
The Complexity of Adding Failsafe Fault-Tolerance Sandeep S. Kulkarni Ali Ebnenasir Department of Science and Engineering Michigan State University East Lansing MI 48824 USA

Abstract in simplifying the reuse of the techniques used in manually In this paper, we focus our attention on the problem of automating adding fault-tolerance. We expect that the same advantage the addition of failsafe fault-tolerance where fault-tolerance is will apply in the automated addition of fault-tolerance. added to an existing (fault-intolerant) program. A failsafe fault- The main difficulty in automating the addition of fault- tolerant program satisfies its specification (including safety and tolerance, however, is the complexity involved in this liveness) in the absence of faults. And, in the presence of faults, it process. In [2], Kulkarni and Arora showed that the problem satisfies its safety specification. We present a somewhat unexpected of adding masking fault-tolerance –where both safety and result that, in general, the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance liveness are satisfied in the presence of faults– is NP-hard. in distributed programs is NP-hard. Towards this end, we reduce We find that there are three possible options to deal with this the 3-SAT problem to the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance. complexity: (1) develop heuristics under which the synthesis We also identify a class of specifications, monotonic specifications and a class of programs, monotonic programs. Given a (positive) algorithm takes polynomial time, (2) consider a weaker form monotonic specification and a (negative) monotonic program, we of fault-tolerance such as failsafe –where only safety is show that failsafe fault-tolerance can be added in polynomial time. satisfied in the presence of faults, or nonmasking -where We note that the monotonicity restrictions are met for commonly safety may be violated temporarily if faults occur, or (3) encountered problems such as Byzantine agreement, distributed identify a class of specifications and programs for which the consensus, and atomic commitment. Finally, we argue that the addition of fault-tolerance can be performed in polynomial restrictions on the specifications and programs are necessary to add time. failsafe fault-tolerance in polynomial time; we prove that if only The first approach was used in [3], where Kulkarni, Arora and one of these conditions is satisfied, the addition of failsafe fault- Chippada presented heuristics that are applicable to several tolerance is still NP-hard. Keywords : Fault-tolerance, Formal methods, Program problems including byzantine agreement. In polynomial synthesis, Program transformation, Distributed time, their algorithm finds a fault-tolerant program or it programs declares that a fault-tolerant program cannot be synthesized. In this paper, we focus on the other two approaches. 1 Introduction Regarding the second approach, we focus our attention on We focus on the automation of failsafe fault-tolerant the of failsafe fault-tolerance. By adding failsafe programs, i.e., programs that satisfy their safety specification fault-tolerance in an automated , we can simplify – if faults occur. We begin with a fault-intolerant program and partly automate– the design of masking fault-tolerant and systematically add fault-tolerance to it. The resulting programs. More specifically, the algorithm that automates the program, thus, guarantees that if no faults occur then the addition of failsafe fault-tolerance and the stepwise method specification is satisfied. However, if faults do occur then for designing masking fault-tolerance [1] can be combined at least the safety specification is satisfied. to partially automate the design of masking fault-tolerant There are several advantages of such automation. For one, programs. The algorithm in [1] shows how a masking fault- the synthesized program is correct by construction and there tolerant program can be designed by first designing a failsafe is no need for its correctness proof. Second, since we begin (respectively, nonmasking) fault-tolerant program and then with an existing fault-intolerant program, the derived fault- adding nonmasking (respectively, failsafe) fault-tolerance to tolerant program reuses it. Therefore, it would be possible it. Thus, given an algorithm that automates the addition to add fault-tolerance even to programs for which the entire of failsafe fault-tolerance, we can automate one step of specification is not available or where the existing program designing masking fault-tolerance. is the de-facto specification. Third, in this approach, the In our investigation, we find that the design of distributed concerns of the functionality of a program and its fault- failsafe fault-tolerant programs is also NP-hard. To show this, tolerance are separated. This separation is known to help [1] we provide a reduction from 3-SAT to the problem of adding 1Email: [email protected], [email protected] failsafe fault-tolerance. Web: http://www.cse.msu.edu/˜{sandeep,ebnenasi} To deal with the complexity involved in automating the Tel: +1-517-355-2387, Fax: 1-517-432-1061 addition of failsafe fault-tolerance, we follow the third This work was partially sponsored by NSF CAREER CCR-0092724, approach considered above. Specifically, we identify the DARPA contract F33615-01-C-1901, ONR Grant N00014-01-1-0744, and a grant from Michigan State University. restrictions that can be imposed on specifications and fault- intolerant programs in order to ensure that failsafe fault-

- 2 *

tolerance can be added in polynomial time. Towards this , , that it can write. Also, process consists of a set of 0132¨¤4¢ 5

end, we identify a class of specifications, namely monotonic transitions ./, ; each transition is of the form where


 ¤/ '

¢ (

specifications, and a class of programs, namely monotonic 2 . We address the effect of read/write restrictions

. . ( programs. Given a (positive) monotonic specification and a on , in Section 2.2. The transitions of , , is the union of (negative) monotonic program, we show that failsafe fault- the transitions of its processes. tolerance can be added in polynomial time. Finally, we In this paper, in most situations we are interested in the state note that the class of monotonic specifications contains well- space of and all its transitions. Hence, unless we need to recognized [4–6] problems of distributed consensus, atomic talk about the transitions of a particular process or the values

commitment, and byzantine agreement. of the particular variables, we simply let program be the

'( .7(

We also argue that the restrictions imposed on the tuple ')(6¤ ./(¨ where is a finite set of states and is a

% ')(6?

specification and the fault-intolerant program are necessary. subset of 890:2;¤4¢<5>=¨ 2;¤4¢ .


