CDA Programmes Get International Accreditation

ALSO INSIDE 3rd CDA International Scientific Advisory Board Inaugurated HCERES Evaluates CDA Programmes for International Accreditation Nigeria Institute of Soil Science Visits CDA for Assessment of Laboratories CENTRE FOR DRYLAND AGRICULTURE Bayero University, Kano – Nigeria

... an Centre of Excellence


Resilient and Prosperous African Drylands


To improve livelihood, resilience and sustainable use of natural resources in African drylands through training and demand-driven research


Good leadership and Inclusiveness Passion and Teamwork Commitment and Sacrifice Integrity and Transparency Professionalism and Excellence

EDITORIAL TEAM Editor in Chief Contributing Editors Professor Jibrin M. Jibrin Dr. Kabir Mustapha Deputy Editor in Chief Dr. Aminu Fagge Professor Amina Mustapha Dr. Yusuf Garba Sub- Editor Dr. Murtala Badamasi Professor Sanusi Gaya Mohammed Dr. Amina L. Mustapha Editor: Nura Garba

CDA Newsletter is Published by Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA), Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria | [email protected] COVER STORY

Members of CHERES Team inspecting a map inside GIS Lab

CDA Programmes Get International Accreditation

rench High Council for Evaluation of Research Department of Geography, while the MSc Agronomy and Higher Education (HCERES) has granted a (Crop and Cropping Systems in Drylands) is domiciled f i v e - y e a r u n r e s e r v e d i n t e r n a t i o n a l in the Department of Agronomy. F nd accreditation status on two programmes of the The HCERES team visited BUK on Tuesday, July 2 , Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA), Bayero 2019 to evaluate the two programmes. During the University, Kano (BUK). The two programmes have visit, the team reviewed the records of the programs, satisfied all the requirements and accreditation inspected teaching and research facilities and standards set aside by the body. This came after a interacted with staff, students, alumni and industry rigorous evaluation process involving self-evaluation, partners related to the programs. desk reviews and an on-site visit. The Programmes The President of HCERES, Michel Cosnard, accredited are MSc Natural Resource Management communicated the HCERES Board's decision to and Climate Change and MSc Agronomy (Crops and Bayero University on 10th September, 2019 and said Cropping Systems in Drylands). that, considering the accreditation criteria analysis, The MSc Natural Resource Management and the five year unreserved accreditation decision had Climate Change programme is housed in the been granted to each of the two programmes.


The communication, however, drew the attention Association of Quality Assurance Register (EQAR). It to the various recommendations made by the ensures that the dissemination of scientific, technical

committee of experts in its evaluation report, which included the need to increase the contribution of the “ industrial partners in the teaching of core courses; improve on the monitoring of students' progress The Programmes accredited are during the research-dissertation phase to fix MSc Natural Resource temporal objectives and reduce the time to Management and Climate graduation. The CDA was also advised to improve the Change and MSc Agronomy graduate tracking by creating a formalized system. (Crops and Cropping Systems in The French body evaluated the aims of the study programmes, the position of the programmes, Drylands). The MSc Natural teaching structure and study management in which Resource Management and the two programmes fulfilled all the accreditation Climate Change programme is criteria. housed in the Department of HCERES is a French public service agency Geography, while the MSc responsible for the periodic evaluation of higher education institutions, research organisations, Agronomy (Crop and Cropping scientific cooperation foundations, national research Systems in Drylands) is

agencies and research units at the request of the domiciled in the Department of institutions to which they belong. Agronomy “ HCERES operates according to a European framework and is recognized by the European

HCERES Team inspecting CDA Farm's Irrigation Control Unit


Vice Chancellor Inaugurates 3rd International Scientific Advisory Board of CDA

ISAB Chairman, Professor Jimmy Adegoke (right) receiving a souvenir from BUK's Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Prof Haruna Wakili

he Vice Chancellor of Missouri, Kansas City, USA as its Yemi Akinbamijo (the Executive Bayero University, Kano, Chairman. Director, Forum for Agricultural TProfessor Muhammad The other members of the Research in Africa, FARA); and Dr. Yahuza Bello, on Tuesday, Board are: Professor Lindsay Ramadjita Tabo (ICRISAT Director 6thAugust, 2019 inaugurated the Stringer (University of Leeds, UK), for West & Central Africa), who is 3 r d International Scientific a globally renowned specialist on also a joint winner of 2007 Nobel Advisory Board (ISAB) of Centre dryland studies; Dr. Achim Prize for Peace. for Dryland Agriculture (CDA) with D o b e r m a n n ( R o t h a m s t e d The remaining members are: Professor Jimmy Adegoke, an Research, UK), the Director Professor Adamu Idris Tanko, who internationally renowned climate General of the oldest Agricultural is a renowned Geographer and scientist from University of Research Centre in the World; Dr. t h e c u r r e n t D e p u t y V i c e


