen many times over, but the final What I feel after reading the book, simply welcomed death for that ing he leaned back in his uphol- Bhave. What makes the book Shourie style. Dr Shourie is bril- everything that elevates the read- moment when you transcend the especially the chapters, Preparing enlightening encounter. Yes, Death stered chair when his head unique is Dr Shourie’s description liant in his description of the final ers to new levels of thinking. limitations of your physical body For a Good Death and Assistance is beautiful provided you learn the drooped and he was no more,” about his own life and how fate hours of Ramakrishna, Ramana, While there are ever so many will happen only once in your life- For The Dying, is that I under- basics of its science. 3> *         $ ==("

!1!<5=(1?13 -C.O2<#?-1#-#?.,?012,#?-#-1# 43=? 1$!!:4!< #0>-,<0-#?02?00',> )3M4  1!=(3 (  % %( % 4% t a time when the entire ic, sharing the thoughts that (1 1: 1%( - ;<< world is struggling with ‘there are no set rules to find ACovid-19 pandemic, solutions to times of uncertain- ?'#?#.%&&?# which has brought the economy ty’. )-#?#<-#,1     almost to a standstill, it becomes Real leadership, Vig stress- #??#?-0##F# impending on the leaders to go es, requires clear communica- 0',?1#0>0--"# the extra mile, exhibit resilient tion, compassion for others, and 1#'02,?#?',# behaviour and leadership quali- a commitment to truth-telling #-#,?##1#0> ties to help the common man sail — no matter how frightening 0?'K00#'0- through this trying time safely. the times may be. Going fur- 0>0#?0.= - And, the passion to drive this ther, the writer has also touched '>>>#,>-1'#1, resilience requires a clear under- upon the past pandemics and >-.0-##?,=-, standing to help and guide the key learnings from them. For #N20O,>2,-#1#< -10->#.#F? right behaviour. Author Ritesh instance, Vig points out, how 0#'1 Vig has tried to catalyse this soon after The Great 1>#0',?#A human trait through his book Depression that started in 1929 #.,#.1,2-.#?#?#.# Leadership in Unprecedented C 00 till 1941 left the economy reel- >?'=5','#0',- Times that offers help to business /:0 ing with unemployment, pover- #?--A0>N#0 leaders, special business entrepre- ty, deflation and ill regulated 2#?-O neurs, common man and young-    loans among other financial cri- sters to build confidence to fight 1  >3 !DDE sis. back by deploying unprecedented But that did not overshad- 1$3=>48!4 measures. ow the spirit of leaders of those @#$%6(8! There are no set rules to find senior management. In this change the model, the culture, ness scenarios and redefine busi- strength of his business. times who rose to the occasion to 1=(!:4A solutions to times of uncertainty regard, he also drew the attention and the product range according- ness shields for any crisis ahead. Leadership quality is not just a face challenges thrown by the =%( %(>%( %'%  in the midst of whirlwind, rightly towards Prime Minister ly. All changes become easy Last but not the least, it domain of a certain group of turbulent environment. Ralph ?1 @- !$ %%% asserts Vig, a financial strategist Narendra Modi’s vision of then.” defines the new normal for the people. Hornblower III, a well known ?0 %(%1 @ in his debut book. He tries to ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ (Self-reliant Kohli goes on to share that growth of the business. To put it Vig writes that a common global investment manager in his 4%- A<< address today’s unprecedented India) in the unprecedented every company will go through in other words, whether you feel man too can display leadership at foreword compliment the writer challenges being faced by the times which, he said, has given us multiple crisis situations. “There like you’ve hit a wall, lost your three levels: at home as parents, for reminding “us that we must -01#0#1#O#?# leaders while laying the founda- opportunity to be part of the is competition crisis, there are fire, or are looking for innovative at job as an employee and for the stay positive if we want to suc- .02. ##<#= tion that is needed to emerge changing face of the market regulation and government cri- strategies to take your business to nation, building true values in ceed and vanquish the tsunami -032-## #0,.'#>1.###0# stronger. When confidence level where digital and start-ups are sis, there are cost issues, and the next level, Leadership in children. waves of humanitarian challenges -#>0-#1#'#1. of many people is at its low, lead- the focus of the business. then performance and culture unprecedented times has attempt- Parents should use these that such calamities as the 2008 0>-5,>A>#D#=. ers need to retain their moral Agreeing with the book’s crisis. Strong, forward-looking ed to answers all. unprecedented times as an financial crisis and the present ,111,#-,.0-'- high, maintaining ‘never say die’ pitch, Kohli said that leaders leadership is the only way to suc- According to the author, peo- opportunity to inculcate leader- Covid 19 pandemic have brought '#>1--#>>?, attitude, says the writer, who has need to keep in mind that “It is cess. If the leadership can do ple from all walks of life and all ship qualities in their children to the doorstep of virtually every ?1?0#><-?1#2= over two decades of experience about acceptance of the change. things in a systematic and order- kinds of readers will be enlight- and save them from anxiety and country on the planet.” 