FEBRUARY 15, 2020 --- 20 SHEVAT 5780 PARSHAT YITRO SHABBAT MATTERS Friday, February 14 Shabbat, February 15 Torah Reading: Haftorah: 5:27 pm Candles 7:30 am Hashkama Minyan 5:15 pm Mincha Shemot Yishaiah 5:35 pm Mincha 8:15 am Chumash-Rashi Shiur: 6:26 pm Shabbat Ends 18:1 - 20:23 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 Melech Halberstadt Hertz P. 288 Hertz P. 302 Friday, February 21 9:00 am Shacharit 7:15 pm Parent-Child Learning Stone P. 394 Stone P. 1154 5:36 pm Candles 10:00 am Youth Programs 5:45 pm Mincha 10:00 am Teen Minyan

TODAH RABAH to the sponsors: CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH: MAZAL TOV AND OTHER MEMBERS MATTERS Josh & Ashira Prizant in honour of the birth • Mazal Tov to Josh & Ashira Prizant on the birth of their daughter. Proud grandparents are and naming of their daughter Ben & Erin Gailor, Rose-Anne & Sidney Goldstein, and Harry & Linda Prizant. Excited uncles Cli( & Katy Korman in honour of their 40 th wedding anniversary and in and aunts are Raviv & Ashley Gailor and cousin Sienna, Idit & Josh Lowenstein, and Shmuel commemoration of the yahrzeit of Katy’s & Meira Prizant. father, Josef Jablonski z”l • Mazal Tov to Shoshana Kagedan and Arie & Rina Eny on the birth of a grandson, born to Agi & Jack Mandel in commemoration of the Aharon & Karen Kagedan. Excited brothers are Ilan, Yonatan, and Kobi. Thrilled aunts and yahrzeit of Agi’s mother, Clara Reitman z”l uncles are Lila, Avi, Talya, Ariel, and Liora. Allan Herman & Lana Sinuk in • Mazal Tov to David & Chantal Ulmer on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, AdleyAdley. Excited commemoration of the yahrzeit of Allan’s siblings are JarenJaren, Emanuelle and DorianDorian. Proud grandparents and great-grandparents father, David Herman z”l are John & Lori Ulmer and Meira & Tobie Tugendhaft, Ahuva Tamari and Charlotte Reytan. DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: Excited uncles and aunts are Seth & DaniellaDaniella, Ilan & Stephanie, Eitan & Nava, Raphael & Shoshana Kagedan in honour of the birth of her grandson Nurielle, Duvy and Brigitte, and all the cousins. • Simha & Nelly Mendelsohn in Mazal Tov to Alan Burger and to Betty Charnaw on the Bat Mitzvah of their commemoration of the yahrzeit of Nelly’s granddaughter, Lia Burger, daughter of Marc & Jill Burger. Ecstatic siblings are Ari and father, Moshe Jinich z”l Zoe. Thrilled great-grandmother is Margaret Frolich. Excited uncles and aunts are Lorne Mark Kopstick in commemoration of the Burger & Ashley Faust, Naomi Burger, and Adam CharnawCharnaw,Charnaw along with cousins Shael and yahrzeit of his mother, Frances Kopstick z”l Noa. Late grandparents are Zelick Ron Charnaw z”l and Suzanne Burger z”l. SEUDAH SHLISHIT: • Mazal Tov to Cli? & Katy Korman on their 40 th wedding anniversary. Felicity & Raymond Stone in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Felicity’s mother, Enid Dick z”l Next Shabbat, February 22, we will welcome Chodesh Adar with a Special Edition of Shabbat Dr. Michael & Jeri Bergman, Rabbi Sammy & MattersMatters, featuring Divrei Torah by Rabbi Strauchler and Rabbi Moshe Shilat, in English Dr. Ahuva Bergman and families in and Hebrew. Rabbi Shilat is the rabbi of Kehillat Hazon Hador Hatza’ir in Hatzor Haglilit, commemoration of the yahrzeit of their . Rabbi Strauchler travelled to Israel in January as part of a Barkai and RCA project to father, father-in-law, grandfather and great- pair Israeli and North American rabbis, and served as a scholar in residence in Rabbi Shilat’s grandfather, Chaim Zev ben Alexander community. We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Shilat as scholar in residence in our shul z"l Zisha on Shabbat, May 2.