Chancellor (Academics) of BUK; constitute a robust Advisory said the ISAB would do everything Dr Ahmed Ali Yakasai (the Board to guide the activities of the within its powers to scale up CDA's Director of the Directorate for centre. The First and Second capacity to maintain its status as a Laboratory Management in BUK); Advisory Boards of the Centre centre of excellence in dryland Professor J. A. Falola; Professor c o m p r i s e d o f e m i n e n t agriculture globally. He said the M.A Hussaini and Professor Jibrin personalities from varied members were competent M. Jibrin (the Director of CDA), backgrounds and expertise and enough to deliver on their who will serve as Secretary. were chaired by renowned The advisory board is to offer Professor Emeritus E. A.Olofin. mandate. advice and guidance, especially “The tenure of the second After the inauguration, the on strategic matters, to assist and Board ended earlier this year, Board inspected the CDA empower the CDA to enable its which necessitated the formation research and teaching facilities. o p e r a t i o n a l t a s k s t o b e of the 3rd Board in which your successfully conducted in line distinguished personalities were with the international best carefully selected to serve for a practices. period of two years. I am happy to While inaugurating the board, note that the 10- member 3rd the Vice Chancellor, who was International Advisory Board of represented by the Deputy Vice the CDA comprises of eminent Chancellor (Administration) personalities and scientists par Professor Haruna Wakili, stated excellence,” the Vice Chancellor that, in order to propel the CDA to stated. become a global centre of In his speech, the Chairman of excellence, the University the Board, Professor Adegoke M a n a g e m e n t d e c i d e d t o

A group photograph of ISAB members with BUK Management


Director CDA, Prof. Jibrin (right) explaining a point to ISAB members 3rd CDA International Scientific Board Conducts First Meeting he 3rd International Scientific internationally reputable experts while the mission is “to improve Advisory Board of Centre for to serve as members of its l i v e l i h o o d , r e s i l i e n c e a n d Dryland Agriculture (CDA) international scientific advisory sustainable use of natural T resources in African drylands held its inaugural meeting in which board. through training and demand- the members brainstormed on In his opening speech earlier, driven research.” CDA's thematic research focus the Director of CDA, Professor Jibrin M. Jibrin, gave a brief history The Director added that the areas and draft strategic plan. of the evolution of the Centre; new set of Core Values included The Chairman of the Board, research activities, international good leadership and discipline; Professor Jimmy Adegoke, said students, grants, collaborations p a s s i o n a n d t e a m w o r k ; members of the board were both national and international, as commitment and sacrifice; carefully selected based on merit well as its recent achievements in integrity and transparency; and that their expertise and a t t r a c t i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l professionalism and excellence. experience would bring to bear in accreditation and hosting PASET He said these would guide the the CDA's quest to become a global PhD programmes. activities and conduct of the centre centre of excellence in dryland Professor Jibrin informed the in moving forward. board members that the Centre agriculture. The members agreed that the had come up with a new vision, next board meeting would take He stated that the Centre had a mission and core values. The new place in August 2020. However, good reputation globally. That was vision of the Centre is “Resilient, there would be virtual meetings why it was able to attract some Prosperous African Drylands,” before then.

ISAB Chairman, Professor Jimmy Adegoke chairing the 1st meeting of the Board ISAB members inspecting produce from CDA Farm


