Mammalian Transcription Factor a Is a Core Component of the Mitochondrial Transcription Machinery

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Mammalian Transcription Factor a Is a Core Component of the Mitochondrial Transcription Machinery Mammalian transcription factor A is a core component of the mitochondrial transcription machinery Yonghong Shia,b, Anke Dierckxc, Paulina H. Wanrooija,b, Sjoerd Wanrooija, Nils-Göran Larssonb,d, L. Marcus Wilhelmssonc, Maria Falkenberga,1, and Claes M. Gustafssona,1 aDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Gothenburg, SE-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden; bDivision of Metabolic Diseases, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden; cDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering/Physical Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology, S-41296 Gothenburg, Sweden; and dMax Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, D-50931 Cologne, Germany Edited by Alan R. Fersht, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, and approved August 30, 2012 (received for review December 1, 2011) Transcription factor A (TFAM) functions as a DNA packaging factor in TFAM is required to recruit POLRMT/TFB2M to LSP, and mammalian mitochondria. TFAM also binds sequence-specifically to mutations in the TFAM high-affinity binding site abolish pro- sites immediately upstream of mitochondrial promoters, but there moter-specific transcription (14, 17). The exact distance between are conflicting data regarding its role as a core component of the the specific TFAM binding site and the LSP transcription start site mitochondrial transcription machinery. We here demonstrate that is important for promoter function (17), and there may be direct TFAM is required for transcription in mitochondrial extracts as well as physical interactions between the C-terminal domain of TFAM in a reconstituted in vitro transcription system. The absolute re- and the other components of the mitochondrial transcription quirement of TFAM can be relaxed by conditions that allow DNA machinery (18). X-ray structural studies have revealed that TFAM breathing, i.e., low salt concentrations or negatively supercoiled bound to LSP induces a dramatic U-turn in DNA and places the DNA templates. The situation is thus very similar to that described in C-terminal tail of TFAM next to the transcription start site, where nuclear RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription, in which the POLRMT and TFB2M are expected to bind (19, 20). Collectively, free energy of supercoiling can circumvent the need for a subset of these observations support a model in which TFAM interacts with basal transcription factors at specific promoters. In agreement with the other components of the mitochondrial transcription ma- these observations, we demonstrate that TFAM has the capacity to chinery and recruits them to a precise position at the promoter. BIOCHEMISTRY induce negative supercoils in DNA, and, using the recently developed A recent study questioned the importance of TFAM for tran- O– fi nucleobase analog FRET-pair tC tCnitro,we nd that TFAM distorts scription initiation using a reconstituted in vitro transcription fi fi signi cantly the DNA structure. Our ndings differ from recent system and suggested that POLRMT and TFB2M could initiate observations reporting that TFAM is not a core component of the promoter-specific transcription in the absence of TFAM (21). fi mitochondrial transcription machinery. Instead, our ndings support This finding led to the conclusion that mitochondrial transcrip- a model in which TFAM is absolutely required to recruit the transcrip- tion is a two-component system also in higher cells, much similar tion machinery during initiation of transcription. to the situation in yeast. However, this model is not easy to rec- oncile with findings from other laboratories that have demon- he mtDNA is a double-stranded circular molecule that enc- strated that TFAM is an essential mammalian transcription factor Todes 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, and 13 subunits of the respiratory both in vivo and in vitro (6, 15, 22). We here investigate the role of chain. Transcription is initiated from two sites, the light- and TFAM for transcription initiation in a defined in vitro system. We heavy-strand promoters (LSP and HSP1, respectively), and pro- find that the requirement for TFAM can be relaxed if conditions ceeds to produce near genome-length polycistronic transcripts, are chosen that allow for promoter breathing, i.e., low salt con- which are subsequently processed to generate the individual RNA centrations or negatively supercoiled DNA templates. The situ- molecules (1). Transcription from LSP also produces the RNA ation is thus similar to what has been described in nuclear primers required for initiation of mtDNA replication at the origin transcription where the need for the basal transcription factors of the heavy strand (2–4). In vivo experiments have identified TFIIE, TFIIF, and TFIIH can be circumvented by the free energy a second transcription initiation site (HSP2) downstream of of supercoiling (23). Our findings reconcile findings in the field HSP1, but the sequence