PURIM MATTERS • Sunday, March 1, 9:30-11:30 am - Chessed Committee & Young Professionals present - Mishloach Manot Initiative:Initiative: Basket Assembly and DeliveryDelivery. RSVP with chairpersons Francine Goldrich at [email protected] or Dalya Hakimi at [email protected]. • Monday, March 9, pre-Megillah reading - Under the SeaSea Kids Purim Carnival! See flyer on page 3. • Tuesday, March 10, 6:00 pm - join us for a Purim SeudahSeudah that is out of this world! See flyer on page 3. • To donate funds for Matanot LL’’’’EvyonimEvyonimEvyonim, please go to shomayim.org/form/matanot. • Women interested in reading Megillat Esther on Purim morning, please contact Rebecca Rotenberg Nadler at [email protected]. • Do you have a child in Israel for the year (in the IDF, studying, etc.)? We would like to send them MishloachMishloach Manot on behalf of the congregation. Please forward their names, address, e-mail and phone number to [email protected].

SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS Continued on p. 4 • Wednesdays, 10:00 am - Walkie Talkies at Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Call the oAce to register. • Wednesdays, 4:00 pm - Thinking Torah with Rabbi Shore. We will use essays by Rabbi Carmy as a springboard for conversation. • Wednesdays, 7:30 pm - Night Seder: Ancient Texts, ModernModern Dilemmas with Rabbis Bergman and Shore. • Shabbat, February 21-22 - ScholarScholar----inininin----ResidenceResidence Dr. Daniel RynholdRynhold. See flyer on page 3. • Shabbat, February 22, 10:30-11:30 am - Tot ShabbatShabbat: Parent Participatory Tefillah Songs and Stories. See flyer on page 3. • Shabbat, March 7, 9:30 am - PPPrPrrraaaayyyy &&& LLLeLeeeaaaarrrrnnnn with DDDrDrrr.... EEElEllllliiiiooootttttt MMMaMaaallllaaaammmmeeeetttt on the topic: “#Esther Too: A Feminist Look at the Megillah.” TORAH MATTERS: DATE DAVENING TIMES SHIURIM AND LECTURES

Sunday, February 16 / 21 Shevat 8:30 am Shacharit 7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler 5:35 / 6:00 pm Mincha / Maariv

Monday, February 17 / 22 Shevat 8:30 am Shacharit 7:30 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler Statutory Holiday 5:35 / 6:00 pm Mincha / Maariv

Tuesday, February 18 / 23 Shevat 7:00 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Strauchler 5:35 / 6:00 pm Mincha / Maariv 9:30 am Birth of Moral Selfhood Shiur with Dr. Zolty 1:30 pm Yeshayah Shiur with Rabbi Torczyner 8:00 pm Parshat Hashavua with Rabbi Diamond Wednesday, February 19 / 24 Shevat 7:00 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 5:35 / 6:00 pm Mincha / Maariv 4:00 pm Thinking Torah Shiur with Rabbi Shore 7:30 pm Night Seder with Rabbis Bergman and Shore Thursday, February 20 / 25 Shevat 6:55 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:10 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 5:35 / 6:00 pm Mincha / Maariv