Members of CDA International Scientific Advisory Board

resources and ecosystem management in Professor Adegoke has held research Africa. and teaching appointments at the Federal Professor Adegoke majored in University of Technology Minna in Nigeria, Geography (with minors in Physics and State University in Fort Collins, Geology) as an undergraduate at Ahmadu Colorado and the Earth Resources Bello University. He attended the University Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center, in of Ibadan, earning an M.S. in Geography, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. From 2010 to specializing in Climatology, and a Ph.D. at 2012 he served as the Executive Director of Pennsylvania State University, focusing on the Council for Scientific and Industrial climatology. He conducted Research (CSIR) Natural Resources & research at the Joint Institute for the Study Environment (NRE) Division, in Pretoria, 1. Professor Jimmy Adegoke of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) at the where he had concurrent James O. Adegoke (born 1963) is an award- University of Washington. His work focuses appointment as Director of the Applied on societal impacts of environmental winning climate scientist and a professor at Center for Climate & Earth Systems Science change, including studies in the University of Missouri, Kansas City (ACCESS), a Center of Excellence (CoE) of the rapidly changing mid-latitude urban areas, (UMKC) where he served as Chair of the South Africa Department of Science and climate impacts on water resources in the Department of Geosciences (2008-2010). Technology (DST) Global Change Grande Lake Chad Basin and coastal ecosystem He also served as an appointee of the Challenge (GCGC) program. More recently, dynamics in the Niger Delta region of Mayor of Kansas City Missouri on the city's he completed a consultancy stint in 2017 Nigeria. He is a member of several Environmental Management Commission (April to December) as Interim Executive professional societies including the (EMC). He serves on the Technical Advisory Director of the West African Science Service American Geophysical Union (AGU), Board of several United Nations (UN) Center on Climate Change and Adapted Association of American Geographers applied science programs, including the Land Use (WASCAL). Before that, he served (AAG), and American Meteorological Society United Nations Educational Scientific and (AMS). He is on the Advisory Council of the for two years on WASCAL's Governing Board Cultural Organization (UNESCO) project on African Association for Remote Sensing of and as Chair of the organization's Scientific the application of remote sensing for water the Environment (AARSE). Advisory Committee. 2. Professor Lindsay C. Stringer Land and for the IPCC's 6th Assessment Lindsay Carman Stringer is a Professor in Report. She was also an author on the UK Environment and Development at the Government's most recent Climate Change University of Leeds. She was born in 1979 Risk Assessment. She is a member of the and grew up near Gravesend in Kent. She Economics of Land Degradation Initiative holds a BSc in Geography (2000), an MSc in working group on Options and Pathways to Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Action and chaired the Independent Task in Drylands (2001), and a PhD in Geography Force of the CGIAR's Research Programme (2004) all from the University of Sheffield. on Dryland Systems. Professor Stringer is Professor Stringer worked as an External Advisory Board member for the research fellow at the University of York Environmental Sustainability Institute. Manchester before moving to the She has worked and travelled in Africa, Asia- University of Leeds to be a lecturer, where Pacific, Europe and the Americas, visiting she later became co-Director of the more than 100 countries. She has authored Sustainability Research Institute (March more 140 peer-reviewed articles. She is a 2011) and subsequently Director (August the Intergovernmental Platform on recipient of Wolfson Merit Award from the 2012 - October 2014). She is an advisory Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Royal Society, a Women of Achievement board member for DesertNet International Regional Assessment for Africa, lead author Award, and the Philip Leverhulme Prize for and a reviewer for the Intergovernmental for the IPBES Land Degradation and her work on environmental change and Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Professor Restoration Assessment, lead author for the sustainable development in drylands. Stringer was a Coordinating lead author for IPCC special report on Climate Change and 3. Yemi Akinbamijo, PhD to his appointment as Executive Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo is the Director of FARA, he was the Head Executive Director of the Forum for of Division of the Agriculture and Agricultural Research in Africa Food Security Division at the (FARA). Dr. Akinbamijo, a Nigerian African Union Commission national, has spent the past 35 Headquarters in Addis Ababa, years of his career in Africa and Ethiopia. Before then, he served as Europe working in International the Director of the AU Inter-African Agriculture, food security and Phytosanitary Council based in Rural Development domains. Prior Yaoundé Cameroon as well as the


Chief Animal Resource Officer at passionate about processes for the other governing bodies of research the African Union Inter-African translation of research outcomes institutions and programmes. He Bureau for Animal Resources in into livelihood impacts. has published several scientific Nairobi, Kenya. Dr Akinbamijo is a member of papers and articles in various Dr. Akinbamijo is a noted the ICRISAT Smart Food Governing disciplines and subject matters. He strategic thinker, an effective Council, the BecA-ILRI Advisory holds a PhD in Agriculture and communicator and a consummate Board, co-leader of the Platform Environmental Sciences with networker, who is solidly plugged for African-European partnership specialization on Tropical Animal into an extensive community of for Agricultural Research for production from Wageningen stakeholders (including investors) Development (PAEPARD) and Agricultural University, the in Africa's agricultural research and Chairperson of the African Agri- Netherlands. rural development. He is very Ndaba Council. He sits on many