requirements of this promoter remain to and firmly establish TFAM as a basal transcription factor. be defined (5, 6). In budding yeast, the basic machinery for mtDNA transcrip- Results tion consists only of two factors: the mitochondrial RNA poly- TFAM-Depleted Mitochondrial Extracts Cannot Initiate Transcription. merase (Rpo41) and its accessory factor Mtf1, also denoted We first investigated if TFAM is required for transcription from sc-mtTFB (1). In mammalian cells, it has been reported that the HSP1 and LSP promoters in mitochondrial extracts (Fig. 1A). mitochondrial transcription also requires the transcription factor To this end, we used antibodies to immunodeplete TFAM from A (TFAM), a high-mobility group-box (HMG) protein (7, 8). transcriptionally active mitochondrial extracts. Immunoblotting TFAM plays a role as an mtDNA packaging factor that can bind, analysis demonstrated that TFAM could be efficiently depleted, wrap, and bend DNA in a non–sequence-specific manner (9–12). whereas the levels of POLRMT and TFB2M remained unchanged TFAM also binds sequence-specifically to sites upstream (−15 to −35) of the HSP1 and LSP transcription start sites (13, 14). The human mitochondrial RNA polymerase (POLRMT) is distantly Author contributions: Y.S., A.D., N.-G.L., L.M.W., M.F., and C.M.G. designed research; Y.S., related to the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase and has the A.D., L.M.W., and M.F. performed research; Y.S., P.H.W., and S.W. contributed new re- agents/analytic tools; Y.S., A.D., L.M.W., M.F., and C.M.G. analyzed data; and Y.S., A.D., capacity to recognize promoter elements (14). In combination, P.H.W., S.W., N.-G.L., L.M.W., M.F., and C.M.G. wrote the paper. POLRMT, TFAM, and the mammalian Mtf1 homolog TFB2M The authors declare no conflict of interest. can initiate transcription from a promoter-containing DNA This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. fragment in vitro (15). TFB2M forms a heterodimeric complex 1To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] or with POLRMT and interacts directly with the priming substrate, [email protected]. indicating that TFB2M acts as a transient component of the This article contains supporting information online at catalytic site of the transcription initiation complex (16). 1073/pnas.1119738109/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1of6 Downloaded by guest on October 1, 2021 A run-off transcription on linearized DNA templates containing HSP1, LSP, or both HSP1 and LSP (Fig. 2A). Indeed, in the HSP1 CCCAGCACACACACACCGCTGCTAACCCCATACCCCGAACCAACCAAACCCCAAAGACACCCGCCACAGTTTA* presence of 5 mM MgCl2 and low levels of NaCl (4 mM), our transcription system generated run-off transcription products in * LSP GGGGAAAATAATGTGTTAGTTGGGGGGTGACTGTTAAAAGTGCATACCGCCAAAAGATAAAATTTGAAATCTG the absence of TFAM (Fig. 2A, lane 1). In agreement with results published by others (21), the highest levels of TFAM-independent B mt extract + + + C mt extract - ++++ transcription were observed at HSP1, whereas relatively low levels Prot A beads - + + Prot A beads - - +++ of LSP transcription were seen in the absence of TFAM. In- TFAM Ab + - - TFAM Ab - - - ++ terestingly, a gradual increase of NaCl concentrations led to the POLRMT TFAM + - --+ inhibition of promoter-specific transcription (Fig. 2A, lanes 1–5). POLRMT/B2 + - --- TFB2M The levels of both LSP and HSP1 transcription dropped signifi- LSP RO cantly at 12 mM NaCl, and the reactions were almost completely TFAM inhibited in the presence of 24 mM NaCl. When TFAM was added to the reactions, we obtained markedly different results (Fig. 2A, D HSP RO HSP1 LSP lanes 6–10). Importantly, the transcription reactions gave sub- WT MUT WT MUT 1 2 3 4 5 stantially higher levels of run-off products in the presence of TFAM --+ +++ TFAM, even at very low salt concentrations (Fig. 2A, compare lanes 1 and 6). Note that the depicted gel images in Fig. 2A, right LSP RO hand column, are overexposed on purpose, because we wanted to use the same exposure time for all of the experiments to allow for HSP1 RO a direct comparison of the efficiency of promoter-dependent LSP PT transcription in the presence and absence of TFAM. Furthermore, the TFAM-containing transcription reactions remained un- Fig. 1. TFAM is required for HSP1 and LSP transcription in mitochondrial affected by increasing amounts of NaCl added. The transcription extracts. (A) Sequences of the HSP1 and LSP promoters. The TFAM binding yield was similar at 4 and 48 mM NaCl (Fig. 2A, compare lanes 6 sites (13, 14) are underlined. The boxed sequences were mutated to in- and 10), and we could not observe a clear effect on transcription activate TFAM-dependent transcription. (B) Immunodepletion of TFAM from B mitochondrial extracts. Immunoblotting against the indicated proteins levels until NaCl concentrations were above 100 mM (Fig. 2 ). demonstrates that POLRMT and TFB2M levels remained unaffected. (C) Run- DNA is not a static structure. Because the negatively charged off transcription in mitochondrial extracts was monitored using run-off phosphates of the DNA backbone repel each other, the double transcription on linearized templates containing HSP1 or LSP.
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