More specifically, we show that if restrictions are imposed A state predicate of is any subset of ( . A state

' .

only on the specification (respectively, the fault-intolerant predicate is closed in the program (respectively, ( ) iff

% % %

0@A0: ¤/ 5BC01 ¤4 5 . 0: 'EDF 'G5 5

¢ 2 ¢ ( 2 ¢

program) then the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance 2 . A sequence

 ¤4 ¤ © © ©H ¢

is still NP-hard. of states, 2 , is a computation of iff the following

% .7(

Organization of the paper. This paper is organized two conditions are satisfied: (1) 6*I¨*KJMLNO0:,@P¢¤/7,35 ,


as follows: In Section 2, we provide a few basic concepts and (2) if 32;¤/¢¤ © © ©H is finite and terminates in state then


013QR¤45 .7(

such as programs, computations, specifications, faults and there does not exist state  such that .

fault-tolerance. In Section 3, we state the problem of The projection of program on state predicate ' , denoted as

 % %

' '(¤<8£012¥¤4¢<5SO01 2£¤4¢ 5 .7(UTV2¨¤/¢

adding failsafe fault-tolerance. In Section 4, we prove the = , is the program

= ' '

NP-completeness of the problem of adding failsafe fault- 'B? . I.e., consists of transitions of that start in

' 0XW ' ¤4. ¦5 (

tolerance. In Section 5, we precisely define the notion and end in . Given two programs, ( and

)Y Y Y Y[Z Y Y Z

01W ' ¤4. ¦5 ' W\' . .

( (

( ( (

of monotonic specifications and monotonic programs, and ( , we say iff and .

show their necessity and sufficiency for adding failsafe fault- Notation. When it is clear from context, we use and . (

tolerance in polynomial time. Finally, we make concluding interchangeably. Also, we say that a state predicate ' is true


 ' remarks in Section 6. in a state  iff . 2.2 Issues of Distribution 2 Preliminaries Now, we present the issues that distribution introduces during In this section, we give formal definitions of programs, the addition of fault-tolerance. More specifically, we identify problem specifications, faults, and fault-tolerance. The how read/write restrictions on a process affect its transitions. programs are specified in terms of their state space and their Write restrictions. Given a transition 0:32;¤4¢<5 , it is

transitions. The definition of specifications is adapted from straightforward to determine the variables that need to be ¢ Alpern and Schneider [7]. The definition of faults and fault- changed in order to modify the state from 32 to . Thus, tolerance is adapted from Arora and Gouda [8] and Kulkarni the write restrictions amount to ensuring that the transitions [1]. The issues of modeling distributed programs is adapted of a process only modify those variables that it can write.

from [2]. A similar modeling of distributed programs in More specifically, if process * can only write the variables in

- - ,

read/write atomicity was independently identified by Attie , and the value of a variable other than that in is changed

0: ¤/ 5 ¢

and Emerson [9]. in the transition 2 then that transition cannot be used * in obtaining the transitions of * . In other words, if can

Most definitions in this section are straightforward, and are - *

only write variables in , then cannot use the transitions in

! -

included to make the paper self-contained. A reader who is - ,5

familiar with this area can skip this section if necessary. We 0 *¨¤ , where



- - -

,5]WU890:2¨¤/¢ 5^C01_9`K¥`ba ,c¥`d0:25eaW`d0:¢5¦5/? ask the reader to carefully look how distribution is modeled 0 *;¤ (cf. Section 2.2), how safety specification is specified (cf. second paragraph in Section 2.3) and the definition of failsafe Read restrictions. Given a single transition 012;¤/¢ 5 , it fault-tolerance (cf. fourth paragraph in Section 2.4). appears that all the variables must be read in order for that transition to be executed. For this reason, read restrictions 2.1 Program require us to group transitions and ensure that the entire group

is included or the entire group is excluded. As an example,


A program is a set of finite variables and a set of consider a program consisting of two variables f and , and


finite processes. Each variable is associated with a finite let their domain be 8L¤ . Suppose that we have a process


¡£¢¥¤¦¡¥§¨¤ © © ¤ ¡¥ that cannot read . Now, observe that the transition from the 

domain of values. Let be variables of , and 

fhWiLC¤4gjWiL; fhW ¤/gWiL;

¢¤ §¥¤© © ¤  state to can be included iff 

let be their respective domains. A state of 

 fIW ¤/gbW 

is obtained by assigning each variable a value from its the transition from fkWlL¤/gmW to is also

respective domain. Thus, a state  of is of the form: included. If we were to include only one of these transitions,