4. Dr Achim Doberman University of Leipzig in Germany. In Dr. Achim Doberman is the Director 1992, he joined the International Rice and Chief Executive of Rothamsted Research Institute (IRRI) as a soil Research (the World's oldest scientist, followed by an appointment Agricultural Research Centre), where as a professor at the University of he provides leadership for a wide Nebraska-Lincoln from 2000 to 2007. range of research programmes that From 2008 to 2014, he served as aim to develop solutions for the Deputy Director -General for research sustainable intensification of at IRRI. As a member of the Leadership agricultural systems. He has more than Council of the UN Sustainable 30 years of field research experience Development Solutions Network from all regions of the world. He (, Dr Achim Doberman received a MSc in Tropical Agriculture contributes to implementing the new and a PhD in Soil Science from the Sustainable Development Goals.

5. Dr Ramadjita Tabo India; Kano, Nigeria; Bamako, Mali; and Dr Ramadjita Tabo was trained as a Niamey, Niger. cropping systems agronomist at the Ramadjita is a member of several University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, committees amongst which are the Pan- where he obtained his Ph.D in Agronomy African START (a global Change for Change and Plant Genetics (1985), MSc in Range System for Analysis, Research and Training) Management (1982) and a BSc in Range Regional Committee (PACOM) and the Management (1980). He is currently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Director of the West and Central Africa Change (IPCC). He won several awards one Regional Hub at the International Crops of which is the prestigious 2007 Nobel Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Peace prize as a member of the IPCC. He has Dr Tabo has previously served as the coordinated several large projects, Deputy Executive Director of the Forum for including the Desert Margins Program Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) based (DMP), GEF-funded project on arresting in Accra, Ghana (September 2009-March land degradation and conserving 2014), the Assistant Director of the biodiversity in sub-Saharan Africa and the International Crops Research Institute for agronomist based at ICRISAT-Niamey, Challenge Program on Water and Food the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in West and Niger. He has worked at various ICRISAT (CPWF) project on enhancing rainwater and Central Africa and a cropping systems locations for 23 years, including Hyderabad, nutrient use efficiency in the Volta Basin.

6. Professor Adamu Idris Tanko University, Kano as an Assistant Lecturer Professor Tanko is the Deputy Vice and was appointed a Professor in 2010. He Chancellor (Academics) and a Professor of was a Head of the Department (2009-2012) Development Geography at Bayero and served as the Dean in the Faculties of University Kano, Nigeria. He was born in Social and Management Sciences (2012- 1967 and grew up in Kano. He received a 2014) and Earth and Environmental BSc in Geography (1989), an MSc in Land Sciences (2014-2016), respectively. He was Resources (Development) (1993), and a PhD the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration) in Geography (2000) all from Bayero (2016-2018). University, Kano. In 1994, he joined Professor Tanko was member of the Department of Geography, Bayero implementation committee on the


establishment of the Centre for Dryland Negotiation Document towards the UNs the Association of Nigerian Geographers, Agriculture (CDA) (2010-2012) and later 15th COP 15 in 2009 and a member of the S e c re t a r y o f t h e C o m m o n w e a l t h served a member of the Advisory board of Expert group for the drafting of Nigeria's Geographical Bureau (CGB) and member CDA since 2014. He has chaired the Climate Change policy response and International Geographic Union (IGU). He is technical sub-committee on integrated strategy working under the guide of the a recipient of the British Council visiting water resource management of the UNDP in 2010. He has published more than fellowship to University of Sussex at Brighton, fellow of the Royal Geographic Hadejia-Jama're Komadugu Yobe Basin's 70 peer-reviewed articles. He has Society with the Institute of British Steering Committee since 2010. He is also a supervised more than 20 MSc and 10 PhD Geographers and the 2007 Ron Lister member of the Nigerian Expert committee students. fellowship at the University of Otago, New Professor Tanko is the President of for the drafing of the Climate Change Zealand. training from the University of Ibadan, of Professor in 1995. He has Nigeria where he obtained a Bachelor extensively taught courses in land of Science (Geography) (1975) and a resources the Master degree level and PhD in Geography (1980). Professor research methods and issues in Falola holds a Post¬ Graduate Diploma development at the doctoral level. He in Rural Policy and Project Planning h a s s u p e r v i s e d s e v e r a l M S c from the Institute of Social Studies at dissertations and 25 PhD theses. His The Hague, the Netherlands; and research works have focused on rural D i p l o m a i n E n v i r o n m e n t a l area analysis which among others Management from the Galilee include rural livelihoods, rural energy International Management Institute, and poverty. He has published more at Israel (2015). than 80 peer-reviewed articles. He was He has served in Geography the President of the Association of 7. Professor Julius Afolabi Falola Department, Bayero University, Kano Nigerian Geographers and a fellow of Professor Falola received his early since January 1980 and rose to the rank Association of Nigerian Geographers.