32,##--O2#- as a financial consultant. We can say there are courageous ly way, it can overcome every ened by this book, which he says, fears. The book is more relevant Priced at 449, the book, )#',#2'#,-O-#?-#> Soft Bank, India Country and bold decisions to be made, single crisis.” has the potential to transform for youngsters, who the author overall is a good read, that no 0-#-2.'=?'- Head Manoj Kohli who launched but it isn’t like that. It is some- Published by ‘White Falcon’ their outlook for better in diffi- says, can understand how leader- business leader, entrepreneur or a #->-,.--#0- the book at an online event times difficult to accept major the book, divided in seven sec- cult times. In one of the mile- ship should be embedded within serious executive or for that mat- #.2??2,.2 recently, lauded the writer’s change and this causes problems. tions or ‘milestones’, aims to offer stones, for instance, the writer them to take on the future role of ter a common man can afford to #?1??## thoughtful initiative of penning According to me (and the book), a step by step guidance to convert tries to advice a clueless business leaders. miss. For, it attempts to help dri- .#11-'>>,#>#?.# the inspiration, saying that it pro- look at the change; accept, crisis into opportunities and pre- leader to how to identify strategic Vig has also chronicled the ving people out of the myriad of ?1#0#<?= vides a future context of constant embrace, and love it. Once you sents a strategy to define robust live asset and minimise loses integrity and strength of the lead- crises created by the coronavirus disruption for entrepreneurs and do that, it will be easier for you to framework, evaluate new busi- besides understanding internal ers required to fight the pandem- pandemic.   uvitiut 4 56!7875   2 3  7<  9#=   

here has been understandable region. Tconcern in India at the change of Under these circumstances it can guard in the United States of be expected that the USA under America on January 20 after the elec- Biden would continue to regard tion of Democratic candidate Joe India as a “key partner”. Notably, Biden as the new President, partic- India’s External Affairs Minister (: ularly since the bilateral relations reg- Jaishankar, while commenting on istered remarkable progress under this issue, expressed his confidence ;9>) President Donald Trump, given his that Indo-US relations could only determination to deal with China move up further in the coming :)@: headlong and his hard-line views on months. :9>) Pakistan’s complicity and direct The presence of Kamala Harris involvement in international Islamic as Vice President and likely induc- ;:): terrorism. Trump was outspoken and tion of several persons of Indian ori- made his point without any prevar- gins (PIOs) in senior position in the ));): ication which was liked in India. new administration is also a factor @;:) Warm personal chemistry between which would favourably impact on him and Prime Minister Narendra the bilateral relationship. In fact, elec- @:)P Modi also, no doubt, has been seen tion of a PIO as the Vice President as a positive contributing factor. of the country itself is a landmark );; However, it needs to be noted development. The credit for it obvi- >(( that Biden has been very supportive ously goes to Biden for having cho- of strong ties with India. As sen Kamala Harris as his running B(*:) Chairman of powerful Foreign mate, but it also signifies the com- Affairs Committee of the Senate, he ing of age of the vast and influential ): played a pivotal role in getting the Indian community in the USA. It is ::(? India-US civil nuclear cooperation well recognised that given their agreement cleared. Later, he served large numbers and relatively high )); as Vice President in the Obama income levels, PIOs in the USA have Administration when the US and begun to play increasingly salient role >): India signed LEMOA paving the way in the country’s politics and in pro- for India’s recognition by the USA as viding a generally positive thrust to a “major Defence partner” and furthering India-US ties. licence- free access to a wide range In the last two decades there has of dual use technologies. been a steady and continuing growth Writing in an ethnic Indian in Indo-US Defence and intelli- community journal, Biden promised gence cooperation despite govern- that his administration would “build ment changes in both countries indi- on the great progress” made in the cating a broad bipartisan support on relationship with India during both sides for closer relations. Shared -*"' 87  # '      , ,    $    ; , $+A69654 'D@ Obama years. He also asserted that democratic and liberal values and India and the USA “can and should generally positive perception that be natural allies”. Significantly, Prime both countries have about each NSG club. In fact, the USA has plus with the USA. Energy partner- to enhance inter-operability both in bring our practices and regulations Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee had other have, no doubt, contributed to emerged as a major arms supplier to ship has also emerged as an impor- bilateral and “quad” framework. more in line with the international also described the India-USA rela- creation of a positive climate but India over the last few years. This tant constituent of