Integrated Regional Econometric and Input-Output Modeling Sergio J. Rey12 Department of Geography San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182
[email protected] January 1999 1Part of this research was supported by funding from the San Diego State Uni- versity Foundation Defense Conversion Center, which is gratefully acknowledged. 2This paper is dedicated to the memory of Philip R. Israilevich. Abstract Recent research on integrated econometric+input-output modeling for re- gional economies is reviewed. The motivations for and the alternative method- ological approaches to this type of analysis are examined. Particular atten- tion is given to the issues arising from multiregional linkages and spatial effects in the implementation of these frameworks at the sub-national scale. The linkages between integrated modeling and spatial econometrics are out- lined. Directions for future research on integrated econometric and input- output modeling are identified. Key Words: Regional, integrated, econometric, input-output, multire- gional. Integrated Regional Econometric+Input-Output Modeling 1 1 Introduction Since the inception of the field of regional science some forty years ago, the synthesis of different methodological approaches to the study of a region has been a perennial theme. In his original “Channels of Synthesis” Isard conceptualized a number of ways in which different regional analysis tools and techniques relating to particular subsystems of regions could be inte- grated to achieve a comprehensive modeling framework (Isard et al., 1960). As the field of regional science has developed, the term integrated model has been used in a variety of ways. For some scholars, integrated denotes a model that considers more than a single substantive process in a regional context.