8. Professor Muhammad Auwal university, state and national levels. He has Hussaini won and managed a number of grants M. A. Hussaini was born on 10th June, from both local and international 1965 and holds a BSc degree in Agriculture organizations. He was also a Consultant from , Zaria (1988) Agronomist to International Fertilizer and MSc (1994)/PhD (2000) in Agronomy D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r ( I F D C ) ; from the same University and was Consultant/Adviser to Adam Smith appointed a Professor of Agronomy by International on behalf of The United Bayero University, Kano in 2010. His Kingdom Department for International research interests include management of Development; National Consultant to field crops, system agronomy and Project Coordinating Unit-National irrigation agronomy. He was the Head, Fadama Development Office (PCU-NFDO; Department of Agronomy, Bayero Service Provider/Consultant to SAII University, Kano from 2007 to 2011 and in Associates LTD/GTE on behalf of DFID; February 2012 was appointed the pioneer Consultant Agronomist to IITA on behalf of Director of the Centre for Dryland CORAF, among others. He has supervised Agriculture (CDA) in the same university. and examined several students and has Polytechnic. He has close to 30 years of From September 2012 to 2016, he served served as External Examiner to many teaching and research experience in as the Provost of Binyaminu Usman Universities and Assessor of candidates collaboration with local and international College of Agriculture, Hadejia, Jigawa State aspiring to the ranks of Associate research organizations. He has served in which later became Binyaminu Usman Professors and Professors for many various capacities and committees in the Universities. 9. Dr. Ahmad Ali Yakasai resources of the University. Ahmed Ali Yakasai was born on 16th Dr. Yakasai has held several other September 1969 and holds a BSc positions within and outside Bayero (Chemistry) and MSc (Organic Chemistry) University. He served in several from Bayero University, Kano and a PhD committees. These include Deputy Director (Organic Chemistry) from the University of Academic Planning in Charge of Academic Bristol. He is a member of several Support Services of Bayero University (Feb. professional bodies, including Chemical 2013 – Dec 2015); Chairman of Bayero Society of Nigeria, The Royal Society of University Guest house Management Chemistry and American Chemical Society. Committee (2002 -2005); Congregation He is currently the Director of the Representative in Bayero University Senate Directorate of Laboratory Management at (2003 – 2005 & 2012 – 2014); and Bayero University responsible for Congregation Representative in Bayero c o o r d i n a t i n g t h e p r o c u r e m e n t , University Governing Council. He served as maintenance and utilization of laboratory a member of the Kano State Government


Visitation Panel to the University of Science the Presidential Inauguration Committee in Impact Assessment Committee and Federal and Technology Wudil in 2012, a 2019 and currently serving as member of Government ASUU Renegotiation Rapporteur in the Federal Government the Technical Advisory Committee of Committee. Transition Committee in 2015, a member of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund)