that relationship The onset of Covid-19 pan- best practices. "#%> %== '- tionship as being that between nat- there is no denying that common momentum is bound to continue contributing greatly to India’s demic which has affected millions To conclude, the evolution of ural allies. threat from China and consequent because both countries face the joint quest to diversify its sources of across the world resulting in heavy geo-political dynamics in the Indo- In geo-political terms, it is wide- convergence of geo-political interests challenge of countering China’s energy supplies. casualties would in all likelihood pacific region and indeed the world ly expected that the firm line against has mainly brought the two countries growing military weight. India and Biden has been quite emphatic deepen the fissures between China at large and emergent threat from China initiated under the Trump together. the USA also actively cooperate in about bringing the USA back into the and the western countries. China’s China’s aggressive posture would presidency would broadly continue Starting with the “General secu- countering terrorism, another major Paris Climate Accord and in ensur- dubious role in the spread of virus require both India and the USA to because of rather combative stance rity of military information agree- threat to the world peace and sta- ing greater coordination and align- and suppression of information in continue to work as close strategic of China, which seems to be in a ment” in 2002, India and the USA bility. There are understandable con- ment with the allies on global polit- the early stages has already come in partners. Based on current indica- hurry to assert its primacy on the have now completed the full spec- cerns in India about the ical and economic issues. India’s ster- for sharp criticism by western lead- tions and affirmations on both sides, global stage. Its aggression against trum of foundational Defence need to maintain country’s strategic ling record on promised reduction of ers and general population alike. the cooperation between them at the India and other neighbouring coun- agreements at the recently conclud- autonomy but that does not get com- emission levels jells quite well with Consequently, one could well see the Government level is likely to further tries surrounding South China Sea ed 2+2 dialogue with the signing of promised by a closer military coor- his priorities. western countries acting in concert solidify in Biden presidency. has also not gone unnoticed by the BECA providing for sharing of geo- dination with the USA in order to It is widely expected that under to keep China’s rise in check and Biden team. In fact, Secretary of State spatial intelligence. In the meanwhile, deal with our existing security threat Biden, the USA will seek to reclaim India could play a pivotal role in that (The writer retired from the nominee Blinken has been on record the USA has also eased export perception. its centre stage role in global affairs effort. Indian Foreign Service a few years ago as having said that “strengthening restrictions on India for high tech India has a massive economic which could, inter alia, see it playing They would also move at least after having served as Indian and deepening of relationship with equipment, including sensitive and commercial relationship with the a reinvigorated role in Indo-pacific some of the manufacturing facilities Ambassador in several countries and India is going to be a high priority” Defence technologies by designating USA with trade in goods and services region involving closer coordination out of China and India could offer continues to take active interest in for- for the US particularly in the context it as a “Strategic Trade Authorization- totaling $150 billion. Unlike China with India and traditional allies itself as a credible alternative if we are eign policy issues. He is currently pres- of its objectives of peace, stability and 1 (STA-1)” country even though with whom we have a huge deficit, such as Japan and Australia, includ- to take further steps to improve the ident of well-known NGO Antar rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific India is yet to gain entry into the India enjoys considerable trade sur- ing military and maritime exercises manufacturing climate in India and Rashtriya Sahyog Parishad). 53=53#1("3 /0(     $   5     

ver the years sufficient lit- among the new generation vey their knowledge in a col- Oerature has appeared on towards strengthening coun- laborative learning environ- India’s strategic planning. Many try’s forces. ment. foreign scholars have made The new attention and An introduction of new contributions towards the scope for innovation would syllabus would provide a vivid research on the modernisation attract the talent and enlight- and deeper insight into the of our Defence programme en them to seek career oppor- problem of terrorism and its and the need for gearing up tunities in Defence services. causes and thereby may lead to and updating. The NEP 2020 has provided a a road map towards a foolproof One rarely comes across a new gateway to problem-solv- encountering strategy. This :))) balanced and dispassionate ing mechanism and a huge combating strategy will have to *:))@ assessment of the issue since platform for education sector look into the basis of the fund- there hasn’t