   $#&% #


f g

§¥¤© © ¤     

¢¤ where . The state we would need to read both and . However, when these

space of , ')( , is the set of all possible states of . 2 r

For this paper, we assume that noBpqXo , i.e., cannot blindly write any

A process, say * , in is associated with a set of program variable. A more general case is discussed in [2]; we omit it here as this

variables, say + , , that it can read and a set of variables, say simple case suffices for this paper. two transitions are grouped, the value of g is irrelevant and, 2.4 Faults

hence, we do not need to read it. The faults that a program is subject to are systematically

+ , 01W

More generally, consider the case where is the set of represented by transitions. A fault  for program



* , *

890: ¤/ 5 d ¤/ ' ? ' ¤4. ¦5

2 ¢ 2 ¢ ( (

variables that can read, is the set of variables that can ( is a subset of the set . We

- Z


+ *

, ,

write, and . Now, process can include the transition use  to denote the transitions obtained by taking the union


0: ¤/ 5 0: ¤4 5 

2 ¢ 2


iff it also includes the transition 2 where of the transitions in and the transitions in . We say that a





(respectively, ) and 2 (respectively, ) are identical as state predicate is an -span (read as fault-span) of from




far as the variables in are considered. We define these ' iff the following two conditions are satisfied: (1)

- Z


+¢¡¤£ 0 *;¤ + 5<01 ¤4 5 +

, 2 ¢ , , 

transitions as for the case , and (2)  is closed in . Observe that for all computations

where of that start at states where ' is true, is a boundary in the


+¢¡¤£ 0 *;¤¦+ 5<01 ¤4 5GW 890: ¤/ 5B

2 ¢

, state space of up to which (but not beyond which) the state

2 ¢



0 `I¨` + ¨` 0: 5¨W ` 01 5"T\`d0: 5;W`d0: 5¦5 T

2 ¢

, of may be perturbed by the occurrence of the transitions in

2 ¢



0 `I¨`ba + ¨` 0: 5]W `d0: 5NT"` 01 5GW ` 0: 5¦5G?

2 ¢

, .

2 ¢

Just as we defined the computation of , we say that a 

The grouping of transitions caused by the inability to read is  sequence of states, 32¨¤/¢¤ © © © , is a computation of in used in Section 4 to show that the problem of adding fault- the presence of  iff the following three conditions are

tolerance is NP-hard. %

S* J L  0: ,@P¢¤4<,35 0:./([5

satisfied: (1) * , (2) if


2.3 Specification 2£¤4¢¤© © ©H is finite and terminates in state then there does


! !

 01 ¤45 . _  (

not exist state such that Q , and (3) %

A specification is a set of infinite sequences of states that is !

L m0@* A* J m0: ¤4 5 . 5

P¢ , ( suffix closed and fusion closed. Suffix closure of the set , . The first requirement captures that in each step, either a program transition or a means that if a state sequence ¥ is in that set then so are all fault transition is executed. The second requirement captures

the suffixes of ¥ . Fusion closure of the set means that if


 that faults do not have to execute, i.e., if the program reaches

©¨[ ¤/;¤ .¥

state sequences ¤4;¤ and are in that set then so

¦  ¦

 a state where only a fault transition can be executed, it is

¤/;¤ ¨O are the state sequences ¤/;¤ .¥ and , where and

not required that the fault transition be executed. It follows . are finite prefixes of state sequences, ¨ and are suffixes of that fault transitions cannot be used to deal with deadlocked state sequences, and  is a program state. Following Alpern and Schneider [7], we let the specification states. Finally, the third requirement captures that the number consist of a safety specification and a liveness of fault occurrences in a computation is finite. specification. For the problem of adding failsafe fault- Using the above definitions, we now define what it means

tolerance, the safety specification is specified in terms of a for a program to be failsafe fault-tolerant. We say that is


 ' set of bad transitions that should not occur in any program failsafe  -tolerant (read as fault-tolerant) to from

computation. I.e., for program , its safety specification is a iff the following two conditions hold:


k ¤ '

satisfies  from , and ')(6?

subset of 8£012¨¤/¢ 5m)2¨¤/¢ . The liveness specification


is not specified in our algorithm; we show that the fault- there exists  such that is an -span of from and


  tolerant program satisfies the liveness specification (in the  maintains from .

absence of faults) iff the fault-intolerant program satisfies the Note that a specification is a set of infinite sequences of states.

¤ '

liveness specification. Moreover, in the problem of adding Hence, if satisfies  from then all computations of

fault-tolerance, the initial fault-intolerant program satisfies that start in ' must be infinite. However, may deadlock if its specification (including the liveness specification). Thus, it starts in a state that is not in ' . Also, note that is allowed

the liveness specification need not be specified explicitly. to contain a self-loop of the form 0:2;¤/235 ; we use such a self-

Since the specification is suffix closed, it is always possible loop whenever 32 is an acceptable fixpoint of . to specify the safety specification as a set of bad transitions. Notation. Henceforth, whenever the program is clear

For reasons of space, we refer the reader to [1] for the proof from the context, we will omit it; thus, “ ' is an invariant”

of this claim. We also refer the reader to [1] where we show abbreviates “ ' is an invariant of ” and “ is a fault”

that it is possible to convert a set of state sequences that is not abbreviates “  is a fault for ”. Also, whenever the

¤ '

suffix closed and/or fusion closed into an equivalent set that specification  and the invariant are clear from the 

is suffix closed and fusion closed. context, we omit them; thus, “  -tolerant” abbreviates “ -


' tolerant for  from ”, and so on.