(1998 to 2001) and Extension Specialist I academic/research interests are in Soil (2001 to 2004) at the National Agricultural Fertility Management and Plant Nutrition. Extension and Research Liaison Services For the past twenty years, he has taught (NAERLS), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, courses in soil fertility, mineral nutrition Nigeria. In 2004, he joined Bayero and soil and plant analysis and has University, Kano, Nigeria as a Senior supervised and mentored numerous Lecturer in the Department of Agronomy. undergraduate, MSc, and PhD students in He rose to the rank of Reader and Professor these areas. His recent area of research in 2007 and 2011, respectively. He has also activities is in the development of decision served as external examiner in several support tools for site-specific fertilizer Universities, including Kebbi State recommendations, understanding and University of Science and Technology, quantifying variabilities in yield responses 10. Professor Jibrin Mohammed Jibrin Aliero, Usmanu Danfodio University, to nutrients application and the integration Jibrin Mohammed Jibrin was born on 17th Sokoto, Ahmadu Bello University, Federal of GIS tools with Crop Simulation models to August 1968. He obtained his B. Agriculture University of Technology, Minna and understand spatial variabilities in crop and MSc (Soil Science) degrees from Modibbo Adama University of Technology, yields. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1991 and Yola. Jibrin Mohammed Jibrin is a life 1996, respectively. In 1996, he was awarded Administratively, Jibrin helped to set member of the Soil Science Society of a German fellowship from GTZ/GIARA for a up the Agricultural Question and Answer Nigeria (SSSN). He is also a member of PhD at Ahmadu Bello University with bench Service (NAQAS) at NAERLS in 2000. He several other professional associations, work at the University of Hannover, assisted in establishing the Department of including the International Union of Soil Germany. He obtained his PhD (Soil Soil Science at Bayero University, Kano, Science, Soil Science Society of America, Science) in 1999. Jibrin Mohammed Jibrin where he served as the pioneer Head of American Society of Agronomy, Crop has also attended several professional Department from 2009 to 2012. He became Science Society of America, African Network courses in Geographic Information System, the Director of the Centre for Dryland for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfNET) and the Crop Modelling, Irrigation and Intensive Agriculture in November 2012 and led the Agricultural Society of Nigeria. He has won Crops Management, Environmental Centre to emerge as one of the World Bank several research and development grants Management, and Project Management. supported Africa Centres of Excellence. His as lead scientist or principal investigator. Jibrin was an Extension Specialist II c o r e a r e a s o f e x p e r t i s e a n d IN ATTENDANCE Professor Sanusi Gaya Mohammed Professor Amina Mustapha International Organizations with several Sanusi Gaya Mohammed is a Professor Amina Mustapha is the CDA Deputy technical reports to her credit. She also has of Plant Breeding and the Deputy Director Director in charge of Outreach and publications in National and International in-charge of Training of the Centre holds a Publications. She obtained her BSc in Journals. She has attended training workshops and presented papers at Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture (1989), a Agriculture from Usmanu Danfodio conferences in different parts of Nigeria, Masters' in Genetics (1996) and a Ph.D. University, Sokoto in 1994 and a Master's degree in Agricultural Economics from the Africa, Asia, USA, Middle East and Europe. (2010) in Plant Breeding from Bayero University of Ibadan in 1998 and obtained University, Kano and Ahmadu Bello her PhD from Bayero University, Kano in Dr Kabir Mustapha Umar University Zaria. He attended other short 2012. She was employed as a Lecturer II in Kabir Mustapha Umar is the Deputy courses for capacity building in Statistical Bayero University in the year 2002 where Director in charge of Research. Born on Data Analysis; Recombinant DNA she rose through the ranks to become a 29th March 1978, he obtained his BSc and Technology; Field Trial and QTL Analysis Professor of Agricultural Economics in MSc degrees in Zoology from Bayero using R & RQTL; Experimental Designs and 2018. Her field of specialization is University, Kano in 2001 and 2007, B i o m e t r i c s ; A d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d Agricultural Marketing and Value Chain respectively. He obtained his PhD in Food Leadership Skills as well as Project Analysis. Biotechnology from Universiti Putra, Management. He was a 2-term Faculty Over the period of her career in Bayero Malaysia in 2012. Examinations Officer and Head, University, she has taught numerous Dr Kabir Umar is a Biotechnologist with an courses in Agricultural Economics across all Department of Agronomy from 2011 to interest in metabolic engineering of levels; undergraduates, postgraduate functional foods. He has been engaged in 2016. Professor Mohammed taught diploma, masters and doctoral in her 17 teaching and research for over a decade in G e n e t i c s , P l a n t B r e e d i n g , years of service to the University. Over this Bayero University, Kano. He is currently Statistics/Biometry and Seed Production period, she has supervised numerous teaching Molecular Biology, Biological Courses both at Undergraduate and undergraduate and postgraduate projects, Techniques, Methods in Parasitology and dissertation and thesis respectively in Postgraduate levels. He supervised 10 Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture. addition to serving as External Examiner in M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D. students. His major He is currently working to develop myco- research interest is legumes (groundnut other Universities. Amina also teaches E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p c o u r s e s t o insectides to combat some important and cowpea), variety development and undergraduate students in the University. agricultural pests and exploring the seed production. He has published many She has conducted several researches in functional properties of some natural peer reviewed papers in academic the field of agriculture and served as a products. He has published several articles journals. consultant to many National and in peer reviewed journals.