been enough focus in India. Undoubtedly tremen- ing for terrorism, nexus among )> on a precise strategic planning. dous efforts have been made arms dealer, drug traffickers, >:): However, the National towards creating an environ- smugglers and terrorists. A Educational Policy (NEP) 2020 ment that generates smooth, proper knowledge about the >@)?" is a sincere effort to fill the gap easily understandable yet cog- nexus between organised crime )>:) in the existing realms of nitive, constructive and ana- and terrorism can be of >(): knowledge about the contem- lytical skills among the har- immense use. porary importance of interdis- bingers of future. The vision of the NEP is *:() ciplinary and multidiscipli- The provision of a single bound to make India the most :(( nary studies. regulator and numerous entry competitive in the field of )): As India needs to diversi- and exit options with regard to Defence education and would fy its strategies to counter the formal degrees have been some have many takers. The new @(9:); challenges it faces from of the salient features of the facilities in security and :?:;:.: Pakistan and China, the strate- NEP which deserve all the Defence areas would enthrall ):()) gic knowledge and anticipating appreciation as a new begin- new generation and provide the move and motive would be ning to understand the core new perspective to all the helpful in nipping the problems security problems which can be aspiring academicians and stu- in the bud. comprehended in brighter dents who are shortly going to Recently Chief of Defence manner with an option of step out into the world of Staff General Bipin Rawat laud- choosing Defence and securi- competition much beyond a ed the NEP and found it quite ty as one of the important sub- This has carried forward the sensitisation and concern of ented courses on the other. of ideas and providing tips to regulated framework. useful for armed forces to jects of the larger discipline question of reestablishing the marginalised communities by Besides, it would help in comprehend even the tedious Our Defence policies identify the inner strength, either at the undergraduate or credibility and confidence way of creation of Special understanding social respon- and complex issues. should be able to adapt to the resilience, intellect and accu- postgraduate levels. among people that India is not Education Zones through sibility. In addition to this a As far as education at the challenging environment as racy of thinking and excellent The research on such issues a soft state but it wants to avoid inclusive social democratic new approach can also provide tertiary level is concerned, well as efficiently implement coordination between mind would invite tremendous war and conflict as far as pos- ideas and values in the process a clear way forward for stu- NEP’s approach appears to set recommendations. and body among the youth, receptiveness on the part of sible. deserve all the appreciation. dents interested in Defence out a very clear way forward by A modern, vigilant and particularly from rural areas, higher education since the The new learning of socio- The provisions of studies by getting them to getting the mentors fully assertive military, intelligence, for serving the nation with all ongoing low intensity insur- political aspects of the problem Multidisciplinary Education learn new techniques. involved in new techniques police and paramilitary net- $ !#%!!# ; the integrity and conviction. gency perpetuated by Pakistan of insurgency, terrorism and and Research Universities The much talked about and developing challenging work should replace the old This is not only an attempt to and over expansionist mission Naxal violence would help (MERUs) on par with IITs and new provisions of new educa- strategies to meet the need of one. bring them to the mainstream of China have reaffirmed the security personnel get well IIMs, the National Research tion formal orientation of all categories of students. Since it has always been the but a major step towards ful- obnoxious conspiracy to hit versed with the psychology of Foundation, the National “5+3+3+4” and learning in Hence, in order to enhance academic class which provides filling the inner penchant of India where it matters the terrorists and criminals. Educational Technology mother tongue or regional lan- the standard of students it policy orientation to the poli- equity and social justice. most by creating socio-reli- John Milton once com- Forum and Indian Institutes of guage till Class V would open would be imperative to devel- cy makers, the NEP has the The procedure of account- gious and security quagmire. mented “hours have wings and Translation and Interpretation up fresh outlook and generate op self-academic orientation potential to produce a new ability and disclosure were Besides, it will send out a they fly up to the author of would create an environment an introspective discourse and and excellence to deliver and breed of intellectuals to ensure anxiously awaited and would loud and clear message that fame dedicated to their cause”. for students to reach their seek multiple options and view- provide a problem-solving and fullest realisation of the much make system foolproof. The India cannot reciprocate in The attempt to sensitise about potential best by encouraging points to see one’s right place