Given a program , a state predicate ' , and a specification

¤ ¤

 ' '

 , we say that satisfies from iff (1) is closed in 3 Problem Statement

, and (2) Every computation of that starts in a state where In this section, we formally state the problem of adding fault-


  ' '\aWK8¨?

' is true is in . If satisfies from and , we tolerance. During automated addition of fault-tolerance, we

say that ' is an invariant of for spec. ¦ ¦ begin with the fault-intolerant program, its invariant, faults

For a finite sequence (of states) , we say that maintains and the safety specification that needs to be satisfied in the


(does not violate)  iff there exists a sequence of states

¦ h%

presence of faults. The goal is to only add failsafe fault-

such that  . tolerance to develop a program that reuses the given fault-


Notation. Let  be a specification. We use the term intolerant program. In other words, we require that any new


safety of  to mean the smallest safety specification that computations that are added in the fault-tolerant program


includes  . Also, whenever the specification is clear from are solely for the purpose of dealing with faults; no new

the context, we will omit it; thus, ' is an invariant of computations are introduced when faults do not occur.

abbreviates ' is an invariant of for spec.

Now, consider the case where we begin with the fault- Mapping 3-SAT to the problem of adding failsafe fault-


intolerant program , its invariant ' , specification, , and tolerance. To map the given 3-SAT formula into an instance


faults  . Let be the fault-tolerant program derived from , of the addition problem, we identify states and transitions


and let ' be an invariant of . corresponding to each literal and disjunction. Then, we

Since ' is an invariant of , all computations of that start identify the invariant of the fault-intolerant program, the

¤  from a state in ' satisfy the specification, . Since we safety specification, and the value assignment to variables.

have no knowledge about the computations of that start Finally, we show that the 3-SAT formula is satisfiable iff eY outside ' and we are interested in deriving such that the failsafe fault-tolerance can be added to this instance of the

correctness of Y in the absence of faults is derived from the addition problem. [Y

correctness of , we must ensure that begins in a state in The states of the fault-intolerant program. Corresponding



' ' ` ' , i.e., the invariant of , say , must be a subset of (cf. to each literal and its complement we introduce the

Figure 1). following states (see Figure 2):

# # # #

# # #


¤ ` ¤ f ¤¢¡ ¤¢¡ ¤¤£ ¤¢£

Invariant of fault-intolerant Invariant of fault-tolerant `

 Y ©

W `¦¥¨§k` §K`CQ program program For each disjunction, , , we introduce the

following states:

© ©

¤¤ ¤ , ¤¢ ¥, ¤ ¤¢

,¢¥ ,¢¥

,¦Q ,¦Q

The transitions of the fault-intolerant program. #

Corresponding to each literal ` and its complement

# Y

` , we introduce the following transitions (cf. Figure 2):

# # # #

# #


0:f P[¢¥¤¦` 5<¤0` ¤ f 5<¤0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5

# # # #

# #


No new transitions here New transitions added here

0:f P[¢¥¤¦` 5<¤0` ¤ f 5<¤0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5



¥ §N` §N`)Q

Figure 1. The relation between the invariant of a fault- Corresponding to each ,mWM` , we introduce the 

intolerant and a fault-tolerant program following program transitions (Wlog, we assume that , does






Likewise, to show that is correct in the absence of faults, not include both ` and ):

© ©


0 ¤¢ 5<¤0 , ¤¤ , 57¤0 ¤¤ 5

,¢¥ ,¢¥ ,¦Q

we need to show that computations of that start in states in ,¦Q

Y ¤ 

' are in . We only have knowledge about computations

of that start in a state in ' (cf. Figure 1). Hence, we must In the reduction from the 3-SAT problem, the transition

 Y Y

0 ¤¤ 5 `


¢¥ ,¢¥

not introduce new transitions in the absence of faults. Thus, , is included iff is false, and the transition

© © ©


, ¤¢ ¥, 5 ` , we define the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance as 0 is included iff is true. Thus, if evaluates

follows (To obtain this problem statement, we have tailored to true then at least one of the transitions introduced for  the problem statement in [2] to deal with failsafe fault- , is not included. We choose the safety specification in tolerance.): such a way that it is violated iff all three transitions that

The Addition Problem correspond to any disjunction are included. Correspondingly,


¤ ¤

'    '

Given , , and such that satisfies from the truth value of ` will be decided based upon whether

# #



P[¢¤¦` 5

Identify and such that the transition 0:f is included or whether transition





' '

P[¢¥¤¦` 5

, 0f is included. We choose the safety specification in


' = '

= , and such a way that both these transitions are not included.