Friday, February 21 / 26 Shevat 7:00 / 7:45 am Shacharit 6:15 am Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Shore 5:36 pm Candle Lighting 5:45 pm Mincha Kriyat Shema should be recited after 6:31 pm this week. PARSHA MATTERS - by Rabbi Jesse Shore COERCING FREEDOM One of the most renowned Jewish philosophers of the twentieth century, Isaiah Berlin, wrote a famous essay in which he described two types of freedom. The first type of freedom he called “Negative Liberty.” It means to have freedom from something, like freedom from violence or oppression. The second type of freedom he called “Positive Liberty.” This means to have the freedom to do something, like the freedom to read the newspaper, or to participate in a sci-fi themed Purim seudah. Isaiah Berlin understood that the word “freedom” does not communicate a complete idea on its own. Freedom requires a context in which it is to be understood. This insight might help us to better understand why we often struggle with a particular midrash from this week’s Parsha. In the midrash, Hashem is depicted as threateningly suspending Mt. Sinai above our heads; He is ready to drop it, crushing us all, if we do not accept the Torah. If the Torah is such a great gift, why would Hashem need to resort to coercion? If the Torah is a blessing in its own right, then we would freely accept it, without being intimidated into following it! The problem makes sense, but only from the viewpoint of “Negative Liberty.” If we spend our lives only striving to be free from things, then we never want to be forced into doing anything. Any obligation, any expectation, or even any modest hope that may be placed in us by others - may end up feeling like a tyrannical burden. When we consider the question of Hashem’s coercion from the perspective of “Positive Liberty,” then the problem begins to dissolve. Seeking the freedom to do something, or the freedom to become something, demands that we commit ourselves to the means by which that thing is achieved. If I want to run a marathon, I must commit myself to the required training and discipline. In our Parsha, Israel has only just experienced freedom from Egyptian bondage. They have no living memory of what it means to experience a di?erent kind of freedom: the freedom to spiritually blossom as individuals and as a community. The Torah does not only teach us about Negative Liberty. It also supplies us with Positive Liberty, through the mitzvot. In the Midrashic imagination, Hashem needed to coerce us into accepting this second kind of freedom. How could we enjoy the blessing of Positive Liberty, if we have never even tasted it? Therefore to be free in the fullest, most comprehensive sense, we must embrace freedom in both of its manifestations.

On Tuesday, February 25 , Rabbi Strauchler will traveltravel to KingstonKingston, ONONON (Queen(Queen’’’’ss University) to visit with Shaarei Shomayim students and their friends. He will present a short shiur and discussion at Chabad Queen’s, as well as bringing dinner from Toronto. Please encourage your children (and grandchildren) and their friends to attend. E-mail [email protected] if you’d like Rabbi Strauchler to send anyone a personal invitation. Thanks to Rabbi Sruly and Esti Simon for hosting.

PLEASE NOTE: • Bnei Akiva Snif will not take place this Shabbat. • Rabbi StrauchlerStrauchler’’’’ss Yirmiyahu Shiur will not take place this Monday for Family Day. It will resume on the following Monday, February 24.

MATTERS Stay and Play Shaar Chadash Shaar Yafo Shaar Aryeh (Ages 0 - 3) (Ages 2 - 5) (Grade 1 - 2) (Grade 3 - 5) Youth Programs Room 101 Room 102 Room 103 Room 105 11101000::::000000 aaamammm tttotooo 11121222::::000000 pppmpmmm Register at shomayim.org/form/purimseudah2020

The Centre Mechitza will be in use this Shabbat. It will be used on the following Shabbatot: March 14, April 18, May 16, May 23, July 11, and August 8. YAHRZEITS DATE YAHRZEITS BEING OBSERVED Shabbat, February 15 Sydney Burman, father of Estelle Levy Rose Reiss, mother of Irving Reiss 20 Shevat Selma Dutno?-Wetstein, sister of Cynthia Greenberg Brenda Silverstein, wife of Saul Silverstein

Sunday, February 16 Morris Bader, brother of Ethel Lamster Enid Dick, mother of Stanley Dick and Felicity Stone 21 Shevat Al G. Brown, father of David Brown and Golda Brown Joe Feldman, father of Etta Sugarman Morton Budd, father of Lowell Budd Lillian Woodrow, mother of Irwin Woodrow Monday, February 17 Sarah Green, mother of Bernard Green Philip Zucker, Shaarei Shomayim Ba’al Koreh 22 Shevat Toba Herman, mother of Rivie Seaberg Alice Koralek, sister of Elfrieda Vale Tuesday, February 18 Solly Burde, father of Avis Osher Freda Ellenzweig, mother of Lonni Zeifman 23 Shevat Ron Charnaw, husband of Betty Charnaw and father of Kay Fromowitz, mother of Michael Fromowitz Adam Charnaw Nathan (Nat) Train, father of Rena Levy Wednesday, February 19 Josef Jablonski, father of Katy Korman 24 Shevat

Thursday, February 20 Allen Freedland, son of Evelyn Freedland Moshe Jinich, father of Nelly Mendelsohn 25 Shevat Max Handelman, father of Stephen Handelman Clara Reitman, mother of Agi Mandel David Herman, father of Allan Herman Gary Weingert, father of Margaret Harlang Friday, February 21 26 Shevat

• If you would like some help saying Kaddish, please see Ralph Levine, our Shammas & BaBa’’’’alal Koreh. • Any women who need assistance or with questions about saying Kaddish can contact Lauren Shore at [email protected]@gmail.com.m.m.m.