inquiry-based learning activi- needed strategic thinking in the NEP involving more practical- the same manner as it has cer- exploring our domestic under- academic excellence of global according to one’s interest. ties with which students can Defence and security area. based approach at the tertiary tain firm convictions and poli- pinnings with renewed focus level, embracing new informa- There are numerous pro- further formulate and test their level would help catching and cies towards ensuring peace on the role of addressing the tion on the one hand and visions under NEP which can ideas, draw conclusions and (The author is a professor identifying the inclination through defensive mechanism. myriad shades such as gender opening new areas of job-ori- ensure a collaborative creation inferences, and pool and con- and expert on strategic affairs)      ) C  4   45   4   )4  CC €axu€!  4  5RR ) 4 K  5  1234/41

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his breath cycle during the process — you committed some mistake or when o sooner I get into the process tant part of the process, which is why inbreath and outbreath both included. your performance level was not on suggested to calm my overtaxed you get into sleep mode. Should you The next time the person visited expected lines. Your parent’s intent can’t Nmind, I get into sleep mode. look within, your sub-conscious mind me, informed that he no longer gets into be questioned. But instead of handling Obviously, when I get up, I feel tem- will come into full play. That will bring sleep mode. “In fact, I am able to see a you with a sense of love, they forcefully porarily relaxed. But soon after my into focus random thoughts picked up pattern in my thought flow, which tried to impose their whip on you. The monkey mind comes into active play. in the immediate past, many of them makes me understand and acknowledge irony of the whole situation is that born Tell me where I am going wrong. So unpleasant and inconsequential. Those my mental traits. I have realised that I with Aries lagna ruled by fiery Mars, asked a disciple, who is serious about thoughts keep alive your grieving mind. carry a sense of fear and insecurity. I and prominently placed, it was difficult getting over the limitations of his mind. Also, persistent desires and feelings may also suffer from a sense of ‘identity cri- for you to digest commandeering. In the “Getting into sleep mode during the keep knocking you. These thoughts sis’ which tempts me prove my point process, your confidence level got down process is not desirable,” I answered. engage your attention so much, that you whatever way I can. Where does it come and developed a sense of fear, which “Why then is it happening?” he asked. are hardly have the space necessary to from? Also, I wish to realise my dream with time became a part of your psyche. Well, as you close your eyes, you get cut process any fresh thoughts objectively, perceptions fast, which is not happening Now that you are on your own, there is off from all that you would be con- and with obvious consequences. on expected lines. You have to now no relevance of those past happenings. sciously watching in the outer world as Remember, mind-calming process is guide me how to resolve them and also Once, this thought gets registered in well as the self-excited thoughts within, true to the calling of Pratyahara. Should realise my potential fast.” the person your mind, you will get over this hang. which includes lot of negative impres- you follow the process correctly, mind asked. He began working on suggested lines, sions. Nothing to process, mind gets will have a task in hand. It has to wit- The sense of fear and identity crisis and soon he overcame this problem. into sleep mode. “How do I get over this ness the inflowing thoughts, but at the has actually become a part of your psy- This way, with time, he went on syndrome?” he then asked. same time train it to remain disengaged che, coming as them may as reflection identifying and acknowledging his men- While introducing you to the 8 fold from them. Following which, those of your unpleasant memory imprints tal limitations one by one, and then got course of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, I had thoughts will go out of reckoning over a picked up during early childhood. The over them. As he got over his negatives, explained that meditation proper begins period of time. Consequently, you will Sun, which is marked with your identity his performance level too began to by getting into state of Pratyahara. I had not only feel relaxed, but also fresh and confidence level is in debility, and is improve. also explained the significance and mind-space will be available to process placed opposite its dire enemy Saturn, -   ,     application of Pratyahara. The process any fresh thoughts objectively. And that which too is in debility. It implies that     +;;   calls for getting disengaged from waking makes the difference. I could make out during early childhood, your parents =*556977   , @@  state consciousness and instead turning that this fellow is not able to turn his would have tried to forcefully discipline  *5556669< your attention inwards. Fact remains attention inwards. To facilitate that, I you. You would have been subject to -3::5*555*44:(4(4) 3      F, +

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