  ' ` is failsafe -tolerant to from . Fault transitions. For each literal ` and its complement ,

Notations. Given a fault-intolerant program , specification we introduce the following fault transitions:

# #

# #





¤¡ 57¤30$` ¤¡ 5

, invariant and faults , we say that program and 0` Y

predicate ' solve the addition problem for a given input iff

)Y Y




0`¦¥§ ` § `CQ15

and satisfy the three conditions of the addition problem. For each disjunction ,SW , we introduce a fault






We say (respectively, ) solves the addition problem iff transition that perturbs the program from state f , ,


' ¤4' ¢¥

there exists (respectively, ) such that solve the to , . We also introduce the fault transitions that perturb


addition problem. Y

, ¢¥ the program from , to , and the transition that perturbs 4 NP-Completeness proof In this section, we prove that the problem of adding failsafe y bad z bad bad fault-tolerance is NP-hard. Towards this end, we reduce 3- y z y z 1 1 i i n n SAT to the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance. First, x1 x i x we present 3-SAT problem and then we identify the mapping n a a a a a between 3-SAT and the addition problem in Section 3. 0 1 i-1 i n-1 a a = an

3-SAT problem. n 0


`[¢¥¤¦`)§;¤ © © © ¤ `) ` ¤ ` ¤ © © © ¤¦`

 § Given is a set of literals, and ¢ ,

# x' x' # x'

Y 1 i n `

where ` and are complements of each other, and a


z' y' z'

¢GT § T © © ©T , W y' boolean formula , where each 1 1 i i y'n z'n is a disjunction of exactly three literals. bad bad bad

Does there exist an assignment of truth values to  `e¢¤¦`)§;¤ © © © ¤ `) such that is satisfiable? Figure 2. The transitions corresponding to the literals in the 3-SAT formula


¨, ,

the program from to ,¦Q . Thus, the fault transitions for For the states introduced for the disjunction , the variable




, ,

, are as follows (Note that the fault transition can perturb values are as follows (Recall that state (respectively, )






` `

the program from state only to the first state introduced for is introduced if , contains (respectively, ).): 

, .):

State/Variable name e f g h


(  # ) * +-,.¥,/

© © "



0f ¤ 5 0 ¤ , 5<¤0 , ¤ 5

,¢¥ ,¢¥

and ,¦Q






( ¤   ) * +-,.¥,/


The invariant of the fault-intolerant program. The 0

   +-,.¥,/ ¤ invariant of the fault-intolerant program consists of the o

following set of states: Processes and read/write restrictions. The fault-intolerant


¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢

8`[¢¤ ¤ `)e?  83` ¤ ¤¦` ?  83f£2¥¤ ¤ f99P[¢?

 1G¢¥¤21d§¥¤143 145 ¢ program consists of four processes, , and . The

Safety specification of the fault-intolerant program. For read/write restrictions on these processes are as follows: i)




1A¢ 1 § ` each literal ` and its complement , the following two Processes and can read and write variables f and g.

transitions violate the safety specification (cf. Figure 3). They can only read variable e and they cannot read or write

# #

# #

163 145


h, ii) Processes and can read and write variables e and

¡ ¤¢£ 5 0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5 0 , f. They can only read variable g and they cannot read or write cj = x x' x h. i k l < i, 0, i, 2 > Remark. We could have used one process for transitions

< i, -1, i-1, 2 > bad c' < i, -1, i-1, ji >

1 1 1 1

§ 3 5 y z ji of ¢ and (respectively, and ) however, we have i i x' separated them in two processes in order to simplify the f i < i, 0, i, ji > < i, 1, i-1, 0 > d' x f ji presentation. i Grouping of Transitions. Based on the above read/write < i-1, 0, i-1, 0 > a f < k, 1, k-1, jk > a i cjk restrictions, we identify the transitions that are grouped i-1 < i, 0, i, 0 > x k together (cf. Figure 3).

< i, -1, i-1, 0 > x' < k, 0, k, jk > 145

i d Observation 4.1 Based on the inability of 173 and to write

# # # # #

# #

f jk #


< i, 0, i, 1 >

¤ f 5<¤0$` ¤ f 5<¤0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5 0 ¡ ¤¢£ 5 f < l, -1, l-1, jl > , the transitions 0` , and can

< i, 1, i-1, 1 > y' z'

G¢ 1d§ bad i c' only be executed by 1 or .

i jl

G¢ 1d§

Observation 4.2 Based on the inability of 1 and to

# #

x' #

# Y

l < l, 0, l, jl> 

PO¢¤ ` 5 0:f PO¢¤ ` 5 bad write , the transitions 0f and can only be

d'jl 145

executed by 163 or .

]¢ 8

Observation 4.3 Based on the inability of 1 to read , the

# # #

P1 P3 #


0$` ¤4f 5 0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5 1 1 §

Faults transitions transitions and are grouped in ¢ (or ).

# #

P2 P4 

0 ¤¤ 5 ,

Moreover, this group also includes the transition , for


 Y ` each , that includes .

Figure 3. The structure of the fault-intolerant program

1 8 §

£¥¤ Observation 4.4 Based on the inability of to read , the

# # # #

for a literal . 4-tuples represent the values of variables Y

¦¨§ © ©¥©

0$` ¤ f 5 0 ¡ ¤¢£ 5 1

transitions and are grouped in § . Moreover, #

in each state. #

Y Y 

0 ¤¢ 5

, ,

this group also includes the transition , for each




W `¦¥ § ` § `CQ For each disjunction , , the following

that includes ` . #

transition violates the safety specification (Note that only #

0f PO¢¤ ` 5 163

 Observation 4.5 is grouped in .