Dr. Krishna Gumma facilitating the workshop CDA Organizes International Workshop on Remote Sensing

he Centre for Dryland Agriculture in Representative in Nigeria, Dr. Hakeem Ajeigbe, collaboration with the International Crops described the workshop as an effective TResearch Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics collaboration between ICRISAT and CDA aimed at (ICRISAT) organized a five-day workshop on the producing more expertise in the area of remote Application of Remote Sensing in Semi-Arid Tropics sensing and geographical information system. He (SAT) using Machine Learning Algorithms and Spectral further stated that this kind of opportunity was rare Matching Techniques (SMTS) from 26th to 30th August, because of the limited funds and expertise in the 2019. area. The objectives of the training were to introduce the participants to the potential application of The Team Leader of the training workshop Google Earth Engine (GEE) for remote sensing and facilitations, Dr. Murali Krishna Gumma, said he was Geographical Information System in agriculture and happy with the way participants paid maximum other thematic areas and demonstrate a hands-on attention to the training, emphasizing that, with the training on machine learning algorithms embedded synergy of CDA and ICRISAT, the former would soon in GEE interface for geospatial processing and image become a centre of excellence in GIS and remote classification. The training was organized to enable sensing in Africa. the participants to gain practical knowledge of Dr. Gumma, who is the ICRISAT's head of Remote working with GEE. Sensing/GIS Lab and Systems Analyst for Climate Declaring the workshop open, the Deputy Smart Agriculture Research Program, said the Director, Outreach and Publication of the CDA, participants would among other things be exposed Professor Amina Mustapha, welcomed the to comprehensive knowledge and information of participants and charged them to make good use of the opportunity and learn a lot from the facilitators. the Google earth engine platform. She described the training as a good opportunity to Other facilitators of the workshop were Dr gain knowledge, especially from the experienced Bhavani Pinjarta, a Scientific Officer, Remote facilitators from India. Sensing/GIS Lab and Pranay Panjala, both of In his remarks, the ICRISAT Country ICRISAT, India.


HCERES Evaluates CDA Programmes for International Accreditation

n assessment team from the University strived for excellence and the facilities. All the discussions we French High Council for would continue to pursue it had were interesting and will help us AEvaluation of Research and vigorously. He expressed the hope to better understand the content Higher Education (HCERES) visited t h a t m o r e i n t e r n a t i o n a l and ambition of the Centre. Partners Bayero University, Kano (BUK) on accreditations would be conducted and students all reported how they Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019 to evaluate on other programmes in the appreciate the quality of the master two MSc programmes in the Centre University. programmes. They underlined the for Dryland Agriculture (CDA) for While at the Centre for Dryland interest of the courses and the very Agriculture (CDA), the Director, good balance between practical and international accreditation. The Professor Jibrin M. Jibrin, along with theoretical courses”. programmes evaluated were MSc the Deputy Director, Training, Concerning the assessment, the Natural Resource Management and Professor Sanusi Gaya Mohammad, team leader explained that an Climate Change housed in the the Deputy Director, Outreach and evaluation report would be shared Department of Geography and MSc Publication, Professor Amina with BUK in August 2019 for Agronomy (Crop and Cropping Mustapha, and other staff of the observation and the council of Systems in Drylands) domiciled in Centre led the team members to HCERES would meet in September the Department of Agronomy. inspect facilities, including the ultra- 2019 to consider the report and Welcoming the team members to modern farm, Tissue Culture decide on the accreditation status. BUK, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Laboratory, Molecular Biology “We regret that the visit was so Muhammad Yahuza Bello, said the L a b o ra t o r y a n d G e o g ra p h i c short and we thank you a lot for the University always welcomed the Information System Laboratory. high number of participants,” said accreditation exercise because it The team, led by Professor Carole the team leader. The team praised would create an avenue for Molina-Jouve, interacted with CDA for the high quality of the self- improvement. “We are ready to partners of CDA, faculty members, evaluation report earlier sent to accept your corrections and staff, current students and alumni. HCERES, which had made their tasks observations to improve our service After the interaction, the team of the on-site evaluation easier. delivery,” he told the team. leader, Professor Molina-Jouve, said Other members of the HCERES Professor Bello explained to the the team was highly impressed with team were: Christophe Bressoc; visiting team that the CDA was one of CDA facilities and the enthusiasm of Mathilde Colas; Delphine Latour and the World Bank supported Africa staff, as well as the commitment of Pierre Courtellemont. The team was Centres of Excellence (ACE) and BUK the partners in building strong accompanied by three staff from the had two of such Centers, the other partnership that benefitted both National Universities Commission being the Africa Centre of Excellence parties. (NUC), Mrs Onyinye Akauba, Mrs. in Population Health and Policy “We want to thank you for the Lulu Udoka and Mrs Yvonne (ACEPHAP). He added that the hospitality and we are impressed by Orekyeh.

