VIRTUAL PROGRAM & TRAINING CONFERENCE Return to the Adventure Through Advancement, Camping, and Training “ACT XVI”

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VIRTUAL PROGRAM & TRAINING CONFERENCE Return to the Adventure Through Advancement, Camping, and Training “ACT XVI” 2021 VIRTUAL PROGRAM & TRAINING CONFERENCE Return to the Adventure through Advancement, Camping, and Training “ACT XVI” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23RD FROM 8:30 AM* TO 3:45 PM EARLY-BIRD $10 WILDERNESS AND REMOTE FIRST AID $65 After Sunday, October 17 (midnight): price goes up $10 Program and Training Conference Looking to get your Trained Strip at Program and Training Conference? For CREDIT, we need to know who you are. Your feedback survey is one of the ways we take role so PLEASE turn it in. To FINISH your training, go online at and take Youth Protection. If you are a Scoutmaster, or an assistant you will also need to take Introduction to Out- door Leader Skills to earn your trained strip. Go to–Calendar for more information. PATCHES will be mailed (within the US). Schedule Suggestions: These are only suggestions. You may take anything that interests you! ELECTIVES are any classes not required for being ‘trained.’ Units whose leaders come as a group to Program and Training Conference and take a variety of electives bring home the most ideas for a better Program! So feel free to select you own electives. Cub Scout Adults – Commissioners – If you are a new Den Leader or assistant – If you are a new Commissioner – Sessions 1-4: 102 – Den Leader (& assistant) Trng Sessions 1-3: 118 – Unit Commissioner Training Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 502 – Den Discipline Session 4: (ELECTIVE) 418 VERT – Scoutbook Q&A Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 602– What Every Cub Scout Leader Should Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 519 – Detailed Assessments and Unit Service Know About the District Plan If you are a new Cubmaster or assistant – Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 619 – What is Really Commissioner Service? Session 1: (ELECTIVE) 103 – Whittling Chip If you are a new District Commissioner or ADC – Session 2: (ELECTIVE) 203 – Making Cubs Feel Welcome Sessions 1-3: 118 – Unit Commissioner Training Sessions 3-6: 303 – Cubmaster (& assistant) Training Session 4: 419 – District Commissioner (& ADC) Training If you are a new Pack Committee Chair or member – Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 519 – Detailed Assessments and Unit Service Sessions 1-4: 104 – Pack Committee Training Plan Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 504 – Recruiting and Retaining Cub Scout Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 619 – What is Really Commissioner Service? Leaders Youth – Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 604 – Preventing Burnout If you are a new Den Chief – Scouts BSA Adults – Sessions 1-3: 101 F2F – Den Chief Training If you are a new Scoutmaster or assistant – Session 4: (ELECTIVE) 411 – Exploring the Patrol Method Sessions 1-6: 107 – Scoutmaster (& assistant) Trng OR 401 F2F – Drug & Alcohol Awareness (2nd Class req) Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 501 F2F – Scout Food If you are a new Troop Committee Chair or member – Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 601 F2F – Scout Games Session 1: (ELECTIVE) 108 – Webelos to Scout Transition Session 2: (ELECTIVE) 208 – Roadmap to a Stronger Troop For older Youth – Session 3: (ELECTIVE) 308 – What the Order of the Arrow Can Do for Sessions 1: (ELECTIVE) 110 – Dutch Oven Cooking Basics Your Unit OR 115 – Running a Successful Crew Meeting Sessions 4-6: 408 – Troop Committee Training Sessions 2: (ELECTIVE) 215 – Time Management & Goal Setting Sessions 3: (ELECTIVE) 315 – Coaching and Mentoring Venturing Adults – Session 4: (ELECTIVE) 411 – Exploring the Patrol Method If you are a new Crew Advisor or associate – OR 415 – Conflict Management Sessions 1-4: 116 VERT – Venturing Advisor (& associate) Training Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 515.1 – Working with Adult Leaders Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 515.2 – Working with Youth Leaders Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 616 – Kodiak and NAYLE Training Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 616 – Kodiak and NAYLE Explained If you are a new Crew Committee Chair or member – GET CREDIT FOR YOUR TRAINING! Sessions 1-2: 117 – Crew Committee Training 1. Make sure YOUR name and picture can be seen Session 3: (ELECTIVE) 313 – Backpacking and Camping for Women (Adults: First & Last Name, Youth: First & Initial, no full last name). OR 317 – Winter Activity Safety Session 4: (ELECTIVE) 412 – Unit Advancement Chair Training 2. Don’t try to mult-task during class, stay engaged. Session 5: (ELECTIVE) 515.2 – Working with Youth Leaders 3. Answer any survey questions asked. Session 6: (ELECTIVE) 616 – Kodiak and NAYLE Explained 4. Turn in your feedback survey. Credit Class Titles are in BOLD. Rev: 8/30/2021 For descriptions that will help you choose the classes that are best for YOU, go to Session ONE Session TWO Session THREE LUNCH Session FOUR Session FIVE Session SIX 