# ,

the last program transition added for violates the Y

P[¢¥¤¦` 5 145

Observation 4.6: 0:f is grouped in .

b !



For , , the set of transitions for each process is the

0 ¤¢ 5

,¦Q ,¦Q

# union of the transitions mentioned above. Now that we have

Observe that from state f , the fault can perturb the program identified the fault-intolerant program, say , as the union of


to the state , . Now, if all three program transitions these four processes, we show that 3-SAT has a satisfying  corresponding to , are included, the safety may be violated truth value assignment iff there exists a failsafe fault-tolerant by the execution of program and fault actions (cf. Figure 3). program derived from . Towards this end, we prove the Variables and Their Values. The fault-intolerant program following two lemmas:

has 4 variables: e, f, g, and h. The domains of these


! Lemma 4.7 If the given 3-SAT formula is satisfiable then

? 8  ¤ LC¤ ? 83LC¤ © © ¤ ?

variables are respectively 83LC¤ © © ¤ , , , and

! there exists a failsafe fault-tolerant program that solves the


83L¤© © ¤ . For the states introduced for the literals #

# instance of the addition problem identified earlier.

Y `

` and , the value assignments are as follows: Proof. Since the 3-SAT formula is satisfiable, there exists


k l! 

an assignment of truth values to the literals ` , ,

K :9

State/Variable name e f g h 

, *


¤ such that each , , is true. Now, we identify a



£¤ fault-tolerant program, , that is obtained by adding failsafe

£ "  #  ! 

¤ fault-tolerance to the fault-intolerant program, , identified


$    !  "

¤ earlier in this section. The invariant of is:

# #


$ ¤  #  ! %

' W 83f ¤© © ¤ f ?  8` = ` ? 9PO¢

2 literal is true in 3-SAT






83` = ` ?

 literal is false in 3-SAT


&    %

# # #


[Y Y Y Y

P[¢¥¤¦` 5 0f PO¢¤ ` 5

The transitions of the fault-tolerant program are obtained or 0f should be in . If includes we set



W +¤£

as follows: ` in the 3-SAT formula. If contains the transition

# #


# #



0f ¤¦` 5 ` W ef 


` `

For each literal ,  , if is true, , we set . Now, we show that this value

# #


PO¢¤ ` 5

we include the transition 0:f that is grouped in assignment is consistent and each is true.

# #

0$` ¤ f 5

process 163 . We also include the transition . Each literal gets a unique truth assignment. Suppose

# #


0$` ¤4f 5

Based on Observation 4.3, as we include , we that there exists a literal ` , which is assigned both

# # #

# #


Y Y 


0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5 ,

PO¢¤ ` 5 0f P[¢¥¤¦` 5

have to include . And, for each disjunction that true and false, i.e., both 0f and are

# #




` 0 ¤¢ 5 ,

includes , we have to include the transition , . included in . Based on the Observations (4.1–

# # # #

# #


P[¢¤ ` 57¤30$` ¤4f 5 0 ¡ ¤¢£ 5

As an illustration, we have shown the partial mapping 4.4), the transitions 0f , and the

# # # #

# #



` W +¤£ ` W ef  ` W +¤£

¢ § 3

PO¢¤ ` 57¤30$` ¤ f 5 0 ¡ ¤¢£ 5

when , , and in Figure transitions 0:f , must be included


)Y eY

4. in . Hence, in the presence of faults, may reach ¡ #

bad #

¡ ¤¤£ 5 y z and violate safety by executing the transition 0 . 2 2 eY x x This is a contradiction since we assumed that is 1 3 failsafe fault-tolerant. a a a a Each disjunction is true. Suppose that there

0 1 #

© Y

2 3 

W ` §l` § ` Q

exists a , , which is not true.






` W ef  ` W +£ ` W ef  y' bad z' y' bad z' Therefore, , , and Q .

1 1 3 3 Based on the grouping discussed earlier, the transitions

# #

© ©

¤¢ 5<¤0 ¤¢ 5<¤0 ¤¤ 5 0 ,

x = true x = false x = true ,

, , ,¦Q

1 2 3 ,¦Q are included in . Thus,

Y  Y

in the presence of faults, can reach ,¦Q and violate


Figure 4. The partial structure of the fault-tolerant program 

0 ¤¢ 5 ,¦Q

safety specification by executing the transition ,¦Q .

# #



For each literal ` , , if is false, Since this is a contradiction, it follows that each disjunct




PO¢¤ ` 5

we include the transition 0:f that is grouped in in the 3-SAT formula is true.




0$` ¤ f 5

process 145 . We also include the transition .

# #

Y 5 Monotonic Specifications and Programs:

¤4f 5

Based on Observation 4.4, as we include 0$` , we

# #

 Necessity and Sufficiency

0 ¡ ¤¢£ 5

have to include . For each disjunction , that


# #


` 0 ¤¢ 5 , includes , we have to include the transition , . Since the addition of failsafe fault-tolerance is NP-hard, as Now, we show that the safety violating transitions are not discussed in the Introduction, we focus on this question:

executed by Y , even if faults occur. What restrictions can be imposed on the specifications,

# #

programs and faults in order to guarantee that the addition `

Safety violating transitions related to ` . If is true

# # Y

Y of failsafe fault-tolerance can be done in polynomial time?