HCERES team members evaluating CDA programmes

13 NEWS CDA BUILDS CAPACITY OF 3 STAFF IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT he Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA) sponsored Tthree of its staff to a 10-day intensive training course on Project Management organized by the Association of African Universities (AAU) held in its Secretariat in Accra, Ghana from 19th to 30th August, 2019. The staff were Prof. Jibrin M. Jibrin, Prof. Sunusi Gaya Muhammad and Dr. Yusuf Garba. The aim is to gain much- needed training and skills and apply them in order to overcome those challenges and achieve the desired results in various projects. Prof. Jibrin (2nd left) and Dr. Garba (2nd right) listening to a presentation along with other participants A total of twenty-eight open, the Secretary General of the Ghana Chapter of the Project participants from the Africa AAU, Professor Etienne E. Ehile, Management Institute (PMI), Centres of Excellence (ACEs), stated that “AAU being the apex Ghana Chapter to create the Universities and other Non- Higher Education body in Africa platform for Project Managers, Governmental Organizations from with the core mandate of offering Project Officers and Project Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria support in capacity building of its Administrators to sharpen their attended the training course. constituents organized the training skills and broaden their knowledge While declaring the Workshop workshop in collaboration with the to better execute their roles.” In his remark during the opening ceremony, the Director of Nigeria Institute of Soil Science Visits Research and Academic Planning CDA for Assessment of Laboratories of the AAU, who doubled as the ACE Project Coordinator, Professor The Nigerian Institute of Soil Science brought recently and yet to be Jonathan Mba, stated that the PMP (NISS) on July 4, 2019 visited the Centre installed. workshop was timely and apt, of Dryland Agriculture CDA with the Among the places visited by the particularly for the ACEs that got sole aim of assessing and taking team were: Wet Chemistry Laboratory, the ACE renewal (ACE Impact) with where tests like PH, EC, PSD, etc. were i n v e n t o r y o f f a c i l i t i e s i n i t s the understanding that they would carried out; the main Instrument laboratories. Laboratory, where all the major p u t t h e k n o w l e d g e a n d The exercise was meant to identify instruments are housed; the Soil competencies acquired vis-a-vis laboratories that will participate in the Library, where all sample preparations the experiences /lessons learnt implementation of the national and storage were done, as well as the during the ACE I project in the fertilizer quality control bill when Geographic Information Systems successful implementation of the signed into law and to seek areas Laboratory. ACE Impact. where the laboratories assessed will The team was also taken to the be strengthened to meet international laboratories of the Department of Soil At the end of the intensive standards. Science where they also assessed the training workshop, participants The team, which comprised Egbe facilities and interacted with e x p r e s s e d o p t i m i s m a n d William Ngaji (Team leader); Ojapha technologists. confidence that they were now A g a t h a C h r i s t i e ; M u h a m m e d At the end of the visit, the team better equipped to manage and Mustapha and Buba Aisha Haruna, members expressed appreciation with implement projects in line with was taken round the laboratories what they saw at the Centre. The team where they saw the equipment was accompanied by the Coordinating global best practice. Mrs. Nodumo available, including those that were Technologist, Hashim Abba Yakasai Dhlamini, the Director ICT,


Communication Services and deliverables of not only the ACE workshop's practical learning Knowledge Management of the Project but other Projects that the activities in which participants AAU in her remarks while institutions where the participants shared various experiences from p re s e n t i n g c e r t i f i c a t e s o f come from would be beneficial d i v e r s e b a c k g r o u n d s a n d participation to trainees stated now and in the future. scenarios would ensure that that the AAU was optimistic that The workshop would also help participants were able to apply the the knowledge and skills acquired participants to build networks and skills acquired practically to better by participants would impact forge partnerships with their p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t a n d positively towards achieving the colleagues. In addition, the administration.

Prof. Jibrin receiving his certificate Prof. S.G.M receiving his certificate Dr. Yusuf Garba receiving his certificate

A group photograph of participants of the workshop


CDA Newsletter is Published by Centre for Dryland Agriculture (CDA), Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria | [email protected]