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00-12:45 12:45 - 1:45 1:45 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:45 Drug & Alcohol Den Chief Training Scout Games 101 401 Awareness 501 Scout Food 601 (for YOUTH) (for YOUTH) (YOUTH: 2nd Cl Req) 102 Den Leader (& Campfire 102 Den Leader (& assistant) Training 502 New! Den Discipline 602 cont assistant) Training Skits & Songs Whittling Chip Making Cub Scouts Cubmaster (& 103 103 203 303 Cubmaster (& assistant) Training (for Adults) Welcome assistant) Training cont Choose your Open Forum Topic: Effective Fundraising for Your Unit; Scouts BSA Girl Troops; Ventuing Recruiting and 104 Pack Committee New! Preventing 104 Pack Committee Training 504 Retaining Cub Scout 604 cont Training Cub Leader Burnout Leaders Building a Successful What Every Cub Scout Cub Scout 205 Cub Scout 305 Blue and Gold 405 505 Cub Crafts 605 Leader Should Know Derbies Recruitment Plan About the District Den Leadership and Games, Games, & More Games! Planning an Engaging 106 306 Mad Scientist! 406 606 Program Planning (for Adults) Cub Scout Program 107 107 Scoutmaster (& assistant) Training Scoutmaster (& assistant) Training cont 8:30 8:30 - 9:00 Opening - Gathering and BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH YOUROWN BRING What the Order of Webelos To Scout Roadmap to a 108 208 308 the Arrow Can Do 408 Troop Committee Training Transition Stronger Troop foryou a great coming have Thank and evening for Your Unit How Troops Merit Badge 109 Trail to Eagle 409 509 Successfully Grow Counselor Training Cooking & Menus Dutch Oven Cooking and Menus for 110 210 Advanced Dutch Oven Cooking 510 in the Back & 610 Cooking Basics Special Dietary Needs Front Country Important Details for the Day Exploring the Patrol Why NYLT? Expanding Your 12:00-12:45 111 Making First Aid REAL 211 311 411 Method 511 Returning! Outdoor Ethics Orientation Youth Run Units! Girl Troop (for YOUTH) Growing Scouts into Eagle Boards of Unit Advancement Integrating STEM into 112 312 412 512 612 What is Venturing? Leaders Review Chair Training Scouting Programs Backpacking and Ultra Light Let's Go Winter Learn About 113 Backpacking 313 413 513 613 Camping for Women Backpacking Camping! Sea Scouting New! Vanguard 314 Vanguard International Bicycle Touring, Local Information on 114 High Adventure Planning 314 International Scouting 514 614 cont Scouting Association to International International Scouting Association Working with Adult Running a Successful Time Management & Coaching and 515.1 Conflict Management Leaders (for YOUTH) 115 Crew Meeting 215 Goal Setting 315 Mentoring 415 (for YOUTH) Working with Youth (for Venturing YOUTH) (for YOUTH) (for YOUTH) 515.2 Leaders (for Adults) New! Den Chief 116 Venturing Advisor (& New! Kodiak and 116 Venturing Advisor (& associate) Training 516 Training - How To 616 cont associate) Training NAYLE Training Hold One Introduction to 117 Crew Committee Training 317 Winter Activity Safety 417 Basic River Safety 517 Shooting Sports New! Tips and Updates Unit Tools at 118 Unit Commissioner Training 418 Scoutbook Q&A 518 618 in Scoutbook my District Commissioner Detailed Assessments New! What is Really 119 Invisible Backpack 219 Serving Scouts with Special Needs 419 519 619 (& ADC) Training and Unit Service Plan Commissioner Service? Session ONE Session TWO Session THREE LUNCH Session FOUR Session FIVE Session SIX 9:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00-12:45 12:45 - 1:45 1:45 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:45 Returning! Wilderness & Remote First Aid - Saturday AND Sunday 120 (FACE-to-FACE, Outdoors, additional cost) Revised 8/27/21 Make your lunch before PTC starts. You are not going to want to miss any of your lunch forum. Program and Training Conference Class Descriptions Plan your Day at PTC 1. You may want to print the schedule so you can mark your choices, (Page 3 of this brochure). 2. Mark your choices after reading the class descriptions below. There are some suggested schedules on Page 2, if you need help. 3. REGISTER at! Session ONE 108 – Webelos to Scout Transition: (1 session) The last six to twelve months of Cub Scouting (Webelos). This class 101 – Den Chief Training (for YOUTH): (3 sessions) One of the is designed for Commissioners, Webelos parents, Webelos leaders, and positions of responsibility a Scout can hold is Den Chief. This course Cubmasters. It focuses on transitional issues and ways to ensure a seam- is for current and future den chiefs. They will learn their duties in the Cub less transition between programs. Scout program while learning the leadership, organization, and problem- solving skills needed for success. Additionally, they'll learn some food 109 – Trail to Eagle: (2 sessions) Join us for a lively ideas you can use to help Den Leaders and make your patrol meals more presentation on how to navigate through the documents interesting. Finally, games are a great way to help Den Leaders. The youth and requirements to become an Eagle Scout! will play some games they can use with their Dens as well as take back to 110 – Dutch Oven Cooking Basics (Entirely Outdoors): (1 your troop. session) Learn the basics required to cook with a Dutch Oven.
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