¡ ¤¢£ 5

then the safety violating transition 0 is included in

# Y )Y As seen in Section 4, a group of transitions may include a

. However, in this case, we have removed the state `


from the invariant of and, hence, the cannot reach transition within the invariant of the fault-intolerant program

# Y Y and a transition that violates safety, together. To add failsafe

state ¡ . It follows that cannot execute the transition

# #

# # Y

Y fault-tolerance we have to determine whether should be

¡ ¤¢£ 5 0 ¡ ¤¤£ 5

0 . By the same argument, the transition is Y

also not executed in . included. This issue is one of the reasons behind the  complexity of adding safety. Safety violating transitions related to disjunction , . To identify the restrictions that need to be imposed on the

Since the 3-SAT formula is satisfiable, every disjunction

Y ©

 specification, the fault-intolerant program and the faults, we

`¦¥ §j` §j`CQ

in the formula is true. Let ,SW . Wlog, let

 Y Y

 begin with the following question: Given a program with

` 0 ¤¢ 5

¥ ,

¢¥ ,¢¥ be true in . Therefore, the transition ,

invariant ' , under what conditions, can we design a failsafe


is not included in . It follows that cannot reach the fault-tolerant program, say Y , that includes all transitions


state ,¦Q and, hence, it cannot violate safety by executing

' = '

in = ? If all transitions in are included then it follows

 Y Y


0 ¤¢ 5

' ,¦Q the transition ,¦Q . that will not deadlock in any state in , and hence, will

satisfy its specification from ' . Now, we need to ensure that


' =' ='

Since ' , , does not deadlock in safety will not be violated due to fault transitions and the

eY '

the absence of faults, and does not violate safety in the transitions that are grouped with those in = .

Y Y presence of faults, and ' solve the addition problem. In this section, we first define a class of specifications, Lemma 4.8 If there exists a failsafe fault-tolerant program monotonic specifications, and a class of programs, monotonic that solves the instance of the addition problem identified programs. The intent of these definitions is to identify earlier then the given 3-SAT formula is satisfiable. conditions under which a process can make safe estimates

Proof. Suppose that there exists a failsafe fault-tolerant of variables that it cannot read. Then, we introduce the

program Y derived from the fault-intolerant program, , concept of fault-safe specifications. Subsequently, we argue

[Y Y

identified earlier in this section. Since the invariant of , ' , that the monotonicity restrictions imposed on specifications


' '

is not empty and ' , must have at least one state in S. and programs are sufficient and necessary for adding failsafe Y

Since the computations of fault-tolerant program in ' should fault-tolerance in polynomial time.



  f *

not deadlock, for L , every must be included Consider the case where process cannot read the value of a

# #


0:f PO¢¤ ` 5 ` in ' . For the same reason, one of the transitions boolean variable . The definition of (positive) monotonicity

23§ §

¡¤£ ¡¥4©!( ¡0£ ¡¥© ¡"

© © §

( `

captures the case where * can safely assume that is false. violates

§76 § §

¡089(:( ¡ ¡08 © ¡ ¡08¤© ¡"

¥ ¥


© ; © § (

Thus, we define monotonic specification as follows: violates ) <

Definition. A specification spec is positive monotonic with

We leave it to the reader to verify that ‘ is failsafe  -tolerant

¤ ¤1

respect to a boolean variable ` iff the following condition is

'   ' to  from ’ iff ‘ is failsafe -tolerant to from ’.

satisfied: With this observation, in the rest of this section, we assume

¡ ¢¡¤£ ¡¦¥ ¡

¥ £

© © ©

" " 

:: that the given specification,  , is -safe. If this is not

§¨§ § § §

¡¤£ © ¡ ¡¥© ©  ¡ ¡


§ § §

£  £  "

£ the case, Theorem 5.1 and Corollary 5.2 can be used if one


©  ¡





¤ ¤


replaces  with .

¡ ¡



the value of all other variables in and " are the same

¡ ¡

¥ Using monotonicity of specifications/programs for


the value of all other variables in and " are the same


¡ ¡ ©

£ ¥ ©  polynomial time synthesis. We use the monotonicity

does not violate spec )


¡ © ¡

¥ £ ©

of specifications and programs to show that even if the

" " does not violate spec) fault-intolerant program executes after faults occur, safety Likewise, we define monotonicity for programs by will not be violated. More specifically we present Theorem considering transitions within the invariant, and define 5.1 and Corollary 5.2, below. For reasons of space, we refer monotonic programs as follows: the reader to [10] for proofs. (Recall that the following

results only apply for programs in which no process can Definition. A program with the invariant ' is positive blindly write a variable.) monotonic with respect to a boolean variable ` iff the

following condition is satisfied. Theorem 5.1 Given is a fault-intolerant program , its


¡ ¢¡ ¡ ¡

£ ¥

¥ £


© © © " " invariant , faults and an -safe specification ,


§¨§ § § §

¡¤£ © ¡ ¡¥© ¡ ¡ © 


§ § §


£  £  £ "


( "


+ £ + + £


¡ © 

¥ §

 is a process in and cannot read :