SHAAREI SHOMAYIM UPCOMING PROGRAMS Continued from p. 1 • Sunday, March 8, 6:30 pm - Shaarei Shomayim Entertainment & Cultural Committee presents - Cavalcade of Stars: Evening of Jewish MusicMusic. Honorees: Ralph Levine and Corey Keeble. For information and registration call 416-789-0020. • Monday, March 16, 12:00-1:00 pm – YP Lunch & Learn at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP. Join us for a pre-Pesach philosophical and historical discussion about Y etziat Mitzrayim , with Rabbi Strauchler and Prof. Jimmy Diamond.

COMMUNITY MATTERS • Mondays, 1:00 pm - Prophetic Playlist: The Message of the Weekly HaftoHaftorah.rah. Text study for women with Lea New Minkowitz. Each week is a standalone class. At Ulpana , 45 Canyon Ave. For information email [email protected]. • Tuesday, February 18 - Against Antisemitism Canada presents: The Antisemitism Toolbox Event SeriesSeries. At Chabad Romano, 10500 Bathurst St. To register email [email protected]. • Thursday, February 27, 7:30 pm - Hasbara Fellowships Canada presents - Disarmed: Lessons from IsraelIsrael’’’’ss OneOne----ArmedArmed SoldierSoldier. Featuring author and IDF veteran Izzy Ezagui, the world’s first one-armed sharp shooter. At Adath Israel Congregation, 37 Southbourne Ave. Register at disarmed.eventbrite.com and use code HAVERIM to receive a shul discount. • Wednesday, March 11, 7:00-9:30 pm - Nefesh BB’’’’NefeshNefesh WorkshopsWorkshops. Session 1: “The Ins and Outs of Israeli Healthcare” with Dr. Tanya Cardash, Director at Maccabi Health Fund; session 2: “Buying/Renting a Home in Israel” with Jane Olman, Partner at Rachlin-Olman Law. At the Lipa Green Centre, 4600 Bathurst St. Register in advance at nbn.org.il/toronto. • May 31-June 2 - LIBERATION75: Global Gathering of HolocaustHolocaust SurvivorSurvivors,s, Descendants and EducatorsEducators. Learn, discuss, and commemorate the 75 th anniversary of liberation from the Holocaust. At MTCC, 255 Front St. W. Register at Liberation75.org. • May 31-June 14 - Beit Halochem Canada brings every year a group of 10 wounded Israeli veterans to Toronto for two weeks. Beit Halochem seeks families to host these heroes, and to o?er them a home, a few meals, and friendship. To host a hero, call 905-695-0611 or email [email protected].

REFUAH SHLEIMAH z Rachmiel ben Dvorah (Randall Craig), Michael Mordechai Avraham ben Hinda Rifka, Eliyahu ben Ryejah, Brachah bat Gitl, Noach Shmuel ben Rachel Ethel, Chaim Yakov ben Rivka, Eliyahu ben Ruth, Minah Tzurel bat Ita, Moshe Zvi ben Golda Yocheved, Shira bat Blimah Leah, Meir Zeileg ben Chana, Yehuda Yoseif ben Miriam Yocheved., Eliyahu Yom Tov ben Leah, Zvi Aryeh ben Eidel, Shlomo Shraga ben Esther, Pinchas Mordechai ben Chana.

We would like to acknowledge your milestones! Please let us know when there is a birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, graduation, engagement, aufruf, wedding, significant birthday/anniversary, community recognition, illness, bereavement, or unveiling. Call or email the shul oAce at 416-789-3213 or [email protected] or donate online at Shomayim.org/donate.

Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Avital Strauchler, Rebbetzin Rabbi Jesse Shore, Assistant Rabbi Randall Craig, President Nicole Toledano, Executive Director 470 Glencairn Avenue | Toronto, ON M5N 1V8 | Tel 416-789-3213 | Fax 416-789-1728 WWW.SHOMAYIM.ORG