£ "



( £

¡ ¡

£ £

 is positive monotonic with respect to


the value of all other variables in and are the same +

¡ ¡

¥ ¥

 The program consisting of the transitions of "

the value of all other variables in and are the same £


¡¤£ ¡¥©! #"%$ &'© ©

 is negative monotonic with respect to )


©! #"%$ & ¡ ¡

¥ £

© Then

" " ) Failsafe fault-tolerant program that solves the addition

Negative monotonicity and monotonicity with respect to problem can be obtained in polynomial time.


non-boolean variables. By swapping the word 

 ¤£ and + in the above definition, we can define negative We generalize Theorem 5.1 as follows:

monotonicity. Also, although we defined monotonicity with Corollary 5.2 Given is a fault-intolerant program , its

  respect to boolean variables, it can be extended to deal with invariant ' , faults and an -safe specification spec,

non-boolean variables. One approach is to partition the If

( "


£ + + £

+ is a process in and cannot read : `

domain of the non-boolean variable into two parts, and ¡¨"


( £

 ( is positive monotonic with respect to

` W +¤£ `

define if the value of lies in the first part and  The program consisting of the transitions of +

false otherwise. We use this definition later in this section £ is negative monotonic with respect to )

while discussing the necessity of the monotonic programs 5


§ £

and specifications. ( ( is negative monotonic with respect to



Fault-safe specifications. In a fault-safe specification  , The program consisting of the transitions of



if a fault transition 012£¤4¢<5 violates then all transitions is positive monotonic with respect to )

¤  that reach state 2 violate . One interpretation of this Then definition is that the first transition that causes safety to be Failsafe fault-tolerant program that solves the addition

violated is a program transition. problem can be obtained in polynomial time.


Definition. Given a specification  and faults , we say

  that  is -safe iff the following condition is satisfied.

Necessity of Monotonicity. We consider the following

§ § §

¡ ¡ ©!()( ¡ ¡ ©* ¡ ¡ © ¡"

£ ¥ £ ¥ £ ¥

© © + © §

( violates ( ) question: Is monotonicity of specifications/programs


,¡-.¥/()( ¡-.¥ ¡0£ © ¡"

© § ( violates ( ) necessary to obtain polynomial time synthesis of failsafe For most problems, the specifications being considered are fault-tolerance? We argue that the answer to this question fault-safe. To understand this, consider the problem of is affirmative. More specifically, we observe that if only mutual exclusion where a fault may cause a process to fail. In monotonicity of the fault-intolerant program (respectively, this problem, failure of a process does not violate the safety; specification) were available, the addition of failsafe safety is violated if some process subsequently accesses its fault-tolerance would be NP-hard. To see this, we recall critical section even though some other process is already the reduction of 3-SAT to the problem of adding failsafe

in the critical section. Thus, the first transition that causes fault-tolerance. In that proof, we mapped the 3-SAT problem

safety to be violated is a program transition. We also note to a fault-intolerant program , its invariant ' , faults and


that the specifications for byzantine agreement, consensus specification  . We make the following observations

¤  about them: i)  is -safe as no fault transition violates

and commit are  -safe for the corresponding faults. In fact,



 ( is violated if some program action is executed


given a specification  and a fault , we can obtain an


W ef  8 WFL after the fault action ), ii) letting 8 iff ,

equivalent specification  that prohibits the execution of

¤ 8 the following transitions.  is negative monotonic with respect to , iii) is negative monotonic with respect to 8 . Thus, if the fault- easier to add fault-tolerance if we begin with a fault-intolerant intolerant program is negative monotonic (with respect to the program than if we begin with just the specification. Also, appropriate variables) and no condition is imposed on the our approach allows one to reuse a given fault-intolerant specification, the problem of adding failsafe fault-tolerance program and, hence, it provides the potential that it can is NP-hard. By symmetry, if the specification is positive preserve properties such as efficiency that are difficult to monotonic (with respect to the appropriate variables) and model in an automated synthesis procedure. no condition is imposed on the fault-intolerant program, the Our work suggests several future directions. For one, problem still remains NP-hard. given a fault-intolerant program and its invariant that do not 6 Concluding Remarks and Future Directions satisfy monotonicity requirements, how can we modify the In this paper, we focused on the problem of adding failsafe invariant such that monotonicity requirements are met while fault-tolerance to an existing fault-intolerant program. A ensuring that the program satisfies the specification from the failsafe fault-tolerant program satisfies its specification new invariant. Thus, a heuristic based on the principle of (including safety and liveness) when no faults occur. modifying the given invariant may be used to add failsafe However, if faults occur, it satisfies at least the safety fault-tolerance in polynomial time. We are investigating the specification. We showed, in Section 4, that the problem conditions under which this heuristic will be applicable. We of adding failsafe fault-tolerance is NP-hard. Towards this are also developing heuristics to deal with the case where end, we reduced the 3-SAT problem to the problem of adding the given specification does not satisfy the monotonicity failsafe fault-tolerance. requirements. In broader perspective, we are interested in identifying the References problems for which the synthesis of fault-tolerant programs can be designed efficiently (in polynomial time) and the [1] S. S. Kulkarni. Component-based design of fault-tolerance. PhD

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